Hoya bella, also known as a miniature wax plant (Hoya lanceolata bella), has long been a favorite trailing plant for gardens or indoor spaces. The wax flower originated in India, Thailand, and Burma, and the plant consequently enjoys plenty of humidity.[1] It’s a pretty plant, which produces star-shaped, white, wax-like flowers that each have a pink-colored mini-flower centered within the flower. The Hoya bella is a fairly low-maintenance houseplant that is relatively easy to care for, especially when planted indoors.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Obtaining a Hoya Bella

  1. Hoya bella should be available from your nursery or garden center. There are many other varieties of Hoya plant, including the larger Hoya carnosa, Hoya australis, and Hoya bandaensis.[2] If you need help finding a Hoya bella, speak with the nursery staff and ask for their assistance.
    • The Hoya australis is larger than a Hoya bella, and has waxy pink and red flowers.
    • Hoya carnosa has deep green, oval-shaped leaves.
  2. If no Hoya bella plants are available at a local nursery, you can find and purchase one online. Check large and well-known online plant retailers, such as Nature Hills, Wayside Gardens, Burpee, or Spring Hills Nursery. Wax plants can also be purchased through Amazon.
    • It’s uncommon and difficult to grow a Hoya bella plant from seeds, so you probably won't be able to find any online. The Hoya blooms don't release seeds often, and the seeds are tough to grow.[3]
  3. If you know someone with a Hoya bella plant, or are having trouble locating a Hoya bella in a nursery, you can grow this plant from a cutting. Take herbaceous or woody stem cuttings in the summer. When cutting a section to plant, take at least 3 inches (7 cm). Make sure that the cutting includes at least one set of leaves.[4]
    • When planting a Hoya cutting, use a porous, well-draining soil.[5] Place the cutting in a small pot (with about a 6-inch [15-centimeter] diameter). Water the plant weekly, and the Hoya will produce roots within a week or two.
    • Keep the planted Hoya bella cutting in partial sunlight. At this stage, full sun may cause the plant to wither.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Planting the Hoya Bella

  1. Wax plants will grow in nearly any type of planter, as they can adjust to most soil types. Since the plants tend to form vines and long, leafy tendrils, hanging baskets are an ideal container for Hoya bella.[6] However, they can also thrive in a ground planter. Look for a large planter, with a 12-18 inch (30-46 centimeter) diameter.
    • This plant is a tropical or a tender perennial and is best kept in a container for bringing inside during winter months if you live in a region with frequent (or heavy) frosts.
  2. If you choose to grow your wax plant outdoors in a garden, the plant will need physical support to grow on. Plant the flower near a trellis or climbing fence. It can also be grown well against a wind-sheltered fence that gets plenty of light.[7]
    • To successfully maintain a Hoya bella outside, you need to live in a climate that is warm and humid all year.
  3. Hoya bellas can thrive in a variety of soil types, including most potting mixes. The soil must drain well, but should stay moist in between waterings.[8] To increase the drainage quality of a potting soil, add a handful of sand, grit, or charcoal.
    • You can find a variety of potting mixes at your local plant nursery or garden center.
  4. While Hoya bella plants do not need to be set in direct sunlight, they do benefit from frequent exposure to indirect sunlight. If you have a north-facing window in your house, office, or apartment, place the Hoya bella plant on this windowsill.[9]
    • The Hoya bella will wither and may die if placed in the hottest sunlight for a long duration.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Maintaining Your Hoya Bella

  1. The soil of the Hoya bella should be kept damp during these seasons to encourage growth. Water the plant sparingly during winter, as the plant will be dormant and not need much water in this season. A good rule of thumb in winter is to water the Hoya once you notice the leaves starting to wilt. [10]
    • Use a mist sprayer during the warmer months, to increase the humidity.
    • Do not over-water the wax plant. The soil should never be swampy or saturated with water.
  2. This will help the plant grow and produce a larger number of flowers. During spring, summer, and autumn (roughly March through October), fertilize the plant once every three or four weeks.[11] Fertilize the plant using a liquid all-purpose plant fertilizer. You can also use tomato fertilizer or orchid fertilizer.
    • Do not fertilize the plant during the winter months (November through February), as the Hoya Bella will not grow during these months even if fertilized.
  3. Use your fingers to remove dead flower heads and scraggly stems that are clearly dead. You can also use a pair of household scissors to trim long vines, if you’d like to keep the wax plant small and compact.[12]
    • Do not prune the small, leafless stems. These will eventually develop and produce flowers, and too much pruning can inhibit blooming.
  4. The root system of a Hoya bella will grow over time, and the plant that you initially planted it in will become too small. To encourage growth, replant the wax plant every two or three years. Hoyas can thrive when slightly root-bound, so there is no easy visual method to tell when the plant needs repotting. Always replant in the spring, since this will allow the wax plant to start growing into its new pot promptly.[13]
    • Every time that you repot a Hoya plant, increase the pot size by about 2 inches (5 cm).
    • Do not repot the Hoya bella when it is already in bloom. If you do, the plant will likely drop all of its flowers.
  5. Hoya bellas are know to attract pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and fungus gnats. Neem oil is a natural oil that can help deter small pests from infesting your plant.[14]
    • Overwatering your plant can attract fungus gnats and mealybugs.
    • Misting the leaves of your plant with water can help keep away spider mites.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What am I doing wrong if some of the leaves on my plant fall off when the flowers dry up and fall off?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Probably incorrect watering. There are many Hoya species and they live in a wide range of climates. The ones in the video should dry out some between waterings, as mentioned in the video. Hoya kerri, shown in the "How to Grow" instructions, likes it dryer as stated in the instructions. Hoya lanceolata bella is more tropical and should be kept moister. All require good drainage, perlite or orchid bark can also be used to increase drainage.
  • Question
    The tiny leaves on my miniature hoya have brown spots, and the leaves look like they are shriveling. What am I doing wrong?
    Community Answer
    This is a typical issue, and you should wait a month and a half before you prune a miniature hoya for the first time. Since you pruned it so little that you don't even see it, try doing a gentle pruning, which is outlined in the article.
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  • This plant should bloom constantly through the year, provided the conditions are right; the flowers are long lasting. However, too much hot sun or poor watering can impact the blooming cycle negatively.



About this article

Lauren Kurtz
Co-authored by:
Professional Gardener
This article was co-authored by Lauren Kurtz. Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014. This article has been viewed 59,014 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: April 11, 2022
Views: 59,014
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  • Vi Thompson

    Vi Thompson

    May 30, 2021

    "Thanks for advice. I didn't know how to transplant or if it can be moved. Got mine from a cutting and it is..." more

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