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SMS Messages, commonly known as text messages, are incredibly expensive to send directly through your phone, but texting internationally doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Sending SMS from Your Computer

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  1. There is a variety of sites that send messages over the internet, so browse through them to find one that works for you.
    • Some well-know sites include, Yakedi (Australia), SMSPup, and Text4Free.[1]
  2. Many sites require you to register a username and email address to send messages. Some sites even trade free SMS for help filling out surveys. For example, to use SMSPup you need to fill out a brief survey, allowing you 5 free text messages when you finish.
  3. While you may be required to give your phone number to receive replies, you should never give your address, credit card information, or social security number over the internet.[2]
    • Some sites will require you to make an account to send SMS. However, you should be able to provide just your name and email address to get started.
  4. Each country has a designated code before the number. The US, for example, is +1. Select the country you wish to send to and the site will automatically add the country code for you.[3]
  5. Most sites will come with a small box that has numbers and letters randomly displayed. Copy this verification code into the box to send your message.
    • Verification codes ensure that "bots" (automated internet programs), don’t send spam to random phone numbers.
  6. A pop-up will confirm if the SMS is properly sent to the server. From the server your message will hopefully go straight to your friend.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Sending Messages Through Apps

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  1. In the App, Google Play, or Windows Stores, find an international texting app for free. Search "international call/text" to find apps. Some of the most popular include:
    • WhatsApp
    • Viber
    • HayWire
    • KaKao
  2. All sites work by sending your message over an internet connection instead of through normal cell towers. Services like 3G, 4G, and LTE wireless internet will all work as well.
  3. You will need to enter your international phone number into the app so it knows where to receive messages. After you add your phone number to the app, it will text you’re a verification code. Input this to start sending international SMS.
    • If you cannot see a verification code, check that you wrote the correct number or select “email verification code.”
  4. Every app has the ability to download your contact list, which means that you do not have to input each number you want to text manually. You'll be asked a variation of “Can this app access your contacts?” Click yes to have your numbers copied over. If this does not appear, click on “Settings” → “Import Contacts.”
    • Many apps, like WhatsApp, will import contacts without even asking you.[4]
  5. You will go to a page that looks almost identical to your normal texting screen. You can send text, pictures, and Emojis anywhere in the world for free as long as you have an internet connection.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


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  1. You can look up any country code online. This will allow you to send an SMS to any country.
    • The + is not optional. You can add it by holding the “0” key on your phone or selecting it from a smartphone keyboard.
  2. Some phone plans cannot receive international SMS. Ask your recipient to check with their provider if they are capable of getting messages.
  3. Most free international SMS services need internet access to send messages. If either one of you cannot connect to the internet the message will not send.
  4. Advertisement

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Updated: July 12, 2023
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