Genital herpes: Pictures, symptoms and treatment

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One of the sexually transmitted diseases that we need to understand thoroughly is genital herpes. Having knowledge about how the herpes virus spreads and outbreaks will help us protect the health of ourselves and those around us.

1. Symptoms and causes of genital herpes

When infected with the herpes virus, you may feel itching or tingling around your genitals. These are usually small, painful blisters that burst and leave behind a watery or bleeding sore. Most people notice symptoms within a few weeks of catching the virus from someone else. The first time it happens, you may also have a fever, headache, or other flu-like sensations. Some people have few or no symptoms.
Genital herpes is usually caused by a virus called herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2) and HSV-1 is also the cause of your illness. You can catch HSV-2 from someone whether they have symptoms or not.
Usually, you get the herpes virus by having sex of any kind such as vaginal, oral or anal with an infected person. In the United States, 1 in 5 adults has the condition. Genital herpes can be spread through oral sex if you or your partner is infected. Because the virus can't live long outside of the body, you can't get it from something like a toilet seat or towel.
Sometimes people mistake acne or ingrown hairs for genital herpes. Your doctor can take a small sample from the sore using a test swab. If you don't have symptoms but think you may have genital herpes, your doctor may run a blood test and it will take a few days to get the results.
herpes sinh dục
Hình ảnh herpes sinh dục
2. How is genital herpes treated? Your doctor will prescribe antiviral medication if you have genital herpes. These pills can help you feel better and shorten the duration of flare-ups. During your treatment, it's best not to kiss or have sex with other people. Even if you have no symptoms, you can still spread the disease.
Some people only take medicine if they feel itchy and ticklish; means that the disease is in an outbreak or when sores appear to prevent it from getting worse. Your doctor may recommend that you take an antiretroviral medication every day if:
There are many outbreaks; Want to prevent more outbreaks; Want to reduce the risk of spreading to your partner. 3. What makes you more comfortable during a genital herpes outbreak The herpes virus stays in your body forever, even if there are no symptoms. You can flare up when you are sick, after returning from the sun, or when you are stressed or tired. During a genital herpes outbreak, you can wear loose-fitting clothes and cotton underwear; avoiding sun or heat can cause more blisters; Take a warm, gentle bath and do not use scented soaps or douches near the blister.
You can still have sex when you have genital herpes, but you must tell your partner about the condition. They need to know so they can be tested. Since this is a sexually transmitted disease, condoms should be used; Do not have sex during an outbreak.
People usually don't have serious problems with genital herpes, but it's still possible. You are advised to wash your hands often, especially during an outbreak. If you touch the blister and rub your eye, the infection can spread to your eye. If your eyes are red, swollen, painful, or sensitive to light, see your doctor. Treating it can help prevent serious vision problems.
If you are pregnant and have genital herpes, your doctor may recommend a cesarean section if you have a flare-up. Because during vaginal delivery, the herpes virus can be passed on to your baby, especially if your first outbreak occurs around the time of delivery. Viruses can cause rashes, eye problems, or more serious problems. Your doctor may also ask you to take anti-viral medication starting at about 34 weeks to avoid flare-ups around your due date.
herpes sinh dục
Phòng ngừa herpes sinh dục bùng phát là rất quan trọng
4. How to avoid genital herpes infection? As long as you're sexually active, you can still get genital herpes. You will greatly reduce your risk of disease if you use a condom or dental patch all the time.
If you don't have genital herpes, you and your partner should get tested for STDs before having sex. If you're both disease-free and don't have sex with anyone else, you should be safe.
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Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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