Populus ×canadensis Hybrid black poplar


Populus ×canadensis Hybrid black poplar

A variable tree that occurred as a spontaneous cross between P. nigra and P. deltoides. The crown is usually broad oval to practically round, but sometimes narrower depending on the cultivar. The grey trunk has shallow grooves. The moderately glossy leaves are triangular and have a heart-shaped to straight foot, depending on the cultivar. The leaves are also green when they emerge and they can turn yellow in the autumn. Prefers moist, open, nutritious soil. It does not stand up well to stagnant groundwater or fluctuating groundwater levels. In general its resistance to canker and leaf spot disease is good to exceptional. But it is reasonably sensitive to rust. Various of these hybrid-derived cultivars can find good use in wide streets and avenues, planted in rows and in urban and landscape settings. Can be used in coastal areas thanks to its sturdy resistance to (sea) wind. An important producer of wood for clogs, pallets etc.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from november 2024.
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25 - 30 m, fast growing
variable, cultivars differ substantially, half-open crown
Kéreg és ágak
grey, shallow grooves, twigs glossy grey-brown
triangular, green, 12 cm long and wide
♂ or X, depending on the cultivar
catkins, only on X cultivars
egyik sem
Mérgező tulajdonság
rendszerint nem mérgező emberek, (nagytestű) háziállatok és haszonállatok számára
moist, open and nutritious
Ültetési hely követelményei
Elviseli a szilárd útburkolatot
4 (-34,4 és -28,9 °C)
fairly good to good
Egyéb tűrőképességek
fagytűrő (télállósági fok: 1-6)
sugárutak és széles utcák, tengerpart
magas törzsű fa, többtörzsű fa
Europe, spontaneous hybrid
Populus x euramericana
magas törzsű fa többtörzsű fa Agyagos talajra agyagos talaj Homokos talajra Elviseli a szilárd útburkolatot fénykedvelő fagytűrő (télállósági fok: 1-6) Ovális 1. magasság 12 m-nél nagyobb Félig nyitott korona zöld narancs/piros gyorsan növő nem mérgező (általában)
Gyakran ismételt kérdések
Populus ×canadensis

Populus ×canadensis can eventually reach a height of 25 - 30 m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Populus ×canadensis is gyorsan növő and can eventually reach a height of 25 - 30 m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The right time to plant Populus ×canadensis is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Populus ×canadensis with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.

Populus ×canadensis blooms in április.