Key to Tasmanian Dicots
1. Abrotanella forsteroides
2. Pterygopappus lawrencii
3. Ewartia meredithiae
4. Olearia glutinosa
5. Chrysocephalum semipapposum
6. Cichorium intybus
ASTERACEAE (=Compositae) 2:359
The daisies (Asteraceae) include three alpine cushion plants, Abrotanella forsterioides, Ewartia meredithiae and Pterygopappus lawrencii. The family is one of Tasmania's most diverse and widespread families, including many native herbs shrubs and trees, as well as many naturalised herbs and shrubs. They occur in almost all habitats. They are especially prominent in alpine areas, in grasslands and as weeds. The inflorescence is distinctive, and is why Asteraceae was once referred to as Compositae. The flowers are in compact heads that often look like flowers. Bracts called phyllaries surround the heads. The corolla has two forms - tube flowers (elongate, radially symmetrical tubes with short lobes) or ray flowers (short tubes with one side elongated). Species may have only tube flowers (e.g. Chrysocephalum), only ray flowers (e.g. Cichorium) or both (e.g. Erigeron). The  phyllaries resemble ray flowers (e.g. Bracteantha).
The Genera
© 2019 University of Tasmania

List of Genera