
The best new roses to plant in your garden

Every year so many varieties are introduced it can be hard to choose. Alice Bowe picks her favourites from the past decade

The Times

It’s the beginning of the growing season and the perfect time to feed and mulch your established roses, as well as plant new ones. Although the bare-root season has finished, pot-grown specimens can be planted year-round and will establish quickly, providing an abundant display of blooms in a matter of months.

First to be planted, and in pride of place where I can see it as I glance into the garden from my house, is the wonderful new rose “Starlight Symphony”. This single white climber combines outstanding performance with exceptional resistance to disease, and produces clusters of gigantic, spicy-scented, white flowers from July to October. Many white roses turn brown in wet weather, but not this one, so I can plant it without fear that