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How to Grow and Care for Miltonia Orchids

Miltonia orchid with deep pink top petal and pink spotted bottom petal

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Miltonia orchids, also known as pansy orchids, are epiphytic plants with pansy-like flowers that are divided into two genera or subgroups which have distinctly different growth and flowering habits. Both Miltonia and Miltoniopsis grow best in partial shade with some bright light but need cool nights so that they can bloom. The two require varied conditions when it comes to water, temperature, and humidity needs.

Common Name Pansy orchid
Botanical Name Miltonia, Miltoniopsis
Family Orchidaceae
Plant Type Perennial
Mature Size 1-2 ft. tall, 6-12 in. wide
Sun Exposure Partial
Soil Type Well-draining
Soil pH Neutral, acidic
Bloom Time Winter, spring, summer
Flower Color Many colors
Hardiness Zones 11-12 (USDA)
Native Area South America

Miltonia Orchid Care

Here are the main and general care requirements for growing Miltonia orchids, but consider subtle care differences for Miltonia and Miltoniopsis:

  • Choose a spot with partial shade and only a couple of hours of bright light to avoid scorching.
  • Plant in a combination of small fir bark, sphagnum moss, and pebbles.
  • Water once the potting mix has dried completely, and water in the morning to let the mix adequately dry out.
  • Keep humidity at 70 percent, if possible.
  • Fertilize regularly with orchid fertilizer as directed on the package.


The orchid genus Miltonia is used extensively with other genera to create new hybrids. If your hybrid orchid shows characteristics of Miltonia, examine the leaf growth, bloom type, and pseudobulb to learn if your hybrid is a Miltoniopsis orchid. This will help you give your hybrid the best possible routine maintenance to stay healthy and blooming.

Miltonia orchids with pink top petals and white bottom petals clustered together

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Miltonia orchids in white pots with long foliage and pink and white flowers

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Miltonia orchids with white and pink petals clustered together

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Miltonia orchids with deep pink petals and yellow centers closeup

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova


Light is one of the main differences in the culture of these two genera. Both groups grow best in partial shade with just an hour or two of bright filtered sunlight each day. Miltonia orchids are more tolerant of bright sunlight for short periods but the leaves of both types can become sunburned with too much exposure. In or within 2 feet of a north-facing window is a good location.


Epiphytic orchids do not grow in soil but can thrive as potted or mounted plants. If you choose to pot your plant, the growing medium must suit the orchid type. Orchid mediums are usually made up of a layer of hard material such as pebbles, medium-weight materials such as bark or wood chips as filler, and a layer of soft material such as moss or fiber on top. For Miltonia orchids, a mixture of small fir bark, sphagnum moss, and pebbles works well.


The water needs of these two genera also differ although watering for both may be decreased during the grayest periods of winter. Too much water without at least some sun can lead to root rot. Let the medium for Miltonia dry out before a thorough watering. Be sure to drain any excess. Miltoniopsis prefer a consistently moist but not wet medium. It's best to water orchids in the morning, giving them a chance to dry out before nightfall.

Temperature and Humidity

Both Miltonia genera require cool nighttime temperatures of 55 to 60 degrees to bloom. Miltonia thrives in daytime temperatures below 80 degrees but will tolerate up to 90 degrees for short periods. Miltoniopsis needs cooler daytime temperatures of around 70 degrees.

Moderately high humidity between 50 to 70 percent works best, but 60 to 70 percent humidity is ideal to fulfill the orchid's need for abundant water. Miltoniopsis may need higher humidity to replicate the intense humidity of its native home. Too little humidity or too much humidity will stress either of these orchids.


Feed Miltonia orchids once a month during peak growing and flowering periods, and skip fertilizing during winter months. Many orchid food products are commercially available (Miltonia are not fussy about fertilizer). Miltoniopsis is sensitive to salt, so it's advisable to flush the growing medium with just water after several feedings. If your tap water has a high mineral content you may want to filter your water or use distilled. Use room temperature water whenever possible.

Types of Miltonia Orchids

Miltonia blooms have a more starry shape with complex patterns, while Miltoniopsis blooms in rich shades of red, green, white, yellow, and brown with the orchid lip resembling the traditional pansy "blotch" in an alternating color. All orchids of this genus require cool nights to bloom and do so at different times throughout the year depending on the species.

Here are a few examples of key Miltonia and Miltoniopsis species:

  • Miltonia clowesii grows 3-inch blooms on flower spikes up to 2 feet tall. Flowers bloom in the fall and are chestnut brown, barred, and tipped with yellow with a fiddle-shaped lip that is half white, half purple.
  • Miltonia regnellii grows 3-inch white flowers with a rose-purple tint at the base. Light pink lips are edged in white. Each stem produces three to five flowers in fall and the orchid grows up to 12 inches.
  • Miltonia spectabilis is a summer bloomer that grows to 20 inches tall with large, creamy white petals.
  • Miltoniopsis roezlii has flowers that are velvety white with a purple blotch at the base of each petal. The lip is purplish white with a yellow base and the orchid blooms in the summer and fall.
  • Miltoniopsis vexillaria has soft, grayish-green foliage that grows up to 20 inches tall. Each upright stem bears up to a dozen 4-inch flowers in shades of pink to red with a darker lip and blooms spring to fall.

Propagating Miltonia Orchids

Although it is possible to grow orchids from seed, the time (germination can take upwards of two years) and special requirements necessary for success make it more practical to purchase your first orchid from a garden center and increase your collection through cuttings.

Propagation is best done at the end of the bloom period. Gather together a sharp, sterile knife, a well-draining pot and a growing medium of small fir bark, pebbles, and sphagnum moss. Then follow these directions:

  1. Using the knife, take stem cuttings that include at least four pseudobulbs with active growth (i.e., leaves or sprouting buds). Leave at least three active pseudobulbs on the mother plant.
  2. Gently separate the roots making sure each cutting includes viable roots.
  3. Add a layer of pebbles, small rocks, or broken pot pieces to the bottom of a 4- to 6-inch orchid pot or one with extra drainage holes.
  4. Hold the cutting on top of the pebbles, being careful not to compress the roots, and start filling in around the roots and pseudobulbs with small-grade fir bark. The pseudobulbs should be at or near the top surface of the bark layer.
  5. When the plant is secure in the pot, add a light layer of sphagnum moss on top of the bark.
  6. Spray the pot down with water to keep the medium moist, but avoid a full watering until new root growth is evident in one to two weeks. The appearance of new leaf buds will indicate your orchid is growing.
  7. Once the plant is actively growing, you can begin a regular maintenance schedule for your new orchid.

Potting and Repotting Miltonia Orchids

Miltonia orchids require superior drainage and good air circulation for the entire plant from root to flower. So, the type of pot you choose along with your potting medium is important for your success. Clay pots work well because they are porous and will wick away excess moisture. Orchid pots have additional or larger openings for drainage and some are constructed with openings in the sides of the pot to allow better airflow to the roots. Shallow pots also work well for Miltonia.

Many different materials have been used for growing orchids and adjustments to the mix may be needed from time to time. Prepackaged orchid mixes are sufficient, however, you will need to add a few pebbles, small stones, or broken pot pieces in the bottom of the pot for drainage.

Miltonia orchids bloom better when they are potbound, which means you won't need to repot for at least 2 years as long as your medium does not become over-wet and your orchid stays free of fungal problems. If the plant becomes unwieldy due to overcrowding, you can repot in a slightly larger container; no more than 1 to 2 inches larger in diameter. Or you can divide the orchid.

However, these orchids do not like stale medium. Plan to replace the growing materials without necessarily repotting for your orchid annually but definitely after two years maximum; any nutrients in the potting mix will be depleted by then.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Miltonia orchids are not bothered by common pests as much as other orchid genera. Most of them can be removed by hand or a light brushing with a soap and water solution. Watch for the following common pests and treat heavy infestations can be treated with neem oil:

All orchids can contract viruses. Look for light and dark streaks or pitting in the leaves. If you suspect a virus, take your orchid to a specialist or your nearest agricultural experiment station. Unfortunately, there is no cure for orchid viruses and the plant should be disposed of to avoid spreading the infection. The pot should be sanitized before it's used again.

Bacterial and fungal problems are usually the result of improper watering. Miltonia orchids are susceptible to root rot which can also affect the pseudobulbs. Remove any infected plant parts and repot the orchid in fresh, dry growing material. Place the plant in a cool location and withhold water until the plant recovers.

If small spots or patches of discoloration appear on the blooms, your orchid may have botrytis petal blight. Remove all damaged flowers or the complete stem and move the plant to a location with better indirect light. Avoid misting your orchid when it is in bloom.

How to Get Miltonia Orchids to Bloom

The process of getting Miltonia orchids to bloom is difficult but rewarding, especially because the blooms themselves can last for one to two months.

Bloom Months

Miltonia orchids may bloom two times a year. They flower at different times throughout the year depending on the species.

How Long Do Miltonia Orchids Bloom?

Each time these orchids bloom, the flowers can last up to six weeks.

What Do Miltonia Orchids Look and Smell Like?

Miltonia orchids produce blooms similar in shape and color to pansies. These orchids have a very faint floral scent.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Coaxing an orchid into bloom can be a challenge. While many orchids are not difficult to grow, all orchids require a routine schedule of consistent and timely care. The best way to ensure repeat blooming is to learn about your Miltonia's habitat, for example, learn if your orchid comes from a warmer or cooler growing area. In addition, a nighttime location without artificial light will also encourage these orchids to bloom.

Develop and stick to a consistent schedule for light, temperature, watering, and fertilization. Know the correct time of year for your plant to bloom and be prepared to make adjustments if the orchid fails to flower.

Caring for Miltonia Orchid After It Blooms

After the orchid finishes flowering, cut the stem with a disinfected cutting tool. It is a good time to repot the orchid (do so once a year only). The orchid can be moved to a cooler area for eight to 10 weeks to produce new pseudobulbs.

Common Problems With Miltonia Orchids

Most orchid problems result from maintenance errors. Here are a few symptoms, causes, and solutions.

Yellow Leaves

The leaves of Miltonia orchids are naturally a light green. When older leaves turn yellow and drop this is a natural occurrence in the life cycle of the orchid. New leaves will grow to replace them. If newer leaves turn yellow, it could be from too much sun or water. Move the plant to a cool place and withhold water for a few weeks.

Black or Brown Spots on Leaves

The plant may be sunburned from too much bright direct sunlight. Withhold water and move the plant to a more shaded location.

Limp Leaves or Soft Growth at the Base

The growing medium is waterlogged. Repot the orchid in dry material and withhold water for one week.

  • Why isn't my Miltonia orchid growing?

    Although Miltonia orchids grow year-round, the growth rate will slow during months with little to no sunlight. Move the plant to a south-facing window where it is more likely to get at least one hour, but no more than two hours of indirect sunlight each day.

  • Why isn't my Miltonia orchid flowering?

    The plant may not be in its bloom cycle. Review your care and maintenance schedule to be sure you are giving your specific orchid the correct growing conditions.

  • Why are the flower buds on my Miltonia orchid dropping before they open?

    Miltonia orchids need consistent daytime temperatures and cooler nighttime temperatures to flower. You may need to relocate the orchid to give it the correct climate. Try placing the orchid in a spot with complete darkness and no artificial light at night.

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  1. Miltonia and Miltoniopsis (pansy orchid). New York Botanical Gardens.

  2. Miltonia Including Miltoniopsis Culture Sheet. American Orchid Society.

  3. Orchid Pests and Diseases. American Orchid Society.

  4. Cleaning and Disinfecting Plant Containers. Iowa State University Extension Office.