Review: K2 WWW Snowboard

By Published On: October 28th, 20090 Comments

Dave here in The House talking about the K2 WWW snowboard, a.k.a. the World Wide Weapon. Comes in two different versions this year. We’ve got a cambered version which I’ve got right here, or you’ve got their Jib Rocker version. Differences between the two: camber will have a nifty little high spot like traditional snowboards do. You know all these other snowboards are coming out with their rockers and their combo camber-rocker designs. I mean, these snowboards still ride and function great! They’re going to be really really powerful turning snowboards. You’ve got some resistance to your carve so it really springs you into the next one, and they worked fine for many many years, so people shouldn’t get scared away if it’s just your traditional cambered snowboard.

From there, I’ll start off at the top of the snowboard. Something that’s really only found on this snowboard and on the women’s equivalent for K2, they’ve got a sintered P-Tex top sheet, super slick! You’ve got a die cut graphic. Basically snow will not stick to this just like it doesn’t stick to the base of the snowboard. It’s definitely going to be more resistant to scratches and damage and stuff like that; something cool that you will only find on this one. This one will have a slight rocker at the nose and the tail just to keep the edges from catching. Other than that, it does feature a nice durable construction. The Hybrid Tech goes from a full on side cut to a capped nose and tail. It’s just going to make it torsionally more forgiving but still give you edge bite through the center and reduce the swing weight as well too.

This one has a dual progressive side cut blending two different radiuses together. It’s going to make it a very responsive jump snowboard as well. It’s not just for the rail and box guys. Also would make a pretty good entry level deck. It’s going to have a softer flex to it; on a 1-10 scale, you’re probably looking at about a 3.5-4. It can handle some stuff at speed, but it’s definitely at home in the park or, you know, in the hands of a beginner to intermediate all-mountain rider. Definitely one of our best sellers year after year. Kids love this one and it’s for a good reason. Just a really low cost snowboard that kicks some major butt on the slopes. K2 WWW snowboard!


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