7 Things You NEED to Know if You Want to Avoid Tattoo and Piercing Infections

Because nobody wants hepatitis.
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Getting a new tattoo or piercing can be really exciting, but before you let someone go in on your skin, there are a few things you need to know about common infections and how to have a safe experience at the shop you go to. Below are some pro-tips from doctors who know the ins and outs of all things itching, oozing, stinging, and whatever else may happen with your new tattoo or piercing. Marie Leger, MD, PhD, of NYU Langone Medical Center and Tsippora Shainhouse MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist and instructor at the University of Southern California break down everything you need to know about tattoo and piercing infections — from choosing your shop to healing instructions.

Choose your shop carefully

First things first, pick your shop carefully and cautiously. “Go to a reputable place for piercing,” suggests Dr. Shainhouse. Do your research on where you are planning to get your tattoo or piercing done. Check out the shop’s website or a few Yelp reviews, or even better, ask your friends if they have a place they could recommend.

Dr. Leger says, “Sources of infection can either be from a tattoo parlor that is not maintaining proper safety standards — look for licensed tattoo artists — and some infections like hepatitis are more common with amateur tattooists. Infection can also come from poor aftercare on the part of the person receiving the tattoo. The tattoo site must be kept clean and proper wound care followed as provided by the artist. Infections can occasionally come from tainted ink.”

The tattoo or piercing parlor should be clean and all of the necessary instruments should be sterilized, most commonly kept in an autoclave (a high-pressure sterilizer). Basic standards of cleanliness for tattoos and piercings are laid out by your state or city's department of health. This enforces that tattooists (tattoo artists) “wash their hands before tattooing/use clean gloves, clean the skin, use a single-use disposable razor to shave the site, use a single-use sterile needle/tubes and single-use inks, cover the tattooed skin with a bandage, and provide aftercare instructions.”

Most importantly, if you feel uncomfortable or if you feel like something is “off" in the studio, you have every right to change your mind, walk out, and find someplace else. Seriously, you're allowed to bail even if you're already at your scheduled appointment.


Tattoos and piercings take time to heal like any other wound. If you have already received a professional tattoo or piercing and are wondering if what you are feeling is normal, it probably is. “If the area itches, scabs, or flakes, these are all healthy signs of a healing wound”, according to CIA Medical — don’t panic if some take a little longer than others. Tattoos heal like those big gashes on your knees that you used to get when you were a kid; DO NOT PICK AT IT.

5 telltale signs of infection, identified by Dr. Leger and Dr. Shainhouse

• Extreme pain • Surrounding redness • Swelling • Drainage or pus • Clusters of blisters on a red base

If these symptoms are left untreated, you might find yourself considerably worse off. Oftentimes these symptoms can lead to cellulitis (which can include staph infections) or an abscess — both of which require gnarly antibiotics and sometimes drainage.

“If the piercing area gets red, swollen, or pus is noticeable, go to the doctor right away for evaluation and possible antibiotics. Staph infections are the likely culprit, as staph aureus lives on the skin, including in the outer ear,” says Dr. Stainhouse.

Cleaning and maintenance for piercings

Remember to wash your hands before you clean anything. Maintaining a clean wound is the most important thing you can do for your new piercing. “Keep the pierced sites clean for the first 2-4 weeks. Leave the earrings in the ears, wash around the posts with alcohol, and turn the earring once a day,” suggests Dr. Shainhouse.

As far as other piercings go, Dr Shainhouse says, “The cartilage of the ear and nasal septum do not have a great vascular supply, so infections can sometimes be difficult to treat. These piercings are more painful than skin piercings, but if there is out of the ordinary/unexpected pain, swelling, pus, or if you can't lie down (or consider blowing your nose!) you must see your doctor to be examined. You will need an oral antibiotic and you might be told to remove the hardware.”

Cleaning and maintenance for new tattoos

For a new tattoo, wash your hands and remove the bandage within 2-6 hours (do not reapply a bandage unless instructed to by your tattooist), and use a gentle soap. Allow the tattoo to air dry because your bathroom towels can be home to a lot of bacteria(even more than your toilet seat).

Make sure to sleep in clean clothes and avoid wearing anything that you don't want to get dirty (it's normal for a new tattoo to "weep" for the first few nights.) This is it for the first night you have your tattoo.

Starting the next day, after you air dry your tattoo and make sure your hands are still clean, apply an odorless moisturizer (most tattoo artists swear by Lubriderm. You want to do this process (wash hands, wash tattoo, air dry, moisturize) 2-3 times a day, applying a thin layer to avoid suffocating your new ink. Depending on your skin type, you should do this for the first 1-3 weeks.

Avoid tanning, working out, and swimming while you heal

Keep in mind that if you just got a new tattoo you should avoid working out amd tanning both outside and in a tanning bed (which you should avoid in general). Sunlight is a tattoo's worst enemy — it will fade all the colors. Avoid any exercise that will pull or stretch the newly tattooed or pierced skin.

Your tattoo is a wound. If you have an open wound on your body, you should not be soaking it in water, and that includes taking a bath or going for a swim. There is a big difference between taking a shower and floating around in a body of water, and that difference is exposure to germs. If you want to know how long to wait before swimming or taking a bath, ask your tattooist to confirm that you're fully healed.

How long should one wait to see a doctor?

“Tattoo artists are good sources for learning about what to expect with normal tattoo healing — but if your tattoo site is painful, draining, red, or swollen it is important to have it evaluated by a physician immediately,” says Dr. Leger. “If you have any concerns about tattoo infection and are exhibiting any of the signs previously mentioned, you should not try to treat it at home.”

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