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  • Aromatically sweet, delicate pink blossoms peek out  from forest green leaves. Heart-shaped fruit follows,  producing  the seeds that make an extract that is used as a coloring agent by the cosmetic and food industry.  Bixa is also made into body paint and used by Native Tropical tribes. Thrives in subtropical climates, and grows best when planted in rich soil and given adequate water. Place in full sunlight, or light shade. Great for container gardening or the deck.

    Fun Facts: 
    1. Seeds are processed to make a pigment used in food dye and cosmetics
    2. Native peoples have used the seeds for body paint and clothing dye and even as a sunscreen
    3. Hardy outdoors from zone 9B-11

    Bixa orellana Lipstick tree Seeds Annatto

    $5.00 Regular Price
    $4.00Sale Price
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