Ipheion sessile


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched September to November.

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(syn. Tristagma recurvifolium)

This is currently playing the botanical equivalent of musical chairs, we have kept it under the old name until the music stops. A splendid little plant with narrow leaves, close to the ground and a procession of almost stemless, small, white, Crοcus-like flowers from very early on in the year, beginning as early as late autumn and into winter. In fact our photographs were taken in late October when Αcis, Colchicum, Crocus and autumnal Ṅarcissi were all in full bloom. In January of the following year, the same pot as still in flower. The flowers are up-facing, starry chalices with a strong perfume and pleasant perfume. The open funnels have a hint of a dark mid rib on the reverse of the petal and in the bud. This is nothing like the widely grown Ipheion uniflorum, but incorrect illustrations are abundant on the internet.

Perhaps best in a pot, as it is very early into flower and these would get spoiled and mud-splashed in inclement weather. Readily grown, needing only a fertile, well-drained compost, such as you would offer most bulbs. It will tolerate some water during its summer dormancy and may even benefit from a little to stop shrivelling of the small bulbs which have a very insubstantial tunic. Increases pleasingly without ramping all over the place.

Found in Argentina and Uruguay, this deserves to be more widely grown.

Ipheion sessile