Galanthus Elmley Lovett


Freshly lifted, damp-packed, flowering-sized bulbs

Order anytime, despatch August to late autumn only.
NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

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(elwesii Elmley Lovett)

A pleasant enough elwesii, which seems to have started life as “elwesii from Elmley Lovett”.

It has nicely proportioned flowers with the inners well marked in emerald green. This is an elwesii subsp. elwesii (with two markings on the inner petals), but in this form the markings have both become enlarged and grown into each other, so that the seemingly single mark, occupies most of the surface of the inners and is solid at the apex, then becomes ‘waisted’ then above the waist the green becomes more diffuse. Imagine a pair of shorts, with braces, in two shades of green.

NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

Galanthus Elmley Lovett
Galanthus Elmley Lovett