Fritillaria persica Senköy


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched September to November.

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Fritillaria persica is an excellent plant with tall spikes of deep purple-black flowers, dusted with grey ‘bloom’, much in the form of imperialis. It is however rather shy to flower in northern Europe.

A new clone Adiyaman was a great improvement, however Senköy has superseded that having better flower shape, a rich deep plum colour and freely produced flowers. Choose a sunny, well-drained and fertile spot in the garden, plant and leave alone. Please don’t expect too much in the first season (this is true no matter where you obtain the plants from) but once established and happy Senköy will thrive and flower, where other forms will sulk or fade.

Fritillaria persica Senköy
Fritillaria persica Senköy