Convallaria majalis Bridal Choice


Mature rhizomes.

Despatched January to April.

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Convallaria majalis Bridal Choice is larger in all of its parts than the plain C. majalis and has strong, all-green foliage below hefty panicles (the flower spikes) which are 20cm or more in height. These stand well above the foliage and are capable of bearing up to 12 flowers. The individual flowers are wide in relation to their height and notably larger. They are, of course, strongly scented with the very characteristic Lily-of-the-Valley scent.

This started life as a selection for the cut flower trade, with its larger, well held spikes, (hence the Bridal Choice cultivar name) but is an excellent garden plant also (and larger than, the older and thus perhaps better-known, Fortin’s Giant).

We can trace this back as far as the late Jan Huisman (of Corydalis fame) but I do not know if it originated with Jan or if he in turn obtained it elsewhere. Whatever its origins, it is certainly an excellent plant.

Convallaria majalis Bridal Choice
Convallaria majalis Bridal Choice