In Amateur Radio circles, the 'shack' is a term for where the radio equipment is located.   It's often a spare room in the house, a basement, or sometimes a dedicated building like a shed or modified garage.

Shacks are all different and range from makeshift setups to elaborate and expensive studio quality installations.

I found this classic example of a shack of the 1960's on the Web many years ago.

I wish that I'd taken note of who's shack it was so that I could credit them here.

This was my first shack in the late 1970's. 

As a student with limited funds, the converted Johnston Viking and Courier Gladiator CB's were my 10m and 80m transceivers for many years (the latter ran the homebrew transverter below).

The FT902DM was borrowed from the local high school for a few weeks.

My 2m transceiver was a Kenwood TR2400 handheld.

This well equipped shack belonged to a friend during the mid 1980's.

The equipment here was almost exclusively all ICOM and covered HF through to 1296 Mhz.

Some shacks are more makeshift than others.  

This shack belonged to a friend who loves to experiment with antennas.

Not many stayed up long enough to be permanent but he worked more countries in one year with this configuration than I did in the past 20 years!

This was my shack a few years ago. 

It's still in development and now almost fully functional, but still needs work.

Lots of plans but too little time to implement them!

The Radio Shack
Wednesday, 30 July 2008 20:32
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