Dacrydium cupressinum Charisma

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Golden Rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum Charisma'), a yellow-foliaged form of a conifer, usually 18-30m tall, native to the wetter parts of New Zealand and found from sea level to 760m altitude. Its red-brown timber was once used extensively, but due to heavy logging of the wild population and the difficulty of cultivating the species, it is now less widely used. dacrydium-2676htm'>Dacrydium. <a href='podocarpaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Podocarpaceae</a>. Order: <a href='hierarchyhtml'>Pinales</a>

Golden Rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum Charisma'), a yellow-foliaged form of a conifer, usually 18-30m tall, native to the wetter parts of New Zealand and found from sea level to 760m altitude. Its red-brown timber was once used extensively, but due to heavy logging of the wild population and the difficulty of cultivating the species, it is now less widely used. dacrydium-2676htm'>Dacrydium. Podocarpaceae. Order: Pinales


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ID: CFGgs44.jpg






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