Hydrangea macrophylla Mariesii Variegata

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Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii. Variegata' (syn 'Blue Wave'), a very popular lace-cap hydrangea cultivar that is effectively a variegated foliage form of 'Mariesii. Perfecta' or 'Blue Wave', though the sterile bracts are much paler. It grows to 15m high x 2m wide and must have quite acidic soil to maintain the blue colour, which will otherwise turn to lavender or pink. Some authorities do not consider it to be a sports of 'Mariesii' and refer to it as 'Maculata' or simply 'Variegata'. hydrangea-2128htm'>Hydrangea. <a href='hydrangeaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Hydrangeaceae</a>.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii. Variegata' (syn 'Blue Wave'), a very popular lace-cap hydrangea cultivar that is effectively a variegated foliage form of 'Mariesii. Perfecta' or 'Blue Wave', though the sterile bracts are much paler. It grows to 15m high x 2m wide and must have quite acidic soil to maintain the blue colour, which will otherwise turn to lavender or pink. Some authorities do not consider it to be a sports of 'Mariesii' and refer to it as 'Maculata' or simply 'Variegata'. hydrangea-2128htm'>Hydrangea. Hydrangeaceae.


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