Abronia latifolia

Abronia latifolia fruits with mm ruler on right.

Abronia latifolia fruits with mm ruler on right.

Abronia latifolia seeds with mm ruler on right.

Abronia latifolia seeds with mm ruler on right. 

Abronia latifolia fruits that have dispersed near the plant on top of a sandy soil.

Abronia latifolia fruits that have dispersed near the plant on top of a sandy soil. 

Abronia latifolia with flowers and immature fruits.

Abronia latifolia with flowers and immature fruits. 

Abronia latifolia with immature fruits.

Abronia latifolia with immature fruits.  

Abronia latifolia with flowers (yellow) and immature fruits (green and covered with sand).

Abronia latifolia with flowers (yellow) and immature fruits (green and covered with sand). 

Abronia latifolia with flowers (yellow) and immature fruits (green and covered with sand).

Abronia latifolia with flowers (yellow) and immature fruits (green and covered with sand). 

Abronia latifolia with leaves.

Abronia latifolia with leaves. 

Abronia latifolia growing on coastal dunes near Pacific City, Oregon.

Abronia latifolia growing on coastal dunes near Pacific City, Oregon. 

Abronia latifolia growing in a coastal dune near Long Beach, Washington.

Abronia latifolia growing in a coastal dune near Long Beach, Washington.  

Abronia latifolia with flowers.

Abronia latifolia with flowers.