🠜 Botanical orchids

Stanhopea tigrina

Stanhopea tigrina

Stanhopea tigrina
Stanhopea tigrina is also known as The Tiger-Like Stanhopea.
Epidendrum fragrantissimum
Maxillaria lyncea
Stanhopea expansa
Stanhopea nigroviolacea
Stanhopea tigrina var. atrata
Stanhopea tigrina var. aurea
Stanhopea tigrina var. aureo-purpurea
Stanhopea tigrina var.grandiflora
Stanhopea tigrina var. grandiflora
Stanhopea tigrina var. grandiflora
Stanhopea tigrina var. grandiflora superba
Stanhopea tigrina var. latimaculata
Stanhopea tigrina var. luteolo-violacea
Stanhopea tigrina var. lutescens
Stanhopea tigrina var.major
Stanhopea tigrina var. major superba
Stanhopea tigrina var. nigropurpurea
Stanhopea tigrina var. purpurea
Stanhopea tigrina var. speciose
Stanhopea tigrina var. splendens
Stanhopea tigrina var. superba
Stanhopea tigrina var. superba
Stanhopea tigrina var. superba

Stanhopea violacea, is a species of the genus Stanhopea. This species was described by James Bateman ex John Lindley in 1838. Stanhopea tigrina is native to Mexico. This orchid grows on oaks in well-drained, dense forests on the eastern slopes of the Mexican Plateau at an altitude of 2000 m. Originally, it was found near Xalapa, Veracruz at an altitude of 1000-1300 m, and later specimens of both varieties of typical Stanhopea tigrina and Stanhopea tigrina var. nigroviolacea were found in the mountains near Veracruz and Orizaba. It is a cool to warm growing, medium sized, epiphytic species, which reaching 22-37 cm in height. The Stanhopea tigrina blooms on a pendulous, 2 to 8 flowered, 15 cm long inflorescence and carries large, fragrant flowers occurring in the summer and fall. The flowers are 8-17 cm in diameter.

Stanhopea tigrina needs a light level of 25000-35000 lux. The light should be filtered and dispersed, and the plants should not be exposed directly to the sun in the afternoon hours. The majority of Stanhopea is reluctant to flower with insufficient light, but with too much light, the leaves tend to burn and yellowing. Strong air movement should be ensured all the time.

It is a plant with moderate thermal requirements. The average summer temperature is 25-26°C during the day and 14-15°C at night, which gives a daily difference of 9-11°C. In spring, the average temperature of the day in the spring is from 24 to 27°C, and the night from 11-15°C, with a daily amplitude increasing to 13°C. The average winter temperature is 21°C at day, 9-10°C at night, with a daily amplitude of 11-12°C.

The Tiger-Like Stanhopea needs the humidity of around 70-75% for most of the year, and at the end of winter and early spring it drops to around 50%.

Substrate, growing media and repotting:
Stanhopea tigrina are usually grown on rootstocks or in hanging baskets, because it is necessary in the case of hanging inflorescences that appear at the base of the pseudobulb and grow directly down. It seems that plants grow best and it is most convenient to grow them if they are attached to tree ferns. Fixed plants, however, require high humidity and at least daily watering in the summer, and it may even be necessary to water several times a day if the weather is dry and very hot.
These plants are also grown in wire baskets with large mesh moss-covered with sphagnum moss and filled with loose, quickly drying ground. The substrate should remain moist, but it can not be wet, because the roots must dry relatively quickly after watering.
Repotting or dividing should be done when the growth of new roots begins. This allows the plants to acclimatize in a relatively short time and provides them with the least stress.

The plants should be irrigated abundantly during active growth, but their roots must dry quickly after watering, and the ground around them must never be spread or soggy. When new growths reach maturity in the autumn and flowering has finished, the amount of water should be drastically reduced.

During the active growth, the plant should be fertilized every week 1/4-1/2 of the recommended dose of fertilizer for orchids. You can use balanced fertilizer throughout the year, but you can also use fertilizer with increased nitrogen content from spring to mid summer, and then in the late summer and autumn, use a fertilizer with a higher content of phosphorus.

Rest period:
In winter, watering of Stanhopea tigrina should be limited, but must not be allowed to stay dry for a long time. Occasional fogging between uncommon watering should satisfy the requirements of these plants during the drought season. For about a month in winter, watering should be limited only to sporadic fogging, which will prevent excessive drying of the plant. Fertilization should be reduced or eliminated until new growths appear in the spring and more abundant watering starts.

Continent of origin
Size of the plant in height.
Size:30 tot 40 cm
Light level:Licht
Sunlight: 100,000 - 130,000 lux
Daylight, indirect sunlight: 10,000 - 20,000 lux
Cloudy day: 1000 lux
Office: 500 lux
Very dark day: 100 lux
Twilight: 10 lux
Dark twilight: 1 lux
Light intensity:25000-35000 lux
(min, max) summer (min, max) winter. The minimum and maximum temperature in degrees celsius at which the plant best thrives in the summer months and winter months.
Temperature:(11-27) (9-21) °C
The humidity where the plant grows best.
Avoid that the plant is too close to the central heating place.
Humidity:50-75 %
Rest period is usually from beginning November till half February.
Rest period:Yes
Part of full dose as described on the packaging of the orchid fertilizer
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