🠜 Botanical orchids

Gongora galeata 'concolor'

Gongora galeata 'concolor'

Gongora galeata 'concolor'
Gongora galeata is also called as The Helmut Gongora.
Acropera atropurpurea
Acropera citrina
Acropera flavida
Acropera fuscata
Acropera loddigesii
Acropera luteola
Acropera pallida
Acropera purpurea
Acropera sulphurea
Gongora fuscata
Maxillaria galeata
It is a species of the genus Gongora. This species was described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in 1854.

Gongora galeata occurs endemically in southern Mexico. It grows usually on mountain slopes directed to the Gulf of Mexico, in the states of Hidalgo, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas. It is also found in the state of Chiapas, on the slopes from the Pacific side. It grows epiphytically in mountainous rainforests, at heights of 600-1800 m, but sometimes also as a rock or terrestrial plant.
It is a medium sized, epiphytic, rarely lithophytic or terrestrial species, warm to cool growing epiphyte, which reaching up to a height of 37 cm. The Helmut Gongora blooms in the summer and fall with 15 to 20 cm long flower stem with short to long-lived, fragrant flower with a fragrance akin to oranges. The flowers are 4-5 cm wide.

Gongora galeata needs a light level of 20000-30000 lux.

It is a plant with moderate thermal requirements. In summer the average day temperature is 24°C, at night 16-17°C, with a daily amplitude of 7°C. The average winter temperature is 18-19°C, at night 12-13°C, with a daily difference of 6°C.

The Helmut Gongora needs the humidity of about 80% throughout the year.

Substrate, growing media and repotting:
Due to bent, growing inflorescences, Gongora galeata should be mounted on cork pads or planted in hanging baskets filled with any loose substrate with good drainage. Repotting can be done at any time as soon as new roots grow.

From late spring to autumn, for 6-7 months, rainfall is moderate to heavy. Then their number decreases and a dry season follows, lasting 2-3 months at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring. The plants in cultivation should be abundantly watered during active growth, with only slight drying between waterings. In the autumn, watering should be gradually reduced.

The plants should be fertilized every week 1/4-1/2 of the recommended dose of fertilizer for orchids. A fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is beneficial from spring to mid-summer, and a fertilizer richer in phosphorus should be used in late summer and autumn.

Rest period:
In the winter, you needs to let the Gongora galeata dry a bit between subsequent waterings, but do not allow them to dry up completely or remain dry for a long period of time. In most cases, light watering is enough every 3-4 weeks. The amount of water should be increased if the pseudobulbs get too wrinkled. Fertilization should be limited or abandoned completely until spring, when stronger watering resumes.

Continent of origin
Size of the plant in height.
Size:30 tot 40 cm
Light level:Licht
Sunlight: 100,000 - 130,000 lux
Daylight, indirect sunlight: 10,000 - 20,000 lux
Cloudy day: 1000 lux
Office: 500 lux
Very dark day: 100 lux
Twilight: 10 lux
Dark twilight: 1 lux
Light intensity:20000-30000 lux
(min, max) summer (min, max) winter. The minimum and maximum temperature in degrees celsius at which the plant best thrives in the summer months and winter months.
Temperature:(16-25) (12-19) °C
The humidity where the plant grows best.
Avoid that the plant is too close to the central heating place.
Humidity:80 %
Part of full dose as described on the packaging of the orchid fertilizer
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