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Calcium Deficiency In Lactating Mothers: Expert Lists Symptoms, Prevention, And Management Tips

Calcium is vital for bone health, muscle function, and nerve transmission, especially during lactation. Read on to learn the symptoms of its deficiency.
Calcium Deficiency In Lactating Mothers: Expert Lists Symptoms, Prevention, And Management Tips

Did you know significant changes occur throughout the postpartum period, particularly for mothers during the nursing stage? It is essential to maintain the nutrient requirements even after pregnancy to maintain the optimal health of your baby through breastfeeding. One of the essential minerals during this stage is calcium, however, its deficiency is frequently disregarded. We spoke to our expert Dr BM Ramya Thulasi, MBBS, MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), DGO, FMAS, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Apollo Cradle and Children Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore, who explained the effects, signs, and precautions against calcium deficiency in nursing moms.

Importance of Calcium During Lactation


“Calcium, renowned for its role in bone health, muscle function, and nerve transmission, is of paramount importance, particularly during lactation”, informed Dr Thulasi. The process of breastfeeding requires a significant amount of calcium, as the body draws upon maternal stores to meet the demands of producing milk.

According to the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), a nursing mother needs 200 more calories per day than she did while she was pregnant, and those extra calories must come from wholesome foods. Breastfeeding mothers can lose 1 to 4 pounds per month without reducing their caloric intake. 

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Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Insufficient calcium intake during this phase can have far-reaching consequences. Dr Thulai listed the symptoms of calcium deficiency in lactating mothers as follows:


Muscle Cramps and Weakness

Lactating mothers experiencing unexplained muscle cramps or weakness may be exhibiting early signs of calcium deficiency. These symptoms often manifest due to the body's attempt to maintain calcium levels by drawing from its reserves.

Osteoporosis and Bone Health Issues

“In severe cases of prolonged calcium deficiency, lactating mothers may be at risk of bone-related complications, such as osteoporosis or fractures, as the body prioritises the baby's calcium needs over the mother's skeletal health”, said Dr Thulasi.


Dental Problems

Insufficient calcium levels can impact dental health, leading to fragile teeth or increased susceptibility to tooth decay.

Also Read: Bonding Beyond Words: Expert Explains The Emotional Connection of Breastfeeding

Prevention and Management For Calcium Deficiency


Dietary Interventions

Adding calcium-rich foods to the daily diet is pivotal. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese, along with green leafy vegetables, almonds, and fortified foods, serve as excellent sources of calcium. A well-balanced diet ensures an adequate intake of this vital mineral.

Supplementation as Advised

“Healthcare professionals may recommend calcium supplements to bridge the gap between dietary intake and the increased demands of lactation. However, supplementation should always be discussed with a healthcare provider to ensure appropriate dosage and necessity”, added Dr Thulasi.

Sun Exposure and Vitamin D

It is crucial to maintain sufficient levels of Vitamin D in our body, as it plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium. Encouraging safe sun exposure and incorporating Vitamin D-rich foods or supplements, as advised by a healthcare professional, supports optimal calcium utilisation.


Consultation and Support

Lactating mothers should prioritise regular consultations with healthcare providers. Routine check-ups enable healthcare professionals to monitor calcium levels, provide guidance on dietary needs, and assess the necessity for supplementation based on individual requirements.

Empowerment Through Awareness

Raising awareness is essential to preventing nursing women’s calcium deficiency. Mothers may proactively nurture their health while taking care of their children by being aware of prescribed supplements, and dietary needs, and keeping lines of communication open with healthcare experts.


Dr Thulasi concluded, “Calcium deficiencies in lactating mothers, if unaddressed, can impact both maternal health and the well-being of the newborn. By adopting a balanced diet, seeking professional guidance, and prioritising personal health, mothers can ensure a smoother transition into this rewarding phase of nurturing their babies.”

[Disclaimer: The information in this article is shared by a registered healthcare professional and is for informational purposes only. Hence, do not substitute this information with medical treatment and consult your expert for medical treatment.]

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