Neurofeedback Therapy

Are you searching for a natural, medication-free treatment for ADHD, depression, anxiety, and autism spectrum symptoms? 

Neurofeedback treatment has gained popularity as a drug-free approach to help people manage their symptoms by retraining the brain’s functionality. The treatment trains your brain to function in a more efficient manner, thus affecting things like attention and focus, emotion regulation, compulsive behaviors, memory, and learning — to name a few.

What Is the Neurofeedback Brain Map Process?

At NeuroBloom Counseling, first, we do a full assessment of your brain by conducting a qEEG, which shows us parts of your brain that may be hyperactive or underactive. The qEEG also shows us whether there are any regions of your brain that may not be communicating with each other efficiently. To do this, an EEG cap with electrical sensors is placed on your head and measures the electrical signals produced by your brain. The electrical activity then converts into what we call a brain map. From there, we develop a treatment plan specific to you and your brain. In addition, we conduct other assessments to use as a visual measurement of your progress during neurofeedback treatment.

Learn more about neurofeedback with this video introduction for ISNR courtesy of the Center for Brain Training.

Who Is a Good Neurofeedback Candidate?

Neurofeedback works well for individuals with ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum disorders, and chronic anxiety or depression. When you come in for an evaluation, our NeuroBloom Counseling counselors explain the neurofeedback process and determine if you’re a good candidate for the sessions. 

BCIA Certified

What Is the Typical Neurofeedback Process Like?

After a treatment plan is determined, the typical neurofeedback session looks like this:

  • The individual sits in front of a computer screen and chooses a neurofeedback game to play. 

  • While playing the game, they wear sensors attached to one or more scalp regions.

  • The sensors read the electrical activity that occurs at that part of the brain, and the game provides you with a visual and audio “reward.” 

The brain learns that when it produces the specific brainwave, at the specific frequency we want, it gets a reward. The brain remembers what it did to earn the reward and starts doing more of that. We also help you learn techniques and strategies to help you along your journey, and each client received an individualized treatment plan. 

Neurofeedback is totally safe and non-invasive. It is also pain-free with no electrical stimulation to the brain. 

How Fast Does Neurofeedback Work?

Changes are usually seen within the first 8-10 sessions, with most people needing 32-40 sessions. 

Neurofeedback training is done two times per week. Sessions are 45 minutes long and during that time, we also work on skills. Once the brain begins to learn what it needs to do, it will also be easier for you or your child to learn the skills necessary to manage their struggles.

Why Neurofeedback? 

Have you struggled with focus and memory? Do you seem to get distracted easily? Perhaps hyperactivity or anxiety creates daily challenges for you.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your body could give you information to help you understand what’s happening regarding your brain’s functionality and how to change existing processes working against you?

That’s where neurofeedback, a type of biofeedback, can help. Biofeedback refers to the body’s physiological functions, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature. With neurofeedback, the focus is on the brain. 

At NeuroBloom, we use neurofeedback to treat the following conditions:

  • Anxiety

  • ADHD

  • Behavioral disorders

  • Brain injury

  • Depression

  • Insomnia and sleep problems

  • PTSD

The benefits of neurofeedback: 

  • Improved focus

  • Better memory

  • Increased clarity

  • Lessened anxiety or hyperactivity

  • Minimize distractions caused by sensory issues

  • Medication-free treatment

  • Lessen or get rid of the need for medication

A Nationally Recognized Treatment for ADHD

The American Academy of Pediatrics has given neurofeedback its highest level of endorsement for ADHD treatment, rating it as a Level One Intervention for ADHD. It’s a therapeutic approach backed by over 35 years of positive, consistent research and is a proven method for those interested in a holistic, non-invasive ADHD treatment. 

Our NeuroBloom Counseling counselors can help you determine if it’s the right approach for you!

  • Neurofeedback for Autism

    At NeuroBloom Counseling, we work with many people diagnosed with autism. We use neurofeedback with our clients on the autism spectrum to help them with transitions, starting and completing tasks, impulsivity, and organization. Many people have seen significant improvements in their sensory-related difficulties while participating in neurofeedback.

    There’s no cure for autism, but our counselors are happy to speak with you to learn more about how neurofeedback can support you or your child to meet the challenges of living with autism.

  • Neurofeedback for Anxiety

    Neurofeedback has also been tested and proven an effective therapeutic approach to treat overwhelming feelings or emotions associated with anxiety. Our body’s “fight or flight” tendencies kick in when we feel threatened or unsafe, physically or mentally. The “fight or flight” response is part of our ancient brains and, thousands of years ago, served humans well. It protected our ancient ancestors from threats like saber tooth tigers and helped them survive to advance the species.

    Today, we don’t have to worry about saber tooth tigers, but our brains still respond to perceived threats the same way. The “fight or flight” response gets triggered often, and it can cause severe anxiety in some people.

    Neurofeedback provides information to help you handle stressful situations better while reducing tension in your body. It has helped many of our clients lessen anxiety-related symptoms and lead calmer, more balanced lives.

Call for Neurofeedback in Broomfield & Westminster, CO

Do you have more questions about neurofeedback? Our highly trained neurofeedback counselors are happy to answer your questions and schedule an evaluation to determine if you're a candidate for this innovative therapy. 

When you’re ready to discuss neurofeedback, follow these steps:

Read our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our policies and procedures.

Learn more about our team of exceptional counselors.

Contact us to schedule an appointment.