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Drake Was Wilding Out At The Kentucky Derby With Jack Harlow & Told A Reporter 'I'm Drunk'

Drake and Harlow are the duo we didn't know we needed.

Drake and Jack Harlow at the Kentucky Derby.

Drake and Jack Harlow at the Kentucky Derby.


Drake and Jack Harlow were wilding out at the Kentucky Derby last weekend, and the 6ix legend told an NBC reporter that he was "drunk" after crashing his interview with Harlow.

Harlow recently released his highly anticipated album "Come Home The Kids Miss You" and was reportedly in his hometown to shoot a music video with Drake for their song"Churchill Downs," according to the Louisville Courier Journal.

But the music video wasn't the only thing Drake reportedly joined in on last weekend.

Drake crept in and stole the show in a video snippet of an NBC interview posted to Twitter on May 7.

"There's a guy next to you," Harlow told the reporter as Drake snuck behind the man and into the camera's shot.

"Oh, Drizzy is here! Drake is in the house!" the reporter shouted as the rapper took a spot next to Harlow.

Drake feigned confusion before replying, "I was just trying to listen in to what you guys got going on."

"I'm just here to hear the conversation, I'm not really here to speak," Drake teased.

Drake referenced how similar Harlow's and his connections to their respective hometowns are.

"We've been talking about it a lot the past couple of days. It just reminds me like, you know, early moments, the same thing I did for a city that, you know, at the time, really needed that. That energy lift. That recognition. I was referencing like my first OVOFest, and like you know, I was blessed enough to have two amazing artists come support me, and you know that just drove me I had to show up, you know. I'm so proud of this guy, and we're drunk."

"He's sober. I'm drunk," Drake clarified.

After earning a chuckle, the now two reporters asked the rappers if they had a horse in the race to which Drake replied, "We got a lot going on."

"We were forced to make a move on the one and only Happy Jack because he's really given a good description of how I feel right now," Harlow replied.

The pair joked back and forth, and Drake seemingly noticed someone on the other end giving their interviewers the "wrap it up" signal.

"You can't give it the wrap it up signal? What are you going to cut to?" Drake teased.

"Right?" The original reporter joined in on the joke. "It's Drake and Jack Harlow y'all?"

"What are you going to cut to? What are you going to cut to a shot of like poorly manicured grass or something?"

The reporter diffused the awkward situation with a Drake quote saying, " You know what I'm a tell them? Just hold on, we're going home. Drake and Jack Harlow. Churchill Downs, that's it, unbelievable," before wrapping up the interview.

Harlow posted a series of photos of the pair to his Instagram on May 8, including a snippet from their interview together.

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