Anglers and Frogfish Species

Anglers and Frogfish

Anglerfish and Frogfish are very unique fish with an amazing ability to blend into their environment. Due to their highly predatory nature, they are often best kept alone, and for this reason are not seen in reef tanks, or tanks with small fish. However, if their needs are met and care is taken to avoid any tankmates small enough to be eaten, anglerfish/frogfish can make excellent pets.


Anglerfish/frogfish are notable for the characteristic lure, or “illicium”. This fleshy growth is positioned on their head and used to lure unsuspecting prey items such as shrimps and small fish to within striking range.

Another very fascinating aspect of anglerfish/frogfish biology is their strategy for reproduction.  Many species exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism, with the males being significantly smaller than the females. In fact, in some deep-sea angler species the males will latch onto the female, and permanently fuse with her, living off of her energy reserves. The male angler is provided a constant supply of nutrients, and the female is provided a constant supply of sperm!

Captive Care

Anglerfish/frogfish are in many ways the ideal marine aquarium fish. They are considered a very hardy, do not attain an overly large size, and require only a minimal territory.

In the wild anglerfish and frogfish consume primarily live prey such as small fish or shrimps. When first introduced into captivity, it is often necessary to provide a supply of live food while weaning to frozen shrimp. Large, frozen mysis such as PE mysis make the ideal weaning diet. The large, whole mysis are readily recognized as food and the smell is highly attractive.

Many species of anglerfish/frogfish do not require a very large tank. However, it is important to consider carefully what species may be best for you tank. While smaller species such as Antennarius maculatus are suited to smaller tanks, species such as Antennarius striatus may be better suited to a larger tank.

Suggested Piscine Energetics Products

We suggest a diet based on Piscine Energetics Mysis, Piscine Energetics Calanus, Piscine Energetics Pellets (1mm and 2mm) and Piscine Energetics Saltwater Flakes.

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What People Say

After feeding my seahorses your mysis for about 3 months; they are fat and happy!!! they give me baby seahorses (at least 300 ) each 14 days... So I'm very satisfied of your mysis.The frozen mysis is about 70 per cent of their diet.

Yvan Charbonneau Quebec

I am keeping these Indian mudskippers -- very cute -- about 3-4 inches long. I've been feeding them frozen bloodworm, and decided to try them on mysis. I feed them in a "shallows" in the 150 I have set up for them. The minute the mysis hit the water they were on it, frozen and all. They gorged until their little bellies were almost bursting. I have yet to see an aquatic creature that does not go absolutely nuts over PE Mysis.

David Lass Massachusetts