
Company Games

Your Chance to Win a 20th Anniversary PS4 Console!

By Che

To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the launch of the original PlayStation, we've got a rare 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 console to giveaway to one lucky monkey! There are only 12,300 of these in the world and they are not available for sale in stores in NZ!

To go in the draw to win, answer the following question in the comments section below:

Who is your favourite PlayStation hero from the last 20 years, and why are they so awesome?

We want to be sure that this prize goes to a true PlayStation fan so give us a bit of depth with your answers too. When did you first encounter this character? Which PlayStation system was it on? Why did they leave a lasting impresion on you? What were you eating at the time? :P

The PlayStation has been home to some of gaming's most memorable heroes over the years. Who could forget Crash Bandicoot, the dynamic duo Jak & Daxter, the god of war Kratos, the versatile Sackboy, or the everyman explorer Nathan Drake?

The lucky winner will be drawn and announced on Monday, December 22nd and will have this special console delivered in time for Christmas!

Tags: Sony, competition and PS4


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  • Shannon says: 12 December 2014, 1:14pm

    Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.

    He is awesome cause he gave up his life to save the world against separoith.

    He also got his own movie, advent children.

    I know there are many other great hero's, but cloud makes any RPG gamer excites. He was the setting point for the final fantasy series and when you hear Final Fantasy or square Enix, people will be like of CLOUD.

  • Adam says: 12 December 2014, 1:16pm

    Well. Weird question. I presume you mean stuff like the mascots as opposed to "Games that were exclusive to Playstation back in the day"?

    I'm gonna have to say my favourite mascot is Crash Bandicoot. Crash Bandicoot was something I really loved as a kid. Well designed platformer series, it's a real shame they haven't done a game in so long. PS1, classic era.

    In terms of heroes I liked as a kid that were exclusive to Playstation at the time, I have to say Cloud Strife. I grew up with FFVII. Sure, the story's old and tired now, but at the time it was a huge step forward. First encountered him when I was REALLY young. Young enough to where the only thing my parents would let me play was the gold saucer. He left a lasting impression on me because we had a really limited selection of games and it was the first RPG I was enthralled with, completing it multiple times. The translation's wonky as hell, but it's got a lot of charm to it. As for what I was eating? Potato chips, most likely!

  • Thomas says: 12 December 2014, 1:16pm

    Kratos is my favourite playstation hero, an adventure spanning 3 consoles. The best story I have ever played and the most visceral gameplay on any gaming system. I first encountered him on the playstation 2 and he combined two of my great loves Greek mythology and video games. The lasting impression was Kratos' anger his truly damaged character that was so believable and enjoyable. Kratos is my playstation hero because he is the true embodiment of an anti hero.

  • David says: 12 December 2014, 1:16pm

    Nathan Drake. Because he kickstarted my console gaming from the "casual" category to "hardcore".

    Uncharted 2 was the first PS3 game I was compelled to finish to completion. I was drawn in by its interesting cast of characters (which for once were not constrained by hammy dialog or acting), awesome action set pieces, and compelling story.

    Once I'd platinumed U2 (my first platinum, BTW), I revisited all those 1/2 finished games in my collection and completed them all.

  • Dave says: 12 December 2014, 1:17pm

    Solid Snake because he's a solid snake. The guys so awesome that he had 4 hot women all try to molest him but he just CqC'd them good. The guy has seen some serious sh*t too.


  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 1:18pm

    I would have to say Squall from final fantasy 8 on ps1 because he is just awsome and he's an expert using the gun blade. I first encountered him when I was about 10 watching my older sister play it was awsome. The best thing that left a huge impression on me was the gun blade because all I wanted after that was one.

  • Kris says: 12 December 2014, 1:19pm

    Solid Snake is the easy winner. First game i completed. Good old Shadow Moses :)

  • Bridget says: 12 December 2014, 1:19pm

    My favourite character is and always will be Green Arrow from Justice League for PS2.

    When we first got a PS2 at home growing up, it was a pretty big deal; we'd only ever had the super awesome-but-basic Atari so the graphics were a whole new level of epicness! Justice League was a game we got early on, and I got quite into it with my younger brother - I always enjoyed that you had the opportunity to unlock more characters, more outfits etc and so on.

    Green Arrow was one of the limited unlockable characters - he'd always appealed to me given green has been my favourite colour for as long as I can remember. But I love archery, and his set of unique arrows were the bomb-diggity. My brother would get infuriated when I used him - being unlockable only his level would always be way behind the 'standard' characters meaning he would die... a lot... and my brother's character would have to save me XD

    Now as an adult living on my own, I am still very attached to my own PS2 and I still have this game, and it *still* ranks my alltime favourite. I play with my bestie now and infuriate her instead with needing to use my low level character D:

    Eventually had to get my own version of this character - he stands proudly next to my tv. Green Arrow lover for life <3

  • Trent says: 12 December 2014, 1:19pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero would have to be Crash Bandicoot! I was first introduced to Crash in my early teens when my mate had a PS1 and we would game all weekend and during the school holidays. Crash Team Racing was our game of choice... the graphics were amazing and the game itself even more so. I have been a big fan of racing games since then. Smashing crates for apples and acquiring a spinning "ooga booga" devil defense system was all part of the fun. What did we eat at the time? A lot of sweets from the local dairy... we got a pretty good deal back then haha. I once won a poster of Crash - that made my day.

  • Alana says: 12 December 2014, 1:19pm

    Nikki from Pandemonium. As a young lass (age 9) when the original PlayStation came about there weren't a heck of a lot of female characters and role models, especially ones who kicked ass. My younger brothers were constantly playing final fantasy and crash bandicoot but when it came time for my turn it was always Pandemonium. I remember kicking so much ass and flipping everywhere that I truly thought I could be Nikki in real life. That was until i got my first ever concussion when I knocked myself out on the jungle gym at school. Even since way back then I have been a PlayStation nut and have shared many a fond memory with the hundred of characters I have encountered.

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 1:19pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero would have to be Spyro, simply because he is like the only game ever were you can play as a dragon

  • corey says: 12 December 2014, 1:20pm

    sly cooper from the sly games because he was a bad ass talking raccoon and it was my favorite childhood game because it was fun exciting and sometimes difficult to complete. :)

  • Raja says: 12 December 2014, 1:20pm

    PaRappa the Rapper.

    He seems to have the best rhythm out of any PlayStation Hero!

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 1:20pm

    Got to be Nathan Drake

    Nathan Drake has shown this generation of console gamers how to do truly cinematic gameplay properly.

    I remember hanging out of the back of a cargo plane like sheets on a washing line on a windy day in wellington or climbing up through the carriages of a dangling train had my heart in my mouth throught all the Uncharted games.

    Next stop Uncharted 4!!

  • Vinchenzo says: 12 December 2014, 1:21pm

    It has to be Spyro, playing it on PS1 holy god that was an awesome game. Also Sly Cooper this made me love stealth games and how it brings back memories.

    Spyro has to be the most iconic childhood heroes on playstation ever.

  • Elijah says: 12 December 2014, 1:21pm

    Crash Bandicoot because that was the first ever game I played when I was a kid. That was the moment I became a Gamer :)

  • Brad says: 12 December 2014, 1:21pm

    Ratchet & Clank you cant choose just one of these two guys, they made up my childhood gaming, and they are still talked about alot today! legends!

  • Gavin says: 12 December 2014, 1:22pm

    Lara Croft - I had just bought my original Playstation on NZ release, and had couple of games for it, and was keen to get hold of Tomb Raider as I had heard so much about it. Didnt have any funds for it though as I had just purchased a portable CD player (when they were cool). Luckily (unluckily ?), the CD player broke down within a week and I got a refund.... so there I am wandering around Manukau shopping mall with $100 in my hand... everyone had sold out of Tomb Raider tho :( Except one store found a copy out the back when I asked about it.... threw the PFY (pimply faced youth) salesperson my money, ran to my 1973 Datsun 1200 coupe (damn i miss that car) and hightailed it home. Played TR non-stop for weeks and ever since Ive enjoyed most of the TR series. Lara even helped my friends toddler learn to walk - he would watch us playing TR and started imitating Laras movements :) It was an amazing experience playing it the first time, seeing how free we were to explore and use Lara's skills any way we wanted.
    Many fond memories with that series.....

  • Mayank Gavri & says: 12 December 2014, 1:22pm

    FF8 was the first game i ever played on FF8 therefore it's forever in my memory. I remember clearly the awesome feeling it evoked in me from its story, music and from it's characters. That's why i will probably have to go with Squall as this game is forever linked to my childhood <3

  • Joseph says: 12 December 2014, 1:23pm

    For me it is Crash Bandicoot. It was the first game I had ever played and finished ( I was 6) on a console and because of it and PlayStation, I am still gaming 18 years later. My mates and I did speed runs before they were a thing, we literally used stop watches to time our runs through levels.

  • Florence says: 12 December 2014, 1:23pm

    I would say that Crash Bandicoot has been the most memorable character of my childhood but I would have to say the Ellie and Joel duo are my favourite heroes! Having to save each other at some point in the game, their bond on The Last Of Us Remastered was unbreakable!

  • Mark says: 12 December 2014, 1:23pm

    Soild Snake
    He is just bad arse. No competition.

  • Bonnie says: 12 December 2014, 1:23pm

    I have been a PlayStation girl since I was 8 years old, on our second hand PS1, creating our own dance moves in the spice girls game and then killing Nazis the next hour in Medal of Honor 2. Our PS1 and 2 were where my brother and I bonded. We played co-op Medal of Honor on rainy days, and spent the whole 2 weeks of our school holidays having Tekken 3 tag team battle marathons (He always picked Nina, while I always picked Lee). However, the biggest hero for me will always be Crash Bandicoot. This was the game that made us fall in love with PlayStation. I remember the day dad came home with our PlayStation 1, and crash bandicoot 2 in his hands. My brother and I were so excited we screamed, and yelled, and danced. We played that game non-stop until we clocked it - the only game on PS1 that we ever got to the end of - in an epic marathon that lasted weeks. We played turn for turn, level for level, life for life. My brother was the best at the level where you rode the panda, and I kicked ass in the level where you ran away from the giant bolder. Crash Bandicoot left such an impression on us, that we both now have it on PS3 from the PSN store, and every Christmas we get together and replay crash 2 and Crash Team racing. He is my hero for giving me so many happy childhood memories, and for giving me and my little brother an opportunity to work together as a team.

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 1:24pm

    Il definitely have to lock in captain qwark from ratchet and clank. That guy is a hero in every galaxy of the universe. He also looks a million bucks. If only he were real

  • Karl says: 12 December 2014, 1:24pm

    It's going to have to be Crash Bandicoot seeing as Crash Team Racing was my first ever video game and that I still play it to this day. Crash Bandicoot was so important to my childhood and that keeps me going now.

  • Kris says: 12 December 2014, 1:25pm

    My more in-depth answer would be:
    Metal Gear Solid, in 1998, with my favourite character being Solid Snake. It was on Playstation One, i even played the special edition one, and that was also my first ever special edition game! It left a impression due to the first game being a stealth genre game, which was a big gamble back in the day, and also having to complete missions and run around the game, rather then just a map, to collect items. My favourite enemy in the game was 'Psycho Mantis', as i thought it was crazy to change ports so he couldn't dodge your attacks ... I'm not sure what i was eating at the time, as i was playing the game in-between eating dinners ... and it wasn't a 5 minute game either, that took me a long time to complete! Please let me win this console!!!

  • Adam says: 12 December 2014, 1:25pm

    Definitely clank from the ratchet and clank series. They were the first games I ever played and clank was so witty which made him my favorite character in any PlayStation game.

  • casey says: 12 December 2014, 1:25pm

    Old schools days back in the 90s, has to Crash! I love all the games and espically the ps1. Remeber when I was about six or seven and my mum used to limit my time playing ( back then was mostly an outside child) but this one night she went to sleep early and I was determined to clock the whole game that night without her knowing! Well i managed to get to the last level and next thing you know she comes into my room about to tell me to get ready for school. Was busted but was totally worth it. I loved the factyyou could just keep playing the game over and over because you always had something to complete from getting all the apples to the purple crystal etc.

  • Chris says: 12 December 2014, 1:25pm

    parappa the rapper. he wa the OG when it comes to rythem based games and everything about that series was totally original.

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 1:26pm

    Crash from Crash Bandicoot on the PlayStation!

    Whoa!! :D
    One of the first games I played.

  • Matt says: 12 December 2014, 1:26pm

    kratos - a take crap from no-one attitude, that and his games have spanned 3 console/handhelds to which i have owned all in remastered versions

  • Finn says: 12 December 2014, 1:27pm

    My all time favourite Playstation Character was and is Crash Bandicoot! I was 4 years old when I first encountered him on my brothers original Playstation! I remember my brother play as the Adventure loving bandicoot! When we upgraded to the PS2 I was able to play my brothers PS2 as Crash- And I loved every single minute! To be honest I believe that Crash Bandicoot sparked my young interest and passion for gaming, not only in general but on Playstation! As I grew older, I can remember times where I would be having a sleep over at my mates on the weekends, playing endless hours of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter too while eating caramel popcorn (The stuff they no longer sell! :'( ) Crash Bandicoot was and forever will be, my all-time favourite video game character not only because of how awesome he is but how he started my love for video games and created many good times and bad times (getting told off for being up too late, getting upset because I couldn't beat the level ect) not only with my good friends, but with my brother too! This would mean the world to me if I won this, it would bring back so much lost and forgotten nostalgia of the OG Playstation console! <3 Playstation forever (And Mighty Ape too!)

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat...this icy character changed my day, many years ago, I walked passed someone playing the arcade game and heard those words FINISH HIM...what happened next was a real OMG moment as I watched in shock at some poor soul getting his head and spine ripped out of his body...damn!
    Sub Zero wins...FATALITY :)

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil. First RE game I played was RE4 on the PS2. Such an awesome game with great atmosphere. Leon was a fantastic character in the way that he enhanced the story and gave a separate perspective to the players.

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    Ash from Vandal Hearts. It was the first RPG I played on the PS and ever since then I have been I die hard Playstation fan. It is still one of my favorite games today and I still have my original console and game.

  • Matt says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    Got to be spyro, gateway to glimmer probably best game still, please remake it :)

  • Ethan says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    It would definitely have to be Crash Bandicoot for the PS1. Though we couldn't afford any console back when I was child, me and my younger brother use to go over to our neighbor's place just to play on their PS1.

    The reason why it left such a huge impression on me is not just because it was the first game/series that I played, but because without having played the game, I may have never turned into the gamer that I am today.

    It's just sad that what was once considered Sony's mascot, is essentially a dead franchise. I really wish Sony could buy him back and have Naughty Dog make another fantastic game for our beloved bandicoot, Crash.

  • Matt says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    I think it is one of the strengths of the Playstation franchise that this question is so hard to answer.
    For me personally, Playstation (One) was all about Rainbow Six - saving the world from terrorists, an amazing novel turned into a brilliant thinking mans shooter - it was great to see those characters brought to life from the book. I spent many nights up late through the night planning the perfect takedown strategies to both save the hostages and keep my team of heroes safe!
    For PS2 though, big changes, and I would have to throw my support behind Spiderman 2. An amazing hero who suffered years of terrible video game incarnations. The brilliant web slinging mechanic in Spiderman 2 brought that hero to life in a way that no game had ever done before and I spent hours just slinging around Manhatten, saving the world one street crime at a time :)
    For PS3, Uncharted & Nathan Drake brought out everything that Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider had been failing at for the last several years and showed them how to do it right, whilst still feeling fresh and original at the time. I hope it is a franchise that we will continue to see great things from!
    For PS4, well - I don't have one yet, so we will have to wait and see! :)

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 1:28pm

    Earliest memory of gaming on PS for me was Spyro the dragon. That niaeve little purple dragon was the most unlikely of heros. But he got there in the end with my assistance.

  • John says: 12 December 2014, 1:29pm

    For me, it's got to be Ratchet and Clank. They made me laugh, but there is an underlying bittersweet feeling to the games that elevates them to a fine story-telling duo.

  • Nicola says: 12 December 2014, 1:29pm

    A friend of mine introduced me to Justice League on PS2 - and ever since then Flash has been my favourite (he is one of my all time favourite superheroes too), he has the best lines in the game as far as I'm concerned and some of the funnest attacks.

    I always get a great joy when I'm able to play as him on the game.

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 1:29pm

    Joel from The Last of Us. Amazing character in the game. His connection with Ellie really heightened the experience of the game.

  • Calvin says: 12 December 2014, 1:29pm

    Nathan Drake from uncharted as he reminds me of my friend Nathan Chan . They are both pretty awesome guys.

  • Craig says: 12 December 2014, 1:29pm

    Nathan Drake

    That train scene in Uncharted 2 was (and still is) the best thing I've ever seen in a game. It was like playing a movie and I vividly remember playing it with a huge smile on my face. Roll on number 4 on the PS4.

  • Julian says: 12 December 2014, 1:30pm

    Abe from Oddworld. Abe's Oddysee was the first game that I stayed up all night to play. My friends and I tag teaming as we worked out who was best at which puzzles. What's not to love about a man who can emancipate an entire race with a whistle!

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 1:30pm

    Zack Fair, Final Fantasy 7 (PS1) + crisis core (PSP).
    A man who held honor above everything else and was willing to give up everything for that honor and what was right. In the end he ends up fighting those he loved most to defend everyone, goes against his own hero's and fights an entire army giving up his life so others can go on.

  • sue says: 12 December 2014, 1:30pm

    Rachet and Clank hands down. They were my first and last games on my ps2 which i still have to this day. Throughout all their games they ave made a large impression with the puzzles and their amazing sense of humor. I was only about 5 when I meet Rachet and his partner who at the start does not really get along with, but over numerous games that have been the backbone of playstation's success they have become firm friend throughout many adventures. I will never forget my favorite heroes.

  • Kate says: 12 December 2014, 1:31pm

    It has to be Mr Crash Bandicoot himself, he pretty much lived my childhood with me as every spare monent i had was with this game

    Smashing boxes became my life

  • Jared says: 12 December 2014, 1:31pm

    My favourite playstation hero is sly cooper as the first sly cooper was one of the first games i bought when i was finally allowed my playstation 2.

    It was the first game i completely finished on my ps2 and is even better now with the hd rerelease. I am still trying to get the platinum trophy in sly 2 and 3.

    I love the open and varied areas you could visit in the sly cooper games and the different techniques you learnt along the way.

  • Dylan says: 12 December 2014, 1:31pm

    Ratchet. Dude's saved the universe several times. Several games and the series still hasn't lost it's touch.

  • Kevin says: 12 December 2014, 1:31pm

    Solid snake without a doubt. Spent many many months playing metal gear solid games.

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 1:31pm

    Crash Bandicoot, the games were revolutionary when first released and helped get current gen gaming to where it is. The little guy deserves some love on the next gen, bring back classic crash! I remember getting a PS1 with Crash for Christmas in 1995, taking quick breaks to run back to the dinner table to grab pieces of ham and turkey. I think my parents instantly regretted the decision to purchase one for me due to the addictive behavior it spawned but I havent looked back. As a child who missed the Sega and Nintendo generation, the PS1 kick started a nearly 20 year gaming addiction that I dont see subsiding any time soon

  • Phil says: 12 December 2014, 1:31pm

    Chris Redfield from Resident Evil on PS1.

    I first encountered this character when I was back in school, probably around Form 4. A new kid had just started in our class, and he was reading a gaming magazine, in particular, a guide to Resident Evil.

    As we both had a passion for gaming, we quickly became friends. I didn't have a Playstation at the time, but he did. Needless to say, I spent a chunk of my time there, and in doing so, I was introduced to my favourite game.

    The thing that struck me about him was that he wasn't phased by anything. Zombie apocalypse? No problem. Giant spiders? All good.

    Also, he had some of the best one-liners areound "Barry, where's Barry", and is often quoted by people and myself.

    This character has not only left a lasting impression on me, but also the gaming community as a whole, as the master of survival horror.

  • Digital says: 12 December 2014, 1:32pm

    "BLEEEP!" (or something to that extent)

    Rewind to 1999. Or something like that.

    I was always one of those filthy "Nintendo kids". I was always ready to jump into arguments. The word Goldeneye always on the tip of my tongue ready to take on anyone who dared question the reign of my console. All until one extremely resilient reptile.

    Crawling around, extreme cqc and lets not forget the QPCS (cardboard box). The Metal Gear Solid series caught me. Bad. The level of detail in these games were fantastic! From quirks like mind reading, console date changing tricks and FHM posters the Metal Gear Solid series had me hooked.

    While there were many other excellent contenders to the throne over the various consoles generations (Mr Fisher being a close second) Snake was the stealth king. He solid me.

    After my first time playing at a friends house I had to have one. I increased my phamflet drops and DX mail runs (10c a small letter, 20c a big one). I was on the grind and I got there.

    My first console being a Playstation one - not the big blocky one my friend had, the wee one? (You know the one I'm talking about).

    From there it was the ominous tower of the Playstation 2 with the wee blue stands to hold it vertical, standing upwards like the monolith it was. Next it was the PS3. I was in quick there with one of the backwards compatible ones and now here I am with the Playstation 4. Despite the fact I accidentally passed the epilog to the latest Metal Gear Solid installment while half way through sipping a drink I have full confidence the series will be back and better than ever!

    tl;dr - played friends psx. played mgs. loved snake and his friends. loved playstation. got them all. sorry for wall of text

    PS the crying ape represents feelings of nostalgia and they are tears of joy

  • jeremy says: 12 December 2014, 1:32pm

    Cloud from Final Fantasy VII.

    My first experiences with a Playstation were massaging my brothers back and feet for hours on end for half the time back to play. This was horrible but got me hooked. Upon buying my own console in 2000 the first game I got was Final Fantasy VII. My best mate was moving house and we thought we'd stay in the new house a weekend earlier than the rest of his family. With a lounge full of fizzy drinks, lollies and pizza this was when I started Final Fantasy VII for the first time.
    The game and the story were so engaging and captivating that I played through it's entirety for 37 hours straight gaming only breaking for the toilet. My mate sat and watched the entire game start to finish and applauded as Cloud finally took down Sephiroth and saved the planet. The final fight has been forever etched in my mind. Tifa constantly healing/reviving, Red XIII was a frog the whole fight hitting for 1 damage and there was cloud effectively taking Sephiroth down alone with his trusty lady there to Support. Best 37 hours of my life. Clouds character it's so complex, his story is twisted. At times he is callous and blunt but this makes him a character people can relate to it makes going out of his way to save the planet a much bigger deal. With Cloud being such a realistic and human feeling character i felt the whole time I was playing that I was cloud, I saved the planet and it felt amazing. Now today 14 years on I have an amazing wall hanging of Sephiroth on my wall, a trophy and a reminder of the time when I, Cloud saved the world.

  • S says: 12 December 2014, 1:33pm

    Chris and Claire Redfield from the original Resident Evil. They are just awsum as they are trained opritives pit up against honda of the undead and bio mutants. Relying on there skills to determine their fate. If I won this P'S console as much as I'd like to have one I would want Mighty Ape to deliver this to Starship Hospital Auckland as so there little fighters in there can have a epic Xmas also. So yes of I win please do pass the prize onto them with my regards.


  • Ethan says: 12 December 2014, 1:33pm

    This is a question that forces a tough choice, I've enjoyed all of Playstations biggest names from Crash, Spyro, Nathan Drake, Ratchet and Clank, Cole, Sir Daniel Fortesque, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and so many more...I mean it's definitely hard to answer this question because Playstation has had so many memorible characters...but the one where I first startedwas MediEvil...I can remember coming home from getting McDonald's for dinner and seeing my Dad lying on the couch playing MediEvil, and I asked "Dad what is that?" And he replied, by handing me the controller and saying"If you want a turn, I'll have to teach you how to play". I remember spending the whole weekend with him just trying to beat the game. So I guees I'll pick the character that thrust me into the gaming community. Sir Daniel Fortesque...

  • Matthew says: 12 December 2014, 1:33pm

    More recently, can't go past Joel from The Last of Us. I tried for a long time to avoid reading anything about this game so I wouldn't be tempted into buying a PS3 on top of my 360, but as soon as I read reviews I knew I had to get involved. So I borrowed my roommate's PS3 for the week, and proceeded to finish it as quick as possible, not quite anticipating how much this character was going to blow me away with his brutality in this world.

  • Sally says: 12 December 2014, 1:34pm

    Syphon Filter was my first major game I really enjoyed. I first encountered this game in the early 2000's when I came home early with McDonald's for as a surprise for my BF's dinner. Thinking he would have done some dishes and tidied up I walked inside with energy replacements jsut to find him glued to the PS1 playing this bloody game he had ordered especially in ...... Before my anger had a chance to brew I too was intrigued by the action and suspense ... unfortunatly for him he put down the controller and before he could chop into the bigmac I managed to promptly kill Logan lol. After that however I did become expert and thoroughly enjoyed the series ..... PS4 please give it some love. I would dearly love to win the ps4 20th edition console and have it as the centre of my living room for now and forever until death do us part

  • scott says: 12 December 2014, 1:34pm

    It has to be Spyro Playing year of the dragon was so fun, i never owned a play-station 1, But i got got the game just for the PlayStation 2 and played it so many times. he was awsome with his awsome charge attack and his burning breath it was purely great.

  • Darryl says: 12 December 2014, 1:34pm

    Crash Bandicoot i will never forget my first time playing on a playstation. I can still remember playing the Crash and fighting Ripper Roo!!!! one of best boss fights in that game

  • Justin says: 12 December 2014, 1:35pm

    Mine was Jill valentine. Best resident evil game and it was easier using her rather then Chris. Plus I was only 10..

  • dayne says: 12 December 2014, 1:35pm

    My favorite Playstation heroes have to be Ratchet and Clank. The original Ratchet and Clank on the PS2 was the first console game I ever played, and the hilarious characters, crazy weapons and amazing world always stuck in my mind as a young kid. I still find myself playing the original from time to time all these years later as a teenager. Ratchet and Clank is a part of Playstation history aswell as a part of my own and in my opinion the hilarious and sometimes arrogant Lombax is the greatest playstation hero of all.

  • Keith says: 12 December 2014, 1:35pm

    ratchet from ratchet & clank.

    Why? The Weapons he gets to use, oh my god, the WEAPONS!!!. So Awesome! :) I love the levelling up, these games are timeless! I hope they do something next gen with Ratchet. The humble comedic hero :)

  • Justin says: 12 December 2014, 1:35pm

    Mine was Jill valentine. Best resident evil game and it was easier using her rather then Chris. Plus I was only 10..

  • Charlotte says: 12 December 2014, 1:35pm

    I'd have to go with Spyro. Spyro is one of the first games I played on the Playstation when we got it - I'd been playing the SNES and n64 for some time, and when we got the Playstation, my brothers wouldn't share with me :'( Eventually I managed to get Mum to buy me a girly game (Spyro simply because he was purple haha) and make the boys let me have a turn. Safe to say, I was hooked and been an avid Playstation every since I first spent hours running around headbutting things and collecting gems. 23 now (24 on the 16th) and yet to actually own a brand new Playstation of my own - Mum still kept buying them for the boys and buying me cross stitch but luckily they learned to share and let me play with them! Countless nights up until early hours, taking turns playing Spyro and grand turismo 2 :D

  • Gareth says: 12 December 2014, 1:35pm

    My PlayStation hero is my mum. A strange answer I know but here is why:

    I'm in my mid thirties and have grown up through most of the console era, with the exception of the true forerunners.

    When the PlayStation 2 came out she bought me Point Blank with two guns. At the time my my would have been approximately 62. When friends came round to my house they would see this revolutionary technology and immediately want to play, to which my standard response was always "you can play if you can beat my mum at it". They would laugh, until they saw I was serious.

    Mum was a demon at that game, so respect to a 60+ mother who was a bigger PlayStation hero than any of my teenage friends ...

  • Peter says: 12 December 2014, 1:36pm

    Tombi! He's a butt kicking, pink haired, pig biting hero. I first played Tombi at my friends house when I was probably around 6 years old. It was such a great Playstation game that was a perfect mix of platformer and rpg, it's a shame it wasn't more popular. We could never afford to buy games so renting was the only way. I remember renting Tombi 2 and playing that for 3 days straight almost. I think it was the first game I ever beat. I'm not gonna lie, I have definitely considered dying my hair pink because of Tombi.

    I still go back and play those games every now and then. Just great memories.

  • Marc says: 12 December 2014, 1:36pm

    Mine has to be Zidane from Final Fantasy IX on PS1.
    The moral thief turned hero.

    How can you possibly get much cooler than a thief in a band of thieves, disguised as an acting troupe, on their own airship, contracted by a king to kidnap a princess, who still has enough space in his heart to treat the black mage like a normal person.

    Plus, he has a TAIL!

    Final Fantasy IX is my personal favourite of the Final Fantasy series. The setting, story, characters and the general feel of the whole game is something I truly enjoyed.
    I still replay FFIX frequently to this day.

  • Joey says: 12 December 2014, 1:36pm

    It has to be Tidus from Final Fantasy X. I had always wanted to play a Final Fantasy game and one day for Christmas my dad surprised me with a copy of FFX and I just got lost in the world of Spira. Everything from the music to the storyline, gameplay & characters. Years later I still go back and I can relate to the wild adventure that is full of action & romance and every time I play it, it just gets better. Especially after living overseas for a while, I feel like I can relate to tidus's character a bit more since he was just thrown into a different world and had to go through the ups and downs of living in a different place. Long live FFX ! best playstation game ever !!!

  • Casey says: 12 December 2014, 1:36pm

    Abe from Abe's Exodus without a doubt :) it was the first ever playstation game i ever played and the many hours I spent playing it with my dad will always be in my heart. Taking turns at beating this dificult platforming game, the frustration it brought :P
    Even now. Recently revisited the game, completing it on my own I came to grips with the brilliant plot. Abe is a valiant and underrated Playstation hero that i enjoy even today 20 odd years later

  • Amanda says: 12 December 2014, 1:36pm

    Lara Croft; arguably the first true strong female protagonist in a game. Seemed to pave the way for other titles and had a pretty big impact on pop culture in general-holds 6 Guinness world records and was one of the first video games to be adapted into movie.
    Proved that a girl could be a bit of a badass and shoot the bad guys too (not just be the helpless princess to be saved). At the time Lara Croft Tomb Raider was around every turn and had fans from (the slightly older) kids to boys to girls and to adults. Quite hilarious now to think how mesmerized everybody was by her blocky pixelated figure and static expression! Only Lara could pull that off though!

  • Richard says: 12 December 2014, 1:37pm

    Would have to pick Gex, from Gex enter the gecko.
    One of the first games I got on the PS one, and he has always stuck in my mind as a key character to my gaming life.
    Have very fond memories playing it, and would love to play it again on the ps4

  • Jaison says: 12 December 2014, 1:37pm

    Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story on the original PS. The dude does it all. Solves puzzles, navigates traps, melee, ranged and manufactures his own weapons and armour.
    I threw so much time into this game - it was the game that introduced to me the concept of playthrough+1.
    If I could strong arm a developer to make a sequel this would be it.

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 1:37pm

    Sir Daniel Fortesque from MediEvil.

    Even after he lost his jaw he still had some of the best jokes in any game. Even after falling in battle he rose to fight again and find his place with the other heroes in the Hall of Heroes.

  • Brad says: 12 December 2014, 1:37pm

    Ratchet & Clank you cant choose just one of these two guys, they made up my childhood gaming, and they are still talked about alot today! legends!

    First time i played it i was eating a steak and cheese pie, on the good old ps2 that was sounding abit sick after being thrashed so much.

    Couldnt beat the small guys who were unstoppable, creative and a model of bravery!

    wish i could go back to those good old days

  • Therese says: 12 December 2014, 1:38pm

    Certainly one of the hardest questions I've ever had to answer, but definitely a question that brings back so many amazing childhood memories for me.

    First, I have to give a special mention to Crash Bandicoot, because of all the memories I have of playing Crash: Warped with my brother and his friend, and they'd always get me to do the Coco and Pura levels because I was crazy good at them, but crap at any other level, and most other games in general.

    But my absolute favourite hero will always be Abe from the Oddworld games. When I was little, it was my downright most favourite game, but I just had no idea how to actually play the games because I was crazily uncoordinated as a kid. Now in my young eyes, my brother was a complete opposite and I saw him as crazily talented at playing any game under the sun, and I just adored watching him play games, but most of all, Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus. My love for the Oddworld games and Abe was so intense, I actually used to pay my brother to play them, just so I could watch him. Except I didn't pay him money, I used to go to the supermarket, buy giant bags of candy canes and other sweets, and most of those would go to my brother as payment to play Abe.

    Earlier this year I ended up purchasing my beloved Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus for my PS3, and for the first time ever, I completed both games. Sadly I only saved 299 of the 300 Mudokons, but for the first time I played it all the way through, it was certainly a huge personal achievement for myself. Currently I'm waiting for New 'n' Tasty to come out on PS3, which is such a painful wait, but with a PS4, it would certainly be the first game I would play, no question about it.

  • Emma-Jane says: 12 December 2014, 1:39pm

    For me it would be Sora from Kingdom Hearts! He never gave up, kept positive throughout his journey and never forgot his goal of looking for and taking care of his friends!

  • Alexander says: 12 December 2014, 1:39pm

    Well, I have to pick two.
    I picked the game up about eight years ago.
    I got home and played it and couldn't appreciate it like I do now. It wasn't bright and colourful like Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter. I was a stupid kid.

    A few years ago I shoved the game in and could truly appreciate the brilliance of Shadow of the Colossus.

    Wander and Agro are my favourite heroes. What they go through for Mono is like no other pair in gaming.

    I felt so powerful; yet like a monster myself, defeating colossi one by one, crawling along their mossy, cold bodies only to destroy these defensive creatures in their own environment.

    Wander all the time growing pale and dirty.
    Agro staying ever faithful.

  • Rahera says: 12 December 2014, 1:39pm

    My favourite Playstation character has got to be Abe from Abes Oddysee. It was the very first Playstation game that I ever played. The first time I played Abe was a demo disc on my brothers playstation. When I played the full version, the game really opened up. I spent hours finding the secret areas, finding all the mudokens, and making farts explode. But then there were times when I almost threw my controller through the screen in sheer frustration at Abe's inability to jump, or the mudokens unable to listen to simple instructions ie stop before walking into the meat grinder, or the frustration of scarabs and sligs. Over the last 20 or so years, Abe has made me laugh and made me cry. He has made such an impression on me, that I want to get an Abe tattoo. I'm looking forward to another 20 or so years with Abe by my side.

  • PHIL says: 12 December 2014, 1:40pm

    When you talk about playsation best games you have to mention crash bandicoot. Crash is a playsation hero without crash I don't know what me and my brothers childhood would be like I loved crash warped and team racing and the whole series was great and the ps2 crash games as well. I encounted playing crash in the mid 2000s on the ps1 then playing it on the ps2. Crash bandicoot left a lasting impression on me because I love remembering the fun times playing with me and my brothers trying to get past a hard level with those big wooden wheels or that flower that chomps you up or beat my brother in a race.

  • Johnny says: 12 December 2014, 1:40pm

    Jak is my favourite Playstation Hero. I first encountered him on Jak X on PS2, and eventually came to play his entire trilogy. It reminded me of the old Crash games from PS1, as it's the same developer.
    Why did Jak leave a lasting impression on me? The dude initially had humble origins, eventually came to fight big monsters and beat deadly odds to save the world. Then he goes to the future, is tortured in prison for two years and comes out an even cooler hero with mutant powers and a wide variety of guns. Dude's a trooper. We need a Jak and Daxter game on PS4!

    Plus I was eating bhuja. Love that stuff.

  • PAUL says: 12 December 2014, 1:41pm

    Definitely has to be Crash bandicoot firstly played on the PS1 but I owned and played every Crash game, I still have crash on the vita and love going back to play it, it is a game that has held up well through the years of different PS consoles and enhancements and is and iconic mascot for the PlayStation brand and I hope to see a new Crash game appearing sometime in the future for the PS4, I would love to be able to sit down with my young son so he can get the enjoyment I had from the Crash series of games but being able to see Crash with todays specs would be amazing. Crash was just downright fun game to play without the use of guns which are in most games we now play.

  • Tony says: 12 December 2014, 1:41pm

    Claude from GTA III. No need to say a thing, no non-sense, gets the job done and onto the next one.

  • Peter says: 12 December 2014, 1:41pm

    Crash Bandicoot

    Pure gaming nirvana; run, jump, spin, dont forget those apples oh and .....Uga booga!

  • Jessica says: 12 December 2014, 1:42pm

    It would have to be spyro. He's the weakest of all dragons and it never stopped him. He would do anything for his family and he is always making friends and getting stronger. All while saving the world on so many different occasions!

  • dillan says: 12 December 2014, 1:42pm

    For years it would have been crash bandicoot, but then uncharted came out and drake shot right to the top.

  • Rens says: 12 December 2014, 1:42pm

    My favourite character is reasonably new and (I sadly have to admit) not exclusive to Play Station, but he did feed my play station addiction. The person in question; Desmond Miles.
    My PS history goes back to when I was still living in the Netherlands, my best mate had a PS one and I was very jealous of it. Until one day the good guys of Axe (Lynx over here) gave me a PS2, which I won by going in the draw by sharing a video of pretty girls lathering themselves with body wash. Not a bad way to win a PS2.
    I played with the PS2 from time to time but never got into "gaming" I moved to NZ got myself a nice new TV which had to be accompanied with bluray, the PS3 being the best bluray player choice.
    Again still not into gaming much at this stage but that soon changed. My brother told me to try Assassin's Creed II which i got. As soon as I started playing I was hooked, playing every free seccond I could get. I just can't put AC down. Then why Desmond as my favourite character. He was the consitent entiy in my growing love untill his sad demise through him and his ancesters I eperienced rome, venice, florance, istambul, the new world. loving every frame that fille dmy vision. It was AC3 coming to PS4 which made me secure the PS4 along with AC3 preorder from the ape on the first batch released. It is AC unity now that makes my girlfriend question whom I love more. Her or my playstation... and honestly I do not dare to answer.

  • Garreth says: 12 December 2014, 1:42pm

    Easily Abe! Abe's Oddysee taught me to stand up for people that couldn't, it was a simple approach with a deep meaning, the oppression story is timeless and has to be taught to each generation and video games have been the platform to get through to kids for at least 20 years now, playing Abe as a character, supplied endless hours of fun as a child and gave us a lot of our vocabulary now when things happen my family often make Mudoken noises to relay annoyance and humour, I think Abe embodies the human spirit better than any other character Sony have ever released. I would love to be able to play the HD release of Abe's Oddysee on this old school PS4 it would be very fitting to teach my kids about Abe.

  • Jordan says: 12 December 2014, 1:43pm

    For me it has to be Crash Bandicoot. The B man no one grabs wompa fruit like him.

    Ahh opening that box on Christmas morning to see my brand new Play Station and sitting next to it one of my new best friends for years.

    Too bad he's not in the spot light any more but his brave figure will for ever stand proud in the Play Station Hall of Heroes.

    My boy CB

  • Alysha says: 12 December 2014, 1:43pm

    Spyro! He was the first character I played on playstation with my brother. He's awesome because he's just a little dragon but can take on so many big bosses and other dangers. Truly an awesome character! I could play those games for hours and repeat them more than a hundred times and not get sick of them.

  • Lance says: 12 December 2014, 1:43pm

    Easy, but first we have to go back many many years. This was not the first PlayStation game however it was the first that I remember which I suppose qualifies it very sufficiently as a favorite PlayStation character over the last 20 years.

    That character comes from Final Fantasy VII and is the always awesome Cloud Strife and his famous Buster Sword. The opening sequence while dated by today's standards was an awe inspiring experience, especially as the view zoomed out to show the city with that soundtrack we all know and love.

    I have never forgotten the countless hours dedicated to the stories that those characters had to tell.

    This has resulted in a dedicated loyalty to PlayStation and while I own a PS4 this console will become a valued possession that I will forever treasure.

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 1:44pm

    Crash Bandicoot. When my parents brought me a playstation that was the first game i owned for a long time. I spent a lot of time playing that game and that is where my interest in video games started.

    If it hadn't been for Crash Bandicoot i would probably not have got into gaming as much as i have.

  • james says: 12 December 2014, 1:44pm

    Final Fantasy 7 - cloud game to came out on ps1

  • Robin says: 12 December 2014, 1:44pm

    Crash Bandicoot!

    I used to play everyday on my PS1when i was a kid and so a lot of my time was spent with Crash over the course of all the games. Continued to play Crash Bandicoot games into the PS2 as well. I just have really fond memories of Crash, trying to get all the hidden crystals, smashing crates of apples and stuff haha
    Just heard recently there might be a reboot coming up for the PS4, so that would be PERFECT if i receive this prize! :)

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 1:44pm

    Squall from final fantasy 8. That game and character stand out more than anything from my childhood. Went to my cousins place one day and he was playing it. At that stage I was sold. Made my parents take to the game store so I could buy it and spend the rest of my childhood playing that game religiously.

    I have 3 copies of it on disk as it played so often that the disks got so scratched, I had to buy a new one. Also have a digital copy for my ps4 vita :)

  • Katie says: 12 December 2014, 1:44pm

    Crash Bandicoot without a doubt. Naughty Dog is one of the best playstation developers and my favourite of all time. The Crash Bandicoot games they made are my absolute favourite.

    I used to go round to my cousin's place and we would take turns trying to beat the levels and learn the ins and outs of the crash games. It was a really good way for us to grow closer together, and we are still playing games together now.

    The games were challenging but loads of fun to get all the collectibles. I wish naughty dog were still making the Crash Bandicoot games, but I also really love their new games; I've spent hours getting all the trophies for uncharted, the last of us, and jak and daxter. I even have sir francis drake's ring from the collectors edition of the third uncharted game.

  • Matthew says: 12 December 2014, 1:44pm

    Jak From Jak and Daxter for the PS2 because he was just an ordinary kid who liked to adventure and then things went wrong and he ended up time travelling to the future only to meet his younger self and then he got betrayed by the very people he helped so they sent him to the desert only to find his long lost father and then his father died and younger Jak went back in time to train to do it all over again, also hover boards and flying cars and dinosaurs you can ride on.

  • Kenny says: 12 December 2014, 1:45pm

    Ratchet and Clank (all of them). Companionship, Courage, Standing up to evil, being aware of evil, teamwork, Safety, Fun, Silly, Everything you want your adventure to be like, and then you go be like that :D My heroes.

  • andrew says: 12 December 2014, 1:45pm

    crash bandicoot is just the best game in the world. i grew up with it and i still play it now.i play it on the ps1 and the ps2.

  • Nikhil says: 12 December 2014, 1:46pm

    I have been gaming for last 14 yrs,, nearly half of my age( I am 32). I started on pc and then my partner gifted me ps3 7 yrs back.. Since then I have never looked back. I got uncharted 1 and gt5 prologue with my console.. Man,, non one and I mean no one can beat Nathan drake/ uncharted series on any factor --- be it story / graphics / gameplay... My favorite is uncharted 2 of the series --- multiplayer was so immersing and realistic... If I win this special edition ps4 ,, it would mean a whole new world to me as uncharted 4 is coming up as welll. Keeping my fingers crossed...

  • Barry says: 12 December 2014, 1:46pm

    All too often games that I loved a decade ago feel dated and too easy. And while the Jak series feels a bit like a carry over from a genre that this generation has mostly abandoned, it stays fun, fast paced, and beautiful. Daxter still makes me laugh, that dock level in Jak II still makes me scream in rage, and the twist ending for Jak 3 is still one of my favorite moments in video game storytelling. EVER.

    I was brought up playing Jak and daxter on PS2, I couldn't imagine my childhood without them in my life. I was brought up gaming to this day.

    It's so nostalgic having all these memories within my favorite game !

  • Corban says: 12 December 2014, 1:47pm

    Spyro because I felt like the man when I completed all of the boses in Spyro 2: Rypto's Rage when I was 8 on the ps1

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 1:47pm

    Sir Daniel Fortesque

    Tons of fun and full of character, MediEvil was the first game I remember wanting to own, and loved every moment of it and its sequel.

    Also he had the best name ever :)

  • Matthew says: 12 December 2014, 1:47pm

    Spyro, This dragon may be small, but he sure is big on action.The first Spyro the Dragon, I considered to be a classic platformer for the original PlayStation and features a number of elements that were quite impressive when it was first released almost ten years ago.

  • Tom says: 12 December 2014, 1:47pm

    Jonah Lomu!

    We all know how much of a living legend he is but do you all remember how much of a digital legend he was too?

    Jonah Lomu was the star of the PS1 title named after him. Jonah Lomu Rugby was first introduced to me at one of my best mates houses where we used to play it every chance we had. Those were back in the early days where memory cards were expensive so every time we played it we had to unlock the Jonah Lomu Team. This team was just Jonah's. It was completely overpowered and we loved it! You could fend your way through entire teams, it didn't come much better than that!

    I remember my mum sending me off with some money and I would hire a copy of Jonah Lomu Rugby and stop off at the supermarket for some pick n mix. When I got home mum would help me move the tv and Playstation into my bedroom and that was me. I was happy as playing Playstation and smashing chumps with Jonah.

    Now every time I read, see or hear anything about the living legend it always reminds me of those awesome times on the original Playstation.

  • Gavin says: 12 December 2014, 1:48pm

    Lara Croft.

    She was the character that helped PlayStation - and gaming - break out of that 'boy in a bedroom' notion.

    I would play it friends (many of whom thought games were for kids) and sure enough they all go into the setting, shouted out help when the puzzles kicked in and eventually wanted to take control of the pad and join in themselves.

    Not many games did that to my group of friends back in the day.

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 1:48pm

    My playstion hero is Jonah Lomu.The game was amazing and our family spent alot of nights together having comps together which was awesome. I even got to meet jonah and have a photo with him. Not many people can say that have actually met their favourite person which was amazing. He has also done a lot of work for the sick and kids even when he is so ill himself. Yip Jonah is my hero on and off the ps. I have owned every ps system all bought on release day but i still have my ps1 and jonah lomu rugby and still play it today

  • Jordan says: 12 December 2014, 1:48pm

    kratos, because he is a one man army

  • Hamish says: 12 December 2014, 1:48pm

    Would have to say Ratchet and Clank, this badass duo introduced me to the world of intense playstation gaming. From a young age I had started by with Ratchet and Clank 2 on ps2, never to finish due to essentially rage quitting and selling as i could not defeat the final boss at the age of about 7. From then on the sequals always made me laugh with their mix of childish and adult orientated jokes, puns and cut scenes. Even today with the HD versions of the Ratchet and Clank series I find It would be nearly impossible to find a modern day game with nearly as much charm and entertainment as most if not all of the games featuring the fuzzy lombax and calculating Clank.

  • Mike says: 12 December 2014, 1:48pm

    I remember getting a PS1 for Christmas when I was 7 years old and the only game we got with it was Croc!

    So I'm gonna have to say Croc is my Playstation hero bwcause he is what started my Playstation addiction.

    If I was to choose the next hero it would be Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. He was such an awesome character and really made me get into Final Fantasy games which I still play to this day.

    Getting this PS4 would mean the world to me because I haven't been able to upgrade from the PS3 yet and I really need to get one for the new Final Fantasy hopefully coming out in 2015!!

    Also I'm pretty sure I was eating Scorched Almonds when I first played a Playstation cause my parents loved getting them for me for Christmas. I was eating thwm while watching my father play Croc and waiting patiently for my turn.

    Merry Christmas Mighty Ape!

  • Robert says: 12 December 2014, 1:49pm

    Nym, a Feeorin pirate from Star Wars: Starfighter was the most memorable character and enjoyable game from when I first got a Playstation 2 (sadly i never had the original generation.) The game was the first that I felt did justice to the star wars franchise and it made me feel like Han solo vs the empire (although it was really against the Trade federation). I loved the weaving together of the disparate characters and how you had to learn each of their ships, which had there own characteristics. I miss it :(

  • Khalib says: 12 December 2014, 1:49pm

    Favorite Play Station hero is of course, Nathan Drake! He is obviously from the EPIC Uncharted series. I first met Drake on my ps3 console in the year of 2008 and I was eating salt and vinegar thin cut chips!

    Drake is just so awesome that I even beat the living shit out of someone who called him gay! (Not that I have anything against homosexuals) . He is just so awesome because of his strong, humorous and adventurous personality traits. He took down a whole crew of pirates (the modern kind), an army of brave soldiers, a conspiracy group, cursed zombies, guardians of shangirla and that's just to name a few. And although he is always at the bottom of the situation he always manages to get back on top with his brave, adventurous side of him and he wins the beautiful Elena with his humorous personality and smoking hot Chloe with his good looks. I mean like, come on, how can this not be your favorite character he found 2 lost mythical cities and a mythical treasure! In conclusion Nathan Drake is easily my favorite character because he always kicks it out of the park!

  • paul says: 12 December 2014, 1:50pm

    Shadow of the collosses has to be one of the best games ever. Wander has to be the best hero because who else can take on massive collossse with just a sword and bow and arrow? He just stabs them in the anckles then climbs up them and stabs the hell out of them. And he does this all for the love of mono. Oh and can't forget to mention the help of his noble horse!

  • William says: 12 December 2014, 1:50pm

    If we are talking PlayStation Exclusives then Crash Bandicoot is the best and still the best !! Heck me and my girlfriend still play CTR even as of today (No Joke) and we prefer that over Mario Kart 8! Just wish there was a remake with online functions like Mario Kart >.<

    But If we are talking PSone days then I Final Fantasy 7-9 was my game, was a really challenging game for me as a kid because I could not beat some main story bosses lol, and I admit... I had trouble reading >.<, heck I just replayed Final Fantasy 7 on Steam and broadcast it on twitch and giving out hidden exploits of the game.

    Forever PLAYSTATION !!!

  • Brody says: 12 December 2014, 1:50pm

    Would definitely have to be spyro he's was one of the smallest dragons but had the biggest hart. He wasn't all that strong compared to his enemies but his passion and determination to save the dragon world saw him defeat any enemy me that stood in his parth this Is my hero

  • Hamish says: 12 December 2014, 1:50pm

    Croc from Legend Of the Gobbos, he's a mean green gobbo saving machine, and he's absolutely adorable! I spent so many hours jumping on platforms and falling into lava whilst trying to save as many gobbos as I could and kill all the dantinis. I still have my original playstation, and I actually play Croc quite regularly to relive my memories from when I was much younger

  • Dan says: 12 December 2014, 1:51pm

    Nathan Drake

    First encountered him 2 years ago on playstation 3. I heard how good the games were and I thought would give it a go so I went and bought the first game, 30 minutes in I ordered the other 2 games. It was a game where the developers took such pride into making it an incredibly authentic experience. From cut scenes, story, game play mechanics and visually breath taking environments.

    There are so many great games out there these days but this series for me is one of the best around based on what I mentioned earlier as well as the awesome character development as you play through the game.

    I don't own a playstation 4 but would love to win this so I can continue my love of the uncharted game series when the next installment is released next year. And I will make sure when I play it I play it whilst eating a bowl of skittles, like I was when first put the uncharted disc into my playstation 3.

    Mighty Ape ROCKS!!!!

  • Hailey says: 12 December 2014, 1:51pm

    Without question its Crash Bandicoot, back on the PS1 that was my brothers, it was the game i was always dying to play when i got home from school.
    I always had a lot of fun in that game, It some awesome levels and bad guys. Crash Bandicoot was a cool character that rides polar bears! Who wouldn't want to ride a polar bear!?

    It was the very first game i played on a PlayStation and PlayStation is the only console ive ever played on yet ive never been able to afford one to own myself :( Playstation is my favourite as everytime i play on one it brings back memories of playing with my brother who i rarely see anymore.

    Oh and i think at the time i was munching on the cheese and bacon shapes, i loved those when i was a kid.

  • Liz says: 12 December 2014, 1:51pm

    Spyro the dragon without a doubt! The new spyro is terrible though :( they ruined the best video character of all time :(
    Spyro made me believe, that even the smallest, and supposed most useless of them all, have a purpose, and can end up being better than everyone else, all they have to do is try. He also taught me to stand up for what you believe in, and to put others before yourself. He taught me to be courageous, and that to honor loyalty before all else.
    He also taught me that friendship is incredibly important, and that without friends you have nothing. He taught me to have fun and to take risks.
    Spyro year of the dragon FTW (on PS1!)

  • Joel says: 12 December 2014, 1:51pm

    Marshal Law from Tekken 1 on OG Playstation 1.

    I was first drawn to the handsome man that is Law in 1998 due to his remarkable resemblance to Bruce Lee. Being quite the theoretical martial artist myself I was immediately impressed by his gung fu prowess.

    After I learned that Law was very surprisingly not the main character (curse you Mishimas) my connection with Law deepened. Everyone loves a good under dog story.

    I have stuck with Law all the way through every Tekken. Even when they replaced reliable Marshal with his moody son Forrest (who hangs out with questionable characters - I'm looking at you Paul), I still backed the family name. Law.

    Then it happened. Tekken Tag Tournament 2. On that day, I discovered, I could be Law.... and Law. Yes you read that right. Double Law.

    As many people have come to learn of the years; they fought the Law and the Law won.

  • Anthony says: 12 December 2014, 1:52pm

    One of my fondest memories as a kid is the attainment of a 100% completion rate on Spyro: Year of the Dragon. I can distinctly remember hunting down those last few gems, grinning in excitement as Sparx pointed the way and I finally grabbed it by jumping on a cannon and shooting down the gems (it had taken me ages to figure out that Sparx kept spinning around because the gems were from the birds flying in the level).

    I loved Spyro as a kid and I still have that 100% save file, along with the game and my PS1 which works just fine. He wasn't big or strong like the other dragons you saw in the game, he could only glide and hover and he could only shoot small bursts of fire, but as a kid it just made him all the more awesome in my eyes. He could do so much while being such a shrimp, and never let his size deter him from a challenge. He was confident, fiery (haha, yes, I get it), curious and didn't mind running straight into trouble in search of adventure.

    Spyro and I spent years exploring the Forgotten Realms. And every time I got frustrated or annoyed and just sat there, nearly ready to throw my controller at the screen, all it took was him turning around and looking straight at me with a questioning stare, as if to say, "what's up partner? We have a world to save."

    'Yes we do, Spyro,' I'd think, grabbing the controller. 'Yes we do.'

  • Joshua says: 12 December 2014, 1:53pm

    This might be a strange one but Ellie from TLoU(on the PS3/4)

    Rather than just being some useless chick that just follows you around or is there for some crappy love interest she holds her own in combat and story wise.
    The way the relationship between and Joel develops throughout the game was perfect. Playing as her in the winter season was a great change of pace from the everyday slog of games that were coming out at the time.

    The joke book she bought out from time to time was a great way to lighten up the game a bit in times when it was getting dark.
    After she went missing from the damn I really hoped nothing would be wrong with her and When they found the giraffes I couldn't help but smile seeing/hearing how happy she was after the long journey.
    I hope that devs start to follow ND and make characters that are more than just a walking cliché.

    I ended up playing the game start to finish 4 times in the week it was released and I'm waiting to get a PS4 before I play it again on Grounded.

  • Ta'i says: 12 December 2014, 1:53pm

    I remember it like it was just yesterday. It happened during a regular Tuesday visit to Video Ezy where I first saw Insomniac's own, Ratchet and Clank on the Playstation 2. Yes my childhood was filled with good memories on my PS1 with Crash and Spyro. But it wasn't until this game came out, was when I was truly able to become attached to a character. Ratchet is, by far, one of my favourite Playstation personalities because of his actions and his resemblance to a teenager. He was very comical and someone you could relate to. In terms of design, he was very interesting and left me wondering what he actually was; which further led me into wanting to find out in the game. His developing relationship with his companion Clank, whom he finds early on, which later led to more awesome upgrades such as helipacks and jetpacks. The story and dialogue of the game itself felt so fresh and interesting as well. The levels were interesting and the combat was easy to use as a kid but still very challenging at times. I also loved seeing new weapons to unlock which led to hours on end of grinding to get enough bolts to buy the next cool gun. There was absolutely nothing more I could want from a character than I got with Ratchet. I’ve enjoyed every one of their adventures, spent possibly 1000+ on their games, and am even now eagerly awaiting the new game for PS4 as well as the movie. You just can’t get a better character than those found on Playstation like Ratchet and Clank

  • Shaun says: 12 December 2014, 1:53pm

    Rikimaru from the Tenchu Steath Action series - This game came out just before metal gear solid and focused on stealth kills as the leader of the Azuma ninja clan. I can remember playing this game at night and the final stage I found rather scary as the music really amped up the atmosphere but why I have picked Rikimaru is that hes such a great character, its awesome what he does at the end of the First tenchu brought a tear to my young eyes and ill never forget that moment in gaming for me it taught me more about sacrifice and service to others.

  • Jordan says: 12 December 2014, 1:54pm

    Crash Bandicoot - Because he was the face of Playstation and helped launch the greatest video game console brand ever.

  • Johnathan says: 12 December 2014, 1:54pm

    Eddy Gordo from the Tekken series. Learn his moves, and he's practically invincible.

  • Richard says: 12 December 2014, 1:54pm


    While it is a game most people haven't played, I remember truly falling in love with this game and the title character. It didn't matter that he had pink hair or that he never really spoke, the true fun experienced in that game was enough to make me want to play for hours. The premise itself is so out there (rescuing your grandfather's bracelet from evil pigs) that most people now would snarl at it but again, it didn't matter. I loved helping people, completing tasks and feeling a sense of accomplishment whenever I completed a task. I played it when I was 12 and to this very day I still have this original disc (I'm 25). One of the first games on PS1 I had and one that will stay with me for a very long time.

  • Blair says: 12 December 2014, 1:55pm

    I think Jin from tekken. My first playstation experience was tekken 3. Oh how I remember the button bashing. This was on the classic playstation one and I think that we was good one, fighting against his evil father and grandfather was what left a lasting impression (also the cool devil gene powers).
    I'm pretty sure chips were a staple food when moving away from button bashing and learning to really dish out the combos with Jin on tekken. Half devil, half angel, all bad-ass!

  • Luke says: 12 December 2014, 1:55pm

    Mine would have to be Crash from Crash Bandicoot one got the ps1 when I started primary school I would rush home every day to play through with my Dad this was our first video game experience together and we continued and still play games together today over 14 years later.

    When we saw it was the 20th anniversary of playstation we jumped back on the ps1 and all the memories flooded back truly one the the greatest moments of my life.

    As for what i was eating probably fruit if I stayed inside all afternoon playing games mum and dad made sure i was healthy hahaha

  • Sandra says: 12 December 2014, 1:55pm

    Definitely Crash Bandicoot! First ever game I played back on the original Playstation was Crash Bandicoot 2 before I went back and tried the other Crash Bandicoot games.

    This then led onto Crash Team Racing (CTR) with the many many races trying to beat the time trials and "friendly" competitions against my friends. I was a bit disappointed when they changed the graphics when they moved the games to the PS2 console but then those classic games are hard to beat!

  • Elmer says: 12 December 2014, 1:56pm

    My favorite character has to be Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. To see a character that well rounded, not inherently good or evil, but neutral until he discovers how he was created rather than born. The CGI cinematics of Sephiroth in Nibelheim with the mansion on fire behind him, and the look of calm determination on his face made him and instant favorite.

    I remember purchasing the original Playstation One with Final Fantasy VII, and carefully opening the boxes and wrapping, placing disc one tenderly in the console, and pressing the power button and staring in amazement at the PS icon on the television screen.

    I put so many hours into that game, even to the point that I fell asleep playing it. My Dad walked in to check on me, seeing me battle Emerald Weapon in my sleep, and telling me the next morning how he shook his head in amazement that I was able to play like that. (On a side note, I didn't defeat Emerald Weapon, woke up to the sound of the music playing after you died and had to press continue.) I DID manage to defeat Emerald, Ruby and Diamond WEAPONs, with a little help from Dorito's and Pepsi to keep me going. To this day I STILL have that console and Final Fantasy VII, disc one has slight surface scratches, and discs 2 and 3 are in mint condition. I still bring it out every now and then to go back to that world relive the nostalgia of that first time playing.

  • Jackson says: 12 December 2014, 1:56pm

    With characters such as Crash, Spyro, Sir Daniel Fortesque, Abe it is difficult to choose which was the greatest. Undoubtedly, for me, the characters from Playstation 1 will always be the best as I have the fondest memories from my childhood playing them.

    That being said my favourite hero would have to be Tombi (or Tombi depending on where you are :P).

    My earliest memories of playing on my Playstation would have to be playing the Tombi! demo from the demo disc everyone I knew had. In New Zealand the game was greatly under produced and quite unknown to many except for those few minutes of gameplay but the full game was definately one of the most entertaining games on the platform.

    With games like Crash Bandicoot (2 being the best) and Spyro, which were widely spread and simple jump on, beat baddies kind of games, Tombi! had a different feel to it. The ability to go back and forth between areas, beat up pigs and pick up random items to continue is what made the game more interesting. It embodied the aspects of earlier generations of games on earlier generations of platforms i.e. Super Mario, Sonic.

    Crash Bandicoot is a pretty close second though :P

  • Laurence Patrick says: 12 December 2014, 1:56pm

    Sepiroth. Because he killed Aeris. And that scarred me for life.

  • Laurence Patrick says: 12 December 2014, 1:56pm

    im not kidding.

  • Hayley says: 12 December 2014, 1:58pm

    Mine would be Lara croft, grew up watching my uncle and dad play the PS series and loved it. I use to try and jump sidesways on our trampoline. And also xiaoyu from tekken, loved her fun personality and beating everyone with her. Including my dad, one time he got mad cause I kept beating him and my uncle kept mocking him, ah great memories ^^

  • Adrian says: 12 December 2014, 1:58pm

    We were poor when I was young and I used to look forward to going to my friend's just to be able to get my hands on some sort of gaming device. She had a playstation 2 back then and had a few games. One of the games that stood out to me was Ratchet and Clank. I loved the series since then and sort of binged play it, going to gaming cafes daily, as I enjoyed those mechanical and 'wrenchy' adventures with Ratchet and his little sidekick Clank.

    Eventually we managed to get ourselves to New Zealand and I managed to buy my own ps3. Since then I've been tuning in to all Ratchet and Clank games however it didn't seem very popular in the newer generations. It got depressing real quick. But I know that I will never forget the game since it was part of my hard childhood. :) So my Playstation hero are those two, Ratchet and Clank.

  • charles says: 12 December 2014, 1:58pm

    I would choose a more obscure hero (well kind of an antihero) and that is Kain from Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain.

    It was one of the first games I played and finished on the PSone, way back in the early days 1997 along with FF7. The gameplay, weapons, armour and story telling were fantastic and there was nothing like it at the time.

    I have never forgotten Kain's struggle for revenge and blood shed and the fact that it was voice acted added so much to the character development. His determination to take on blotted poison creatures to take down is target. truly awesome playstation experience. 17 years on and I can still remember the environment, equipment and abilities from the game.
    Its just a shame that some of the following games let it down a bit.

    It is a true classic. Damn now I need to go see if it is PSN so I can play it again.

  • Jack says: 12 December 2014, 1:58pm

    My favorite PlayStation character would have to be Joel from 'The Last of Us'.
    Just last year, unable to contain my excitement, I inserted 'The Last of Us' into my PS3 in a dark little room, on a 26" TV (all available to me at the time). Within minutes I had met Joel and shared with him the last minuted of his daughter Sarah's life [SPOILERS] My girlfriend at the time, didn't like videogames, but she watched me play the whole game, which is a testament to what an atmospheric and powerful narrative 'The Last of Us', with the help of its characters, can offer.
    I think the reason Joel left such an impression on me was the controversial nature of his final decision. For weeks I discussed with friends, "is Joel the goodie, or the baddie?". I found myself empathizing with his decision. I would have made the same call. No one else agreed. Did that mean I too was a monster? Joel was impressive because in a world plunged into chaos, he was at home. A massive bear of a man, a primal animal.
    At the time I was playing 'The Last of Us', I was eating human flesh, because i'm actually a clicker.

  • Jack says: 12 December 2014, 1:59pm

    My favorite PlayStation character would have to be Joel from 'The Last of Us'.
    Just last year, unable to contain my excitement, I inserted 'The Last of Us' into my PS3 in a dark little room, on a 26" TV (all available to me at the time). Within minutes I had met Joel and shared with him the last minuted of his daughter Sarah's life [SPOILERS] My girlfriend at the time, didn't like videogames, but she watched me play the whole game, which is a testament to what an atmospheric and powerful narrative 'The Last of Us', with the help of its characters, can offer.
    I think the reason Joel left such an impression on me was the controversial nature of his final decision. For weeks I discussed with friends, "is Joel the goodie, or the baddie?". I found myself empathizing with his decision. I would have made the same call. No one else agreed. Did that mean I too was a monster? Joel was impressive because in a world plunged into chaos, he was at home. A massive bear of a man, a primal animal.
    At the time I was playing 'The Last of Us', I was eating human flesh, because i'm actually a clicker.

  • Christopher says: 12 December 2014, 1:59pm

    You know its hard to say which specific playstation character is my favorite or had any affect on me because the playsation (the orginal one) had the biggest affect on my life. It was my first console that my parents got me and my brother. It was how i fell in love with gaming and for the past 20 years i haven't stopped gaming. Of corse, solid snake , crash bandicoot, Lee from tekken etc, they all have been characters that have left there mark on my life and whenever I go back to playing those games, it reminds me of the day I got my first gaming console. I'll never forget how happy that made me, and i still get those butterflys whenever i get a new console like the ps4 this year. I owe all those happy memories to Playstation. Gamer for life

  • Jason says: 12 December 2014, 1:59pm

    Kratos simply because he is a beast and God of war is a great game i hope there is a new one on the way

  • Zac says: 12 December 2014, 2:00pm

    It would have to be duo Jak and Daxter.

    Jak and Daxter: the precursor legacy on PS2 was one of the best games for PS2 hands down. The storyline throughout the trilogy was awesome, learning the story of Jak and how he is Mar, the creator of Haven City who was sent back in time by His older self(Who didn't talk at all on Jak and Daxter 1) and Why daxter became an Ottsell. The games got better once Jak 2 and Jak 3 came along with a darker story and weapons that could upgrade.

    I still think it has a better storyline than games today. Games these days only work on the graphics. Jak and Daxter graphics where good for the time and the storyline wasn't boring or took only 2 hours to complete. Thats why Jak 4 hasn't been created

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 2:02pm

    I first encountered my PlayStation hero in 2001 when I got my first console - the PS1. With the package I got the legendary game that is Crash Bandicoot: Warped. I remember playing for the first time, can of Sprite in my hand and somewhat unsure of what was to come. As a 5 year old I was instantly hooked on what was to become one of my favorite characters of all time. Through all of the Crash Bandicoot series, no matter which console or how old I was, my love for the character never faded. Now whenever I drink Sprite I reminisce on the classic times I had as a kid... Speaking of which i'm getting thirsty.

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 2:02pm

    I would say my most favorite character is Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. He is by far one of the few videogame heroes that I found myself similar to when I was younger. He isn't like the usual enthusiastic protagonist with a colorful background to start. Squall portrays a quiet teenager who subconsciously searches for meaning in his existence and actions. This guy is often misunderstood and considered a snob. The cool thing about the character is how he gradually changes as he meets new and old friends as he pursues his goals or missions as SeeD. The changes he went through was a combination of subtlety and profound elements in his personal views throughout the game. I found myself able to connect with his character as I played FF8 for the first time, still one of my favorite RPGs and is a huge part of my gaming childhood.

  • Shelby says: 12 December 2014, 2:02pm

    Crash bandicoot.
    Especially the rolling rock levels. I remember being a little kid shaking as I tried to get through them the first run.

  • Ken says: 12 December 2014, 2:02pm

    Definitely Jax and Daxter. I was always a fan of Naughty Dog's creations and spent endless nights playing Crash Team Racing and Crash Bandicoot with my brothers and friends.

    However, I only loved Naughty Dog as a developer when Jax and Daxter was released. As the first game I owned on the Playstation 2, I played that game to death. For me, this duo was the epitome of humorous gaming pairs.

    Only Jak can put up with Daxters antics and manage to save the world while collecting all the orbs and powercells, roll jumping everywhere he needs to go.

    With every new installment this character evolves, from a quirky silent protagonist to an absolute gun slinging bad ass. With a squirrel on his shoulder that would never grow up, whose only wish is to be able to wear pants, this pair would go on to create countless memories for me and my brother. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Naughty Dog would go on to create other great Playstation heroes like Drake and Joe and Ellie which no doubt holds a place in every Playstation fan's heart, but Jak and Daxter will always be most special.

  • Lee says: 12 December 2014, 2:02pm

    Nathan Drake. Got hooked on him and his adventures from Drakes Fortune, love the wise cracks, the attitude and the whole Indy/Solo vibe. I really enjoy the games and have played all of them multiple times over, got myself a Vita just so I could play Golden Abyss. Also really enjoy see how ND can improve and tweak the looks and game play from game to game.

  • Cam says: 12 December 2014, 2:03pm

    Oh my Goooooooooooooooooosh! Ryu from Street Fighter!! I'm 32 now and have been a die hard Street Fighter fan since I was a little tike and I'm still playing in NZ toutnaments. My best result so far in a major NZ tournament is 3rd (Street Fighter 4). I've owned almost every PlayStation console released but by golly, last week when they announced that Street Fighter V was being codeveloped by Sony as an exclusive for PS4, my mind exploded with excitement and my heart fell deeper in love with the PlayStation brand. I can now settle any Sony vs Xbox vs Nintendo argument by simply asking one question: Ahem.... Where is the home of Ryu and the other Street Fighters???? PlaaaaaaaayStaaaaaaation FOOOOUUUUUR. Also, true story; My 3 month old son (VERY) narrowly missed out on the honour of being named after RYU. His room is currently being set up in a Street Fighter theme and his 1st birthday present is a custom made mini arcade stick I've ordered for him (works on PS3/PS4).

  • Mark says: 12 December 2014, 2:03pm

    so many to choose from, but id have to say all time hero is Duke Nukem, fell in lov with it on the PC when the PS Time to kill came out I had to have it. but of a let down but still was great game. DukeNukem is a mans mans mans mans hero, girls beers and aliens what more can you ask for

  • Nic says: 12 December 2014, 2:04pm

    Medievil had to be one of my favorite ps1 games of all time and spyro the year of the dragon, i used to play them all of the time oh and along with jak 3 which was completely awesome!

  • james says: 12 December 2014, 2:04pm

    Its tied with the greatest 8th birthday present ever and the greatest ps3 game ever Jackie chan stunt master that game was awesome and batmam form arkham city both games are amazing that

  • james says: 12 December 2014, 2:04pm

    Its tied with the greatest 8th birthday present ever and the greatest ps3 game ever Jackie chan stunt master that game was awesome and batmam form arkham city both games are amazing that

  • Zac says: 12 December 2014, 2:04pm

    Junpei iori from persona 3

    Junpei is my favourite hero for many reasons but if I remember correctly there is one scene in particular where I realised "woah this guys awesome" (whilst crying at the same time cause the scene was sad) (won't write what happened cause don't wanna spoil for people)
    Also Junpei is born on the same day as me and is voiced by Vic making him even cooler

  • Christopher says: 12 December 2014, 2:04pm

    Cole macGrath infamous. Cause he can control lightning and if I had a superpower that would be my top pick.

  • Adam says: 12 December 2014, 2:05pm

    I think I have to give this to Crash Bandicoot. Having grown up on Playstation, Crash was the first game I ever bought at age 7.

    Naughty Dog really created a special game with a sound design that instantly brings back memories. I think most PS gamers will agree that the funky tribal music mixed with the classic "Ooga Booga!" never grows old.

    Now I must admit that at age 7 I really struggled to finish the game and had more than a few tantrums (involving throwing my controller across the room)... Always forgiving Crash and trying again. (NOTE: the controller throwing is a habit I quickly grow out of with age)

    And surely no Playstation gamer could go without mentioning Crash Team Racing! The amount of hours racing and battling against friends in uncountable. A perfect game.

    Crash paved the way for my long love for Sony platformers including Spyro, Jak and Daxter, Sly, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet. A great bundle of Playstation greatness! Looking forward to the next big one!

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 2:05pm

    He's not a hero but the main character killing people in killzone would be my favorite hero

  • Tyler says: 12 December 2014, 2:06pm

    One day my father and I went out and brought the ps1 without my mother knowledge and in the pile of games we brought was Crash Bandicoot.

    He was the pathway into gaming for me, the first ever game I play and still one of my favourites and while I don't get to game with my father anymore whenever I go back and play Crash I remember all the good times we had together.

    I remember my heart beating so fast when running away from the giant bolder that was chasing after me or Coco squishing Crash to get into the instant where you rode the baby tiger, soon enough to get hit by the flying dragon and have to start over again.

    Crash means the world to me and I thank Naughty Dog for bringing him into this world cause without him I wouldn't have these amazing memories and I wouldn't be the gamer that I am today without him.

  • Kaitlin says: 12 December 2014, 2:06pm

    I have a few. It would either be Axel from Kingdom hearts on ps2 or Spyro from the first ever Spyro the dragon on ps1. Spyro is so dear to me, I have a Spyro onsie and Spyro themed desktop colours. I remember it so vividly, I got the Spyro Year of the Dragon game on Ps1 for my 5th birthday (I'm 19 now), so that was almost 15 years ago. I love Spyro, I love how despite being the smallest and nicest of all the dragons, he was always the strongest. I love his teenager attitude and how he has so many awesome abilities. I love charging with him. The first time I ever played Spyro I was eating that extra kids chewing gum and now every time I play it on my ps1 I can still remember what that gum tasted like. On the other hand there is Axel - my virtual husband. He captured my heart and in Kingdom hearts 2 when he sacrificed himself for Roxas honestly I lost it and bawled my eyes out. The first ever game to have genuinely touched me and made me cry! I love axel so much and have cosplayed as him twice. The first time I ever played Kingdom hearts and met axel I was eating chicken nuggets. You have to admit though his charkrams were the coolest thing ever. So it would be tie between Spyro the dragon and Axel from Kingdom hearts. I just wish they were both real, I want to meet them!!!

  • Paiki says: 12 December 2014, 2:06pm

    Naked Snake man. Because he's a badass.

  • Valkyrie says: 12 December 2014, 2:07pm

    I've gotta go with Spyro - I believe the first time I played him was the 3rd installment - Year of the Dragon. I played Ripto's Rage after that - I was about 7 years old.
    It was one of the first games we got on PS1 and I played it religiously. This is back in the day when you had to work out the puzzles for yourself so it was always so exciting finding a hidden egg and unlocking new levels.
    I always wondered as a child why such a small dragon was given the task of recovering all the dragon eggs... I mean the first dragon he sees in the intro is at least 5 times his size... why isn't he doing it?
    But it taught me that no matter how small you are in the world you can accomplish significant tasks if you persevere.

  • Rachael says: 12 December 2014, 2:07pm

    Would have to be spyro the dragon!! My sister won an original PlayStation when they came out and that was the one game we had! Loved it to bits and played it for hours! I also ended up naming my cat spyro a couple years ago! I've still got that PlayStation and spyro sitting in my TV cabinet. Memories :).

  • Krystle says: 12 December 2014, 2:08pm

    Spryo the dragon. Have always loved him because of his cockyness. And who doesn't love flying a dragon about being awesome? I always ran about about high speeds chasing down sheep or rabbits. Absorbing myself into the games with radical techniques. I can't play it anymore because my game scratched after too mmany years of playing it. Plus I had stupid brothers who left it on the floor. I remember eating burger king on a Tuesday night playing non stop. Then had a cry when there was a power cut and I lost half the game data since I hadn't saved.

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 2:08pm

    I was 8 or 9 when i got my first PS1 and the first game i ever played was Spyro 2 Gateway to Glimmer
    and i absolutely loved the game and Spyro became my favorite character other games come and go but i always went back to Spyro i must have completed that game 10 times over the years. Just seeing this little purple dragon beat up all these humungous monsters gave me the best times of my childhood

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 2:09pm

    Crash Bandicoot because hes like me in a way, can be pretty lazy but when it comes down to it he gets the job done well with not to much stress. First encounter was probably Crash Team Racing on PS1, and still one of the best games ever - still play intense games of it with friends 15 years later.
    ( Thanks Mighty Ape for my entry into this rare draw =D )

  • Nate says: 12 December 2014, 2:09pm

    Got a PSOne as a gift and had Final Fantasy VIII on it. Squall was a pretty cool character to play as when you started off on his first tough mission taking his SeeD entrance exams at the town of Dollet and facing Elvoret. Used to stay up for hours playing FFVIII as a kid, as late as 3am.

    Now that I've talked about it, I might have to load up the PSOne now to play it.

  • Brett says: 12 December 2014, 2:09pm

    Mine is going to seem an odd one, but my hero of Playstation would have to be the Pikes Peak Escudo from Gran Turismo 2. I still have fond memories of how ridiculously faster than everything else that thing was (when fully tuned) and trying to lap other cars on Red Rock Valley's 5 lap race became my favourite thing to do. Plus GT was the series that really helped me get into cars and what better halo vehicle came from it than the Escudo?

  • Garth says: 12 December 2014, 2:09pm

    Must be 1080 Snowboarding back in the day on a mates ps2. best time ever.

  • Aaron says: 12 December 2014, 2:10pm

    My Playstation hero is Solid Snake...He was the first protagonist I ever met, and Metal Gear Solid was easily the best game on PS1...My favourite memories is using ketchup to simulate blood in the torture prison, fighting 4 stealth soldiers in the elevator (plus the codec conversation scare beforehand), and that final drive up the escape tunnel whilst firing upon your brother Liquid...Plus looking good in the Tux and Ninja man ever!!

  • Shaun says: 12 December 2014, 2:10pm

    Nathan Drake - a really top not series. Highly recommended.

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 2:10pm

    Wow, some really great answers here! I got my PlayStation after getting a Xmas bonus at work, picked up gran turismo, cool boarders 2 and final fantasy VII. I'm going to go with Cloud from ff7. First game I put 100 hours into a single play through, great cut scenes, cool characters, amazing soundtrack (dat Sephiroth theme).
    Honourable mentions go to Abe, Ratchet and Clank, and CJ from GTA SA.

  • Tash says: 12 December 2014, 2:11pm

    I think the first ever video game that I played as a child was the original Spyro the Dragon.
    I was very young at the time and my older brother used to teach me how to play. Even though I was crap, I still thought I was doing really well and sometimes my brother would want to take over but he didn't because he knew I was still having fun :p When the PS2 came out my brother was quick to abandon the PS1 when he heard about the trade in deal at EB Games; Trade in your old PS1 with a handful of PS1 games to get a brand new PS2! What he did though (I still haven't forgiven him ;p) was trade in ALL my old playstation games, ALL OF THEM and kept his, as a child I was upset by this. But he left me with one, and that was Spyro.

    Many many years later new consoles came out, but we never got rid of our PS2 or Spyro. Spyro will always be the very first game I ever played :) and that is why he is still to this day my favourite character :)

  • Krista says: 12 December 2014, 2:12pm

    Growing up with all sorts of PS characters since the day I unwrapped a new PS1 for xmas so many years ago, the strongest competitor in my eyes is...

    Sora, from Kingdom Hearts 1 on PS2.
    Final Fantasy meets Disney! The combination of geniuses!

    As a born and raised Disney fan, I was drawn to the game that featured Donald and Goofy on the front cover. It was the first game I spent my own money on to buy when I was 8. I immediately fell in love with the world of KH and the spiky haired goof-ball, Sora :)

    He played a major part in hooking me into the KH universe. Everything contributed - be it his personality, story, heart and looks. His obvious love for Kairi, his openness and willingness to help total strangers, his ability to sacrifice. And who can forget his iconic lines:
    "My friends are my power."
    "The heart may be weak. And sometimes, it may even give in. But I've learned - inside - there's a light that never goes out!!".
    And come on, he goes from adorably cute to really good looking in KH2 ;) If only blue eyes like his were real. Still rooting for him and Kairi for future games ^^'

    I remain a loyal fan at the age of 20 with KH 2.5 being bought for my xmas gift from you Mighty Ape (thank you bf!!). And I plan to continue to buy all the KH games of the future - who cares how old I'll be haha. Hope KH3 won't be too far away.

    P.S. Can you guess what name I have reserved for my first puppy? ;)

  • Jesse says: 12 December 2014, 2:13pm

    I can't decide between Crash Bandicoot or Spyro. Both were great games that my childhood revolved around. Those were the games that began my PlayStation addiction. I memorised the Crash Bandicoot dance and can still remember it to this day haha. It's a pity they don't make them like the originals anymore :(

  • Carl says: 12 December 2014, 2:13pm

    Squall because he introduced me to the final fantasy series. I have loved every game since.

  • Tracey says: 12 December 2014, 2:13pm

    My Favorite PlayStation characters has definitely got to be Ratchet and Clank. I remember sitting down with a bag of Cheezels every day after school, playing it with my mates on PlayStation 2. I've finished 1 through five and still play it today. But my favorite is Ratchet and clank 3 up your arsenal, Plasma whipping thyrannoids was great. Ratchet and Clank is a great game series that holds a special place in my childhood.

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 2:14pm

    When I was about 6, my family got a PS2 which was my first game console we had ever owned. We got the console for christmas and it came packaged with a few games, one of which being the original Ratchet and Clank.

    Ratchet has and always will be my favourite video game character, he stands up for himself and seeks to repair and reunite both his family and his race. I have fond memories of playing these games with my dad when I was young, and it still has a place on my shelf 12 years later.

  • Paul says: 12 December 2014, 2:15pm

    Nathan Drake!

    I was pretty late getting into console gaming (I had been a long time PC gamer) and when I finally made the decision I spent a LOT of time researching to see if I should get a PS3 or an Xbox 360.

    After making the decision to get a PS3, Uncharted 2 was the first game I picked up.

    That game was so amazing that I knew right away I had made the correct decision.

  • Richard says: 12 December 2014, 2:15pm

    Cloud strife from FF7 followed by Lara Croft me and my
    Friends had turns playing FF7 when it first came out good memories

  • Kieran says: 12 December 2014, 2:16pm

    Crash Bandicoot taught me how to control my game rage as it caused a lot of it :P

  • Rich says: 12 December 2014, 2:16pm

    I was fortunate enough to have access to the original Playstation prior to launch, as one of the relative handful of retailers who were prepared to take a gamble on Sony at the time. Hard to believe, but Sony were somewhat the rank outsider entering the console fray against Goliaths such as Sega and Nintendo.

    While titles like WipEout and Ridge Racer were the star attractions at launch, the game that really sold me was Jumping Flash!, starring a robot rabbit by the name of Robbit. There was something about the sense of vertigo in this charmingly Japanese 3D platformer that appealed to me deeply. It would have been easy to pass this one by when the likes of Tekken were vying for your dollar which is a real shame, as I have nothing but fond memories of being made to feel semi nauseous by a robotic rabbit from Japan.

    In terms of other characters that were birthed on Playstation, there are far too many to list - from the original cast of Resident Evil through to quirky oddities like Mr. Domino. In a sense, the Playstation brand does not need a mascot in the sense of Mario or Sonic (though characters like PaRappa, Crash and Spyro would happily fill this void), with the almost holy PS symbol being all that was required to unite a generation of gamers.

  • Sandra says: 12 December 2014, 2:16pm

    Like many others it is Crash Bandicoot all the way. It was the first ever game bought with the original Playstation (which still works!) for my 4 & 6 year olds for Christmas 17 years ago. It remains one of the only games that I personally have played over the various consoles and games that have been purchased since. With all the action/shooter games that are played now Crash still stands out as great family fun with it's brightness and lovely, fun graphics.

  • Zara says: 12 December 2014, 2:16pm

    My fav is crash bandicott, it was one of the first games I played. It had easy bits and hard bits. Its a game you will always enjoy playing

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 2:16pm

    Out of all the Playstation characters, I may have started with Crash & Spyro when I borrowed a Playstation, but the real hero is Sly. As a young child with a PS2, I never really was able to afford to get any of the games. But I did get my hands on a demo disc. Which I played to hell and back. Then finally picked up the HD Collection. Loved them. Sly is where my love of stealth comes from. The charming rogue thief and my pick for Playstation All Stars. Also the way Sly interacts with the character in his games is just some of the best comical dialogue in platformers.

  • Kurt says: 12 December 2014, 2:17pm

    My favorite PlayStation Hero would have to be Cloud from FFVII

    Why is he awesome …. Who else have you seen wield a bigger sword at the time (apart from Zack).

    The game FFVII is the game that kicked off my gaming addiction on the original PlayStation.
    I would have spent countless hours playing that game getting max level material and getting the best combinations to fight all the weapons. As well as escaping getting out of homework or school.

    These are the memories that you never forget :D

  • Gavin says: 12 December 2014, 2:18pm

    he was the man but he was too small to fly. I know how the little dude felt.
    Also Sparks his buddy was the man too always collecting the gems and when you lost him you had to do so much work to pick all gems. I was a lame child and they were my bffs back in day...sad but true.

  • Rachelle says: 12 December 2014, 2:19pm

    Being an Xbox family here I've not had the chance to play on a Playstation unfortunately, but I do love Crash Bandicoot. He's kid-friendly which is great and he always beats the bad guys. One day I hope to get to know the Playstation guys much better.

  • Muamel says: 12 December 2014, 2:19pm

    Definitely Crash Bandicoot, he's always in such a positive mood. The very first game I ever played on the playstation, I remember spending hours and hours playing it sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night to play it, expecting new adventures and that's what I got and I loved every moment of it. This game is truly the best game for console in my opinion. Then came the racing version man oh man we used run competitions to ser who always wins and the winner gets like 5-10 dollars depending on the time they finished at, these memories will last forever.:)

  • William says: 12 December 2014, 2:20pm

    Squall from Final Fantasy 8 on Playstation 1 mid 1999.

    He showed a tremendous amount of growth in both strength and mentality throughout the game.

    Began as a competitive student who only cared about himself then developing a greater sense of worth through caring/helping others and tackling great challenges, head on!

    I was eating KFC with the whānau :)

  • Jake says: 12 December 2014, 2:20pm

    Shuhei Yoshida is the greatest PlayStation icon ever because he is the one with the vision that carries PlayStation :) plus he's super nice :)

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 2:20pm

    Ratchet and Clank
    The series is one of the best action adventure platformers ever and an excellent mix of action and comedy

  • Sarah says: 12 December 2014, 2:20pm

    My favourite would have to be spyro the dragon! I have followed him from PS1 syro the dragon all the way through to Skylandsers - Spyros's adventure. Can never get sick of playing that little purple dragon <3

  • Zak says: 12 December 2014, 2:21pm

    My favorite character would be the prince of persia from the original game on the play station two :D , I remember being really disappointed as a kid as I was supposed to get a ps for Christmas but it never arrived, after many complaint letters later from my parents we finally got sent one , with a free game: Prince o persia and the sands of time, i Loved that game so much xD , it was scary. has lots of puzzles and the graphics looked amazing, but I could never get past this one part, i watched all my friends do it but they all did it by accident so I never knew how to do it xD Anyway, I re bought the HD collection on the play station three and I FINALLY DID IT :D :D Anyway, good luck to whoever wins this :D

  • Jett says: 12 December 2014, 2:22pm

    Favorite character would be Sora from Kingdom Hearts, as he is the most purest character out of every protagonist that I've ever seen, he's so kindhearted that anyone would be able to learn something from him, and as being a fictional character being able to have an impact on people's lives makes a big deal, I've grown up with him and seen him grow into a very strong man, not only that he's the guiding light for everyone In the series of the game, nothing about him is incomplete and his hair is perfect. Sora is love, Sora is life.

  • Ethan says: 12 December 2014, 2:23pm

    Mine would have to be crash bandicoot, I remember he was the first game I ever played on ps1 and I spent a huge amount of hours playing it. He left an impression because he was a fighter and had some sweet moves,I was probably eating chicken chips coz the are mint haha.

  • cherie says: 12 December 2014, 2:23pm

    Yoshimitsu on tekken, he had a sword and could do all sorts of awesome moves and could hop on a sword .....maybe I was doing it wrong? I used to play it in 1996, my big brother had a PS1 and everytime he was out I would sneak into his room and play it or trade doing the dishes to play it, (which I might add he changed his mind after id done them) I spent hours learning all the special moves or 'button bashing' as my brother put it, ive even bought the newer tekkens for my boys ..... so I can play on their games when they aren't home :P and if you want to know what I was eating then ...... im pretty sure I had a obsession for chocolate orange fish and short circuits :)

  • Harry says: 12 December 2014, 2:23pm

    joel from the last of us is the greatest playstation character and hero

  • Kimberley says: 12 December 2014, 2:23pm

    Crash Bandicoot. My 20 something year old older brother at the time had for some reason that I can't remember left his Playstation behind at my house when I was about 7 years old. I thought I'd see what it was all about, and quickly became a huge fan, of not just Crash Bandicoot, but gaming in general. He started it all. I begged my mum over the rest of my childhood to get me the rest of the Crash Bandicoot games and later consoles, haha. Some of the time to avail, most of the time, not. I was happy with what I had managed to get anyway. I remember pretending to be part of the world, always randomly saying Aku Aku's "ooga booga" and doing spin attacks at the freaking cat, getting yelled at for that, and eating all the apples (acting as if they were wumpa fruit) in the bowl because I wanted "extra lives". He defined my childhood, really :)

  • Allan says: 12 December 2014, 2:24pm

    For me I thoroughly believe that in the past twenty years of Playstation gaming the one true standout character that left an incredible impression on me was Joel from "The Last of Us" which made its debut on the Playstation 3.

    Joel is a hardened survivor of an apocalyptic world - one which forces humanity to become unhinged and almost unruly. He is a character that even before he meets Ellie has been pushed far beyond his limits.

    During the course of his journey with Ellie, Joel - however learns to push back and slowly but surely reveals that beneath his gruff exterior - there is warmth, compassion and a desire to love - which gives you a reason to care and root for Joel, even when he does something horrific.

    For me Joel was one of the first characters in a game that I truly managed to form a connection with and his journey from the beginning to the end of "The Last of Us" will always remain as not only a remarkable achievement in storytelling - but that which truly changed my view on what makes a game truly worthwhile to invest my time in.

    Thanks for reading - and good luck to everyone who enters this competition.

  • Emily says: 12 December 2014, 2:24pm

    Nathan Drake! He is that lovable rogue. I absolutely love the whole world of Uncharted simply because this kick started my love of gaming. I was a very late to the party only discovering Golden Abyss first on the Vita (I'd had a PS2 previously but never got that into it although it did get me through a rough couple of years). After the first time I played GA I remember going to bed all jittery and shaky still hearing gunfire but wanting to play more right then and there. I then bought all the Uncharted games and saved up for a PS3 and waited eagerly with my games and no console to play them on yet. Once it arrived I couldn't wait see what locations & madness would ensue just as I am excitedly waiting to see what UC4 brings this time round. Ever since then I've been live streaming every event/E3 possible just to see what's new and found that there is so much more to gaming than I ever thought possible and so many more characters and stories to love.

  • Nick says: 12 December 2014, 2:25pm

    Mine would have to be Nathan Drake. Although he was only introduced on the last generation of consoles, he is the latest lead character from a developer that has been around since the beginning of Playstation. Naughty Dog is my favourite thing about Playstation - Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, and most recently, The Last of Us - my favourite game of all time.

    Anyway, back to Drake. He is an incredible character stuck in an incredible world on an incredible game. He's funny, athletic, kind of smart, motivated. He's just incredibly fun to play as. I don't currently have a PS4 since I'm waiting for Uncharted 4 to release and that will be when I take the plunge.

  • Brad says: 12 December 2014, 2:25pm

    If we're talking purely Playstation franchise heroes then for me it's Nathan Drake.

    I randomly won a copy of Uncharted 2 before I actually owned a PS3 so the next day I went out and bought one just so I could play it and see what all the hype was about. It took all of 5 seconds for me to become heavily invested in getting Nathan to his eventual goal in the game. I am a huge Indiana Jones fan and this game was as close to actually participating in and replicating the feeling of watching those movies than I've ever been. Nate was every bit as likable as Indy.

    It's also the little things like Drake's witty side comments to himself during game play that make the character feel almost real. This bunch of rendered polygons had a real personality and it was infectious. I can't remember the last time I actually found myself talking along and agreeing with a video game character! The amount of times I subconsciously uttered "you said it Nate' or "That was a close one buddy" would have been enough to put me in a looney bin. Even my ex-girlfriend asked "who are you talking to???" when I was playing once, I felt like Sledge Hammer when he was caught talking to his beloved Magnum 44 – “Ahh, nobody… I was just thinking out loud…”

    Once I finished the game I immediately went out and purchased the first Uncharted and again I was off on an adventure with my buddy Nate. Uncharted 3 eventually was released after what felt like a forever wait and I was first in line at a midnight opening release for the game. I couldn't wait to join Nate and the gang in another adventure and that scene with the cargo plane had my jaw on the floor! I almost lost control of all bodily functions after completing that, it was insanely awesome!

    I cannot tell you the amount of times I have played those 3 games as I have simply lost count, and I truly believe it’s down to the likability of the everyday man with a wise-ass attitude character of Mr Nathan Drake.

    With the recent announcement of Uncharted 4 the excitement of a next gen adventure with Nate is insane. This will be the game that makes me upgrade my PS3 to a PS4. The only reservation I have is that I might be going on an adventure with this character, as Nate says in the voice over for the trailer, only “one last time”.

  • Sarah says: 12 December 2014, 2:26pm

    The original Spyro! He was a cute little dragon who could do big things. He has of course now been destroyed by future generations and is nothing like his old self but I still love that little guy.

    I played the first three Spyro games on the original Playstation when I was a kid. I played each of these games through at least 10 times each I am sure, every school break. I loved them so much, the puzzles, the challenges. I remember loads of people saying that Spyro was a game for babies. But I didn't think so. Some things were pretty hard! The worlds were beautiful, the characters were funny and interesting. And it was a challenge to get to 100% complete and unlock bonuses.

    I still have my old PS1 around, and have a special Spyro CD case I got with one of the games. To me the PS1 provided most of the best ever console games.

    I was disappointed with what was done to Spyro when the PS2 releases happened, the games became clunky and not the same. But I will always hold those originals as some of the best games I have ever played.

    As a PS1 lover, I would love to win this!

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 2:28pm

    Rachet and clank because I loved playing the rachet and clank games especially rachet and clank 3 on ps2,the comic voilence , the games looks and the lovable characters. I would love to see a remake of the first 3 on ps4 in all its 1080 p goodness and 69 fps and replay all the fun moments that I had with my friends on ratchet and clank 3 multiplayer in good old 4 player split screen co-op

  • Jasmine says: 12 December 2014, 2:28pm

    Justin from Grandia he was able to go on his huge journey and be an explorer just like his Dad like he had always wanted, got to find out more about the Icarians and Angelou, saved the world and even got the girl in the end. It was also the first RPG I was introduced to and I have a huge collection of them now. Grandia will always have a special place in my gamer heart!

  • Hamish says: 12 December 2014, 2:29pm

    Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII (was the first Playstation game I ever owned and still own to this day).

    Due to Mako poisoning and Jenova's cells in his body, Cloud unknowingly holds to the fake persona of a Soldier called Zach (with what Cloud thinks is the personality a 1st Class Soldier would have) for a lot of the game - a bit of an anti-hero, arrogant and selfish, claiming he didn't care about the world, only helping AVALANCHE for the right price.
    Cloud's true personality is restored though, and in sharp contrast he is really open-minded and cares about his friends and the world.

    In his final battle with his nemesis Sephiroth (in Advent Children), Cloud says,
    “I pity you. You just don't get it at all... there's not a thing I don't cherish!”, epitomising why he is a hero.

    (His Buster sword is kickass too!)

  • Christopher says: 12 December 2014, 2:30pm

    For me hands down Solid Snake from Metal gear solid.
    I remember as a little kid renting it out from the blockbuster video days, over and over again so I could find out what happened in the end.
    Back then games cost over $100 so the cheaper alternative was to rent em out.
    Even at laser tag my login name is Solid Snake, gotta love the old school days :)

  • Jeremy says: 12 December 2014, 2:32pm

    It'd have to be Crash Bandicoot for me.
    It was my first ever gaming experience and I was so unused to games that when I would play crash my whole body would lurch forward whenever i would jump the holes. It was something I never noticed myself doing and wondered why my family laughed at me while watching me play. Crash was so awesome because he introduced me to gaming, he sucked me into the whole experience, the sounds the images, there is so much nostalgia there and I happily go back and play the crash games even now.

  • Jayden says: 12 December 2014, 2:33pm

    Sly from Sly Cooper
    He was so fun to play as a kid and I remember hating the Bentley and Murray missions because they went as bad ass as Sly <3

  • Jesse says: 12 December 2014, 2:34pm

    So many to choose from, all my childhood memories were mainly Play Station games.

    Metal Gear Solid with its stealth and over the top bosses. Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro were great platformers. Resident evil and Silent hill gave me nightmares.
    Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus were challenging saving all the mudokons. Red faction 1 was amazing with the destructible terrain. Grand Theft Auto 1 was very interesting running over people, I remember hearing the Hare Krishnas and lining them to run them down.

    But i must say FFVII amazed me the most being open world the first time i saw it i was stunned by what i should do, I've been hooked on the series every since. My favorite hero though would have to be cloud using omni slash is so satisfying.

    That being said I still play a lot of the series's for those games today. and i could go on forever talking about other games, i was hard to narrow it down to one but in the end FFVII was the most memorable game.

  • RJ says: 12 December 2014, 2:35pm

    I am a Playstation fan I try my best to collect all the Playstations that comes out. My biggest Playstation hero was the soldiers in army men for the play station it was also the very first game i played as a kid and that experience got me hooked on the playstations. It left a massive impression on me because of that game the army men on the original playstation im a hardcore playstation gamer (I HATE XBOX!!) and winning this 20th anniversary of the ps4 would be so awesome because it looks like the ps1 and sadly i have lost my ps1 its somewhere in our house in the Philippines when we moved here in NZ i couldnt find it :( so if i win this ps4 IT WOULD BE AMAZING its like having my ps1 back but its in the form of a ps4 which is even better!!!!! hopefully i win!! ^_^

  • Brenden says: 12 December 2014, 2:35pm

    Without a doubt it would have to be Crash Bandicoot. I'm 21 and some of my best memories are sitting in front off my old, fat tv playing my crash on the playstation one. I even bought digital copies of CTR and a few earlier crash games. I have always enjoyed the little challenges they throw at you but the best thing in my opinion is that it has changed but still stayed the same in a way. E.g they added in mini games, levels where you play as other characters like Coco riding the tiger, trying to speed run through the game or collecting all the boxes. To sum it all up the crash bandicoot franchise is a must play, young or old there is no denying you will enjoy it :) . Sorry if it doesnt really make sense....

  • John says: 12 December 2014, 2:35pm

    Kratos is my favourite character on the PS2/PS3 system, they were really fun games to play. Not exactly a hero though. Hero I would say Spider-man, the original ps1 games were awesome, then yo had spider-man 2 on the PS2 which was amazing (see what i did there?).

  • Johnny says: 12 December 2014, 2:36pm

    I've been with Playstation since the beginning, and although Crash, Cloud, Snake, Ratchet and Clank, Kratos, and of course Nathan Drake were all legendary, I think my vote would have to go to Joel from The Last of Us.

    Joel put me in the game like no character had ever done before. He was an ordinary guy forced into an extraordinary (but highly believable) situation who had to make impossible choices. Joel was by no means a good man - I think anyone who played the game will agree with that - but he's made me feel things no other game character ever has, and really made me question what I would have done in those situations. He had lost everything, and had his morals and resolve whittled into nothing from years living in the bleakest environment imaginable.

    That's not even mentioning the amazing artwork and animation Naughty Dog gave him, and a career defining performance from Troy Baker doing voice and performance capture.

    Without question the greatest game I've ever played and Playstation's crowning achievement to date. Here's to 20 more years of heroes in all shapes and sizes.

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 2:36pm

    Over 25 years of gaming only one game and only one character has made me weep. I am not ashamed in the slightest to admit to this day that I was and still am reduced to tears by the passing of Aeris Gainsborough; and not just a solitary manly tear running down my cheek, or a few sobs before moving on. I am talking full on ugly crying followed by a period of mourning that left me bereft of direction and meaning in my life. At the tender age of 14 this potentially crippled me emotionally for life.
    While not being the main protagonist of the game she left an impression upon me that I cannot deny. Her sparkling disposition and innocence coupled with her courage of conviction and willingness to commit the ultimate sacrifice created the cornerstone for which my all-time favourite game was built upon. To this day whenever I replay FFVII (and I have many a time) I approach the end of disc 1 with a heavy foreboding and feeling of dread and also frustration at my inability to ever prevent the tragedy about to unfold.
    Aeris was robbed from us too soon and remains my favourite Playstation hero to this day.

  • Christopher says: 12 December 2014, 2:36pm

    Crash Bandicoot. I will never forget the day that started my obsession with gaming, the day my dad came home with a brand new Playstation 1 (fat) and the original Crash Bandicoot game (which I still have in working condition to this day). I will never forget trying as hard as a 5 year old could to beat the first island some of the levels I just could not manage, soo my entrepreneurial brother would beat them for the small cost of my pocket money. This is why he is my favorite character because of the memory's I hold close to my heart . ( also his awesome hairdo and the rocking dance)

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 2:37pm

    Spyro the dragon. My very first console I ever owned was a PS1. One of the first memories I ever had in life was watching my dad play Silent Hill on the PS1. However, the first game I ever played personally, was Spyro. I remember sinking so many hours of my life into the first Spyro trilogy. Spyro 3, Year of the Dragon was always my favourite game as a kid, and is still one of the best games I've ever played to this day. I aimed for every gem, and every egg/orb/crystallized dragon I could get. I wasn't very good at games at such a young age and never personally 117%'ed it when I was a kid. Recently, I finally got my hands on a brand new copy of Spyro 3, and for a solid 3 days (or 20 hours including sleeping, eating and socializing) I played the game. I only had to look up a guide once for a single missing gem, but I swear the entire journey was some of the most fun I've had in a game in a very long time. I always loved the PS1, and every game I played on there was an adventure in itself. Whether it was Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Medieval, Silent Hill, Tombi, Croc, or even some licensed third party games such as Disney's Tarzan or The Emperor's New Groove. That console defined my childhood and helped make me who I am today. The memories I had playing those games not only gave me a wild imagination that I use heavily to this day, but it let me have fun during some otherwise bad times. Spyro may not be the same little guy he was back in the PS1 to mid-PS2 days, but I always think back and remember how much he (and the PS1) shaped me as a whole.

  • Mikaere says: 12 December 2014, 2:37pm

    Geez Mighty Ape, this is a very difficult question to answer because there's so many amazing PlayStation heroes to choose from! However after spending some time thinking about it, I had to eliminate some of the 'heroes' I had thought about, simply because they weren't actually 'heroes', they were just playable protagonists who's story unfolded before us. In saying that, my chosen favourite PlayStation hero from the last 20 years would have to be Spyro the Dragon with the help of his friend, Sparx.

    This game wasn't just memorable because it's one of the first games I ever played, but almost everything about it is memorable. The music is absolutely fantastic (I can listen to it for hours and still feel satisfied), the artwork is so colourful and appealing, and the game itself has unlimited replay-ability, a true classic for kids (and adults -cough-), to enjoy.

    Why is he so awesome? He's a child (possibly teen), dragon who defeated an enemy who managed to seal away every single other dragon, and also saved them all in the process! Not to mention his eager (and sometimes arrogant), personality made him feel a lot easier to relate to as a 5 year old boy.

    I first encountered Spyro when I was 5 years old in 1999 after my parents bought the game for me during their overseas trip. My auntie was visiting us so her and I would play it, day and night until we clocked the game. Of course being 1999, I experienced this Hero and game, on the original PlayStation One console, the first console I ever owned.

    The reason this game leaves such a lasting impression on me would be what I've already mentioned above. The music is incredible, and still leaves me being happy and satisfied whenever I hear it. I think what really leaves a lasting impression on me though are the memories of playing and enjoying the game with my friends and cousins, that come rushing back whenever I hear the music, or see the game.

    I do remember not eating when i first played the game, but I do remember eating a banana prior to playing it :P

  • Kevin says: 12 December 2014, 2:39pm

    Parappa the Rapper, hands down.

    You just gotta Believe!

  • Kaz says: 12 December 2014, 2:40pm

    My first playstation hero would have had to be Spyro. I remember playing the first ever Spyro game that came out (Spyro the Dragon), and also had Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon. Played these games so much with my brothers, which would have been a good 10-15 years ago!

    Another old PS memory I have would be going to my friends house and playing the original GTA back when it was looking down as 3rd person. We would stay up all night playing (love running over the gangs who would walk in line) and somehow always ended up with my car in a swimming pool. Yes we were far too young to play but we didnt care!

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 2:40pm

    Sir Dan Fortesque from Medieval was awesome, the character was funny to begin with attacking people with with own skeletal arm. The story was great and played this PS2 with my brother. We were so engrossed in the game we didn't have time to cook anything to eat so just ate pizza for a couple of days until we finished the game!

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 2:40pm

    For me it is definitely Crash Bandicoot. I remember taking a controller to a mates place, plugging it into their PS1 and jamming Crash Team Racing. Crash Bandicoot was (And still is) the first thing I think of when I think PlayStation. Dr Neo Cortex was the first villain I encountered and it is very satisfying beating him and completing the games.

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 2:42pm

    Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. FFVII was the first game i got when i brought my PS1 and i wasted countless hours on that game. Since they have just announced FFVII for the PS4, it would be great to play it again on the 20th anniversary PS4!

  • kyle says: 12 December 2014, 2:42pm

    Not so much a hero but anti hero.Kane out of command and conquer loved the whole take over the world thing he had going on. Me and my mate would link up our PS 1s and battle for days epic! The whole just one more mission at 4 in the morning! Couldn't leave the thing alone. Anyway that's my memory. Cheers mighty ape you guys rock!

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 2:43pm

    Naughty Dog, since I was just a small kid was always my favourite, anything Naughty Dog. Uncharted has been my favourite game franchise for the last 4 years and I couldn't get enough Last of Us but I'm going to have to stick with my introduction to Naughty Dog, Jak :)

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 2:43pm

    Naughty Dog, since I was just a small kid was always my favourite, anything Naughty Dog. Uncharted has been my favourite game franchise for the last 4 years and I couldn't get enough Last of Us but I'm going to have to stick with my introduction to Naughty Dog, Jak :)

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 2:44pm

    Mine would be Crash Bandicoot. I have loved him ever since I was a kid. He was one of the first ever video game characters that I got excited about.
    I would stay up for hours and join Crash on his adventures. Frustrating at times whenever he would go "Whoa!" just before he died, over and over. But I just couldn't help myself. :) He certainly is one of the best characters ever created and he put Naughty Dog on the radar.

  • Alex says: 12 December 2014, 2:45pm

    Has to be Crash Bandicoot!

    No game will ever be the same as CTR was, I have so many friends gamers or not that have played, loved and remembered that game. Once upon a time if you had a playstation then there two games that no one could live without and those were Spyro and Crash and I will always choose Crash!

  • Alexandru says: 12 December 2014, 2:47pm

    Spyro .. He is a cute purple dragon, What else would you want?

  • Chris says: 12 December 2014, 2:47pm

    It has to be Crash Bandicoot.

    I remember playing the original Crash Bandicoot on my neighbour's PSOne and getting hooked. After that I spent months begging my parents to buy me a playstation whilst trying to save enough money at the same time. There were so many levels where I would spend hours trying to complete and eventually I would hand the controller over to my brother/friend/neighbour. So many memories from one character.

  • Kelvin says: 12 December 2014, 2:47pm

    Aerith Gainsborough, a.k.a. Aeris from Final Fantasy VII, on PSone.

    The Final Fantasy VII was the game that introduced me to Sony PlayStation and JRPG. And ever since, I've been a vivid Final Fantasy fan.

    I remember spending hours and hours, with too much chips and soft drinks trying to get through the quest, to visit every corner of the field and finding secret items. That obsessions have left me wanting more Final Fantasy (VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, LR:XIII, XIV and many side series and earlier releases and numerous re-releases).

    A 20th Anniversary PS4 would be a great collection to be had and I sincerely hope that I'd be lucky to have it in my possession!

  • Brendan says: 12 December 2014, 2:48pm

    Spyro my first game and i still play it today

  • Kyle says: 12 December 2014, 2:49pm

    Spyro the Dragon. Spyro was the first ever came that was truly mine on the Playstation, and somewhere in my parents house is an old video of me, opening a Christmas present to find the very first Spyro the Dragon, and me absolutely losing it. "SPYRO PLAYSTATION SPYRO PLAYSTATION" comes out of my mouth in pure ecstasy, not knowing that a game was a completely different thing than an entire Spyro Playstation (if you guys have any of those lying around I'll happily take that instead hahahah.) From the first time I opened that giant dragon mouth to get to the first boss level "toasty," discovering that the giant scarecrow was actually a sheep on stilts, to the tune that to this day will still manage to weave itself into my head, the Glimmer theme from the first level of Spyro 2, to the hatred I felt of the thief stealing Dragon eggs in Spyro 3, Spyro has been with me all through my life. I grew up with him! As soon as I found out that the games were on PSN I immediately went out of my way to own them, the sense of Nostalgia was one of the greatest experiences of my life, I still knew the words to the opening cutscene of all of them. I grew up with Spyro, and I like to think that he grew up with me, and although I was saddened at what he has become, I will always have those wonderful memories of Spyro 1, Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer (or Ripto's Rage depending on where you're from), and Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon.

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 2:49pm

    Has to be Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.
    FF7 was one of the first games i got on my first gen PS1.
    And when you are 10, a dude running round with a massive sword is pretty awesome......along with the airship, weapons, magic, Tifa..... pretty sweet

  • Lee says: 12 December 2014, 2:52pm

    This is a tough one. I'm torn between Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII and Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series. I think I have to go with Cloud Strife though.

    Final Fantasy VII (PS1) is the reason I bought my first Playstation console. I was (and still am) a Sega fanboy - Master System, Mega Drive, Saturn. I never touched a Nintendo console - except for one time at a friend's birthday party but we don't talk about that anymore.

    I was working part time at a supermarket as a trolley boy in high school and I remember seeing the posters for FFVII at Hornby Mall in the appliance store there - Bond & Bond perhaps? I can't remember. Doesn't matter. Everything about the FFVII posters screamed awesome to the teenage version of myself. The background, the logo, the blocky-yet-modern-for-the-time characters, especially Cloud - the hair, the sword, the dark blue uniform, the strong silent brooding type - so cool. I bought the console and game that day with what little savings I had from working for ~$5/hr at the supermarket. I played the game every night. The cutscenes amazed me - I was always looking forward to the next one. My mind was blown when I left Midgar and entered the world area for the first time. And the giant serpent that Sephiroth kills and leaves on a stake - that scared the shit out of me. And, the game was on 3 discs! 3!!! For one game!

    Not long after I bought the console, the appliance store had a closing down sale. I went there every day and asked politely if I could have one of the FFVII posters. Every day they gave me one. I still have them I think, but they're a bit tattered now after years of "love".

    So, why Cloud, other than his characteristics that appealed to teenage me? Because he was the driving force that converted me to team Playstation. My Saturn gathered dust while my PS1 library grew - I even bought a Japanese one when I visited Japan after high school so I could play games that were not available in NZ like Parasite Eve (and Gran Turismo 2, much earlier than the NZ release date). PS2 followed, then PS3 (after a short "experimentation phase" with Xbox 360) and now PS4.

  • justin says: 12 December 2014, 2:52pm

    I wou have to sy Glenny Balls has been a stand out chrater for meover the last few years.

  • Pam says: 12 December 2014, 2:52pm

    I would have to say it's always been Spyro. Couldn't possibly remember when I first encountered the wee dragon but he's always been my favorite. I still have some of the games for the play station 1. Even kept a couple if ps1 memory cards so they can be played on the ps2!
    Love his attitude!!

  • Alexandru says: 12 December 2014, 2:52pm

    Spyro .. He is a cute purple dragon, What else would you want? It was on PS1 .... those were the days. So much fun ... purple dragon. I was impressed by how tiny and powerful he was. I was eating the flesh of my enemies, lol jks Chips(Salt and Vinegar).

  • Nicholas says: 12 December 2014, 2:53pm

    When I was a kid, me and my brothers used to save up pocket money for Playstation 1 games from Cash Converters. The parents weren't into spoiling us so we had to make that system last til the Playstation 2 had been out for years. I only got to see Spyro at friend's houses and Croc wasn't really an exclusive kinda guy... But when we got our PS2 and I picked up Ratchet and Clank, that was kind of a big deal. I played it over and over again to the point where I could speedrun that thing no sweat. Ratchet is my biggest hero because he's colourful, funny, and his games just kept getting better as Insomniac grew. Naughty Dog are unquestionably my biggest real life Playstation heroes because over the time I've been playing Playstation through every iteration they were consistently SO GOOD. I loved Crash Bandicoot (especially CTR), all 3 Jak and Daxter games (everyone makes mistakes - Jak X) then Uncharted blew me away with the same level of excitement that I got from Indiana Jones but with all the good things that come from video games, and most recently, The Last of Us (I love that game so much).
    I've never been able to relate to people's Nintendo nostalgia because I grew up on Playstation, but when I got Playstation All Stars Battle Royale it clicked with me. I have the same passion and love for the characters I grew up with that others have for Link and Mario, it just happens to be Daxter, Drake and Kratos.
    It was hard to pick a favourite after 20 years, and it wasn't a win by any large margin... I just really love what Playstation games have contributed to my life.

  • Nicholas says: 12 December 2014, 2:53pm

    When I was a kid, me and my brothers used to save up pocket money for Playstation 1 games from Cash Converters. The parents weren't into spoiling us so we had to make that system last til the Playstation 2 had been out for years. I only got to see Spyro at friend's houses and Croc wasn't really an exclusive kinda guy... But when we got our PS2 and I picked up Ratchet and Clank, that was kind of a big deal. I played it over and over again to the point where I could speedrun that thing no sweat. Ratchet is my biggest hero because he's colourful, funny, and his games just kept getting better as Insomniac grew. Naughty Dog are unquestionably my biggest real life Playstation heroes because over the time I've been playing Playstation through every iteration they were consistently SO GOOD. I loved Crash Bandicoot (especially CTR), all 3 Jak and Daxter games (everyone makes mistakes - Jak X) then Uncharted blew me away with the same level of excitement that I got from Indiana Jones but with all the good things that come from video games, and most recently, The Last of Us (I love that game so much).
    I've never been able to relate to people's Nintendo nostalgia because I grew up on Playstation, but when I got Playstation All Stars Battle Royale it clicked with me. I have the same passion and love for the characters I grew up with that others have for Link and Mario, it just happens to be Daxter, Drake and Kratos.
    It was hard to pick a favourite after 20 years, and it wasn't a win by any large margin... I just really love what Playstation games have contributed to my life.

  • Nicholas says: 12 December 2014, 2:53pm

    When I was a kid, me and my brothers used to save up pocket money for Playstation 1 games from Cash Converters. The parents weren't into spoiling us so we had to make that system last til the Playstation 2 had been out for years. I only got to see Spyro at friend's houses and Croc wasn't really an exclusive kinda guy... But when we got our PS2 and I picked up Ratchet and Clank, that was kind of a big deal. I played it over and over again to the point where I could speedrun that thing no sweat. Ratchet is my biggest hero because he's colourful, funny, and his games just kept getting better as Insomniac grew. Naughty Dog are unquestionably my biggest real life Playstation heroes because over the time I've been playing Playstation through every iteration they were consistently SO GOOD. I loved Crash Bandicoot (especially CTR), all 3 Jak and Daxter games (everyone makes mistakes - Jak X) then Uncharted blew me away with the same level of excitement that I got from Indiana Jones but with all the good things that come from video games, and most recently, The Last of Us (I love that game so much).
    I've never been able to relate to people's Nintendo nostalgia because I grew up on Playstation, but when I got Playstation All Stars Battle Royale it clicked with me. I have the same passion and love for the characters I grew up with that others have for Link and Mario, it just happens to be Daxter, Drake and Kratos.
    It was hard to pick a favourite after 20 years, and it wasn't a win by any large margin... I just really love what Playstation games have contributed to my life.

  • Shawn says: 12 December 2014, 2:54pm

    Crash Bandicoot,
    First played at lollipops playland when I was maybe like 7 on a PS1, used to play with friends and pass the controller over each time someone died (Games were so much harder back then). I have warped and crash team reacing on my PS3 and crash team racing gets really competitive with the boys

  • Travis says: 12 December 2014, 2:55pm

    Crash Bandicoot because he was one of my most memorable characters in life my life, from playing his games, on the Playstation 1.

  • Nicky says: 12 December 2014, 2:56pm

    I would have to say Jak and Daxter from the Jak and Daxter games on PS2. I remember first getting the game when it came out and looking at vibrant cover of the first game and getting excited to play it. I really enjoyed the dynamic between the two and I had heaps of fun going through the game with the two. Their interactions always gave me laugh and everytime I see the games I always think fondly of them. They made the games perfect for me and without them I don't think it would have as fun or memorable. The PS1 and PS2 will always be my favourite consoles and Jak and Daxter will always been one of the biggest highlights of the PS2.

  • Finn says: 12 December 2014, 2:56pm

    Crash Bandicoot definitely. Crash Banicoot Warped is a great game and I remember thrashing it. Crash bandicoot is such a charming fellow and definitely my fellow and my favourite character from the PlayStation library

  • Peter says: 12 December 2014, 2:56pm

    Crash Bandicoot definitely, I was very little and it was one of the only games I can remember from PS1, considering it has such a lasting impression ill be picking him, I remember how difficult games were compared to now haha,

  • Rohan says: 12 December 2014, 2:56pm

    Nathan Drake from Naughty Dog's Uncharted franchise. The cinematic game play, story and following Drake's journey across multiple games has been amazing. This has to be one of the best crafted series of games and kept me thoroughly entertained for days!

  • Gareth says: 12 December 2014, 2:58pm

    Nathan Drake. Sure, the gameplay in the Uncharted games is great and the graphics superb but it was the first time playing games that I was just as interested in the characters and stories. When friends discussed the lattest game it was the same conversion as when we talked movies or books but on another level because there was the added benefit of the unique interactive moments we had experienced.

  • Hayley says: 12 December 2014, 2:59pm

    Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series, great character development and a compelling story make this favourite character in one of my top 10 games! :-D

  • Adam says: 12 December 2014, 3:00pm

    It has to be Crash Bandicoot. He is the face of Playstation - and always will be! So many people grew up alongside the franchise and it was as if he was one of our friends. Crash forever!

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 3:01pm

    Gotta say Abe from Abe's Oddysee. I still remember playing the Playstation Demo Disc that came with the original Playstation, and having my first Playstation experience with that game (along with Tekken, Rage Racer, Parappa the Rapper) at my cousins. A year later or so my parents bought a playstation for the family, and Abe was the first game we got. Such fond, nostalgic memories and one of the best, and under-appreciated of the original Playstation characters.

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 3:01pm

    Hmmm to pick one would be hard, as over the years ive had soooo many playstation Heros from the first play station to the third... (yet to buy a ps4... poor student problems). But a few from the ps1 if were going back to my childhood would have to be Squall and Zell from ff8, Gabriel Loganone from Syphon Filter, but one that does stick out alot for me thinking back would have to be solid snake.The very first Metal gear solid that came out was soooooo awesome and such a great game even now a days. He was this bad ass soldier, and the game had soo many different aspects like the boss battles that required different guns, and also the uses of different visions like thermal goggles and such, to even having to switch controller ports for one boss!!. all those things as well as a very in depth story line made the game awesome and Solid snake a hero that stuck out for me!! :D

  • taranjoot says: 12 December 2014, 3:02pm

    Crash Bandicoot, the hero to many children growing up

  • Matt says: 12 December 2014, 3:02pm

    Crash Bandicoot was hands down the best, despite the patience upon powering on the console, it was well worth it, as you were rewarded with the thrill of collecting apples, smashing enemies, completing levels, and the privilege of enjoying one of the most iconic platform games that truly proves why Naughty Dog were pioneers, and established a name for many years to come...

  • Jean-Michel says: 12 December 2014, 3:02pm

    I had my PS1 when I went to uni and it succeeded in making me fail my first year spending hours and hours playing FF7 and then FF8, personal history with PS1 goes a long way back and I had many heroes like Cloud, Squall, Snake but I have to say my favorite one is Nathan Drake, badass character that you really love but at the same time realize that he is an ass. Although he loves his friends and consider Sully like a father, he always puts his desire first. He is not the perfect guy and that's why he is my favorite. Also he made me order many pizzas when I was playing the different uncharted games coz I just didn't have time to waste cooking LOL

  • ryan says: 12 December 2014, 3:03pm

    probably rachet from rachet and clank my earliest memory was playing it on ps2 without a memory card so constantly having to re play it. but in recent memory id say Joel from the last of us. have never been so attached to a character before

  • glynn says: 12 December 2014, 3:03pm

    Crash bandicoot for sure

    I remember getting my first PlayStation with it crash bandicoot

    The addictive plat former was a great game in my book

  • Carlene says: 12 December 2014, 3:04pm

    Would have to be Zell from Final Fantasy 8 for his general goofy style and fisticuff style fighting.

  • John says: 12 December 2014, 3:04pm

    My favourite playstation character has got to be crash bandicoot. Since I was a little boy I remember the days where I would run to my next door neighbour's house as he owned the only ps1 in the entire neighborhood. All of the kids around the block would come to his house just to watch and maybe have a turn at playing the game. All in all crash bandicoot brought all of us neighborhood kids together and we all became good friends as the outcome :)

  • julian says: 12 December 2014, 3:04pm

    Defiantly has to be Crash Bandicoot for me. Has to be the very first Play Station (first Generation console) game that my brother and I played
    when we were kids.

    To this day I am still able to replay the Crash Bandicoot games on my ps2 which we still have
    including a ps1 memory card.

    We first encountered the Character of Crash i think when were playing "Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes back" on our Mate's ps1 console back in the late 90's. We instantly fell in love with the game and It left a huge impression on us because of its humour e.g how Crash Bandicoot dies in some levels such as falling down pits and seeing his shoes fly up or being blown up and all that remains is his eyes and shoes.

    Another fond memory that made and impression on us both was the bazooka you got in the 3rd CB Warped game. This made levels so much easier to complete e.g we could shoot boxes/fruit that were surrounded my Nitros/TNT

    Naughty Dog were very Smart and were dedicated to make these games appeal to children of any age. To this day when ever I play these games, It makes me feel like a child again and I'm never going to sell these games

  • A says: 12 December 2014, 3:04pm

    Tony Hawk was my first experience on a playstation 1, it was the first game that some serious complexities to it and some super challenging levels, plus he's always been a hero of mine, since I was 15. I believe I was eating a peanut butter & banana sandwich!

  • Kent says: 12 December 2014, 3:05pm

    Crash Bandicoot on the PS1 really blew me away. I had never seen anything like it, a 3D platformer that played so smoothly and fluid. I couldn't believe what was happening on the screen in front of me. I was surrounded by scraps of paper with save codes scribbled down on them. Being 1996 I was 9 years old and was probably eating those really sour individually wrapped lollies. No other game had the same impact on me until GTA 3 came out on the PS2.

  • David says: 12 December 2014, 3:05pm

    Solid Snake, he was as cool as ice and a stealth killing machine. Metal Gear Solid was one of the first games to take story telling to the next level and let you connect with the character. The voice acting of David Hayter brought snake alive and I can't believe they haven't made a movie based on the series as it is a great story. I can't wait for the new Metal Gear on PS4 and to see how the Metal Gear universe progresses.

  • Leo says: 12 December 2014, 3:05pm

    My favourite playstation character has got to be Lara Croft.

    One of the most famous women in video games, British archaeologist Lara Croft needs little introduction. The globe-trotting star of the Tomb Raider series has launched investigations all over the planet in search of historical artefacts and the truth behind the world's great mysteries.

  • William says: 12 December 2014, 3:07pm

    I got a Playstation for christmas in 1997, along with Gran Turismo and Crash Bandicoot 2. Despite the countless gaming heroes, for me, as cliche as it is, Crash was by far my favourite Playstation hero.

    I used to get up super early on the weekends and jam Crash, whether it was Cortex Strikes Back, Warped, CTR, or Crash Bash. And get a little closer to that sweet victory.

    I remember my mum used to buy these mini microwave pizzas, so I plonk myself infront of the tv for hours on end collecting boxes to get the gems, wampa fruit, and crystals (I am very meticulous when it comes the item collecting in these games :P ) as a kid.

    I've recently bought a PSone and started collecting again, cos I don't think I've had more fun playing video games that in the 32-bit era of the 90s (I'm 21, this was my first experience with gaming).

    For me the first 5 Crash games will never be topped by the post-PS1 era releases, and those games have immortalised the original series in gaming history. I still play these games on a regular basis, they'll never get old!

  • Kadison says: 12 December 2014, 3:08pm

    I can't pick just one :,(

    There's Crash Bandicoot, Spyro The Dragon, Jak and Daxter, Kratos and Ratchet and Clank.

    Crash was my all time favourite growing up though, spent many hours on Crash 2 (which in my opinion is one the best Crash games made)

  • Kieran says: 12 December 2014, 3:08pm

    Crash bandicoot on the original playstation. When I was a kid we had (well, still have) a big family and had to share game time on the Playstation - mum would set a 30minute oven timer at the end of which we would have to give to the next sibling. So we used to team up and chip away at the levels in tandem to progress the game. Crash has always held nostalgia value for me, and probably the others in my family too :)

  • Nicole says: 12 December 2014, 3:08pm

    Klonoa was the favourite for me. Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil was my first game for the Playstation series and I adored it, even though I had to borrow my brother's PS2 so I could play it (which meant I rarely got to play it until I got my own PS2, which still works, even now). So it may be an unusual choice, but Klonoa was my favourite Playstation hero.

  • Zachary says: 12 December 2014, 3:09pm

    Crash Bandicoot - He was the first hero in a game that I actually got attached to the lore (I mean I was so young then that it seemed deep and meaningful).

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 3:09pm

    My favourite character is and always will be Green Arrow from Justice League for PS2.

    When we first got a PS2 at home growing up, it was a pretty big deal; we'd only ever had the super awesome-but-basic Atari so the graphics were a whole new level of epicness! Justice League was a game we got early on, and I got quite into it with my younger brother - I always enjoyed that you had the opportunity to unlock more characters, more outfits etc and so on.

    Green Arrow was one of the limited unlockable characters - he'd always appealed to me given green has been my favourite colour for as long as I can remember. But I love archery, and his set of unique arrows were the bomb-diggity. My brother would get infuriated when I used him - being unlockable only his level would always be way behind the 'standard' characters meaning he would die... a lot... and my brother's character would have to save me XD

    Now as an adult living on my own, I am still very attached to my own PS2 and I still have this game, and it *still* ranks my alltime favourite. I play with my bestie now and infuriate her instead with needing to use my low level character D:

    Eventually had to get my own version of this character - he stands proudly next to my tv. Green Arrow lover for life <3

  • Jesse says: 12 December 2014, 3:10pm

    Abe from Abe's Oddysee hands down!

    He may not be for everyone, but for me he is the hero simply because so much of my childhood was spent playing Abe's Oddysee. Very late nights with my brother and Dad were a regular occurrence when this game came out.

    I was only 8 years old when I started playing this game on PS1 and I absolutely loved it. Although I was not the best at it (getting help from both my older brother and my Dad), that particular game and character have stuck with me till today.

    Now, almost 20 years later I have downloaded the original game again for my PS4 and am having so much fun reliving old memories, stages and characters. Still getting tips on how to play the game whenever my brother and Dad are around too :)

    Obviously there is no right answer to this question but just look at the amount of memories that have been created by Playstation over the last 20 years. It is truly amazing to see that however different we all are, all around the world, there are words like Abe, Spyro and Crash that bring out the inner kid in us all. Simply amazing.

  • Oliver says: 12 December 2014, 3:10pm

    Crash Bandicoot.
    I remember when we got our first ever PS1 and crash was the first game that we ever got on it and it was the best time ever. It would have been the game that actually got me into gaming and turned me into the gamer that I am today haha.
    I just remember sitting around that console with 6 mates when we were kids and doing "Die each" taking turns for hours and not getting bored.
    We ended up pulling out the old playstation 1 the other week and giving Crash another go and it was still just as amazing as it was when I first played it.
    I could write a bloody essay but I think that this has summarised the everything and I won't drag on cause I'm sure you have loads to read :P so to answer your question, Crash bandicoot is the best hero in playstation history because he is the character that turned me (and i am sure million of others around the world) into the gamer that I am toady and provided endless childhood amusement! :)

  • Lauren says: 12 December 2014, 3:11pm

    Oh man. Well, to start with, I was a Playstation child through & through. None of that Sega or Nintendo stuff... as a kid, the 90s.. it was Playstation 100%.
    & to top that all off, I had a grand total of one game for the first couple of years. What was it?

    Crash Bandicoot.

    Oh yes, Crash. The golden age. Nostalgia united.
    The hours and days and weeks and MONTHS my brother & I spent on this game...some may call it embarassing. I call it a Childhood (tunes of Childhood from Free Willy start playing..!).

    Crash Bandicoot was the MAN! ...Or the coot, y'know. Whatever you call it. He also had one hell of a female side-kick who could shame even the best Duke Nukem titles (little Miss Bonus at the end of the levels).

    Bounce those damn boxes, get them apples! SPIN THE GODAMN CRAB! & of course, trusty Aku Aku (who my brother & I always referred to as "Wu-du-ma-ga!" very enthusiatically as that is what he sounded like each time).

    The pure joy we had from that game stemmed both of our love for not only Playstation (where we continued through to other classics such as Gran Turismo, Spyro, Final Fantasy, etc) - but just games full-stop.

    I 100% attribute my love for games to Crash Bandicoot, which of course, would not have been possible without my very first gaming ANYTHING - the original Playstation.

  • Megan says: 12 December 2014, 3:12pm

    If I were to choose. It would have to be when I got my ps1 as a little girl playing the crash bandicoot games from the first one to crash team racing ( I still have these games till this day and it still works on my ps2) otherwise its the first kingdom Hearts game in which I'd spend hours playing in my spare time.

  • Mike says: 12 December 2014, 3:14pm

    I would say Big Boss but he isnt technically a 'playstation' character. So i would have to go with Squall from FFVIII, his character development remains the best i have ever seen in my opinion. Seeing him start of as a gloomy teenager and rise up to be a courageous leader was the greatest.

  • Lucas says: 12 December 2014, 3:15pm

    Ratchet, he was awesome funny and the games were just so much fun. You just cant find games like that anymore. Ratchets entire arsenal of weapons and his interactions with all the side characters just make him so cool and all the lombax backstory in the later games makes his history so much cooler.

  • Liam says: 12 December 2014, 3:17pm

    This one is a little bit obscure, but I hope you bear with me for a moment. The biggest hero of Playstation is CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment at the time the original PSX was released, Steve Race. And here's why.

    At the first ever E3 in 1995, Sega was tipped to sweep the console market yet again with the release of one of the most awe-inspiring consoles ever produced: the Sega Saturn. Its only drawback? Its hefty pricetag of $399. For 1995, that was a lot of dough. No one wanted to pay that much for premium gaming entertainment, even if it did look that good, and the audience was understandably worried.

    Along comes this company called Sony, previously unknown in the gaming community, and shows us this grey slab called the PlayStation. From out of nowhere, this console held its own against the beast that was Sega, and at the time, Sony was very much the underdog. And it was looking neck and neck, until Sony's keynote speech. CEO Steve Race is invited up to the podium for a speech regarding the cost options for the PlayStation, and everybody braced themselves for the same meteoric figure that Sega had dropped earlier.

    But this ballsy CEO comes up on stage, shuffles his papers, and says "$299". He takes his papers and leaves.

    The crowd goes absolutely bonkers. This single action allowed the PSX to outsell the Sega Saturn out of the gate and establish the original PlayStation as a household name. It was that speech that allowed the PS2 to release to such high acclaim. It was so effective that current CEO Andrew House used the exact same tactic against the Xbox One with the launch of the PS4.

    Steve Race singlehandedly began the 20 year supremacy that Sony continues to hold to this very day. It would be remiss to call anyone else the greatest hero of Sony's lifetime.

  • Toby says: 12 December 2014, 3:18pm

    Spyro for sure.

    As a child, playing Spyro YOTD on our original Playstation system was one of my favourite activities to do. My nostalgia and memories for that system are the strongest I had and the elation I always felt when beating a level or simply putting in the CD and hearing that familiar PS1 sound, it was heaven in my ears and still is today. Spyro is such a big part of my life even now and I still quest with him to this day on the Playstation, nearly a decade later. That game in particular was full of so many easter-eggs and adventures I would always get lost in that realm but finding those dragon eggs in the end was fantastic.

    :,) Tears of joy, Spyro is like my familiar, or my patronus. We will never be apart :,)

  • David says: 12 December 2014, 3:18pm

    Crash Bandicoot is the greatest of all time. It was the first game I ever played as well as being a game I would always play with my Dad. Because of that he will always be the best video game character ever to me.

  • Danilo says: 12 December 2014, 3:18pm

    I would be FFVIII. What i love about FFVIII was its complex story and the way it switches back and forward between squall party and lagunas party. Also love how it goes back to squall past where he was in an orphange as a child with seifer and edea. Also the great part of FFVIII was its level system , where you haev draw magic and each magic determisnes the stats you level up and teh amoutn you have will determine your stats and how strong you get. Also love the junction system where you have to assign the GF to the right party member. Also love how you get Ap points that allows you to learn skills for GF . Best part of it all is the intro. Everytime you watch the intro with orchestra type music, you want to paly the game again. Seeing the intro, keeps you rblood pumped and certainly get my blood pumped as i finished the game 4 times haha. Love the island heaven or hell and with no random battles ability switched on , the ability to max stats yoru character by getting 100 full life and 100 ultima spell is awesome :D. Also love how you can beat omega weapon by using hero potion and keeping your limit break on so you can keep doing the lion heart special super move. Plus love the fact , that when you beat omega weapon, you get an in game certficate congratulating you for beating it and at the bottom you have the signature from the director of the game :D

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 3:18pm

    Vivi from final fantasy IX
    awesome character, as good as any in any game of the series. THE black mage. His struggles with mortality included, he was just fun and relatable and I thought the clear breakout character of the game

  • Candy says: 12 December 2014, 3:19pm

    Crash Bandicoot. Ever since I placed my hands on the controller to play that game, I couldn't get them off. Even though the game was quite old when I played it, I still loved it to death, Those were some of my best memories as a kid!

  • Nikkie says: 12 December 2014, 3:19pm

    My favourite character definitley has to be Ratchet. I own all the Ratchet and Clank series and have loved playing every single one. Ratchet is a quirky witty character that has always made me laugh with his dialogue in the games while fighting the galaxy. My most funniest Ratchet moment is when Ratchet says "Get me out of this thing you Blarg headed frak monkey! I can barely breathe and my tail feels like it's shoved right up my...!" I was drinking a coke at the time and I ended up choking with laughter and coke started coming out of my nose. I have used this line in real life when joking around with friends and the laughter this comment causes to people who don't know the series makes it funnier. Best platform game ever!!!

  • Josh says: 12 December 2014, 3:19pm

    My favourite playstation hero would have to be Yoshimitsu from Tekken on the original Playstation One!

    You see me and my twin brother would always have huuggge Tekken battles but would always end up in us having fistfights since my brother would always do the 'cheating' backflip move from Lee. It was the most frustrating thing ever. No matter which character I used, I could never beat Lee and his stupid backflip move! (Not real fighting if you ask me!)

    Then along came Yoshmitsu. I managed to learn all his moves, I learnt the move where he would stab someone and take like 90% of their health away. I would use the helicopter move and slash my opponents. I would train all night getting better and better with him. I was unstoppable.

    Here comes my smug brother using Lee yet again. Needless to say the first time I ever beat Lee was with an asswhooping of mega proportions with my man Yoshimitsu!

    WHy did it leave a lasting impression on me? Well since my brother always used Lee to beat me and the fact that it would cause World War 10 to break loose, I guess it is safe to say that if I didn't beat him with Yoshimitsu, my brother probably wouldn't be alive to remember his asswhooping!

    Oh and I was probably about 8 years old so I was probably munching on a muesli bar or a twinkie. Ahh the good ol' days!!

    Thank you Yoshimitsu, you weird Samurai God!!

  • Reuben says: 12 December 2014, 3:22pm

    The lonely Lombax mechanic who stumbles on a spaceship crash site and meets up with Clank. Was like screw it lets save the galaxy picks up the wrench chucks the dude on his back and wanders the galaxy with insane weapons. The awesome humor of the character and his interactions with others are the icing on the cake. 12 years on from the first game he never ages and keeps getting more and more awesome. Was one of the very first games I got on the back of my parents fly buys points and purchased every game since. It blew my mind as a kid yet still manages to surprise and be an amazing experience as I age. The games are so good ive played all of the multiple times All the originals on PS2 and the remasters on PS3 and PSV. Even the spinoff's are good with new ideas like Size Matters on PSP and Qforce for PS3/Vita. Cant wait for the next gen game and movie next year! Ratchet is the man blows Crash out of the water. Oh and I loved snifters when I was a 12 year old so those :) sadly these days I have to settle for minties.

  • Aaron says: 12 December 2014, 3:22pm

    My favourite player is Sir Daniel Fortesque from MediEvil on the Playstation (1) back in 1998.

    Relaxing on hungover days with friends, coffee and pies, having a laugh and trying to guide the skeletal hero through the delightful yet gothic inspired maps.

    I really liked the comedic yet goofy nature of the undead main hero.

  • Jordan says: 12 December 2014, 3:22pm

    I like Crash Bandicoot because.. Dem childhood memories :')

  • ashley says: 12 December 2014, 3:23pm

    I'd have to choose medievil, I first encountered this great game when I was like 6 or 7 playing on my uncles ps1. When I went home I begged and begged my parents for this game, I never got it until my uncle gave it to me 5 years later. I still have my ps1 and I still spend hours playing this game. I have it on PS3 as well from psn and spend just as much time completing it over and over. I just can never get enough of this amazing game!

  • Cameron says: 12 December 2014, 3:23pm

    Gotta be Crash!

    First one I played was Crash 3: Warped at the tender age of 8, on my mates PS1, something about a bandicoot who collected wompa fruits (always called them apples) and could body slam crates and Taz spin enemies got me hooked instantly, so many hours were sunk into that game trying to get the hidden gems and relics and all the wild rumours and secrets to try with it being post Internet, safe to say I quickly went and tried the first 2 then the sequels, my number 1 gaming wish is to see return to Naughty Dog from Activision so I can relive my childhood with crash's crazy antics with a modern spin on it!

    Still play the crash games to this day, which is a testament to there awesomeness and the appeal of the bandicoot called Crash!

  • Tom says: 12 December 2014, 3:23pm

    This is a two part answer, Jak and Daxter. Never before has there been such a bad ass pair of games heroes.

    Over multiple games these two have been more epic than the last, maturing with gamers the first bought the precursor legacy all the way up to the somewhat darker Jak III.

  • Jarrod says: 12 December 2014, 3:23pm

    Jak and Daxter was the first video game I ever played, it blew my mind with how much fun it was. I dont think ive had many games in my life that have thrilled my imagination as much as that particular game. Just walking around sandover village with the music in the background was enough to keep me satisfied. And even today with this game being 2 generations old. It still stands as a incredible testament to great storytelling and immensely fun platforming. If I could go back to before i played it for the first time. Just to get that joy back, i definitely would without a doubt.

  • michael says: 12 December 2014, 3:30pm

    Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank series, you cannot go wrong with that i still go back onto my PS2 to jam it a lot. I like Ratchet a lot because of what he does during missions and you have wide range of gadgets and weapons. It was also one of my first series of games that i started to collect. It left me wanting more after each game came out because of the story line and how enjoyable it was especially with the side missions with Clank. Another favourite would be "Red Alert Command and Conquer" "Odes World" "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" "Crash Team Racing" with Crash Bandicoot as they were my most memorable games when i was kid, i even bought some these games on PS3. I started playing Playstation since the PS1 came out and i still have pictures of me playing it a kid. I still can exactly remember when i went and got the PS2 when it came out and we went to buy it.

  • Reece says: 12 December 2014, 3:30pm

    Wow, now that is a tough question! There are so many memorable characters that resonate with my childhood, each representing of a nostalgic moment in time I now fondly look back upon. However, for such an awesome opportunity, I suppose I can narrow it down to three ;)

    Now of course Crash Bandicoot is a popular choice, and he was among the first I played, yet I didn't seem to buy into the hype (Not until CTR anyway, which isn't exactly character specific). No, the first character to really grip me was one of which I didn't initially play myself - Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, and all around British Bad-ass.

    Why? I remember being allowed to stay up a little later than usual to watch my Dad solve puzzles, traverse ledges, avoid traps, and kill wild animals as he made his way through the original Tomb Raider Trilogy with her. What’s particularly special about all of this is that my Dad is by no means a gamer, in fact, those three games are still to this day the only games he has ever played!

    My second character is the first I loved while playing myself, none other than Spyro the Dragon! Spyro 2 on the PS1 is still my all-time favourite game, and I enjoyed every moment of playing with Spyro as we roamed the three realms of Avalar collecting Gems, Orbs and everything else. It is also the first game I achieved 100% completion on, perhaps a kick-starter to my completionist nature.

    My final character appeared a number of years later on the PS2 console, the true God of War – Kratos! This guy was amazing, just straight up ruthless brutality and anger paired with razor-sharp chain blades. A true hack-and-slash for the ages, God of War 1 and 2 were exceptional, and Kratos really made you feel his hate, sympathising with his purpose, the mark of a great anti-hero.

    So there you have it, three key moments in my childhood all made possible through PlayStation :)

  • Ryan says: 12 December 2014, 3:30pm

    Easily Crash Bandicoot.

    Played the original game on Ps1 for hours on end with friends. It was our weekend routine. Had a lot of good times shouting out 'Ooga Booga' every time we saw those masks.

    Crash was the fun, cool hero that we could actually enjoy watching our friends play just as much as we enjoyed playing him ourselves. He was majorly my childhood Playstation experience. Still enjoy his games to this day and so do my nephews and nieces. Definitely a staple character for Playstation!

    P.S the Vegemite on toast I had playing it when I was given it for my birthday was the bomb (;

  • corban says: 12 December 2014, 3:31pm

    thats easy, I would definitely go with captain qwark (Copernicus Leslie Qwark) any day, with his lil'money side kick,Skrunch. he's every I could every want in a man . his amazing green outfit (greens my favorite colour) and he just has the coolest chin any man could ask for. I enjoy seeing him in any misson or cut-seen. his voice is so funny,and his over all personality.

    I still remember to this day on my first experince with this luscious man. back in, oh.. about 7 years ago now, at my old farm, (i was about 7 -10 ) it was about 5 days before my birthday and my dad and step mum came in, holding what seemed to be a plastic bag of something. "we got you a early present" my dad said with a cheeky grin. he placed it on my bed and i looked inside, revealing over 20 ps2 games. Oh boy was i happy haha. i started to play through them untill i got to Ratchect and clank: going commando. i started to play through the game,while eating, what i think was cereal, coco pops i believe. captain qwark appearing every now and then, ya know. I diddnt think much of him at first but captain qwark slowly grew on me.

    but yeah, he is just awesome, really love him (:

    love ya mighty ape guys <3

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 3:33pm

    Would have to be old Crash Bandicoot.

    I never had consoles growing up so would spend any free days at my mates house playing Crash Bash, Crash Team Racing and Crash 3 - Warped.

    Years and Years later, early in the playstation 2's cycle, I was given a ps1 from my aunti who had no need for it, what do I do with it first? go and buy CTR and Warped, some good times followed.

    Crash left such a lasting impression that to this day, I want a genuine CTR remake, with online multiplayer support and all that stuff. It would actually be simply amazing, and I am sure many many people would agree with me!

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 3:34pm

    As proclaimed by the mightiest of apes - "who could forget Crash Bandicoot!"
    Crash is to Playstation as Sonic is to Sega, which was the platform I progressed from in my childhood. All my friends and I were instantly fixated on this game when I got the Playstation 1 way back in ancient times (~1996) -> loading and playing the game was synonymous to a religious event, and I still have nostalgic memories of sharing out tangy fruits for the spectators as if they were like communion wafers.
    There have been numerous spin offs since, and I've played them all!
    Crash is an awesome, original, not to mention iconic character I'll always thank Sony & Naughty Dog for. And yep - I can still mimic any of his victory dance moves! ;P

  • Paolo says: 12 December 2014, 3:35pm

    Kratos - due to his awesome Blades of Chaos (blades attached to chains). A Back in 2008 when I had a PSP and was playing God of War: Chains of Olympus. For the hardware type, the game was amazingly good. The game was my "stress reliever" with the action it brought. I was eating a lot of fried rice takeaways.

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 3:35pm

    My favourite playstation character, cant narrow it down to one but all members of the assassins creed series, Altier, Etizo, Conner, ect, such fond memories of amazing gameplay, lasting impressions were of an amazing story line, great combat and lots of suprises. There is a good reason assassins creed is now so huge. And it should only be played on playstation..

    Cheers for the chance to win mighty ape

  • michael says: 12 December 2014, 3:35pm

    my all time favourite has to be spyro. all those years ago on the ps1 we had no memory card so every day i would play spyro 2:gateway to glimmer over and over and i still have not finished it, i could never play it long enough without having to go to school or go to bed, and now that i lost the ps1 and spyro disc i dont think i ever will finish it :( but winning a ps1 themed ps4 would certainly ease the pain of years and years of not knowing what was beyond that gateway to glimmer. and because spyro was just such a badass, he's all like "imma headbutt yo then breathe fire up on dat ass"

  • corban says: 12 December 2014, 3:36pm


    thats easy, I would definitely go with captain qwark (Copernicus Leslie Qwark) any day, with his lil' monkey side kick,Skrunch. he's everything I could every want in a man, or even monkey . his amazing green outfit (greens my favorite color) and he just has the coolest chin any man could ask for. I enjoy seeing him in any misson or cut-seen. his voice is so funny,and his over all personality is great!

    I still remember to this day on my first experience with this luscious man. back in, oh.. about 7 years ago now, at my old farm, (i was about 7 -10 ) it was about 5 days before my birthday and my dad and step mum came in, holding what seemed to be a plastic bag of something. "we got you a early present" my dad said with a cheeky grin. he placed it on my bed and i looked inside, revealing over 20 ps2 games. Oh boy was i happy haha. i started to play through them untill i got to Ratchet and clank: going commando. i started to play through the game,while eating, what i think was cereal, coco pops i believe. captain qwark appearing every now and then, ya know. I diddnt think much of him at first but captain qwark slowly grew on me.

    but yeah, he is just awesome, really love him (:

    love ya mighty ape guys <3

  • Alex says: 12 December 2014, 3:36pm

    For me my childhood PS hero would have to be Crash Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes back on the original style Playstation. I didn't own my own Playstation, I would have to visit my older sister's flat and would spend hours on her lounge floor failing miserably at the levels. I still remember my first go at it on the level Snow Go, trying desperately to get the red gem which I swear was just out of my reach! I left my own parents wedding once and played in my bridesmaid dress hiked up around my crossed legs I was that obsessed. Not only that but when I was older it was the first game I ever completed 100% getting all 25 crystals and 42 gems. It holds a special place in my gaming heart <3 I got given my first gaming console at 13, a second hand PS2 which has lasted 9 years and I still have today. And occasionally I sit up late, wrap a blanket aroudn me and jam those pixel graphics and remember my first gaming experience!

  • Nathan says: 12 December 2014, 3:37pm

    Jin Kazama.

    I remember being so excited when my brother got a PS1 second hand back in 1998. With Time Crisis, The Tarzan game and Tekken 3, we had our holidays set. However, we both completely enamoured by Tekken 3. My brother always chose Yoshimitsu, and I always chose Jin Kazama.

    We spent a lot of our time cooking Mince & cheese Big Ben pies in our oven in the afternoon, and it soon became a daily tradition in the holidays. Our neighbourhood friends would come and play too, and eventually we had our own little crew of Tekken players. We always had the discussion of "What's stronger!? Lightning Screw Uppercut or Burning Fist?". They all thought burning fist, but c'mon, I'm sure it's Jin's Lightning Screw Uppercut.

    I remember spending hours trying to find out how to unlock Devil Jin, using Cheat Planet rumours on our dial up internet to no avail. When the PS2 came out, I couldn't wait for the next Tekken game, and though there have been some great ones, I'll always go back to Tekken 3 on the PS1 as being the best, and Jin Kazama being the Quintessential Playstation Hero of the past 20 years.

    Even though Jin & his peers Spyro and Crash are no longer exclusive Sony/Playstation heroes, they always will be Playstation Legends to me.

  • Mihailo says: 12 December 2014, 3:38pm

    Kirk Hectic from MDK on the Playstation (PS1) would be my pick.

    A simple janitor unwillingly roped into a mess of galactic proportions by a crazy scientist, Kirk single-handedly (mostly) takes on an alien armada. What could be more badass than that!

    The first got my hands on this game was in a game store where they let you play games for a small price. Saw this on one of their PS1s, paid 2$ and played for an hour. Totally hooked by that point. Got the game about a month later.

    The character design is definitely an aspect that left the biggest impression on me. Apart from just being aesthetically weird (but cool), the game designers tied that weirdness into the gameplay itself. For example, the eye-catching pyramid helmet. This was Kirk's sniper scope which in-game brings up its own weird UI and really makes it feel like you are using the weird helmet. There was this connection that I had definitely never experienced in any other game at that time.

    In addition the aerodynamic shape on the helmet fed into whole skydiving entry aspect of each level, where the player enters the enemy compound by jumping from an aircraft and skydiving to strategic locations (for sniping :)). Whenever I see the helmet, it definitely brings back sweet memories of the free fall entries for the levels, as well as the cool bombing mini-game. If the helmet wasn't enough, the parachute on Kirk resembles floating ribbons. Again another detail that the character designers nailed by linking the weird design to interesting core gameplay. If that all wasn't enough, his comrades include a six limb, gun-slinging, wise-cracking dog and a equally funny crazy scientist. Design wise, I don't think I'll ever see a character like Kirk again.

    Bonus answer: I was probably eating a BBQ pork bun around that time, I love that stuff.

  • Nici says: 12 December 2014, 3:38pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero would definitely have to be Crash Bandicoot.

    My first ever PlayStation game was Crash Bandicoot: Twin sanity on the PS2. Before I even had a PlayStation I adored Crash Bandicoot, one of my friends had one of the games and we played hours and hours of it. When I got a copy of one of the games I was so excited, I played for hours and hours on end.

    Crash Bandicoot was my introduction to video games he was the reason I ever wanted a PlayStation. He was the reason I ever got into video games.

  • Nicola says: 12 December 2014, 3:38pm

    Crash Bandicoot because that little dude just never goes away! There hasn't been a new title since what, 2008? And everyone still knows who he is! I have always wished they brought him back maybe at the very least remastered the old games even for a PS Vita so I wouldn't have to dig the PS2 out again.

    I first met Crash when I was at my friends place when I was five and convinced her to let me play on her brothers playstation. I wanted to play every time I went to her house and I don't think she found that too much fun...
    Crash Bandicoot Twin Sanity was the first game I ever owned. Mum gave me the game wrapped up for my 14th birthday present and I felt so bad for her because I knew the games were expensive and her being technologically uumm not so great, she acted as though I was supposed to put it in the DVD player. When I, feeling horrible, told her you needed the console, she told me I should go look on my chair at the dining table, where a PS2 was waiting for me. This was all when my friends were over for my birthday party so of course we just sat around taking turns playing Crash. I didn't have a memory card at the time so EVERY DAY I played the game over from the start. Never got sick of that game!

    Ahhh...I guess we were probably eating cake at the time?

  • Remy says: 12 December 2014, 3:39pm

    My favorite PlayStation hero of all time has to be Don Mattrick.

    There are plenty of wonderful and memorable PlayStation characters but none of them have truly helped PlayStation and Sony as a whole as much as Mr. Mattrick.

    With amazing, critically acclaimed games like The Last of Us, Infamous 2 and the Uncharted series, Mattrick had steep competition for the #1 PlayStation hero, however, he pulled it off easily.

    As the head of Microsoft during the reveal of the Xbox One (PlayStation's primary competitor), Mattrick saw how much trouble Sony has been in recently. From huge losses in their electronics department, to a lack of blockbuster franchises in their film department. Mattrick, who was already deciding to leave Microsoft for Zynga, decided to do everything in his power to cripple to formidable Xbox before he left.

    Mattrick spouted mixed messages about the console, made it always online and prevented preowned games working on the console. The internet went aflame. Mattrick effectively smothered the Xbox in its crib and it took several 180's and smart moves by the rest of Microsoft to even give the Xbox One a fighting chance.

    As for being able to contend with Sony's PS4? The damage had already been done. Mattrick did what Nathan Drake, Crash Bandicoot, Jak, Ratchet, Daxter and Clank could not. The PS4 became the fastest selling console of all time, blowing every sales record out of the water and throughout the year of 2014 it beat the Xbox's sales by about 2:1.

    Would any of this be possible without Mattrick? Certainly not. One man single-handedly saved Sony from bankruptcy and widened the sales gap between PlayStation and Xbox that was so tight in the previous generation.

    Mattrick's skill and devotion for PlayStation cost him much. Instead of singing his praises, the internet tarnished his name, condemning him to be forever remembered as the fool (in polite terms) who almost ruined (also in polite terms) Xbox. All that he did, he did for his PlayStation.

    As PlayStation was determined to release exclusive games such as 'The Last of Us' and 'Gran Turismo 6' on the PS3, they were left with a less-than-stellar next-gen launch line-up, bringing out the (while still good) B-team of exclusive franchises. No Naughty Dog, no God of War and Infamous was to come out a few months after. Sony and PlayStation were given time to release information on all their great exclusives this year at the PSX by the one, the only: Don Mattrick.

    Don ensured that PlayStation had a 2:1 lead even before the A-Team of exclusives came through and helped make it the fastest-selling console of all time. This savior of Sony is (despite a lot of competition) the one true PlayStation hero.

  • Arion says: 12 December 2014, 3:39pm

    Jak, from Jak and Daxter. Sure I grew up playing Crash Bandicoot (CTR for the win) and Spyro the Dragon, but Jak and Daxter showed what happens when a great game developer gets to work with more advanced technology to create bigger and greater worlds with more visuals. The storyline of Jak and Daxter was like no other game i have played and a wonderful must have triology, whether you were playing the original on ps2 or the HD remake on ps3. Indeed Jak and Daxter is such a great trilogy many are hoping for a ps4 game.

    Naughty Dog has been such a fantastic developer over their various franchises from Crash Bandicoot (I loved Crash Bandicoot 3:Warped) all the way through to The last of us (which i really need to play), I think it would be amazing if Mighty Ape could gift the Ps1 Ps4 to a fan of a developer who has been making amazing games, so that a fan who has been playing their games for more than 15 years.

  • Jesse says: 12 December 2014, 3:39pm

    Over the last 20 years there have been so many great Playstation hero's, Ratchet & Clank, Kratos, the horseman War, Sora and Riku, Starkiller, Cloud just to name a few. But the best Playstation hero has to be the one that started it all, Crash. When i think back to my child hood playing Playstation I think of being crash, riding that polar bear, beating Dingo Dile and rapid spinning Dr. Neo Cortex. And who could forget the best victory dance ever from warped. Then there was CTR the best carting game ever. These reasons and so many others are why Crash is the best, no matter how many new and great hero's Playstation brings out, none will every be remembered or inspire as many people to become loyal to Playstation like Crash.

  • Mathew says: 12 December 2014, 3:40pm

    Firstly good luck everybody and well done to the person who has to read all of these, I couldnt do it let alone judge them.

    Anyway my playstation hero is sackboy. Now I've had playstations before the ps3 and since but sackboy stands out for me for many reasons that I shall now explain. I first met sackboy at my cousins house when all the cousins were around and we took turns (even with multi player there were too many of us). It was great fun, so much fun in fact that I went home determined to get a ps3. My ps2 couldnt handle sackboy so I needed the upgrade. It took monthis I think of savig up but eventually I got my own sackboy on my brand new (to me) second hand ps3. I spent a great deal of time taking sackboy on his adventure and then even more time making my own levels for sackboy to play in.
    I now own lbp, lbp2, lbp on vita, and lbp karting because I cant get enough of sackboy. Now that im older and a little bit wiser I have taken a closer look at my love for sackboy and I think it comes down to the great times it has provided with my cousins and friends. Also customizing sackboy is bloody awesome.
    No longer do I go to my cousins to play little big planet but instead my younger cousin look forward to coming over to my house to play, often asking to playing lbp before they can even get through the door. We always play and we always have a great time, and often more time is spent waiting for the girls to make there sackboy (sackgirl? Is that a thing?) Look just the way they want it rather then actually playong a level.

    Anyway sackboy is awesome and so is playstation and I would be forever grateful if I won this prize and could upgrade to the latest version of sackboy on little big planet 3 for ps4

  • Joshua says: 12 December 2014, 3:40pm

    My favourite playstation hero is:

    Crash bandicoot.

    The game franchise was probably the first game that left an impression on me as a young child. I first played all original games on the Ps1 and when I think about Playstation he is what comes to mind. The racong games were also as fun. I've played all games from then on and they still give me that feeling of excitement from when i was a childhood and stays with you for your whole gaming life.

  • Joshua says: 12 December 2014, 3:40pm

    My favourite playstation hero is:

    Crash bandicoot.

    The game franchise was probably the first game that left an impression on me as a young child. I first played all original games on the Ps1 and when I think about Playstation he is what comes to mind. The racong games were also as fun. I've played all games from then on and they still give me that feeling of excitement from when i was a childhood and stays with you for your whole gaming life.

  • Oscar says: 12 December 2014, 3:41pm

    It has to be Crash Bandicoot! One of the coolest and original PS characters. The games were so tedious and challenging but so fun! Hopefully the release a new version for PS4!!!!

  • Corey says: 12 December 2014, 3:43pm

    Nathan Drake is by far the biggest Playstation hero, but as a fan of the creators Naughty Dog its hard to choose from there vast array of playstation characters to choose from. But being a original game Uncharted was a stand set by Naughty Dog only to be surpassed by one of My favourite and most enjoyable game i have played in entire life.

    The Last of Us has two of the most heroic characters you will ever meet, Joel and Ellie are by far my favourite playstation hero's and my favourite team.

    Not only did this game set standards in both story/originality/graphics/gameplay, it was the only game to push the PS3 to it's limits and remastered on the PS4 it's still the highest rated game in my opinion.

    I Remember waiting for the Mid-Night release of this game, excited ever since the rumours were leaked, just to pick up this game not knowing what played ahead just to get my heart ripped out in the first 10 minutes by the directing and acting. When i shed that first tear along side with Joel my faith in this game was with it the whole way. There were no flaws in this game, in the character designs or story it was perfect and for it to be a playstation exclusive made it that much more special to me.

    Joel and Ellie, Best Playstation hero team Ever!

    Now waiting on Uncharted 4 and to be able to play the 4th instalment on this PS4 would be a dream!

  • Adrian says: 12 December 2014, 3:43pm

    Crash Bandicoot
    From playing the original Crash Bandicoot to Crash Team Racing on PS1.
    When I was bored I would always play them I have beaten all the Crash games that came out on PS1. It's my favorite series and characters I have ever played. When my PlayStation 1 broke, due to my sisters friend dropping it, it was very heartbroken because I couldn't play my favourite games :(. But then my mum who was nice enough to buy me the PlayStation 2, which was epic cause I could play all the games again, and guess what I did played all the Crash Bandicoot games which was an amazing time and on our new TV too. I still play them to this date, although not as much :P

  • George says: 12 December 2014, 3:47pm

    My favourite playstation hero is:

    Kratos, God of War

    I had played games before but never really caught on to they hype due to my parents never letting me play too much. But when i went to a friends house to i played this game for a solid 10 hours straight. This game brought me into the world of gaming. Since then i have played everything from Mario Kart to Telltales the walking dead, but this will always be my first memory of proper gaming and always made me happy whenever I played.

  • RODNEY says: 12 December 2014, 3:47pm

    For me it has to be Kratos... Why??? Coz he brought down the gods!!!

  • Ricky says: 12 December 2014, 3:48pm

    Mine would have to be Final Fantasy VII in all its glory (characters, story, music, the adventure it takes us on). Playing it on PS1, PS2 & finally PS3 I still play it to this day :p
    I remember as if it was yesterday loading it up, hearing that iconic music sending chills down the spine.
    I think I did just about everything in that game from breeding the gold choccobo to get to that island in the corner of the map to get the "Knights of the round" materia to winning as much as I could at the amusement park. Defeating Sephiroth with 2 Knights of the round summoning's (Cloud casting and then Tifa using "Mimic"... ah great times.
    Of all the Final Fantasy games this one to me was the longest (an even tho only on 3 discs). Still remember that moment that even to this day still gets me and I'm sure pretty much everyone else..... when Sephiroth came down to kill Aerith.... the shock that followed was like WTF, single tear sliding down the pain I/we all felt at seeing that.
    When my kids are old enough its goin to be the main game I'll introduce them to, so they can gain the love and memories that I have gotten.
    Winning this would be a great addition to the family and to do more gaming on with the release of some great titles coming out so I can game an snack on chicken toasties gaining more gaming memories :)

  • Samantha says: 12 December 2014, 3:48pm

    Crash bandicoot because spins my wheels! He is a full on family fun game.

  • Jeff says: 12 December 2014, 3:49pm

    Being a Gundam Fan and bought all the Super Robot War Serious, A.C.E. serious - of course Gundams!! And being specific - Wing Zero Custome!! Double barrel buster rifle, wipping everything within sight.
    More importantly, its elegance!! A gundam with angel wings, what else can you ask for!!

  • Michael says: 12 December 2014, 3:50pm

    Cloud strife final fantasy 7

    Got my ps1 dual shock edition at 13 got a weekend job just to pay for it spent over 300 hours playing this game to completion would have to say my favourite game ever and ive owned every playstation since including psp and ps vita what can i say i love playstation

  • Niko says: 12 December 2014, 3:52pm

    CJ from GTA San Andrea's because he keeps it real. Mama i love you P.O.P holding it dowwwnnnn.

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 3:52pm

    Spyro from the PS1, the original game! Such a cool game and concept!

  • annaleisha says: 12 December 2014, 3:54pm


  • Rob says: 12 December 2014, 3:54pm

    Spyro the dragon is the best hero that i can think of. First encounter with him was in 1999 on the ps1 and it was before we had a memory card, so i had to complete the game in one go to be able to see the ending. Many attempts but never could i get up to gnasty gnorc. I have enjoyed the journey that I have had over the years with him. But the best time i had was with Spyro Year of the Dragon. Once i had a memory card (and some sick days from school) i just couldn't put the controller down. Just to head butt money bags (more like greedy bags) was the best feeling in the world, just to hear him complain was awesome. Just to be able to go back and replay the series on the ps3 was just as great, but i do miss not being able to play the later games as i missed out on getting them on their consoles. But i will always have the original trilogy.

  • edward says: 12 December 2014, 3:54pm

    Definitely niko belic, first game i had on my old next gen console (xbox 360) best memories of my gaming past :D

  • Tristan says: 12 December 2014, 3:56pm

    It would have to be Jak from the Jak and Daxter series. i remember the first game i played on the PlayStation 2 was Jak and Daxter the Precursor legacy. such an awesome game

  • Matthew says: 12 December 2014, 3:56pm

    I have a PS1, PS2 and a PS3. My dad got me a PS3 bundle with inFamous a couple months after the PS3 was initially released. Within the first few minutes of the game I was just blown away with what I could do and Cole McGrath became my favourite PS3 character by far. I'll never forget at the start of the game where Cole says "I'll take the express elevator down" to Zeke and then you get to jump off the building. When I did that the camera angle changed so that I was looking up at Cole as he fell and he landed on a car slightly squishing it. Hands down one of the coolest things I have seen in a game to this day and Cole is still my favourite PS3 character. If I was eating anything at the time I wouldn't have cared because I was too blown away and invested in the game to think about eating (At that moment)

  • liam says: 12 December 2014, 3:58pm

    mine would have to be Kratos from the god of war series, why? because he is awesome he took on the gods and WON!!!

  • Nick says: 12 December 2014, 3:58pm

    For me I had a few. Mainly from the Tekken series as I was really into my martial arts but the biggest and bestest hero of them all was Crash Bandicoot!. Twas in the late 90's, they were simpler times. Times where birthday parties everywhere consisted of pizza, coke, chocolate and ice cream mixed in with hours sharing your latest game with your friends. When I first encountered Crash it was actually by way of the old Playstation demo discs. And to be honest I spent more time playing the numerous demos then actually playing the games I had at the time. Each demo had more of the best games that children everywhere wished nothing more then to get their hands on. What made Crash so awesome was how he could bring entire families together. Sega was a bit like that for me and when my Mega drive gave up the ghost it was like my entire family suffered. The type of games released on playstation didn't all cater for the family until Crash that is....Crash was so awesome that my older sister and younger brother also found joy in him. So awesome that even my parents couldn't help but give it go. Especially Crash 3 Warped. Which years later I still get out to play. Crash is a legend and his impact on those who grew up in the 90's I feel is everlasting!

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 3:59pm

    My favorite playstation hero would have to be Jak from the Jak and Daxter games on the PS2. I just loved those games growing up. gathering all the green and blue eco and precursor artifacts through the vast and extremely good look worlds. Then came the dark gloomy world of Jak 2. Full of guns, hover vehicles and the even more bad ass Jak & dark Jak, which I've got to say blew my mind at the time. The second game made me love this hero and idolize him even more. Then Jak 3 came out and I spent all of my school holidays playing that game. With being able to freeze and slowdown time with eco powers, being able to fly with a glider, driving dune buggies with guns attached all over them, and Jak being 3 times the bad ass he was compared to the first game. I could not turn my PS2 off let alone sleep (sleeping is for pussy's when there is gaming to be done). overall the Jak and Daxter games and this hero are etched into my childhood and this is why Jak is my favorite Playstation hero. I would also love to catch up with him again sometime.

  • Lance says: 12 December 2014, 3:59pm

    I have 2 that are equal the first is snake from metal gear solid he was awesome my second is tidus from final fantasy X even tho he didn't exist in there timeline he was still able to touch the lives of many people in final fantasy

  • Colin says: 12 December 2014, 4:00pm

    Hmmm hard question. Crash bandicoot was what got me into play station, then sonic.
    How ever I would have to say clank. The smart arse little robot that followed rachet around

  • David says: 12 December 2014, 4:01pm

    Sora from Kingdom Hearts. (When it came out it was a playstation exclusive.) Kingdom Hearts has always had a lasting impression on me. It draws you in with the characters you know from other things, and because it's Disney, you expect it to be nice, but the story gets deep and emotional. And although Sora has all this thrust upon him, he doesn't complain, he gives it his best, and tries to do it all with a smile. He is a great example of how to keep on going when life gets tough. Although Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to come out on both Playstation and Xbox, I started the journey with Sora on a Playstation 2, and I want to finish the Saga on a PS4, and winning this would save me buying one just for that game ;)

  • Taylor says: 12 December 2014, 4:01pm

    There are so many heros/herions to choose from in all the PlayStations/games but one hero which will always sit close to my heart is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. It was the first game I ever brought with my own money (dad worked me hard for it). The reason Sora is my favourite hero is that the whole series is about him defending innocence and finding his friends I think every 12 year old kid is searching for that kind of friendship and loyalty and fighting of the ‘darkness’ inside themselves and others. Being that kind of kid who other kids at that age sometimes struggled to get on with; Sora from this Playstation game taught me so much about the heart and striving to always be a loyal and a good friend. Not to mention he wields the key blade and is flippin badass. Even today me and my mates go back to play through his adventures together in 25 hour stints (yes the games where that long) in fact I’m just about to complete KH1 again and am still loving it as much as I did the first time I put that cd in. Kingdom Hearts 3 is supposedly coming out on PS4 and it would fulfil my passion to be able to play Sora on what I consider the greatest consul to date in the original style. I even have the area all set out to put the PS4.

  • Nick says: 12 December 2014, 4:01pm

    Tidus ffx. Even though most people people would slam him for being the winiest he was the most down to earth and realistic final fantasy character in my opinion.

  • Joel says: 12 December 2014, 4:02pm

    I'm trying to think of someone more obscure, and unlikely to be mentioned hundreds of times here, but the answer probably still has to be Crash Bandicoot. The hours me and my family spent playing Crash 3 Warped, taking it in turns to attempt each level, fighting over who's turn it was or whether that turn really counted because he was already mostly dead when my turn started, was the start of many years of playing playstation and games together which carries on to this day. We moved onto crash team racing, and other games after that, but that's probably one of the first games we all played together, and the character with the lasting appreciation. Tony Hawk followed, but that was more for the game than the character. Then ever since Driven to Destruction that's been it, but there's no characters there to be a hero. Unless you count Outlaw, driving the Lucky 13 Muscle car, gladiator. Yeah... We still play that game a lot.

  • Colin says: 12 December 2014, 4:03pm

    Joel from the Last of Us as he is the most believable hero, he got a shit hand dealt to him but pulled through and, in my opinion, made the right decision in the end..also he's totally bad ass!!

  • Kevin says: 12 December 2014, 4:03pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero is Tidus.

    He is "so awesome" because of the story and development of his character! My first encounter with him was in Final Fantasy X on the PlayStation 2. He left a lasting impression on me because of the person he was and how he showed that to other people. There is a lot to be learned from his passion and integrity; also his endearment for Yuna. Tidus just resonates with me, something other PlayStation heroes (by no means are they discounted) couldn't do.

    Emotions aside, I can't actually remember what I was eating.

  • Dion says: 12 December 2014, 4:03pm

    My most memorable PlayStation hero would have to be Crash Bandicoot, since he was the first PlayStation game i ever played on PlayStation 1 and continued to play the games all throughout my childhood, i think remaking the games or even a new game would be great for people like me who spent a lot of their childhood with him. xD

  • Clayton says: 12 December 2014, 4:05pm

    My favourite PlayStation character is Ico, from 2002. I heard stories about the game—that it was experimental, weird and, of course, Japanese—but the thing that surprised me was the thing that I had never seen in a game before: gentleness. Yes, there is fighting and danger and dark forces, but what drives the story forward is the almost-silent empathy between Ico and the princess. Empathy, in a video game? Yes, it happened, and I don’t think it’s ever been so superbly captured since (although the sort-of follow up Shadow of the Colossus came close).

    As a character, what we know about Ico is limited: he’s young, he’s a freak, and he’s obviously compassionate. The rest was left up to our imagination to fill in the blanks—what did the horns mean? Why did care about the princess? What was his relationship to the shadow people? The game asked a lot of us, more than most games, and the more we thought about it, the more we were rewarded.

    I played the game during the dying months of a long relationship. My girlfriend wasn’t a gamer but something about Ico made her sit down and play. It was the only game we played and finished together. I haven’t seen or spoken to her for years now, but that period is one of my favourite memories of her and me, even though outside of Ico things were falling apart. As Ico and the princess cuddled up on the save-couches for a moment’s respite, so did we.

  • Robin says: 12 December 2014, 4:06pm

    Could Strife from VII.

    Cloud to me was the true definition of a warrior as a kid. It was also my very first Final Fantasy game on PS1. The fact he wielded his massive cloud buster sword made him a badass, he took down sephiroth, lost aeris but in end saved so many. His haircut was the best and till this day I think he still has one of the best costumes and fighting style out of all the characters in the final fantasy universe. He even got his own movie with the group avalanche in advent children and that was the best CGI movie i've ever watched. Im happy FF VII is coming to PS4. And it would awesome to have a PS4 to play it on :)

  • Leon says: 12 December 2014, 4:06pm

    Crash Bandicoot! One of the first games I played on the Ps1 and loved it to bits! It kept me excited every time I played with his crazy personality. Enjoyed many of the racing ones as well! Miss those days where me and my cousin would play it every Saturday for hours on the Ps1!

    As for food at the time, probably a bowl of chips with a dip of sour cream on the side :P

  • Kurtis says: 12 December 2014, 4:06pm

    Abe from the oddworld games.
    abes odysee was the first game I got with my playstation and I thought and still think that these games are great, the subtlties in humor, the simplicity of abes communication. he's the unfortunate accidental hero, with a kind heart. He didn't have any overwhelmingly powerful abilities and most the game was about puzzling your way through deathtraps. Also how can you not like a character that utilizes a fart as a tool for distraction and comedy.

    my favourite game of all time is ff7, but i don't think that cloud is the best "hero" as he doesn't often save others, instead he kinda get's them in more trouble. I think he's a really interesting character and has an excellent story, he's just not the hero you can depend on.

    But yea Abe hand's down best playstation hero. if only I had his ability to possess you guys and have you give me this.

  • Michal says: 12 December 2014, 4:07pm

    My favourite character was one of my first, crash or spyro. I was introduced to these characters when I was 2 and a half and from then I knew how much fun I was going to have in the future. I have owned or use to own all playstation consoles and same as every crash and spyro game. They're are both awesome because at the time playstation did not have a major character that belongs to the console where as Nintendo had mario and xbox had master chief, they're many characters that is the playstations mascot but or me spyro and crash will always be awesome for their home. The playstation

  • Robin says: 12 December 2014, 4:07pm

    Could Strife from FF VII.

    Cloud to me was the true definition of a warrior as a kid. It was also my very first Final Fantasy game on PS1. The fact he wielded his massive cloud buster sword made him a badass, he took down sephiroth, lost aeris but in end saved so many. His haircut was the best and till this day I think he still has one of the best costumes and fighting style out of all the characters in the final fantasy universe. He even got his own movie with the group avalanche in advent children and that was the best CGI movie i've ever watched. Im happy FF VII is coming to PS4. And it would awesome to have a PS4 to play it on :)

  • Nicholas says: 12 December 2014, 4:07pm

    I'd have to sat Barry Burton, from the original Resident Evil. Why Barry? Because of awesome dialogue like giving Jill the lockpick 'since you're the master of unlocking things', saving Jill from becoming a 'Jill sandwich', plus we all love a misguided hero who redeems himself at the last minute, oh and he had a rad beard and a magnum 357!

  • Simon says: 12 December 2014, 4:10pm

    Probably has to be Sora from kingdom hearts on the playstation 2 around when it was released. I was about 8 or 9 and starting to get into playstation games and sora and the kingdom hearts games just stood out. Adventure, Justice the whole works plus relatable disney characters all around. He represented the adventure i wanted to have as a kid and he did it awesomely too. beautiful game that i've since spent hundreds of hours playing.

  • Donald says: 12 December 2014, 4:11pm

    Thank You Mighty Ape for being soooo generous to be giving this away!! that is some really awesome christmas spirit you monkeys have. :)

    Well i would have to say that my favourite Playstation Hero that started my gaming sessions from when i was a young one would have to be
    Sir Daniel Fortesque of Gallowmere
    from the classic PS1 game "MediEvil" saving the world from Hordes of Undead and the evil sorcerer "Zarok" not letting evil prevail even after Sir Fortesque had passed. with his funny mumbles trying to talk with out a jaw to awesome weapons and abilities that you receive from fallen heroes that support your cause. Sir Fortesque also taught me to solve riddles and understand strategy games opening my mind on how to understand strategy games.
    Thank You Mighty Ape
    Thank You Sir Daniel Fortesque

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 4:11pm

    Kratos god of war 1
    on ps2,
    cause hes the man
    eating chicken

  • Craig says: 12 December 2014, 4:12pm

    My favourite character is Carl 'CJ' Johnson from GTA - San Andreas. He's my favourite for many reasons, most notably because the game itself was amazing, it was the most amazing open world game to date on the Playstation 2 blowing away all before it. Carl's sense of humor in a not so humorous environment always cracked me up, some of his sayings during unspeakable acts were hilarious "I take that paper!". His was a likable rogue in see of crime and violence. I absolutely loved the fact you could make him fat by eating too much or muscle bound by hitting the gym a lot. I spent a LOT of hours on my playstation playing as CJ.

  • Reuben says: 12 December 2014, 4:12pm

    Nathan Drake has been great and Solid Snake.

  • Connor says: 12 December 2014, 4:13pm

    Crash Bandicoot. He took me through my childhood years and was the first gaming character I looked up to. Plus he had a hot girlfriend.

  • Kyeron says: 12 December 2014, 4:16pm

    My favourite has to be Gabriel Logan from the syphon Filter Series, he's a classic hero .

    I remember playing Syphon Filter 2 my first ever shooter on the good ol' ps1.
    I played that game so many times over the years, oh the countless death matches against my brother and our friends always playing as Gabriel as he was the best, he was the hero, he couldn't be stopped.
    Oh and lets not forget i think it was peanutbutter toast.

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 4:17pm

    Well she's no longer a Sony/Play station character but in my heart she always will be. Laura Croft Tomb Raider. Who doesn't remember the fun times playing a classic tomb Raider game? The reboot was great but nothing quite compares to the uniqueness of having a lead female protagonist way back then.

  • Marc says: 12 December 2014, 4:17pm

    I remember playing Toca touring cars with my big brother on the PS1 back in England that was my favourite game, me and my brother never really had anything in common with him being 9 years older with a family, I was a football fan and into computers, he hated the football and had no interest in computers, he loved cars.
    We finally found a joint combination of interests while playing video games and a car racing game too, we ordered kebabs from the chip shop and I got my first taste of a beer with him as we raced along brands-hatch in the Renault Meagne's.
    there was a hairpin bend at the end of the track before you cross the finish line if I was loosing id not slow down for it and try slam into him at full speed as he tried to turn and see if i could use that to skip ahead of him.
    Toca bonded me and my brother so thanks Playstation and merry Christmas mighty Ape

  • Derick says: 12 December 2014, 4:20pm


    Guiding Yorda through the castle while protecting her from the shadow creatures that try to drag her into the vortexes with nothing more than a stick or a sword.

    Ico doesn't know Yorda. She speaks a different language. He is completely unprepared and yet he protects her and makes it his mission to get her to safety.

    I first played Ico on the PS2. It was, and still is, a uniquely beautiful experience with new game play elements, mechanics and art style only rivaled by Shadow of the Colossus.

    It is truly a piece of art that can evoke such emotion and tell such a compelling story with very minimal dialog.

    I grabbed The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection when it was released on the PS3 without hesitation and I am still to find other games that were so remarkable.

  • Geordie says: 12 December 2014, 4:20pm

    It's been 20 years? Time does fly!

    Favourite hero on PlayStation / Childhood hero:

    Crash from Crash Bandicoot.

    As a kid I used to play this game series 'Crash Bandicoot' (As of course most should know this game series) All of the time with my two brothers for hours non-stop or as long as we were allowed to be on playing.

    I do remember pretty much everything in these games even when I young I found some stages in the games a challenge which is a good thing. It gave me a challenge.

    My favourite of the game series was probably (from memory) Crash Bandicoot - Warped, CTR and the wrath of Cortex and of course I enjoyed all of them.

    Why was he my childhood hero?
    Because playing him was probably the best thing ever on Playstation. Clearing the levels, defeating bosses, doing the mini stages through out the games and trying to get 100% on the games.

    This is pretty much why Crash Bandicoot is awesome as a game series and as a childhood hero.

    NaughtyDog did a fantastic job!

    I wish these games would be remade into HD copies and released in the future onto the PS4 consoles then I could relive these moments!

    - I hope this isn't too much for you to read since there will be hundreds of people entering! :)

  • Mike says: 12 December 2014, 4:20pm

    Rachet from Rachet & Clank - the first PS console I got was a PS2 and got the first R&C at same time.
    My sister and me love this series, for us a new R&C console game is a reason to buy the next PS console.

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 4:21pm

    Abe from Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee on PS1. It was the first game I ever had and it came when we got our first ever PS One as a surprise Christmas present for all the siblings to share. I never really understood the game, but its meat-chunk filled gameplay and Abe's "Hoyo-yoyo" chanting at doves made it fun enough to not need to understand! Maybe I liked him more because it was my game, but Abe was so random and funny that he was my only choice when I got my turn on the Playstation.

  • Jordan says: 12 December 2014, 4:21pm

    Since alot of people beat me to saying cloud deserves the badge of bad-assery because he defeated sephiroth, saved the world from becoming a meteor of mega death etc, I would have to say Ezio Auditori deserves some credit for feeding an already well lit fire for the assassin franchise. He was the most renowned for rebuilding a broken brotherhood and taking down multiple powerful influences in the world. Plus he has some cool weapons and gadgets.

  • Steve says: 12 December 2014, 4:21pm

    Crash Bandicoot, such a step up from my 486 Pc he hooked me on console gaming :)

  • Damir says: 12 December 2014, 4:22pm

    For me it would be Fei Wong from Xenogears on the PS1. The original Playstation was home to many seminal RPG titles (FFVII to IX, Tactics Ogre, Lunar 1 and 2, Grandia, Chrono Cross, and Brave Fencer Musashi to name a few) but Xenogears stands tall over them all. With a truly mature storyline incorporating elements of science fiction with religion, psychology, and political intrigue may not seem so strange now, but in 1998 on the PS1 there was nothing quite like it. The elements that made Xenogears such a great title can still be seen in its spiritual sequels, the three Xenosaga episodes, on the PS2, as well as Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Wii and Wii U respectively.

    Fei himself transcends the usual amnesiac JRPG protagonist trope which he initially seems to embody, with his narrative developing throughout the very lengthy plot (upwards of 60 hours). His relationship with Elly is particularly well done and you'll grow to care for them more than you ever did for Cloud and Aerith who seem like cardboard cut-outs in comparison.

    For those of you who haven't played the game you can check it out on your PS3 or Vita via PSN. You'll need to make an American account but it is well worth the effort.

  • Luke says: 12 December 2014, 4:23pm

    Mine would have to be when I was only young. Back in about 98=99 my uncle, who lives in the Auckland area came over to visit us, we lived near Gisborne on the East coast at the time. He had also brought his PlayStation and Crash Bandicoot 1 game with him so we could have a go playing it for the first time. And we've been hooked ever since :)

  • Jackson says: 12 December 2014, 4:25pm

    I"d have to say crash bandicoot ive played 1000's of games and yet none of them seem to top the fun gameplay of crash he's just an awesome guy to play as and the maps are amazingly created he i by far the best

  • Vernon says: 12 December 2014, 4:25pm

    Leon and claire from resident evil 2 were my first all night companions on the playstation 1 rented from united video. Some genuine crap your pants moments in that game (licker smashing through window). Bought a ps1 as soon as i could and had every playstation since. Love it.

  • Dan says: 12 December 2014, 4:25pm

    There are so so many to choose from, it's an almost impossible task! But if I had to pick only one, I would have to pick Cloud from FFVII, or perhaps his Buster Sword! I think that game was originally the reason I bought a PSX way way back in the day, and I do know it was my first personally funded console rather than begging parents to buy it for me. Those moments tend to leave their mark in history, I put so many hours into FFVII just because I had to know how it ended, such an epic game, and way beyond its time! It stands up well now really, would be really great to see a reboot of it to go with the shiny new PS4!!!

  • Anthony says: 12 December 2014, 4:26pm

    Without a Doubt My favorite game and Hero would have to be Abe from Oddworld Abe's Oddysee, i first encounter this character as a toddler watching my dad play it when i was around 4 years old, didn't take me long before i started playing it on the PlayStation 1 which is still working!,
    I loved the simplicity of the game making use of abes unique communication skill set *farts* :)
    and how you could spend the whole night trying to get past a level and not notice how many hours had gone by. i also feel he made a lasting impression because he was my first Hero i had played and still remember most of the story line 15 years later.
    i would of probably been munching on some salt and vinegar chips!!

    . When did you first encounter this character? Which PlayStation system was it on? Why did they leave a lasting impresion on you? What were you eating at the time? :P

  • Danny says: 12 December 2014, 4:26pm

    Was totally gunna say Jak and Daxter until I read it in the description... However, I'm gunna stick with it anyway! Jak and Daxter was one of the first games that I'd played and completely enjoyed. Jak 3 was my favourite out of the series because of all the cool guns and environments. And Jak had such a kickass beard!! I just wish that I still had access to my old ps2 console so I could play it again :(

  • Jared says: 12 December 2014, 4:26pm

    CRASH BANDICOOT!!! Hands down thee best memories from his games starting all the way back on Playstation 1. The amazing Crash Bandicoot 1, the first game I ever played on a console. It was so fun and addicting and I still remember trying to collect all the Wumpa fruit just to get an extra life. That kickstarted my love for gaming! Then it just escalated... Crash bash, Crash tag team racing were both unbeatable when it came to having fun with family & friends. Although my favourite character in those two games would have been Tiny tiger. Move onto playstation 2 and boom more Crash games, crash the wrath of cortex and crash twinsanity both fun but not quite as good as the ones on Playstation 1. Playstation 3 was my next encounter with crash and I had a good time playing mind over mutant, felt good to be playing as Crash again. Unfortunately that's where my journey has stopped until they release Crash onto the ps4 and then life will be complete :) It is hard though saying Crash is my favourite character as Playstation has had so many.... I shall leave a honourable mention list

    Nathan Drake, All his adventures
    Jak... & Daxter, Mainly 2 & 3
    Spyro, his earlier games on Playstation 1
    Ratchet & clank, every single one! These two were hard to beat because even my partner loves them and will play them with me :D

  • Kyle says: 12 December 2014, 4:28pm

    Cloud Strife the Greatest Video Game Hero of All Time:
    I first encountered Cloud Strife back in 1998 after my God Father I call Uncle Keith had just brought Final Fantasy 7 for PS1.
    Cloud left a lasting impression on me because he is an exceptionally all-rounded character. Of course, there is no one true measure of quality of characters (in games or otherwise) but at the very least, Cloud is one of those uncommon characters in games with depth, complexity, and a smooth, believable bend of character evolution and advancement.
    The first time I saw Cloud, he was vaulting out of a train and single-handedly dispatching a group of armed guards. He’s detached and impersonal, a sword for hire whose only priority is completing his job and getting paid. Cloud is set up as a masculine power fantasy. He’s an elite military specialist gone rogue against an oppressive “corporatocracy”, who is motivated not just by rugged individualism but also to protect the women that he encounters. He reacts to catastrophe with an indifferent swank of his hair and an overconfident slouch. For the first half of Final Fantasy 7, the player takes the role of this competent, slightly egotistical warrior figure.
    Most video game heroes bear resemblance to Cloud after the opening credits. They are channels of the same male dominance fantasy. But halfway through the game, layers of Cloud’s facade are exfoliated away. When he insists that Aeris or Tifa keep out of harms way, he’s powerless of keeping them back—and undeniably both female characters prove well suited to dealing with the hazards and are even fundamental to the adventure. After all, Cloud is not chasing down Sephiroth, he is being shown the way by him.
    Cloud is not only less experienced than he makes out, but his entire identity is fake. The huge reveal of Final Fantasy 7 is that Cloud has his own pseudo-memories. He was never a comrade of the elite military organisation Soldier, he did not become a personal buddy with the war hero Sephiroth, and he never made a money as a mercenary. In truth, Cloud was raised by a single mother, he had a lonely time as a child, and he failed to live up to his aspirations. His entire upbringing is mired with so much loss and defeat that he represses it completely and takes on a new identity.
    Cloud’s makeup is based off two guidelines: that of Sephiroth and that of Zack. Sephiroth is set up as an aggressive superhuman, a famous war hero. The 14-year old Cloud brags proudly to a young Tifa that he’s leaving for the big smoke to join Soldier and be like Sephiroth. Cloud takes on Sephiroth as a fatherly figure of manhood. Equivalently, Zack is a young child prodigy quickly moving through the ranks of Soldier, an intelligently skilled and well respected man with the bright future that Cloud wants but is incompetent of accomplishing. The two men are fittingly armed with signature phallic swords. When Cloud takes on Zack’s personality, he takes his sword (which in battle he holds upright between his legs) and buries his childish self underneath this other gentlemen’s identity.
    At the game’s middle mark, after the party acquires the black materia in the Temple of the Ancients, Cloud’s mind deceives him. He lacks the will to turn down Sephiroth, his father figure, and turns on Aeris. At this point Cloud is no longer the cocky, impartial fighter. He’s as likely to crawl into the foetal position and sulk as he is to fly into battle. The more of his fake personality that is flaked away, the less there is that remains left. Cloud’s self is so reliant on the virile male solider deception that there is nothing below it. When his deception is taken away completely, Cloud is crippled and confused. Cloud’s only image is the dreamed up version of himself that he has constructed.
    As Final Fantasy 7 comes to closure, a full and authentic Cloud finally gets revealed. Cloud accepts his losses, he sorry for being weak, for failing himself and the rest of the group. Nonetheless he’s still welcomed back, and they don’t take time at all to let it go. He recognises his faults and gets over them. His personal recognition of this is rewarded when his buddies accept him. He isn’t very manly person, but his peers still have high regard for him. The Cloud at the beginning of Final Fantasy 7 is in contrast different than the Cloud at the end. He complains, he loses, and he is not strong, but he is far better armed to save the world than when he was being fake himself.
    By the end of the game, the government has collapsed, the planet’s energy source is too hazardous to keep consuming, the world’s biggest city is obviated, but the world still stands and there is still hope. The point is echoed in Cloud’s progression as a character, for all his self-deception, his mistakes, and his weaknesses, he finds himself and ends up stronger after doing so.
    Video games rarely star such deeply defective characters. Singularly L.A. Noire’s Cole Phelps is as defective as Cloud and even his recovery is never complete. Largely often player’s take on roles like Marcus Fenix, for whom being outed means removing a hat and having a lady jump to tend to him.
    Cloud is all by himself, he is scared, and he does not know who he is, a sentiment shared by many 21-year-olds, even those who aren’t burdened with saving the planet. As the story comes to an end, after the “authentic” cloud is saved literally from dark within his psyche, he turns into a complete human being. He’s not strong, and he’s remorseful. He knows he will do better next time around. He may never be the super human that Sephiroth is, but folk like that are unsafe and unpredictable. Cloud far more intimatley looks like what most video game heroes never do: a total human being.
    At the time my favourite food was hot nachos, could get enough of them and Final Fantasy 7.

    Thank you for reading my story…

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 4:28pm

    I can still remember my first encounter with the playstation 1,

    I was 7 years old and it was 1995 , my nana called to invite me and my two brothers stay over for the weekend , (something she did every month ) bags packed and and stuffed with our favourite action man figurines to help pass the time we begrudingly show up on the doorstep.Upon arrival cheeks pinched lipstick smeared we set to put our bags on the bunk beds in the spare room but some ting was different , instead there was a couch and a sony 29 inch crt tv in place of our red metal set of bunk beds and on the coffee table a big box wrapped in this retro black wrapping paper with crazy red yellow and green squiggle pattern on it , attached was a car reading "to my darling grandsons , for spending so much time with this old lady, enjoy , love nan"

    We tore that box open quicker than you could sneaze and tadaa there sat the sony playstation 1 !

    We could hardly contain ourselves ! , we had a sega master system at home but nothing prepared us for the amazing graphics that lay before us , at this stage we only had a few demo discs to play on , twisted metal 1 , tekken , and ecko the dolphin ,but boy thise were amazing .

    Later came to me personally one of the best games i have ever played , final fantasy 9.

    The character Vivi , the black mage , unsure of himself and the great power within starts of timid , scared and shy, but thanks to great friends he meets along the way he realises his potential and shows its ok to be different and overcomes all .

    The sense of nostalgia i get even to this day when i play this on my ps3 is hard to beat .

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 4:29pm

    I can still remember my first encounter with the playstation 1,

    I was 7 years old and it was 1995 , my nana called to invite me and my two brothers stay over for the weekend , (something she did every month ) bags packed and and stuffed with our favourite action man figurines to help pass the time we begrudingly show up on the doorstep.Upon arrival cheeks pinched lipstick smeared we set to put our bags on the bunk beds in the spare room but some ting was different , instead there was a couch and a sony 29 inch crt tv in place of our red metal set of bunk beds and on the coffee table a big box wrapped in this retro black wrapping paper with crazy red yellow and green squiggle pattern on it , attached was a car reading "to my darling grandsons , for spending so much time with this old lady, enjoy , love nan"

    We tore that box open quicker than you could sneaze and tadaa there sat the sony playstation 1 !

    We could hardly contain ourselves ! , we had a sega master system at home but nothing prepared us for the amazing graphics that lay before us , at this stage we only had a few demo discs to play on , twisted metal 1 , tekken , and ecko the dolphin ,but boy thise were amazing .

    Later came to me personally one of the best games i have ever played , final fantasy 9.

    The character Vivi , the black mage , unsure of himself and the great power within starts of timid , scared and shy, but thanks to great friends he meets along the way he realises his potential and shows its ok to be different and overcomes all .

    The sense of nostalgia i get even to this day when i play this on my ps3 is hard to beat .

  • Jamie says: 12 December 2014, 4:29pm

    Gotta be Sora from Kingdom Hearts on PS2. KH1 and KH2 were my childhood, played them both to completion. I first played Kingdom Hearts just before the sequel came out in 2006, and was immediately hooked. It was s fun traveling around Disney worlds, defeating heartless. Can't wait to finish the journey on PS4!

  • Craig says: 12 December 2014, 4:30pm

    Squall on original playstation on ffviii..first time I had stayed up until 4am on a work night playing a game. Loved the lionheart limit break too

  • Toby says: 12 December 2014, 4:32pm

    Crash Bandicoot.
    Smashing boxes in the Wumpa Islands on Playstation original. Stopping Cortex in his tracks was on of my favourite past times. Then when he jumped in a kart... epic multi-player.

  • Callum says: 12 December 2014, 4:34pm

    This might sound a bit silly but it would have to be Jimmy Hopkins from Bully. It was the first time that when I finished a game it left me with a bit of an empty feeling. My best guess as to why he had such an impact on me is that I was picked on all through school about my weight. It really made school and even life hard for me. And when I borrowed that game off my friend and started playing it made me feel better. It let me vent my frustration and sadness through this game where I would finally have the power to fight back against the bully's and stand up for myself. That game really helped me through my younger years.

  • Helen says: 12 December 2014, 4:35pm

    Ratchet,just so much fun to play!

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 4:37pm

    Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.

    He is awesome cause he gave up his life to save the world
    He was the starting point for the final fantasy series which i love and when you hear Final Fantasy, people will be like of CLOUD.

  • Cameron says: 12 December 2014, 4:42pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero would have to be Crash Bandicoot. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped was one of the first games i ever played and i remember all of the time i would spend playing that game on my dad's PlayStation 1.

    My friends and I would spend hours playing the various levels in a hopes to collect all of those pink gems. I remember how much of a pain those underwater levels were and those damn underwater mines you had to avoid.

    Every time i collected one of those gems it felt like i had achieved something great and as i grew older and obtained more games i found it extremely hard to replicate that feeling i had with Crash.

    a few years later we traded in our PlayStation for a PlayStation 2 and even then i would still play that same Crash Bandicoot game on the next-generation console.

    Crash had become my partner and he became much more than just a character in a game. He had suffered with me through those underwater levels, he had laughed with me during the funny antics that the game offered (the frog kissing crash in the castle levels would always make me laugh), and fought with me against the various bosses like Tiny and Dingodile. Crash had become something of a friend and despite his lack of communication i always felt like he knew me the best.

    There aren't many video game characters that can truly change the way someone views all video games, but Crash did just that, and that is why i believe he is my PlayStation hero and why i think he's awesome (That and because he's a box-smashing, mask-wielding, evil foiling, Ass kicking Bandicoot!)

    Crash will always be special to me, even with his changing looks through the generations; polygons or not, and thankfully Warped is now on the PlayStation Store so i can relive the moments with him again and again on the PlayStation 3. I might even be able to get past the last levels with those damn UFOs and actually defeat Dr. Cortex :P

    P.S I would always eat Arnotts Shapes Pizza flavoured during the times i would play with Crash, ESPECIALLY during the Underwater levels, they were kind of my comfort food :P

  • Norton says: 12 December 2014, 4:42pm

    Though he originated on PC my favorite character would have to be Kain from the legacy of Kain series which appeared on PS1 and PS2.

    Basically a noble man who was mobbed and murdered who is then turned into a vampire to basically act as a tool For corrupt forces.

    I think O drew towards him mainly because he simply starts off as this man going for vengeance, then has to play the games of manipulative forces whilst also trying to cute his vampirism.

    He goes from anti hero, to seemingly a villain, then back to anti hero again. And Although you don't pay as him in all the games He was fleshed out and utilised well and every game served to build the character more.

    As For what I was eating at the time? I've literally eaten chicken chips every time I've played a legacy of Kain game (at least it was until they were all stolen).

    The games had a mainly medieval setting but also drew from steam punk a bit And incorporate more Sci Fi elements at times with time travel and alternate timelines.

    It's The one series I always wanted to see a movie or series made of because all the characters were week designed, well voiced, and well written.

    I would go for a final fantasy character. But I spent so much time imitating Kains voice that it sparked my fandom of voice acting, in turn introducing me to many more excellent quality games and shows.

    So yes, for me, Kain is my favorite. He should be yours too. Just saying.

  • Douglas says: 12 December 2014, 4:42pm

    Lara Croft from Tomb Raider

    One of the first female hers (?) & a hottie to boot

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 4:44pm

    My favourite game heroes were the great duo ratchet and clank.

    These two heroes have had many adventures across almost every playstation console starting from ps2, psp and ps3. The two familiar faces have made way on most PlayStation consoles and in a great way hope to have one for the ps4.

    The two heroes were the best. Saving galaxys many times with hilarious one liners and crazy weapons never got old these two are classic heroes starting as nobodys to become true heroes.

  • Jazer says: 12 December 2014, 4:44pm

    Jak from his 3rd installment, because his hair is awesome and he destroys stuff in his final form ;)

  • Glenn says: 12 December 2014, 4:45pm

    Abe from Abe's Oddysee and exxodus. Those games were truly unique, and I still fire them up from time to time to this day. Plus any game where "fart" is important enough to be assigned a button has to be a winner.

  • Tyler says: 12 December 2014, 4:46pm

    Has to be old school Crash Bandicoot.

    I remember playing through the first installment of the series so many times, I had mastered every part of it. Then continued to play through every game that featured him for about 10 years after that.

  • Spencer says: 12 December 2014, 4:47pm

    The year was 1998. A small boy sat in his lounge in an unassuming home in Mt Eden with a game his father has bought him for his well loved PSX. 'This one is different to this other ones', his Dad had told him, pointing at the copies of Crash Bandicoot, Disney's Hercules and Tekken 2 on the floor 'it's about hiding'. Sounded pretty unappealing to a ten year old. But I was ravenous for new games, and so I was introduced to the world of Metal Gear Solid, and it's hero Solid Snake. A bad ass. A man who sounded like he gargled vinegar and broken glass every morning, could take out entire units of enemies from the shadows or under a cardboard box, and would save the day, no matter the peril. Whether it be fighting a telekinetic gimp with the wrong controller, or a Russian femme fatale with a sniper rifle and a bad attitude, Snake had the best adventures, the coolest lines and the sweetest gadgets. 15 years later, the legacy of Solid Snake holds up - the man that made me life longer gamer. And the iconic '!' sound still makes me jump.

  • Ezmeralda says: 12 December 2014, 4:48pm

    I've only been alive for 20 years haha guess you could say I lived the PlayStation life my entire life ;) my favourite character (Which is proving to be quite difficult to pin point just ONE) would have to be Kratos from God of War series. They in my opinion are awesome, because the storyline is beautiful, how its set around the mistakes he has made due to greed/ he seeks revenge etc (not that I would promote this haha)..

    I also love how the creators infused Mythology (which if its not blatantly obvious I am a huge fan of), with a personalized story around this character. It's quite hard to be able to do that, but they managed to do it flawlessly.

    Setting aside his storyline, he looks pretty freaking boss-like when he fights! I mean especially when he wields the double bladed weapon from Athena the Goddess of War (ahem* my fave Goddess). I just was in awe, that it was pretty much the first game series where I wanted and managed to clock on all levels right up to Titan mode?..

    I first started playing the series when God of War was released on the PlayStation 2 system, I then purchased the second part when it released and then the third when it released on PlayStation 3 and the fourth as well. So far up to God of War 3 I've clocked it on all levels...GW4 is the last :P

    I think my love for the God of War series is just as much as I do PlayStation <3 also a side note, this would add to my Collection of wanting to tick off on my bucket list I own every single console released from PlayStation during my existence.

  • Josh says: 12 December 2014, 4:48pm

    Clank from Ratchet and Clank series. When has the side kick ever been more kick ass than the main hero than Clank? Secret agent, toolbox and devilishly bombardier, Clank is the best character the Playstation franchise has engineered.

  • Max says: 12 December 2014, 4:49pm

    Crash Bandicoot for me!

    I'm nearly 20 so the period of 2001-2005 was about the time of venturing into the world of video games. The Wrath of Cortex was my introduction into this entertainment medium and Twinsanity was the last game I played on my Playstation 2 before it got broken (during moving).

    I would be playing these games after school and I loved them! I can remember the game being a bit frustrating for me as I would have been quite unfamiliar with using a controller. More specifically falling off ledges and whatever and having to ascend up the building again. Of course it just makes completing the level that bit more satisfying.

    Being a poor student I haven't had a console since I left home but gaming is still a pastime that I cherish. Growing up and playing more sophisticated games but then returning to the simple classics when I would play with my little brother.

    We just need some Crash on current generation consoles! He's too cool to miss

  • richard says: 12 December 2014, 4:50pm

    it would have to be crash from crash bandicoot it was so well put togeather and the story was not too bad and the moves like the spin n win as i called it was just too much of a giggle'i played it with the ps1 loved it and was one i just had to own them all and beat them all i remember playing it with my baby cousin every day during the school holidays u till i was almost having nitmares about it haha and it has been one of them things where every kid in the family ends up playing just to introduce them to the world of crashy insanity

  • matthew says: 12 December 2014, 4:51pm

    Crash Bandicoot

    just a couple of weeks ago me and my 3 older siblings cracked out the original ps1 and rocked some of the original Crash Bandicoot i mean that games as old as me and we still knew all of the levels.
    such awesome memory's so glad i still have our old ps1.

  • terry says: 12 December 2014, 4:51pm

    I remember this day. It was actually around this time in 1997 I had seen a friend play it and it didn't quite hit me then.

    Saw this game a few days later at farmers sitting next to Gran Turismo, both were on sale.
    Price slashed to $40 each. Which to get?
    Why not both? Pleased with my double purchase that day.

    Turned on the PS, chucked in the first game.

    Big gigantic sword which looks like he can barely lift, let alone slash with them tiny arms.

    Doesn't need to talk at all through out the 3 discs, but manages to progress through life somehow.

    Fighting involves staring at your enemies until colored blocks fill up near the bottom, at least the enemies are also stuck with this constraint.

    Worst of all he's in a polygon frame, but that spiky yellow hairdo though, with globes for hands how does he do it I always wondered.

    But luckily hes surrounded by hot girls, still questioning the long grey haired trench coat person though.

    Cloud, your last name is befitting of you.
    But you are still my favorite PS hero of all time.

  • Lucy says: 12 December 2014, 4:52pm

    Jimmy Hopkins from Bully: Canis Canem Edit definitely. He’s a 15 year old who manages to take control of six different cliques and still takes down the sociopath Gary Smith. He may be a bit of a hot headed idiot sometimes but he thinks of the big picture and convinces some Bullies to stop picking on the weaker. I first encountered him in 2008, shortly after the game was released on PlayStation 2. He left a lasting impression on me because he helped turn a bad school into a decent one, he didn’t mope around while people would laugh and talk bad about him and he was willing to sneak into a mental asylum twice to help a teacher and a student escape. Jimmy made me want to go to a fictional boarding school. I was definitely eating pineapple lumps :)

  • Nashville says: 12 December 2014, 4:54pm

    OMG.... Gabriel Logan from Syphon Filter on PS1 1999.. Just purchased my PS1 at the end of 97 and were just hiring games wasn't really into gaming so never bought any till this came along.. A mate of mine just kept bragging on about this game wouldn't stop made it sound like the best thing since sliced bread!! lol he made it sound that good that I bought it myself and was my first game I owned and not long after my wife and I were hooked from all the guns to his combat rolls and the crazy head shots we use to do with the taser was just a crack up watching the bad guys fry was hilarious.. I was working the night shift and from when I finished my shift I was on it till my shift started again I was literally a walking zombie at work. I had a staple diet of corn beef and taro to keep me I truly hope 989 studios or who what ever they are called now will one day maybe look into re launching this game! Best days of my life..

  • Bradley says: 12 December 2014, 4:55pm

    Nathan Drake, hands down. The uncharted series made me love gaming again, thanks to the awesome character that was nathan drake. The male tomb raider.

  • Leyton says: 12 December 2014, 4:57pm

    Crash Bandicoot!

    The polar bear cub beating, apple eating, racing maniac, Original temple run pro has to be my favourite.

    What can't he do?

  • Olivia says: 12 December 2014, 4:59pm

    My favourite character would definitely have to be Spyro. I remember when i would look forward to going to my granddads just so i could play Spyro (the first one) on the PS1, and drink his cans of lemonade in the back fridge :P (i always seemed to have trouble beating Toasty). I had a friend who had Spyro 3, and i would go to her house and play that with her when i wasn't playing at my granddads. There's just something incredibly fun about playing as a cute lil purple dragon, beating up all the baddies :P. When my grandad gave away his PS1 (sadly not to me :( ) to my brother, i would sneak into his room when he was away and play it. When we eventually got a PS2, i played Spyro and clocked it eventually, then moved on to A heros Tail, and Enter the dragonfly, which we had to travel to hamilton to get, since i couldn't find any here. We did get the Spyro games after that, but they just weren't as good as the original. Sometimes i still pull out my PS1 copy of spyro to play on my ps3, and i downloaded the Spyro 2 and 3 so i could catch up on the ones i hadn't played.

    Spyro was pretty much my childhood, and he is just so awesome, that he will always have a place in my heart.

  • Mike says: 12 December 2014, 5:03pm

    Has got to be jak from the jak and dexter series, such an awesome and well written character.

    From him being a mute in the first game to him always speaking his mind in the 3rd, I just love the way you get to see how he grows as a character throughout the 3 games.

    The powers he gains are awesome as well, especially light jak, slowing down time and what not was always fin and then just destroying everything with dark has was just as fun.

    If they ever make a jak4 my life will be complete. But jak is definitely the coolest Ps hero and always will be in my opinion.

  • Roger says: 12 December 2014, 5:03pm

    I've been a PC fan since the Wolf3d days. Living the single life, I didn't need multiple controllers, easy drop game into machine and press start.
    Along came married life and children (Yay...sigh) and I needed a way to bring my gaming hobby into the family (that, and the wife doesn't like me gaming too much these days... bigger sigh).
    My excuse was to get a PS3 and the wonderful Little Big Planet. It is a game that just meshed with the family; cute customisable sackboy, with awesome expressions, four player. As a family we spent many many hours laughing, falling (lots of falling), and creating wacky characters and levels. Thanks to LBP, sack boy and fun, the whole family loves gaming.

  • Richard says: 12 December 2014, 5:05pm

    when I was younger my family was a big fan od PlayStation and my favourite has always been crash bandicoot. we always had good times playing crash bandicoot we wanted to collect all games so we could finish all of them my favourite crash game was crash team racing because everybody was so competitive which became one of my favourite memories ever and it will be for a long time and that is why crash bandicoot is my PlayStation hero

  • Mike says: 12 December 2014, 5:06pm

    My most significant character has to be Nathan Drake. He optimizes how far gaming has come while showing how amazing a developer Naughty Dog is. The complexity and level of detail put into his character shows the impact the franchise has had on the entertainment industry, to the point ongoing movie talks are taking place!

    Trying not to be bias.... but the next instalment in the franchise will surely be the top selling on the platform to date.

  • Darryl says: 12 December 2014, 5:08pm

    Nolan North

    He's my Playstation Hero because he brought true personality and movie like quality to voice acting. Yes, as game characters go, it is no suprise that Nathan Drake is my favourite character of the last few years, but none of it would have been made possible without Nolan North. I honestly believe a large part of the success of the Uncharted franchise has been outstanding writing and voice acting. Yeah sure the gameplay is good, but it isn't revolutionary or exceptional. The Nathan Drake character and acting is what made this series an 'Indiana Jones' rather than a 'National Treasure' or 'King Solomon's Mines'.

    His versatility is such, that often people don't even realise until they are told that he is the voice of Penguin in the Batman Arkham series, and David in 'The Last of Us' (a creepy, yet complex character on many levels. A character that could have just been a nasty, thuggish leader of a group of cannibals).

    If anyone wants to dismiss the importance of 'video games' as a mature audience entertainment media, then stop and think for a second that J.J Abrams gave North a role in the movie Star Trek Into Darkness after his performance in Uncharted.

    As for the Nathan Drake character and the Uncharted series and it's importance to me as a gamer. Three games to date on PS3 and one on the Vita (I won't count the card game). I have the Platinum trophy on all four. 4 of my 30 Platinum trophies are for Uncharted. As much as I love The Last of Us (another recent great Naughty Dog game), I don't have the Platinum on either the PS3 or PS4 (mainly because of the online modes). I have played the games through from start to finish a total of at least 20 times. 10 of those being the first Uncharted Drakes Fortune game. Many of those playthroughs were after getting the Platinum, and up until the PS4 came out I tried to replay each of the 3 main games at least once a year.

    My enjoyment is such that I estimate I have spent at least a couple of thousand dollars on Uncharted memorabilia. That includes different editions of each game, books, comics, a board game, play guides, and just last year I bought the Sideshow 1:4 Premium Format Figure of Nathan Drake, which I pre-ordered from Mighty Ape a year in advance, and the exclusive version of the 1:6 posable figure direct from Sideshow themselves.

    Yes, Nathan Drake you are my Playstation Hero, but behind it all the real hero is Nolan North. Bring on Uncharted 4!

  • Gabriel says: 12 December 2014, 5:10pm

    Nathan Drake - He perfectly embodies everything that made Indian Jones Cool. He's fun, handsome and a general badass. What is not to love?

  • Jay says: 12 December 2014, 5:12pm

    I would have to say the very first game I played on PS one was Battle Arena Toshinden and my favorite character to use was Eiji.

    From classics like Tomba, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the dragon, Bust a Groove, Cool Boarders, Tenchu, Metal Gear Solid, Bloody Roar, Jonah Lomu Rugby and Abes odyssey

    I would have to say my favorite hero was Raziel from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver a lot like Cratos his defiance for the ones who wronged him was comparable only to that of Cratos. I never got to play Blood omen but really enjoyed this one. CC's corn chips reminded me a lot of this game I never got much time on the Psone as a kid but when I did CC's and Zap Chocolate Milk went hand in hand.

  • Carl says: 12 December 2014, 5:14pm

    This ones easy for me. It's Jak and Daxter!

    First played it when I was 11 years old. On my best friend Andrew’s PS2. The first console I ever laid eyes on. Together we has hours of fun on our adventures with Jak and Daxter right through the entire series. As hero’s they were great. The epitomised true teamwork and always did their best to fight the good fight.

    Recently I gifted the Jak and Daxter HD collection to Andrew and we smashed through it in a speed play marathon over a long weekend. :D

  • Adam says: 12 December 2014, 5:14pm

    Zhao Yun
    The Dynasty warrior series was a great influence to me as a youngster. I enjoyed playing the original back in 1997 when I got it for Christmas for the Play Station and for all you youngsters no I don't mean the PS1 or PSONE I mean the Play Station ;) I remember sitting down with a Turkey sandwich and thinking about who to play when I saw this amazing looking warrior in blue with a spear.
    "Him... yea I want to be him - he looks cool."

    Watching him smash his way through whole units and charging him headlong at enemy generals brought him to life and it was only at the end I realised that this game is actually based on a real bunch of stories. Somewhat romanticised in the same was as the Arthurian tales are in Western culture sure but as a kid we all love those kind of stories.
    I loved him so much that after playing the game I did what most nerds do and went to the library to find out who he was. I found there was a film he was in that had come out only a few years before and a massive set of books called Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I was hooked. To the point that years later I fought tooth and nail to see a film released in the cinema here in Auckland in limited screenings so that I could see my hero on the big screen in John Woo's 2008 adaptation of Red Cliff.

    To this day Zhao Yun is still used to promote the game - and there are tributes to him in other games as well including League of Legends where he has been made into Xin Zhao.

    As far as hero's go - this one is mine and maybe yours too if you give him the chance to destroy an army for you and steal your heart.

  • Jackson says: 12 December 2014, 5:14pm

    Jak, from Jak & Daxter,

    Man, why you gotta call him out in the entry description? Stealing my thunder lol. But yeah, growing up my parents couldn’t afford game consoles, and I remember visiting a friend for the weekend in 2003, and sitting next to him as he cracked open a brand new Jak & Daxter on PS2. We immediately then pulled an all-nighter, and didn’t stop until we’d finished the story. Microwave pies, and coke was the fuel. I had never had so much fun in an adventure game, I fell in love with the characters, and got sucked into the mystique of Jak back when he couldn’t talk. It unlocked me as a gamer, and introduced me to my taste for puzzle adventure, and strategy. The first of so many all nighters Lanning and gaming. Dark Jak is so awesome, that “dark-horse” alter ego really seemed to suit me as a moody teenager haha. I couldn’t tell you how many attempts it took me to get through that firey canyon quest either…

    When I finally got my own PS2, in 2006, I rinsed the Jak franchise, cleaned through Ratchet and Clank too, Spyro, and spent plenty of time loving FFVII, and FFIX… God of War…, ah… good times. Later I became a DJ in Auckland, and ended up borrowing from the spelling of Jak, when I chose the name “Jakx” to perform under.

    I was a late adopter of classic Dota (the War3 client with the OG IceFrog maps updating constantly), it was a game I could play on my slow family PC, and the single toon adventure strategy brought it all together. Then the adventure of World of Warcraft, and the immersion in digital worlds, grew my passion for digital design, which led to web development and now programming, which is now what I do every day! It’s weird when you think about it aye, so much of it sorta stems back to that fateful night when I discovered what it was like to play a story game right the way through, soaking in its story, loving its characters, overcoming its challenges and marvelling at its digital world. Thinking about it, it was my first real encounter with steampunk, and just last month I NaNoWriMo’d 50,000 words set in a steampunk universe… I even borrowed aspects of scenes from the tower in the opening scenes of Jak and Daxter… I wonder how much of my story telling style is inspired by those adventure games? My fiancé and I still get excited when we see a new Little Big Planet release, we have so much fun clocking those puzzle platformers together, that game even got us onto watching QI (hosted by Stephen Fry)… Hell, I’m left wondering how much of my life was triggered by Jak?

    Thanks for giving us the chance to enter this competition. Good luck to everyone!

  • Oliver says: 12 December 2014, 5:16pm

    Has to be crash bandicoot. It was the first game my brother ever gave me as a kid when he passed his ps1 down to me. That had to be the defining moment in my life that turned me into the gamer that I am today

  • William says: 12 December 2014, 5:17pm

    musashi from brave fencer musashi hes a badass character

  • Stephanie says: 12 December 2014, 5:19pm

    When did you first encounter this character?
    When my parents finally let me buy and pay for a ps1 when ps3 was due to be relised, the first and only game I got crash bandicoot!
    Which PlayStation system was it on?
    Then ps1 but did manage to trade up to the ps2 version later on
    Why did they leave a lasting impresion on you?
    HELLO! Its crash lol!
    What were you eating at the time?
    At that point... banana lollies

  • Todd says: 12 December 2014, 5:20pm

    This is both an easy question to answer, and an extremely difficult one. Easy because there is only one character who really stands out in my mind, but difficult because it is so hard to articulate exactly what makes him great.

    That hero is Tir Mcdohl from the classic rpg Suikoden.

    First some background on the game since I know many have never heard of it, let alone played it. Suikoden was a very special little game, released around the same time as the giant that was final Fantasy 7. But unlike ff7, suikoden eschewed the new fangled 3D graphics in favour of simple (but gorgeous) 2D sprites. This game was an unsung gem, with a core of amazing gameplay and a narrative that truly puts all other rpg games to shame.

    I first encountered Suikoden after it was handed down to me by my older brother (who had become stuck and couldn't finish it) and it sparked my love of playstation gaming.

    The reason Tir stands up as my favourite playstation hero is because he was the most real, relatable, and heart touching character I have ever had the pleasure of playing as. You follow him through his story, one of great loss, self sacrifice, incredible inner strength and moral fortitude. Tir teaches you more about the complications and difficulties of life than any other character in gaming, and he does so without ever speaking a word that is not chosen by the player themselves.

    Tir is truly someone that represents the player, and doesn't just take you through a simple story of "you should do this because it is the right thing to do".

    I think it is truly a crime that more people did not get to experience the story of such an outstanding character, and I urge anyone who will listen to get Suikoden (and it's sequel) off psn and give it a try. I guarantee you will not regret it. There is a reason that original ps1 copies of the games are going for upwards of 300 dollars online.

    Tir is a hero that touches the people that play him in deep and lasting ways, so that they are still singing his praises to any that will listen 20 years after the game released.

    I think in anyone's definition, that is what makes a real playstation hero.

  • Raine says: 12 December 2014, 5:20pm

    Spyro, from the original ps1 trilogy the only good games that have spyro in

  • Jeffrey says: 12 December 2014, 5:21pm

    Solid Snake for sure! First encounter it when I was 10 back in 1999. I didn't own a first gen playstation so I was being introduced the game by my elder cousin while he was at his girlfriend's house. Metal Gear opened the door to my love at PlayStation. Ever since then I got the 2nd gen and 3rd gen PlayStation particularly for Metal Gear series. Not only does Solid Snake opens up the 3D game side on me but also inspired me to the cinematic, 3D modeling and concept art side of gaming world. The character's impact on me is way beyond gaming :)

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 5:26pm

    My favourite hero would have to be Nathan Drake form the Uncharted series. When I first got a PS3, I got all 3 of those games and I fell in love with them instantly. Nathan Drake is such an amazing action hero, he is a compilation of all my favourite heroes such as Malcolm Reynolds, Indiana Jones and Han Solo. He is smart, cunning and also caring of people close to him which makes him so relatable. He's the sorta person you definitely want on your side in a fight.

  • Luke says: 12 December 2014, 5:26pm

    Well now, much like many others, my favourite character based on absolute fun and memorability, Crash Bandicoot. We had every one of those PS1 games which saw so much play from my sister and I that *that* was the reason for our parents giving us the old 'you should go outside sometime' talk.

    I think the most memorable sound is the "WOAH" from Crash when you died, got hit by something or any number of goofy things.

  • Rebecca says: 12 December 2014, 5:30pm

    Crash Bandicoot. It was the first game I ever got and also he is just so awesome. He even gets to ride around on polar bears and hogs which is just awesome.

  • David says: 12 December 2014, 5:30pm

    I would have to say Nathan Drake, and the game was Uncharted 2. This was the first time a game had me lose complete track of time.

    I sat down for one quick game before bed, next thing I know my alarm clock goes off. Time to get up for work.

    The first game was good. The second for me was perfection. The third was a little disappointing . With the fourth game on its way I am hoping for a return to what they achieved with part 2. The perfect blend of gameplay interspersed with cinematics. The pacing was great. The greatest part being the characters and their interactions.

  • Junior says: 12 December 2014, 5:35pm

    Crash bandicoot!

    Not only is crash the best hero around, stoping Dr. Neo, but it was the first Playstation game that I played, and will never forget the awesomeness and the fun that I had. How could you not love crash!?


  • Adam says: 12 December 2014, 5:36pm

    1 game hero only well given the multitude of options gona go left field here say Tony hawk given the Tony hawk series from that very first Tony hawk game on original PS1 (still own) with many more collectibles. The lasting empresion of continuous play the more you played the better you got. And. Combos just got bigger and better. Well my next batch of bacon ready .peace.Greatness awaits.

  • Nataniel says: 12 December 2014, 5:40pm

    The one and only Jak from Jak & Daxter series. The good times with the PS2, and the great experience with the series. Who would have thought of 3 games that follow up on Jak & Daxter, plus the Jak X game that was so fun with friends. And come on who doesn't like the alter ego of Jak. Best childhood memories of gaming with the Playstation.

  • seth says: 12 December 2014, 5:40pm

    I have say to Big Boss from the metal gear series would be my hero, that guys the man . The story has so much depth, meaning and that epic music throughout just gets me hooked everytime. You tell me I have work, I say Im feeling abit sick and need a few days off and the only thing that can heal me is the MGS. The food at the time I'd say would be anything it didnt matter haha. So after enjoying all that MGS than find out there's another one PLEASE take my money and let the LEGEND come alive again.

  • Liz says: 12 December 2014, 5:42pm

    So My Hero isn't really a Character as such but the company Naughty Dog, The reason why they are so special to me is I have grown up from Crash Bandicoot back on the PS1 to Jak and Daxter on the Ps2 and then Uncharted series on the PS3. As I have grown up so have the games and company I love grown up with me. They have been my childhood friend, My teenage get away and now in my 20s I have Joel and Ellie .

    For me I love this as I feel like they have become apart of my life, through each step of growing up, Games are't still the largest part of my life, To the point I did a game development degree because of Naughty Dog.

  • Karl says: 12 December 2014, 5:44pm

    Hands down would have to be Crash Bandicoot! I remember waking up early in the mornings before school to get half an hour game time before the bus. Ever since then I've been addicted to Playstation.

  • Wade says: 12 December 2014, 5:45pm

    My favourite playstation hero is a bit of a forgotten one, its Tombi from Tombi (Tomba) 1 & 2. I first met him after picking up the 2nd game preowned when I was 12. It was one of the first games I brought on the ps1 and I played that game non stop for weeks, exploring each nook and cranny on my way through. Pretty sure I finished it 2-3 times without stopping, then I found out you could unlock items if you played through the 1st game so I hunted that down and did the same again. The sense of adventure was great, jumping around each level like a pink haired Tarzan and it made me laugh each time we managed to take down the pig enemies with all the noises being made.

    I still wait for the day that sony finds a way to bring him back for another round of nonstop fun.

  • Jesse says: 12 December 2014, 5:46pm

    I've known this guys since I was roughly 4 or 5 years old. We met in the summer of '96 it was a sunny day, yet that day would be spent not outside enjoying nature and the summer but rather trying to beat the rolling boulder level on Crash Bandicoot 2, with all 5 of my brothers (even my infant brother) gathered around Nana and Grandads TV.

    Yes you guessed Crash Bandicoot is my favourite character in the Playstation universe.
    His infinite perseverance in the face of adversity whether it be the aforementioned death boulder or a mad scientist with a rocket jutting out of his brain trying to destroy him, he never gave up (at a cost of a few *cough* hundred lives).

    His story felt like the story of my life albeit with more crazy antics and talking animals. Which made him relateable to young boy such as myself.

    I grew up with him from Crash Bandicoot 2 when we got our first PSX right up to Crash Bandicoot TwinSanity on Xbox. So it's fair to say that we've known each other awhile and as such are good friends, and I'm looking forward to (hopefully) see him again on the New 20th Anniversary PS4.

    Thanks, and good luck to everyone else.


    P.S I believe I was eating Christmas ham and jelly (no not together!) when I first met Crash Bandicoot.

  • Gidion says: 12 December 2014, 5:46pm

    The year was 1995 and because PlayStation wasn't launched yet in South Africa I had to import my own machine from Japan. Now remember these were the days before Online internet shops, so you had to know someone whose dad traveled to Japan...luckily I did. And he brought me back my very sexy little grey box and two games. Now because these were my first PS games I will forever associate them with PlayStation. Jumping Flash- about a robot rabbit (don't ask) and Battle Arena Toshinden. And boy did I play the crap out of those games...I think if there were pro games that involved these two games in the day I would have been world champ! Later more traditional mascots like Crash, Spyro and Crock kept me up way too late...But those "originals" will forever be burned into my memory...jumping from island to island in Jumping Flash was so surreal. I still have dreams about it...

  • Liam says: 12 December 2014, 5:47pm

    Spyro! He was so cool back in the day!

  • Jonathon says: 12 December 2014, 5:51pm

    Absolutely has to be Nathan Drake. His character and the uncharted series as a whole is what brought me back to gaming again after a long absence. Special shout out to crash bandicoot :)

  • Darren says: 12 December 2014, 5:54pm

    Okay so when i was young about 5 i was lucky enough to have a dad that brought a playstation, but he had no time or intrest in playing the games that were available, which was awesome for me as i got to 'borrow' the console for pretty much ever. Anyways the first child friendly game i can remember owning was medievil, with the main character was Sir Daniel Fortesque, a skeleton that was resurected from the dead with a whole heap of other dead folks, they were bad you were good, there was just something creepy and awesome about the setting, the atmosphere, the characters, for me at the time is the most memorible playstation experience of mine and has sparked my obsession with horror.

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 5:56pm

    "Laslo" (or however his name is spelled) the deejay from the "Chatterbox" radio station on GTA 3, then "V Rock" on Vice City (didn't play beyond PS2) - he made driving missions really entertaining when you were stuck failing over and over and taking ages trying to work out how to get some almost impossible to get to hidden package when you had about 97 of the darn things then notice the 98th you find was located somewhere you'd physically looked at a million times before but never noticed the hidden package sitting right there but requiring some real weird technique to physically get to involving catapulting your car over others while using the topmost to bounce yourself onto some ledge or something - Laslo made doing that possible.

  • Storm says: 12 December 2014, 5:56pm

    Klonoa, Another old hero from memory lane..
    Protector of dreams that killed most enemys by filling them with his wind ring like balloons and then throwing/jumping on them :P
    Made first appearances on ps1 in japan and finally had a English release with Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil
    which was the first game to make me cry at age 10 :( Had a very heart breaking ending where he gets ripped away from everyone because he belonged in a different world. Pretty bad ass traveling into dream worlds and killing peoples nightmares. If you don't know who he is, i feel sad for you :)

  • Josh says: 12 December 2014, 5:58pm

    For me, the best Playstation hero in the last 20 years has been Ratchet from the Ratchet & Clank series.
    He is constantly getting thrown into new galaxies and then has to defend them from an evil genius all the while keeping Captain Quark under control because he's a loose cannon with decision making sometimes.

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 5:59pm

    Wow, so many great options it's really hard to narrow it down to just one. All of Naughty Dog's characters have been fantastic, from the goofy Crash that was the icon for the PlayStation 1 era (and star of my first console game ever), to Jak and Daxter who went from lighthearted to quite dark, and then Drake and Joel - two characters with enough character development to write a novel on. Tombi (or Tomba if you're forced to now play the US version from the PlayStation store) with his pink hair and friend Charles the monkey who together made an awkward but fun transition to a 2.5D platforming world. For me though, the choice has got to be Spyro the Dragon. That little purple dude got me through a lot of my childhood, I have no idea how many times I've played through all three of the original trilogy, even loading up old saves countless times to play through some of the classic levels that Insomniac graced us with. But the main reason I'm choosing Spyro is not just because he's a great character that I had fun with, he was the main character that my family knew as well. The rest of my family are not gamers by any means but Spyro was always a game I could share with them, and have them join in and play with. It pains me to see what Universal have done to Spyro, but that's the thing about gaming - the games you loved will be there forever. PlayStation has been a massive part of my entire life and even without this fantastic prize my love for these characters will never leave me.

  • oliver says: 12 December 2014, 5:59pm

    My favourite character is Crash Bandicoot.

    On my 2nd birthday I was given a PS1 with Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2. That got me into gaming. I always admired Crash because of how he was a good guy defeating the bad guy to save the world. Although the main reason I admired him was because as a child everyone wants someone for inspiration or motivation to look up to. Crash was that someone for me.

    Over the next few years I also played Crash Bandicoot 3, Crash Team Racing, and Crash Bash. I absolutely loved them all.

    When I was 4 years old, due to having problems with my hand (birth defect), I ended up having to have surgery on it and had to stay there for weeks. In the hospital they had a Playstation there, and surprisingly Crash Bandicoot was one of the games the hospital had so I was able to play it. I felt happy because I would still be able to play crash bandicoot even when I was in hospital, my brother would also come and we would take turns playing.

    Now, in 2014, my parents decided to clear out the garage. After a bit of rummaging I found my old PS1 and Crash Bandicoot 2 still in the disc drive. I ended up playing the whole thing through, It's still an amazing game even 15 odd years later.

    Anyway, this wasn't really supposed to be about my life or the game series itself. Crash is my favourite character because of all the nostalgia and memories I associated with him. Kind of like a companion I've had with me throughout my life.

  • Corey says: 12 December 2014, 6:00pm

    Spyro From Spyro the Dragon

    Because he is a motherfucking Dragon

  • Kyle says: 12 December 2014, 6:00pm

    So many choices, Crash Bandicoot, Gex the Gecko, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank. I have to go with the very first hero of the Playstation I was introduced to, Spyro the Dragon! I got an original Playstation when I was about 5 and I got Spyro with it too. Fell in love from the first 5 mins of playing. He was a tiny dragon beating up creatures and saving dragons far bigger than himself. Then getting Spyro 2 and Year of the dragon after that, wow just so much nostalgia and so many feels. I have every game still and have the digital copies. The icing on the cake would be looking at that original grey PS4. I know every other person will say the same thing or very similar, but Playstation changed my life. As stupid as it sounds. When there were no friends to play with, sick or ill. There was this world to escape to for a little while. Thanks Playstation happy 20 years and thank you Mighty Ape for giving us this chance. Please please pick me.

  • Andrea says: 12 December 2014, 6:03pm

    Well, he didn't have an official name, but I dubbed him "Ben". The year was 2004, the setting was by best friends lounge floor, and what can I say, I experienced my first true love. I learnt so much. How I could fit 7 swear words into a 12 word sentence. How I could live on 3 hours sleep. How a girl, yes a girl, could become addicted to playstation. The game - well that was Cool Boarders, and many a run down that ski field was had.

  • Blair says: 12 December 2014, 6:06pm

    It has to be Crash Bandicoot because it was the first game that I owned that my friends and I could play and got endless hours of fun out of, still have a White PS One with CTR as well! But its very closely followed by Cloud/Squall as Final Fantasy 7/8 was the first game myself and my brother bonded over so its always nice replaying it on PS3 and reminiscing about life (:

  • Max says: 12 December 2014, 6:09pm

    Mine is definitely Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, I played that game for days every spare moment I had and couldn't stop till I had every item, GF, and magic possible. This was not my first RPG but definitely the most memorable to this day. I still have a copy and play it when I have some down time. Squall was so badass, the strong silent type. The deep story to this game and seeing him warm up to his companions was the best.

  • Richard says: 12 December 2014, 6:10pm

    Hands down, best Playstation hero of all time is Croc from Croc: Legend of the Gobbos on PS1. Playing as that tiny croc and freeing the Gobbos was the pinnacle of my childhood. That damn ice level!! #BringbackCroc

  • Kyle says: 12 December 2014, 6:11pm

    So many choices, Crash Bandicoot, Gex the Gecko, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank. I have to go with the very first hero of the Playstation I was introduced to, Spyro the Dragon!

    I got an original Playstation when I was about 5 and I got Spyro with it too. I fell in love from the first 5 mins of playing. He was a tiny dragon beating up evil creatures threatening his dragon home, and also saving all the dragons who were far bigger than himself.

    Then getting Spyro 2 and Year of the dragon after that, wow just so much nostalgia and so many feels. I have every game on original PS1 disc still and have the digital copies on my PS3. The icing on the cake would be looking at that original grey PS4, knowing where the amazing journey began for me. I know every other person will say the same thing or very similar, but Playstation changed my life. As stupid as it sounds. When there were no friends to play with, sick or ill. There was this world to escape to for a little while. Thanks Playstation happy 20 years and thank you Mighty Ape for giving us this chance. Please please pick me.

  • Andrei says: 12 December 2014, 6:15pm

    Everyone knows Infamous, right!! Cole Mcgrath this guys fully sick, best power ever, awesome free running skills, dodging etc. I first experienced this great playstation hero in Infamous on PS3, have all of them too. Personally enjoyed the collab with the vampires in Infamous festival of blood, good concept added some new powers and cool interactions. Cole is awesome because basically his power will outlast any other, electricity/ lightning most important human resource will never disappear. We need it too much!! His ability to use this, legend. While playing Infamous I like eating the ol' O2 oxygen, fuel my brain to play for hours. Cheers Mighty Ape Merry Xmas. Would be honoured to be awarded with this fantastic prize. Credit to Sony best console design

  • Rachel says: 12 December 2014, 6:15pm

    My all-time favourite PS Hero actually favourite character of all time including the last 20years is Riou the Hero of Suikoden II on PlayStation 1 made by Konami.
    I was fortunate enough to actually find this game at the local video store (I never got to own this game).
    I actually remember going in to hire it for the unknownth time and the store person actually said to me you really like this game dont you.
    (im assuming she could see on computer how many times i had rented it lol).

    If you have ever played Suikoden 2 you will undeniable agree with my choice as a hero.
    He was a child who was adopted as a kid due to being orphaned by war and was brought up with his younger sister and a child hood friend.
    He grew up wanting to defend his country joining the cadets (or so to speak) with his best friend.

    I first met the character (roughly year 2001-2003) when the country he wanted to defend betrayed him and all his friends by setting an ambush and slaughtering all the cadets, just so they could blame the state army and start a war.
    Luckily him and his friend were smart enough to out think the ambush and barely escape.

    Even after being betrayed he never actually hates his country, after returning home and being imprisoned and marked as a "Traitor" he sets out on a journey to bring peace back to his homeland and to rid them of the corrupt rulers that just want to burn and kill everyone who stands in their way.
    He becomes a Leader of a rebellion and unites people from all over the country to come together and rid Highland of the evil doers causing war and suffering.
    He also gets hold of a Castle which then becomes your teams main HQ that grows when you unite more people.
    As you progress his closest friend also betrays him and joins the enemies. But he is still able to keep himself together not forgetting about the friendship that they had and continues to try end the war.

    So therefore to answer the ultimate question.
    He is my favourite character of all time because he is a young man who becomes a leader facing Hate, Love, Friendships and Betrayals.
    He unites the 108 stars of Destiny, and ends a war to bringing peace to his country. And reviving his friendship.
    And although he is a silent hero his personality just shines through and makes you love the game, the story and him (no homo).
    He is the type of person who you would like your children to grow up and be like, being loyal to family and friends, being trustworthy
    and just having great characteristics.
    In-game wise he is an all rounder character being melee based but actually being versatile when coming to rune use and healing.

    In all my years of gaming (im aged 22 now) this character has been the only one to stick as a favourite and thats including Cloud Strife who is my second and also a few others like Squall (FF8), Crash Bandicoot, Claude (Star Ocean) and Ezio Auditore (Assassins Creed).
    I am also going to buy a PS Vita because if you havent heard already Suikoden 1 and 2 is coming to NZ psn in January and that is more then enough reasoning to buy one, I highly recommend anyone who sees this to please give it a go when it becomes available. If your into good storyline and unforgettable characters it will
    definately not disappoint you (and you also get to confirm my comment).

    Thanks MightyApe for the chance to win this and to possibly helping me convince a few people to give this under rated hidden gem a try. #Teien
    Goodluck to all :).

  • Aaron says: 12 December 2014, 6:15pm

    One of my last and most cherished memories of my cousin before she died was playing Crash bandicoot with her. I was quite young at the time and it was one of the first times I had ever played on the PS1. She was the only one that would ever let me have a turn on the PS otherwise I would be pushed off by my brothers and other cousins! Unfortunately I can't remember much more than that. Up until a year ago, and still had the a play station and unfortunately it stopped working ( So i brought the game for my ps3 instead) I still go back and play the game. :)

    My other fondest memories of the Play station actually come from playing Red alert on the PS1. We used to spend hours on the Skirmish mode, and I don't think we ever actually played the single player missions. To prolong our turn on the play station we always used to come up with silly things to do such as sell the whole base up and get every unit on the map to one spot before we killed the last enemy. These memories have stayed with me for around 15 years and will be with me for the rest of my life :)

  • Rachel says: 12 December 2014, 6:16pm

    ^My sons post.

  • Luke says: 12 December 2014, 6:17pm

    So... many... comments...

    I'd love one of these, so I'll throw another comment into the mix. I sometimes wonder if you guys even get around to reading all of these!

    Joel (Last Of Us) is easily my choice. As much as people like to point out that he's a flawed protagonist, and isn't MEANT to be liked... I cared enough that it didn't matter. Every choice he made is one I'd have made in the same situation (and was glad he did). He may not be a good man, but he sure as Hell IS a hero.

  • Tony says: 12 December 2014, 6:22pm

    Aerith/Aeris from Final Fantasy 7. She's not the main character, you only have her in your party for less than a third of the game, but during the time you have her no character better fits the definition of hero.

    Far less physically intimidating than the rest of the cast, she nevertheless throws herself in to the fight to save the planet. For all her lack of physical strength she's incredibly emotionally and mentally strong, choosing to go it alone when it seems to be the best choice, and giving up her life with a smile on her face as she tries to save everyone. And in the end, she DOES save everyone. Holy isn't enough to stop Meteor completely, but through Aerith's efforts the lifestream intervenes and the humanity is saved.

    Compared to all the other characters who are physically powerful but have plenty of emotional baggage, Aerith is simply a strong willed and determined woman who follows her own path without second guessing herself or allowing others to determine her fate for her. In a genre full of whiney little emos (JRPGs) Aerith is one of the true but underappreciated heroes.

    I cried my eyes out when that sad theme started playing as she died, and then continued replacing the normal boss music in the battle that immediately followed. It's the single strongest emotional effect any game has ever had on me. Since that moment Aerith has been, and will remain, my all time favourite video game character bar none.

  • Toby says: 12 December 2014, 6:25pm

    Sly Cooper, I could not stop playing it when I was a kid

  • Jade says: 12 December 2014, 6:25pm

    Heihachi Mishima from Tekken would have to be the PS character that I find most memorable. I think he's awesome because he's not your typical old guy; he's the boss, he's fit, muscular and dare I say, slightly attractive for an old man. Ha the memories of kicking ass with him :)

  • Will says: 12 December 2014, 6:27pm

    Favourite hero of all time has to be Sora from Kingdom hearts, this game was my first console game when i spent all my savings buying a PS2 and i thrashed the KH worlds for hours, sora was a great main character who went through so much and was very relatable to as a teenager. Even to this day i still havent played a game as smooth as KH or with a better battle system. When KH2 came out it got even better. Its been hard to follow the story over all the different platforms but hopefully KH3 is released with some sort of Anthology, and ill need a PS4 to continue Soras journey with for sure.

  • Jackie says: 12 December 2014, 6:30pm

    Mine would be Sora form Kingdom Hearts.
    I first played this game when I was seven on my old PlayStation 2. Nine years later I still love this game with a passion and keeping up with the series. The older I grow, the deeper the story of the franchise seems to me, making me fall in love with it even more! Growing up I've felt like Sora's optimism has rubbed off on me, making me a nicer person. I am so thankful to grow up playing these games. I will be buying Kingdom Hearts 3 as soon as possible!

  • Don says: 12 December 2014, 6:32pm

    Definitely Nathan Drake. I LOVED the Uncharted series and played all three of the main games in a marathon! It was so amazing as it's pretty much the closest game I will ever get to experiencing being Indiana Jones, and the new game provides even more of that! Naughty Dog really has provided some of the best gaming experiences through the years!

  • Thomas says: 12 December 2014, 6:33pm

    Solid snake! That guy was a badass :) First play station game I fully played through more than once was MGS.

  • Thomas says: 12 December 2014, 6:33pm

    Solid snake! That guy was a badass :) First play station game I fully played through more than once was MGS.

  • Shilpa says: 12 December 2014, 6:33pm

    That yellow blob from loco roco!
    I remember singing along to that jibberish *sigh* those memories...

  • Rex says: 12 December 2014, 6:33pm

    I would have to say either Crash Bandicoot or Croc. I definitely played more Crash Bandicoot and it was one of the first games that I actually finished by myself which is why i have such fond memories of it but I also really like the character of Croc because he was so funny and I really loved the platforming and story of Croc: Legend of the Gobbos.

    It's a really hard question but I'm going to have to give it to Crash Bandicoot. Too many awesome memories to not give Crash the title.

  • Rex says: 12 December 2014, 6:34pm

    I would have to say either Crash Bandicoot or Croc. I definitely played more Crash Bandicoot and it was one of the first games that I actually finished by myself which is why i have such fond memories of it but I also really like the character of Croc because he was so funny and I really loved the platforming and story of Croc: Legend of the Gobbos.

    It's a really hard question but I'm going to have to give it to Crash Bandicoot. Too many awesome memories to not give Crash the title.

  • Dean says: 12 December 2014, 6:36pm

    Snake by far has to be the best hero in history, reason being he is a bad ass.... and has the ability to hide under a card board box from enemy's

  • janwillem says: 12 December 2014, 6:38pm

    It was a warm Decembers day in Nelson a cooling sea breeze blew and dried the sweat from my brow. The day had finally arrived I had spent the last 11 months pleading with my parents to let me buy a ps1. I had been thrashing my Amiga CD 32 but I was hungry for more. They were reluctant and didn't want me to spend my hard earned paper run money on what they deemed to a waste of money. But as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    I jumped on my bike and pedaled like my life depended on it. There was this cool sound the tires would make if you got up fast enough a sort of humming sound. As I got closer to town my heart was racing maybe it was the cycling but I like to think it was the excitement of what was about to take place. I had just the day before sold my beloved Amiga and the cash was burning a hole in my pocket.

    I locked my bike in one of the bike stands in town and made the short walk across the street to the store. I was a nervous excited sweating mess must have been quite a site as I walked in. I looked for a sales person one who would catch my eye so I could make my request. Being a 13 year old no one offered to help me thinking I was just there to play on the free play station they had set up. I walked up to the counter and in my most manly voice I asked the man behind the counter for a PS1. He gave me a look as to say are you sure but the look on my face confirmed what I was saying. He pulled his key out of his pocket and made his way over to the glass cabinet. Clink went the lock and he reached inside and pulled out the glorious grey box. I thought to myself is this really happening I almost pinched my self to make sure. Then out of nowhere the man said " You can pick one game for free out of this selection".

    I stood there for a moment wondering which game to choose. They were all platinum titles in the end I picked V rally. We made our way to the counter and he put the sale thru. He told me the price I'm sure he was half expecting me to say I couldn't afford it. I realized that I had more than needed so I asked can I have that game too pointing at another random game while I pulled out my fat stack of twenties and coins and handed them over. I managed to squeeze the large box and two games into my school bag and set off for home.

    The trip home felt like a eternity besides the fact it was all slightly up hill I just couldn't get there fast enough. Arriving home and flying through the front door I raced up stairs and proceeded to plug it all it. Sitting in anticipation after having inserted V rally I pushed the power button and waited for the magic to unfold. The SCEE screen came up and then my play station experience began. I spent hours playing, racing ghost cars and trying to beat my best laps. Playing split screen with my friends having arguments and being told to play outside.

    I don't know how long it was but I had completely forgotten about my other game so one day I sat down and put it in. I had no idea what I was in for no idea what sort of game it was or that it would change me forever. Any way I inserted Final Fantasy VII. As I sat there on my blue bean bag in the middle of the lounge floor the opening cinematic played. What the heck is this game? As the train pulled into the station a small spiky haired hero jumps out and the adventure begins. I dispatched the two guards and carry on through the first part all the while thinking this is ok but it's no V rally. But as we continued our quest I began to grow ever fonder of this little fellow.

    We destroyed multiple guards made friends along the way. We rode our first chocobo together. Had our first infuriating gaming experience rage quitting after losing a boss fight. Shed tears together as the love of our life was killed right in front of our eyes. We went everywhere and wanted nothing more than to teach Sephiroth a lesson he would never forget. We took on so many foes and came out victorious. Together we had made it to what was to be the final boss fight but no matter what we did we just couldn't pass it. Finally I made the tough choice to start again not knowing how close to the end we were. Together we trained harder searched for better weapons found hidden allies and used a magazine to find the ultimate weapons. I had upgraded the Materia and also had a item that stopped that stupid frog spell. We fought long and hard on that fateful day and finally prevailed. The small boy had grown into a man.

    I went on and played multiple games on the ps1. I waited outside the shop on the release day of the PS2 so I could be the first one to get it. I then bought a PS3 and again played game after game looking for the magic that Cloud and FFVII bought. Sure Snake was the man Nathan drake a epic adventurer Lara Croft provided hours of infuriating yet somehow entertaining jumping and puzzle solving but something was lacking. I turned to Coolboarders and Granturismo, Medal of Honor but nothing fit the bill I played all the FF's and even still none compared to Cloud.

    Fast forward to the now I was looking on IGN and what do I find but they are remaking FFVII for the PS4. I honestly thought it was a dream it took me straight back to that day when out of complete chance I bought possibly the best game to ever be made with the greatest hero of all time. A hero that stands high above any other, sure he has strangely skinny arms and crazy hair. We all have things that make us who we are, unique but that is all part of the legend, the legend that is Cloud Strife.

  • hayden says: 12 December 2014, 6:38pm

    Would have to be Zidane from final fantasy 9 on PS.

    He was such a fun and easily to bond with characters. With all his sacrifices and challenges to face with all his friends made this game enjoyable to play over and over again. With heart felt choices and humour, this game had it all.

    With such game series full of content easily clocking up 70+ hours on a single player game, food choice would have to be finger food. Favorite would have to be peanut M&Ms.

  • Mathew says: 12 December 2014, 6:38pm

    Justin from Grandia
    Not alot of people played Grandia, it was 2D and released around FF7. Grandia was one of the best games I have played as a kid and to this day I still love the story line.

    It tells the story of a 15 year old who could not see the glass ever being half empty. He travels around a world that required 2 disks to experience, completing new adventures and making new friends. Justin saved his world from ending much the same as many game hero's do, but this story emerges you in the world and gets you attached to the characters.

    Justin wants to be an adventurer and walk in his fathers footsteps; the game is not based off following his father however, he merely uses his father as an example and forges his own path. Justin does things never before attempted and completes them all with unwavering devotion; in doing so he saves the world and more importantly, the girl he loves. He was a perfect role model for fighting for what we want and what we believe in. Its odd to say but video games like this teach us wisdom that we don't appreciate till we are older. Its games like this that made me as stubborn as I am today. I don't give up on what I want and I try my best to see the glass is always half full.

    Doesn't matter that he was a 2D collection of pixels on my PS1, Justin faught for what he loved. In my mind that makes a true Hero!

  • Lachlan says: 12 December 2014, 6:40pm

    Ratchet, dont think i need to say much more. a Lombax who save the universe, with a bad ass sidekick and an unbelievable amount of crazy guns. To me he is just the perfect super hero, i even had one of my birthday cakes made like him.

  • Alex says: 12 December 2014, 6:40pm

    I would have to go with Sir Daniel Fortesque from the PlayStation One classics Medievil and Medievil 2. He was such a clever character, not intelligence wise but the way his character communicated through grunts and mannerisms. Also the games were both really fun, the first being through heaps of medieval locations and the 2nd Victorian England. I would love for the series to continue on the ps4

  • Rex says: 12 December 2014, 6:41pm

    Squall Leonhart. I have played FFVIII at least 20 times. I know that game like the back of my hand. I pretty much 100% that game. I even got so far as buying a Pocket Station, just to play the Chocobo World mini game. I don't care what anyone else says about FFVIII, but to me THAT is the best Final Fantasy.
    I love you Squall a manly and not sexual kind of way.

  • Jacob says: 12 December 2014, 6:43pm

    My favourite playstation character would definitely have to be Crash Bandicoot as Crash bandicoot was the first playstation game i have ever played, heck it was the first video game i played in general. Now i am a person absolutely loves games just from my dad showing it to me when i was very little.

  • Brent says: 12 December 2014, 6:44pm

    Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank.
    A ridiculous amount of crazy, original guns and gadgets. Also best pals with Clank whos cool.

  • Vanessa says: 12 December 2014, 6:45pm

    I thought it would be hard to answer this but however it quickly came to mind who was my favourite!

    Spyro the Dragon!!! It was the game I got from Santa along with my first console, a PS1 way back in 1999 when I was only 7 years old. I wish I could tell you what I was eating but because I had to pause my game for Christmas lunch to make my mother not ground me from my new playstation. From that day forth I didn't venture outside much but rather spent hours defeating Nasty Gnorc with the help of my side kick Sparx's! As years past on other birthdays/Christmas's I received Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage and Spyro - Year of the Dragon. I again retreated inside to defeat Ripto and the Sorceress but now with the ability to hover near ledges to gain the extra high on the end of my flight! Two years ago when I bought all 3 games again on the PSN I highly missed my ability to hover in Spyro the Dragon while cracking open all of his crystal frozen dragon friends. I can proudly tell you I have clocked these games as a child and again as an adult!

  • Logan says: 12 December 2014, 6:46pm

    My favorite PlayStation Hero from the last 20 years would have to be Batman, on PlayStation 2 when I got one of my first games Batman Vengeance. I spent so many hours trying to complete the game, and when I finally did I remember asking my parents for a pie to celebrate. When I finally got a PS3 my first game was Arkham Asylum and then all the memories came flooding back and Batman games have always been Pre-ordered since then and to get this PlayStation 4 20th anniversary edition I know I will be getting Arkham Knight and continue to make memories with Batman and PlayStation for another 20 years.

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 6:48pm

    My favourite hero is no one person per se, but rather the Gran Turismo franchise. Growing up as a car enthusiast from as early as I can remember, Gran Turismo has always facilitated the ability to be able to drive my favourite cars on my favourite tracks, that I could only ever dream of achieving in real life. From the original Gran Turismo (which happened to be my first ever Playstation game) to the latest iteration, I've owned them all and to this day remain a committed fan of the franchise.

  • Harry says: 12 December 2014, 6:48pm

    Crash is my favourite hero,
    My Family got a PS1 when I was 4 and my brother was 7, I would sit for hours watching him playbut I wasn't allowed to because "I was sooo bad".

    When our parents went out Rebecca our baby sitter looked after us. She had completed the crash games and the spyro games 100% so for me and my brother she was a god. At the time my twin brother and sister we one and Rebecca would let us play for an extra half hour for every nappy that was changed while she was baby-sitting. Being the younger and weaker one that left me, the four year old, to changing nappies, but for the extra two hours play time - or in my case watch time - it was totally worth it.

    He's my favourite and has had the most significant effect on me because I grew up being unable to play and was restricted to just watching. Therefore when I turned 6 and was officially allowed to play, I cherished every moment with Crash, Coco, Ooga Booga and Pura.

    My brother sold our Crash Games to get a PS2, but I bought them all off trademe last year and now have 100% completed them all. One life goal complete!

  • Dylan says: 12 December 2014, 6:48pm

    Would have to be cloud from ff7 his attitude and his special moves were awesome I spent hundreds of hours on that game and I still go back and play it now it's my all time favorite game I have ever owned and I have always thought cloud is the man

  • Jesse says: 12 December 2014, 6:49pm

    I have 342 PS3 games, 102 PS2 games, 70 odd PSV games, a 'few' PS1 games

    But there is only 1 hero who I keep going back to.

    I first met him in 1998, and wasn't sure how I felt about him. He seemed..... quirky...
    But after seeing his kindness, compassion, courage and agility, I began to fall for him.
    Even an untimely death couldn't stop him from becoming the hero he truly deserved to be. From witty one liners and comebacks (I think), to puzzle solving, to dispatching hordes of zombies armed with, um, his arm... And even giving his own life force (via awesome green lightning) to his loyal soldiers to keep them fighting the good fight.
    A hero without equal, without a pulse, and without a lower jaw. Nothing and no-one compares to my hero, Sir Daniel Fortesque.
    I still play through the original Medievil once a year, to remind me of a time when games were games, and heroes were, um, reluctant and dead... I guess...

    What was I eating when we met?
    My fingernails, on the edge of my seat.

    Sir Daniel is now, and will forever be, my greatest hero.

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 6:49pm

    Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
    Firstly because Sora was the character of the first game I ever owned. Not only this, through his adventures it showed me how important friendships are, and how they can develop and change as time goes on. He also took me to worlds that I could only imagine traveling to in my dreams. Sora shows great strength and courage, even though the ones he loved abandoned him. He made it through the times of darkness, even alone, showing great power fueled by the love he has for friends. And its this love that I hold for Sora and his adventures, playing through the hours of the night, taking me through magical worlds and expanding my imagination. His love for his friends made me realise how important people are in our lives, and how these friendships have only grown stronger through our own adventures. Friendships that grow strong, sitting side by side playing playstation and going to worlds that only exist in our dreams.

  • Leonardo says: 12 December 2014, 6:49pm

    Mine is aerith and cloud strife from final fantasy 7.. she die to help cloud to save the world from genova and sepiroth.. and cloud and her still remain until now.. and FF 7 will cpme out soon on PS4 to remember this episode of cloud and aerith and sepiroth.. cool cant wait.. the most memorable epic game from playstation 1..

  • Robert says: 12 December 2014, 6:50pm

    Crash Bandicoot
    Because Crash 2 was my first game on ps1 and had so much fun playing it. Crash is awesome because hes awesome no explanation need.

  • Mark says: 12 December 2014, 6:54pm

    Epic length! Tony Hawk, had some great times with those games over the years

  • Durgesh says: 12 December 2014, 7:01pm

    Solid Snake
    He what made the Espionage genre what is it today, that and he can still kick-ass while in a Cardboard Box!

  • Andre says: 12 December 2014, 7:01pm

    My favorite character from the playstation universe is definitely Spyro the dragon, first met him on the ps1 with Spyro year of the dragon.I was pretty young when I first played that game and probably sunk 100hrs into that game just replaying the main story :P

  • nevyn says: 12 December 2014, 7:02pm

    Well my favorite and lasting character was the one and only crash bandicoot me and my siblings would crowd around the ps1 snacking on fish n chips after opening our new games which was crash bandicoot cortex strikes back man that was the days i would last away my mum screaming at me to get of and do the lawns but i was storming away smashing crates twisting and killing bosses and the colorful and zany personality crash has and topped with a kind heroic heart truly is my legendary play station character.

  • nevyn says: 12 December 2014, 7:02pm

    Well my favorite and lasting character was the one and only crash bandicoot me and my siblings would crowd around the ps1 snacking on fish n chips after opening our new games which was crash bandicoot cortex strikes back man that was the days i would last away my mum screaming at me to get of and do the lawns but i was storming away smashing crates twisting and killing bosses and the colorful and zany personality crash has and topped with a kind heroic heart truly is my legendary play station character.

  • Emily says: 12 December 2014, 7:03pm

    The first game that ever got me going was some random fishing game on ps1 back when I was little - dad used to play it and well, i sucked. but hey, I thought I was good! Then it was the original Need for Speed on playstation 2 so I probably have to say I am my favourite considering that is technically who the "hero" is in the games that got me started!

  • Aaron says: 12 December 2014, 7:03pm

    Have to be Crash Bandicoot. The little bandicoot that started it all way back when. Sadly he is nowhere to be seen these days.. Possibly when gaming needs him most

  • Gareth says: 12 December 2014, 7:05pm

    Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank.

    Cool, quiet and totally badass, he was the ultimate hero from Playstation for me.

  • Matthew says: 12 December 2014, 7:08pm

    Tough Call, Have to go with Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 2 , just badass.

  • Rebecca says: 12 December 2014, 7:13pm

    My favourite is definitely crash bandicoot, I grow up playing those games o hope there will one day be a hd remake cause he was simply the best character in all of playstation games!

  • Kano says: 12 December 2014, 7:17pm

    Cloud Strife and the Buster sword. And that combination becomes even more awesome when Omnislash comes in play. Combining all that it becomes more awesome than more awesome when it was used to defeat the the greatest bad guy of all time.....Emerald Weapon. That monster stayed good and dead after that.

    Then Cloud Strife, Buster Sword and Omnislash appeared again on the Super awesome Final Fantasy Tactics and Duper awesome Final Fantasy Dissidia. Then he crushed me with it in Kingdom Hearts.

  • Liam says: 12 December 2014, 7:25pm

    Spyro the Dragon. I played the original game on the PS1 when I was younger and still play that same game on the same console!

    Spyro has stuck with me forever because it was always so fun playing with him, the game itself was always a joy to play as well. Just recently I'm working on a 100% completion of the game (I'm on about 24% complete so far :P).

  • jamie says: 12 December 2014, 7:26pm

    Got my first playstation when I was 10. 17years ago.mum and dad had saved up for ages to get it for uskids and we loved it. I then saved my pocket money to buy final fantasy 7. After me and my friend had hiredit a bazillion times trying to beat the first boss with the scorpion tail. Then I finally beat him and was king of the class. Haha I still have that exact same ff7 game now and ut still works in my original ps1! Havig he anniversary addition would be an awesome link to the past for me and you can bet the first game I play os ff7 with my man, Cloud Strife!

  • Ash says: 12 December 2014, 7:30pm

    Sir Dan from MediEvil on PS1 is definitely my favourite hero. Sir Dan's goofy face was the best part of the MediEvil experience because as an 8 year old the graphics and game play freaked me out everytime!! ... I could never make it to the end, but I'll never forget Sir Dan =D

  • Ashley says: 12 December 2014, 7:30pm

    Although the PlayStation has been home to many of my favourite characters and games going all the way back to the original PlayStation. I find that there is no hero more deserving of praise other than the final boss of Dark Souls: Gwyn, Lord of Cinder.

    Gwyn’s story is that of loss and sacrifice.
    As Lord of Sunlight he loses his kingdom, wife, children and most of his knights.
    Unable to stop the First Flame of life and power from dying, he sacrifices himself as fuel to it, this is so that it can burn a little longer for the living to keep going and prevent the Age of Dark, knowing that eventually the dark will extinguish the dying flame. Through this sacrifice Gwyn is burned and becomes Lord of Cinder and hollows, a process in which one loses their humanity and becomes an undead forced to live out an eternity trying to kill anything they see.

    I first fought Gwyn in 2011 on the PS3. His story was so memorable, as the only way you can learn about the Dark Souls world is by talking to other NPCs, and by doing so I learned the sad story of a King placed in an impossible situation who, after losing so much, sacrificed everything he had so that his Kingdom could have a little more time.

    The character himself however, burned his image into my head the first time I saw him. With a great beard and torn clothing, he swung his large flaming sword at me unrelentingly and with great speed. I nervously dodged around the arena and barely managed to get a hit in the first time I fought him. He haunted my dreams and console for a week before I was finally able to overcome him.

  • Jaimee says: 12 December 2014, 7:31pm

    Definitely gotta be Sora from Kingdom Hearts! Hes got crazy style and so much determination, never giving up on the people he loves! Will always be my fav game <3

  • Keenan says: 12 December 2014, 7:33pm

    Probably not the most favourite of games being commented on but oh well here goes haha.

    Sweet so my hero is Guan Yu of Dynasty Warriors. Back in my youngen days some of my uncles and cousin had what we called a boys night some weekends and just jam this game mad lol good times.
    But yep back to the general Guan Yu haha. Just because he is a straight solid guy ! Wield a great spear and had some sick combat moves. Plus if any of you's have seen Red Cliff the movie you'd know what I'm talking about (; Too good that guy lol.

    What I was eating at the time ? lol all the junk food and take aways, the norm you'd expect on a game night haha.

    Cheers (:

  • Roseanne says: 12 December 2014, 7:34pm

    My favorite would have to be solid snake as my mates and I always had fun and would be the main series that I have played through many times.

  • Hayden says: 12 December 2014, 7:36pm

    Croc, saving all those Gobbos, being taught the gobbo way, so friendly.

    It was the only full game I had on PS1, and grew a bond the the wee guy because of all the hours my little brother and I sunk into that game.

  • matt says: 12 December 2014, 7:36pm

    Mine would have to be issac clarke from deadspace he takes so much punishment and keeps on stomping the crap out of necromorphs! He takes a needle to the eyeball (my biggest fear) not to mention hes just engineer which proves that they are al tough as nails haha!

  • Shaun says: 12 December 2014, 7:40pm

    Sora from Kingdom Hearts

    What makes Sora an awesome character is the bonds he makes with people in the universe, and how he bravely accepts the Keyblade so he can fight the Darkness and save his friends.

    I first encoutered Sora when playing Kingdom Hearts on the Playstation 2, and it must have been over a decade ago.

    I was quite young at the time, so it was easy for a character like Sora who was cool, brave and young to leave an impression on me. There was a lot of memorable moments between Sora and his friends, as well as some great interactions with many of the legendary Disney characters I loved.

    It's hard to remember what I was eating a decade ago, but I did eat a lot of burgers as a kid, so it was likely that.

    The last time I played the game was about 2 years ago on my original Playstation 2, which I thankfully kept. It still brings a tear to my eye after all these years.

  • Kyle says: 12 December 2014, 7:42pm

    Crash Bandicoot of course.

    Moved to New Zealand from England when I was 5, with a Sega Megadrive. Traded it in for a PS1 with the original Crash Bandicoot. Dude can't even talk and he's saving his girlfriend and sister year after year.

    I remember playing through the game with a pen and paper beside me, writing down the passwords as I finished each bonus level, ended up having about 12 A4 pages stapled together like a book. I think I may have chewed on that pen a bit too much trying to figure out how to do the levels.

    Either that, or the time when my brother was rushed to hospital due to something in his bowel bursting when I was about 10. If my parents had taken him just hours later, he'd have died. Since he was in hospital for around 2 months, one of the nurses gave him an old copy of Crash Team Racing that she had. I'm 18 now and we still have that disc.

  • Joe says: 12 December 2014, 7:44pm

    Zack Fair, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. He as a character gave light to one of the best stories in gaming history. I like Cloud, but Cloud wouldn't be who he is without Zack.

  • Krystal says: 12 December 2014, 7:45pm

    Sora from Kingdom Hearts on Playstation 2, The moment I started playing it I was captivated. I really love Disney movies and Final Fantasy games, so to have a mixture of the two was really cool. I first played the game in 2004 and have continued playing it since, this year I finally upgraded to a PS3 simply to play the HD remix of the Kingdom Heart games :)

  • Steven says: 12 December 2014, 7:46pm

    I would have to say Nissan R33 Skyline GT-R from the first Gran Turismo game would be my PlayStation hero i bet many a rival with this beast, Friday and Saturday nights KFC at the ready a few mates and i hammering around the track for the fastest time,I swear i would of gone through 4-5 controllers over the following months with people getting game rage but anyway look at the GT franchise because the graphics back then where pretty amazing and that game has been on all PlayStation consoles since with each title getting better and better so roll on GT 7 on the PS4 i cant wait and to be honest that would look real good playing GT 7 on the anniversary edition console.

  • Chris says: 12 December 2014, 7:50pm

    Joel from The Last of Us.

    Although somewhat of an anti-hero, he epitomises making the best of any situation thrust upon him. His ingenuity, inventiveness, and overall depth of character are a stand out for me.

  • Lynette says: 12 December 2014, 7:50pm

    Lara Croft from Tomb Raider on PS1. This memorable game for me is the the fact that this game is like a daughter of the original PC games of Indiana Jones. It was also great for the fact that it was one of the first games in the PS world to feature a strong female character. I spent many many hours playing this game across the PS1, PS2, and PS3 and am looking forward to the PS4 release.

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 7:50pm

    Abe from Oddworld series because he risked his life to free the Mudokons from slavery.

  • Jared says: 12 December 2014, 7:54pm

    A mercenary/rogue soldier with a spiky blonde hair, usually silent, and holds a massive sword which was passed on to him by another soldier who also went rogue.

    To be more specific, Cloud of Final Fantasy 7.

    He first appeared in FF VII on the PSone console and his character was greatly admired since then.

    He later appeared pretty much on almost every gaming platform there is as well as in a few Final Fantasy related novellas and even in a movie.


    FF VII, Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts, Before Crisis, Itadaki Street Special, Itadaki Street Portable, Ehrheiz PS, Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts (All of them), Little Big Planet 2, Theathrythm FF, FF Tactics, FF VII G-Bike.

    On the way to a smile, Advent Children

  • josh says: 12 December 2014, 7:54pm

    Oh my god where do i start there are so many its been a great 20 years to be a playstation gamer and so many great games but if i have to pick one it has to be Joel from the last of us a great game and a great main character i hope they make another last of us is the best game and use joel again <3 <3 <3

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 7:56pm

    Spyro the Dragon! The sass was strong with this little purple BOSS. Played through Spyro 1,2&3 on the PSOne all those years ago and recently played through them again on the PS3.

  • Andy says: 12 December 2014, 7:57pm

    Raziel, from the Legacy of Kain series.

    If you asked Raziel, he would find it laughable that anyone could call him a hero. But he wouldn't laugh, because he's a very serious guy, and he also has no bottom jaw. Everything that happens to Raziel is part of someone else's grand and complex plan to shape the world. His boss throws him into a giant vampire torture blender because he decided to grow wings. His mysterious time-travelling sugar daddy is actually working for a giant octopus god. Even his original human death was controlled by others -- he was murdered by a version of himself from the future.

    He is literally and figuratively a tortured soul, doomed to play the pawn in others' chess games. But he always stays classy. Even though he's a corpse who murders his own brothers and eats spirits. Even though he wears nothing but a scarf and some leg-warmers. Even though he's bright blue. Raziel and the world of Nosgoth was the first game I played that showed me how impressive games could be. That a video game could give you access to a foreign world filled with real people and real problems, and it could make you care about all of that. Soul Reaver let me step into an ex-vampire's cloven shoes and live another life.

    That's why I'd pick Raziel as my hero, and it's also why I have such fond memories of all my PlayStation consoles. They've always shown that the power of a machine is only important if you use it to do something amazing. Tell stories. Create experiences. Burn memories into the minds of players. Quite a legacy.

  • Hamish says: 12 December 2014, 7:59pm

    So many comments! I hope everyone the best!

    My character would have to by Spyro! I grew up with him on PS1 & 2 (Couldn't afford a PS3) I would love to continue the adventures with my childhood.

    or Clank from Ratchet and Clank. He's top :)

  • Theo says: 12 December 2014, 8:00pm

    My Favourite Playstation character will always be Joel from The Last of Us. I had played numerous games on my PS1 and PS2, but Joel was the first one that had a truly in depth character that I could sympathise with. He was just a guy trying to make the best of a bad situation - a "survivor" as he described himself to Tess when arguing about Ellie. I must have played that game at least 5 - 8 times from start to finish since I bought it for my PS3 last year. I can still remember the first time I played it. I turned it on at around 8:00pm when it was properly dark outside before I turned all the lights off and played until midnight in the dark. It was terrifying.

    Hands down, Joel is my favourite PlayStation character of all time and I am so excited for the next instalment in the series!

  • samuel says: 12 December 2014, 8:00pm

    RATCHET (from the Ratchet and Clank series) my most loved Lombax in the galaxy and probably the best mechanic you will find.
    This was my favourite franchise growing up with its over the top weapons (sheep) and awesome armour brought me countless hours of entertainment.
    Up Your Arsenal; was my favourite on a console with an unbelieveable live action adverts with featured there weapons before lunch made it very antisapted game for me when i was 12 to be honest it probably cemented my addiction to video games and play station now.
    Size Matters; there is no other game that even comes close to thee number of times i played through this game i pushed poor ratchet to run at full speed over 100 times through every level getting a bit faster with each speed run, i play this game at home, in the car, at school, at my first job as a pizza delivery boy between deliveries and i even played this while sitting at the hospital bed of my Nana when she slept in the last days of her long battle with with cancer. seriously this game brought me joy and and distracted from pain at times.
    Sorry for the long post, i love Ratchet and Clank best games ever <3

  • Vincent says: 12 December 2014, 8:01pm

    Spyro on the PS1. He had the right amount of sarcasm, humour and childlike wonder. Plus his mates were hilarious.

  • Tom says: 12 December 2014, 8:10pm

    So many people saying Cloud (FF7) or Squall (FF8). While these games were friggin' awesome you have to admit both those characters leaned on the Emo/Little Sooks side of things!
    Now Sephiroth, that dude was the man, the most bad ass elite SOLDIER, kills the president, finds out he's pretty much a test tube baby and flips his lid, tries to gain godhood, kills Aeris (that part still cuts me deep, I spent so long unlocking her limit breaks!!) and spends the majority of the game driving Cloud insane!
    Plus that sword he had was so sweet!

  • Craig says: 12 December 2014, 8:11pm

    Kratos! God of War 3 got me back into Playstation. It's the only reason why I bought a Playstation 3. I can't wait for a God of War on the PS4

  • Liam says: 12 December 2014, 8:15pm

    Crash bandicoot. honestly one of the best games to ever be released for the playstation brand. I was first introduced to crash when I was visiting my aunt and uncles, as I walked in through the front door into the living room I buzzed with excitement as I saw my older cousin playing on a playstation 1. As I watched him play the crash bandicoot level where you are being chased by a dinosaur like the boulder that chased Indiana Jones, my cousin quit the game and let me play while he made a snack of chicken nuggets and I had so much fun in those 10 minutes while he was gone. it was such a simple game but it was packed with adventure and hilarity and I loved it and still do. I'm still sad that they don't continue my favourite series. the best thing about trying this game came after I left my cousins. After the long trip home and a deep sleep that evening I woke up to find a playstation 1 in my living room and the crash bandicoot game I loved so much. my cousin had gifted it to us after he had gotten a playstation two. it kicked off my love of gaming which is still there today.

  • Kylie says: 12 December 2014, 8:15pm

    Part of me is so tempted to mention Jak and Daxter because I have fond memories of those games years ago (and replaying them again on the HD remake).

    But truth be, mine actually has to go to the nameless, silent protagonist from Journey. It's such a simple and sweet little game that I fell in love with so quickly. I bonded with now one of my closest friends though it (even finding ways to connect together to play, despite the lack of audio chat or knowing who you're playing with online until the very end of the game). Of all the big triple A titles on the Playstation, that one has really cemented itself as my top pick of games - and my choice for Playstation hero.

  • Anthony says: 12 December 2014, 8:16pm

    Crash Bandicoot would have to be my all time favourite.

    What I find most appealing about Crash is that he never talked, but still managed to get the job done defeating enemies and bosses along the way.

    It all started when I was about 5 years old, I saved all my pocket money and brought a Playstation. After seeing Crash Bandicoot on the demo disc that came with the Playstation, I knew that I had to buy that game. Crash Bandicoot was the first PS game I ever purchased, and boy what a correct decision that one was. I remember spending hours and hours, level after level, both with my friends after school, and by myself, to finally complete the game just weeks before Crash 2 was to be released. When Crash 2 was released I spent more of my pocket money and brought that game, again spending hours and hours on it, until I had completed the game. Completing this one only left me with wanting more Crash, until the day Crash 3 Warped was released. Again I purchased this game along with some others, and spent hours and hours completing each level, beating each boss, until I reached 105% game completion. I then purchased Crash Team Racing once that was released, and would spend alot of time playing that one with friends, and family, (this is when I got my first taste of playing Multiplayer on the Playstation). Crash Bash is another game I had purchased, but sadly did not put as much time into that game as I did with the others. I still have these to this day, the PS is still working too!! Sadly the discs are so badly scratched up that it has left the games unplayable.

    When the PS2 was released, I spent alot more of my pocket money and brought one of those too. The crash games I remember playing on my PS2 is Crash Nitro Kart, Crash The Wrath of Cortex, Crash Twinsanity, Crash of the Titans, and Crash Mind over Mutant. Along with various other PS2 titles including Jak and Daxter (all 3), which I have been a very big fan of Naughty Dog ever since.

    The biggest console purchase I made was when the PS3 launched, I brought the 60GB model, and was able to play all my previous PS games, as well as all the new games, but sadly Crash never made it to the PS3, but when Sony released Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, and Crash Team Racing onto the PSN store, I quickly purchased the games again so I could play them again, because sadly the game discs were to badly scratched which made the game unplayable. I recently purchased a PS3 Slim 160GB model as sadly my original PS3 suffered from the overheat issue and was unplayable.

    I am really looking forward to the day when Crash games are released again, I will be very quick to go out and purchase another Crash game

  • Carlos says: 12 December 2014, 8:23pm

    Lara Croft.

    When the original "Tomb Raider" was released, myself and some friends were playing it one light in our flat. It was one of the most compelling games any of us had seen, it was as watchable as playable.
    The moment I remember the most was the chapter in the dinosaur valley. One of my friends was playing it and he had defeated the Raptor's and was exploring the environment when the screen started shaking and the huge T-Rex came charging out of the darkness... he leap out of the chair and hoped up and down yelling at the screen trying to stop Lara Croft from being eaten. The rest of us were laughing so hard we had tears running down our faces. Ever since then, "Tomb Raider" has been one of my all time favourite games and Lara Croft my favorite character.

  • Ryan says: 12 December 2014, 8:25pm

    I would have to say solid snake. What's this cardboard box doing here? Is that... smoke coming from inside it?

  • James says: 12 December 2014, 8:35pm

    Solid Snake. I remember waiting waiting for what seemed forever for the first Metal Gear Solid to be released and then finally getting to play it. It blew my mind, not only was it an amazing game - becoming my single favourite game ever! - it showed me that the medium had become so much more than simply 'video games'. But what held it all together was Solid Snake voiced by David Hayter. Solid Snake is the man, so much cooler than any other action star. He went through everything in Metal Gear Solid like it was nothing, plus in the Metal Gear Solid 2&4 he even rocks a mullet!!!if I could be any character it ever it would be him and ever since I have taken part in imaginary stealth mission in my house, empty carparks and now the office I work in.

    I have had to buy every subsequent Playstation to play the next in the Metal Gear Solid series just to see what happens to Snake, despite the increasingly crazy story lines. I don't have a PS4 yet, but would love to play Metal Gear Solid V on this machine, it would represent everything I love about gaming!

  • Jeremy says: 12 December 2014, 8:40pm

    Well, hey, perhaps a very cliche answer, but Crash Bandicoot.

    Back in the days of Sony's PS1, I was but a 5 year old lad, heading off to school and discovering different things.
    I will never forget the Christmas of 2001, when my parents gave me that wrapped box and I was so excited. Unwrapping it revealed the very first Playstation, my first games console, and my introduction into the world of gaming.
    With it, they had managed to package the first two Crash Bandicoots, both of which I adored to no end. It wasn't long after that I saved up my pocket money to buy the Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, and possibly my all time favourite game; Crash Team Racing.
    I was, and still am CTR mad, it is the one game in my life that I have never hesitated to pick up. Back when I was 8 years old I remember inviting my friends over to play 4 player CTR on the multitap.
    Now today, as an 18 year old university student, with a PS3, I still invite my mates over for a good laugh and a cheeky game of CTR. It's always good for a bit of fun and competition.
    So that, dear Mighty Ape, is why Crash Bandicoot, hero of my childhood, the one true Playstation mascot, is my favourite character.
    He has been with me throughout my PS1 days, in Crash Bandicoot 1-3 and CTR. He has been with me in my PS2 days, in Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, Crash Twinsanity, Crash Nitro Kart, Crash Tag Team Racing, and even the new installments of Crash of the Titans and Crash: Mind over Mutant, have a special place in my collection and my heart.
    And like I said before, Crash is still with me now, in my PS3 days, even though his disks remain as those of the PS1 era, he still brings my friends and I great joy.

    Thanks for being with me through all those years Crash and Playstation, it means a lot :)

  • Martin says: 12 December 2014, 8:43pm

    Spyro the Dragon. My childhood friend owned a PlayStation 1 before I did, and I first encountered this character in the original Spyro the Dragon at his house. When my parents bought my own PlayStation (I was around 9 years old) Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer was among the first games that I had for it. I had to beg my mother to buy me the third game, Spyro: Year of the Dragon when it was released. I clocked Spyro 2 and 3 several times each. These fantastic games were a very big part of my childhood!

  • Jonathan says: 12 December 2014, 8:52pm

    Spyro! Wait no Crash Bandicoot! Hang on what about Ratchet & Clank!? Or or even Joel & Ellie!? Ugh so many excellent hero's to choose from :(

    I'd have to go with Ratchet (& also Clank, it does take the two of them!). These guys shaped my childhood like no other. Yes their story began on the PS2 in 2002 but their legacy is much more! I've put so many hours into the likes of my favourites Ratchet & Clank 3 and Ratchet: Gladiator. The multiplayer, more so the co-op brought me closer to friends and family, working together, solving problems and battling it out! There's been tears, laughs and countless moments of utter enjoyment! Ratchet is pure awesome, his weapons and their upgradability, his witty narrative and the journey he takes you on. What more could you ask for? Ratchet is my hero, I still play him on my PS2 today and I can't wait for his brilliance to one day be recreated and mastered into a HD classic for our current generation of gamers to experience what a real game is! ;)

  • Joel says: 12 December 2014, 8:53pm

    I have to say that my fave Playstation Hero of all time is Sly Cooper (& his gang, for a master thief is nothing without his gang of friends, especially a Cooper.)

    Sly Racoon // Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus: This was an absolute gem of a game for the PS2. Stealth gameplay in a fun & enjoyable Action Platformer world set in a few interesting locations around the world. I first played it as a child when I rented it one day after being intrigued by the Raccoon on the cover. Sadly that rental place closed and I was never able to complete it, but i always remembered it.

    Sly 2: Band Of Thieves: This one will always be my fave game in the whole series. Getting to play as Bentley & The Murray made this game, and the series as whole, what it still is today. Awesome. The contrasts in character play styles added challenge with 3 protagonists. Also this game has the most hub worlds out of the whole series, 8 in total, with each one well crafted & different to the others.

    Sly 3: Honor among thieves. A great game to end up the original trilogy. It added even more characters with unique play styles and brought back favourite characters of mine from the previous 2 games.

    When I came to NZ I found Sly 2 (and later released, Sly 3) in my local rental and was astounded to learn their were sequels. I bought my own copies of both games eventually, yet i still couldn't find the first game. Til my parents bought it for me from overseas to complete my Sly Trilogy on the PS2.

    But it doesn't end there. The Sly Collection not only brought my fave trilogy to HD PS3, but also opened up the gate for Sanzaru Games (also a Monkey themed company :3) to bring us Sly 4: Thieves in Time. It was certainly an interesting expansion onto something I love, making me love it just as much as the Sucker Punch developed trilogy from my childhood.

    Thanks for reading, good luck everyone.

  • Mitchell says: 12 December 2014, 8:54pm

    Crash bandicoot why well he's a classic I remeber playing those games all most 20 years ago he part of videogameing history and and play station history as well I wish they would bring him back for the new gaming generation he deserves his own movie live rachet and clank 20 stars whooooo

  • Paul says: 12 December 2014, 8:57pm

    It's got to be Nathan Drake but there are so many good ones from Cloud,snake,soap mctavish and many more. Drake pips them with the humour, mix of action,puzzles and shoot outs. One of the few game series I went back and played again and again

  • Dave says: 12 December 2014, 8:59pm

    Rudy from Wild Arms on PS1. One of the first games I owned and playing it is among my favourite childhood memories. My best friend played the sections relating to Jack, my brother had to be Cecelia and Rudy was mine. We shared the big sections and it was something that was just ours, nobody else we knew had the game and so for a while it was the centre of our world.

  • Nick says: 12 December 2014, 9:01pm

    Plain and Simle it's Spyro, First ever Playstation gaam I played was Spyro and wish his later games were better TBH but the first experience with the purple dragon was by far the best and he remains my favourite playstation mascot

  • Chris says: 12 December 2014, 9:06pm

    Well he wasn't really a hero but Calypso the final boss in the Twisted Metal series stands out for me.It was 1996 I was 14 and on a trip to Noel lemming with my mum decided i wanted to get a sega saturn when the guy at the counter said " are u sure you want a sega Saturn? I have something that's just come in you might be interested in, it's a Sony playstation". I picked the $499 Playstation and took about half an hour trying to pick what would be my fist game to get with it which was twisted metal.
    Calypso was a smart man, he ran a car combat competion where the winner could chose any prize they wanted and he would grant it, but with his own twist on it so the winner really ended up losing and in most cases dying.
    I have played games all my life and now at the age of 32 and with my first child about to have his first birthday next Wednesday 17th I would love the chance to be able to pass on my love of gaming to my son and share with him all the fun there is to be had in the Playstation world.

  • Riley says: 12 December 2014, 9:06pm

    Mine would have to be leon from resident evil 4.
    Because of his bad ass skills taking down zombies.
    It was the first rpg zombie game that got me hooked and have to say the new style of game play was awesome!

  • Martin says: 12 December 2014, 9:21pm

    Ellie, The Last of Us

    Near the end of the PS3 cycle, The Last of Us was released. It was met with praise by all the critics around. I for some reason decided to skip this game in favor of David Cages new 'epic' following the success of Heavy Rain. It wasn't until the PS4 was released that I had a chance to play The Last of Us.

    What I experienced and felt during the 12 hours it took to complete the game cannot be expressed in words. I will not even attempt it. The reason why this game was so emotionally engrossing was due to one character - Ellie.

    14 year old girls are not usually considered a hero in a general sense but in the world of The Last of Us she sure is and to Joel? well we all know what happens. Somebody who starts off as a supporting character soon becomes the star of the game. Throughout the game she talks, jokes and reacts to almost everything I did. It was simply to see such an amazing video game character, if you could even call her a character near the end of it all. To me she was almost lifelike in a way. I was so emotionally invested in the story that during a certain climatic scene I did not think twice about gunning down the 'good guys'. This was the first time I have felt that overwhelmed with emotion while playing a game, it was surreal.

    All of this is why i consider Ellie to be my Playstation hero. Oh and i was eating brainssss....

  • Lachlan says: 12 December 2014, 9:21pm

    I'd have to say Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank. He was just a Lombax who wanted to build/fix stuff and ended up saving the world, thats something I can respect. He even got to use all them cool weapons. 10/10

  • Nick says: 12 December 2014, 9:25pm

    I'll keep this simple - Nathan Drake:

    My first (and favourite) game on the original Playstation was Tomb Raider & having grown up with Indiana Jones movies, Nathan is the best of both to me in one package. Looking forward to playing Uncharted 4 on a shiny grey PS4 :)

  • Simon says: 12 December 2014, 9:25pm

    I'm gonna go with Spyro the Dragon, was the first game I owned on the PS1, and he's a freaking dragon! Who doesn't want to fly around and breathe fire!?

  • Craig says: 12 December 2014, 9:28pm

    Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 2 on playstation 1. During the events of Resident Evil 2, Leon is a rookie police officer who arrives in the doomed Raccoon City late for his first day on the job, only to confront a zombie outbreak first-hand. During the course of the game, he teams up with civilian survivor Claire Redfield, rescues the young Sherry, and is aided by the mysterious Ada.

    He's a action hero that appeals to me. He tougher than Chris and looks cool and He is the first Rick Grimes long before the walking dead.

    Six years later Leon gets his own game RS4 on ps2 which is classed as one of the best games ever made. In Resident Evil 6 Leon reunites with Ada and a grown-up Sherry.

    He also appears as a player character in several other video games, and has a leading role in the CG films Resident Evil: Degeneration and Resident Evil: Damnation, which I have both on Blu ray. And a version of Leon in the live-action film series is portrayed by Johann Urb in Resident Evil: Retribution.
    In the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition from 2011, he was voted as the 36th best video game character. In 2012, GamesRadar ranked him as the 11th most "influential and badass" hero in video games.

    PS I was must likely drinking coke and eating biscuits at the time

  • Andrew says: 12 December 2014, 9:34pm

    The two games I keep going back to are Final Fantasy 8 and Crash Team Racing. Here's why.

    FF8 just resonated with me. The music, in particular. If not for that game I may never have decided to learn piano. I love the whole world, the weird time-travel-ish plot, the dorky characters, the mopey Squall, the kind Headmaster Cid, the absurd flying Garden. FF7 and FF9 are also in my top ten, for obvious reasons, but FF8 is my fave.
    The standout character for me was Laguna. Such a dork! Everyone has been that dork who has a mad crush on someone from afar and cramps up whenever they get a chance to talk to said crush, plus he has cool hair and shoots a gun and he's a good dude! Poorly structured ramble over!

    Crash Bandicoot in CTR.
    Crash Team Racing.

    It's the best kart racer ever made.
    It IS, it IS, it IS.
    It's got a CAMPAIGN, you're not bogged down with dozens of types of karts and wheels and other bits of nonsense, it drives like a little putty kart should, the controls make sense, the ps1 graphics suit the funness of the game... but no, this isn't a rant about the game itself, it's meant to be about Crash.
    Well, what's there to say? We all know Crash whomped his way through three excellent games, but it's the way he did it that makes him great. He's not full of himself, like Sonic used to be (in the good one days, sniff), and he's not a bland hero like Mario. He's... just thrown into these situations. In the case of CTR, he was lazing around, sleeping, before Oxide decided he'd take over the world, and once Oxide is beaten, Crash just... carries on sleeping. It's not a big deal to him. He's not arrogant about it (beyond the initial Hooray I've Won), he's just not bothered that the world was THIS close to being destroyed. By next week he'll have forgotten it. Maybe he's stupid?
    Actually yes, he is stupid. Maybe that's the whole point.
    No, no, the whole point is that CTR was released in 1999 and to this DAY my friends and I make all the CTR noises when we play racing games. There we go. That'll about do it.
    The cup is mine...!

  • Natasja says: 12 December 2014, 9:39pm

    It's got to be either Spyro the Dragon or crash bandicoot. Great child hood memories of staying up late with my brother and playing these games, and no matter how many times we played them they never got boring!

  • Kendon says: 12 December 2014, 9:45pm

    Hands down has to be Jade from Beyond Good and Evil for the ps2, an overlooked game that played like a charm. Had a great story to match. Can only hope that the sequel that's been rumored for that last five or six years doesn't fall out of existence like The Last Guardian :/

  • Katarina says: 12 December 2014, 9:47pm

    Has to be Spyro the Dragon. The first gaming console I ever owned was a PS1 and the first game I remember playing was Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! The whole family used to set around our crappy little tv and when someone died, they had to pass on the remote and I was terrible at the flying challenges XD. Spyro is something I associate with family fun times and laughter and generally being with people I love.

  • brett says: 12 December 2014, 9:49pm

    Squall Leonhart: final fantasy 8 was the first game i played on playstation the reason he is my favourite RGP Character is because of his personalty
    introverted, cold and taciturn, who pushes away those who would otherwise be considered his friends.

  • Anne says: 12 December 2014, 9:51pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero would have to be Ratchet and Clank. I love how Ratchet and Clank works well together and individually at times.

    After I saw a friend play Ratchet and Clank 2 on his PS2 console, I got the console right away so that I could play the game myself!

    It was the very first game I bought and I got into the series right away.

    I was probably eating brain gummies while playing :P

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 9:52pm

    Such a had question to answer, as there are too many! Three spring to mind, Croc, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. But I think my favourite would be Crash Bandicoot. I would go to my neighbours to play it lot

  • Lisa says: 12 December 2014, 9:54pm

    This one is a bit 'left field'.... Brian Lara cricket 99. A whole bunch of us from the cricket team would gather round the play station every weekend and play this, lots of great memories ordering in pizza and playing legendary cricket! From memory Chris Harris from the NZ team was always the fave character. Someone always commented that the graphics captured the way he walked and ran - pretty exciting at the time. The villian was ALWAYS Shane Warne - say no more.
    Would love to create these kinds of memories for my kids and their mates. Cheers have a great Christmas

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 9:54pm

    My favorite PlayStation hero from the last 20 years would have to be Gabriel Logan from the Syphon Filter series.

    I first encountered Gabriel in 1999 when I was 16 and from there spent many an hour with him saving the world from the deadly biological weapon "Syphon Filter" on the original PlayStation system.

    I loved all the different elements to Gabriel, he could use stealth when needed but could also go in to a gun fight with all guns blazing and still come out on top! He was one of the first hero's I can remember that could headshot (To this day my favorite way of dispatching foes).

    Gabriel and I remained close for many years until we were forced to go our separate ways as I upgraded to PS3 and he would forever remain on PS & PS2. I MISS YOU GABE!!

  • Jester says: 12 December 2014, 9:57pm

    Crash Bandicoot for me!! My first game on the original PlayStation. I remember when i was young, I was amazed at the 3d graphics and the gameplay was soooo awesome! To me, Crash is the original mascot for the PlayStation although its unofficial. The original Crash Bandicoot games on the PS one has aged very well and still stands the test of time. Awesome thing is they are still available on PSN. Seeing this 20th anniversary PS4 brings a LOT of nostalgia! I would probably play Crash Bandicoot on it all over again.

  • Lisa says: 12 December 2014, 10:01pm

    Balthier and Fran from Final Fantasy XII! These two characters I was infatuated with, particularly Fran being from the tiny Viera race and living the rogue life with Balthier I wanted to know everything about her, why she was exiled, where she was from, everything! Balthier was hilarious in a subtle way too and wasn't cocky or anything, just genuinely great. Don't want to spoil the game for anyone so I'll just put that the ending scenes after beating the final boss really made me anxious and feel for these characters, the first time characters had ever really affected me playing video games.
    This was my first ever game I played to almost completion, clocking up to around 130 hours and doing all of the side missions, hunts, weapon upgrades, espers, anything I could to keep the gameplay going until I had exhausted the options! It also was responsible for getting me into other RPG adventure games such as Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King as well as Kingdom Hearts and previous Final Fantasy titles!
    This game also holds great memories for me as I got it around the time my brother broke his neck in a biking accident and so he and I had a lot of fun together playing on our separate accounts, trying to beat each other at completing the game and it was a great way to entertain us while I was on holiday and he was spending most of his days in a lazy boy chair!
    ANYWAY I feel like this has been long enough, thanks for the awesome opportunity to win one of these bad boys and good luck to everyone entering! Will be an awesome prize to cherish :)

  • Debbie says: 12 December 2014, 10:02pm

    Would have to be Crash Bandicoot. Running, jumping, breaking boxes and dying over and over again. Those games were my favourite games of all time, but I haven't had a Playstation since the PS2. Would love a new PS4 :)

  • Sam says: 12 December 2014, 10:02pm

    Such a hard question to answer, as there are too many! Three spring to mind, Croc, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. But I think my favourite would be Crash Bandicoot. I would go to my neighbours to play it lot before my parent brought my sister and I a PS1. I play it so much. Was the 1st game that I remember trying to clock! Eating? No ideas, so long ago! Probably a healthy snack my parents gave me!

    Sorry for posting twice, I hit submit comment without finishing.

  • Marcus says: 12 December 2014, 10:24pm

    Crash Bandicoot on the PS1. Nothing more nostalgic than back in the 90's playing this, trying so very hard to get all the gems for 100%. My dad ended up helping me with some of it (most notably the slippery climb level) but I still did most of it.

  • Alden says: 12 December 2014, 10:39pm

    Man there's so many heroes that i want to mention hahaha but my all time favorite was Crash from Crash bandicoot man that guy is a legend although i didnt finish it because the disc broke :( he is still the best, hope they make a remake for that, it would be awesome and sold out as well

  • Mark says: 12 December 2014, 10:39pm

    While many appeal as really good games, I really enjoy Ape Escape, playing as Spike in the original travelling through time and collecting new gadgets to catch apes that had gotten lost through time travel was a really awesome concept that they brought into a game. At the time this was one of my favourite games with a fairly straightforward goal for completion. If you felt like taking a break from catching apes, you could go and play the minigames that would unlock from the tokens you collect as you progress through the levels. Each game had different minigames and there was a good variety. Being able to see the stats of particular apes with one of the gadgets (or traits determined by the colour of their pants) was pretty cool to see how each ape would react to spotting you be it aggressively, or being able to easily outrun you.
    Overall the humorous nature of the series and how some of the puzzles work relating to the use of gadgets provided me with many hours of fun (and I would still go back and start again) which puts this on my list of top games.

  • Daniel says: 12 December 2014, 10:39pm

    My favourite character that has been on Playstation? Gotten be Haseo from .hack//G.U.

    I already knew the series because of the previous games, and was pretty stoked when I heard there was a sequel in G.U., but small catch was that the Playstation 2 (which all the english released .hack games are on) was region locked. Fortunately for me my older brother has always been tech savvy and knew of this cool new thing called "online shopping" to get what we needed from the US (thank Kong that some wise monkeys made this easier in the NZ).

    So we boot up the game, the graphics were stunning (for the time) and look so smooth and made a beautiful world, then here comes this awesome guy Haseo, with a scythe and everything. He was already on a path of revenge by the time of the game and the opening has him almost obtain it-- just to be cut down and reset to level 1 instead. Ouch. We then got to play the game as Haseo as he discovers new powers and conspiracies in the world he is in, and walk on a path of redemption, not just revenge, and we slowly piece together the bigger picture, and watch Haseo grow.

    At the time I was probably about 13 or so, and doritos hadn't replaced the superior CCs yet, so it is one game I associate with my favourite style of cornchip. At any rate who knows, maybe the PS4 will finally get to host a new .hack game (in english), something that hasn't happened since the PS2.

  • Tim says: 12 December 2014, 10:45pm

    Lots of great canidates here. The greatest Playstation hero is a certain bandicoot, by my personal favourite is Solid Snake. A character based off one of the most iconic action heroes of all time, Snake was the original Playstation badass. Intelligent, grizzled and extremely dangerous, Snake was the first in a line of badasses continued on through Kratos, Nathan Drake and Cole McGrath. The womanising, chain smoking silent killer exudes awesome, and doesn't break a sweat in doing so.

  • Michaela says: 12 December 2014, 10:51pm

    Sora, because he fights for good, he fights for what he believes in and stands by it no matter what influence comes his way, he knows what's right and sticks by it

  • Patrick says: 12 December 2014, 10:56pm

    Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank, This was the first ever game i played on PlayStation 2, back in 2002, and i fell in love with it, absolute favorite PlayStation Hero by far!

  • Ben says: 12 December 2014, 11:01pm

    Crash Bandicoot, because it's probably the first game series' that I ever actually stuck with. It's really amazing how a character that doesn't even talk had such an effect on my childhood. We also had many family game nights playing 4-player Crash Team Racing. That was the only game I ever managed to get my Dad to play, stubborn bloke that he is xD

  • Logan says: 12 December 2014, 11:06pm

    Probably the unsung Hero of Starwars Battlefront 1: the Jet trooper. Pretty strange choice I know, but for me they were part of my childhood like the original Spyros and Crash bandicoot. Starwars Battlefront was the weekend escape from school at my friends house, and the Jet trooper was the only way to avoid his better aim :)

  • Micheal says: 12 December 2014, 11:13pm

    Hi Mighty Ape!

    First of all, a big thank you to your company, your people, and your awesome attitude when comes to supplying us with awesome games, collectables, and nearly everything a everyday dude like myself could ever want!

    My Favourite hero is hero from my childhood who gave me a bit of comfort in my life, and taught me in a strange way that perseverance above all else can accomplish anything. His name is Spyro the Dragon.

    I played the first Spyro back in 1999, on one the first PS 1'S in the country at the time, to this day I get goosebumps whenever I hear the music to the old sony intro, and like any first love it has never left my thoughts.

    Spyro as I said before taught me the value of being who you are and to persevere, even if it seems like its against impassable odds.

    here was this little purple dragon with no amazing powers of desolation or absolute might, facing a daunting task of freeing his entire race and throught the entire adventure - he didn't give! ( a few lives lost in the process thanks to some wrong moves on my part) but he never quit.

    it may seem silly put something as small as this animated dragon, put my life in my hands. even to this day it helped me compete in 12 mile mud races, martial arts competions, and to pursue my career choice ( landscape designer & Landscape gardner) with that die hard perserverance!

    to this day I will fire up the old console I still have, crack open thre 1 litre bottles of pineapple juice and a bag of prezzels, sit in the sun, and share in an adventure with my good mate, Spyro.

    Cheers guys, merry xmas, happy new year, and thank you mighty ape for what you do.

  • Thomas says: 12 December 2014, 11:19pm

    Ratchet & Clank: They were and still are the best duo in gaming history. My first game and whats kept me into gaming Still get chills after watching the Ratchet & Clank 3 intro and the name still cracks me up

  • HaoLong says: 12 December 2014, 11:20pm

    For me, it got to be Cloud Strife and also Zack Fair from Final Fantasy 7 on PS1. He is bad ass with awesomeness spiked hair and gigantic Buster Sword lol. He is still my favourite hero till now and forever. Had a high hope that Square-Enix would release remake for PS3 when they made teaser for it.

  • Oliver says: 12 December 2014, 11:25pm

    Like many I would have to say Cloud from FF7, so many characters to choose from in the last 20 years so many awesome characters, but non of them like Cloud from the old PS1 days got me more into gaming than any other game or character.

    I mean come on, just check out that awesome Buster Sword if that didn't get you excited your chasing down Sephiroth with a even more bad ass sword. Sure Cloud had his fair share of problems, with Mako Poisoning but least he wasn't as bad as Tifa in that aspect I mean she even believed Clouds bs story lol. Oh Tifa you'll believe anything Cloud says..
    Some fun times back then, Chocobo Breeding, hitting on Barret at the Gold Sauser.... ;) , Snow Boarding, omg so much to do, so much fun with my spikey haired friend Cloud.

    I have to list this, my second runner up would be Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, hes just awesome, flaming hair, clown, ice cream truck! = Epic :)

  • Simon says: 12 December 2014, 11:26pm

    Well for me it started with a game, Need for speed. I was into sports cars, it was like what candy is to most kids. I never got into the sega's and Nintendo's in those days it was doom & mortal Kombat on the first pentium and Gods and test drive on the amiga 5oo. Then I walk into a store and see this .... insane looking car game playing on a TV. Remember Im use to Computer display's and I know this aint no sega or nintendo. So I go straight to the counter asking what Is that insane looking game and whats running it. The guy replies with it a Sony Playstation
    It plays games and music CDs on your tv he starts going over the other details as he hands me the controller (i cant remember a word after that) the controller this aint no small flat retrangle block nor is it a quickshot joystick. My world has just changed forever. My first hero was crash / Gran Turismo the graphics were mind blowing the feel, the interaction like nothing I had ever seen. As the years have gone by Dante Devil May Cry took place as my hero until Christmas Morning many years ago I unwrap Uncharted: Drake's Fortune within that moment my world is changed again. Sitting there drinking my diet coke eating Christmas breakfast
    Nathan Drake standing on top of a submarine in the middle of a jungle graphics, gameplay oh I could go on but from that moment on Nathan Drake became my ulitmate playstation hero.

    As I write this Ive come to the realization that my ulitmate playstation hero is Playstation it changed my world and I am happier for it.

  • Holly says: 12 December 2014, 11:27pm

    I've grown up with playstation ever since I could remember playing Sega and Nintendo's. At the age of 10 I was called a little freak for clocking every game we ever had and for being a girl who loved destroying guys at what they thought they were good at. Now 22 and have a full time job its a lot harder to be as awesome as I thought I was back then. My first ever character is hard to remember but the most fascinating for me was Spyro the dragon. The graphics just amazed me I couldn't belive how much time and effort would have gone into that game as well as others. I at nothing for the 24 hours because I really wanted to see what place I was going to next. But when I finally got kicked off the playstation I had a whole bowl of wheatbix. It was life changing because you could barely imagine what games were going to come out with better graphics and faster game play amd new consoles. This would be an epic gift because I would like to give it to my partner pf 3 years whos as much of a freak as I am. Hes my everything and this is thee most specialist thing I've seen. Thank you for reading :)

  • Derek says: 12 December 2014, 11:31pm

    Nowadays students probably use the course-related-costs part of their student loans on important things like text books, and study, but when I was starting out as a student in the mid 90s there was only one really important priority - buying a Playstation One! I can remember going to buy it, and a couple of games to go with it. It was the big clunky grey one, not the slimmer, smaller light grey one that came later. At the time it was a true thing of beauty.

    I was living in a student lodge at the time where everyone had their own tiny room. I can still remember bringing it back and connecting it to my 21 inch television and booting up (yes 'booting up', I'm old after all) a game disc - it was the original Crash Bandicoot.

    I spent an entire weekend playing it, and quite a lot of course time after that. It wasn't unusual for me to stop a pizza hut on the way home to pick up a pizza, and then head home for an evening of box-smashing, crystal collecting fun.

    What made it special was the perspective - a sort of first-person platformer which became pretty common later on but was a pretty new concept back then. That said, I think Crash 2 and 3 were probably my favourites (Crash learned to do new things like slide and bellyflop which made for more varied gameplay).

    In hindsight it all seems remarkably simplistic now, and it's a long time since there's been a vaguely decent Crash game from Sony, but I'll always remember those first days fondly.

  • juan paolo says: 12 December 2014, 11:32pm

    My first playstation hero would be disney's hercules.. I remember this was the first game console and playstation game that my late mother purchased for me before she wa diagnosed with cancer.

    Even though the console broke down, i never disposed of it. Too many good memories.

    I sold some of my playstation games for extra cash for school gear but never gave up hercules and my console..

    This ps4 would bring heaps of was good to see it celebrated! Thanks team!!

  • Taonui says: 12 December 2014, 11:32pm

    My choice is a little more obscure.

    My playstation hero was Paul Phoenix from the tekken series.

    There is nothing quite as intense as playing a competitivegame side by side against your opponent and sure the sports Sims and racing games were greatbut they had no heroes.
    My first experience of tekken was at my cousins house with about five others and I got my but kicked. After purchasing tekken 3 on special from central park I practiced all the combos then went back to my cousins house and got my butt kicked again. My brother and i played for hours every day and amended from button mashing to special moves, to 10hit combos, to reversals to air combos to all out bonifide pros.

    Paul Phoenix has helped me through some grueling matches against unorthodox button mashers and pros alike and is one of the select few characters to be perennially in the game and still one of the strongest characters.

    Tekken was the game i kept the longest. Once single player games were complete and new versions of sports games were made the old one would be sold. Tekken would be kept until the new one would come out waiting years every time just to open that case pop that disc in and charge up that burning death fist to chalk up another KO

    Paul Phoenix wins!!


  • Ricky says: 12 December 2014, 11:38pm

    My favourite hero or character is Joel from the Last of Us. I played and completed this game for the very first time only a couple of weeks ago. I remember when the last scene played and the credits roled and I was just sitting there almost in tears. Going over the story and the characters that I'd grown so attached to for the last 14 or so hours of gameplay on my PS3.

    Joel may not be regarded as a hero, but he's a hero to me. Throughout the game I learnt from him that no matter how hard things get, you have to sit tight and endure, you need to keep need to keep moving on.

    What I loved about Joel was that he fought hard for what he loved. His daughter died and he spent the better part of 20 years alone in a zombie apocalypse world. Nothing to live for...nothing to fight for. But still he endured on...and it payed of because he met a 14 year old girl called Ellie, who may be humanities hope for a cure against the zombies. Joel is tasked to escort her to the 'Fireflys'. And through the journey he fell in love with her, he became his daughter. And when he found out from the Fireflys that to make the cure she'd have to die. He did everything to get her back...he killed innocent people, just so he could have his 'baby girl' back. He lost one daughter and he wants going to lose another, he couldn't have nothing to live for again...Allie was the only thing worth living for, he'd do anything to keep her safe.

    So Joel is my hero because he tought me to fight for what you believe in, to fight for those you love, to stay strong in the tough times because it just as well may pay off, that when you're in the dark you may eventually see the light.

    This is a character that actually made me want to be a father and have a daughter because the bond between Ellie and Joel was so heartwarming and I want to have the same relationship as him and Ellie had but with my daughter.

  • Liam says: 12 December 2014, 11:47pm

    I think the first ever video game that I played as a child was the original Spyro the Dragon.
    I was very young at the time and my older brother used to teach me how to play. Even though I was crap, I still thought I was doing really well and sometimes my brother would want to take over but he didn't because he knew I was still having fun :p When the PS2 came out my brother was quick to abandon the PS1 when he heard about the trade in deal at EB Games; Trade in your old PS1 with a handful of PS1 games to get a brand new PS2! What he did though (I still haven't forgiven him ;p) was trade in ALL my old playstation games, ALL OF THEM and kept his, as a child I was upset by this. But he left me with one, and that was Spyro.

    Many many years later new consoles came out, but we never got rid of our PS2 or Spyro. Spyro will always be the very first game I ever played :) and that is why he is still to this day my favourite character :)

  • Ricky says: 12 December 2014, 11:52pm

    My favourite hero or character is Joel from the Last of Us. I played and completed this game for the very first time only a couple of weeks ago. I remember when the last scene played and the credits roled and I was just sitting there almost in tears. Going over the story and the characters that I'd grown so attached to for the last 14 or so hours of gameplay on my PS3.

    Joel may not be regarded as a hero, but he's a hero to me. Throughout the game I learnt from him that no matter how hard things get, you have to sit tight and endure, you need to keep need to keep moving on.

    What I loved about Joel was that he fought hard for what he loved. His daughter died and he spent the better part of 20 years alone in a zombie apocalypse world. Nothing to live for...nothing to fight for. But still he endured on...and it payed of because he met a 14 year old girl called Ellie, who may be humanities hope for a cure against the zombies. Joel is tasked to escort her to the 'Fireflys'. And through the journey he fell in love with her, she became his daughter. And when he found out from the Fireflys that to make the cure she'd have to die. He did everything to get her back...he killed innocent people, just so he could have his 'baby girl' back. He lost one daughter and he wasn't going to lose another, he couldn't have nothing to live for again...Allie was the only thing worth living for, he'd do anything to keep her safe.

    So Joel is my hero because he tought me to fight for what you believe in, to fight for those you love, to stay strong in the tough times because it just as well may pay off, that when you're in the dark you may eventually see the light.

    This is a character that actually made me want to be a father and have a daughter because the bond between Ellie and Joel was so heartwarming and I want to have the same relationship as him and Ellie had but with my daughter.

  • Joe says: 12 December 2014, 11:59pm

    Zidane Tribal from FF9. He always believed in his friends and never gave up hope!

  • Joe says: 12 December 2014, 11:59pm

    Zidane Tribal from FF9. He always believed in his friends and never gave up hope!

  • Kelsi says: 13 December 2014, 12:01am

    Spyro, was the first game I finished on the ps1. Classic.

  • Ryan says: 13 December 2014, 12:02am

    Jack and Daxter

    because back on the ps2 Jack and Daxter were my favorite game to play, i spent hours on the game completing it trying to get everything and the story of the games series is awesome, as well it was funny to see poster of Ratchet and Clank in the games. It just better after the first game when jack 2 came it was awesome to have guns,the peace maker was a mean gun, after that jack 3 that was awesome as well, The Hover Board, fun times

  • david says: 13 December 2014, 12:05am

    cloud from final fantasy 7 cause of his big ass sword

  • Andrew says: 13 December 2014, 12:12am

    My favourite is Joel from The Last of Us. That relationship with Ellie and going through that campaign was one of the best gaming experiences i have ecer had. Played it on my flatmates PS3 and would love to play it on a PS4 for Christmas. I was eating sushi at the time ;b

  • David says: 13 December 2014, 12:22am

    I have to say WAR MACHINE, from Marvel VS Capcom from my first gaming console, the playstation 1.

    I also had the chance to play him again at Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2; and the Iron Man 2 videogame on the PS3

    I had so many memories with war machine including making my brother cry for beating him too much.

    I also beat the final boss (onslaught) for the first time using war machine.

    I was eating a sticky rice snack called "suman" back then in the Philippines.

    He has greatly impacted my life since I searched for his origins and this introduced me to IRON MAN which became my No.1 and most favorite superhero many years before the first Iron Man movie came out.

  • Logan says: 13 December 2014, 12:24am

    Crash bandicoot- my first childhood video gaming hero, playing the different variations of the crash games were so fun. From beating the story by myself to having friends over after school and playing tag team racing. These were my favourite PlayStation memories. The classic games weren't just about graphics they were about playing games and enjoying them for what they are not for what console they're on. Having sleepless nights with a group of friends fighting over who gets player 1. To me the anniversary edition ps4 is a reminder of those good times that shaped or childhood. It's a reminder of all the fun times with friends before online multiplayer ever really existed. 20 years of sony is not just about the celebrating the advancements in technology it's about celebrating the memories you had with friends.

  • Jono says: 13 December 2014, 12:28am

    My Playstation hero would have to be Klonoa from Namco's Klonoa: Door to Phantomile; close second (and honorable mention) is Tombi.

    Aside from being adorable to boot Klonoa showed me what was possible with the Playstation. Before Klonoa the most story I got out of a platformer was something like Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Awesome game don't get me wrong) but Klonoa added in real depth with dialogued cutscenes and events, CGI, and 2.5D!

    It's the first time I've really felt for a character as well, if anyone reading this remembers the ending to Klonoa you've got to remember how heart breaking it is; saddest ending to a Playstation game hands down.

    I've probably rambled enough haha but seriously, Klonoa needs another games...

  • Rick says: 13 December 2014, 12:49am

    So Many Hero's, So many Classic's where do i begin? Maybe with the memorys of getting home from school in the late 90's and getting my Cartoon fix followed by homework then getting in my 1 hour of playstation action before bed!. It usually consisted of either Metal Gear Solid, Abe's Oddysee, Crash Bandicoot or Tekken 2/3.

    But i guess the game that has my fondest Hero Memory's will always be Final Fantasy 7 with a Spiky haired character with a huge sword destroying enimies left right and centre and for the first time really realizing how attatched you can become to a animated game let alone a character (Hero). His story along with the rest of the crew was a experience that opened my eyes to a world that maybe , just maybe was more than a game.

  • Dylan says: 13 December 2014, 12:49am

    Solid Snake ,He is a clone but becomes a legend in his own right,Not only has he become a playstation mascot but a video game mascot.
    I own every game except the 2 nes games.but i will soon enough.

    I had a 360 for a few years but picked up metal gear solid collection,which reminded me of the love i had for it,and got a ps3 and picked up all the games since.I LOVE not only solid snake but all the series and got teary at the end of metal gear solid 4,not proud of it but was a sad/amazing ending .

  • Alex says: 13 December 2014, 12:56am

    Since I've never owned a PlayStation (never had the money), I've only gotten to play it at friends houses.

    But in the games I did get to play I would have to say Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts are my favorite heroes from PS games.
    If anything it was more the game universe than the characters that I liked, but I couldn't change the heroes without changing the game for the worse.

  • James says: 13 December 2014, 1:02am

    Ratchet (and Clank)!

    One of the first games I ever played was Ratchet and Clank. I loved every game they put out. The witty humour, insanely creative weapons and lovable characters made for one of the greatest series of all time.
    I will never forget the original trilogy because those games made me understand how beautiful games can really be.

    I may not have grown up with Mario and a NES like a lot of gamers, but Ratchet and Clank will always be that piece of gaming nostalgia for me.

  • Christopher says: 13 December 2014, 1:11am

    Being considerably younger at the time, saving the money to buy myself a shiny silver edition PS2 and matching *that* switch after the N64 was probably the first moment, and the best. After seeing FFX on a friends PS2, and having a desire to play the .hack games eventually I had to get one.

  • Jonny says: 13 December 2014, 1:20am

    My father raised me on video games. It started with competitive racing on each iteration of Gran Turismo but PlayStation really made an impact on me when I played Crash. Crash Bandicoot was one of the first PlayStation game I ever played. It introduced me to the world of video games and has inspired me to begin tertiary study to help me on the path to video game design and it all was influenced by Naughty Dog. I owned and finished the first 3 Crash games, even getting the time relics in Crash 3: Warped. I even played Crash Bash and CTR at my cousins too because my dad wouldn't buy them :(.

    But all was forgiven when he bought a PS2 on release and it came with Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. This game remains in my top 10 games of all time to this day and the whole series (Jak 1-3, there was no 4th game.) remains my favourite series of video games ever. The gameplay was fantastic, the story was engaging, the characters were lovable and the graphics were crisp for the time, complimented by the vibrant colour palette. I have since completed it about 8 times and also obtaining the platinum trophy on PS3 when I bought the HD Collection from Mighty Ape ;D. Jak II: Renegade was the most anticipated Christmas gift of the year and Jak 3 being the entertainment for Christmas in 2004. Jak and Daxter along with Ratchet and Clank and their cameos in each others games exemplify the joy that PlayStation brings.

    These games are why Sony is one of the companies that made video games what they are today. They paid developers to create content for an industry that is one of the biggest artistic mediums and forms of entertainment today. Naughty Dog showed that video games were a unique art form and have no doubt inspired many game developers today. This was illustrated again in The Last of Us which is seen as one of the best stories in a video game in years, their unique ability to craft characters and captivating environments show that they have still got it. Naughty Dog made the games that epitomise my childhood and Jak and Daxter were the characters that made me realise I want to create characters like them in environments just like them.

  • Kyle says: 13 December 2014, 1:23am

    Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.
    The game was made in the year I was born in and I believe it was the first game I ever played! But as a young female I kind of looked up to Lara in away because here was this strong independent female video game character in a time when the ps1 didn't really have strong independent females :) Also the game was pretty freaking awesome and now with the revamp! Yeah so Croft all the way!

  • Andrew says: 13 December 2014, 1:32am

    To completely fly in the face of the many people out there against the sale of violent video games because they're bad for children, I have been playing GTA since I was 7. I am now 18 and I'm yet to brutally murder anyone. Some of my strongest memories are playing GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas growing up, the latter being the best on PS2 as it included a 2 player mode. Killing and getting killed was great fun with friends and my brothers. So if I had to pick my favourite PlayStation hero, it would be the straight busta himself, Carl Johnson.

  • Alister says: 13 December 2014, 1:46am

    Zidane from Final Fantasy IX has been my favourite character ever since finishing the game. I played it on my trusty PSP after my best friend bought a virtual copy of the game and demanded I play it. I gave it a try, thinking that IX could probably keep me entertained for a few hours. I never imagined that I would end up loving it to pieces as much as I did. I still owe my friend for making me play it!

    Obviously the game's hero, Zidane Tribal, played no small role in making me fall in love with IX. It was so much fun seeing some thief with a monkey tail rise up and become the hero that saved the world, always driving his friends forwards and never letting his depressing past get the better of him.

    His friendship with Vivi is still my favourite part of the game. It certainly made me appreciate my friends even more. That friend who forced me to play IX in the first place is still one of my best friends today, so it certainly helped! Any character that can make a kid do that more than deserves to be called my favourite.

  • Elizabeth says: 13 December 2014, 1:59am

    Someone who had a PlayStation was always someone to be envied and for me that person was my brother! He took pity on me though when he upgraded his PS1 to a PS2 and he lent me his PS1 along with a few games, one of which was Spyro. It was the first game I played on a PS and I loved it; played it any chance I got day or night. I bought all the Spyro games as they came out and had so much fun playing them, it is the only PS game that I still enjoy; I've drunk far too much coke and eaten way too much junk food sitting in front of my tele playing the Spyro games! It took me hours to complete the final part of the first Spyro, there was one jump that I just couldn't make! Now I have my children playing the games on our PS2 as well as on my eldest's PSP. They can't get enough of that cute wee dragon and all the eggs! My brother has recently upgraded his PS3 to a PS4 so is still the person to be envied! PlayStations always were and always will be the best in gaming machines.

  • Danada says: 13 December 2014, 2:02am

    Whenever I think of Playstation, my mind automatically thinks of Spyro.

    I was about eight when I first played Spyro. I didn't own a PS1 nor was I allowed one. Whenever I went around to my aunty's, my cousin and I would be on the Playstation playing Spyro. I remember we'd have a bowl of 3 minute magi noodles and then we could go and game. It was always exciting hearing the classic start up sound.

    I always enjoyed playing the Spyro games with "Spyro the Dragon" being the first game I ever played. All the games took me to a new world, filled with waterfalls and caves, secret places and different creatures. As a kid, everything seemed amazing to me.

    Spyro's this little dragon who has to save the other dragons and dragon eggs (and back where he died in water if Sparx had disappeared). Despite his small size, he has incredible determination to save everyone. He shows that no matter who you are or what you look like, you can make a difference if you put your mind to it. He taught me to never quit and keep that determination up because with that you can achieve all of your goals. Spyro was also able to go to different worlds, see new sights, meet new creatures, make friends, beat different bad guys and learn new abilities. It's probably where my fondness of travel has developed from as I've had it since I was young.

    Never being able to own a PS1, I purchased the games on the Playstation Network on my PS3. When I play Spyro, it brings back so many childhood memories. To me, he'd always be that determined, strong willed Playstation hero. :)

  • Logan says: 13 December 2014, 2:06am

    I am struggling to choose between Jak and Nathan Drake, it’s no surprise that Naughty Dog is behind both. Jak and Daxter was a game that me and my big sister used to play together when we were younger on ps2 (mainly consisted of me watching her play waiting for a turn) and I had forgotten so much about those experiences until I played the HD remaster last year. So Jak and Daxter definitely has the nostalgia value. Uncharted is an amazing series though, really feels like I am taking part in a hollywood blockbuster and Drake is a great lead. Gun to my head I think I would have to go with Drake since it feels like modern Indiana Jones which I grew up with as well and Uncharted has more fleshed out character development.

  • Andy says: 13 December 2014, 3:34am

    Not the answer you're expecting, but the one that hits closest to home for everyone involved. My favourite Playstation hero without a doubt is...


    We, together, grew up with Playstation. If you were fortunate enough to be able to fully realise the revolution had started in 1994, you immersed yourself in thousands of new worlds all at once. These games brought change in the real world, to you, and to all that played them.

    We played Ridge Racer, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot, in fact we played any number of the ~2,000 games released for the original Playstation. And after every race, encounter, match or battle we would come away better and stronger and more determined than ever - something not many aspects of life have to offer us.

    For the last 20 years if you described yourself as a gamer, you identified with millions of people around the world who share a common passion. Sure, it all started years before with other systems, but the gaming revolution didn't take off until the arrival of Playstation. And for one console to inspire a generation, that's pretty special.

    Nowadays, after ~320,500,000 consoles sold - excluding handhelds - we are a community. I say my favourite hero is us and I absolutely mean it. We are a changed generation, a community and most importantly, we - you - are my favourite Playstation heroes.

    "Wherever, Whenever, Forever."

  • Jamie says: 13 December 2014, 3:36am

    ol' Crash bandicoot, why? simple! teaching every kid and young teenager that you can be quiet and still get the bad guys! but don't spin too hard...

  • James says: 13 December 2014, 4:16am

    Ezio Auditore de Firenze has been mine since AC2 was released followed closely by Nathan Drake. Fighting for liberty and exploring for treasures, who doesn't dream of such things. I' m sure these are fantasies that every kid of all ages dreams of becoming the hero. I know do

  • Danny says: 13 December 2014, 4:20am

    My PlayStation hero would have to be Lara Croft. Tomb Raider was the very first game I bought all by myself.

    I remember going to the Warehouse with all my pocket money and paying for it mostly in $2 coins haha.

    Tomb Raider changed the face of adventure gaming forever. I remember being absolutely blown away by the graphics (it's crazy how far we've come since then!) and just how differently it played compared to other adventure games.

    Lara Croft was an amazing character, and role model (and fantasy haha) for so many people worldwide, as we'll as for me. She was strong, sexy, and sassy. Nothing could stop her, or keep her from her goal.

    Playing the Tomb Raider games sparked a massive interest in history, ancient culture, and mythology. It was also one of the few games with an good mix of action and pizzles, and oh my god the tension in some parts was excruciating! Like when you first notice the massive dinosaur footprints and then the ground starts shaking!

    I own and have played all of the main Tomb Raider games, and have loved every single one of them.

    And if I was eating at the time, it would have been chicken nuggets and fried egg lol.

  • John says: 13 December 2014, 6:45am

    I remember when you first hit the stores when people lined up around the block waiting for the doors to open so they could race to be the first to buy you and say i am going to play this this and this.
    Sadly i was not one of them and i am still not one of them, it was not for a lack of trying but there was always something else that would take that dream away of having a console of my own. I know that i will not win this comp as well because i don't have an amazing story about my fave game or character and what they taught me and i am ok with that i just really hope that whoever wins treasures it like i would. One day you will be mine

  • Scott says: 13 December 2014, 6:49am

    To this day I still remember getting my first Playstation 1 and only having one game, Crash Bandicoot. I loved tho at the time I wasn't the very best due to age but I stuck with it and eventually I collected all the gems and finished the game. Then my father brought the 2nd Crash Bandicoot and it all started again. I have kept this console and games ever since it's an awesome console series sad to see crash bandicoot wasn't carried on but at least they knew when to end with a good note.

    Playstation 2 worked the same way for me I only got one game at the time tho I did not complain as it was Jak & Daxter which was from the makers of Crash Bandicoot I was so excited I went nuts playing that game driving my famuly mental as it is all I did.

    I feel that with Crash Bandicoot it related to me most now because of his Childish ways and sillyness in the video clips.
    with Jak & Daxter I felt connected to them because they reflected myself as a grown up gamer from Crash Bandicoot.

    Best of luck people :)

  • Paul says: 13 December 2014, 7:08am

    My favourite game back in the day would have to have been Twisted Metal World Tour, just so many great memories playing multi player with my mates after school, not really a hero, so i will have to say Sweet Tooth as my favourite character.

  • Herbie says: 13 December 2014, 7:22am

    Question: Who was MY hero? You cant pin it down to just one hero. There are many in the world of Playstation! Playing games is a way of life, my life, my world to enter and enjoy.

    Hero from Playstation platform will be Raziel. He was a man brought back to life to die again and then be reborn .... again. His story line between past, present and future hit me personally as it was the final year of High School. Trying to find my place in the world. Wanting to know who I am and "what was my purpose in life"

    Anti Hero from Playstation 2 platform continues on from the same series. "Every coin have two sides to it Raziel, but what if there was a third side? What if the coin was to land on its side?"
    All thanks to Kain I based my life in 3's everything happens in 3's there is always a greater purpose in life.

    Many years past ..... and in my 30's I caught up with an old flame of mine. Very beautiful and strong and she told me about The Last of Us. I needed to buy it, I needed to experience this world once more. I bought the game before buying the PS3 ..... I mean who does that? Why do you have The Last of Us game for a month before you get to play it?
    Joel was me, I was Joel. I had experienced love, loss and living in a world full of hunters and infected called "work"

    Lastly this lil story must come to an end and Playstation 4 is my current baby now.
    The only game I own on PS4 is The Last of Us Remastered. (Which I bought from Mighty Apes)
    We fell in love with Joel but we also loved Ellie. I dont have any children just yet but if I did then I know she'll be awesome like Ellie. Or if I have a boy then Herbie Jnr ... cause Herbie is an awesome name lol.

  • Christopher says: 13 December 2014, 7:29am

    If this question was asked earlier on then it may have been Cloud from FFVII on PS1.
    However at this time I would have to say Kratos is my favorite character.

    First appearing in God of War on PS2 I instantly liked Kratos. What makes Kratos so likeable is the fact that he doesn't care about anyone else and he is willing to destroy them to get where he needs to go. This does not seem like a good trait, however it gives Kratos a personality that you do not forget. Being able to rip the arms off of enimies or pull the eye out of a cyclops' head makes you feel very powerful also.
    Kratos also recieves compassion from me for being tricked into killing his family. You understand why his is on this journey and you want him to succeed.

    Because Kratos has spanned multiple titles including my favourite God of War 3 and having achieved the 1000 hit combo trophy, I feel I have had a much greater journey with him which pushes him to the top of my favourites.

    I eagertly await for God of War on PS4.

  • Damian says: 13 December 2014, 7:41am

    I would say my favourite PS character is Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. I remember watching one of the first films way before owning a PS1 and when I finally got a PS1 I enjoyed games such as Crash Bandicoot, grand turismo, Tekken 3 and FIFA world cup 2002. Tomb raider seemed so realsitic and the gameplay was amazing. The time spent killing Tigers (and being killed by them), swimming in pools and figuring out the next route are fond memories. Seeing the franchise still going strong today after more than decade also shows the heroine has a place in many gamer's hearts.

  • Aaron says: 13 December 2014, 7:42am

    Spyro has to be my favorite, started my love for gaming and for playstations. Also was the first game I completed from the start. Spend that many hours with a gaming character and you're bound to fall in love.

  • Ivan says: 13 December 2014, 7:53am


  • Ivan says: 13 December 2014, 8:03am

    My all time FAVOURITE PLAYSTATION HERO would be Jak and Daxter! I first encountered these two when i first got my PS2 because it was my first game! They were truely amazing on PS2! Fighting crime, collecting gems & smashing fruit stalls! This game was the best! Before Assassins Creed there was Jak and Daxter, i really wished they hadn't stopped the series because it was fricken AMAZING! I loved it, playing this on my black PS2 slim...and now having a PS3 super slim, wanting a PS4! The thing that left a lasting impression was driving a car in the dessert to collect gems! The amazing Jak was an amazing driver and it was my first driving experience EVER! I remember i would just sit infront of the tv all day eating chips and snacks (that were suppose to be for school lunch) and playing playstation just to fill the boredom of being an only child. I LOVE YOU MIGHTY APE!

  • Adam says: 13 December 2014, 8:10am

    Gotta Be Crash Bandicoot!

    But Second place goes to my dad, for bringing home my first gaming console all those years ago, the PS1. I didn't even know what gaming was back then, so when I put Crash Bandicoot 2 in for the first time my mind was blown. Something about Crash is that anyone can play and enjoy his simplicity, I remember having family friends over and getting everyone to pass the controller around, just for fun. At the end of the day this Character, made happen something that never to this day has happened again, I was able to sit down and play a game with my father. Thanks Crash, RIP, But I believe you will return!

  • Jose says: 13 December 2014, 8:27am

    My first hero I fell in love with was only from a demo disc you got when you brought PS1. We couldn't afford to buy a game so I had to play the demo disc for a good 1/2 year until I could afford the game. Paul from Tekken was my hero and would always keep me up late until even though it was just a demo disc. Great and treasured memories.

  • Russell says: 13 December 2014, 9:01am

    Wow. What a great question to ponder. To look back over all the great games and think of my favorite hero had really been an emotional journey. Saving lemmings, collecting apples as Crash, secret missions as Snake, fighting Greek gods as Kratos the list is endless.
    So my answer is you. And I. That's what playststion does. It makes you the hero. Im the one who gets Joel the medicine he needs in The Last Of Us. Im the one who as Sergeant Henry Blackburn recovers the nuclear bomb in Battlefield 3. I defeated Emperor Scolar Visari, Heihachi Mishima and Dr. Neo Cortex!

  • Glen says: 13 December 2014, 9:31am

    My hero would be Chris Redfield from the Resident Evil series. Reason, because he's the man! Enough siad.

  • David says: 13 December 2014, 9:36am

    My favorite Play Station Hero definitely has to be Crash Bandicoot.

    Our family was not rich when I was younger and I didn't ask for much as a kid. I was still playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 when everyone else was playing and talking about Final Fantasy 7 and Tekken and Spyro the Dragon. I had no idea what they were at the time.

    On one Christmas day my parents brought me a PS1 and it came with Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped which was a recent release around that time. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS MISSING OUT ON. The 3D environments, the colors, the music, everything was beautiful.

    I followed Crash and his adventures into Crash Team Racing which was another amazing game which I still play to this day! Hot-Air Skyway was my favorite track and I still remember the music. The tracks all were fun and imaginative and very memorable. Crash Cove, N.Gin Labs, Papu's Pyramid, Sewer Speedway, Tiny Arena. Oh the memories!

    Without Crash Bandicoot I would have never been the Play Station Fan I am today and that is why I choose Crash Bandicoot as my favorite Play Station hero.

  • jacqueline says: 13 December 2014, 9:39am

    My all time favourite game and character has to be none other than rachet from the ratchet and clank series 3. Im still playing it on a play station 2 which I brought for my grand children many years ago. I still cant believe how well built the console is, it just runs on and on. My first grandson played on this console when he was 3 yrs old , hes now turning 12. Also thanks mighty ape for still selling the games.

  • Joel says: 13 December 2014, 10:04am

    Solid Snake has to be my favourite, from the original MGS. That was just such a great game (still is). Loved the sound effects when guards spotted Snake creepin' in his cardboard box. Or the way you had to tune into radio frequencies... he was the ultimate Stealth assassin.

  • Steffan says: 13 December 2014, 10:05am

    Kazuya Mishima

    I remember being 8 years old when my sister first bought a PlayStation. The first games we purchased were Tomb Raider, Pandemonium and Tekken 2.

    I remember getting up to level 9 boss battle and seeing Kazuyas face as the wall paper. Then when he takes the form of Devil ohmahgard!!!

    Kazuya has been a dominate character in many of the Tekken games being the son of the CEO of worldwide conglomerate Mishima Zaibatsu, Heihachi Mishima and father to Jin Kazama, who opposed his father and for the most part became the series' main protagonist.

    All in all I think he's fully badass and should be considered as one of PlayStations greatest characters.

    Merry Christmas

  • Hayden says: 13 December 2014, 10:15am

    Solid (and/or Naked) Snake, from the Metal Gear Solid series. He is a character that has a complicated and interesting story that has carried from the PS1 to the PS2 and PS3. He is an inspiration that fights for the lives of others and bares the hardships of his not so normal life with inspirational wisdom and quick action. The journey with this character has been long and pleasurable with many lessons learned and thoughts to consider.

    Hideo Kojima has done an excellent job to teach us about life in a video game. I hope he still has a lot to give because I'll be waiting with eager anticipation.

  • Yasas says: 13 December 2014, 10:23am

    My favourite Playstation character is Sora from the Kingdom Hearts series. He was on the first console game I ever owned (on my PS2) and I have loved the series ever since. I'm waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to come out, hopefully it will be soon! I also love Ratchet & Clank and the Jak & Daxter series.

  • sam says: 13 December 2014, 10:27am

    Jill Vallentine (Resident Evil)

    Anyone who can take on a hoard of zombies in nothing but a boob tube and short skirt gets my vote.

  • Nicole says: 13 December 2014, 10:36am

    My favourite PlayStation hero is Jak from the Jak & Daxter series. The precursor legacy was the first game I played on my PS2 in 2003. Although Jak 2 was already out when I got my PS2, dad convinced me to start with the first game in the series first. The freedom to explore, the graphics, Jak's moves and abilities, had me completely immersed in the game.

    Why Jak? He looks awesome, has eco powers, drives all sorts of vehicles, shoots weapons, has a hover board, saves the world on numerous occasions. He's humorous but also has a darker, gritty, strong-minded side to him.

    Put simply, he is the epitome of a badass hero.

    I've played and completed every single Jak and Daxter game since - 1,2,3, Jak X, The Lost Frontier, as well as the HD collection (and playstation all-stars...)
    I poured well over 150 hours into Jak 3 on the PS2, with many spent trying to find the last precursor orb to no avail, despite traversing every single inch of the map (even glitching outside of it) many times over. However once the HD collection came out I got them all in that version :)

  • Gino says: 13 December 2014, 10:53am

    Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4. Not much of a talker, but pretty handy with a gun ! Saved the President's daughter from a horde of monstrosities - pretty badass.

  • Haydn says: 13 December 2014, 10:58am

    I think it would definitely have to be Crash Bandicoot, I remember playing the first few games on the Playstation when I was a kid and it sparked my huge love for games that carries on today. I can even remember how to do all the bosses from the first game!

  • Robert says: 13 December 2014, 11:02am

    My hero has to be Abe from Abe's oddysee. He was funny he was cheeky and he was charming and this just drew you in to a game with a great story line so you were behind him all the way. It was one of the first PS1 games that really got me hooked and started my love of gaming. For that and for saving the Mudokons Abe is my hero.

  • Sean says: 13 December 2014, 11:03am

    It's so hard to choose just one, I've played damn near every playstation hero. Crash Bandicoot was my entire childhood, I memorized every level, every secret and clocked all of them countless times. PS2 I rarely got to play because the family couldn't afford one, but then came the PS3.

    The PS3 had so many memorable characters, It started with Nathan Hale from the Resistance series, he was a pretty good hero because he was a badass fighter that even in the face of death continued to fight knowing that he would have to be put down or die getting there.

    Then there was Nathan Drake, the adventurous young guy that went through alot of hard times just for an artifact or 2, where most people would have given up he continued and it worked out for the greater good with him basically saving the world from a seemingly small but great threat.

    Kratos was another one for me, to me he would have to be the greatest hero because without him killing all the gods, they would have continued to enslave humanity and potentially wiped them out. Kratos fought through thousands of minions from all corners of greek mythology on a personal vendetta, and in doing so saved all of humanity.

    Joel from The Last of Us I would class as a hero in my books, he put his life on the line, stealthed and fought his way through dozens of bandits and infected alike, all to help to find a cure for all of humanity, but then after discovering it was basically all false chose to save the girls life who had basically become his daughter.

    Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series has stopped world annihilation constant times after destroying all these mega superweapons, all while remaining stealthed. He's so good he can creep past an enemy in a cardboard box, I mean how cool is that

    Those are just afew of the many many characters whos stories I have played through, whos stories I have dedicated thousands of hours to. Playstation has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and will continue to be, even after all the PC elitists keep mocking consoles for not being as good, the Xbox fanboys trying to have this pointless console war with us claiming theirs is greater; to me the Playstations are and always will be greater because of the unique characters we have, the player base in online, the play style. I can see myself as an old man still being a gamer, and hopefully still on Playstation

  • James says: 13 December 2014, 11:09am

    Abe from oddworld one of the first games I remember playing

    Hes awesome because he farts and chants his way in the game to save his people, plus that game was hard!

  • Sinoeun says: 13 December 2014, 11:41am

    Squall Leonheart from Final Fantasy VIII. I didn't have a playstation when VII came out. This was my first game and got me into playing RPG's. The storyline was immaculate and made me want more. This game is the reason I have stayed loyal to Sony all these years. The gunblade was such a cool weapon when I was little. Squall the loner. I felt I could relate in some way. And that scar across his face was so cool too.

  • Sarah says: 13 December 2014, 11:50am

    My favourite character would definitely have to be Tombi from the Tombi series for Playstation 1, it was one of the first video games I had ever played.

  • Tamati says: 13 December 2014, 11:54am

    Crash bandicoot from well crash bandicoot more specifically crash 3 on the original play station. I have so many memories of playing crash as a kid that i don't really think i could put anyone else here. Crash was the game that sparked my love for games. Also i would put big boss here because Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game franchise of all time i don't think he really counts as a play station hero as he is a konami owned property and has appeared on many other systems.

  • Tamati says: 13 December 2014, 11:54am

    Crash bandicoot from well crash bandicoot more specifically crash 3 on the original play station. I have so many memories of playing crash as a kid that i don't really think i could put anyone else here. Crash was the game that sparked my love for games. Also i would put big boss here because Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game franchise of all time i don't think he really counts as a play station hero as he is a konami owned property and has appeared on many other systems.

  • Willem says: 13 December 2014, 12:09pm

    I'll have to go a bit obscure here...

    One of my favorite Playstation heroes is someone who didn't really get much fleshing out, however I still really enjoyed the story.

    I'm talking about Dart, from the PSX game "The Legend of Dragoon".

    Dart's journey from being a revenge-seeking youth to becoming a hero that saves the world is still one of my favorites.

    Also, if Sony is reading this, PLEASE REMAKE THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON FOR THE PLAYSTATION 4!!! (or vita)

  • Craig says: 13 December 2014, 12:15pm

    For me it's Crash he started my PlayStation world. I was 10 years old and was writing to Santa and begging to mum and dad to get a PlayStation, it was the one thing I really wanted because some of my friends had playstations and it was awesome competing against each other on rainy days having to be stuck inside. So Xmas morning came and Santa had delivered some presents but not the one I really wanted until later on mum started yelling to me, "quick come look Santa must have come back" and under the tree was a large box, I was beaming from ear to ear, he had got my letter. I tore it open and there it was my very own PlayStation 1. I pulled it out of the box as quickly as I could and plugged it in and got it all set up but there was no game. With a absolute miserable look on my face I turned to mum and said he's forgotten the game and she held out her hand and in it was another gift about the right size of a game case and I unwrapped it as fast as I could and there is was my first game 'Crash Bandicoot' the beginning of my PlayStation fantasy.

    Crash could do everything and anything I told him to do spin, jump, kick. Exploring crazy worlds with this wacky bandicoot was relaxing and a lot of the time frustrating trying to figure out how to get to the secret area which you did once by fluke and have know idea how to do it again. The hyperactive little guy wasn't so much of a character but an icon of the possibilitys i can create.

    Since then I have played all the crash series and had all three consoles and hopefully be able to play the Crash reboot on the PS4.

  • Steve says: 13 December 2014, 12:31pm

    For me it's Joel from The Last of Us. I used to be an Xbox fan until I played a couple of hours of this game on a friends PS3. I loved it, and found it so immersive I went out and bought a my own PS3 immediately. The old 360 sits unused.

  • Christopher says: 13 December 2014, 12:35pm

    Toan from Dark Cloud on PS2!!!

    Was the first fantasy rpg I played when I was a kid and the first game that I felt emotionally connected to the main character's storyline. Before I got the full version I played the demo of this game so so many times and the opening scenes where Toan's village was destroyed had me trying to hold back tears every single time. The thing I like about Toan is that when he loses everything and everyone he loves - he works so hard to pull everything back together and when he rescues people from the Atla who are in shock about everything being destroyed, he helps them pull their lives back together. That strength of character for a game character is so inspiring. Despite the formula for this type of protagonist being very common - it is the first one you play that leaves the biggest impression.

  • Christopher says: 13 December 2014, 12:35pm

    For me it's gotta be Cid from Final fantasy 7. My favourite playstation game when i was younger. He had an awesome trident, laid the smackdown when fighting and when the rest of the team were in dire straights he would fly in with his awesome airship and save the day.

  • Simon says: 13 December 2014, 12:44pm

    George Stobbart from the Broken Sword series, particularly the first 2 on PS1, back in '97. Not quite an action hero but more of the smooth talker, and an amusing one.

    Loved for his persistence, investigative trait, problem-solving, tongue in cheek and witty remarks. He had so much charm and knew how to talk himself out of and into situations.

    A game that allowed him to constantly repetitively do something again and again, anticipating how the other character would react to his odd requests/actions or re-actions, this guy had no shame, and full of confidence.

    Never will forget that part in Broken Sword 2 where if you kept trying to climb the fence despite being told repetitively not to by the security guard guy, he will eventually tell you to "Stay away from the fence, a**hole" LOL

    All these traits, a recipe for hilarious moments worth a weight of golden treasured memories that had me hooked. This guy was underrated! He is the king of the Point & Click adventure genre and got me into it.

  • Justin says: 13 December 2014, 12:56pm

    crash bandicoot

    its it just quite simple he was a bad asss

  • Daniel says: 13 December 2014, 1:03pm

    Lara Croft. She made triangles sexy.

  • Daniel says: 13 December 2014, 1:06pm

    I was impressed by those graphics too. I didn't have a memory card for the first Tomb Raider so I had to play from scratch every time until my next birthday :/

  • Stephen says: 13 December 2014, 1:20pm

    Crash Bandicoot has always been my favourite PlayStation hero. His series of games were always the coolest to play, and the most challenging for me.

    After finishing Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped 100% on PlayStation 1 back in 2000 at the age of 8, I was so excited that I fell off the couch I was playing on and fractured my clavicle.

    With my arm in a sling, I got to stay home from school and play PlayStation non-stop for the next 2 weeks. It was probably the best moment of my childhood, and the pain was definitely worth it.

  • Abby says: 13 December 2014, 1:37pm

    So I can say without a doubt my favourite playstation hero/s would have to be Ratchet and Clank (you can't separate these two... And if you do it isn't for long)

    There is however a bit of a story behind how they became my favourite. I will admit that when the Ratchet and Clank games first came out on the ps2 I didn't really play them. I have a great memory of playing the first game demo but using a dance mat as a controller (very interesting results) but beyond that I didn't really touch them (I was a Jak and Daxter fan through and through).

    However when the ps3 came out me and my friend hired one out (as none of us could afford one at the time), we were originally going to hire it with the first Uncharted game (all being naughtydog fans) but that game wasn't available at the time. Instead we went with out Backup game: Ratchet and Clank, tools of destruction.

    The second we turned it on and the opening fmv started playing I was hooked. I could not get over the details of the graphic (especially everything occurring in the background during gameplay). We were about an hour into playing when I got handed the controller. We were 10 hours into playing when I finally said I needed a break. This was the first time where I was actually good at playing a game (I am quite uncoordinated when it comes to games).

    However what got me really hooked on the game was the storyline, I got so emotionally attached to these characters,I had to keep playing to see how the story unfolded.

    Sadly we only had the ps3 for a day and didn't get to complete the game.

    However the just after the next Christmas I had enough money to buy my own ps3. The first game I bought was Ratchet and clank tod, and by is point quest for booty was also out. I didn't leave my room until I had finished both the games. It was then torture waiting got the Crack in time (which too this day is my favourite ps3 game).

    Everytime a new Ratchet and clank game is announced, I get excited, I am so invested in their story. Whilst i will always prefer the Jak and Daxter games when it comes to the ps2 era, Ratchet and Clank take the cake when it comes to my favourite heros.

    Don't even get me started on the fact they have a movie coming out next yer o_O

  • Tommy says: 13 December 2014, 1:55pm

    Jak from Jak and Daxter

    First played Jak II on the ps2. Then when I got the ps3 I bought the HD remake of the 3 games and played through the series. One of the best games that I have played in my childhood and still the best memories that I have. His heroic acts inspired me when I was young and remains still today. I remember all those fantastic weapon that Jak had and the tones of fun shooting with them. Not to mention Jak has his own way with the ladies~~too wink*wink*

  • Nic says: 13 December 2014, 1:55pm

    Most definitely ratchet and clank. I discovered these awesome games on my ps2 at a time of my life when things weren't the greatest for me. Too many details to go into, but diving into these amazing games let me forget all that for a while and was definitely a soothing balm for my soul. The replay value was fantastic, I still go back and go thru the original games now on my ps3 and find new details and little things I never noticed before. When new titles come out I'm on them straight away. And playing them is like meeting up with long lost friends. I would love to have this amazing anniversary edition so I can play the planned reboot and introduce the greatest heroes from the Solana galaxy to my kids.

  • Jordan says: 13 December 2014, 2:10pm

    First game I ever played was Crash team Racing. Making Crash Bandicoot my playstation hero, the hero who didnt seem to have a clue to what He wa doing but it was still fun. Played all games on ps1, some of the most fun games ive ever played. I would love to have the anniversary edition so i can enjoy the classic look and have a new console at the same time!

  • Hamza says: 13 December 2014, 2:24pm

    Spyro. There's absolutely nothing that comes close to the nostalgia I get from him than any other game. He was colorful, had a personality and most importantly was FUN. I pray for the day u bi soft reboot Spyro because he truly was a character!

    Also his games had the best soundtrack of the decade.

  • Hamza says: 13 December 2014, 2:24pm

    Spyro. There's absolutely nothing that comes close to the nostalgia I get from him than any other game. He was colorful, had a personality and most importantly was FUN. I pray for the day u bi soft reboot Spyro because he truly was a character!

    Also his games had the best soundtrack of the decade.

  • Matthew says: 13 December 2014, 2:25pm

    My favorite character is Jak, from Jak and Daxter. Every morning as a kid i would get up extra early before school just to play and i would always talk to my friends about the game and the second i got home i would constantly play it. The Jak series was a big part of my childhood and i spent hundreds of hours playing the games. I even played them with my mum. My favorite of the series was Jak 3. When i finished it i cried a little bit but then i kept replaying the game over and over again. It makes me want to buy the game again so i can relive those awesome memories.

  • Caleb says: 13 December 2014, 2:39pm

    Crash Bandicoot, because ooga booga!

  • Paul says: 13 December 2014, 2:43pm

    Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII, this was the first ever game I owned on the PS1 and I was completely drawn into the world-building, characters and storyline. After a few playthroughs (and lots of help from the internet) I memorised every secret, every side quest, and collected all the GFs, draw spells, rare items and cards. Triple triad was the most frustrating card game ever (before FFIX and Tetra Master came out), especially with the random/plus/same/direct rules!

    I think what I liked most of all was that yeah, it had an epic save-the-world story like all FFs, but it kept a dark edge of humour throughout. Also, because Squall was more reserved and internalised his thoughts you got to read what he was thinking and really get into the character. Anyway that's why Squall is my favourite Playstation hero.

  • Stephan says: 13 December 2014, 3:18pm

    Man i want that ps4!

    Ahem. i think Cloud Strife. becuase no matter how much trolling is done with his game by sony, he still Rocks! The guy basically had to rebuild himself from nothing and a bunch of not quite his memories.

  • michael says: 13 December 2014, 3:50pm

    my hero, hhhmmmm gold chocobo from final fantasy 7 on the ps1. why? without goldie i never wouldve got the knights of the realm summon which when double cast, killed never every boss except underwater weapon:( plus the thrill of finally getting this bugger was worth all the pain of breeding chocobos. what was i eating? hhhmmm pizza and vodka. i was a grown ass man when i was playing ff7 which means i am now older than dirt but i still love gaming :)

  • zamaan says: 13 December 2014, 3:51pm

    Sora from kingdom hearts!
    I first played him as the first game i played on playstation 2 and was amazed at the step up from psone after games like spyro and crash bandicoot had me infatuated. I was always amazed that sora was the kind of character to me that i could play kingdom hearts without end for hours at a time and never once got sick of playing as sora. I guess he just showed us all you don't have to be this stone cold badass lone wolf to be an amazing character. I guess ive just been such a fan of Sora and Kingdom hearts in general because i basically grew up alongside the franchise and now i cannot wait for KH3! I barely ever ate when i played Kingdom hearts though because i was afraid of getting the controller dirty and killing the buzz of such an epic game :p

  • Antony says: 13 December 2014, 3:54pm

    Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.

    As a character, he is fantastic. He has so much character development that it's not funny, probably more than any other FF character has.The supporting cast has nothing to do with why he was a good character, it's simply because his development was very good. Some people complain that he was sometimes a bit emo, but he had very good reason to be washed over with guilt. He forgot who he was, he wasn't able to protect Aerith and Zack, he watched as Sephiroth destroyed everything he loved.

  • Adam says: 13 December 2014, 4:22pm

    Would have to be by far Crash Bandicoot.

    My first Playstation game was "Mickey's Wild Adventure", but Crash Bandicoot, especially "CTR" was where my love for gaming started. This was, and to this day, the only game that my dad could figure out how to play and actually be pretty good at. Many, many hours spent burning it up around the tracks. While everyone else was outside at the beach during the summers, I would always be busy finding out how to unlock every character and track using Crash Bandicoot as my weapon of choice, Every, Single, Time! Cant go passed his blue racing car either!

  • Daniel says: 13 December 2014, 4:30pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero by far would have to be Sly Cooper. He looks bad ass and is stealthy which is fitting for a Raccoon

    I grew up playing 1,2, and 3 and loved every second of it. I worked my way through each one before getting the next as to not spoil the story for me ( to my surprise when they didn't really intertwine anyway).

  • michael says: 13 December 2014, 4:44pm

    sorry, i meant knights of the round in my first comment. so im guessing this is a one entry per person contest but im going to add another that i thought of. this one probably doesnt count anyway cause its not a character. its the gatling gun from resident evil 2 game with unlimited ammo. remember your first run through, scrounging for ammo and health and barely getting through areas. then when you finsh the game and start again with the gatling gun, you run into those areas where you were mobbed by zombies trying to put their filthy hands on you and give you a mass neck hicky. how satisfying was it to hear the whistle of the gun starting to spin then blam blam blam blam blam etc etc... best feeling ever just mowing them down without a chance of being killed. just for that, gatling gun you are my hero :p

  • Tim says: 13 December 2014, 5:23pm

    Personally I'm in the Sackboy corner. I love my crash and Spyro but Sackboy is Playstation gold. From creating new worlds to playing on someone else wonderful level, Sackboy helped bring a whole new level to gaming and playstation. I suppose it helps that he is exclusive and is still pushing boundaries. Fresh, creative and lots of fun. That is Sackboy. That is Playstation.

  • jonathan says: 13 December 2014, 5:25pm

    Well I remember rushing home with my new PS1 to my cousins house to play Crash Bandicoot, great game play and graphics music and sound affects, one of the best platform games to date, (and developer Naugthy Dog, uncharted,The last of us) then sitting down in front of his TV with Mac D`s and a Strawberry milkshake, until real early in the morning, trying to complete the game, spinnig into crates and eating apples, I still own all my PS1,PS2, and PS3 consoles and games. So many great games and memories here`s to the next 20 years cheers Sony.

  • Briar says: 13 December 2014, 5:35pm

    Joseph, from Summoner for the PS2.

    Summoner is one of my favourite childhood games, and it is filled with plot twists and a story that is changeable depending on your actions. The game is based on the idea of fate, and the altering of the fate of Joseph is a really great element to the game.

    Joseph has to be my favourite however, because of his rich back-story, excellent motives and hilariously sad dialogue. All in all, an inspiring character to fit an inspiring game. Cheers Mighty Ape! Long live SONY!

  • Ricky says: 13 December 2014, 6:23pm

    k p

  • Ricky says: 13 December 2014, 6:24pm

    The one and only - CLOUD STRIFE FFVII - PS

    At the local gaming store my father bought me and my older brother the orignal Playstation ! the square one not the PSONE (though we did eventually get one of those too)

    We were aloud to choose 1 game each ! which back then was quite a big deal to us kids. My brother instantly picked Tekken 3 (a new release at the time) after playing it at a friends house.

    Me on the other hand spent what my dad probably thought was a life time looking at all the flashy covers and epic pictures of the Playstaion games i remember gazing upon titles including Rayman, Abes Odyssey, Crash Bandicoot 2 and even Earthworm Jim !

    Then .. I saw a game that was different from the rest. it wasnt the front cover that caught my eye as there was only a bluey greeny comet with a white backdrop and the games title which was quite boring for a kid. What caught my attention was the shear size of the case ! i wondered why it was soo big ! very nosily opening the case seeing 3 empty spots for discs ! I thought wow if i pick this I get to have 3 while my brother gets only 1 game ! :P and .... well thats it i didnt know anything about the game or what it was i just new itd last me , and that it did.

    We got home and after we played Tekken for hours popped in disc 1 of FFVII after the amazing intro we were hooked ! we both took turns taking Cloud, Barret and the rest of the AVALANCHE team through out the battles of the first mission, until we saw a spinning '?' on the map a Save Point? whats that? we thought skipping past it we continued until we were forced to bed from mum haha.

    in the morning we intended to carry on being close to the first boss of the game only to find out we had to start from the beginning ! "No Save Found" only now finding out we need a memory card which i dont know why it didnt come with the console, that did not stop us for the whole week waiting for the weekend to purchase a memory card me and my brother came straight home and played as far as we could trying to get to next part without dying, minimal toilet breaks and dinners getting cold all before bedtime (things we do for gaming).

    Nowadays my black lable FFVII sits on the shelf next to Advent Children Complete and FVII Crisis Core by waiting for square to remake it (fingers crossed right?) its been played through countless times and just keeps getting better !

    Clouds story is amazing as a child playing I comprehended his story in a whole different way as how I did looking at it in a much more mature point of view in recent play throughs. he is not visually strong until you see him wreak havoc with the buster sword. He is my favourite hero because he is the closest thing to "Human" when it comes to heroes, hes not a mutant superman or an indestructible Goku hes vunerable at most throughout his adventures but always comes out on top by shear will power ! his tenacity to protect everybody before himself is very inspirational, his motivation to get into soldier as a kid is great for younger players to strive. as a kid and even now i guess Cloud is my hero.

    Well I hope you enjoyed the novel :)

    Now would square release FFXV already?

  • Harley says: 13 December 2014, 6:43pm

    I'm lucky enough to have been able to play Playstation since the very beginning. There are many characters that stand out for me from over the years. Sephiroth (whose name is in my PSN ID), Luca Blight, Cloud, Aya Brea, Kazuki Takemura, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Lightning, Nathan Drake, Ratchet, Sora and Jaster Rogue among many more. But as far as heroes go, Lara Croft is my favourite and the greatest hero.

    Lara is a survivor. When she was young, she was shipwrecked in a place full of vicious people and animals. She has escaped from being captured and imprisoned. She has evaded many other traps, pitfalls and many other dangers in exotic places all around the world. Even giant statues wielding scimitars could not stop her. All before Nathan Drake was even a thought in someones mind. And In most cases, she didn't need help from others. Lara has done all this because of her intelligence, strength of body and mind, determination and will to survive. She needed no supernatural or paranormal powers of her own. It was all by having things many of us could have.

    My fondest memories are of the early years when just looking at her could poke an eye out. Everything was so pointy. But back then those graphics were beautiful. I remember the nervous tension walking through the Damocles room in St Francis Folly, waiting anxiously for the swords to drop. The horror and excitement when I first saw the T-Rex come out. The confusion of how to beat the skinless clone thing or whatever it was, that copied your every move. Purposely using an item in the wrong place to hear her stern English "No". The humour and shame when I was playing Tomb Raider 2 with a friend and accidentally saving the game instead of loading when I was about to die from a fall, near the end of the level. Causing us to start the level over. My Mums "backseat driving", saying "look over there", " check that out", and "try jumping over there". Or when she is playing and has to get me to do the swimming or the"jumpy bits". For example, doing a "backwards sliding jump flip grab". They are 1 player games the whole family can play.

    Lara is like the Playstation itself. They have changed in shape and size over the years. They have provided great entertainment and many great memories for a lot of people for a very long time. They have taken us on adventures of action, discovery, excitement and mystery. The both come out all guns blazing and kicking ass all over the world. Hopefully for many, many more years to come.

    Lara was the first female to make her mark on the gaming industry in a big way and expanded the gaming demographic. After all this time she is still going strong, continuing to make great memories for many more people. That is why Lara Croft is my favourite and THE greatest Playstation hero of all.

  • Joe says: 13 December 2014, 6:54pm

    Ive played all Playstation systems since i was a 6 year old. And honestly, the best is crash Bandicoot. This dude has no competition, atall.

  • John says: 13 December 2014, 6:57pm

    I have grown up with numerous Playstation consoles over the years and the experience I have had with them has been priceless. My first game ever was on a Playstation 1 and was called 'Hercules'. Unfortunately the console broke and I wasn't able to complete the game because I was stuck on a particular level where I had to beat a Centaur. Since I was so young - being only 6 years old - it hurt me alot. My parents saw my anguish and I was lucky enough to be bought a Playstation for christmas and from then on I have become a devoted Sony gamer ever since. Again my memories with Playstation have been a huge part of my childhood and present day. I implore you to please help me rekindle my memories by selecting me as the PS1 Skinned PS4. Thankyou

  • John says: 13 December 2014, 6:57pm

    I have grown up with numerous Playstation consoles over the years and the experience I have had with them has been priceless. My first game ever was on a Playstation 1 and was called 'Hercules'. Unfortunately the console broke and I wasn't able to complete the game because I was stuck on a particular level where I had to beat a Centaur. Since I was so young - being only 6 years old - it hurt me alot. My parents saw my anguish and I was lucky enough to be bought a Playstation for christmas and from then on I have become a devoted Sony gamer ever since. Again my memories with Playstation have been a huge part of my childhood and present day. I implore you to please help me rekindle my memories by selecting me as the PS1 Skinned PS4. Thankyou

  • John says: 13 December 2014, 6:57pm

    I have grown up with numerous Playstation consoles over the years and the experience I have had with them has been priceless. My first game ever was on a Playstation 1 and was called 'Hercules'. Unfortunately the console broke and I wasn't able to complete the game because I was stuck on a particular level where I had to beat a Centaur. Since I was so young - being only 6 years old - it hurt me alot. My parents saw my anguish and I was lucky enough to be bought a Playstation for christmas and from then on I have become a devoted Sony gamer ever since. Again my memories with Playstation have been a huge part of my childhood and present day. I implore you to please help me rekindle my memories by selecting me as the PS1 Skinned PS4. Thankyou

  • Alex says: 13 December 2014, 6:59pm

    By far and beyond my favorite Playstation hero of all time is Spike, from Ape Escape. He's a quirky lovable vibrant character with such an awesome arsenal for monkey catching, and I love it. Ive put hundreds of hours into ape escape and ill probably put hundreds more in.
    However, Im a massive fan of crash and spyro (but who isn't?) Klonoa, abe from abes oddysee, and rachet and clank. they all hold a very near and dear place in my heart

  • Ahmet says: 13 December 2014, 7:00pm

    Well where to start... I've played from the very start being from the first resident evil and doom till the current advanced warfare an final fantasy's. I'm not going to say that every game is great but most are. All ways been a playstation fan and have stuck with them since day one. Favourite character tho... Can you honestly have one favourite character? Lol the answer is no. I have to many to list but one of the top ones would be cloud from final fantasy 7! One of the best games ever!

  • Ahmet says: 13 December 2014, 7:00pm

    Well where to start... I've played from the very start being from the first resident evil and doom till the current advanced warfare an final fantasy's. I'm not going to say that every game is great but most are. All ways been a playstation fan and have stuck with them since day one. Favourite character tho... Can you honestly have one favourite character? Lol the answer is no. I have to many to list but one of the top ones would be cloud from final fantasy 7! One of the best games ever!

  • Conor says: 13 December 2014, 7:06pm

    Jonah Lomu from Jonah Lomu Rugby.


  • Ricky says: 13 December 2014, 7:31pm

    the best hero is ..



  • Martin says: 13 December 2014, 7:38pm

    Eh..... Kratos is my favorite hero. PS2 was the console i use to play God of War 1 and 2. I bought PS3 because of God of War 3.

    I like to play this game because Kratos looks awesome. He can kill the gods. I enjoy killing those gods in the game.. haha...

    Kratos's awesome power that can bring down giants like titans, and kill all the invincible gods like Zeus, Hades, Hercules, Poseidon, and much more... All those Greek's gods die by his Blade of chaos... Kratos can absorb the power from gods and titans that he killed and use their powers, making Kratos so awesome.

    The story line also awesome. Its really addictive and I'm still play it now. The graphics are awesome too. I really enjoy it. But now, no more God of war 4... I wish I want to know what happen next when Zeus was brutally smashed by Kratos' bare hands until he died. I'm wandering what gods can challenge Kratos after Zeus died.

    I hope PS4 can continue to produce such hero and/or a game similar to God of War or maybe God of war 4. That will be awesome...

  • Simon says: 13 December 2014, 7:43pm

    Solid Snake is the best hero

    He has faced adversities far beyond what most humans could possibly handle. He has taken down tanks and helicopters single-handedly, he has saved the world from nuclear destruction on a multitude of occasions, walked through a high powered microwave emitter to take down a computer that controls the entire world. He has even chosen to take his own life to save the lives of others. War may have changed but snake still comes out on top.

  • F says: 13 December 2014, 7:51pm

    The absolute best Playstation hero goes beyond the past 20 years. You might think that's impossible, but the greatest Playstation hero of all is Ken Kutaragi.

    Although I've never personally encountered Mr. Kutaragi, I'm sure it's safe to say that at least one piece of Kutaragi is with us all. Sitting together, with countless games, in a cabinet underneath our TV. I've spent easily thousands of hours playing games with the little pieces of the best Playstation Hero.

    The first system that introduced me to Kutaragi (Although I wasn't aware of it at the time) was actually not a Playstation console at all. Ironically, the SNES was my introduction to greatest Playstation hero, him being the one who created the Nintendo S-SMP audio CPU. 3 Years later, and still being unaware of it, I encountered Mr. Kutaragi again with the release of the Playstation 1. It wasn't until later when I gained a interest into the developers behind the games and machines that truly learned who the greatest Playstation hero is.

    Ken Kutaragi is, without a doubt, the absolute greatest hero possible for the Playstation. Where would the Playstaion be without him? Kutaragi is so memorable because having been the lead developer in charge of the creation of the 1st through 3rd generations of the consoles, the number of titles for the Playstation being created as a direct consequence of his actions are around the five thousand mark. Part of why the PS1-themed PS4 is so incredible is that by tying the new console (With development headed by a still very talented, but not Ken Kutaragi, Mark Cerny) to the original console we gain what is likely the last official piece of Playstation Kutaragi for our cabinet under the TV.

  • ethan says: 13 December 2014, 8:06pm

    Abe from the oddworld series has always been my favorite Playstation hero, I always was attached to the fact that he was basically nothing but skin and bones and died to anything in one hit and instead of being happy with his freedom he returned to the place that was going to kill him and sell him as meat and save his kindred, though personally I was terrible at the game and often failed at saving them all. I first played abe's odyssey when I got a demo disk for the game, I don't remember the number of the disk sadly but from the second I played it I just fell in love with the game and the world and I don't currently has a PS4 so I've actually been quite sad that I can't play New n' Tasty yet.

  • Simon says: 13 December 2014, 8:14pm

    Solid Snake is the best hero

    While big boss (mgs 3) was also an amazing character, his story did not compare to his clone son, 'or should I say brother?'. Solid Snake has faced adversities far beyond what most humans could possibly handle. He has taken down tanks and helicopters single-handedly, he has saved the world from nuclear destruction on a multitude of occasions, walked through a high powered microwave emitter to take down a computer that controls the entire world. He has even chosen to take his own life to save the lives of others. War may have changed but snake still comes out on top. Snakes character wouldn't be half as good if it wasn't for the great plot around Mgs. His character is well developed, as a hero who doesn't choose to kill unless he has to, and will put his life in danger to save the lives of others.

    I first encountered snake as a secondary character in metal gear solid 2 in 2003. While I had played many games on both the ps1 and ps2 by this point, I was impressed by his character. I continued on to MGS 3, which while it does not include Solid snake as a character, it tells the story of his clone father, giving further depth to the world and the character. I quickly bought MGS 4 when I save enough money for a ps3, as it was my most anticipated game. But as I wanted the most I could get from the experience I decided to wait until I had played through mgs 1 and mg 1 and 2 before I would play the final arc in Solid snakes story. I searched for a copy of mgs3 subsistence (being my second copy of the 3rd game) and quickly bought it. I did so as it had both mg and mg 2 as part of it. I played through those as quick as I could. Being short on cash at the time I could not afford the first mgs, but luckily enough a friend of mine picked up a copy of the game. So we stayed up all night to finish mgs1. After this I played through mgs4 and found that it showed new depth of solid snake's character as he dealt with the knowledge that he was dying, but also knowing that he had no choice but to continue fighting as two long time enemies were enacting master plans. The plot brought together all the previous games stories to make a master piece.

    My most anticipated game for the future is metal gear solid 5 PP. While this is about big boss, it bring more depth to the world of metal gear solid, and gives answers to how big boss went from being a hero to being snakes first big adversary.

  • Alana says: 13 December 2014, 9:36pm

    Damn this question is hard - There's so many amazin characters to choose from. Hmm... I guess the character who left an everlasting impression on me would have to be Sora from Kingdom hearts (Playstation 2). I loved his outfit. I loved his keyblade. I loved his hair. I don't even know. As a 5yr old, he was probably the first character that I was able to easily sympathise with. That game made me happy, sad, and scared to the point of wanting to piss my pants. It also created a bunch of amazing memories. One of which included me and my siblings pretending to be KH characters in our backyard - I was Sora, my brother was Riku, and my sister was Kairi. We would play this game where if we accidentally stepped (ahem, pushed) in a shadow, the darkness would slowly consume the person and the others would have a limited time to save them. Ahhhh those were the good times. Though, of what I can remember I was always the one being saved...

    Even though this game left me with an amazing, unforgettable experience, it also left my parents with a bigger power bill as I was so determined and dedicated to stay in the light. Thanks Kingdom Hearts.

    What was I eating at the time? Paopu fruit with my imaginary friend.

  • Mark says: 13 December 2014, 9:41pm

    Zidane in Final Fantasy 9.

    Although many would choose Cloud or Squall, I choose Zidane as he was a character that brought Final Fantasy back to its roots, as did Final Fantasy 9 as a whole. It was the first Final Fantasy I truly immersed myself in and although it did not have the futuristic storytelling of the previous two games it had a great fantasy story.

    A story with a hero who comes of at first as flamboyant but later becomes a mature hero in his own right who must fight against the very people who created him and must in classic fantasy style not only save the Princess of Alexandria but the entire world from those seeking to take it for themselves.

    Plus with being of the being of the thief class he brings a new set of characteristics not seen through out many Final Fantasy games. Its cool to see a thief or rouge be the hero over say a stale and staunch warrior type character.

  • Phillip says: 13 December 2014, 9:48pm

    In my eyes the best character was and still is Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII. As a 15yr old 16years ago i found his story inspiring and with the depth his story went he was a well rounded and developed character with the loss of his right arm protecting his village Corel in which he lost his family inspiring him to join Avalanche to fight against shinra, I felt he had more purpose in the team, he was a man of courage and a man of metaphors and deeper thinking not just a gattling gun on his arm.

    “You gotta understand something I don't got an answer. I wanna be with Marlene, but I gotta fight. Cause if I don't...the planet's gonna die. So I'm gonna keep fightin'!”

    He was one of the many reasons to my replaying of the game many times over and sparked the passion I have for gaming today that I hope to pass onto my son as he gets older. As there is a remake (port) of Final Fantasy VII I would love to share the passion and love for this game and many others that are on the Sony Playstation with my son as he grows, and what better way than on a 20th anniversary console

    And PS what was I eating.... I know for a fact at that time of my gaming life Gummy bears and a 1.5l bottle of top secret and a box of iced animals was the gaming food of choice so without a doubt that is what would of been sitting next to me while I played.

  • Sam says: 13 December 2014, 10:13pm

    Has to be Jak, When i was like 7 i played that game so much i remember the precursors legacy and i had to destroy these blimps and then go to all that gooey stuff, It really does sadden me remembering all this because those where some of my happiest days and they made a massive impact on my life and i am grateful for those times when i was younger. I love Sony!!!

  • Josh says: 13 December 2014, 10:16pm

    Joel from The Last of Us. I like how you see him grow throughout the game and how his relationship with Ellie grows stronger because the events they go through. He has a personalty which is hard to come by in most new games. He's awesome because of his sheer strength and survival skills and how in the end he was willing to condemn to world of infected just so he could keep Ellie alive.

  • Carl says: 13 December 2014, 10:18pm

    Definately Crash Bandicoot. He was there since my first day with my PS1, and he only got more fun, and different as I grew up with him. 15 years after Crash Team Racing was released, me and my friends always have a great time racing each other, and getting super heated about the close finishes and cheeky missiles.

  • Ralph says: 13 December 2014, 10:38pm

    PlayStation Hero? The one character from throughout the years that has left an impact on me has to be one of the best villains from Metal Gear Solid. Psycho Mantis! The first playing MGS and coming up against a boss who could read all your moves was frustrating yet creepy! Let alone his ability to read your memory (card) and move your controller! He lived up to his name Psycho! Especially after defeating him (by switching the controller to the 2nd player port!) he mentions he didn't believe in Liquid's cause, he just wanted to kill as much people as he could! No other villain in the MGS universe could match his opening scene!

  • Brodie says: 13 December 2014, 10:43pm

    PlayStation has always been an amazing experience for me from childhood up until now. Naughty dog are definitely the best in the business, everything they produce come out PERFECT. I'd have to same Jak is my favourite hero and icon in PlayStation history, I even think you can see a bit ok jaks cheekiness in drake in uncharted! The characters have real emotion! The PlayStation is an elite piece of machinery with the best of everything.

    I'm eating fish tacos! Playing some Jak and daxter today as well!

  • Davis says: 13 December 2014, 11:14pm

    Every system has its mascot. Mine had to be 'Cap n' Hands' from Loaded. Was the game that changed my mind from branching out from Nintendo and Sega wars. Once CD based games became available,graphics changed, soundtracks were better and the amount of data on on disc had put cartridge based games to shame. Cap n' Hands was one of the first bad ass cool hero's that i remember. Game rocked. The over the top violence and the awesome soundtrack will always bring back memory's!!

  • Riri says: 13 December 2014, 11:45pm

    I have to say that my most favourite and the most inspiring hero I've encountered in the PlayStation series is Sora from the Kingdom Hearts franchise!

    Sora is a character unlike any, at least for me, he always does good and always sacrifices himself for what he believes in and for his friends and sometimes even for his enemies. He's such an awesome character with his use of an over-sized key known as the keyblade, wielding immense power only makes a character that much more awesome. Not only that but he is relatable, he teaches us that true power and kindness come from the heart, that if you put your heart and soul into something, you will achieve it and as he has shown countless times, your friends are always with you no because as we meet one another, we take a place within each others' hearts.

    I first encountered Sora when I bought my first Sony console, the PlayStation 2, I picked Kingdom Hearts II as my very first game, it confused me a bit as I had no idea of the chronology of the series but ever since then Kingdom Hearts II has been my favourite game and as cliché as it sounds, it will always have a place in my heart, no game has ever made me feel so much emotion, until now I always tear up when Roxas gives himself up so that Sora can awaken from his deep slumber. The game has truly influenced me into becoming as kind a person as I can be, it's truly a work of art and inspiration. I like the game to such an extent that I wanted to try and recreate Sea Salt Ice Cream, with a multitude of failed attempts, till this day I have trouble making sweet salty ice cream, so I stuck with eating whatever my parents made me eat. Eating really distracted me from gameplay sometimes, especially with those difficult bosses.
    Sora truly is a role model and I'm not the only one to think so, an entire fanbase finds themselves relating to Sora and I'm but a tiny spec of dust in that huge fan base!

    I'd like to say thanks for letting me share my childhood Mighty Ape! I know I'm undeserving of such a grand prize but I'd like to wish luck to all who participate!!!!

  • Chris says: 13 December 2014, 11:46pm

    Theres just to many to choose from, crash, spyro, ruff and tumble from 40 Winks, but my favorite hero has to be Sir Daniel Fortesque from MediEvil. Why you may ask? because he was a fallen hero that hadn't deserved the adoration he was getting, and got a second chance to prove himself Worthy of the hall of heroes. the game play in that game was amasing and the story of Sir Daniel getting to finish the job he started a century beforehand was supurb. MediEvil 1 stands head and shoulders above most games of that era in terms of overall experience, and sir daniel took as for a ride. did i mention hes a skeleton with no jaw? how awesome is that?

  • Annie says: 13 December 2014, 11:57pm

    Abe from oddworld abes oddyesee
    He's a cool dude who didn't need a weapon just a few street smarts. And he managed to rescue his fellow peeps from those sligs. Cool game.

  • Jarrod says: 14 December 2014, 12:06am

    Crash Bandicoot, Defined my childhood :) can pretty much make any situation even worse for cortex, he had so many lives and the puzzles were so hard, the PS1 was my first console and it is still my favorite and still to this day i have it with my games still working :) i used to spend all day playing all the crash games and getting angry at every mission. Spryo came close to my favorite but Crash takes it :P

  • Sam says: 14 December 2014, 12:21am

    Can't beat old crash.
    The multiple adventures were amazing

  • luke says: 14 December 2014, 12:31am

    My first experience with a Play Station was playing Crash Team Racing at a mates house... (still my favourite kart based racing game). Naturally i feel in love with crash, that little Bandicoot with his blue pants and ridiculous expression, (not to mention his awesome dance moves when you won :P).
    After finally convincing my Mum to get me my own playstation Crash became the center of my attention purchasing and playing Crash Bandicoot 1, 2 and 3. Hours past trying to figure out how to get past a hard section just trying to make it to that next check point. So many lives lost and the Words "Game over" popping up my screen as my skills failed my faithful friend. Slowly my gaming skill developed and crash lead me through a new challenge not just surviving but achieving the best possible scores getting all crystals or gems without missing a beat. The Crash games are probably my most played games with many times finishing the games. To this day being player one in CTR just so my character automatically falls on Crash and i dont have to fight over it with my younger siblings or friends.

    In the end Crash introduced me to gaming and was there most of the way and when he finally gets released from his forgotten character vault i'll be fist in line to buy that game and be reunited with my best bud.

    Haha this monkey almost has the same grin :)

  • Ethan says: 14 December 2014, 12:31am

    Would've said Chrono from chrono trigger, but since that was originally on the SNES, i'll have to go with Zidane from Final Fantasy 9, i don't really know why, maybe just a mix of his Prankster personality, and how serious he can get in certain situations.
    He's just on of the reasons i've gone back and played FF9 at least once a year.

    Runner up prize goes to Spyro, since the first games I got on my PSX were Spyro 1&2 :D

  • Alex says: 14 December 2014, 1:46am

    For me, Spyro. I remember a snowy Christmas in 1999 when my older brother got an original PlayStation one, which as soon as I saw, I was amazed by. It distracted me from my presents. I was over whelmed watching Spyro the Dragon through a grey super machine. I remember feeling sort of afraid of the bosses that had to be confronted, which I feel helped my gaming ability a great deal because feeling confident is very important. Because of this game, playing the PlayStation one was sort like my childhood meditation. And then came the nostalgia of every generation upgrade, when your favourite heroes of PlayStation came back and looked way better, I feel because I started with the heroes of PlayStation one I needed to stick with them. Sony consoles have always looked so sleek, and this special PS4 is the best way to bring back the origins of your gaming heritage, for much more amazing new gen games to come! Personally for me, it all started with Spyro at Christmas. <3 Mightyape <3 Rockstar Games <3

  • Tiaki says: 14 December 2014, 4:45am

    a true ps fan knows who has come and gone and who is still around Abe-Oddworld Crash Bandicoot-Crash bandicoot series Duke nuke'em
    Richard Miller-Time Crisis Snake-Metal Gear Solid Sly-Sly Cooper Nathan Drake-uncharted Cloud Strife-Final fantasy the list goes on. Resident Evil-Chris Reid Sora-Kingdom Hearts Tomb Raider-Lara Croft Sonic-Various Games Jak & Dexter Rachet & Clank My Favourite Hero out of everyone in the Sony Universe of Games would have to be Cloud On par With Crash Bandicoot Because these and two amazing characters name by two great game developers Final Fantasy Square Enix Crash Bandicoot-Naughty Dog. Both Delevopers still making amazing games WIth Naughty Releasing The Last Of Us and Square Enix Releasing Final Fantasy XV in 2015 im a True Fan Because I will be buying Most games coming out next year such as final fantasy XV metal gear solid 5 Moratal kombat X Rainbow seige 6 Uncharted 4 Starwars Battlefront ect i hopes this proves that im a tru fan following these games for years now and for many more to come

  • David says: 14 December 2014, 7:40am

    My favourite PlayStation character would have to be... Noddy. Not the Enid Blyton character but rather my Quarterback for John Madden football. From his first iteration as a 400 pound fleet footed unstoppable juggernaut in Madden 91. I loved the fact that I could max out all his stats, snap the ball on a quater back sneak and then run the length of the field

  • David says: 14 December 2014, 7:40am

    My favourite PlayStation character would have to be... Noddy. Not the Enid Blyton character but rather my Quarterback for John Madden football. From his first iteration as a 400 pound fleet footed unstoppable juggernaut in Madden 91. I loved the fact that I could max out all his stats, snap the ball on a quater back sneak and then run the length of the field

  • David says: 14 December 2014, 7:40am

    My favourite PlayStation character would have to be... Noddy. Not the Enid Blyton character but rather my Quarterback for John Madden football. From his first iteration as a 400 pound fleet footed unstoppable juggernaut in Madden 91. I loved the fact that I could max out all his stats, snap the ball on a quater back sneak and then run the length of the field

  • David says: 14 December 2014, 7:40am

    My favourite PlayStation character would have to be... Noddy. Not the Enid Blyton character but rather my Quarterback for John Madden football. From his first iteration as a 400 pound fleet footed unstoppable juggernaut in Madden 91. I loved the fact that I could max out all his stats, snap the ball on a quater back sneak and then run the length of the field

  • David says: 14 December 2014, 7:40am

    My favourite PlayStation character would have to be... Noddy. Not the Enid Blyton character but rather my Quarterback for John Madden football. From his first iteration as a 400 pound fleet footed unstoppable juggernaut in Madden 91. I loved the fact that I could max out all his stats, snap the ball on a quater back sneak and then run the length of the field

  • David says: 14 December 2014, 7:46am

    My favourite PlayStation character would have to be... Noddy. Not the Enid Blyton character but rather my Quarterback for John Madden football. From his first iteration as a 400 pound fleet footed unstoppable juggernaut in Madden 91. I loved the fact that I could max out all his stats, snap the ball on a quarter back sneak and then run the length of the field either out-running defenders or fending through them.
    He was replaced when the playstation two came out with the Mark II Noddy who was no longer four hundred pounds but still had all his stats maxed out and was the key to my offense in Madden 2001. I would still go for length of the field runs but also added an extremely accurate passing game to my wide receiver Noddy Junior or a nice running play to my statistically unbelievable half back Noddy Senior.
    When I finally replaced my playstation 2 with a playstation 3 I went back to just the one Noddy at quarter back for Madden 2014. Unfortunately I now had to work my way up over many seasons to become the great quarter back I always wanted to be. Much more throwing than running now but still my favourite playstation character.

  • Simon says: 14 December 2014, 8:28am

    My favourite character has to be Kazuya Mishima
    From tekken 1 on the ps1.
    He's my favourite because I could always kick every1 else's arse on tekken with him, win all the acade battles and defeat the big boss Heihachi.

  • Sean says: 14 December 2014, 8:57am

    Mine would have to be Spyro the Dragon. I lost my gaming virginity to him (first game I played on a console). Loved the game, loved the series and loved the console ever since. He is one of the OG of Sony heroes, is the best there is at what he does and he is a badass purple dragon who saves multiple worlds like it ain't a problem and still has the skills to pay the bills with those marvelous gem collecting claws. SO yeah long story short Spyro = Sony MVP

  • Penny says: 14 December 2014, 9:39am

    Mine would be Spyro the Dragon. He was one of the first games characters I ever played as. I used to run through his games again and again. So many good memories.

  • Alannah says: 14 December 2014, 9:44am

    My favourite playstation hero would have to be the original Spyro. Spyro was one of the first games I ever played on playstation, and it was the first game I ever bought with my pocket money when I was 8, I'd been saving up for months. I spent many hours playing the 3 original spyros, the second of which was the first game I ever completed 100%. It was an amazing feeling when I finally made it to dragon shores. Spyro is such an awesome hero because he can fly, breath fire and charge, he is also cheeky and not to mention a dragon. I will never forget those silly sheep it felt like you were always chasing to get butterflies for spark, and of course the annoying egg thieves. Spyro has given me years of entertainment and I still get out the old PS2 every now and again at the age of 22 to play spyro :D

  • Logan says: 14 December 2014, 9:46am

    I really really want this console. But I seriously can not put it down to just one. We have had some solid game's over those 20 years. You have all of the Crash series legend specially Crash 3 warped purely more to ride on. Spyro what kid didn't grow up at least playing Spyro. The good old Sir Daniel Fortesque from the game Medievil would love to see if that game along with Road Rash could make a come back lol. I don't even know what age I was when I first meet these guys but still have these games and all the playstations to play them on. I so really want this console for my collection

  • Max says: 14 December 2014, 10:03am

    This is easy, Tomba! he's a pink-haired caveman kicking evil pig ass all day on the ps1, every now and then I jump back into the first game to relive those childhood memories

  • Indy says: 14 December 2014, 10:09am

    Dante from the Devil May Cry series. He started off as pure Sony... and blonde. Sure over the years he's become a bratty brunette that can also be played on Xbox but when he was at his best he was on the PS2. Mashing X and Square while playing as Dante will always give me fond memories. He has an amazing back story and just overall he's a bad ass! DANTE <3

  • Simon says: 14 December 2014, 10:29am

    Gabriel "Gabe" Logan from the Syphon Filter series.
    I had played a lot of games before I played a PS, but none have left a mark like Syphon Filter. The thing is, I loved the games I played on PS1, but they were all only 'games' in my eyes until I got to be Gabe. That was my immersion point... I hadn't played a third person shooter until then, and I found it so engaging, so enriching, and empowering:"I was saving the world man!"
    It was single player but my friend and I would watch each other play, then we'd skate to the shops to buy supplies (nothing healthy) and discuss tactics. Some of the bosses were hard, and it was down to strategy.
    Thanks to that summer of Syphon Filter, I have always had that idea of immersion and character engagement in my mind whenever I buy a game now for PS4.
    Cheers PS1

  • Joseph says: 14 December 2014, 10:31am

    Crash Bandicoot is my favourite playstation character and hero. He is so nostalgic as when I first received a PlayStation 1 on a Christmas morning, the character on the boxart looked so joyful and fun. And boy was I right, crash bandicoot games have some sort of magic where all the characters and areas have a spark. Crash Bandicoot the character itself is witty and colourful and and awesome in every way. I still miss the character and game and as always hoping for a new Crash Bandicoot in the future.

  • Deanna says: 14 December 2014, 10:41am

    Tombi. Without a doubt. So much fun to use the grapple and upgrade everything to destroy pigs and change the worlds. Wish they would bring that to PS Vita etc.

  • Todd says: 14 December 2014, 10:51am

    Mitsurugi in Soul Blade. I remember reading about this game for the longest time in magazines like GamesMaster and beaming over the screenshots. Mitsurugi caught my attention as he was effectively the games Ryu or Haohmaru. Just a solid, well rounded fighter. A guy out to restore justice to the universe.

    I remember saving up the money for Soul Blade and the sweet satisfaction of finally booting the game up in my original PS1 on my 14" telly (that took me an age to save for) and being absolutely blown away from the graphics (nothing will ever beat this!) the amazing sound and cut scenes. Mitsurugi was my first character of course and I lost count of how many hours I spent honing my technique and learning all the moves. Anytime I see a new Soul Calibur game I'm immediately taken back to my bedroom in my parent's old house, cramped around my small telly playing this game over and over, wondering how gaming could be any better. Soul Blade, Time Crisis, Tekken, Ridge Racer, Crash Bandicoot, Twisted Metal - so many amazing experiences in one amazing console. The PSOne is the console I equate with amazing gaming memories.

  • Bailey says: 14 December 2014, 11:00am

    My PlayStation hero would have to be XJ-0461 or as he is better known; Clank. I first met this witty robot on the ps2 in the first ratchet and clank game and I have played most of the ratchet and clank games at on point or another in the past years. I always loved to do the clank solo missions and control his little robot sidekicks and the time puzzles in A Crack in Time. he has always been the logical one of the duo and i have sort of taken his characteristics into my own identity

  • Angus says: 14 December 2014, 11:08am

    Solid Snake from Metal Gear
    For all that crazy box popping action and for just being a general bad ass

  • Liam says: 14 December 2014, 11:55am

    Crash Bandicoot or Spyro because they were my first games on PS1 and I still play them today!

  • Hayden says: 14 December 2014, 12:14pm

    Oooooh man, definitely Spyro the Dragon. I played it when I was 3, and it is embedded in my mind as the most influential game of my childhood. You got to play as a dragon, what kid wouldn't love it? I recently purchased the first and second installments from the Playstation Store to tickle my nostalgia bone and it was as great as I remember. I played those games back to front so many times since 3 years old, and never have I not enjoyed it!
    Oh, and I was definitely eating bowls upon bowls of Fruit Loops. Damn I loved that cereal.

  • Zane says: 14 December 2014, 12:16pm

    Crash Bandicoot because those are my best memories on the PlayStation! I remember saving everything I could to get those games. I still have them now.

  • Zane says: 14 December 2014, 12:16pm

    Crash Bandicoot because those are my best memories on the PlayStation! I remember saving everything I could to get those games. I still have them now.

  • jesse says: 14 December 2014, 12:38pm

    Abe was the best hero and Abe oddysee was the best game on ps1 save lives and sumtimes not saving lives was the best thing then taking over sligs was boss to hours of fun all time best game hands down

  • Phil says: 14 December 2014, 2:14pm

    Squall from FF 8 just because of the dual storyline otherwise it would have to be any class build from the Demon/Dark Souls series that gets you through the game because it's totally up to you to make it work.

  • Richard says: 14 December 2014, 2:14pm

    No one can stop Mr Domino. Mr Domino was the first character that introduced me to the strange world of alternative games. It was a cool little puzzle game that I haven't seen replicated since. He appeared on the playstation in 1998 and has stuck with me since.

  • Josh says: 14 December 2014, 3:29pm

    Kratos - God of War
    God of War 2 on ps2 is where i first met him. Still play GOW on my ps3 today, love his chains. AWESOME WEAPONS!!!

  • Georgia says: 14 December 2014, 3:34pm

    Crash Bandicoot,

    He's been eaten, burned alive, sliced into pieces, squashed by giant boulders, drowned, blown up - pretty much faced every possible death you could come up with and still manages to dance with a smile.

    If it wern't for Crash, our planet would have been under the rule of Dr N. Cortex or a giant parking lot for the residents of the planet Gasmoxia.

    All he would love to do is have a nice snooze on the beach, but instead he is saving the world day after day.

    That is why Crash is my favourite Playstation hero from the past 20 years.

  • Joshua says: 14 December 2014, 3:51pm

    Ratchet and clank, one of my most played games when I was a kid. I like how ratchet meet clank because he fell out of the sky. Anyway all the games were really fun, I was happy to own those games, and yea.

  • Daniel says: 14 December 2014, 4:12pm

    "The Man" from Kurushi. Back in the day a wall of cubes rolling towards you was all it took to cause a mental meltdown.

    No bullets, no blood, no dramatic sequences or drama just rolling cubes. The stuff of nightmares really...

  • Wade says: 14 December 2014, 4:36pm

    My all time favourite PlayStation hero would have to be Sir Daniel Fortesque. The first time I saw him come back from the dead was on Christmas day in 98. I was 8 years old and ready to defeat the evil Zarok once and for all. I had finally helped the Hero of Gallowmere finish his quest in getting to the hall of heroes and finally laying to rest. Then a few years later I saw him awake again for a whole new adventure. But Sir Daniel Fortesque is my all time PlayStation hero.

  • Wade says: 14 December 2014, 4:38pm

    And the head on his hand thing was amazing!!!

  • Cameron says: 14 December 2014, 5:04pm

    My favourite Playstation hero (aside from Mighty Ape for their competitive prices, excellent customer service and for being the most awesome, generous people ever) is Sir Daniel Fortesque from the MediEvil franchise. Sir Dan was a pompous, cowardly man who was declared a knight of Gallowmere and the leader of its army due to his stories of heroism, a position he desired due to the status it provided and because Gallowmere hadn't actually seen conflict in a long time. When the evil wizard Zarok attacked Gallowmere with an undead army though, Sir Dan was struck in his eye by the first arrow fired and killed. King Peregrin, the king of Gallowmere claimed that Sir Dan died from mortal wounds after successfully killing Zarok and declared him a hero in order to make his populace feel safe while in truth Zarok went into hiding for 100 years. Due to Sir Dan's failures, he was barred from the hall of heroes but his chance at redemption came when Zarok launched another assault on Gallowmere and his spell that raised an undead army also reanimated Sir Dan's corpse. He retained his wit and charm as a skeleton and he found heroism and courage as he proceeded to stop Zarok's assault.

    MediEvil was one of the first video games I ever played. It was released in 1998 for the original Playstation but I first played it in 1999 during Christmas at my Granddad's as a five year old. It is a third person action-adventure/hack and slash. I found it incredibly hard and creepy at the time and I was so proud of myself when I finished it. A couple of notably difficult moments include this fight against a giant stained glass demon that attacks with endless streams of shattered glass and the level 'The Sleeping Village' in which you need to avoid killing the possessed populace as they attack you while you perform a chain of errands so you can obtain a powerful artefact. These two levels in particular had me stuck for quite a while.

    In addition to the gameplay, I also love the MediEvil franchise for its Tim Burtonesque Gothic and German Expressionism inspired art direction. Jason Wilson, the Art Director of these games has cited films such as Metropolis, Der Golem, and Algol as inspirations for the art direction of this game, this is certainly visible through the frequent use of stark and unrealistic shapes as well as a fixation on the supernatural. This game was the first time that I was exposed to this type of art style and it has had a lasting impact on me, expressionism is my favourite art style these days and I wish there were more video games inspired by this interesting Modernist movement (such as The Binding of Isaac).

    These games also have a somewhat sardonic sense of humour. As mentioned earlier, Sir Dan told stories of battles he never fought so when he was forced into battle, he was killed by the first arrow fired. In addition to staples such as swords, a bow, and an axe, some of the weapons in this franchise include Sir Dan's arm which he can remove to clobber enemies with and use as a boomerang as well as an enchanted chicken drumstick which can transform enemies into edible roast chicken which restores health. One of the characters in the first game is the grim reaper who absolutely hates his job and helps Sir Dan in an attempt to reduce his workload.

    I found Sir Dan highly memorable, he was a failure who aims for redemption and is full of wit, even though he doesn't have a jaw so he can only speak in mumbles. He was a man who creatively used his predicament to great effect, this includes using his arm as a weapon, placing his head in locations and on creatures in order to see hidden secrets, and using the extra loose connectivity between limbs to do spinning attacks that would be impossible as an alive human. He is a man trying to make the best of a bad situation and develop as a person, even though he is now a corpse.

    MediEvil has a sequel and a remake. The sequel was released in 2001, I got it when I was 8 and I also enjoyed it. This sequel was set in Victorian England, an unscrupulous noble named Lord Palethorn manages to recover Zarok's spellbook and raise the dead, this once again animates Sir Dan's corpse. This game has a more Victorian/Gothic art style than the original, it spans locations such as Sewers and Museums. The weapons in this game include period equipment such as a pistol and a cane stick. The remake was a PSP launch title that was released in 2005, some of the levels are different and the remake has a more cartoony/comedic style. This was one of the games that my Dad bought with his PSP and I still enjoyed it even with the change in tone. This franchise has been inactive for about ten years and I doubt that it will ever get another sequel, but with rumours of an upcoming PaRappa the Rapper game (another franchise that has been dormant since a PSP release of the original game) and Sir Dan's inclusion in Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale a couple of years ago, I have some hope that a MediEvil 3 may be made some day and I hope that when it is released, I can play it on a 20th anniversary PS4 (I can dream :P).

  • Darren says: 14 December 2014, 5:09pm

    My favourite Playstation hero would have to be Tidus from Final Fantasy X. I used to play the game back when it was released in 2001, I believe.... (PS2 format) It was definitely one of the best games I have ever played when I was a little boy because I enjoyed the story plot, not only was it very emotional throughout the whole game but it also have its laughs that makes me want to hit the replay button. The characters itself are definitely a unique bunch. Each designed with a highly detailed persona. As mentioned before, Tidus is someone who I look up to when I was a little kid and I still do because even after an accident which has caused Tidus to lose everything, he would do anything he possibly can to protect those closest to him (literally and figuratively). It's something I admired since.

  • Paul says: 14 December 2014, 5:14pm

    Lara Croft. When Tomb Raider came out it pushed boundaries in so many ways.Firstly there were very few female game characters in games at the time. Tomb Raider also was a genre defining experience . Adventure and action games at the time were common however they were repetitive and hadn't moved forward. Tomb Raider broke ground by being explorative and challenging and complex.This immersed me and other gamers into the world which Lara faced . Since the time of the original Lara is still relevant which is not to be said about other Playststion characters. Lara kicked arse in the early days PlayStation and continues to do so . We have so many great female characters in games due to the ground Lara broke in 96. Long live Lara and PlayStation.

  • Sam says: 14 December 2014, 5:53pm

    Has to be Crash Bandicoot, he was my first Playstation experience at the age of 6 in 1999. Due to some physical disabilities. Playstation became an integral part of my physical therapy for my hands during my childhood and I still play Playstation today. Crash captured my imagination in a way entertainment had never done before that and from there my relationship with Playstation was cemented.

  • Matt says: 14 December 2014, 6:14pm

    Spyro is defiantly my favourite. I came across the purple dragon when I was about 8 and I still play his games today 13 years later on my ps3. He was a big part of my childhood and the whole reason I got into gaming. Spyro number 2 had yo be my favourite. I know exactly where everything is in that game due to the fact I have clocked it over 20 times. I also like Spyro because he is a bit of a smart ass like me :). It would be nice to play him on ps4 which would mean I have played him on every generation of console.

  • Damien says: 14 December 2014, 6:30pm

    He may not be owned by Sony, and he may have been sadly neglected in the last six years, but Crash Bandicoot would be my favourite Playstation Hero.

    I was a HUGE Sega fan, so much so that I originally saved up cash from my weekend job of mowing lawns for my neighbours and my pitiful allowance, then combined it all with the grand plan being to buy a Sega Saturn, regardless of the negative press it was getting.

    But when I went down to my local Gamesman store (sorry Gamezone/Gameplanet you weren't in my area and we didn't have the joy of internet shopping like today), I saw the Sony Playstation on display, it was running Crash Bandicoot, suddenly the Saturn and all my hype for it went out the window. I hadn't been keeping up with the news on Sony's entry into the market, but it was amazing!!

    The Saturn while great with 2D processing just couldn't hold a candle to what I saw running before me. The 3D graphics were mindblowing at the time!! Being an avid platform and adventure gamer, seeing this platforming game running in full 3D, with its bright colours and comical death scenes, and it's camera angle almost putting me in the game by viewing the character from behind at times really stole my heart. He was an icon, a mascot for a time (where are the mascots these days, I miss them ;_;) and I HAD to have it!!

    Needless to say I brought the Playstation and Crash Bandicoot, my plan for the Saturn and a copy of Sonic Jam had faded into nothingness after watching the demo unit and being shown other games available at the time by the staff, which my dad had insisted upon (be sure of your purchase and all that jazz). It settled into my home perfectly in the space where my Sega Mega Drive had been, and gave my brother and I, as well as a fair few of the neighbournood kids hundreds of hours of enjoyment. Yelling at the screen when we died trying to make that hard jump, but the comical deaths leaving us in stitches instead. Taking turns at levels, or using the ever popular "one death each" system. The puzzle solving in respect to how to smash EVERY box, trying again and again to get 100%, in an effort to get the fabled "secret ending". It may have even been the catalyst that turned me into the completionist I am today, always striving to get 100% in every game I play!

    Behind it all tho, a little bandicoot, who changed not only my then grand plan, but my main console of choice in the future, and introduced to me a brilliant studio in Naughty Dog who went on to create some of my favourite games of all time in the likes of Jak & Daxter and Uncharted. All the while, I'll bet he was probably laughing maniacally that he had stolen another sale from Sega! Sorry Sonic >.<

  • Kevin says: 14 December 2014, 6:40pm

    Crash Bandicoot all the way! First ever game I played and have been hooked on it ever since

  • Sam says: 14 December 2014, 6:47pm

    I am writing on behalf of my fiancee, Hannah.

    Her long-time favourite PlayStation hero would have to be SuckerPunch's smooth-talking raccoon: Sly Cooper from the Sly Raccoon series of games. Although I hate to say that I think she admires that greasy-sweet, lounge lizard Dimitri Lousteau a little too much as well!

    Her 'obsession', sorry I should say 'appreciation', of the Sly Raccoon series stems from her first childhood encounter when her Mum bought the Official PlayStation Magazine Australia Demo 52 in 2004 which contained the first level (Dimitri Lousteau's Paris level funnily enough) of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.

    The child version of Hannah was so amazed at Sly Cooper's ability to leap off tall structures, like Dimitri's giant peacock sign in front of his Disco Night Club, and land perfectly, without gaining any damage what-so-ever! She was so enthralled at Sly's prowess that she showed her Mum just how amazing he was.

    Now one of two things happened; Hannah's Mum either bought her a second-hand copy of Sly 2 because she too was amazed at Sly Cooper's agility, or, Hannah's Mum was finally able to get her daughter something she knew that she would actually want for Christmas and not just another pair of undies.

    Either way, Hannah was hooked. She followed the Sly series through the third title, Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves, then finally got to play Sly Raccoon when the HD Trilogy came out on PS3, and even got her Brass Spy Glass design into the fourth title, Sly 4: Thieves in Time! And every day she plays the Official Sound Tracks for these games, especially the Paris Rooftops theme and Dimitri's Night Club remix. Hmm ...

    Not only does Sly Cooper have amazing stealth and jumping abilities, he is a chivalrous, brave, charismatic, smooth-talking, bad-ass raccoon. He endeavours to do good and stop evil-doers. To Sly, friends and family are #1 as he would go nowhere without his gang, the honourably mentioned Bentley and Murray. All-in-all, Sly Cooper is a great guy.

    And don't forget:

    'Jump and Press the Circle Button!' - Bentley

  • Hannah says: 14 December 2014, 7:06pm

    Ellie, from The Last of Us, for sure. Despite Crash and Solid Snake and Gabriel from Syphon Filter, Ellie stands out for me. A little girl taught me to "endure and survive" and told me an amazing story that I cry about even now. Her strength, courage and passion that was paired with a badass storyline, lit a spark in me. And in Left Behind when she kisses Riley, it changed me. If I had seen something like that in old school PSOne games, it would have been so much easier to find out who I was. Ellie is just an all round hero of mine and I plan to get her tattooed on me to remind me to be strong and courageous, even in the worst of moments. Naughty Dog's games have influenced me so much that I am attending MDS in Auckland to become a video game artist and Ellie reignited that passion I once had as a wee young in' playing Parasite Eve. I remember when I first dove into the game (TLOU), I was slumped in a bean bag stuffing my face with lamingtons and not knowing what I was getting into. But her maturity, bravery and fearlessness reminded me of everything I want to be. And thus, despite my ramblings, I choose Ellie. For being a great companion and leader and bringing me to tears.

  • Nick says: 14 December 2014, 7:34pm

    When I was younger I did not have a console. I didn't have one until I was 16 and bought it with the money from a summer job. I bought it for the sole purpose of playing Devil May Cry 2.

    Dante has always been a favorite of mine, I have enjoyed the entire series and just love his Devil may care attitude. Big sword and guns, what's not to love about this game series.

    Another reason this should win is because I didn't choose Cloud or Crash, because those have been played out to death in the comments!

  • Brandon-Lee says: 14 December 2014, 9:03pm

    Wow cant believe it has already been 20 years this piece of time-consuming entertainment has been around

  • Brandon-Lee says: 14 December 2014, 9:03pm

    Wow cant believe it has already been 20 years this piece of time-consuming entertainment has been around

  • Kyle says: 14 December 2014, 9:17pm

    Spyro, no question. I answered already but I thought the question submission tab would close but just incase it did not register I'm answering again haha. Spyro was an amazing character to introduce me to the wonderful world of Playstation. Happy 20 years Playstation. Please choose me Mighty Ape. This will make my xmas and my life so much happier haha.

  • Reuben says: 14 December 2014, 9:25pm

    It would have to be Cole MacGrath from the ps3 exclusives infamous and infamous 2.

    What made him a powerful hero was firstly his backstory, where he was a drop out who was a bike delivery man, this underdog status leads to much play within the story with how somebody who was not originally heroic in trait, is then thrown the opportunity and responsibly of being heroic, there is the choice of becoming the villain or the hero in infamous games and this freedom of morality made for a very interesting internal look into human nature and the constructs of good and evil.

    One stand out moment is when Cole's girlfriend and 10 other civilians have been kidnapped and placed on 2 buildings, each with bombs on them, Cole has only enough time to save either ten civilians or his girlfriend, which highlights a darker side to heroism, which in my opinion makes Cole an interesting hero, he must sacrifice his own happiness for what is right, while being offered to take the non heroic selfish option, playing the game we the players are also constantly tossing up our morality for bonuses etc, so there is an assimilation of the attempt to balance deeds and power. Jason Cottle's voice acting in Infamous is perfect for the character, dark, pained, torn and gritty. To slowly develop powers as you learn about the emotive side of the character is as always very rewarding.

    In infamous 2 it is a different, not so dark setting, which shows a different side to cole, it is firstly not his own town and definitely not in the same absolute state of decay, as you then begin to create carnage (regardless of your Karma choices) there is space to question the wider negative impacts of even Coles heroic acts.

    Also I mean, he can toss cars, summon tornadoes, and fire lightning, the superhero powers are such a blast to play with. Who can beat amazing powers with a strong and deep emotive layering as well, that is 'shockingly' good ;).

    Infamous one and two are partly why I believe the PS3 had some of the best exclusive games ever, and it would be incredibly cool to try second son out on the ps4, do a little bit of comparing the new guy to Cole.

  • James says: 14 December 2014, 9:36pm

    Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7 on the ps1, the first RPG I ever played. I had no idea what to expect from the game and got a cast of characters with actual personalities and story arcs. Cloud is the classic hero archetype: stranger who goes from being a random rebel guy to leading a group and saving the world. Plus he has a giant sword and a cool motorbike. Oh, and then Cloud showing up in Kingdom Hearts with wings? So awesome.

  • Chris says: 14 December 2014, 9:53pm

    Bubsy. Bubsy 3d was the greatest game ever

  • Matt says: 14 December 2014, 9:57pm


  • Matt says: 14 December 2014, 10:48pm

    Has to be crash bandicoot. I remember the days, battling with my sister to play some crash. At the time, the graphics were sick, the gameplay was awesome, and for once, multiple levels were hard. Loved that game to bits and occasionally I jam it on the old PS1 once and awhile, when killing noobs on BF4 gets to boring. I am still waiting for the day when they bring the old Crash, remastered with all the same levels to the PS4, I am waiting Sony.

  • Brody says: 14 December 2014, 11:28pm

    love Crash bandicoot back in the old days i use to jam on the ps1 but since Sony released some ps1 games in the psn store i was able to play it again on ps3 while i was playing i was eating fish n chips and a glass of coke got to love the graphics back in the old days :)

  • Jimmy says: 15 December 2014, 1:44am

    Choosing one iconic Playstation character from the last 20 years is difficult, each generation of Playstation systems has continually added to the growing roster of memorable heroes from a number of genres. There is no denying the simple cuteness and charm of Sackboy or Iota, Nathan Drake’s witty and light hearted quips in the face of danger or Kratos’ unrelenting rage towards the Greek Gods. And although Crash and Spyro are no longer exclusively part of the Playstation family for many they have been cemented as iconic Playstation mascots. That’s not to mention the numerous other iconic characters that are now synonymous with the Playstation brand. But when asked for my personal favourite Playstation hero I have to turn to one of the most recent additions.

    The Last of Us is notable for a number of reasons, such as the atmospheric tone and well-crafted world that Naughty Dog has created, the excellent gameplay to complement and reinforce the struggles of that post-apocalyptic environment, and backed up by outstanding music and performances. But at the heart of The Last of Us is the characters, and Ellie is currently my favourite Playstation character. Ellie is a great Playstation character for a number of reasons, her ‘take no sh*t’ and sarcastic attitude, determination and sense of humour all become apparent very quickly after she is introduced to Joel and the player. She is likeable from the beginning, and continuously reinforced throughout the game and then throughout the exceptional Left Behind DLC in which she takes centre stage. While Ellie is a very likeable character from the outset she also provides an interesting and unique perspective of the post-apocalyptic world in which she inhabits, as she was born after the fall of modern society she only knows the world in that state which allows her to provide interesting commentary on current social practices and conditions when encountering relics from our period. Not only did she grow on me throughout the experience but she grew as a character, showing true character progression after encounters with a number of other characters and the sometimes horrific events that she endured. Of course Ellie’s character is only so captivating due to the brilliant writing from Neil Druckmann and Ashley Johnson’s tremendous acting which together brought Ellie to life, crafting one of the best and most memorable characters in Playstation and gaming history.

    Not only is Ellie an excellently crafted character but she is also a representation of gaming’s potential as a cinematic and storytelling medium and has set an excellent example for the potential for female characters within gaming. She and Joel are the culmination of Naughty Dog’s growth as storytellers and character development, from Crash to Jak and Daxter to Nathan Drake and Sully, Naughty Dog has grown and matured with the industry and Ellie is representative of that growth. Not only is she a memorable character but she is an example for future developers looking to include female characters and concerned that they won’t appeal to the ‘gamer’ demographic.

    These are just a few of the reasons why Ellie is one of my favourite Playstation ‘heroes’ from the past 20 years, she is likeable, ‘bad*ss’, excellently written and acted and is a step forward for the industry as a whole. While other Playstation icons such as Crash, Ratchet and Clank, Nathan Drake, or Kratos might be more iconic, to me Ellie will always be synonymous with the Playstation brand.

  • Blair says: 15 December 2014, 8:55am

    Now this requires thinking back a way,

    Squall Lionheart from FF8 would have to be my favorite hero.

    I was barely a teenager when I played FF8, a bit of a loner and a bit of an outcast Squall played into that perfectly. Squall takes off on his own for an adventure, meets many other loners and forms a team to save the day and falls in love.

    To someone who didn't quite understand a lot of other societal issues presented in FF8 yet, it seemed like the dream situation for me. To be left to my own devices, make friends from other places and to save the freaking world.

    I would have spent more time playing FF8 on my original PlayStation than I have spent playing any other game since. This being partially due to the game mechanics being fantastic, and partially due to my obsession with Squall (as seen above).

    Sure there are better and more well rounded characters (like Nathan Drake, Ellie and Joel) but Squall meant so much to me at that age and as a result will hold a spot in my heart for the rest of my gaming life.

    Oh and in regards to what I was eating at the time, because of the length of the game and the number of times I played it through, probably a bit of everything :)

  • hariz says: 15 December 2014, 9:03am

    Solid snake

    Metal gear on play station blew my mind when I was fighting psycho mantis and I had to plus my controller into the p2 port so he couldn't read my mind! Still one of my most memorable fights in my life.

  • Michael says: 15 December 2014, 10:19am

    Lara Croft - I had just moved up to Wellington, and with my 1st pay cheque went and bought a PS, the guy at the store convinced me to get This new game called Tomb Raider, I remember getting back to the flat and setting it up and that was the end of that weekend for me :), so happy to see the latest tomb raider is back the great Lara, looking forward to the next instalment.

  • Natalie says: 15 December 2014, 10:24am

    That's easy. My favorite character has got to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

    About 10 years ago, my parents bought me a PS2 for my birthday (2 days before Christmas). My first console! I was so excited as I had been drooling over it in stores for months. They also bought me one game, Kingdom Hearts. They didn't know anything about the game so I don't think they realize what a gem they stumbled upon. Only problem was they didn't realize that you needed a memory card to save your progress. Do you know how hard it was to find a PS2 memory card two days before Christmas? It turns out it was extremely difficult because everyone had sold out. We travelled to around 10 different stores all over Auckland trying to find one.

    My parents were devastated but I wasn't too fussed. For me it was a good excuse to sit in front of the tv for hours (more like days) without turning off my PS2 and playing my new, and still to this day, favorite game. I managed to complete the game and find all the extras without saving even once.

    Ten years later, I still have that game as well as all of the sequels.

  • Natalie says: 15 December 2014, 10:25am

    That's easy. My favorite character has got to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

    About 10 years ago, my parents bought me a PS2 for my birthday (2 days before Christmas). My first console! I was so excited as I had been drooling over it in stores for months. They also bought me one game, Kingdom Hearts. They didn't know anything about the game so I don't think they realize what a gem they stumbled upon. Only problem was they didn't realize that you needed a memory card to save your progress. Do you know how hard it was to find a PS2 memory card two days before Christmas? It turns out it was extremely difficult because everyone had sold out. We travelled to around 10 different stores all over Auckland trying to find one.

    My parents were devastated but I wasn't too fussed. For me it was a good excuse to sit in front of the tv for hours (more like days) without turning off my PS2 and playing my new, and still to this day, favorite game. I managed to complete the game and find all the extras without saving even once.

    Ten years later, I still have that game as well as all of the sequels.

  • Dawn says: 15 December 2014, 10:46am

    I have to say that mine would be Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. This unlikely hero played part in both my first real introduction to the PS3 but also reignited my love for gaming. I borrowed a PS3 from a mate on holiday and (as instructed) turned off the lights, cranked up the sound and played a down right scary game. I jumped, I yelled and cursed along with Isaac and fell in love with gaming all over again. The hero, the game, the cinematic experience of it all completely immersed me in both the action and the idea of fully immersive gaming. I wanted Isaac to make it, not just for my status but because I genuinely cared for the character and felt bad every time I allowed him to suffer or die. A simple engineer suffering through serious insanity in an impossible environment. When the game concluded it was exhausting and all I wanted was to start over. I have played all 3 titles again and again and look forward to each installment to see what will happen next in that world. Thanks Dead Space for reminding me that age (41 years old) means nothing when you are trapped in 0 gravity surrounded by Necromorphs with only a glorified soldering iron to save you. All hail Isaac.

  • Levi says: 15 December 2014, 10:59am

    Crash Bandicoot on the Playstation One

    He introduced me to a whole new world of ideas and stories, setting me down this dark path of being a shut-in that would prefer to be inside slaughtering minions, and vanquishing evil than anything else in the world.

    He taught me to avoid weird looking boxes, and that I should break open every other box with reckless abandon and consume what is concealed inside :P.

    I no longer remember how young I was when I first met Crash, but I remember always wanting to play his game while at my sister's house. Laughing, crying and sighing as I struggled my way through levels with my small fumbly hands.

    I have no idea where I would be without him or what my life could possible be like if I never played Crash Bandicoot, but I'm sure it would be a sad one, devoid of any real meaning and without a source of entertainment.

  • Timothy says: 15 December 2014, 11:06am

    For me, the most iconic videogame character in the last 20 years is Naked Snake/Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid franchise (but Metal Gear Solid 3 for PS2 in particular). David Hayter's voice coupled with the 60's soldier aesthetic of Snake is the pinnacle of a video game hero for me.

  • Nick says: 15 December 2014, 11:38am

    It has to be John Marston from Red Dead Redemption. He is such a badass character and his struggle between good and bad behaviour is what makes him so interesting and believable. He is very Clint Eastwood esque making him one of the best PS characters to date!

  • Edward says: 15 December 2014, 11:44am

    I'm going to be a little different in my choice for my favourite Playstation hero of all time, wall of text!

    It was October 2001, and for the last couple of months I had been playing Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec on my brand new Playstation 2 nearly non-stop! (Except for going to school of course.)

    On one late night I finally saved enough credits to get the car I had been aiming for the last couple of weeks, the famed Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version.

    I took it for a test run on the test track and was immediately impressed. It shattered my previous best time by quite a distance.

    Over the next week I saved up enough credits to upgrade it to the highest BHP it could get, and proceeded to completely slaughter the competition.

    That Suzuki Escudo did more for me in that game than any other hero ever did. It was the Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, Nathan Drake and Crash Bandicoot of the racing world for a period of time and I'll always remember it fondly.

    Also helped being able to tape dow the right trigger, set it on an endurance race, go to school, come home and find that it would come first every time. =D

  • Tim says: 15 December 2014, 11:55am

    'Claude' from Grand Theft Auto 3.

    First encountered him on the Playstation 2 - GTA 3 was the reason I got a PS2 having adored GTA and GTA 2. Would have been 2001 (and I would have been eating microwave pop corn and drinking Coke :P).

    Lasting impression because it was, in many ways, the first "modern" open world game. I would have put more hours into GTA3 than I have in any game since. I love that game with a passion - I brough 3 copies after the first two got scratched. I spent so many hours staring at the back of his head I could most likely draw it from memory.

    As an added bonus, if I won this console, I'd gift my current PS4 to my mate who recently lost his job. He's a HUGE gamer and would likely lose his mind at getting a PS4.

  • Timothy says: 15 December 2014, 1:04pm

    Crash Bandicoot!

    Even to replay the classic PS1 games now is still a thrill. So damn frustrating at times!


  • Lee says: 15 December 2014, 1:16pm

    Definitely Solid Snake. How can you beat that bad ass. The silent killer of a game that has progressed amazingly throughout the years.

  • Christopher says: 15 December 2014, 1:34pm

    thats a hard one i guess i gotta say CRASH sorry spyro your second place

  • Greg says: 15 December 2014, 1:38pm

    So many to choose from!
    Have to say Kratos from the GOW series.
    He's the baddest ass of them all!
    Owned and played all games to 100% and still play them.

  • Jason says: 15 December 2014, 2:00pm

    Personally I'm in the Sackboy corner. I love my crash and Spyro but Sackboy is Playstation gold. From creating new worlds to playing on someone else wonderful level, Sackboy helped bring a whole new level to gaming and playstation. I suppose it helps that he is exclusive and is still pushing boundaries. Fresh, creative and lots of fun. That is Sackboy. That is Playstation.

  • Michelle says: 15 December 2014, 2:03pm

    Well my first recollection of the play station is SSX Tricky my favourite character to play was Kaori Nishidake I couldn't stop playing that game, I was pregnant with my second child at the time and my food happened to be potato chips eta chicken lol I played all through my pregnancy and after the baby was born and again throughout and when my son was old enough he started playing and together we would race each other and his favourite character was Elise Riggs, together we found secret hidden area's. We laughed so hard at racing each other and seeing who could get the highest points **He never bet me lol** As he got older he then moved to other games Crash Bandicoot to Rachet and Clank to his all time favourite Little Big Planet, I even crocheted a sack boy for him as he was a die hard fan BIG TIME... my gaming days were still there even when Playstation released PS3 I was so bummed when they didn't release SSX Tricky like the original PS2 version.... I wasn't found of the new version so tried my hand at other games then fell in love with Drake and now he is my ultimate Favourite character to play, the game setting is pretty and you can literally hide away within his character. The Playstation have been in our family for the last 20 years my oldest son is now 29 and my youngest kids are 12 **yeah big gaps** blame game playing on the gaps lol all my kids are lovers of Playstation games and each have there own favourites I will always go back to playing SSX Tricky and that is the reason I will never part with my PS 2 NOPE no way...Not Ever! I'll keep that baby with me forever in the mean time I am enjoying the Drake series and often can be still caught eating chicken flavoured potato chips while playing hehehe

  • Justis says: 15 December 2014, 2:14pm

    I'd have to say the protagonist from Persona 3, my absolute favourite RPG on the PS2.
    Why would I choose someone from a game that came out years after my favourite childhood games such as Crash or Spyro? That is because I felt more of a connection to the main character (MC for short) of Persona. A high school aged boy was more relatable than a Bandicoot or a Dragon.

    Why was the MC so awesome in Persona 3? To put it simply with maximum spoilers, he ends up sacrificing his life and soul forever to save his friends and the world from destruction.

    Oh and to summon the monsters in the game, you had to shoot yourself in the head with a (toy) gun.

  • Josh says: 15 December 2014, 2:18pm

    Solid snake by far and away captured my attention more than any other character. I spent an enormous amount of time on the first game. David voiced the character incredibly well. Between the story and game play Snake captured my attention (and imagination) in a way no other game since has been able to do (yes even FF or Elder Scrolls).

  • Keith says: 15 December 2014, 2:30pm

    My biggest hero is with out a doubt Sir Daniel Fortesque From MediEvil.
    He started as such an unlikely hero, but after hours of playing and countless weekends lost, my little brother and I turned him into Gallowmere's champion. It brought us closer as brothers and was one hell of a ride. We still talk about this game to this day. And what an awesome soundtrack!

  • kevin says: 15 December 2014, 2:40pm

    ICO is and always will be my favourite Playstation Hero.

    The simple act of grabbing Yordas hand and leading her to safety, or sitting quietly with her on a game save bench created an emotional bond, which even after all this time can still make me smile.

    Ico isn’t a game, it’s more like a favourite fairy tale, a magical experience that leaves a lasting impression.

  • kevin says: 15 December 2014, 3:24pm

    Jade from Beyond Good and Evil would be my most memorable hero.
    Armed only with her camera & do-jo staff, Jade sets out to uncover a government conspiracy & restore Justice to the people of Hyllis.
    Save the world with a camera instead of a gun.

  • David says: 15 December 2014, 3:33pm

    Sora from Kingdom Hearts is my favorite PlayStation Hero.

    I first encountered playing as Sora when my brother received a PlayStation 2 and Kingdom Hearts for his birthday. Although it was a single player game we took turns playing, fighting over whose turn it was. I was too young to understand but when you're fighting over controlling a fictional character, you know that it's definitely a memorable character to play. Sora left this long lasting impression on my for me because he was basically my childhood. Sora was able to befriend countless Disney characters which attracted a lot of the younger and even the older gamers. For a six year old boy, playing Kingdom Hearts on a PlayStation 2 while eating cake was what I would call paradise today. Nostalgia.

  • Rory says: 15 December 2014, 3:56pm

    One character that has made a huge impact on my life at the moment would have to be claptrap from Borderlands 2! I have been living in a motel the past 3-4 months after we built a new house because of being red zoned in the chch earthquakes. Long story short they had to come back to fix it and after 3 months of trying we will be taking the building company to court early next year. That cheeky bugger claptrap has been the bane of my life during the past few months with his dry humor and witty remarks. Despite him driving me utterly insane I have grown very fond of him and enjoy his company during my sleepless nights in my motel room. He will be a character that I shall always remember during a very stressful time in my teenage life. I look forward to hopefully picking up Borderlands The Pre-Sequel and possibly playing this on my new ps4. Thanks :)

  • Tim says: 15 December 2014, 3:56pm

    Dart From Legend of Dragoon,
    I like him because of his back story.
    He returned home from a five-year-long journey to pursue the Black Monster who killed his parents and destroyed his birth city. On the way he meets some new friends and learns about the ability to transform into a Dragoon using a memento from his father that he found after his death.
    In the End he becomes the ultimate Dragoon after having his Red dragoon spirit taken from him by the main possessed villain Zieg.

    This is just an amazing classic game that was on the original Playstation.

  • Brad says: 15 December 2014, 4:14pm

    Actually, thinking about it, my Playstation hero isn’t a playable character at all but is a real life character who is responsible for each and every Playstation hero that will be in this forum thread.

    He goes by the title of “The Father of Playstation”; Mr Ken Kutaragi.

    Without Ken’s dedication and passion for the project, the Playstation may well not have existed at all. He convinced Sony to partner with Nintendo to come up with a disc based gaming console when the company was dead against it. When the partnership failed he managed to convince Sony to continue the project (Sony wanted to scrap it believing at the time that gaming was a passing fad). Ken proved them wrong and the Playstation become a critical and financial success for the company.

    Although he cemented gaming into popular culture with the first Playstation, in my mind it was the release of the PS2 that really made gaming cool and put wanting one on ‘Apple device level’ of desirability, not just for hard core gamers but for the general public.

    Ken wanted the successor to the Playstation to take gaming to the next level and the PS2 did just that.

    The console itself was an understated item of pure black monolithic art. Its minimalistic design with the almost 80s style retro blue gradient ‘PS2’ on the top of the device became instantly iconic. For the first time we had a console that you actually wanted to look at and proudly display next to your TV instead of tucking it out of site in the cabinet underneath it. The fact that it could aslo play DVDs and you could also stand it on its side and even toggle the PS logo on the disc drive tray just made it even cooler with the mainstream audience. Consoles were selling faster than Sony could make them. I remember unpacking my PS2 (with its cool pure blue box with PS2 emblazoned on the front in white) one week after release and just staring at it for about half an hour before even plugging it in. I didn’t care that it cost me $1000 at the time, I had a contemporary art gallery display worthy gaming device in my living room! To this day I still think it is by far the best looking console design yet. The PS4 comes close but absolutely nothing has been as iconic as the PS2. The success of the PS2 led the way for its successors, the PS3 and PS4, in keeping gaming mainstream cool and relevant.

    There is absolutely no doubt that Playstation is where it is today because of Ken Kutaragi. He set the wheels in motion with the original Playstation and with the PS2 made the general public realise that gaming isn’t just for kids anymore. The PS3 and PS4 continue that legacy.

    Ken may no longer be directly involved with the Playstation’s development but without him, we wouldn’t be celebrating 20 years of Playstation at all. He IS the original Playstation hero.

  • Dean says: 15 December 2014, 4:17pm

    If pressed, my favourite Playstation hero (out of about 10 or 11 others) has to be Dias Flac from Star Ocean: The Second Story (... For PS. Star Ocean: The Second Evolution for PSP).

    My older brother got it, but I was actually more interested in Crash Bandicoot and Crash Team Racing at the time. When I FINALLY found and (partly) understood the awesomeness of Star Ocean, it was all I played for 2 years - even though I could barely understand the story and only had a basic understanding of the combat.

    I mainly liked Dias for how the Claude vs Dias coliseum battle (basically always) went:

    Dias: Air Slash! Air Slash! Chaos Sword!... Chaos Sword! Chaos Sword! Crossways! HYAH!
    Claude: (Dead at this point) Noooo...
    Me (before being told defeat can be scripted into games): *Reset / RAGE QUIT*
    Me (after being told defeat can be scripted into games): Hehehe, wish I could record the sounds...

    Maybe it was because I was younger than 10 at the time, but it was the ONLY game I didn't manage to see the end of (until I got it on PSP later), even when I found out how to "unlock" Dias as a party member.

    But yeah, Dias "Seven Strikes" Flac holds a special place in my brother's and my own childhood for being so unspeakably frustrating and awesome in equal measure. I especially enjoyed being able to rematch - and destroy - Dias at a later point in the game. Made my day. :D

  • Thomas says: 15 December 2014, 4:49pm

    My favorite playstation hero from the past 20 years would have to be Alicia Melchiott from the Valkyria Chronicles series. I first encountered her on the Playstation 3 system in the first Valkyria Chronicles game.
    She is an awesome hero who left a lasting impression on me because from the very outset she plays a strong willed female character who works hard every day to defend her hometown during wartimes. When she meets Welkin and they both sign up to join their nations Militia, she always helps keep the faith strong in her leaders plans and also helps raise the troops morale.
    Towards the end of the war she gets awakened as a powerful ancient Valkyria against her will, and in the blink of an eye she feels the life she had been leading would be left behind. However she remains focused and is determined to use her newly found powers for the good of her country even if it would cost her life.
    Thankfully her squad values her so much that they become determined to win the war without relying on her powers too much for the risk of losing her is too great.
    Overall I found Alicia to be a very loveable character who is also a great role model for the young female gamers out there to look up to.

    P.S: I was eating alot of Nachos around this time of my life haha.

  • zamaan says: 15 December 2014, 5:22pm

    Sora from kingdom hearts!
    I first played him as the first game i played on playstation 2 and was amazed at the step up from psone after games like spyro and crash bandicoot had me infatuated. I was always amazed that sora was the kind of character to me that i could play kingdom hearts without end for hours at a time and never once got sick of playing as sora. I guess he just showed us all you don't have to be this stone cold badass lone wolf to be an amazing character. I guess ive just been such a fan of Sora and Kingdom hearts in general because i basically grew up alongside the franchise and now i cannot wait for KH3! I barely ever ate when i played Kingdom hearts though because i was afraid of getting the controller dirty and killing the buzz of such an epic game :p

  • lawrence says: 15 December 2014, 7:05pm

    K-R-A-T-O-S! My mate had got this new game and he was all excited to show me. He turned his console on and gave it a few taps on top till the colourful particles with long trails of the PS2 start screen swooshed by. He loaded this game called God Of War. The game loaded from a save point. Tiny Kratos VS Ginormous Hydra! Damn, I swallowed a whole pringle! I had never seen anything like this!I was completely hooked! From then on, be it Mount Olympus or the Depth of Hades, I consistently followed the journey of the Ghost of Sparta. Including the games on both PS2 AND PS3 consoles, the PSP games and even God of War: Betrayal on my tiny Nokia phone. Kratos for me is a very interesting character that fits in perfectly in the Greek Mythology that we know of. The fact that Kratos, in order to find peace, has to kill thousands of enemies is the most awesome storyline in gaming history, ever.

  • jacob says: 15 December 2014, 7:48pm

    Ratchet - saving the universe from evil villians on my old phat ps2 that i got when i was little it was always my game of choice i would sit there for hours on end playing the game trying to beat it until i finally beat it that game i used to try grind it out but it was just soo hard for a 7 yr old to beat that game was always my favourite game and will always leave a classic childhood memorie of the ps2 era in my head (:

  • jacob says: 15 December 2014, 7:48pm

    Ratchet - saving the universe from evil villians on my old phat ps2 that i got when i was little it was always my game of choice i would sit there for hours on end playing the game trying to beat it until i finally beat it that game i used to try grind it out but it was just soo hard for a 7 yr old to beat that game was always my favourite game and will always leave a classic childhood memorie of the ps2 era in my head (:

  • jacob says: 15 December 2014, 7:48pm

    Ratchet - saving the universe from evil villians on my old phat ps2 that i got when i was little it was always my game of choice i would sit there for hours on end playing the game trying to beat it until i finally beat it that game i used to try grind it out but it was just soo hard for a 7 yr old to beat that game was always my favourite game and will always leave a classic childhood memorie of the ps2 era in my head (:

  • Robert says: 15 December 2014, 7:51pm

    Definitely Crash Bandicoot.

    Crash 2 was the first game I ever finished, he was the mascot for the original PlayStation, he wasn't an American or Japanese-based character! I've got too many good memories playing various Crash games to let other PS iconic characters steal his spot as my favourite PlayStation hero.

  • Jordan says: 15 December 2014, 8:17pm

    Dart Feld from Sony's Legend of Dragoon. A bit of a forgotten classic and one of the few games able to compete with Final Fantasy. His transformation into the Red-Eyed Dragoon was incredibly badass and his quest into becoming a hero was a great multi-disc experience.

  • Daniel says: 15 December 2014, 8:30pm

    Solid snake! Sexy, Sarcastic and Snakie

  • Marnie says: 15 December 2014, 8:50pm

    Ratchet and Clank, the real start of my childhood, I used to play hours and hours on end playing those games, doing "Ratchet & Clank marathons" and completing the games as fast as I could. Ratchet and Clank can't be separated (except for when Clank gets kidnapped a few times in the games......) but still, so they will have to be crowned winner together. I first met Ratchet & Clank on my phat PS2, probably in my PJ's with a finger up my nose (hopefully mine) THATS HOW YOUNG I WAS......although i still do that now.....They have been the best mascots of a game (in my opinion) even up until now. After we sold our PS2 I started to lose my memories of Ratchet & Clank so instead of losing those amazing childhood memories, I re-bought all of them for PS3 (The HD Trilogy and all the latest ones) and I have now relived all those unforgettable moments :)

  • Mark says: 15 December 2014, 9:19pm

    Crash would have to be my favourite. Also my most nostalgic. I was around 8 when I got to play as him for the first time in the late 90's. My teacher brought in her Playstation to school. She bribed the kids by saying good behaviour was rewarded with Playstation time at lunch. So boy was I good! Actually think she gave us turns because she was stuck on the 'Upstream' level. Thought some kids like myself would help her beat it. Unfortunately I was not the kid to beat it, not that time. Not with those damn moving lily pads! Come on, that was tricky for an un-co 8 year old. That's probably why I remember it so well, because of how frustrated it made me! Those are the most satisfying games. What was I eating at the time? Hmm can't say for sure, but I'd put my money on a peanut butter sandwich.

  • Vicky says: 15 December 2014, 9:51pm

    Mine would have to be crash
    Because he's one of the greats and that game gave me some of the greatest game memories.

  • Justise says: 15 December 2014, 10:13pm

    Solid Snake! Genetic son of the Big Boss himself. I think that it is only fitting that Snake is to be placed as the greatest hero of the past 2 decades of PlayStations history. not only that but i cherish my childhood moments trying to re-enact the evasion music and the dialogue of the mgs game on PS1 and even still do to this day..... the metal gear franchise is probably the most prestige games on the PlayStation and i am looking forward to the highly anticipated metal gear solid V and ofcourse some more of snake.

  • phillip says: 15 December 2014, 10:14pm

    Abe from oddworld on ps1. It was only a demo but it was still good. I think they left a lasting impression on me because the way Abe acted. I was only about five and the game kinda scared me but it was kind funny at the same time. Not the first game I truly loved but abe is the first hero I remember.

  • Veronica says: 15 December 2014, 10:45pm

    Jennifer from Primal is mine. I have fond memories of that game, it was the first game I ever completed, I was pregnant and hubby taught me how to play ( I wasn't into gaming back then). Her sassy attitude and interactions with scree made it a enjoyable game.

  • Cameron says: 15 December 2014, 10:48pm

    CROC! the over shadowed, under appreciated hero... of a time dominated by the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. Being on PlayStation 1, an released in 1997 (I was 4). It was a few years before I actually got to play it. But when I did... praise goes to the game's graphics, unique gameplay and music... the music was astonishingly exquisite. Graphic and art direction is still plausible today. The changing levels; bringing interesting new bosses... Collecting the colored Gems so you could get all the Gobbos, unlocking the secret island... Many an hour was spent in front of this fun, yet challenging masterpiece. I still go back to it to this day, replay value = always there.

  • Rick says: 16 December 2014, 7:13am

    I would say Crash Bandicoot, loved playing that game and the rest of the series. Still remember buying the Playstation 1 and being blown away by the graphics, everything was on CD, instead of cartridge, yes showing my age, grew up with the Atari 2600, Colecovision, etc. The games that came oout such as Tomb Raider have been incredible. Would love to own one of these and it would certainly take pride of place being used daily.

  • Thiago says: 16 December 2014, 7:58am

    Solid Snake FTW:

    Metal Gear Solid was the first hollywood photography esque game on ps1 era. had great storytelling, charismatic characters, challenging gameplay(the memory card psychic reading was mind blow) and he saved the world from a nuclear menace. How cool is that.

  • Richard says: 16 December 2014, 8:21am

    Nathan Drake:

    Why? Even though he came out with the last generation console, his impact has been huge. A mix of Indiana Jones, with a dash of a rogue like Han Solo, and you get Nate.

    Even as a promotion the Man himself Harrison Ford, who played the two characters Nate is based off, commented on how the mix of action and exploring and scenery made Uncharted and specially Uncharted 3 such an amazing game.

    Naughty Dog has always listened to the fans, Stayed true to the sure method of what works, but expanding on it, and finding new ways to enthral us.

    All three games have been a pleasure to play over and over again. And listen to the wit and humour in the game.

    Specially when looking down into a dry well in Uncharted 3: "Well, well, well..." Nate: "Ha ha! Funny!".

    I rest my case....

  • Mitch says: 16 December 2014, 9:11am

    I grew up playing all the Crash Bandicoot games.

    Although I was slightly behind that generation, my brothers were in the prime time for PlayStation 1 and Crash Bandicoot. I have played it all my life and have most of the games. I've played all the games a lot and still love to play them. I still struggle to find a challenge when Playing the original Crash Team Racing.

    This game, franchise and character have helped me spend hours in front of a T.V. I am still able, and do, spent hours playing the games which I have bought for my PlayStation 3. I don't remember exactly when I started playing but I don't ever remember not playing at least one of the games.

    When my brother (26) visits, we will still play together and have an amazing time.

    We also both stayed up very late in a successful attempt to platinum Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando which I got as part of the HD trilogy.

    I could go on for quite a while but whoever is reading this is most likely very sick of reading all the replies.

    Have a good day :D

  • Adam says: 16 December 2014, 9:36am

    sir daniel fortesque

    Get ressurected, saves gallowmere, goes back to sleep, get reawakened in victorian london, saves world. Goes back to sleep.

    God I need medievil 3....

  • Eric says: 16 December 2014, 9:39am

    Spyro, Spyro is one of the first games I played on the Playstation when we got it, spyro was the best game on ps1, well the came 1st equal with tekken 3 and crach banicoot, but spyro was one of them games where it never got boring, i would for so long id lose track of time for my bedtime haha. but yeah spro hands down was my fave .

  • Eric says: 16 December 2014, 9:39am

    Spyro, Spyro is one of the first games I played on the Playstation when we got it, spyro was the best game on ps1, well the came 1st equal with tekken 3 and crach banicoot, but spyro was one of them games where it never got boring, i would for so long id lose track of time for my bedtime haha. but yeah spro hands down was my fave .

  • Chris says: 16 December 2014, 9:40am

    This is a story about an Orphan who after falling out of the Queens ship, fell into a forest and was then found by a Chef who, rather than raising the orphan as his son, raised him in the hopes that he would plump up and so he could eat him.
    During this time he taught the orphan many things about the world until he passed away, leaving the little orphan an orphan once more.
    The orphan decided it was time to go out and view the world and decided to go see a play at the kingdoms theater.
    It is there that when threatened our orphan learns his real powers. However with those powers came the realisation of who he was. After being attacked by his own kind and finding more of his own kind being built for attack he realises that his mission is to free them, but he also learns that his life has a finite life span. This affects him a lot but creates more determination to free his kind.
    He eventually defeats the person enslaving his race and is able to see his family freed and living life happily before his life ends at the end of the story.

    My Hero is of course Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX.
    FF9 was the second Final Fantasy game I had ever played and I just loved this character, the backstory behind him and seeing him overcome what everyone else expects of him was extremely well written.
    The Final fantasy games on the PS1 were the best of the lot and have never been rematched. I have lost count of how many times I have replayed 7 8 and 9. Vivi always has a special place in my heart. I even have 4 Vivi figurines at home.

    This PS4 would look awesome sitting next to my PS1 which still sits in my TV cabinet.

  • Ruben says: 16 December 2014, 9:48am

    Joel from the Last of Us is my favourite PlayStation Hero of the last 20 years, and he is 'so awesome' because he is not.

    He is a flawed, irrational, illogical human. He is not an emotionless, hollow protagonist. He is not an extension of the real world player in the game world. He is real.

    I first played TLoU on PS3, and later again on PS4. Joel really forced me to rethink how I viewed the role of the protagonist in games. By the end of the game I was not making him do what I would do. The question became "What would Joel do?" and that is one of my most poignant moments ever on PlayStation.

    I spent most of the game eating my nails. Or biting them at the least.

  • Georgia says: 16 December 2014, 10:58am

    My favourite is still Abe from Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee for the PS1. We didn't have our own playstation but our Aunty did and whenever we were over there we were fighting for control over it. I 'm sure my brothers and I played it more than my Aunty's own children.

    Abe's Oddysee was one of the first games I ever played which I am very glad of as I loved it so much for the fantastic gameplay mixed in with humour and an emotional story-line. I literally cried on the first level when you experimentally pull the first lever and one of your Mudokon friends falls to his death.

    Abe of course is one the best protagonists. His dedication to saving his people is nearly incomparable due to the fact he is not a big strong, gun or sword wielding superhero, just a simple Mudokon servant who wishes to stop the unjustified slaughter of his entire race.

    This platform game was amazing to me, and Abe was a huge part of that, from his weirdly cute yet dark and twisted looks, to his raspy voice and the awesome ability to ride Elums, he made the game so much fun. Bonus points to the fact you could make him fart at any time, which would then inspire a cheeky giggle from any nearby Mudokons (this was repeatedly appreciated by my 7 year old self). He was just the right mixture of an upbeat, comical hero, and a pressured, determined creature tasked with saving his people from a dark and terrible fate.

    I loved Abe so much, I played it whenever I could, and even though there came a point where I couldn't progress as I wasn't good enough, I gladly went back and completed it once I was old enough and bought the Oddboxx.

    Abe to me is someone special. One of the first and best experiences I have had in a video game, which helped create my love of gaming and my preference of Playstation consoles.

  • Daniel says: 16 December 2014, 11:31am

    Whoever the driver is in Gran Turismo 2...

    As a child growing up with our playstation one I wracked up well over 400 hours on this game, and along side me the driver of my many cars. We drove together through endurance races, time trials, and International licences.

    Whoever the guy in that car was put up with my sub par driving skills, crashing into every twist and turn, my petty tantrums throwing the control down after loosing and last but not least my glory hogging after "clocking" the game.

    Not once did he complain, not once did he ask for a new controller. No matter how bad the crash or the amount of times i got 8th place - he never quit.

    That guy is a true legend :D

  • Jobie says: 16 December 2014, 11:32am

    I was 16.

    My dad bought home a second hand PS2. I was THRILLED.

    Growing up, I was never a big gamer, I blame this on not finding a good game to really dig myself into. This all changed when we got the PS2, the first game I played was Final Fantasy X-2.

    I fell in love. The graphics the concept the story line it was definitely MY type of game. I was addicted the moment the game started. Of course, all great games have to have an amazing character, for me, this was Yuna. She was so pretty, strong and determined, her story was so captivating, I found myself sneaking into the lounge after I was supposed to be in bed to go play! Sometimes I'd play till 4 or 5 am and realize I had to 'wake up' for school soon!

    This game and Yuna left an everlasting impression on me, maybe it was because I was 16, a young and very impressionable girl and I just wanted to be like Yuna or maybe because the game was interactive but had a story line at the same time or a mixture of both. All I can say is - it was because of Playstation and Yuna that has still got me gaming today (I am now 26 yrs old). It really has changed my life. I believe if I never found this game or Playstation I would probably be a very different person today!

  • Damien says: 16 December 2014, 11:44am

    Abe from Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee for the PSone.

    The first game I ever played on PlayStation and to this day I still enjoy playing it every now and then.
    it's the game that started my hobby as a gamer.

  • Sam says: 16 December 2014, 11:56am

    Crash Bandicoot. Helped me through what was without a doubt the hardest time in my life as a child. Definitely wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have that game as an outlet when I was younger.

  • Tihomir says: 16 December 2014, 12:14pm

    Crash Bandicoot!

    Crash was the character that introduced me to the wonderful world of video games. I first met him playing on the PS1 at my cousin's place in 2001. From his big toothed grin to his quirky headshape, he had that friendly aura about him that kept me coming back. Just typing this makes me wish I could spend some more time with Crash!

    P.S. I was eating bananas of course :D

  • Tihomir says: 16 December 2014, 12:15pm

    Crash Bandicoot!

    Crash was the character that introduced me to the wonderful world of video games. I first met him playing on the PS1 at my cousin's place in 2001. From his big toothed grin to his quirky headshape, he had that friendly aura about him that kept me coming back. Just typing this makes me wish I could spend some more time with Crash!

    P.S. I was eating bananas of course :D

  • Ryan says: 16 December 2014, 12:22pm

    Well everyone is going to say some adventure game character, but mine is Lionel messi. I remember playing with him on FIFA 2006 when he was first intorduced to FIFA. Even since then I have bought every FIFA released, and he has won me countless games on them. From ps2, to ps3, and just as of a yesterday a ps4.

  • Dennis says: 16 December 2014, 12:55pm

    mine is heat from bust a groove

  • Dennis says: 16 December 2014, 12:55pm

    mine is heat from bust a groove

  • Aaron says: 16 December 2014, 1:01pm

    Lara Croft.

    I'm talking the original Lara here too, from the PSX days on the Original Tomb Raider.

    IMO she single-handedly made gaming mainstream popular. She got featured on the cover of lifestyle magazines (and countless games mags of course).

    But from a gameplay standpoint, the original Tomb Raider was brilliant. The puzzles well designed, the levels were expansive and made good use of the 3D environment. A couple of nice touches such as her vault up to handstand, or taking a huge swan dive off the water fall.

    Oh and then there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

  • Patrick says: 16 December 2014, 1:19pm

    Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series.
    I remember when I first got Metal Gear Solid Guns of the Patriots on PS3 not knowing what this game was about, let alone that there was a series of games made by Hideo Kojima. The more I played it and read the background information on the stuff I'd missed, the more I grew to love Snake. He is one phenomenal person, the way he's potrayed by David Hayter and how Kojima has made Snake and the games into more than just entertainment, it really has an impact on you that's more than skin deep.
    Then I happened to get my hands on the earlier titles since I have the Playstation 1 & 2 as well as the Playstation portable and played the earlier titles like snake eater and peace walker, and my love for the series and Snake has grown so much.
    Snake is legendary

  • Fiona says: 16 December 2014, 1:26pm

    definitely Sly Cooper

    Not only do you get to be an amazing thief you get to be a raccoon. It is the best game I ever got to play on my sisters PS2. I am a huge fan of platformers and a huge fan of stealth games so this game is my ultimate weapon :P

    Not only was a young 12 year old girl obsessed with the raccoon I absolutely loved the noise he made when sneaking it just made me laugh and whats better then that.

    Plus who wouldn't want a nerdy turtle side-kick

  • Connor says: 16 December 2014, 1:49pm

    It's really hard for me to pick between all my favorites i've grown up with, but i think the biggest staple in my Playstation life was Sora, from Kingdom Hearts. If it wasn't for him i don't think id still be so into video games. Sora helped me through my years of highschool, and kept me the gamer i am today. The remakes are what i'm jamming at the moment too. :D

    (I'm also still fond of Spike, Spyro, Crash, Sly, Croc, Abe, Jak, Ratchet and so many more games i grew up with. But i had to pick one, right? )

  • Brooke says: 16 December 2014, 1:53pm

    Zidane Tribal - Final Fantasy 9

    The reason he is such an awesome hero was that he was just an average thief not the typical hero, a thief who saves the world and gets the princess, something every average joe can dream towards

    I was young when first playing FF9 but was on the original PS1 before the PSone model that came out, Final Fantasy was always an escape from reality to this dream world and play station made all of that possible, i have owned each of the PS consoles as each gen has come out and will continue to be a fan for as long as they bring them out

  • Troy says: 16 December 2014, 1:55pm

    I have to go back to the first day we bought our play station 1.

    It came with a complementary tekken 3 game. Me and my brother sat there for hours playing around with all the characters of cause we were both quite young and absolutely terrible at the game.

    After a while we chose to vs eachother I chose yoshimitsu, basically because he had a sword. I loved the fact he fought like a martial artist, due to this many years later and a little influence of dragonball z I to took up martial arts. To this day when I play tekken I still play as Yoshi his moves haven't changed all to dramatically and although I'm not the greatest tekken player he is defiantly a character I will always remember and use due to my early days not he ps1

  • Chilayne says: 16 December 2014, 1:59pm

    Hero: Crash Bandicoot

    My first memory of PS1 was actually in my primary school days, playing Spice World at my friends house haha (Spice Girls were awesome back then)! After telling this to my brother, he and my sister deemed in necessary to buy me a PS1 and play a 'real game' like Crash Bandicoot. Crash was the first game that I actually clocked by myself and was my hero for that reason; it was a game that allowed you to persevere because of character you felt connected to. Crash Bandicoot rocks!

  • Jenny says: 16 December 2014, 1:59pm

    Definitely Crash Bandicoot, I wouldnt be playing Play station if it wasnt for Crash Bandicoot, Best character ever! I still play it today!!!

  • Jaidev says: 16 December 2014, 2:03pm

    Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

    I first encountered Raiden when I purchased Mortal Kombat II for my PSX.
    Reason why I have a lasting impression was simply because it would bring together 3 of my cousins everyday during the Christmas New Year, school holidays in 1996/97.
    It was the single most fun I've had playing on a console with other people, we would each take turns playing 2 player, the losing player would swap out with a waiting player. This went on for upto 3 to 4 hours a day, every day for the holidays. Waiting players would prepare snacks, lunch and more snacks to eat during the battle rounds. We had a lot of Marmite chip sandwiches with a drink of Milo during this time. My Parents would bring an extra loaves of bread almost everyday. I consider this the greatest gaming event during my child/teen hood.

  • Thiago says: 16 December 2014, 3:24pm

    Solid Snake FTW:

    Metal Gear Solid was the first hollywood photography esque game on ps1 era. had great storytelling, charismatic characters, challenging gameplay(the memory card psychic reading was mind blow) and he saved the world from a nuclear menace. How cool is that.

    i remember back in time my family did not have money to afford one and a really close friend gave me his as a gift, was awesome and heart breaking once the playstation wasn't working properly and as my parents had no money to fix it i had to chase for my self, so along the year talking with friends and their parents(i was a young one) i roughly discover how to make works... and was amazing to see the VG working remember the first game on my new console was Final Fantasy 8 and boy was a good feeling, the Playstation CD lid had to be always open with a stick on the button inside the lid... believe or not the playstation still live up to this date, much better as I got older and could afford fixing.

    and also learn my English with final fantasy and metal gear, I know sounds normal for most of you guys but i'm a ESL and had no way to afford English lessons, I also know that my English it's not perfect, but I can communicate and today that make proud!

  • Matthew says: 16 December 2014, 3:49pm

    One of my first favorite hero would be Sir Daniel Fortesque from MediEvil on the ps1. I encounter this character way back in year 2000. one reason this character left
    an impression on me was because it was one of the first game i got what i actually higherd and tried clocking it without a memory card.(as i couldn't afford one at the time) The game play was also fun and challenging and i love all the silly one liners they trough in.
    One of my next favorite character is Cloud and Rikku from the final fantasy series. I went far out of my way to collect all the games in the series. I remember when playing final fantasy 10 on the ps2 back in 2004 My cat got her head stuck in a bag (just as i came across Rikku in the game) He ran up the wall to the roof in panic and then jumped of towards me slashing his claws across my legs. so that was one of the memorable event.
    I have many more favorite but these are my first favorite what i still love even now. and now totally loving the remaster fina lfantasy 10/10.2

  • Gary says: 16 December 2014, 4:32pm

    My favourite Playstation hero from the last 20 years is Kazunori Yamauchi, he is the producer of the Gran Turismo series.

    Although he is not a digital character that appears within any of the games, he is my Playstation hero because his passion and commitment is resonated in everything Gran Turismo. My first encounter with Gran Turismo 1 was in 1998, at that point in time, I did not personally own a Playstation. I was introduced to the game by my sister’s boyfriend. At the age of 11, I could care less about the mechanics of each car. But it was the encouragement and challenge laid by this game that convinced me to be better.

    It was the constant wish list and reminder to my parents that I finally got a Playstation 1 unit, that unit is still treasured to this day. My first game that I purchased was of course Gran Turismo 1. It was from then on the constant battle began, with millions of retries to obtain all gold in license test to the constant chases to beat that frustratingly fast Subaru Impreza Rally Edition. Car settings and driving lines were all learnt from the Gran Turismo series and to this day, I personally own the foundations of that Subaru Impreza Rally Edition, a Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type R.

    Not only has Kazunori Yamauchi’s creation of Gran Turismo leave a lasting impression with me, it has impacted my life largely. With every new Gran Turismo release, I can see that the series is constantly striving to be on top of all aspects including details that other games would ignore, Kazunori’s passion and commitment has created a game that can help and inspire us to be the best in everything we do, his creation of GT Academy where gamers become real life race car drivers is a testament that with hard work that your dreams can be fulfill.

    With that in mind, my Playstation hero has taught me to be the very best I can, take in all details even if it might not be important to most and make it better. Living by those terms, it’ll teach us all to be the best we can be.

  • Brett says: 16 December 2014, 5:08pm

    Would have to say Barrett (FFVII), the first time i play through the game i just couldn't get over how awesome a gun for a hand would be in that world, i even - spoiler - accidentally ended up on a date with him at the Gold Saucer (confused me a little bit). Always had him in my party and wasn't really phased when - Spoiler - cloud goes missing for a while

  • fulton says: 16 December 2014, 5:57pm

    My personal fav would have to be good old crash bandicoot. He was always my favorite because i love the way he defeated Cortex in the third crash bandicoot game " Warped ". I loved collecting the crystals from the maps and defeating the bosses with Aku Aku's help. I used to imagine myself in there fighting off those villains. Crash was the first game i played way back when we ( my family ) first got a play station 1. Even fighting Uka Uka made in the final boss battle made me adore him and the game. But my absolute favorite game of all time, is still crash bandicoot, crash tag team racing. Who ever made that game was a god. That made my child hood and made a special place for crash in my heart, which is still there to this day.

  • Gareth says: 16 December 2014, 6:01pm

    Yuna from Final Fantasy X

    Sure I played lots of games from the original PSone and enjoyed crash bandicoot etc, but it wasn't until the PS2 came out that graphics and the capacity of games was at a stage where we could play in another world with real, believable characters.

    Final Fantasy X was one of the first games I played on PS2, and was the first time I ever played a game in this series (I have since played a lot more!). My family couldn't afford a PS2, and so I borrowed a friends one near the end of high school to try it out. I was drawn into the amazing world of Spira and the characters who were amazingly relatable.

    Yuna was the stand out character for me. She was such a brave dedicated character, willing to give all and sacrifice herself to save Spira, only for a short time to give the residents a period of the calm. It was an exciting experience to watch her develop as a person, and see her relationships grow and flourish, particularly with the protagonist Tidus.

    The graphics and design of the character were absolutely amazing. The oriental style dress and the outstanding summoning sequences really blew me away. Such an amazing character with believable, relatable qualities and such magical power - all used for the good of Spira.

    No game since FFX has drawn me into its world and been so engrossing, making me want to play and to finish the story, just to see what happens to the characters.

    Naturally, I had to get the HD-remaster of it for PS3 when it came out! I pre-ordered the limited edition on Mighty Ape many months before it's release.

    As for what I was eating, I'm sure it was far too much chocolate and hot chips... not together of course! mmmmm

  • Jack says: 16 December 2014, 6:40pm

    For me it was definitely Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series, I remember the first time I watched the game in the old Central Park stores and was amazed by the gameplay in 1999, it was probably the game that turned me into a gamer for life.

  • Daniel says: 16 December 2014, 6:55pm

    Wow, tough question, Between Nate from Uncharted, Ellie and Joel from The Last of Us and the older ones like Crash Bandicoot. For me though it has to be Jimmy Patterson from the original Medal of Honor.

    I got that game on release day for the PS1 and I was so excited for it and it did not disappoint. I played that game for hours on end, day in day out for I dont know how long. Even to this day, 15 years later, I can go back and play it and still know where all the enemies are.

    It was "the" game that made me a first person shooter fanatic that I am today. Great memories, hopefully when I win the classicly designed PS4 I can create some more great memories : )

  • Phoebe says: 16 December 2014, 7:34pm

    This has got to be the hardest question I have ever come across...
    But after thinking about this for DAYS, I have to say it is Tombi (or Tomba in America). That pink haired crazy kid who has to bite evil pigs has got to still be one of the best games ever made. I take that game out every single year. I still recall how it took me months to save up for the second one, it was the first thing I ever saved for.

  • Liam says: 16 December 2014, 7:35pm

    Well, I would have to say "Budd", from "Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam" back in the days of the PS2.

    I really got into the game, learning all of the twists and turns, perfecting my tricks, and discovering secret passages. The character videos before races really gave each one his/her own personality which I really enjoyed. I would play each level many times, getting the best times possible and destroying my friends and siblings. Budd stood out to me, as I enjoyed the things he said and his style. When looking at the race records you could always see mine on top with the character Budd. I can remember the excitement as I got a new trick highscore after massive grinds leading to huge ramps where I would pull off the perfect stunts. It truly was a great time.

    If we are getting down to the 'nitty-gritty' then you might have seen me with a packet of chips, out-racing all of my friends with my gaming prowess.

    This was definitely one of the first games that really got me started in gaming. Times like those just can't be beaten :)

  • Andrew says: 16 December 2014, 8:52pm

    823 comments and half of them are related to a Final Fantasy game!

    Well mine is no different, Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.

    I remember being in Smiths City Timaru (yes Timaru!) back in 1995. A starry eyed boy who had played Zelda on SNES and Alex the Kidd on Master System. Seeing FF7 with 3D graphics, seeing Cloud summon Ifrit was jaw dropping. Cloud was the strong silent warrior who stood up for what he believed in, he was damaged but he had the courage to face his issues and triumph over them. The great thing was also that he could not have done it without his friends. I still smile to myself when I hear the battle victory music.

    Final Fantasy 7 and Clouds story was a defining moment for me, I realised the video games can have a deep story, an enthralling narrative and unique characters.

  • Mitch says: 16 December 2014, 9:10pm

    My stand out favourite hero from PlayStation is of course the one and only Aku Aku from the crash bandicoot series.
    Aku Aku is my favourite character from PlayStation because of his God like powers to protect the protagonist racers against the evil antagonist racers.
    Me and Aku Aku first meet in the mystery caves from crash team racing on PlayStation one where I would always fail the big jump over the lava. I was already coming last and Aku Aku came to my rescue and helped me onto a huge come from behind win bashing all the other racers as I passed them which advanced me to the next race.
    Since then, Aku Aku continued to help me through the hard stages of the crash team racing campaign. He was always there for me when things weren't going my way which has always had a lasting impression on me. His commitment to help me (crash bandicoot) tought me two life lessons, to never give up and always help others.
    The music that plays when he is helping you is awesome as well.
    "Akuaku" is also a former New Zealand settlement which is a good link to New Zealand.
    At the time of first meeting my idol Aku Aku I was probably eating weet bix. Aku Aku has been deserviced since (not appeared since) crash bandicoot nitro kart 2 but his effects, saves, laughs and memories shared with him will never be forgotten. BringbackAkuAku

  • justin says: 16 December 2014, 10:22pm

    My first encounter with the Playstation was when I was four on the PS1 with the first Crash Bandicoot. Crash has since then been my all time favourite Play station character. I have played and finished every Crash game on PS1 with my favourite being Crash Team Racing. Crash was my hero because he taught me to never give up no matter how many times I died, especially on the level road to nowhere. 18 years on my stuffed toy Crash Bandicoot still sits on a chair in my room.

  • Brendan says: 16 December 2014, 11:18pm

    Hi, my hero isn't a game character, it's a person.
    That person is Kazunori Yamauchi, the influence behind Gran Turismo.
    The first edition of that game amazed me on release day, and I have eagerly awaited each subsequent release since.
    So, to sum up, many thanks to Kazunori Yamauchi for almost 16 years of gaming enjoyment, and a special note to Ken Kutaragi for his vision in developing the playstation.

  • Erin says: 16 December 2014, 11:29pm

    I love Crash Bandicoot. No animal rocks a pair of cut-off jeans quite like him. My Playstation skills are largely restricted to mashing the buttons with my ham hands so I get frustrated with a lot of games quite quickly, but I actually completed the original one and it remains my crowning glory to this day.

  • Jonathan says: 17 December 2014, 1:24am

    My favourite hero over the past 20 years on playstation would have to be Gabriel Logan from the Syphon Filter series. He is awesome because he has mad skills on the battlefield and should be MLG because he can quickscope better than Captain Price from Call of Duty, all his enemies declare that eliminating him is a top priority.

  • Hamish says: 17 December 2014, 1:31am

    First game i ever touched was Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer. Waiting for my older brother to leave the room to go toilet or make himself something to eat and sneaking on his PSone and running round just charging into anything i could see (often was a wall haha). The first game i finished more than once because i enjoyed it, not because it had trophies that required me to do a second playthrough.

    Another all time favourite was Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy meets disney. it cant get any better than that. And with the released of the two new remixes i can play them again in beautiful HD. And if i won a PS4 i could jam out Kingdom Hearts 3 for my first next gen game. wink wink haha :P

  • Hayden says: 17 December 2014, 3:18am

    It all started when my neighbors were having a garage sale, they had a PS1 with 20 or so games for $20 so my dad got it for us! And in this pack we came across CRASH TEAM RACING.. This was the most incredible game i had come across and i was good at it! It was so fun, my mates would always come around and play, we could only do 2 player split screen back then(now on my ps3 i can do 4players :O) I had only played the first Crash Bandicoot when i got this game, and it was great, but this was different this was AMAZING! CTR is still one of my favorite games and i am still really good at it, i can still beat all my mates and family ;). Crash Team Racing is my favorite racing game off all time. CTR had an amazing roster and there was never a character you wouldn't want to be! I love all Crash Bandicoot games (mostly on PS1) but Crash is my gaming icon haha. Crash Bandicoot has been my first game on ps1,2 and 3 (from the psn store) He has been there my whole life. I hope Sony brings Crash back to life.

    Oh and i would of been eating weet-bix back then.. ;)

  • Peter says: 17 December 2014, 6:01am

    The guy from Grand theft auto III (does he have a name?) Was the first time I'd played on a console and it convinced me to move away from pc gaming and buy a ps2. Free roaming, running around wasting bad dudes, lots of different cars to drive and in the end he saves the girl. All without saying a word!

  • Malcolm says: 17 December 2014, 7:38am

    Ghost off Destiny. He is always with you and never does the job correctly. You can always count on little ghost to mess up the decryption or tripping over a safeguard causing you to fight your way through the hoards.

  • Shane says: 17 December 2014, 8:32am

    Aku Aku from the original Crash Bandicoot. I played that game to death. I would be so protective of my Aku Aku masks so I could get three at a time, then the music would change to a fast jungle drum beat and you would know it was go time. You had a limited time of invulnerability to get through as many traps as possible but you could still fall to your death so you couldn’t be totally reckless. Plus who does not love a mad witch doctor. I even dressed up as him a couple of Halloweens ago. Best costume I ever made.

  • PHILLIP says: 17 December 2014, 8:46am

    LEI Wulong from TEKKEN

    My first encounter with Tekken was on a demo disc witch sent me on my quest for a Full game Tekken 3. I was impressed by Tekken and the character LEI as his martial art moves resemble some of my favorite martial arts movie heroes Jackie Chan, Jet Li and bruce lee.
    playing VS mode with family and friends why eating chocolate afghans milk rice bubbles was some crazy & memorable times, playing solo watching my favorite hero endings throughout the tekken series PERFECT. Tekken 7 on PS4 :)

  • Brendan says: 17 December 2014, 8:52am

    From the first time I got a playstation1, one character paved the way for my gaming experience. Crash Bandicoot. The naughty dog series of Crash Bandicoot. If not for playing Crash Bandicoot I would be the gamer I am today. Saying Crash Bandicoot leads to the premis of UNCHARTED. Crach was the Original Drake, leading to another great Hero of mine. Crash Bandicoot to me was and is the face of the playstation universe for the last 20 years. Staying up late playing Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back, from the moment before school playing for the hour and a half before leaving, and playing Crash Bash till 4 o'clock in the morning with my cousins.

    Carrying that all other to the intense Uncharted Series is still the same, turning on my ps3 30mins before work and get home to play. Good memories best memories :)

  • Gemma says: 17 December 2014, 10:06am

    It was a stormy night, and as I stumbled home from a pub quiz (which we won, remarkably) I remembered I had received in the mail, that very day, a very special game. The year was 2005. I was a little late with this game because my disposable income was, shall we put it, non-existent, when this game was released.

    When I finally got in the door, the taste of Guinness and hot chips still in my mouth, I ran to open my parcel. Fumbling with the sellotape, I, in my drunken state, got fed up and grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen, slicing it open to reveal the mystery within. With the game finally in my hands, I raced to put it in my PlayStation. I knew virtually nothing about this game, but it had come highly recommended by many of my friends.

    I waited through the familiar bassy boot up of the PS1 (a sound that still puts a smile on my face to this day) and held my breath in anticipation. Then, I got blasted with a high volume “NANANANANANA ON SHA!” and a pink loading screen, and the smile dropped from my face. I stare, blankly and in disbelief at the absurdity, before I was met with the strange title screen of Um Jammer Lammy. I couldn’t believe I spent my hard earned money on this! A two dimensional lamb smiled at me, playing her odd looking guitar. The graphics looked terrible. The music seemed even worse.

    But I thought, I spent good money on this, I may as well give it a go. By the time I was putting out fires with Lammy’s magical tunes, much to my dismay, a smile had begun to curl wryly at the sides of my mouth.

    It was settled. As much as I hated to admit, I had found my PlayStation hero and one of my favourite games of all time. It was a sleeper hit for me. PlayStation so often gets a reputation for being adult, having gritty, realistic games, and being mature. The true magic of PlayStation, however, lies in the unlikely heroes, the strange and unusual, and sometimes the downright weird. When I think back on the last 20 years, it’s not the million seller shooters that I look back on most fondly, but the quirky, funny games that reflect the true magic of PlayStation. Bold, strong, and strange characters like Lammy, that dared to be different, will always put a smile of my face.

  • Adam says: 17 December 2014, 10:57am

    My favorite playstation character is Kratos the Spartan, with a very emotional story about betrayal, revenge and redemption.
    Kratos is so awesome because in God Of War 3, you could feel his anger and the ruthless way he goes through every god and goes the distance just so that he can get his hands on Zeus.
    What also makes Kratos awesome is that he is different than the other playstation characters, when it comes to analysing his character, you cannot tell if he Is a good or bad guy, anti-hero is the best way to describe him.
    I was super excited when God Of War 3 was announced and could not wait to play as Kratos to seek revenge on the gods who abandoned and betrayed him and made him kill his own family.
    I have all the God of War games and cannot wait for the next game to be released.

  • Ben says: 17 December 2014, 12:35pm

    Solid Snake!!!

    Metal Gear Solid on Playstation one was the first serious game I played as far and gameplay and story went, it started my real obsession with gaming! From the epic boss battles like the tank battle with Vulcan raven and the fist fight with Liquid on top of Metal Gear Rex! To the thrilling and awesome story twists like where Meryl gets shot by sniper wolf or the elevator battle scene.

    I have lost count of how many times I have played and finished it but it never gets old. I would love it if they made a remake for the Playstation 4 so I could relive the game and memories in glorious HD!

    If it wasn't for this excellent game I don't think I would be as heavily into gaming as I am today.


    Ps I was probably eating chips and drinking Mountain Dew the essential gaming food.

  • Shona says: 17 December 2014, 2:18pm

    My first encounter with PS was Resident Evil 1 (or rather Bio hazard cause it's spankier) to this day I look back on that game with the fondest memories. As the first horror game I'd played it scared the begeezus out of me and made me laugh with how long it took you just to turn around, the cruddier storage capability (if you chose Chris, and if you were a teenage girl with raging hormones you probably did. :P) or rocking it out with Jill cause she was bad ass and it made you feel bad ass. Whenever I walk on wooden floors I am transported back to that creepy mansion even now. Sooooo I'm gonna have to go with Jill Valentine on this one cause girl powa!

  • Tanya says: 17 December 2014, 4:53pm

    Lara Croft and Jak are two characters that kick started my love of gaming and left a long lasting impression on me. Even now, I still love to play the Tomb Raider and Jak games on my PS2 with my friends (except for Angel of Darkness, which we refuse to talk about). Yet in spite of all this, I'm surprising even myself by saying that rather than either of them, my favourite PlayStation hero from the past 20 years is Ellie from The Last of Us.

    That's right -I have 20 years of awesome characters to choose from, and I go for one from only 2013. But for good reason!
    When The Last of Us first came out, I was pretty hyped up for it, but was disappointed that I wouldn't get to play it since broke teenagers don't have the money for PlayStation 3's. Thankfully, I was still able to experience the game through a playthrough on YouTube. After that initial section with Joel and Sarah, I knew I was sold on the game. I abandoned the thought of any homework, settled down with an unhealthy amount of V, and prepared myself to meet the character from the posters that I was really interested in; Ellie.

    One of the first things I noticed was that Ellie was a 14 year old girl with a side fringe. At the time, I was ALSO a 14 year old girl with a side fringe. Although I wanted to be optimistic, I thought that this was where the similarities would end. Teenage girls are rarely portrayed in a positive (or even realistic) light, but oh was I wrong. With Ellie, Naughty Dog created the most realistic character I've ever encountered. I was stunned at just how easy it was to relate to her. I was even more stunned when I saw that she could hold her own, and wasn't created for the sole purpose of being an annoying burden on Joel. Ellie was strong, she was smart, she was useful.
    Even though I knew that what Joel did in the end was wrong (in terms of thinking about the greater good), I found myself siding with him. I knew that Ellie would have wanted them to use her to find a cure, but I was glad that Joel didn't let that happen. I knew that it was a selfish move on his part, but I couldn't bring myself to care about just how selfish it was. I was so emotionally invested in Ellie that all I wanted was for her to be alive and safe, regardless of how immoral it may be.

    Ellie is a fighter, a survivor. Joel says it best when Marlene asks how they traveled across the country and he replies "It was her. She fought like hell to get here.". Her sheer determination and strength are big reasons behind why I love the character so much. She may not be everybody's conventional idea of a 'hero', but Ellie is definitely a hero to me.

  • Tom says: 17 December 2014, 5:22pm

    Abe from Abe's Odyssey. He's awesome because he frees the other Mudokens from the oppressive conditions at their food processing plant and is an all around bro. Highly underrated when looking back at the Playstation's heroes. Love you Abe x0x0x0

  • Tom says: 17 December 2014, 5:22pm

    Abe from Abe's Odyssey. He's awesome because he frees the other Mudokens from the oppressive conditions at their food processing plant and is an all around bro. Highly underrated when looking back at the Playstation's heroes. Love you Abe x0x0x0

  • Mason says: 17 December 2014, 6:12pm

    My favourite was abe from the oddworld series- one of my first games on the origanal ps1.
    I loved that game even though it made me tear my hair out at times!
    Have it again through DLC and its still a really hard but very addictive game.

  • Scott says: 17 December 2014, 6:16pm

    Mine has to be Big Boss from the MGS series. You first hear about him in MGS 1 but don't truly get to know his story until MGS 3 on the ps2 he it's the main instigator over the whole series what he did in the events of Portable Ops Peace Walker and now The Phantom Pain set the stage for Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 4. Without him there would be no MGS without him there would be no life.

  • Adrian says: 17 December 2014, 6:44pm

    Squall from Final Fantasy 8, he was bad ass with his gun blade and his rivalry with Seifer was awesome, at the end of disk one had a icicle straight through him and survived, so aweomse.

  • Quinn says: 17 December 2014, 7:55pm

    Zeke Dunbar from inFamous, i really think Zeke is a great guy because he always has coles back (even after Zeke betrays Cole) if you put that a side he really is a great hero. hes a funny awesome bad ass and he created the most bad ass weapon ever in gaming (my personal opinion) he also saves coles ass many times so the world wold be destroyed with out him, even that hes considered an antihero but hes still my favorite PlayStation hero

  • Allen says: 17 December 2014, 8:31pm

    Mine is definitely Solid Snake from the first Metal Gear Solid on PS one. First of all, it's my favourite game in the series: it has the best plot, lots of special moments, some great music pieces and two of my favourite antagonists of the series Liquid Snake and Ocelot. It also has my favourite metal gear Rex. And it's before the plot gets out of control in the rest of the series.

    Snake, after being forced back in Foxhound, has to find out the truth behind the terror attack caused by former Foxhound members. But he was really there to assassinate the members one by one with the FoxDie nano machine. He is strong, he withstand the torture by Ocelot, but he also shows sympathy towards the people around him. He has a sense of humour and he cannot live without his one true love, the cardboard box (A, B, C variation).

  • Jae Sub says: 17 December 2014, 9:30pm

    The main character from Persona 3 Portable because this guy saved the whole dam world! I first encountered him on the PlayStation portable when my friend introduced me to this jrpg game. This was my first jrpg, when I saw this I thought it was boring, but until I actually played this game, I fell in love with it. This was the best game I had ever played, not only this the main character was badass! He used the bonds of friendship he had forged with people he had met in his life which unlocked the universe Arcana, giving him the power of the universe, so not op. by using this new power he fought against Nyx (if you know about Greek mythology, Nyx is crazy powerful) in a one on one battle for the world, and using his entire life force, he made the great seal, to seal away Nyx. By performing the great seal at the cost of his own life, he had saved the world from Nyx, and not only this he had forced himself to live for one more month from that event, just to keep a certain promise with his friends. Unfortunately due to certain events, he retained his memories unlike his other friends about the Dark hour and Nyx to keep a promise he made to meet his friends on Graduation Day. When he fulfils his promise he falls asleep smiling. This guy is just that awesome! Gave up his life for the world! and even though he should have been dead after performing the great seal, he had forced himself to live for one more month because promises with your friends is just that important.

  • brett says: 17 December 2014, 9:51pm

    My favourite character would have to be solid snake from metal gear solid, I remember this not only because of the great stealth game play but the mechanics that blew my mind, also this one had a story that you could follow :) I remember searching in the game for hours before realising that meryl's codec frequency was actually on the back of the physical CD case. Ill be honest and say that before playstation came along I was was a Sega fan boy but after 10mins of seeing what Playstation had to offer I never looked back. I had to beg my parents to return the Sega CD so I could get a Playstation.

  • Tim says: 17 December 2014, 10:13pm

    Definitely Yuna from Final Fantasy X.

    The fact that she went on an extensive, grueling journey to selflessly save the lives of the people of Spira is such an attractive and inspiring quality. She is beautiful both internally and externally and possess all the qualities I wish my future wife had (lol).

    I was happy that she didn't die in the end but felt really bad for her because of Tidus dying for her, making the ending even more tragic. The love story of this Final Fantasy game was without a doubt the best in the series and will be forever remembered due to this game being my first on PS2 (the best console ever) :)

  • Trent says: 17 December 2014, 10:34pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero would probably have to be Cole MacGrath from the inFAMOUS series. InFAMOUS was my first game on Ps3 and I loved it. It I only had the one game on Ps3 to start with so I played it a lot, I mean a lot!

    I found Cole a very cool character as he had such a bad life and experienced so much distraught throughout the first game, but ultimately in the end, possessed the power to do whatever he wanted, where that be good or bad.

    And that was the best part of Cole. He wasn't just a single character, technically he was multiple characters in one. You control if Cole is a good guy or a bad guy and everything in between. Cole was whatever you wanted him to be.

    Another aspect of Cole was that he's a total bad ass! In inFAMOUS 1 he goes from floundering with his powers to dropping thunderstorms on Kessler like they're nothing. Then in inFAMOUS 2 he gets even more slicker moves and either fire-ish or ice powers as well. His powers are some of the coolest you can find in gaming and it's fun watching him lunge around New Marais and Empire City.

    I also find Cole my favourite hero because he was the first character I felt for. Seeing Trish die in game 1 was very disheartening but in the end you find out the man responsible for her death, Kessler, is actually Cole from the future, strengthening the present Cole through pain in preparation for, The Beast. Finding out in game 2 the Beast was John was also a major surprise. John was a great associate and friend of Cole's and I had watched him die in the previous game so to see him come back to life as the antagonist was crazy.

    Either way John dies in the end but seeing the other relationships you form crash down is even worse. The most sad however is in the bad ending when Cole is forced to kill his best friend Zeke as I warmed to the relationship between them two through the games and could relate to their, 'brother from another mother', type relationship. I found Cole very understandable in this circumstance as he had succumbed to his own greed and it drastically affected those he held most dear. In the good ending I find it especially sad when Cole sacrifices himself in the final battle with John because I had a two game journey with Cole and it came to a valiant, but bitter-sweet ending.

    In Conclusion, Cole MacGrath is my personal PlayStation hero because he has a very sad but interesting story about his life, including but not limited to, forced to kill his own wife in the past, sacrificing himself for the rest of the world, kills his future self, accidentally activating a bomb that gives him super powers but ravages half a city, destroys a living nuclear weapon known as The Beast and most tear-jerkingly, murdering his life-long friend, Zeke Dunbar. Cole is awesome because there's no other PS character quite like him who blends amplified exhilarating high speed free-running and world beating super powers with a multi-layered personality that can be customized and manipulated to my desire.

  • Ethan says: 17 December 2014, 10:39pm

    Soap Mactavish. As the defining character from the Modern Warfare series, he got the players involved in the campaign and had the most meaningful role in any first person shooter. He is what made the modern warfare franchise so popular.

  • Ethan says: 17 December 2014, 10:39pm

    Soap Mactavish. As the defining character from the Modern Warfare series, he got the players involved in the campaign and had the most meaningful role in any first person shooter. He is what made the modern warfare franchise so popular.

  • Michael says: 17 December 2014, 10:59pm

    Straight up Crash Bandicoot!

    I remember the first time I ever played Playstation. I was 9 years old and It was with my good friend who use to live next door to me. He received a PS1 and brought Crash Bandicoot 2 with it. One day, I went around to his house to hang and he wanted to show me his new toy. He turned it on and immediately I was in love. I became soo jealous of my friend that I just had to have my own PS1 and a copy of a Crash Bandicoot game. I saved for months through doing chores and finally managed to save enough to buy my own. I couldnt stop smiling for the next week and nobody could pull me away from my PS1 and Crash Bandicoot.

    Crash Bandicoot is and always will be my favourite game character of all time.

  • Michael says: 17 December 2014, 10:59pm

    Straight up Crash Bandicoot!

    I remember the first time I ever played Playstation. I was 9 years old and It was with my good friend who use to live next door to me. He received a PS1 and brought Crash Bandicoot 2 with it. One day, I went around to his house to hang and he wanted to show me his new toy. He turned it on and immediately I was in love. I became soo jealous of my friend that I just had to have my own PS1 and a copy of a Crash Bandicoot game. I saved for months through doing chores and finally managed to save enough to buy my own. I couldnt stop smiling for the next week and nobody could pull me away from my PS1 and Crash Bandicoot.

    Crash Bandicoot is and always will be my favourite game character of all time.

  • Ben says: 17 December 2014, 11:42pm

    Ive always been a playstation fan ever since i was young, from ps1 all the way through to ps4. Out of all the games ive played, ratchet and clank are probably the two heros that impacted on my gaming history.

    I still remeber the day my mum came through the door with a silver ps2 and ratchet and clank. It was the best feeling ever, but the bad thing was we never had a memory card so since we played through the game and got so far we didnt want to turn the ps2 off because we didnt want to loose the data.

    So they started on ps2 spanning through to playstation portable and now ps3 and soon next year they'll have there own movie which is pretty cool. And im pretty excited for that.

    But when the ps3's came out, ratchet and clank tools of destuction came out as well and i couldnt believe it, after all that time they changed to next gen so thats when i knew i had to change to ps3 because i needed to continue the journey and to see what was install for ratchet and clank.

  • Ben says: 17 December 2014, 11:43pm

    Ive always been a playstation fan ever since i was young, from ps1 all the way through to ps4. Out of all the games ive played, ratchet and clank are probably the two heros that impacted on my gaming history.

    I still remeber the day my mum came through the door with a silver ps2 and ratchet and clank. It was the best feeling ever, but the bad thing was we never had a memory card so since we played through the game and got so far we didnt want to turn the ps2 off because we didnt want to loose the data.

    So they started on ps2 spanning through to playstation portable and now ps3 and soon next year they'll have there own movie which is pretty cool. And im pretty excited for that.

    But when the ps3's came out, ratchet and clank tools of destuction came out as well and i couldnt believe it, after all that time they changed to next gen so thats when i knew i had to change to ps3 because i needed to continue the journey and to see what was install for ratchet and clank.

  • Ben says: 17 December 2014, 11:43pm

    Ive always been a playstation fan ever since i was young, from ps1 all the way through to ps4. Out of all the games ive played, ratchet and clank are probably the two heros that impacted on my gaming history.

    I still remeber the day my mum came through the door with a silver ps2 and ratchet and clank. It was the best feeling ever, but the bad thing was we never had a memory card so since we played through the game and got so far we didnt want to turn the ps2 off because we didnt want to loose the data.

    So they started on ps2 spanning through to playstation portable and now ps3 and soon next year they'll have there own movie which is pretty cool. And im pretty excited for that.

    But when the ps3's came out, ratchet and clank tools of destuction came out as well and i couldnt believe it, after all that time they changed to next gen so thats when i knew i had to change to ps3 because i needed to continue the journey and to see what was install for ratchet and clank.

  • Victoria says: 18 December 2014, 6:09am

    My favourite PlayStation hero is Jude Mathis from Tales of Xillia (PS3). I stumbled upon this game last year during a hunt for a good JRPG.
    Jude is awesome. He's a dedicated med student and martial artist who decides to embark on a risky investigation into some strange deaths - can't really get any better than that. I really enjoyed his dialogues throughout the game. This character really came to life for me.
    Brilliant game. Totally captivating.

  • liam says: 18 December 2014, 10:56am

    My favourite PlayStation hero would have to be Crash Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot, obviously. I first played the game when I was about 6 on the PS1, of course I didn't really know what I was doing at that age but as I grew older I began to play it more and also began to know what to do. My most favourite Crash Bandicoot game was Crash team racing, I would play that game for hours on end, that's what left the lasting impression and of course I would have been eating nothing at the time because that would mean pausing the game to go and get some food. :P

  • Ben says: 18 December 2014, 11:30am

    Mine would have to be Crash Bandicoot. It was the first game that I had played on console and it lead me to become a gamer. I think i was around 6 or 7 when we got a PlayStation which came with Crash Bandicoot and ever since then I have been gaming.

  • samantha says: 18 December 2014, 1:31pm

    Was a tough decision between Ratchet and Clank and God of wars Kratos. Has to be Kratos, he was the primary reason for me upgrading from my PS2 to PS3 all due to God of War 3 only being for PS3.

  • Sam says: 18 December 2014, 1:56pm

    In all honesty it would definitely have to be Ty the Tasmanian tiger for the PS2 :) I have really strong memories of staying up with my friends collecting all the bilbies and opals we could. All of this was back in like 2002 when I first got my Playstation which was a big deal for me as I had to work cleaning the car and doing dishes to save half of the cost of a Ps2 with my dad paying the other half for my birthday. Hes an odd character to choose I know but ill never forget him or the lasting memories I have of that game. And cmon any endangered species of animal from Tasmania that throws different elemental boomerangs to stop an evil cassowary and rescue his family is completely bada*s.

  • Charles says: 18 December 2014, 2:18pm

    By far the toughest question ever!

    I love so many of the charcters and so many genre of games that have been brought to life over the many generations of Playstation consoles.

    Krato's and Dante (especially in Ninja Theory's take of him in DMC) showed that combat can really be flowing and truely be epic in every way.

    Sora, Mickey, Donald, Goofy and the
    Huge range of charcters that fill each Kingdom Hearts make it one of my favourite of all time!

    Spyro, Crash, Sackboy, Skylanders and Disney Inifinity are just plain fun and great to play with this generation of younger gamers.

    Nathan Drake and Joel and most of the Assassins Creed charcters had charcters and stories with amazing depth to them and the story.

    Back in the day of the PS1 and PS2 Squall, Cloud and Vincent from the Final Fantasy series are so cool they have have cult-like following.

    ... Then there was Darksiders with the main charcter, "War"... OMG, this for me was one of my favourites...

    The comic style art direction from Joe Madureira
    mixed with tight level design and surperb voice again, not to mention you get to rider a horse "Ruin" that you can summon from fire / ash out of the ground... if anything deserved a #badass tag then it's that.

    But for me the winner has to be the charcter
    "Tiny Tina" from "Borderlands 2". (PS3)

    I was hooked the moment the intro cinematic played, the gameplay was great but as most people will say the game was really enjoyable when you worked with "Tiny Tina" a 13 year old girl who fills the role of a slightly mentally unstable demolitions expert.

    I remembered last year (2013) going through her funny and weird quests while listening to her dialogue provided a lot of laughs and better yet she even got her own D&D themed DLC episode where you play in a D&D world narrated by her.

    I would suggest not trying to eat or drink while playing though the tiny tina episode as a few times I ended up laughing with a mouthful and it goign everywhere.

    Enjoy some of Tiny Tina's lines:

  • Claire says: 18 December 2014, 2:34pm

    It's rather difficult choosing one character which has been a hero to me throughout my PlayStation life time, but I will choose Axel. I first encountered him on a PS2 (not so vintage, but he's worth it

  • Claire says: 18 December 2014, 2:34pm

    It's rather difficult choosing one character which has been a hero to me throughout my PlayStation life time, but I will choose Axel. I first encountered him on a PS2 (not so vintage, but he's worth it

  • Josh says: 18 December 2014, 3:16pm

    I've been playing PlayStation games since the days of the PS1, but I have to say that my favourite hero is a recent one: Joel from The Last of Us. He taught us that no matter what problems life throws at you, you can always shiv something in the neck. Right in the neck.

  • Cheng says: 18 December 2014, 3:23pm

    I guess i'll start with PS1: My favourite character was Crash Bandicoot, i know, not very original. The reason for him is because he was like PS1's mascot at the time and it was the obvious game to get. It was such an amazing game and i remember eating these cheesy stick chip things that gave out those hologram tab things. 90s as. I think i like Crash Bandicoot the most because everytime i see him, i can heard the PS1 booting up sound in my mind and it really brings me back to the 90s and fills me up with nostalgia.

    For the PS2, it was probably Tidus from Final Fantasy 10. I have probably spent 1000s of hours on that game. It's a game that i always go back to and play over and over again and try to get everything. I remember seeing the ads for this game and it blew my tiny mind. When i finally got a PS2 and loaded the game in, the Ps2 booting sound got me real excited and then the PlayStation 2 logo zoomed into the screen and the rest is history. Loved the PS2 the most i think. I stopped snacking while playing during this generation of consoles, didn't want to grease up my controllers haha.

    As for the PS3, my favourite character would be Joel from the Last of Us. He was a very complex character and i felt i could related to the decisions that he made and the way he handled things. It was refreshing to be a hero that is morally questionable and i loved that. Also, the story and experience of playing the game was unforgettable. Seriously one of the best games on the PS3.

    My picks aren't very unique but they're characters that mean something special for me and defined that generation of consoles for me.

  • Steven says: 18 December 2014, 3:30pm

    Jak & Daxter, Great platformer and replaying the HD versions recently made me annoyed none really make platformers like it any more.

  • Joshua says: 18 December 2014, 3:32pm

    Sora From Kingdom Hearts

    He's a small kid granted great power and gets to travel with 2 of the most well known Disney characters.

    He also get to interact with characters from final Fantasy another series i love.

    He beat back the darkness with his keyblade and confronts evil wherever he sees it.

    He may be really naive at times but he wear his heart on his sleeve.

  • Aidan says: 18 December 2014, 3:41pm

    My favourite would have to be Desmond from 'Infamous Second Son' because he is just so badass and i love the idea of being able to change your abilities in game, his voice acting is great and his lines are hilarious. I played it on my mates PS4 when i went to his house and now i want a PS4 to play my favourite character :'(

  • Aidan says: 18 December 2014, 3:41pm

    My favourite would have to be Desmond from 'Infamous Second Son' because he is just so badass and i love the idea of being able to change your abilities in game, his voice acting is great and his lines are hilarious. I played it on my mates PS4 when i went to his house and now i want a PS4 to play my favourite character :'(

  • Aidan says: 18 December 2014, 3:41pm

    My favourite would have to be Desmond from 'Infamous Second Son' because he is just so badass and i love the idea of being able to change your abilities in game, his voice acting is great and his lines are hilarious. I played it on my mates PS4 when i went to his house and now i want a PS4 to play my favourite character :'(

  • Aidan says: 18 December 2014, 3:41pm

    My favourite would have to be Desmond from 'Infamous Second Son' because he is just so badass and i love the idea of being able to change your abilities in game, his voice acting is great and his lines are hilarious. I played it on my mates PS4 when i went to his house and now i want a PS4 to play my favourite character :'(

  • Aidan says: 18 December 2014, 3:41pm

    My favourite would have to be Desmond from 'Infamous Second Son' because he is just so badass and i love the idea of being able to change your abilities in game, his voice acting is great and his lines are hilarious. I played it on my mates PS4 when i went to his house and now i want a PS4 to play my favourite character :'(

  • Ben says: 18 December 2014, 3:50pm

    Sora from Kingdom hearts, he was one of the first Heroes that really got me caught up in a game, all I wanted to do was follow his story. That and he had the most kick ass hair style.

  • Ben says: 18 December 2014, 3:50pm

    Sora from Kingdom hearts, he was one of the first Heroes that really got me caught up in a game, all I wanted to do was follow his story. That and he had the most kick ass hair style.

  • Ben says: 18 December 2014, 3:50pm

    Sora from Kingdom hearts, he was one of the first Heroes that really got me caught up in a game, all I wanted to do was follow his story. That and he had the most kick ass hair style.

  • Charles says: 18 December 2014, 3:55pm

    My PS hero would definitely have to be Crash Bandicoot from the main series. Crash Bandicoot I was the first PS game I ever played.

    Being a new kid in this country and at school was never easy for anyone. I didn't have a console of my own, so I would spend much of my weekends and time after school playing Crash Bandicoot at my neighbours house.

    A few years later, my family and I moved houses and that means I stopped getting the chance to play on the PS at my neighbour's place. I was devastated. To compensate for this, my parents thought it'll be good to get me a PS2 and the (at the time) new CB game, CB: The Wrath of Vortex. These CB games helped me killed time when I was bored and friendless, and as I grew older, made new friends, I slowly spent less and less time on the PS.

    To this day, I never got to finish the game and rescue Towna (I think that's her name).

  • Ben says: 18 December 2014, 3:58pm

    I know she has since been seen on other platforms, but...

    Lara Croft. Why? Because Lara Croft, Lara Croft, Lara Croft.

  • ayham says: 18 December 2014, 4:18pm

    Solid Snake.

    Why? grew up from the early 90s with him and still play all mgs games because of him! :P

  • Anne Marie says: 18 December 2014, 4:59pm

    Crash Bandicoot...not only were the first few games a lot of fun, but they were very bonding for my family too, I have so many good memories of that game

  • Anne Marie says: 18 December 2014, 4:59pm

    Crash Bandicoot...not only were the first few games a lot of fun, but they were very bonding for my family too, I have so many good memories of that game

  • Vatu says: 18 December 2014, 5:13pm

    Very difficult to say throughout many years of gaming on the PS but i'm going with the guy who stands out when i think about the original PS and consistency throughout all releases of PS consoles, Solid Snake from MGS.

    Snake is my biggest PS hero because when i think about the legacy of Playstation, instantly Snake comes to mind. My fondest childhood gaming circulated around the PS era and Snake seemed to be in midst of its success. I sharply remember when I first witnessed Snake in a play through demo (in my opinion the greatest demo EVER), and i knew that moment that Snake was a badass. He had this cool "Escape from LA" thing going on with his black bandana and his sturdy haircut and not only that, his character design and voice casting, were brilliant. He personifies the phrase "one man army", and he is the sole reason why i'm a heavy supporter of the PS brand.

    A big reason why i wished MGSV was a PS exclusive.
    Because lets be serious, Snake is a PS hero - not a Xbox hero.

  • Hayden says: 18 December 2014, 5:20pm

    Solid Snake.

    A mercenary/spy/special ops agent tasked with disarming and destroying nuclear mecha. He does it single-handedly like a boss.

  • Dan says: 18 December 2014, 5:37pm

    From PSOne to PS3 I've had lots of great memories and bought lots of fun games but my favourite PS hero has to be Solid Snake!
    The first Metal Gear Solid game really set the standard for stealth/espionage games and Snake was a perfect fit for this epic series. It's been an interesting ride seeing this character develop from a young eager warrior to a grizzled veteran,
    I've enjoyed his interactions with his colleagues but most of all I loved running around disguised as a box or barrel. It's the ultimate anti detection accessory!
    I'm eagerly awaiting Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain but until then I'll settle with replaying the classics in the Metal Gear Solid Collection. It never gets old.

  • Dan says: 18 December 2014, 5:37pm

    From PSOne to PS3 I've had lots of great memories and bought lots of fun games but my favourite PS hero has to be Solid Snake!
    The first Metal Gear Solid game really set the standard for stealth/espionage games and Snake was a perfect fit for this epic series. It's been an interesting ride seeing this character develop from a young eager warrior to a grizzled veteran,
    I've enjoyed his interactions with his colleagues but most of all I loved running around disguised as a box or barrel. It's the ultimate anti detection accessory!
    I'm eagerly awaiting Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain but until then I'll settle with replaying the classics in the Metal Gear Solid Collection. It never gets old.

  • Hayden says: 18 December 2014, 6:12pm

    For me, I would have to say (and this is with heavy bias lol), Spyro the Dragon. His smart-ass, cheeky personality was PERFECT for a little boy like I was myself. His remarks to the baddies always made me crack up and still do to this day.
    The first Spyro game I actually played was Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer (or Ripto's Rage for the 'muricans). I got it for Christmas when I was 7 (2000) and I will never forget receiving it because what happened is my auntie, who bought it for me, had played it before she gave it to me, so she knew what to do in the first boss fight (Crush, the wierd dragon with a gnarly club). However, when I first got up to this fight, I got my ass handed to me a few times. Now I had no idea that she played it before she gave it to me, so my auntie says; "Give me the controller" and proceeds to kick his ass, first try ON MY SAVE (was a big deal as a kid lol). So I proceeded to fully rage quit and storm out of the house, much to my families entertainment. I ended up sitting out the back of my grandparent's garden sulking until my auntie came out and told me how she managed to perform such a feat. As kids do, I got over it really quickly and spent the rest of the day playing Spyro 2 with my auntie, which is still one of the best Christmases of my life to this day (and my auntie still gives me grief about my reaction that day as well lol). And I still remember Spyro 2 was the first game I ever completed 100%, and I tried to collect all the skill points, but didn't really use the internet back then. Another thing that makes Spyro so special to me is the fact that my auntie bought me Spyro 1 for my 8th birthday after seeing how much I enjoyed 2, and then got me Spyro 3 the day it came out.
    One thing that really contrasts to me when I think about that is because my auntie was so cheeky about it all, it seemed to reflect really well on Spyro's cheeky nature as well. All these things together solidify the fact that the game will always hold an INCREDIBLY special place in my heart, the nostalgic feelings get me all tingly inside :')
    Another great thing about the first three Spyro games is that they still hold up incredibly well to this day, I bought the trilogy on PSN for my Vita and PS3, and thrashed them, and Spyro's humor still made me crack up to this day, and I still see him as the awesome, cool as hell dragon that I did when I first saw him Christmas day in 2000.

  • Miles says: 18 December 2014, 6:12pm

    From PS2 ratchet from ratchet and clank because i loved the game and i remember playing it when i was a kid and how much cool stuff you could get.

  • KIWI says: 18 December 2014, 7:22pm

    Cervantes, Soulblade, original Gen1 console. I was fresh out of uni and making rent by working at an appliance store as an invisible accounting grunt, and I happened to be doing inventory of promo giveaways in the secure room when the local Sony rep arrived to deliver a pallet of PS consoles as giveaways.

    We got talking and I mentioned how I had seen the game in play and thought it was quite badass, and was saving my pay to buy a console and the game. We talked for about half an hour about the game and I blathered on like a demented teenie Twihard about how much awesome it was to be a kickass pirate fighting with dual haunted swords. Looking back on it now, I cringe at how much of a dork I must have looked. Eventually, he got the chance to talk and asked how long I had been saving and how close I was. "About a month so far, and I am ages away from getting one."

    "I'll see what I can do... leave it with me." he said with a smirk and walked out.

    A week later and he was back, delivering a pallet of Sony IR wireless headphones for the next giveaway promo. He saw me heading past the door and hailed me. "Hey! Got something for you!"

    When I approached, he handed me a Playstation console, two spare controllers, a couple of memory cards, a copy of Soul Blade, and a set of the headphones too! "Merry Christmas, kick arse mate," he said (in July!) and departed.

    I never got his name, and I never saw him again because I got accepted to a better job 3 days later. I have owned every iteration of the Playstation since then, except this one... because now I am married, with a family, and too many bills to spend money on a games console.

    I still have my original copy of Soulblade. The case is munted, the disc has been resurfaced a couple of times, but it still runs well in the old PS2.

  • William says: 18 December 2014, 7:42pm

    Its gotta be Captain Qwark hands down.Not exactly your "ideal" superhero, But does it matter when he wears green tights, has a pet monkey and a hmmm, well a "smoken" girlfriend. Yea he might have not been quite the savior we thought he was in the start, and did maybe, kinda, just might have ratchet and clank one or two times. But look at him now! Hes been helping Ratchet and Clank in the toughest of times. Who can forgive this big old sissy when he went undercover as nurse Shannon in ratchet and clank all for one, or the time when he turned into a cave man in ratchet and clank up your arsenal.
    Caption Quark is definitely not your perfect hero. But what hero is? He's funny, stupid, even qwarkey! (bod-um ch). But Ratchet and Clank wouldn't be what it is today if it wan't our foolish futile hero. He made Ratchet and clank stand out from the moment we meet him on the PlayStation 2, He was still rocking on the PlayStation 3, and lets hope he still has many years to com on the PlayStation 4. Captain Qwark, you gotta love em.

  • Alex says: 18 December 2014, 9:17pm

    Squall Leonheart from FFIIX

    I grew up playing that game so often that I had all off the cards in the game before even leaving the second disk. I love Squall, he is just so cool, with his revolutionary gun blade and the overdrives and I just love it so much. Being the first game I owned on PS1, the fist Final Fantasy game I ever played and just my favourite game and character ever!

  • Alex says: 18 December 2014, 9:17pm

    Squall Leonheart from FFIIX

    I grew up playing that game so often that I had all off the cards in the game before even leaving the second disk. I love Squall, he is just so cool, with his revolutionary gun blade and the overdrives and I just love it so much. Being the first game I owned on PS1, the fist Final Fantasy game I ever played and just my favourite game and character ever!

  • Patu says: 18 December 2014, 9:38pm

    Way too may characters, but if I have to pick one, it has to be the character I make, uniquely mine. The Hero of Ferelden. Yes there was Capt Sheppard but that was Xbox original before being transposed to PS only to culminate in the most disappointing ending ever, but, I digress.
    The Hero of Ferelden is my story, all the other PS characters; well that's you telling their story, at least, that is what it feels like to me.
    So my favorite character is the Hero of Fereldan, because his tale is my tale through the game, his decisions are my choices in the tale.
    It wasn't the many sleepless nights that I remember in the telling, its the points I fell asleep whilst playing. I remember running into combat and then waking from my sleep to find I'd caused the slaughter of my team. What a terrible leader I was!
    I remember the impatience of watching the clock at work for the time I'd get back home to continue my tale.
    My character is perhaps not the most popular choice, but it is the one true thing I like about him... it is the tale of my character... The Hero of Ferelden!

  • Joshua says: 18 December 2014, 9:39pm

    For me it's definitely Spyro the Dragon, the cool, sharp talking and most importantly Purple dragon.

    I cant quite remember how old I was when I first played the original game on the original PlayStation. It is in my opinion the best game of the series. I first played it at a friends house and was instantly hooked, so it goes without saying that when I got my own copy for Christmas I was stoked.

    I guess what makes Spyro so cool are lines such as "Where's Gnasty Gnorc, ill torch him" . This is true Spyro style.

    Another thing that makes Spyro so memorable for me is the music from the original game, that acoustic guitar in the soundtrack was amazing and even now gives me feelings of nostalgia when ever I here it.

  • Ali says: 18 December 2014, 9:56pm

    Easy. Kratos!

    Of course there are amazing characters that can not leave my memory ever like Crash Bandicoot, Lara Croft, Albert Wesker, Dante, Nathan Drake...etc. But Ktaros has the best impact because, I think, the first game was ahead of its time in many ways.

    I played the very first God of War on PlayStation 2. Beside the game's visuals and the length of the story, the gameplay was amazingly delivering to me the feeling of Kratos while he was reaching his way up for vengeance. The way he kills the enemies and the shaky camera that shows the strength of the hit the enemies get by Kratos. I'm just hoping for a new release on PlayStation 4.

    Oh.. and I remember I was having snacks at that time :P

  • Zach says: 18 December 2014, 10:47pm

    I think I would have to say Sora from the Kingdom Hearts series (PS2, PS3).

    Sora is the keyblade master, enough said really. He has a whole lot of trouble trying to find Riku and Kairi and doesn't give up on ANYTHING. He also has to defeat Sephiroth as an optional boss in KH 1 and 2 and well...That is pretty awesome!
    I love that he shows all emotions from courage to sadness to happiness and he always lets his heart guide him in his ways.

    I would say he is my most favourite, there are so many others to choose from but I would go for him.
    Looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3 in the future :D

  • Jonathan says: 19 December 2014, 1:59am

    My favourite Playstation hero would be the main character from Suikoden I on Playstation, or Tir McDohl as he's known in the novelisation of the game. I first encountered Tir back in 1997 when I purchased a copy of Suikoden from a Central Park store in Dunedin, with my only knowledge of the game what I read from the back of the case before I bought it. I was 13 years old and on holiday at the time, so didn't get to play Suikoden I for another 8 days, but read the manual several times while on holiday, getting more excited to play the game with everything I read.
    When I finally got into playing the game, I really began to become engrossed in the story of the hero, Tir McDhol. A story of political intrigue, of fighting against everything you've believed in to save those you care about. Of giving up everything you've ever known to fight against a corrupt nation. A story where over 100 other characters came together in one cause, uniting under one character who grows so much throughout the course of the game, suffers terrible loss and has to make unthinkable decisions, sacrificing everything because it's the right thing to do.
    The game inspired me, and although I prefer the game of Suikoden II more, the hero from Suikoden I sticks with me and stays as a fond memory and still a source of inspiration to be more than you are, and to never forget that sometimes it feels impossible to do what's right, but with the support of others and by never giving up you can achieve great things. I still play through Suikoden every year or two, and I can really put down my love for not just the game but the series to how much I admired Tir McDohl. It was also Suikoden and Tir that really pushed me to explore the great JRPGs that released on Playstation consoles and so Tir McDohl from Suikoden I is really the only choice I have for my Playstation Hero.

  • Harvey says: 19 December 2014, 2:31am

    Now that's a rather difficult question to answer, I've had all of the playstation systems beginning with the original, which I received second hand from a friend after trading my cupcake machine for it - I think I got the better half of that deal.

    The first games I got on the system were: Crash Bandicoot and Metal Gear Solid. Both solid games, however it was clear from the beginning that Solid Snake was a much more developed character, than our dear friend Crash. My choice would have gone to good ol' Snake if this contest was back then, I hadn't have purchased a playstation 2.

    Ah, the playstation 2 brought me more good games I thought possible after my tremendous experience with the first system, the jump in graphical fidelity and visual aesthetic was fantastic. It was on this glorious system where I crossed paths with both the Jak & Daxter and the Ratchet and Clank series, not to mention the two Metal Gear Solid sequels that were also brought out.

    I've brought all of this up because I want you to know how hard this decision really is, there are many many game protagonists on the various playstation systems which I adore greatly, but ultimately, I still have to choose only one.

    The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater has to be my most favorite hero from a game I've played on a playstation system. At first I thought of selecting Naked Snake/Big Boss as my favorite character, however I know how his story develops beyond the game of Snake Eater, and how he becomes... not so much of a hero. So I thought of who else is worthy of such a title? and The Boss came to mind, she was Naked Snake's mentor, and indeed a hero. Giving her life, not for honor, but for you. For the sake of her mission and for the sake of Naked Snake. She Was branded a traitor, her reputation tarnished and then she was executed, all to complete her mission. For the greater good. The ultimate sacrifice, by the ultimate hero. My choice is her.

    Her memory sicks with me, and I think of her often, probably because the Metal Gear Series is still in the works, and a new game is on the horizon. What will happen to Naked Snake (Big Boss)? Will he become the person The Boss would have wanted? Ahhhhh, I'm so excited to find out what happens!

  • Ken says: 19 December 2014, 8:15am

    Crash Bandicoot will be my hero. Still remember playing the game on my Playstation and used to wait till my parents go to bed so that I can sneakily play it

    Crash is awesome because he's kicks butt! The way he spins around and smash boxes with his lil wooden mask sidekick.

  • Karl says: 19 December 2014, 9:16am

    Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, because he wields a sword that is the same size as him with ease and some times with only one hand!!

  • Ben says: 19 December 2014, 10:10am

    Crash is my favorite. Crash Bandicoot was the first ever game I played when I was given the first Playstation on my birthday. I could relate to that dude a lot since I used to be so hyper and a bit naughty as a kid. He's also a good brother to his sister Coco which I could relate to since I have a younger 'smarter' sister like her! I owned other Crash games as well like Cortex Strikes Back, Crash Bash and Wrath of Cortex(on Playstation 2). I still have their savefiles on my old-gold coloured Memory Card that I have used for both PS1 and PS2 which I haven't thrown away because they hold memories of childhood from my early Playstation years. By the way, I used to eat a lot of apples too as a kid and those are the things that you always collect in Crash Bandicoot games. So in a way, Crash made me want to eat more fruits too and that's how I've grown up to be healthier big dude like him!

  • Jo says: 19 December 2014, 10:30am

    Nathan Drake. I dont think I really need to explain why because you should all know that he is to kick ass for an explanation but seeming this is a competition I will tell you why he is my favorite. He is just a really cool rock climbing, ultra stealthy, skilled and most of all fearless amazing character that has the balls to do anything he pleases. These character traits mean playing as Drake make you feel like a God or at some moments a Ninja and who doesn't want to feel like a God or a Ninja. All in for this beast of a man.

  • Jo says: 19 December 2014, 10:30am

    Nathan Drake. I dont think I really need to explain why because you should all know that he is to kick ass for an explanation but seeming this is a competition I will tell you why he is my favorite. He is just a really cool rock climbing, ultra stealthy, skilled and most of all fearless amazing character that has the balls to do anything he pleases. These character traits mean playing as Drake make you feel like a God or at some moments a Ninja and who doesn't want to feel like a God or a Ninja. All in for this beast of a man.

  • Jo says: 19 December 2014, 10:33am

    "Sorry was only supposed to be one of those comments clicked the submit twice on mistake"

  • M S says: 19 December 2014, 11:34am

    Whether you call him a hero or a fool, my favourite Playstation hero is Wander from the Shadow of the Colossus.

    I came across this game both times on the PS2 and the HD remaster on PS3.
    What makes Wander so awesome (or not so awesome in a way if you've played the game) is his relentless will to do whatever it takes to revive his deceased love. Even if it means taking out gigantic beautiful Colossi that tower over him by several buildings.
    What makes Wander so great is that you feel his struggle and pain trying to take out the Colossi and that stunning music when approaching the beasts is something that still plays in my head to this day.
    Wander made an impression on me because he technically doesn't have any special powers or abilities (besides eating lizards?!) and he seems very fragile and weak but is still able to take down the Colossi by himself (and assisted by his horse Argo of course).

    I was eating several Pringles and Pork ribs in between the colossi.
    Shadow of the Colossus is one of those games you don't forget and imprints a lasting memory in you.

  • Peter says: 19 December 2014, 11:41am

    Easily have to be squall from final fantasy 8, he was a relatable character with a unique weapon that hadnt been seen before.

  • Tony says: 19 December 2014, 12:27pm

    Ratchet and Clank !
    It was my child hood, just how they together and all of there gadgets and i would play it for hours

  • Tony says: 19 December 2014, 12:29pm

    Ratchet and Clank !
    It was my child hood, just how they together and all of there gadgets and i would play it for hours

  • Jackson says: 19 December 2014, 2:04pm

    Crash Bandicoot
    I grew up with him he was my first game I.. I just have a special place in my hart for him and i cannot wait to if they make a new one he is truly my favorite gaming icon aw man even as I'm writing this i feel nostalgic

  • Bradley says: 19 December 2014, 2:27pm

    My favourite PS character would have to be Solid Snake. I was flatting in 1999 and all my flat mates had to move for various reasons, leaving me home along bored and a tad depressed. A friend of mine loaned me Metal Gear Solid for the PS1 (known of course as just Play Station in those days) and that was it, I would wake up in the morning turn on the TV and PS1 and start playing. All my meals, mostly noodles, were consumed in front of that TV while playing MGS. I admit that the need to go back through the various rooms in the game to heat and cool the 'key' in order to complete the game was frustrating, but I was so captivated by the need to finish and see Snake victorious I didn't care. I then loaned the game to my bro-in-law to be, who loved it as much as I did. The first game I owned for my PS2 was'Sons of Liberty'. I loved the fact that you could go through the first stage without killing, although I usually put people unconscious and threw them off the ship.Then came the disappointment of the main character for such a large portion of the game being Raiden and not Snake, but I got over that. When 'Snake Eater' was released I had a family and a mortgage and couldn't afford to buy the game straight away, fortunately my now bro-in-law that I hooked into the series could afford it so the new tradition of him buying the latest MGS game on a Friday followed by a weekend of us working our way through the game to completion began... so many great memories! I loved the humour in scenes like Psyco Mantis making the controller move and using Nikita Missiles to first confuse and then kill guys in the toilet; hidden gems strewn through each game like finding a uniform in a locker that allowed you to walk around unimpeded instead of having everyone attacking you; the challenges like figuring out how to kill Vamp when none of your weapons will do it (darn those Nanomachines) and of course I love the total icon that Solid Sake is.

  • Zuber says: 19 December 2014, 4:09pm

    Crash bandicoot!!
    I grew up with the series, so i like it very much, crash is funny, cute, and gets through hard times with humor i also liked the dance he did when you get a achievement lol

  • Yi-Wei says: 19 December 2014, 4:48pm

    Nathan Drake from the Uncharted Series that debuted on PS3.

    The unfortunate and hilarious fortune hunter provided me an adventure that would otherwise be impossible to experience. Journeys through tropical islands, Nepal mountain ranges, the vast dessert and ancient ruins. The game felt more like a journey with a friend rather than just a game.

  • Caleb says: 19 December 2014, 4:55pm

    Ratchet, from Ratchet & Clank, all 12 of the games. His size is disproportionate to his firepower. The crazy weapons. The big improvements to story telling over the years. The comedy. His adventures span 3 platforms, expanding to 4 next year. Very few character have a staying power like Ratchet does. Ratchet just seems to be getting better. A Crack in Time being the masterpiece of series. Though even games like All 4 One which changed in style were still a joy to play. This involved me and a friend playing non-stop through the night to play the game from beginning to end. Ratchet & Clank 3's multiplayer aspects added a completely new way to play. Friends and I worked on destroying the enemy base in siege mode in 1:13. Excited for the Ratchet & Clank semi-reboot coming to PS4. If you need a final reason why Ratchet is the best PlayStation hero. He's getting a movie coming to cinemas in 2015, and it looks to actually be good :P.

  • Natasha says: 19 December 2014, 5:29pm

    Defiantly sora from the kingdom hearts series!
    Has and will always be my favorite games. Him with his badass hair and trusty keyblade stole my heart right away (who can resist his hair?) , all I wanted to do was keep on playing. From ps2 kingdom hearts I've been following his awesome journey onto kh1.5 and 2.5 on the ps3 and i would love to continue the 8th installment in the series, kh3 on a limited edition ps4. ;)

  • Ash says: 19 December 2014, 7:59pm

    My fave would have to be Cloud from FF7. It was the first dog game I played and led to a lifetime addiction to all FF games. There were so many scenes in that game that made you question what you "knew" to be true. I have never played a game as much as I have played that one. I maxed the timer out on my original play through and still hadn't beaten the game. It introduced me to tricks like opening the lid on your PlayStation one so that the battle over scene couldn't load and regen could heal you back to max and other such tricks. The cast was loveable and was really the first game where I cared what happened to everyone. It is something I still own many copies of and if I won I would make it the first game I played on this console if I can.

  • Brent says: 19 December 2014, 9:44pm

    It was a Tuesday ff7 had just arrived, little did I know then that the next month would be spent on a diet of noodles and cola drinks grinding with cloud on his quest to race chocobos , legends of the round summoning , betting ultimate weapons countless hours spent levelling up materia riding golden chocobos , a much simpler time when a simple disc with a black shiny surface inspired the mind and heart as you played through clouds adventure , best thing was it was rereleased again and you got to play it all over again years back I even think I made a little extra selling it thanks to mightyape great prices

  • Nicola says: 20 December 2014, 9:40am

    So many to choose from but the heros with lasting impact would be Ratchet and Clank, to choose from the two is hard, as they both have such unique personalities. Ratchet for me was the start for games that you just couldnt put down! Hours of sleep lost as you tried to do one more bit.. just one more! It was also the game that brought the family together, as everyone wanted to play or even just watch the story unfold. The unique weapons really added to the amasing worlds, Morph-O-Ray was a winner, turning baddies into chickens, and then later a sheepanator.... AWESOME!!! This hero was funny, clever and provided hours of fun.

  • Paul says: 20 December 2014, 10:49am

    My Playstation hero is Abe! In a videogame universe full of kidnapped princesses, furry mascots and random acts of pixel violence, Abe was different. For one thing, he could fart and whistle. The novelty of which never wore off. I spent many an hour getting Mudokons to follow me, then farting in their faces, apologising, then farting in their faces again. Good times!

    Gamespeak gave Abe a level of interactivity that I had never seen in a game before ("Hello. All of ya. Follow Me. Sorry"). He was also largely defenceless save for his wits, reflexes and ability to mind-explode sligs, a true hero for all skinny green nerds of the world.

    Plus, he rolly pollies to get around. In conclusion, Abe rulez!

  • Riki says: 20 December 2014, 2:39pm

    Jak from The Precursor Legacy

    I just loved the way he'd do his circle spinny kick thingy to the baddy lurkers, and just being so amazed at how well Daxter was at staying on Jaks shoulder that whole time.

    ''I gotta say it would be good to play that game again or any of the Jak games once more''.

  • Jarrod says: 20 December 2014, 2:47pm

    Jak from the Jak and daxter games

    This character made my childhood, probably the first game I loved and what got me into gaming to start with. Still a badass character and one of the best games on the PlayStation, even went so far as to buy the remastered HD edition of them on ps3, would love to have a ps4 to continue gaming on the new gen.

  • Alyosha says: 20 December 2014, 3:10pm

    The one and only Squall from final fantasy 8 on ps1, because he uses a gun-blade and defeats an all powerful, time-warping sorceress (whats more bad-ass than that)

    Plus FFVIII was the first game I played on playstation and so brings back immense nostalgia whenever i go back to it

  • rory says: 20 December 2014, 4:20pm

    I don't know if it has to be the "ingame" hero or an actual real life hero or both... So my favourite hero is Ken Kutaragi because he made the best Playstation consoles as well as gave us the best exclusives and our favourite ingame heroes ;)

  • samuel says: 20 December 2014, 5:11pm

    crash bandicoot as that was my fave but now it is sackboy from little big plant

  • Ben says: 20 December 2014, 7:59pm

    Okay, a serious answer: Crash Bandicoot! I remember playing Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cotex on my prized Playstation 1 way back when I was only young. I remember how happy I was whenever I got to play it and would draw pictures of Crash Bandicoot anytime I wasn't playing the game. Now I have a Crash Bandicoot tattoo on my leg as a throwback to the good old days - but that retro PS4 would certainly top that!

  • Ben says: 20 December 2014, 8:03pm

    ↑ Sorry, I meant my prized "Playstation 2" :D

  • Steve says: 20 December 2014, 8:12pm

    It has to be Crash Bandicoot. When I got my first PSX on my 13th birthday it was my first game and I had hours of fun playing the game with friends & family. Before I got the console I used to spend my afternoons after school going to the shops and playing Crash on my demo consoles. I've had the PS2 & PS3 as well - my new fave character has to be Nathan Drake, he will make an awesome movie character eventually

  • Connall says: 20 December 2014, 8:21pm

    It was a hard decision who my favourite PlayStation hero is because there are so many I think are amazing like the PS one heroes like Spyro the dragon , Crash Bandicoot, To the ps3 heroes Nathan Drake and Cole McGrath. But my favourite PlayStation hero has to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2. Now it could be argued with a few side titles on 3ds but I remember him as that lovable PlayStation character.

    I received the game in 2003 when I was at noel leeming in Ashburton. My great grandma bought my mum and I a silver ps2 as a gift and we got to choose three games to go with it the games we chose were X-2 Wolverines revenge, Jak and Daxter and of course Kingdom Hearts. At first Iook of the game case I didn't think much of it, but a week later I started to get bored and decided to play Kingdom Hearts and soon I was hooked. It was pretty cool teaming up with Donald and Goofy and many other iconic Disney heroes e.g. Aladdin, Jack skellington etc, against iconic Disney villains and exploring all the unique worlds the game had to offer plus the key blades were pretty cool. I was devastated when finishing the game because I wanted more. Luckily a few years later in 2005 my prayers were answered when kh2 came out. Now I didn't now it came out so you could imagine the excited/surprised look on my face when my dad gave it to me to keep me occupied while I was sick with the flu. I still remember rushing to the PlayStation to play the game. Kh2 took what made the first one great and made it better with new worlds new mechanics, new and unique enemies as well as a beautiful soundtrack and I have so many memories of that game like the time I tried to multitask eating my toast and drinking my Milo while trying to beat Sephiroth (even without multitasking he was a tough boss).

    Most importantly the character Sora. The reason he is my favorite PlayStation character is because he is an outgoing compassionate person who will do anything for his friends. Throughout the first Kingdom Hearts game Sora is trying to find his friends Kairi and Riku and take them back to Destiny Island and during his adventure he comes upon obstacles much harder than the first bust he always overcomes them no matter how tough they were because he was determined to get his friends back,. Sora showed the greatest amount of compassion and dedication to his friends in Hollow Bastion, when Sora realizes that Kairi’s heart is trapped within his own and he uses Riku’s keyblade of dark to release his own heart in order for the 7 princess of heart as well as Kairi to wake up, but because of this Sora turns into a heartless, I still remember the sadness that washed over me seeing Sora disappear into bits of light. Luckily it wasn’t the end for him as he transformed to himself again later on. I also think Sora is great because he has a strong heart and you see this in the form of the keyblade for the keyblade to manifest its wielder must have a strong heart and cause of Sora’s strong heart he was able to seal the keyhole of the world’s as well as the door to darkness, Not just that but also cause the greater the connections Sora makes the stronger the power of the keyblade becomes so his friends are his power. I also have to mention how bad ass he got in KH2 with all those drive forms and personally my favorite had to be final form.

    So to conclude this long response my favorite PlayStation character has to be Sora cause of the strength he shows, the connections he makes with others and the lengths he is willing to go to save those he cares about. The games are gems that influenced greatly on my love of PlayStation and were great enough for me buy both HD remixes just to relive those memories and I look forward to what the next generation/the next 20 years hold in store for PlayStation and for Sony.

  • Claire says: 20 December 2014, 8:39pm

    It's rather difficult choosing one character which has been a hero to me throughout my PlayStation life time, but I will choose Axel. I first encountered him on a PS2 (not so vintage, but he's worth it

  • Claire says: 20 December 2014, 8:39pm

    It's rather difficult choosing one character which has been a hero to me throughout my PlayStation life time, but I will choose Axel. I first encountered him on a PS2 (not so vintage, but he's worth it

  • Claire says: 20 December 2014, 8:39pm

    It's rather difficult choosing one character which has been a hero to me throughout my PlayStation life time, but I will choose Axel. I first encountered him on a PS2 (not so vintage, but he's worth it

  • Claire says: 20 December 2014, 8:51pm

    It's rather difficult choosing one character which has been a hero to me throughout my PlayStation life time, but I will choose Axel. I first encountered him on a PS2 (not so vintage, but he's worth it). My best friends sister was playing video games, and one day, I saw a cute spiky haired lad and Donald and Goofy jumping around Disney Castle, KH2! I instantly begged mum for both games. Throughout the series Sora has been a stand out angel, but Axel swallowed my heart.

    Not only did that alternative aesthetic attract my pre-teen emo phase, but his soul projecting through the screen stoked my own. My favorite scene with him is when he sacrifices himself for Sora. I cried so much after that. I knew in my heart through the game that he was not evil! Axel is the cute little softy of Organization XIII!

    Even during 385/2 Days, he is so brutal - but nearing the end, his loyalty to Roxas, the obvious pain he felt when he was neglected was there! His playful demeanor is such a sinister throughout Re:Chain of Memories is so typical to him, yet his strategic *inside job* goal projects his intelligence and his growth through the game encourages you to evaluate your own life, finding sincerity and love in dark facades. Euugggghhhh Axel! Axel will never be a nobody to me. He inspires me so much! My best friends contact name in my phone is Axel VIII!

    Got that memorized?

  • Vann says: 20 December 2014, 9:34pm

    Jak and Daxter! even though I have so many favourite Playstation heros, these guys are awesome, oh the childhood memories. These guys made me laugh and happy and excited! the action was good! the funny scenes left me dying of laughter. I have all 4 games including Jak X! and I can never get sick of playing. Each game made me hyped up every time it ended and I could not WAIT for the games to come out.The art work was GREAT omg and each characters were developed perfectly. I first encountered them when I was still new in New Zealand which was some time ago. My cousins were playing it on the Ps2! and thats when it happend........ I fell in love with the game hahaha.

  • Sharelle says: 20 December 2014, 9:55pm

    Lara Croft, best female game figure in games since 1997, she has made Tomb Raider my favorite game series of all time

  • michael says: 20 December 2014, 10:16pm

    My favourite PlayStation hero will always be Crash Bandicoot.

    My first encounter with Crash was on Demo one for the PlayStation.Even though you could only play one level, I would continuously play it over and over.

    Once my parents bought the real Crash Bandicoot game that was the day I became a gamer.
    Hearing that PlayStaion start-up music sent shivers down my spine as Crash Bandicoot loaded up for the first time.
    I remember not having a memory card when I played the very first Crash Bandicoot game so I had to write down the passwords that came from the bonus stages. Collecting Wumpa Fruit, gems (except for Slippery Climb :’(), getting help from Aku-Aku (or “Oodabooga” is what
    I called him as a kid), defeating the bosses (my favourite was Pinstripe Potoroo because I thought it was hilarious how crazy he goes with the Tommy gun and that laugh) was absolutely amazing to me and I continued enjoying the series through Crash Bandicoot 2: The wrath of Cortex and Crash Bandicoot: Warped.
    I also remember staying up till the early hours of the morning playing Crash and even pretending to be sick just so I could stay home from school and play Crash (should’ve won an Oscar for those performances).

    Crash left a positive impression on me because Crash introduced me to the world of Video games and the PlayStation console where I have had some of the most amazing memories with friends and family. I hope one day Crash will return back to the PlayStation family where he belongs. It makes me sad knowing Crash is becoming a forgotten hero.

    P.S I never really ate when I played Crash because I hated it when you get food all over the controller.

  • Vinay says: 20 December 2014, 10:50pm

    Hands down Crash Bandicoot (sorry Jak and Daxter) is my favourite Playstation Hero.

    One of my best mates (who i have known for about 12 years) introduced me to the orange marsupial. Crash Bandicoot was actually one of the first games i ever played and the first game i played on the PS1.

    I remember going to my mates house and sometimes even his neighbours to play Crash Bandicoot 1-3 and even CTR and Crash Bash. The ones on the PS2 didn't come close to the level of awesome of the classics.

    Crash is a very fond childhood memory of mine. I remember eating Pizza Hutt Hawaiian pizza and bluebird ready salted chips. One of the biggest appeals of this game for me was how fun it was, yes some missions were painfully frustrating and seeing your ghost taunt you as you died only added insult to injury. The gameplay was easy to pickup and very addictive which is one of the reasons why i'd always go to my friends house to play it.

    As soon as Crash Team Racing was introduced that just took things to the next level. We could now be competitive and play at the same time, which meant their was never a dull moment having to wait for the controller.

    I guess you could say this was the game that made me fall in love with gaming. If i had never played this game i may have never bought a PSP, PS2 or XBOX360. I know this game was later released on other consoles but the original Playstation was the best platform to play it on.

    Ooga Booga

  • Jie says: 21 December 2014, 1:46am

    Square from FF8 ....

    He's so calm down at any time, just like me :D

  • Brandon says: 21 December 2014, 1:47am

    Spyro the dragon, because its the first ever PlayStation game I ever played and its a huge child hood memory of mine :)

  • Chris says: 21 December 2014, 9:34am

    You drive a hard bargain, asking us to name just one. I'll have to go back right to the PS Hero that started my childhood full of gaming: Crash Bandicoot. My first time was spent on Crash 3: Warped on my cousin's PSOne (It concerned them how much I was enjoying it - They had no idea!), on only a few small occasions. The world was so colorful and quirky, and every insta-death was worth finding, because quite frankly, they were all hilarious. What really made him a hero was the way he managed to follow me. Several of his games followed me through my PS2 and PSP era, and now I can download the original trilogy on Vita. Want to know the best part? Every one of those titles still holds up in my mind today. Bring him back!

  • Dameati says: 21 December 2014, 2:44pm

    My favourite PlayStation character is Vivi fRom Final Fantasy IX.

    Final Fantasy IX was the first Final Fantasy game I had ever played, so I was very new to the world of Final Fantasy so I wasn't very sure how the characters act and look like, I found a character in the game which really stood out and I felt I could relate to, this character is Vivi.

    I never like a character from a game at first glance but Vivi is so loveable even more this friend Zidane.

    Vivi's story in the game is very sad, not knowing he exists and finding out he is artificialy made his story touched me and made me feel like I was in the actual game. His desperation to find his other kind also touched me, even though he had his end, Vivi will always be remembered.

  • Nicholas says: 21 December 2014, 3:32pm

    Okay so at the risk of making a lot of peoplegran turismo mad, I'm going to have to say Eddy Gordo, Tekken 3 era. Now that probably seems odd but I'll try to explain.

    My parents were never fond of game consoles, due to them resulting in a lot of time spent in front of the screen. I actually got my first game console earlier this year (I'm 22) when my parents thought it would be funny to finally buy me a Playstation one. I'm not complaining, I had a cool childhood but because I never had a console, it was a big deal when got to use one.

    At the time I was spending all of my time with my best friend Glen, and much to my glee, he got a PS1 for his birthday. Now his family weren't exactly wealthy, they had 4 children to look after, so when he got the Playstation the only games we really had were demos, that didn't stop us though, we played those demos all day long, and our favourite one was tekken 3.

    now you may ask, "Why Eddy" well in the demo you could only use Eddy and Xiaoyu. I thought Eddy was more fun and Glen was more fond of Xiaoyu so those were what we stuck with. We spent hours playing that game, learning every move, and making up lines for the characters.

    Other games came after, CB warped, medievil, gran turismo, but because of the time and the experience, playing my first game with my best friend, Eddy Gordo is cemented in a very special place in my heart.

    These days I have a son and I'd love to have a PS4 to play with him but I'm a student and it's not really in the cards so for now we can keep jamming out on my PS1 (It was a good joke but I love the PS1 so it made me pretty happy)

  • Nicholas says: 21 December 2014, 3:39pm

    hmm i dont know where that "gran turismo" at the start came from... but then i did write this with my phone

  • Jack says: 21 December 2014, 5:09pm

    (Sir Daniel Fortesque - MediEvil)

    I got this game as a gift in 1998 and to date, it's still the best gift i have ever received. I got it in a bundle were i got the game and the first duel shock controller. This game was one of the first to support it.

    Growing up, PlayStation was a huge part of my childhood, my upbringing, and even now that I'm a young adult, not much has change and i still find PlayStation just as influencing and entertaining as i did when i was a kid.

    You name it, I've played it. But with saying that, some people might be surprised by my choice.

    I chose Sir Dan as my PlayStation hero because his story (as a 12 year old) inspired me the most.

    In the game, Sir Dan was the first person to die in battle.This lead to him being the butt joke in the after life. The story is basically a chance at redemption and for him to take up his rightful place in the hall of heroes.

    To me this was the first real experience in what second chances were all about and just reminded me to always do the right thing.

    Movies are different as your only a spectator, but with PlayStation, anyone can become a hero, just like Sir Daniel Fortesque.

  • Jica says: 21 December 2014, 7:28pm

    My favourite Playstation Hero would definitely have to be Crash Bandicoot.

    My cousins were one of the first people to ever get a Playstation One console on Niue Island (where I'm from) back in 1996! The game that accompanied was none other than "Crash Bandicoot". It was all the village kids were talking about, so one day I mustered up the courage and asked my cousins (who were quite older than me) if I could go over to see what it was all about. And from that day forward I would never forget that experience.

    I was in love! From the title almost hitting Crash in the face, to the sound of acquiring wumpa fruit and the satisfying feeling of crushing boxes. It was the perfect game.

    My brothers and I would sneak out at night to my cousins house just so we could get our Crash Bandicoot fix. It was almost like a drug! LOL! We'd get the worst hidings when we got caught coming home from a late night out gaming. But it would always be worth it.

    As we all know, Crash Bandicoot was a one player game so the controller would get passed around after someone died on their turn. It was a tedious process but I was happy to just watch until I got my turn. I excelled at all the Hog Wild levels so everyone just let me do all of those. The funny thing was that they didn't have a memory card so most days we'd have to restart from the very beginning which in a way, forced us to become masters of Crash Bandicoot.

    We played every Crash Bandicoot game that followed with our cousins. Mostly because we could never afford a Playstation of our own. LOL!

    Those were the best days... :')

    Years went by and one by one we all moved here to NZ. When we'd get together we'd always reminisce about the Crash Bandicoot struggles. From the intense "High Road" level that scared us to death, to the painfully annoying "Fumbling In The Dark" level.

    So Crash, in a way, helped me get closer to my cousins and till this day one of the few things that me and my brothers will always cooperate together on.

    Thanks Crash!

  • turei says: 21 December 2014, 9:17pm

    Sackboy because he can fit to be anyone he wants and he is always comfortable with how he is. Also while he may be mute he has possibly one of the best narrators in the form of Stephen Fry who's voice is soothing when we may get frustrated at the harder levels or when your creations just aren't quite working yet the way you want. All in all Sack boy is great because he makes me feel comfortable in any choice that is made and you can't help but smile when he does.
    Thanks Sackboy for always being able to cheer us up.

  • turei says: 21 December 2014, 9:17pm

    Sackboy because he can fit to be anyone he wants and he is always comfortable with how he is. Also while he may be mute he has possibly one of the best narrators in the form of Stephen Fry who's voice is soothing when we may get frustrated at the harder levels or when your creations just aren't quite working yet the way you want. All in all Sack boy is great because he makes me feel comfortable in any choice that is made and you can't help but smile when he does.
    Thanks Sackboy for always being able to cheer us up.

  • Amelia says: 21 December 2014, 9:23pm

    Mine is Barret from FFVII. My sister and I had lived thousands of miles apart until I was about 12, her in the UK with our dad, me here with my mum. When they moved to Wellington, one of the first things unpacked was the PS2, because what better way is there to keep the kids out the way while you unpack all the important stuff. We'd been talking about this game that she and her older brother had been playing when she was younger, so we fired it up. Over the next few days, we played as far as Kalm before I had to go home, but we'd play every school holidays when I visited. Her party was nearly always Cloud and Barrett and whoever we fancied at the time filled the third spot, usually Red XIII. Barret is my favourite because he was always keeping Cloud on the right path, kicking his butt when he made dumb mistakes or started doubting himself, and he did all the things he did for his daughter Marlene. Besides, everyone forgets about the secondary characters, and Barret had some of the best lines of dialogue in the game.
    We still try and play, but with both of us adults with full time jobs, neither of us can visit each other very regularly anymore, although we do have an ingenious setup invloving Skype and an HD webcam pointed at the TV.

    PS: We were eating the boxes of jaffa cakes they'd bought back, supposedly to last a few months until one of the cousins came to visit with some more. Needless to say, they didn't last anywhere near that long. ;-)

  • Ethan says: 21 December 2014, 9:42pm

    As a child I never had a PlayStation, but my grandparents did. Every time I went to visit there I would run into the lounge and boot up the PS2. Although they only had one game, I didn't care because it was Ratchet and Clank. I spent many hours there trying to pass the first level over and over again as we didn't have a memory card, nor did I have the skill while I was trying to scoff a sandwich made of homemade bread and strawberry jam. A regular when I go and visit. I have since grown up and the first console I bought for myself was a PS3 because of all the time I had spent on that PS2. I have also purchased the Ratchet and Clank HD Trilogy just so I could relive those good times. Now you're probably thinking that Ratchet was my favourite character, but you're wrong. Nothing was cooler than seeing all the special things Clank could do. He never let size get in the way and always had a funny line to say.

  • Nimesh says: 21 December 2014, 11:15pm

    Nathan Drake for sure...

    I actually started with Uncharted 3 as I bought PS3 about mid 2013 and that was my first gaming console. After playing Uncharted 3, I had to buy and play Uncharted 1 & 2 as Uncharted games are just so addicting to play.

    Nathan's character is interesting and funny even during the action sequences. I never thought of playing any other game until I finished all three Uncharted games.

    Only regret I have is I didn't get to play those games earlier. I wish I had bought the PS console earlier when the game first got released.

    Anyway it would be great to play new Uncharted game on PS4. Although the title is 'Uncharted 4: The Thief's End', I hope they keep making Uncharted games.

  • Jorge says: 21 December 2014, 11:35pm

    Once upon a time I was a young fella, with not much interest in videogames.. until one day my older brother brought a game home that would change the rest of my life. I wasnt allowed to play this game at first, but I would sneak in and watch my brother play, until one day, when he was out... I turned on our PS2 and started playing, I met for the first time a character that would make me have hours and hours of nonstop gaming, that would eventually turn into a love for Videogames and Playstation itself. This character was... Kratos!! the one and only, that first game of god of war just made me want more, I would come home after school, grab a chocolate milkshake and play all afternoon until my brother came home, then I would quickly turn it off and run out haha. Getting revenge in Kratos name in one game wasn't enough, so as soon as the next games came out I myself bought them and once I got through them I decided to get a psp just to try Chains of Olympus and Ghost Of Sparta. I will always be thankful to Kratos for opening the doors of gaming for me in such an amazingly brutal way.. Now I can just hope that when they decide to release a new GOW I can enjoy it in this beautiful special edition Playstation 4, i know that Kratos would agree.

  • Tim says: 21 December 2014, 11:38pm

    Twas the night before Christmas, in a very festive mood,
    I was sitting by the television, to which I was glued,
    Being seven years of age, and with no friends to play,
    One present I could open, on this very luck day,
    With Pavlova by my side, topped with sliced kiwifruit,
    A game I was given, it was Crash Bandicoot,
    Through vast worlds I travelled, that would shriek and would rumble,
    Spinning and jumping, from desert to jungle,
    Lost in its realm, immersed in its story,
    There was nothing like this, like the journey and glory,
    From this moment forward, I knew forever there would be,
    In this land or another, a happy part of me.

    Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, PS2.

  • Justin says: 22 December 2014, 1:45am

    My Playstation Hero will always be Justin from Grandia on the Original Playstation. Grandia was the first game I ever finished on my own in 1999 and it was mainly due to him, as an 8 year old at the time I thought it was awesome to have the same name as the hero but the main reason why he is special was because he was just like any young boy who just wanted to go on an adventure, it didn't start with a world in crisis or tragic event, it was just about setting off to see the world, following in his fathers footsteps and later unknowingly becoming the hero who saves the world.

    This hero holds a special place in my heart because this was what I had dreamed about as a kid, I always fantasized about setting off in a fantasy world and encountering magical creatures and special companions.

    Also I'm pretty sure that I ate a pie at least once during a session with Grandia, take a bite, play, take another bite during a cutscene or special move.

  • Lisa says: 22 December 2014, 7:04am

    Yeah Crash Bandicoot on playstation 1. First game I 'kind of' mastered - I was so bad it took ages to get through the levels. Loved him - they way he could spin and jump and loved the jungle surrounds.
    My mum calls my son 'Crash Bandicoot' too - he is always running flat out.
    Have to find Crash again and let the kids have a go.
    Merry Christmas Monkeys

  • Hamish says: 22 December 2014, 8:30am

    John Mcclane. You might be scratching your head over that one. But many christmas' a go I remember desperately wanting Die Hard Trilogy for my Sega Saturn, so that's what I asked for.
    Little did I know it was not available in NZ.

    So on Christmas morning I opened up a present and inside was Die Hard Trilogy on Playstation, my mum said "is that the right one?" Trying to be stoic I said "yes it's the right game, thank you so so much! But it's for the wrong console and I won't be able to play it." She said sorry and we continued unwrapping presents...The entire time while the others presents were being opened I continued looking at Die Hard Trilogy and wondering how amazing it would be.

    After all the presents had been opened my mum said "Whoops, there's an unmarked present here, maybe you should open it!". I unwrapped it, and there on my lap was a beautiful grey Playstation. I was in shock and shaking with tears streaming down my face thanking my parents. I was holding in my hands a Playstation and it was a thing of beauty.
    Playing Die Hard Trilogy was so much more amazing than I could possibly imagine.

    I remember fondly sitting there eating pringles and cadbury xmas puds while playing Die Hard Trilogy with my brother and i'll always have such a vivid strong memory of that Christmas, i'll never forget it.

    The next day on Boxing day my Brother went out and bought a memory card, another controller and Tekken 2. We were in gaming heaven!

    So thanks John Mcclane and Sony for giving me such an incredible Christmas memory! And of course thanks to my amazing Parents who i'm of the age now when I can spoil them in return.
    Yippee Ki Yay!

  • Clayton says: 22 December 2014, 3:10pm

    If you’re looking for a character that can truly sum up the last twenty years of gaming, I think you could do worse than Lara Croft, one of my personal favourites.

    Lara’s had a rocky history. She started with a fairly cynical agenda: provide an impossibly busty heroine that adolescent boys (then the main game-playing audience) could direct and be directly titillated by. Yes, the games weren’t bad—amazing when you think about it, and perhaps the only reason that that character endured beyond the original template.

    As technology evolved, so too did Lara. Of course, at first the technology only served to make her more “detailed”. Her chest got bigger, but something unexpected was happening too: slowly, subtly and almost certainly unintentionally, her character was developing also.

    Eventually Lara got a back story (one that changed several times) and even a point of view. She even got a couple of movies, although they didn’t do as much to further her journey as the games continued to do so.

    Cut to 2013, and Tomb Raider is re-re-booted. Gone is the hotpants-wearing Playboy model and we are given a complex, fragile, scared, exceptionally brave character. Possibly the richest and most admirable female character in gaming’s history.

    Of course, it’s not coincidental that what really was happening was Lara was evolving with the time, and within the changes to the gaming community. Now we have a huge army of female gamers who demand respect and equality in their own right, and new Lara is certainly a reflection of that. As well, the gaming community has aged, and its those same adolescent boys who giggled over Lara’s polygons all those years ago that are now enjoying the nuanced, conflicted and authentic version of Lara we’re getting today.

    It’s still not perfect of course, but it’s heading in the right direction. Compare the latest Lara to the dude-bro characters found in most games or the complete lack-of-personality of characters found in other games (Far Cry 3 and 4—both spiritual successors of Tomb Raider—are perfect examples of these) and it’s undeniably refreshing to not only have a female character worth our admiration for assets other than those she carries beneath her singlet, but such a noble, relatable character in gaming at all.

    Cheers to Lara!

  • Brendan says: 26 December 2014, 1:31am

    Crash Bandicoot

    I can still remember my parents bringing home our PlayStation, and a copy of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Back then, my sister and I didn't have a memory card, so we would play from the beginning over and over again. though it may sound tedious, we had a lot of fun doing it... thought that transparent blue memory card was a big help. I still play it today, though the disk has definitely seen better days.

  • manit says: 11 January 2015, 2:09am

    Spyro from when i was 8 i got a ps1 after few months ps2 released but i still played it like there was tommorrow. The legend of spyro dawn of the dragon is my all time favourite

  • Saimone says: 12 May 2015, 11:15pm

    My hero would have to be Daxter from "Jak and Daxter: precursor legacy" on the PlayStation 2 he may not be the main character of the story, but if it weren't for him changing into an ottsel they would both still be in Sandover Village awaiting their doom... "stay fuzzy, save the world" he even gave up his humanity for the future Jak and Daxter series which I all played, and now I am a Jak & Daxter fan if they where to ever release a next Jak & Daxter game on the PS4 I will run down the street naked announcing the great news to my neighbors... Oh yea and I was eating burger rings at the time I defeated gol and maia, don't f**k with the white echo jak he will one hit kill your ass.