Fall Bloomers in a NEW SIZE

Fall Bloomers in a NEW SIZE

Hello Plant Lovers!

Can you feel it?  That slight change in the weather, cooler nights and of course the shorter days.  Fall is just about to set in and certain plants are triggered to wake up. Salvia greggii and hybrids  are certainly a group that comes to mind.  The common name Autumn Sage, is perhaps the biggest clue to when these plants bloom, although they often start much early in late spring to early summer. Bloom colors can range from white to hot red, to pink and even a salmon colored selection.  Salvia greggii and hybrids typically take a rest during the hottest part of summer, only to wow you in fall with a burst of flowers that cover the plants.  The best practice for getting the most bloom out of your Salvias is to prune them 20-30% every 3-4 months, especially after a bloom cycle. This group of Salvias are wonderful low water use masters that prefer fast drained soils with low to moderate fertility, and full sun to light shade exposures. 

MSWN has long offered a selection of Salvia greggii and hybrids in 1g and 5g sizes.  For the first time we’re now offering these gems of fall in a 2g size for $7.00 plus freight.  Offering a 2g has significant cost savings to our customers while still receiving a substantial plant for a wide range of applications. Let’s also mention the hole to dig will be smaller (yay!), less weight, can carry or transport more at one time, offers a cost savings price point to the customer and is appropriately sized for the smaller nature of these Salvias.

Please take a look at the attached pictures and linked information sheets to see for yourself. 

We’re currently offering the following Salvias in 2g that are ready to ship:

Salvia greggii

Salvia greggii Sierra Linda

Salvia X ‘Ultra Violet’

Enjoy the rest of your week!


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