Astir Palace Hotel at Vouliagmeni
Preview of part of Astir Palace

Astir Palace Hotel at Vouliagmeni

I am proud as a C.E.O. of RESTAT S.A. to be part of Astir Palace Hotel, one of the "jewels" of the Mediterranean Sea, renovation.

The main goal of this project is the performance of destructive and non-destructive tests in reinforced concrete elements in Arion and Nafsika buildings of Astir Palace hotel in the area of Vouliagmeni.

RESTAT S.A. 's works are the following ones:

1. The non destructive tests which will be performed in the aforementioned building are the following:

a. Schmidt rebound hammer tests

b. Pulse velocity tests

c. Pull out test

2. Performance of destructive tests in concrete (core drilling) and crushing

3. Steel Testing

The positions of the steel in the concrete elements are going to be traced following two methods:

a. Non destructive method-steel scanning

b. Destructive method-steel tracing through incisions in the concrete

4. Steel sampling

5. Concrete durability- carbonation and chloride testing

a. Carbonation depth measurement tests

b. Chloride content measurement

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