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Mel Blanc's Tombstone

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Mel Blanc earned the nickname The Man of a Thousand Voices for a reason. He has voiced memorable cartoon characters including Tweety Bird, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester the Cat, Marvin the Martian, Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner, the Tasmanian Devil, and Porky Pig.

How fitting to leve the reader with a smile.
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  1. truck0:13
  2. mariolyn0:14
  3. wshealy0:16
  4. Ianto0:16
  5. lagal100:16
  6. Surreal_Heidi0:18
  7. cappy0:18
  8. camaro72stroker0:19
  9. ProfPyro0:20
  10. cobra0:20


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My wife looks at me and shakes her head, indicating that I'm like a little boy with a new toy! She's terrified that I'll forget to turn it off when wer're at a church service!!!


Clever, Robwout! I bet folks grin when they hear that.


Mel Blanc's voice lives on in my smart phone. Whenever I receive a "whatApp" message, Mel Blank call out... "Ehhhh, what's up (WhatsApp) doc?".


Thanks, C_C.


And he voiced Jack Benny's Maxwell:


And hugs to you!

Thank you Ellen, for this information. Hope you had a very nice day. Hugs !!!!


I enjoyed the various cartoons he portrayed. I did not know about AQB who played Elmer Fudd.


I was a big fan of Mel Blanc until I found out what he did to Arthur Q. Bryan, the voice of Elmer Fudd. Mel made himself indespensable to Warner brothers, then had it put in his contract that Arthur Q. Bryan was to get NO voice credit on any cartoon he worked on. Mel insisted that he was the only voice artist to ever get credit for any cartoon he voiced a single character on. Very petty.


I so enjoyed all of his carton characters. Such a fitting tombstone for him.


Jewish humor :0)


Th-th-that's all folks! :o)


Sufferin' succotash!


Since it's a full moon tonight, this seems appropriate! :o)

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