Oxalis obtusa, Cape Point - 2007

Oxalis obtusa, Cape Point - 2007

Observation - Oxalis obtusa, Cape Point - 2007 - Southern Africa. Description: Recording the plants we saw in flower this day. Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd, Flowering June–Oct

Recording the plants we saw in flower this day.
Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd,
Flowering June–Oct
Fernkloof entry: https://www.fernkloof.org.za/index.php/all-plants/plant-families/item/oxalis-obtusa
PBS shows the various colours: https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/Oxalis_obtusa
HerbWeb Specimen K000417387
Current name Oxalis obtusa
Collector & no: Phillips, E.P. 7476
Look-up: STRELITZIA 29 (2012) - OXALIS page 635