Iris aucheri 'Indigo'

“Blue thou art, intensely blue; Flower, whence came thy dazzling hue?” – James Montgomery

Iris aucheri 'Indigo'
This seems to be in the trade as a strain more so than a clonal form, but the one I have is a wonderful indigo blue color. The Juno iris aren't really hard to grow here in my Western Oregon garden. I do find a few tips helpful. Good drainage through the winter, a drier spot in the summer although I have trialed a few different I. graberiana forms out in a bed that gets some consistent summer water and the look to be thriving after some years now. If you dig to divide them do be very careful of those fleshy storage roots that you do not want to break off. 

The bluest of the blue flowers and really the first of the Juno's to be in bloom. Although quite a few frits and narcissus are in bloom now as well. 

The weather has been pretty typical for an Oregon February. It was wet and rainy for the first part of the week, but a couple of dry days toward the end let me get a bunch of stuff done in the garden at work. Still too dark to get much done after work. It's supposed to be i low's in the 30's and rainy but drying out toward the end of the weekend and into the early part of next week. 



The Late February Spring fever


The Chilean Andes