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The best A daylilies 2023

The daylily alphabet for 2023 starts today. This year we are showing our best performers in each letter with maybe a note telling us why you included it. The aim is to help us with new plant selection. Please limit your entries to to five……there will be days when I have one or two……maybe none.

Here is the bad joke of the day: Where do sharks go to vacation? Finland!

Autumn Minaret is the only A daylily that qualifies for me. It blooms in August and in to September for me. With 600 to 800 blooms per season I feel every one should have this daylily.


Comments (24)

  • hoosier_nan (IN z5b/6a)
    last year

    Here are my A's and why we value them.

    Absolute Ripper is a wonderful flower. It does reasonably well here--not much increase though. The flower is like no other purple that we grow.

    Artillery Fire is another unique one. It's probably the biggest tetraploid we grow--registered at 12 inches.

    Aaron's Little Whopper is a great small-flowered daylily. It is registered as an evergreen but it does well here.

    Auriel Dell is another great small-flowered daylily. It is a robust plant and increases well. It is registered at 2.5 inches, but I don't think the flower on ours is that small.

    Here is our Autumn Minaret. I don't love the color, but I like the fact that it blooms when little else does. I also like its height--tall straight scapes with lots of flowers.

    That's it for me.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked hoosier_nan (IN z5b/6a)
  • organic_kitten
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Let;s see if I can add a few

    Asian Fairy Bluebird: each bloom is a real beauty

    Alabama Jubilee: love the brightness

    Amethyst Ice Is one of Selman's I have had for a couple of years and I like the delicacy.

    Always Lovely is like the energizer bunny os daylilies. It blooms and blooms and bloom

    Ancient of Days: another prolific bloomer

    There are a few more, but these are probably the best.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked organic_kitten
  • mantis__oh
    last year
    last modified: last year

    "Best" I would be reluctant to say, but here are five good ones. Alabama Jubilee was very good here the past year, with intense color. Ancient of Days Korth later noted was somewhat tender, but has been a good parent for him.

    Also Known As. Taller and better budded than parent JT Davis, as well as more northern friendly. But has slower growth habit of parent Great White. Day after day of impressive bloom.

    Alone Again --still Curt's best in this color range

    Ashwood Rings of Saturn. A prolific earlier bloomer, though not for cold nights.

    Abraham Lincoln --well budded and vigorous. I suppose not for those who dislike more pastel colors.

    All American Chief. Reliable and showy.

    Alan Watts --a good grower of Curt's, though not a taller plant.

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked mantis__oh
  • Brad KY 6b
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Wow Sherry! Autumn Minaret really produces! Sounds like it blooms about when my VTs bloom. Nancy, I like the color and design of Amethyst Ice. Mantis, Alan Watts and Alone Again are great colors and forms.

    I like the idea of keeping it to ones that are among our best for the letter. Here's 4 that do very well for me. [ps great bad joke!!]

    Applique is a nice large one, blooms well. As with many larges, not a ton of blooms but so big it is showy.

    Art Gallery Expressionism usually has a ton of buds and lots of scapes.

    Acquire the Fire blooms well, doesn't mind the sun at all.

    Acclaim, reliable late one.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Brad KY 6b
  • Maryl (Okla. Zone 7a)
    last year

    I also wanted to add how much I enjoyed seeing Sherry and Nan's Autumn Minaret. What a bright beacon that must be in the garden....... Kay: Ancient of Days is a nice purple. I like the simple white edge on it. Sets off that dark color...........Maryl

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Maryl (Okla. Zone 7a)
  • sherrygirl zone5 N il
    Original Author
    last year

    So many nice performers today! Brads Applique really caught my eye today……I’ve seen it before, lovely photo of it.


  • daylilybedmaker
    last year

    Mantis, I really like Also Known As. I used to grow JT Davis and it was a moderate increaser with a bud count in the single digits. I just acquired Alone Again this past fall, so I am really anxious to see it in my garden.

    Here is my ABSOLUTE RIPPER. The most photographed daylily this past season. Blooms were perfect everyday. They were large and just drew me to it everyday.

    AIN'T SHE NICE: An older Stamile. Tall scapes and just a gorgeous shade of pink.

    ASHWOOD SUMMER SUNSHINE: Good performer in a poor location.

    ANGELIQUE FRINGES: An outstanding Klehm intro. I love the edges on this one. I really need to move it to a better location. It deserves a better spot.

    ALPHA AND OMEGA: This will be its second year in the ground. I am already loving it. Each fan put up a scape and I now have 4 fans.

    Those are my top 5 for the letter A. I can already see that several other letters will be more challenging to limit.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked daylilybedmaker
  • Brad KY 6b
    last year

    David, Ashwood Summer Sunshine is quite interesting with its colors! Alpha and Omega is pretty.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Brad KY 6b
  • shive
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Sherry - Autumn Minaret looks especially nice with the hydrangeas!

    David and Nan - You both have gorgeous photos of Absolute Ripper. Since you two have posted such nice photos of it, I won't include it in my five, even though it put such a nice show here last season. Here it has multiplied well, but it's never been quite the registered height.

    Others posted that drew my attention were Alpha and Omega, Also Known As and Asian Fairy Bluebird.

    Aerial Applique is one of my best A's. Last year bud count was down. Most years it reblooms well.

    All American Chief is always a showy clump.

    Applique was one of my best A's last year. Like most in my garden, bud count was down last year.

    Aunt Patsy was new last year, but had 15 buds on the first scapes. Rebloom scapes had 12-14 buds.

    Arctic Lace is always one of my favorite near whites.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked shive
  • Brad KY 6b
    last year

    Debra, you always have such a great clump of All American Chief. Looks to me like it is always wonderful. Arctic Lace is also always so pretty.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Brad KY 6b
  • organic_kitten
    last year

    I like Absolute Ripper, Nancy. Mantis, Alone Again is such a unique and lovely color. I like that one. Brad my pick of your is Acquire the Fire . Avon Sunrise is a pretty one Maryl. I am going to have to get All American Chief, Debra but Applique and Aunt Patsy appeal also.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked organic_kitten
  • celeste/NH
    last year
    last modified: last year

    I've been trying to find time to post....I've been busy selling seeds on the LA....but wanted to join in with my friends. I'll try to keep up! Time got away from me over the summer.

    These are my best 'A's:

    APACHE WAR DANCE, an oldie but reliable, hardy, profuse bloomer, great color

    AWAKEN THE DAWN, so lovely and photogenic, a great plant in my New Hampshire garden

    ARNOLD'S DAUGHTER, one of the older Korth's but always loaded with buds and winter hardy

    ABBY DAVISSON, great color and size

    Apparently I didn't take photos of some that could have filled the final 5 spot. But any one of these would make the cut: Abba, Age of Aquarius and Alabama Jubilee. Great performance, bloom power all.

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked celeste/NH
  • Brad KY 6b
    last year

    Hi Celeste!

    Nice to have you here! Apache War Dance is wonderful! I also like Abby Davisson, and I recall really liking Age of Aquarius from past posts.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Brad KY 6b
  • shive
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Hi Celeste! We've missed you! Apache War Dance and Awaken the Dawn look so different in your garden. Here are mine:

    Apache War Dance

    Awaken the Dawn was very peachy here, so I sent it to Mantis. I wonder if it will look more like yours in his climate.

    I hope your seed sales are going well. If you have time, post some photos of your seedlings from 2022.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked shive
  • daylilybedmaker
    last year


    AWAKEN THE DAWN looks gorgeous. I think that one will have to go on my want list. It looks like it doesn't hang up.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked daylilybedmaker
  • sherrygirl zone5 N il
    Original Author
    last year

    Celeste…so glad to see you participating! hope you continue to find the time…..I know we all miss you!


  • celeste/NH
    last year are opening a can of worms asking for seedling photos....I have dozens! They are still on my phone but once I have time I'll share them. My Awaken the Dawn never shows peach tones like yours. Mine is a light blush pink. It looks pretty either way! David....Awaken the Dawn opens perfectly nearly every time. It's so beautiful I have spent a lot of time going back to the clump to stare at it! And it's fertile both ways. I haven't yet seen the kids but hope I'll see some this summer. Thank you, Sherry! I have missed you all.

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked celeste/NH
  • shive
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Celeste - I'm amazed that Awaken the Dawn doesn't show the peach tones for you. It sure has a fabulous edge, and that's why I bought it. But it blooms so late here that it's too hot to set seed with it. The color and no success with it in hybridizing are the two reasons why I moved it out. I hope you get some good seedlings from it!

    January and February are great times to share your seedling photos. We're all hungry for daylily pictures during winter.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked shive
  • peren.all Zone 5a Ontario Canada
    last year

    Late to the party but I did laugh at the joke. Sherry Autumn Minaret is definitely one I will watch for. So many beauties here.

    Always Afternoon is a great performer here putting on a show for weeks. I really need to divide it though because of congestion. I meant to do it this past summer but it was so hot.

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked peren.all Zone 5a Ontario Canada
  • Nancy 6b
    last year

    Abby Davisson has lovely flowers

    Ada Mae Musik did not have a great year last year for flowering, although the flowers were all lovely. It had more blooms the year before. I think this was the 3rd year for it so I was really expecting it to be wonderful, maybe this year

    All Fired Up

    I liked the color of Allegheny skyline, but it did not survive the summer, unless it surprises me.

    Annabel's Blush, I have ;a much better photo of it, but it was taken in sun and looked very orange, not at all the way it should

    Arnold's Daughter

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Nancy 6b
  • shive
    last year

    Nancy - It's good to see your photos again! Abby Davisson is a pretty one. I hope Allegheny Skyline surprises you and survives. Your looks much rounder than mine ever has. Ada Mae Musick is usually a good performer here, but I don't think it had many buds here last year.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked shive
  • Brad KY 6b
    last year

    Nancy, I just got Allegheny Skyline from Debra and am looking forward to it. I hope yours survived.


    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked Brad KY 6b
  • mantis__oh
    last year

    Nice bunch of A's, with a beautiful pic of Abby Davisson and a well-budded clump of Arnold's Daughter. Annabelle's Blush never did well here, but could throw an occasional lovely bloom (on very short stems).

    I enjoy A Little Fire, Scarecrow. It can take a picture a bit more vivid than reality, but is not missed in the garden.

    sherrygirl zone5 N il thanked mantis__oh