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Movements in Art > Dazzle Painting

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message 1: by Heather (last edited May 11, 2021 05:50PM) (new)

Heather | 8547 comments Dirk posted a work by Norman Wilkinson
"Norman Wilkinson CBE RI was a British artist who usually worked in oils, watercolours and drypoint. He was primarily a marine painter, but also an illustrator, poster artist, and wartime camoufleur. Wilkinson invented dazzle painting to protect merchant shipping during the First World War."

So I thought I would look up just what 'Dazzle Painting' is. In case anyone else wants to know....

message 2: by Heather (new)

Heather | 8547 comments Well, I have much more to post here and I have posted in other threads, too. But I think Goodreads is overloaded at this time or something. It sits here and says "saving your comment" and never posts it. I opened another tab for Art Lovers to go to a different thread to see if I could post there and it did the same thing. Why it let me post the above post, idk. Let's see if it will post this. If so, just know that I will still add to this thread when Goodreads gets their act together!

message 3: by Heather (new)

Heather | 8547 comments

message 4: by Heather (last edited May 11, 2021 05:55PM) (new)

Heather | 8547 comments

message 5: by Heather (new)

Heather | 8547 comments

message 6: by Heather (new)

Heather | 8547 comments Okay, so it seems that if I just write my own comment, it will post it. If I post a picture, it saves it. But if I copy something and paste it, it won't save my comment. Those are the only comments that it sits there and is 'thinking' and says "saving your comment" and never does anything.

So I was going to explain about Dazzle Painting from a couple different sites I found but I am NOT going to try to memorize and re-type them here. I have to copy and paste what they say and if Goodreads is having issues with copy and pasting tonight, I will post my explanations another day. I'm sorry!

message 7: by Dirk, Moderator (new)

Dirk Van | 3930 comments I had also troubles yesterday. But after a few tries I managed to post my daily pic. It seems that editing a post worked better than posting the whole message in one go...
Let's see how it goes today.

By the way: those ships make me dizzy, I guess that's why it's named Dazzle painting ;-)

message 8: by Heather (new)

Heather | 8547 comments Dazzle camouflage, also known as razzle dazzle or dazzle painting, was a family of ship camouflage used extensively in World War I and to a lesser extent in World War II. Credited to artist Norman Wilkinson, it consisted of complex patterns of geometric shapes in contrasting colours, interrupting and intersecting each other.

Unlike some other forms of camouflage, dazzle works not by offering concealment but by making it difficult to estimate a target's range, speed and heading. Norman Wilkinson explained in 1919 that dazzle was intended more to mislead the enemy as to the correct position to take up than actually to miss his shot when firing.

Dazzle attracted the notice of artists, with Picasso notably claiming cubists had invented it. The vorticist artist Edward Wadsworth, who supervised the camouflaging of over 2,000 ships during the First World War, painted a series of canvases of dazzle ships after the war, based on his wartime work.

message 9: by Heather (new)

Heather | 8547 comments Dazzle Painting

Length: 4:0 minutes

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