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Ranunculus Growing Guide

Header Ranunculus - Garden Express Australia

What is Ranunculus?

Ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus) also known as Ranunculi, Persian Buttercup, Persian Crowsfoot is a short lived perennial corm. They are part of the Ranunculaceae family and are native to Asia. A Spring flowering plant, the Ranunclus produces very bright and showy flowers with a range of colours including yellow, red, white, pink and orange. The flower sits on a long stem above the dainty light green foliage that looks fern like. They require a full sun position in the garden with well drained soil that is sheltered from strong winds. To keep blooms coming for a longer period, regularly cut off any dead and dying blooms. These little corm will keep your garden and house in flowers for many weeks.

Benefits of Growing Ranunculus

Ranunculus are very hardy and will grow in a wide range of conditions. They have rich bright colours that are great for mass colour in garden beds in sunny positions. They look amazing when planted en masse in pots and are also great cut flowers.

How to Grow Ranunculus

Ranunculi Orange Pkranora 2019 - Garden Express Australia

Ranunculi Orange

Climatic Zones

Cool, temperate, arid, semi arid.

Plant Size

Height: 40-60cm, Width: 15-25cm

When To Plant Ranunculus

Plant in Autumn

Soil Preparation

They like well drained soil. Add some light organic or chemical fertiliser at planting time.

How To Plant Ranunculus

Plant in full sun, 15cm apart with the corm at a depth of 4cm below the soil surface. Plant with claws facing downwards. To kick start the growing process soak the corms in a bowl of water for around an hour before planting.

Ranunculus Plant Care

Water well after planting; soak weekly until shoots appear, then only to supplement rainfall to keep moist during active growth.

Liquid fertilise once buds start to form. Use a complete fertiliser in Spring.

Deadhead during flowering time to promote more flowers. Best treated as annual or bi-annuals unless adequate fertilising is given you will find the corm will grow weaker and weaker producing less flowers. New corms planted every 1 to 2 years.  When the foliage is yellowing off they can be lifted and stored

Watch out for snails when buds appear. Mildew can be a problem in Autumn.

Recommended Ranunculus Varieties

Bright stunning colour out of such a tiny interesting shaped corm. Plant en masse to look out the window at a sea of colour.

Ranunculi Burgundy Pkranbur 2020 - Garden Express Australia

Ranunculi Burgundy

Ranunculi Pink 16 14240959pa - Garden Express Australia

Ranunculi Pink

Ranunculi Yellow Pkranyel 2020 - Garden Express Australia

Ranunculi Yellow