Home Blog Six Important Questions to Answer Before You Get Started Growing Flowers
February 1st 2016

Six Important Questions to Answer Before You Get Started Growing Flowers

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floretfieldshotIf you’re new to flower growing or you’ve dabbled for a little while and now you’re ready to get serious, spending a little time getting clear is an absolute must. Today, we’re going to do a little assessment to figure out what you’ve got to work with, what limitations you have to consider, and what your flower needs are. These details are critical in making a good, solid plan that will reward you with a successful, flower-filled season.

So, before we dig into the nitty gritty how-to posts, I want you to take a little time and answer these six important questions. The process will help narrow down your choices, and you’ll get really clear, really fast. From here planning will be so much easier.

Ok, here we go:

erinwalkHow much space do you have to work with? Even if you only have a few pots on your deck or a small garden plot in your backyard, it’s still possible to have fresh flowers in your life. But before you go hog wild ordering up a storm, it’s important to get an idea of how much good growing ground you can actually set aside.

Almost all of the flower varieties we offer in the Floret Shop prefer full sun, so try to find a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight a day. If you only have a shade to work with, don’t worry—I’ll give you some suggestions for varieties that like those conditions too.

You’ll want to go out and take measurements of the space(s) you have to work with so that once we dig into the planning steps you can be as accurate as possible. I have a 2-acre field map, with every single bed and hoophouse drawn out. This really, really helps me stay in touch with the actual space I have to fill.

How long is your growing season, and what’s your climate like? Factors like where you live and how long your growing season lasts will dictate what varieties will grow and thrive in your area. For instance, one of my farming friends in northern Vermont only has 90 frost-free days during which to grow flowers! So they stick to cool weather-lovers that are fast to flower, and anything heat-loving and tender must be grown in a hoophouse. Another grower friend is gardening in the high desert. Spring lasts just a few short weeks, essentially jumping from winter right to summer. Cool weather-lovers like sweet peas and honeywort must be grown under shade cloth, otherwise the high temps and high light will fry their tender growth.

Even though our farm is tucked into a valley with a pretty long frost-free growing season, April 15 to October 15, we rarely get temps over 90°F in the summer. So things that thrive outside for most gardeners, like basil, tomatoes, peppers, and cockscomb must be tucked into a hoophouse for us, otherwise they never fully ripen.

We’ll dig into climate-specific recommendations in the upcoming posts, but take this time now to think through and better understand the climate limitations in your area.

larkspur1How much time and energy do you have to devote to this project? This is the question I hate to answer the most! While I’ve figured out how to squeeze ridiculous amounts of flowers into our tiny plot of land, I still haven’t cracked the code on adding more hours to the day. If you work a full-time job or have to travel to your cutting garden, or your days are filled with wrangling little people, beware of biting off more than you can chew.

When I first started growing flowers I was also a young mom. The majority of my days were filled with keeping a very inquisitive preschooler occupied and her wild toddler brother out of trouble. As my passion for flowers grew, so did my frustration with how little time I actually had to devote to growing them. I remember crying in my weed-filled garden more days than I can count because I just couldn’t keep up with it all.

As time went on I found some great ways to manage the workload and eventually keep up, which I will share with you soon. But what would have helped me more than anything back then was to take it a little easier. I thought I had to do it all, RIGHT NOW, which created a mountain of work and stress for me.

How much money can you invest in your garden this season? While growing your own flowers will reward you with both a bounty of blooms, and if you’re in business, some cash too, getting a garden set up does require an initial investment.

If cash is tight or you’re just starting out, one of the best ways to get your feet wet without breaking the bank is by growing annual varieties from seed. Depending on the size of the garden you have, a pretty small investment in seeds and compost can reward you with an incredible abundance of flowers and foliage just a few months down the road.

During the early years, in hopes of increasing our farm’s revenue, we doubled our growing ground. But in the chase for more income, we failed to account for just how much money was required to get a new 2-acre field set up and in working order. With the land already rented and ready to cultivate, we naively skipped the most important steps to growing great flowers (feeding the soil and providing steady water) and instead just threw thousands of small seedlings in the ground. That year almost did us in!

It’s important to remember that whatever space you’re going to cultivate, you also need to factor in compost, fertilizer, some type of irrigation, plus seeds and bulbs.

campanulaWhat are your floral needs? Whether you want to grow truckloads of flowers for mixed bouquets, or interesting ingredients to supplement your floral design business during the wedding season, or just have fresh flowers for your home, your needs should define what varieties you choose and how many plants you ultimately grow.

floretbackfieldLastly, WHY are you growing cut flowers? I know this probably seems like a silly question, but during the height of summer, when the mosquitoes are thick, and the flowers are blooming faster than you can cut them, remembering this one simple thing will help to keep things in perspective. It’s your North Star.

For me, growing flowers helps me to be more centered and present in the moment. I have a tendency to live in the future. Flowers pull me out of my head and into the right here and right now. I also LOVE to share the beauty and magic of flowers with other people. Nothing brings me more joy than handing someone a bundle of blooms.

I’d love to hear about your questions and plans in the comments below. What you are struggling with, what questions do you still have, and are there any tricks or resources you love that you could share with other readers?

Please note: If you submit a comment below and it doesn’t show up right away, sit tight; we have a spam filter that requires we approve most comments before they are published.

If you find this information is helpful, I would love it if you would share it with your friends.


  1. Natasha Cupid-Fournillier on

    I live in the Caribbean
    Cut flower garden is new to me
    I am a nurse and have been planting vegetables for over 20 years.
    I am now experimenting as to which flowers can grow in my climate since, we only have 6 months of rain and 6 months of mostly sun with minimal rain

  2. Jöelle on

    I am 28 and own 10 acres of land in a valley across from the river. Flowers have always been a passion and a steep learning curve, I’m very thankful for the information shared on your website! I’ve been wanting to start a cut flower farm for years and finally have the land to do so, now to do the trail and error. We have weird soil though, half of the property is more gravely and the other half is more clay the closer you get to the river. I eventually would like to sell flowers with my daughter at the local farmers markets and supply the local flower shops.

  3. Wendy Jessen on

    My name is Wendy. I have waitressed, been a machinist, worked in a factory and been a plumber. I’m 56 and my husband and I moved to our 2.5 farm property in Northern MN this year. With the sale of our plumbing business and our home I have the opportunity to follow my passion of growing flowers. I discovered dahlias last year when I received some free tubers. I bought tubers last winter and now I have about 100 dahlias, and a garden worth zinnias and multiple perennials. I’m learning about cutting flowers for bouquets and enjoying farm life and looking forward to reading your books and planning a more formal flower garden layout. I discovered your show on magnolia network and your story really empowered me to go forward with my passion. So far with your mini courses I have learned alot. I just recently pinched my flowers and with the recent rains I’m looking forward to having some longer stemmed flowers. Hopefully by the end of the summer I’ll have things figured out better. (I’ve grown flowers for years I never cut them for vases) I ordered your 3 books and I’m planning on reading them as soon as i get them. Have you only sold cut flowers and seeds or have you also sold potted plants for planters? Thank you for sharing your story.

  4. Anna on

    I just found your website and I am overwhelmed with the amount of information available. Thank you so much. I live on a small farm with about 18 acres of pasture and 18 tillable acres plus a couple of acres for yard and outbuildings. I have a number of flower beds in the yard and would eventually like to turn part of the acreage currently involved in grain farming into more flowering or landscaping plants now that the kids are grown and I have more time.

  5. Twanna Johns on

    Hi , My name is Twanna , I watched your Show and loved it !! I have gardened all of my life . It is my peaceful place . I am 62 and hope to retire in 3 years . I have 8x 15 Hoop house . And several good size flower beds . I would like to sell flowers and seeds at the Farmers Market to supplement my retirement income . And I love to share with my Friends and Neighbors . I may add another Acre next year . Any thoughts or Ideas are greatly appreciated.

    I hope you all have a Beautiful day , Thanks Twanna

  6. Gloria Camacho on

    First of all I want to say CONGRATULATIONS I love your show and whatv you are doing. I am a flower lover my husband is too. We live in Lancaster TX. And summers here are hot and winters well gets supper cold. But I love flowers that come back every year I would also love to have some cut flowers. But I love what you do and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  7. Debbie Richardson on

    Hi my name is Debbie, I just got Discovery+and I love your show . what you do is awesome and beautiful. I have a large back yard and part of it is in a sunny area. I don’t want a lot I just want some beautiful flowers for me and family . I live in Tyler county Texas , we have a lot of summer . I want something that will come back each summer. I am disabled and have a lot of time to take care of flowers. Thank you for bringing so much beauty to the world .

  8. Janice on

    Erin…CONGRATULATIONS on such a beautiful job in your “garden” and for the sticktoittiveness it took to accomplish such a beautiful place in this world. And, thank you for sharing all you’ve learned…such a help to those of us who are really just getting started. I’ve always had a small, easy to tend garden as I was a single mom with a full-time career (like so many). But am now retired and trying to turn my yard into a park…per my husband. LOL Luckily he loves it all as much as I do…even though he prefers his rider mower to pulling weeds or deadheading plants. ;-) We have a little over half an acre with the house in the center of it. Front yard has a HUGE Pin Oak tree which limits what I can do there. I have more room in the back around a pool but with restrictions along the outside border due to power lines and beautiful trees. So, that being said, I want beautiful perennials and, living in SC, we have heat and sun and not long winters. I want to make a pathway of beauty around the yard and will be studying your site for ideas and direction. Thank you for anything you may want to share re ideas or what I should specifically study to make this dream come true. God Bless and continued blessings to you, your family and Floret.

  9. Sheila on

    I am retired but spend around 6hrs a day as a Carer for my parents . I live in the uk and have always been a gardener ,it is my bit of solace . Along with my daughter we have turned our gardens over to a small flower farm which has given us both a new focus . We have avidly read all your posts and advice which have given us a lot of inspiration . Many thanks and happy gardening.

  10. MJ on

    Dear Erin:

    Did your book just get me excited to take on the day to day of growing flowers. I may have gotten addicted. Honestly I am not sure if my flowers will take off, but I have 2 young children and the garden bring me some extra fun. I love learning about each flower and they just feel so interesting. I have always liked to create art and I am a photographer. I think that God is pulling me to stop pushing in one direction and start running in this one. It all started falling in place, so I need to see where it takes me. Hugs and Thanks for this much needed inspiration and joy. – MJ

  11. Francesca Vita on

    Dear Erin, I’m a young researcher in architecture but I grew up with the love for flowers from my grandma and mum. My grandma loved to receive flowers bouquets, my mum loves gardening and roses (especially). With my husband (a forestry engineer) we recently bought a country house and a piece of land (1.5 acre) and I’m seriously pondering to start a flower small business once I finish my PhD. I’m studying about flowers growing (also from your books), sketching and taking notes, so much to learn! My doubts concern wether a flowers farming is economically rewarding, at the beginning how much time I would need to dedicate to it (I cannot leave my job for economic reason) and I’m a little concern about growing flowers in a very dry zone of Europe, we almost have 6 months of drought and not a rigid winter. I will keep on reading and learning. Thank you for your time and sharing such useful information!

  12. Janice Ryerson on

    I am a retired florist and it’s in my blood I have about 1000 square feet of growing space in my yard and I love all flowers my yard is full sun. In some parts of my yard I have shade. This year I bought a little Greenhouse and 12 seed starter trays 72 seed pur tray I planted 1080 seeds in my Greenhouse on January 28th and to my surprise everything Groove beautifully I set a heater in the greenhouse and kept the temperature around 60 and when it got warmer I would put a fan in my Greenhouse to keep the temperatures cool and I had great success with that I already had a lot of knowledge about flowers and different types of plants and I have found my love . My goal for this year was to bless a lot of people with fresh plants that they could start new this year hopefully a better year than we’ve had in the last two since covid I gave each person about a dozen plants each. I want people 2 see new life and beauty with living things flowers and plants are good for the soul and it also brings the excitement of expectation of what you will get when you take care of your plants there’s nothing more beautiful. The first time I heard about you was on Garden answers she has the style I love. flowers run in my veins. I ordered soom seeds from you a little late cuz a lot of things were sold out but hopefully this year I’m going to order early for next year so that I can get what I’m looking for but everything I planted came up I did not lose one plant and I am so thankful for that. Plus excited about making a lot of floral arrangements to give to cancer victims people that are down and out and need a smile I love your story and your passion for florets you are a godsend for such a time as this and also I love garden answers she’s a blessing as well thank you again for all your hard work and beauty that you share.

  13. Janice Ryerson on

    I am a retired florist and it’s in my blood I have about 1000 square feet of growing space in my yard and I love all flowers my yard is full sun. In some parts of my yard I have shade. This year I bought a little Greenhouse and 12 seed starter trays 72 seed pur tray I planted 1080 seeds in my Greenhouse on January 28th and to my surprise everything Groove beautifully I set a heater in the greenhouse and kept the temperature around 60 and when it got warmer I would put a fan in my Greenhouse to keep the temperatures cool and I had great success with that I already had a lot of knowledge about flowers and different types of plants and I have found my love . My goal for this year was to bless a lot of people with fresh plants that they could start new this year hopefully a better year than we’ve had in the last two since covid I gave each person about a dozen plants each. I want people 2 see new life and beauty with living things flowers and plants are good for the soul and it also brings the excitement of expectation of what you will get when you take care of your plants there’s nothing more beautiful. The first time I heard about you was on Garden answers she has the style I love. flowers run in my veins. I ordered soom seeds from you a little late cuz a lot of things were sold out but hopefully this year I’m going to order early for next year so that I can get what I’m looking for but everything I planted came up I did not lose one plant and I am so thankful for that. I love your story and your passion for florets you are a godsend for such a time as this and also I love garden answers she’s a blessing as well thank you again for all your hard work and beauty that you share

  14. Eileen Albrecht on

    You have such an inspiring story and lovely farm! Thank you for sharing your trials and triumphs with us. I have purchased 2 of your books. When you post photos in your newsletters could you name the flowers so when we see something we can find/order them?

  15. Heather Smith on

    Hello I am having a bit of difficulty putting my filler plant and flower list together. I am thinking of annual seeds to allow me to spend more on my dahlias. I missed your tubers, all sold out. Just grateful to have found you! Purchased two of your books :))
    I have 800′ and $400 in dahlia tubers, approx 60 tubers. I am calculating this to fill two 4×10′ spaces and am contemplating a third. I have a small farm stand with a 1600′ plot out back, FULL SUN.
    I am not sure how many flowers I will sell as this is my first year having them.

    Thank you and love love your story

  16. Linda on

    I sell my lime lights to my local flower wholesaler. See if there is a wholesaler in your area and go ask them if they would be interested.
    They pay me $1.00 a stem, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it does add up when I take 100 stems at a time. I usually do credit and then get to trade for flowers through out the year.
    I take home their 5 gallon buckets and put 35 stems in each bucket. A few extra for good measure. I hope it works out for you.

  17. Karen M Reiner on

    Hi, I’m in St. Louis Missouri and want to grow flowers that I can CUT and bring in or share, I have 4-6 hous of sun and a whole backyard and a side yard, would love your advice!! Thanks much! Found out about this shop through the Master Gardener class here at the Botanical gardens, almost finished with the class!!

  18. Jenna on

    First time flower farmer here. I have four acres but I’m scared that the deer,rabbits, birds, etc will eat either the seeds/buds and I’ll lose my investment. I can’t afford to buy a tall enough fence to keep animals out of this space. What do you do to keep the animals away and how do you water areas so far away from the house?

  19. Sandy Salmon on

    I am not sure how I stumbled upon your site, but wow has it lit me up and I believe it was meant to be! In October of this year, I purchased an acre property with my daughter and granddaughter in Sooke BC. I am loving the space and am enjoying fixing up my little cottage, plugging away at preparing the large overgrown veggy garden while also being able to see my granddaughter daily. I have a million ideas as to what we could do with the space, Like less veggies and more flowers, and as well what I might do differently to create income as I await a buyout from my current company. I could stay on with them, but I am being called to do something else…something for me, where my creativity and business mind are used for me and my happiness and success. The idea of creating a flower farm gets me all fired up at the possibilities. Even a little scared, but in a good way! I have always loved flowers and while I have no training have lovingly dabbled and created bouquets for friends and family for all occasions. I have owned a home decor and gift store. I worked at a friends flower shop. I have always grown flowers, even if just in planters. After years of desk work, and fitting in my creative endeavours here and there, I just keep sitting with the feeling of excitement and what I might create here at Sunshine Grove – Or Luna Land as my partner lovingly calls it. (I go by Luna instead of Grandma LOL! ) I am drawn to flower growing, (Dalias especially) because for me gardening is meditative and keeps me in the moment. I enjoy the process of a flower from bud to fallen petals. I think a bouquet of dried up tulips is beautiful! I love floral design for the use of colour and movement and the feeling that can create and I love photography of florals and paintings of abstract florals. Lilacs remind me of my grandmother and the smell of sweet peas brings me pure joy. I can’t wait for the course to be offered for 2022. It will be my 55th year on this planet, and I just can’t wait to see what I create next…taking the course will get me one step closer to that new path I am meant be on! Thank you for you passion, beautiful books and abundance of information.

  20. Erin on

    Hi! I live in the Midwest, St. Louis, Missouri. Do you know of any cheat sheets to help me understand timeline for flower type, soil prep, planting and growth season for my area? I’m a complete newbie but for years have drooled over the idea of gardening. Thank you so, so much!

  21. Bon Smith on

    Howdy from California! I am so excited to join this group. In my younger years I studied floriculture and indoor landscaping in my mothers home state of Texas. After graduating I returned to California with the dream of starting my own flower farm and business. Life tossed a hoop and it has been on the back burner for 40 years. I am getting ready to retire from
    my Agricultural career and want to grow flowers on our property. I am 61 and hoping it’s not to late to at least have the enjoyment of fulfilling a long lost dream even if just a portion of
    it. Any advice from other ‘late bloomers?’

  22. Patricia on

    4 yrs ago, I started a limelight hydrangea hedge to hide the neighbors 6 ft. Old rickety wooden fence. Every yr., I add another 10 or 20. I have an acre of land. I have quite a ways to go to complete the perimeter of the yard. Now, family and friends say I should try selling the blooms to florist. While I admit that the blooms are just being wasted on the bush, I have NO idea on how to proceed. I need info regarding wholesale prices., and everything else that goes into selling to florists and, others. If anyone can point me in the right direction regarding the answer to these questions, it would be appreciated.
    I am a retired older lady, and while the thought of having a little extra income appeals to me, it may be more than I am willing to take on.
    Thanks in advance for any and all info. Given to me.

  23. Angela M. Kadingo on

    I adore flowers… everything in my life but the toilet paper is floral!!! I so want a cutting garden that will thrive where I am in the Atlanta area…have tried seeds for marsh mallow, I love them!!! For three years… What I get is short mallows for food that don’t bloom. I so want spiked flowers, but everything seems to die…we have alot of feral cats in our neighborhood…my dream is my own farm!!! Any suggestions on some really sturdy flowers?

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  25. Howard Freeman on

    For the expert flower grower: I would like to start Growing Dahlia, decorative, some dinner plate, for sale to florist, the Fargo Moorhead Area MN. ND. My growing space. 33x 91 space measured. Is $ 10.00 to much for ten stems of Dahlias? What other flowers would go with, Dahlias in bouquets without taking up to much space, and a place to by tubers that don’t cost an arm and leg? [email protected]. Help Appreciated Howard

  26. Sarah Adey on

    Dear Floret,
    I’m a Psychologist and find that to cope with the stress I have accumulated by the end of the week I immerse myself in the garden or creating wreaths for Christmas. Having my hands amongst foliage and in the dirt seems to wash it all away. Even when I can’t visit a Nursery due to funds, I find just tending and weeding meditative. I work in rural Gippsland Victoria, my practice is surrounded by dairy farmers in a temperate zone. Not sure what number that is? But we get high rainfall and our summers are long, spring is wet. I have a lot of patients who can’t work due to mental health and I want to pay those to work alongside me for their mental health. Hoping to get a grant from the government to enable this. Magically a friend in the health industry has given me some spare land (1 acre?) with water access that they need planted out with trees and shrubs as it’s not suitable for their cattle to graze. My dream, now my daughter is in her final year of school, is to plant trees and shrubs for foliage for my wreaths and plant more unusual English style flowers that aren’t available in the Australian flower market. Eventually to sell them! I want to encourage people to create their own wild floral displays and festive wreaths and have the experience of picking them themselves for whatever occasion it may be, or simply because….. In the end really it’s just to immerse myself more in the wonder of nature’s beauty and its healing ability, continue to aid those with their mental health in a very different way and encourage as many around me in the district or who follow me on Instagram of nature’s mental health benefits.

  27. Wildflower on

    I grow and surround myself with flowers to help me survive each day. Beautiful blooms help me feel safe.

  28. Lisa on

    Hello Erin,
    I recently read a rave review of your book, ‘Cut Flower Garden’ and ordered a copy. For the past week I’ve been immersed in the pages of beautiful photos and clear, helpful narrative. We live in southern Puget Sound on a couple of acres, so share your general climate challenges (cool temperatures, loads of rain, lack of light). I’m looking forward to trying some flower varieties you recommend!

  29. Julia Dolce on

    Hi Floret
    I am getting ready to retire in about a year from the military. I purchased a retreat home to enjoy a couple of years ago located in VA zone 7a
    Up to this point I concentrated on areas around the house and did a small vegetable garden last year. I have been Following Laura channel and she mentions you all the time. This year with Covid at hand I was able to work from home so I had a chance to start preparing about an acre of the land for my future garden. I love flowers and this is something I have always wanted to do. I fenced in about 7000 squar feet a few weeks ago. I will have the irrigation system put in soon. And run so electric to that site. This is going to be my trial spot to start and learn from success and failures and make sure I want to devote more property. I have done some research and starting getting supplies over the past couple of years so the big jump would not be a shock. I am looking forward to following you getting advice and sharing what I learn along the way. Thank you Julia

  30. Donna Monroe on

    We are currently building a house in Knoxville, TN.
    I LOVE flowers and I want cut flowers in my house as well as a garden outside making my house look alive and colorful. I want to learn layering for the landscape, the best cut flowers for my vases, and flowers and plants that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. I’m working on having a certified habitat with the National Wildlife Federation to sustain birds and wildlife. I’m excited to learn what I can do in my zone (7a) in full sun because our lot doesn’t have much shade right now until we plant trees. Can’t wait and thrilled you partnered with the Gaineses. I love them so much and now I love you! ❤️

  31. Sheila on

    Hi Erin
    I just retired. I have been interested and have grown flowers all my life but as time would allow. I have areas that have full sun in the back yard and partial sun in the front and side yard. Growing season is May 30 thru October 15. Budget is not a problem. I have had good luck with what I have planted but have never planted flowers from seed. Just started following you

  32. Cynthia Lamas on

    Hello Floret,
    I am in Missouri and our growing season is from @ April 15 to October 15, 185 days. Summers can be brutal. I will be retiring soon and having a flower garden in my backyard is one of my goals. I have a beautiful garden plot that I have ready to go. It is U shaped. At the top of the U are two tall pines that has a stone path that divides the two sides. This plot receives about 7 hours of full morning sun. It is shaded from around 3 until sundown. The plot sits on a slight downward slope. My hope is to erect a couple of raised gardens. I don’t have the dimensions yet.
    I know I need to bring in top soil and compost, just don’t know how much of each and if I need any peat.
    Irrigation is from a water hose. I have summers off, so watering then is no problem but I do worry about the non summer months when I am working, how do I keep my garden going well when I am away for at least 9 hours a days.
    I am on a beginning gardener’s budget but it’s healthy.
    I need help getting started because once I do, I can stayed focused. Why do I want to take on this adventure? I love the beauty of colors and smells of a living thriving garden. I like having flowers in the house as well as all around the outside of my home. I fell in love with the gardens of Versailles in Paris and although I will never live in a palace, I can bring the beauty of the palace to my humble abode.
    Thank you,

  33. Cathy B on

    Lindsey Olandi! Yes let’s connect. Not sure if your on Instagram but come find me on @cath411 and DM me!

  34. Lisa Bianco on

    I’m the manager of a small local greenhouse and nursery. I love growing annuals for our customers but have always been tempted to start a cutting garden. I love on 40 acres and have all the space I need to try it. Would love to sell the bouquets at our greenhouse. Looking forward to learning!

  35. June Sweeny on

    Your new show on the Magnolia network has inspired me so much! I can hardly think of anything else since watching your story!!!! I am an old lady!!!! Retired florist who lives in Wilmington NC very near the Atlantic Ocean. I have purchased seeds from you that I plan to grow in two small raised planting beds in my back yard. They are about 4 feet by 2 feet by 12 inches deep. I have great sun where they are going to be placed. I would love your best advice on what type of soil, fertilizer, and mulch that you suggest for such a small flower garden. I promise to do my best to stay all organic!!!

  36. Barbara on

    Thanks so much for sharing your story and expertise. Here’s where I am. I have been in the accounting business for over 20 years and ready for something new. I love flowers and most of the time it is my refresher for the day and can’t wait to get out there with them after work. We have about an acre of land next to our house that my husband is clearing. I would like to make some profits but that is not my main focus right now. My questions are: 1. The marketing? How do you get started selling the cut flowers? Or do you jump right in and figure it out as you go. I have no flower farms within a 75 mile radius so I believe their is a market. As my background is in accounting and administration I am a get it all figured out before I jump in the water person! Any advice you can give me will be appreciated! I love your story, your website and even ordered some seeds from you! Yikes!

  37. Lindsey Oldani on

    Cathy B in Portland, Oregon! I have some ideas, including me! I live here too and I have lots of sun, lots of seeds, and lots of ideas…. I also have a tiny human and a puppy. Maybe, we could grow together. There are also a ton of spaces in other peoples yards that get more sun. I would love to chat. I wish there was a way to connect with all the other Portlanders that shared about their flower love, too. Thanks for this awesome starting resource, Floret Team and Erin!

  38. Pam on

    Hi I live far away from Floret Farm in sunny Sydney in Australia. Got into gardening to keep sane while working from home in 2020. Loving it but a steep learning curve. Came across your website, such happy vibes – really liking it. Wondering if you know or would recommend similar businesses that cater to us down under ? Thanks

  39. Cathy B on

    Hi! I’m not too far away from Floret Farm and live in Portland Oregon. I unfortunately have a small city property (0.18 Acre) but for just my pure enjoyment and maybe to share with friends I would love a beautiful cut flower garden. But I also have a second challenge where my property has 8 evergreens, not letting a lot of light. Where I do get sun, it’s mostly morning sun and not afternoon sun. Do you have suggestions on what will thrive in this environment? – Thank you! I love your beautiful photographs of flowers. So beautiful.

  40. Kathy Weber on

    I am new to this and mostly would like to grow flowers to bring in the house and share bouquets with others for enjoyment. Our yard is large but we have a deer problem so I’ve been using containers on our deck for flowers and tomatoes. The deer can’t get to them there but I would love to put more flowers in our yard. I am retired so I have the time. Thank you.

  41. Jane Burrill on

    I have pretty big gardens and grow a lot of flowers for my own amusement/therapy and all summer long love to bring in flowers for vases. MY BIG QUESTION IS … do you have a secret or method for not bringing into the house the insects that seem to hide in all flowers outside. If you are selling the flowers then that would not be a good thing.

  42. RedBerryFarm on

    You could grow flowers for yourself, and put a free ad on Craigslist – or similar local online selling sites – that you sell fresh cut bouquets, (a source for wedding florists?) or plant starts (fresh dug) and go from there. (Perhaps even a fresh flower CSA where people pre-order by the month -or a three month subscription or longer- to pick up fresh cut flower bunches right from your farm… at hours /days that you set. Little to no upfront cost on your end – you need perhaps some computer skills (barter website setup for flowers?) and a way to collect the money (cash only?) and yet allows you to make a supplemental income as well. ( Maybe even offer a wedding photo shoot site for a fee amidst the flowers~ lovely.)
    (I would make some firm rules – I cut, not anyone traipsing through the beds!)
    Good for you and what an encouraging story! Bravo ~ Enjoy your wonderful flower-haven ~

  43. Karen Reilly on

    I am 76, retired nurse and have nothing to do but dream of all the flowers I love to grow. I am an introvert off the page, and have spent all spring and summer digging out perennial weeds, sawing down saplings, fighting bramble bushes in my old 6 gardens that have been neglected and taken over by reforestation. I was away for 12 years. I had an orchard, an asparagus patch, a blueberry patch, a large double hedgerow across the front, which my neighbor with a tractor took down because a neglected wisteria vine with a 2 ft trunk had wrapped itself everywhere and was taking over the world. I also had grapevines, raspberries, strawberries, a rose garden ,an iris garden, a japanese iris garden, a peony garden, a white garden, a perennial garden, both shade and sun, a woodland garden and a wild garden. The only thing not just living, but increasing were my hellebores. I would be outside from dawn to dusk tending all of it. When I got back to the property,, I sat and cried. All dead. but some survived. I still had some peonies, and a few iris and the japanese iris were so crowded you couldn’t get a spade in it and overstepping it’s bounds. I found, among all the weeds, 17 asparagus, some babies, still poking up. After I got done crying, I set to work. with my little mantis, a hand tool that broke, a shovel and electric allegator a tarp and a wheelbarrow. I had to buy some heavy hand tools to get out the weeds. At one time I sat in the dirt and said, “If I had a brush hog and a tractor, this could be taken care of in a day or a week.” But I broke my wrist starting a gas powered brush hog when I was fifty. Only electric tools for me now, And my weed mulched broke too. Bit I did it all myself and it took me all spring and summer to clean up this disaster. I feel proud of myself. It will be beautiful again. When I was done I had a hot compost pile 7 ft long and over my head and a leaf pile the size of a room. I went around to large store garbage cans for cardboard and hauled back all the compost and goat manure my friend dropped off and the leaves and put it all back on the beds. Plus the wood ash from our wood burning farm. I am not done because winter happened. Nest year will be more of the same. I need to make raised beds, because I saw some puddling. Already I am getting caught up in winter catalog mania and I have 125 seed packs and nowhere to put them. I am a glutton when it comes to flowers. I live on 11.2 acres about 3 is sunny and mowed, the rest woods. In zone 5b. I like to arrange. I like dried flowers, and think I could do that and do a winter thing of wreaths. I used to do that when I was young. My mother won second prise at the Philidelphia flower show on minatures, representing her flower club. That is not my particular interest, but my mother tought me a lot about flower arranging, and I am good at it and have a sense of design and proportion. Because I am no spring chicken, and not about to start up a business, I just want to do something small and not kill myself. However, when it comes to gardening, I usually end up killing myself. Unfortunately, I have zilch business sense, I live on social security, and I do not want to pay taxes, and have all that headache. I want to grow flowers, make arrangements from my flowers. or dried flowers, share the wealth and make a little money. I can bend, no problem. And I am healthy, though little. so, any ideas? Anyone?

  44. Karen Reilly on

    I am 76, retired nurse and have nothing to do but dream of all the flowers I love to grow. I am an introvert off the page, and have spent all spring and summer digging out perennial weeds, sawing down sapplings, fighting bramble bushes in my old 6 gardens that have been neglected and taken over by reforestation. I was away for 12 years. I had an orchard, an aparagus patch, grapevines, raspberries, strawberries, a rose garden,an iris garden, a japanese iris garden, a peony garden, a white garden, a perennial garden, both shade and sun, a woodland garden and a wild garden. I would be outside from dawn to dusk tending all of it. When I got back , i sat and cried. all dead. but some survived. I still had some peonies, and a few iris and the japanese iris were so crowded you couldn’t get a spade in it and overstepping it’sbounds. I found, among all the weeds, 17 aparagus, some babies, still poking up. After I got done crying, I set to work. with my little mantis, a hand tool that broke, a shovel and electric allegator. I had to buy some heavy hand tools to get out the weeds. At one time I sat in the dirt and said, If I had a brush hog, and a tractor this could be taken care of in a day or a week. But I broke my wrist starting a brush hog when I was fifty. Only electric tools for me now, And my weed mulched broke too. Bit I did it all myself and it took me all spring and summer to clean up this disaster. I feel proud of myself. It will be beautiful again.When I was done I had a hot compost pile 7 ft long and over my head and a lef pile the size of a room. I went around to large store garbage cans for newspaper and hauled back all the compost and goat manure my friend dropped of and the leaves and put it all back on the beds. Plus the wood ash from our wood burning farm. I am not done because winter happened. Nest year will be more of the same. I need to make raised beds, because I saw some puddling. already I am getting caught up in winter catalog mania and I have 125 seed packs and nowhere to put them. I am a glutton when it comes to flowers. I live on 11.2 acres about 3 is sunny and mowed, the rest woods. I like to arrange. I like dried flowers, and think I could do that and do a winter thing of wreaths. I used to do that when I was young. My mother won second prise at the Philidelphia flower show on minitures, representing her flower club. That is not my particular interest, but I learned a lot from her about arranging and I have a good sense of design . Because I am no spring chicken,and not about to start up a business, I just want to do something small and not kill myself.Unfortunately, I have zilch business sense, I live on social security, and I do not want to pay taxes, and have all that headache. I want to grow flowers, make arrangements from my flowers. or dried flowers, and she and make a little money. I can bend, no problem.And I am healthy, though little. so, any ideas? Anyone?

  45. Melissa Walker-Scott on

    I’ve always loved flowers and gardens. I’m a photographer by trade and so many of my happy non work days were filled with photographing some of the most amazing gardens in the UK. I got obsessed with Capability Brown and all the gardens that he designed. Chatsworth being a favorite. I however live in California and have never been fortunate enough to “own” my own place. Renter for life sadly. But this year a dear friend has offered me a full sun 40×40 plot on his property to “borrow” and try to grow my first garden and to learn as much as I can so that someday when I am able to own my own small vintage house in a quiet little town with my acre of land, I will be ready for my own dream!!! I bought all of your books and am going to start with mostly seedlings. But I have been lucky enough to be gifted a few amazing tubers as well. And recently I watched “Kiss The Ground” and I am just happy to be able to bring some green and color to what was just an empty, naked plot. I was inspired so much by that movie!! Thank you for your tips and gorgeous farm and flowers.

  46. TeAnne on

    Hi! I’ve ALWAYS loved growing, but remain amateur. We have a new construction home with a side yard in need of planning. It’s a large triangle of dirt at this moment. Full central California sun in the center with shaded areas around fence and wall. My vision is a shed, walkways, flowers, vegetables and a few espalier fruit trees. The kitchen window overlooks this area, so some real planning needs to go into it! All comments and recommendations are appreciated for shade and sun zone 9.

  47. Abril Slate on

    I’m in the same boat as you when you started, as far as children go. Im in Southwest Arkansas and this year was the first ti.e we had a garden tomatoes, peppers and bell peppers did good but honestly time was very limited and alot of mt garden got swallowed by weeds. I have off the ground 50 gallon barrel planters with mt herbs. Would tulips do well in those? What varieties would you recommend for my area? I live in a small town so resources even in nurseries are limited. Also we did compost for our garden.

  48. Stacee on

    I love flowers, especially cut flowers. Why not get into something I love? 2 years ago I bought a small farmhouse (downsized) but have an acre of land. This year I was able to get out in it more and garden and I want to use as much as I can of the land to grow cut flowers. I’ve found my happy place and some peace.

  49. Amy Hayes on

    I am a 3rd generation florist and urban/backyard gardener that misses working with flowers and clients since closing shop in 2012. My goal is to create “growing plots” in the city to raise cut flowers for bouquets to sell close to home. Someday, a small farm would be ideal.

  50. Pamela on

    I want to grow a cutting garden for my granddaughters wedding in October 2021. I have room for a 6×12 bed in full sun zone 7.

  51. Terri West on

    I am in love with the beauty of flowers. So happy to have found your site, it brings so much joy. I want to create a cut flower garden, to have flowers to bring inside to enjoy, to share with a few friends and also to beautify my golf course, hillside lot. I am hoping to create two cutting beds, 2-3′ x 8′ each. I enjoy photographing flowers and painting watercolors of them. Thank you again for sharing your passion.

  52. Norma Perez on

    I want to grow flowers in a space of about 4 x 6 in the back yard. Part sun, part shade. I love flowers and would love to bring more of them into my yard so I thought I’d try it out in a small space and see if I could do it.
    I’m in the process of weeding it and turning the soil which I’m afraid will produce more weeds. But I’m excited of using some type of cover to prevent that. I live in zone 9 and it is always hot and humid.
    I would appreciate your help.

  53. Marisol Andrades on

    I want to grow flowers for my wedding that will be in the Fall of 2021. Where do I begin?? I garden in a zone 6A and my yard is part sun to shade. There are some spots that get full sun so I can dedicate some flowers to those areas as well. I know I for sure want sunflowers and I want to incorporate varying shades of purple blooms as well as some greenery. I have about a quarter of an acre that I could potentially use as well. Any help or suggestions I would greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance and I hope you have a lovely day.

  54. Betty French on

    Do you dig dahlias and store them for the winter? I grew Bishop’s Children successfully last year but even though I stored them inside a barn, only one came back. The roots looked plump and alive when I replanted them but nothing showed for the others.

  55. Theresae on

    I decided to turn my back yard into a flower garden. It’s about 100’ deep and goes from sun to total shade. I just want to dabble. I’m retired and my husband is disabled. We enjoy checking on our flowers.
    I love roses and daisy’s . I have annabelle hydrangeas sprinkled amongst the pathways. Looking to grow my own plants next year. Would sure appreciate your help

  56. Pamula Stamschror on

    A friend of mine turned me on to your blogs & websites. She took you online classes last fall and is so full of joy & happiness I had to look you up. I don’t have a large growing area but I love my peonies in the spring and would love to add more cut flowers for our home as well as some stock. Looking forward to learning and growing for our home!

  57. Sarah snyman on

    Ahh I love your farm and all the flowers you grow just beautiful 💚
    I’m just starting out on my flower farm journey from my garden at the moment growing in raised beds
    I have 8 12 ft beds and 2 green houses I can’t wait to get going I’ve just ordered both of your books can’t wait for them to arrive for all your tips . Please can you help me with how to grow ranunculus and anemones please ?
    Many thanks

  58. gloria Naught on

    I am in LOVE with your farm and all your beautiful flowers. I am from Sherwood Oregon where i grew tons of hydrangeas, dahlias, roses and lots of herbs & rhubarb. We just retired & moved to Arizona. I have joined AZ gardening club. I so miss all my beautiful flowers. I have no clue what flowers i can grow here in this heat. do you have any suggestions? My dahlias right now are not doing so good. Its just to hot for them.
    Thank you so much.

  59. mary a rawson on

    Your site and honest communication as well as you sharing SO MUCH valuable information based on your own experience is so very much appreciated.
    I spent the winter doing lots of research and have decided to expand our current vegetable farm into more of a flower farm in coming years.
    Your website has been the one I keep coming back to…Although I have been farming for years and have a small cut your own flower garden as well, your site has helped me tremendously as we move forward with this new venture. I am quite a bit older then you and some might say WHAT?? are you thinking but it’s a dream I have had, and as that quote says
    “She believed she could and she did”
    I don’t know how you find the time for all you do but I wanted to take a moment to let you know I really appreciate how you have helped me on my next adventure!
    Happy Gardening!

  60. Sarah on

    Hello! I just received your “Cut Flower Garden” book in the mail and am excited to start my growing journey under your guidance! Between the book, your blog , IG and workshop (hope to participate in the future), I know I’ll be in good hands. We have just under an acre of land at my house and I’ve already started brainstorming about where I’d like to locate my cutting garden. I cannot wait to start planning!

  61. Amy on

    I just discovered your site and I’m in love! I really really appreciate posts like this as it helps me keep everything in perspective. I find myself wanting to plant all the flowers! But your wise words are going to help me stay in control when planning and purchasing!

    I saw another comment re clay soil, and I too really struggle with it. I would love your recommendations on what to amend my soil with and how best to deal with poorly draining soil. Maybe a post on dealing with soil issues? Perhaps you could include suggestions for some plants that maybe won’t mind some soggy feet that would be appreciated.

    Finally, and I’m sorry for the long comment, I also deal with a lot of shade – partial shade and deep shade. If you could write a post on shade plant suggestions that wold be much appreciated!

  62. Debbie Fletcher on

    Thank you Erin, the information so far has been very helpful. I have a horticultural background in propagating and growing perennials and shrubs working in a commercial nursery for 13 years, then moved into office work, I am an addicted gardener and spend most of my time outside. two and a half years ago I has a tragic accident, I am unable to return to my previous work life which as left me looking for something that I want to do and enjoy’,
    I grew the flowers for my daughters wedding which was thrilling, I did all the flower arranging and loved every minute of it. I have now found what I want to do for the rest of my life, I now need to try and make that happen. Finding you has helped enormously, I am looking forward for the first time in a long time

  63. Cindy on

    I’ve been working in gardens since I was a child. My mom had a beautiful flower garden and my dad grew the vegetables. My best times are when my fingers are in the dirt. Weeding pulls all the stress right out of me after a long hard day at work. I’m excited to find you and look forward many more photos and information about how to make my flowers gardens their best!

  64. Chelsea Paulk on

    I am so grateful for all your wisdom that you are sharing with us to achieve our flower dreams. I love that you laid out the ground work we need to consider before starting because I am just like you in being a dreamer and doing everything NOW, so stopping to plan and think about this helps me realistically go after my flower dreams.

    That being said I need help with figuring out my flower dreams. What would type of annual cut flower seeds would you recommend for a beginner? Lastly I live in GA where the soil here is clay and not really good for planting in the ground, what would you recommend to me for starting my cut flower garden bed that also has soil/elevation/drainage issues?

    I know these are loaded questions and sorry if it’s a little long. I need help and don’t know where to start. Thanks in advance and so grateful for the help you have already assisted me in by reading the material you have here.

  65. Julianna on

    Flowers are my therapy. I am so happy to have found Floret Flowers. Everything I have read has been so informative and helpful and easy to understand . Looking forward to much more
    Thank you.

  66. Beth Atkins on

    You’re beautiful company and gorgeous photography has inspired me to try this for myself! I plan to order my first order of cut flower seeds today. Wish me luck :) Thank you for sharing what you do!

  67. Faye on

    I am starting to feel I have a gardening addiction. It is both my exercise plan and my peace of mind. So with that said and a new house, I am in the stage once more of planning. I have always wanted a cutting garden but instead just plant around my yard and pick what’s blooming. So I have set aside a small space just for that but need to learn the basics again so I can always have something to cut.
    I am so excited to find Floret Flowers! Just stunning fields that are ever changing! Thank you…. I look forward to following you……

  68. Tricia J. on

    Saw the sneak peek of the Magnolia Network’s shows. Looking forward to your show.

  69. Dayna Beck on

    I found you on the Magnolia Network show with Chip and JoAnna Gaines. I absolutely LOVE flowers!!! Your segment was one of my favorites and I am going to attempt to grow some of your seeds! I love the directions you give and the information about each seed is great. After looking through your site I wish there was a way to have your fresh cut flowers mailed to my home.

  70. Christa Scheffer on

    I’m so exited to have found your site. I just received my very own copy of Cut Flower Garden and am hoping to get started with growing my own garden full of cut flowers in the near future. Great article!

  71. Brittney on

    I just found you through word-of-mouth (err… instagram) from a local florist, The Flower Hat, here in Bozeman, MT. I‘ve wanted to grow flowers for SO long and what I’ve read on your site so far has given me the knowledge that I CAN do this! Even with our tiny yard. I can’t wait to read all you have to offer and I’m buying your books! Probably will gift them, too! Also, thank you for the links to other floral sellers that you use! That means SO much!

  72. Lauren DeGarmo on

    I just found you through The Mint Gardener, and I can’t tell you what perfect timing it is that I did. I moved into a new home this past July and for the first time ever have a place to make my dream gardens and can’t wait to do it, but I need to learn and know all the things. I just read this post and a few others, but can’t wait to dive into this entire series. I know your blog will be a coveted place to spend my time learning. THank you for taking your time to share your knowledge with us!

  73. Desiree on

    When working gardening brought me solace and relaxed my soul. Now that I am retired, I’m able to expand my flower garden and bring more cut flowers into the house and give to family and friends. In addition, my husband and I have started beekeeping and the joy of having so many beautiful flowers for these pollinators to create honey is absolutely amazing.
    We have heavy clay soil, northwest Florida, in our five acre lot and create sections specifically for the flowers and edibles. The weather runs from high 90s with high humidity to low 20s.
    Already have more seeds marked marked on my email for when they come back in stock. ***Love your site***

  74. Lisa on

    Hi! Just saw a clip of your upcoming show on Magnolia network and I can’t wait to watch! I’m considering a flower garden so I can have fresh flowers for myself and hopefully some to share. I’m just beginning to ask myself the six important questions. 😊 Thank you for all the information!

  75. Lynne Craig on

    I was so excited that I happened upon your Instagram. The flowers are spectacular. I live on Camano Island, so very near you. Are you considering a flower stand. You would sell out daily. Hope to be able to take your on- line course. I love gardening, have a home on a 1/4 acre. Excited to see the sweet peas grow that I recently purchased from your companyandandstore. Colors are awesome. Lynne

  76. Kathy on

    I have had raised bed gardens for cutting flowers for 15 plus years. I happened upon your site a few years ago and just love looking through your photos. I too am in love with zinnias! I love your specialty mixes and hopefully next year I’ll be able to order before they are sold out! Thanks for helpful hints- definitely going to try the netting – I usually just use a million tomato cages but am interested to see if this technique works in my raised beds. With gardening I have learned there is always more to learn and something to look forward too!!

  77. Debra Gray on

    I’m excited to know about your flower growing, thanks to Magnolia Network! Even though we live in California, we have spent part of most summers in Anacortes for over 35 years! I’m excited to find out you’re close by in Mount Vernon.
    We live at 2700 feet altitude near the Sierra Nevada Mountains in growing zone 9. I’d plant a lot of our 1 acre lot in wildflowers that benefit birds, bees and butterflies. So I’d like to know which flowers would be best and the best way to cultivate them and hopefully have them reseed themselves.
    Thank you for your help with this and we hope to visit your flower farm this summer if the virus situation allows that.
    Debra Gray

  78. vicki hart on

    I know why I love to grow flowers – essentially all the same reasons you listed.

    Space – On Valentine’s Day purchased a 2 acre piece of property I can’t wait to garden. (Where I’m gardening now the soil is terrible, deer travel in herds, and I can’t irrigate. Not good.) But as soon as I have a well and electricity and the ground is opened I’ll be throwing myself into the new place. It gets sun all day.

    What really stumps me is how to assess the market. I bought lots of things to cater to the wedding trade, which is very big here in Maine. And at least one of the local florists buys as much locally as she can. But of course with COVID19 I’m imagining most events have been indefinitely postponed. There are thriving Farmer’s Markets all around me… But I can’t grow in abundance reliably until I have better soil and irrigation. Any suggestions for how to get a more complete picture of what my area will support in flower sales?

  79. Emily on

    Helpful questions, and I appreciate your candor.

  80. Lisa on

    I’m brand new to gardening and I have two little ones, but I’ve been drawn to flowers forever (I’ve been stalking your instagram for all the feels your pics give me for the past few months since I discovered you).

    I’m planning on starting a little flower garden as something just for me. Looking forward to reading and learning more!

  81. Lynne Craig on

    Great questions to ponder. Growing anything being it a plant, a pet, a child takes time and commitment. I was so excited to see your business on the cover of Sunset and now hope to see your program on the Magnolia Network. Best of hope for the future.

  82. Sonia on

    Thank you for taking the time to write posts! I have a black thumb but love cut flowers for the house. I’m going to spend some time going through your posts before I “dig” in and figure out a simple plan!

  83. Elizabeth on

    I’ve never grown flowers, but I really do adore having flowers in my home! I’d really love to be able to grow some of my favorite flowers, and since I live mostly out of town with a manageable piece of land, I’ve decided to start a vegetable garden with a sprinkling of fresh flowers. This post was super helpful, and I’m looking forward to doing more research!

  84. Diane on

    Hi, first thank you for sharing your wonderful knowledge, I Have a small triangle plot of land 6 feet at the widest and 12 inches at the smallest, getting six hours of sun daily. What might I grow? I enjoy all kinds of flowers especially attracting bees, butterflies and humming birds. Thank you

  85. Donna on

    You are an inspiration! The photos of your gardens are spectacular and something I can only dream of creating. I am in the process of planning a small cutting garden of annuals that will thrive in an unpredictable Maine summer. Your soil preparation article is a tremendous help and has has given me more confidence for success. Thanks for your direction and help!

  86. Alice on

    You first “got me” when I recieved in an email…”how to grow ranunculus” (one of my favs❤). I am in awe of your photos, extremely easy to follow instructions, and very visually pleasing. Your team truly showcases one the most beautiful gifts in life that we all have been given…flowers.
    I’m ready, in heart only, for now, to get a flower garden going. My husband & I sold our homes when we married 4 years ago, to do a volunteer work, & our current Apt dwellers. My dream is to get into a small, simple home, and have a small yard to plant in….then I’m all in to having you train, educate & supply my backyard paradise. Thank you for all you do, for this Art form….I always feel inspired & enriched by your contributions.

    Fellow flower/blooma lover,
    (PaDutch word for flower-my husband & I’s current ministry area, learning the locals heart language) 🙂

  87. Jon on

    already inspired by you’re informative advice on failures and successes just by reading your section on six questions to ask yourself before you start. I am looking forward to developing a 1/2 acre flower farm that I had a vision of last night.

  88. Debbie on

    We just moved to Utah and have only a south facing patio which I would love to fill with potted flowers. Am I too late to plant seeds for this year? Which varieties do well in containers?
    I love watching your posts and dreaming! Thanks for sharing!

  89. Michelle on

    Our current stay home orders in Kansas City has me needing me something I can do at home but outside. Your posts are practical and straightforward. It’s nice to have tips for beginners and step by step process. It’s all new to me and with little ones at home I hate to waste time with something I can’t maintain or won’t work out. Thanks for all of the resources ❤️

  90. Carla Pilgrim on

    We own a 40+ acre fruit orchard in Sherwood, Oregon. There are a few small areas with nothing on them in full sun and accessible to water. I LOVE flowers and would like to start growing some this year. I’m thinking annuals are our best bet and am looking to plant soon. We have easy access to tilling for the rows, and I would say the costs for initial start up shouldn’t be more than $100-$150. Ideas on which annuals we should plant? I know for sure Sunflowers and Zinnias… Also would love to start composting, do you do that as well on your farm? And what about weed control between the flower rows? Thanks, I love your website and the gorgeous blooms you have!

  91. Jessica on

    I am in love with your journey and your skill- we live in South Dakota and have a rather large space, my son and 3 girls love to help. Which varieties do you suggest? Thank You

    • Angela, Team Floret on

      Hi Jessica,
      For gardening with kids, sunflowers and squash are great since the seeds are large. Cosmos and zinnias would also do well in your area and they sprout quickly, which makes them fun to grow. Happy gardening!

  92. Sheila on

    I just discovered your website, and it is such a joy to look over – the photographs are luscious, and make my heart sing to see the gorgeous pallet of colors and textures, and especially the love and care that are demonstrated in your approach to your business. Thank you so much for sharing your gift! I’m having a hard time not being plant greedy – as I find myself filling my cart with flowers I want to have, and then deleting them out as I rein myself in. I know my limitations, but I will try a few new varieties to see how they adapt to my growing space. I have limited sun beds, and lots of shade, and some issues with powdery mildew, etc. I look forward to reading more of your suggestions.

  93. Michelle on

    I am new to growing flowers, I do not have a green thumb at all! All of my houseplants always die and outdoor potted plants never get put in the ground and I usually love them too much with too much water and they rot. We just bought a new house on 4 acres of land, that more than half of is going towards orchards and vegetables for local farmers markets and nearby school involvement. We are so passionate about starting this business. To add a little more color and beauty to the mix, I had the great idea to start a cut flower growing business as a side avenue to the farm and I cant wait to get started!! Your website and blog posts have been the most informative after scouring the web for so long for all the right information…all in one place!! Thank you so much! And I look forward to following all of your suggestions! What flowers and foliage do you suggest I start with as a test run, or that local florists and shops would be interested in? I have no idea where to start or how to market to buyers.

  94. Jessica on

    What flowers would you suggest for a high heat, high humidity environment that gets TONS of direct sunlight?

  95. Hayley Cox on

    All of your post are so helpful to me. I bought cosmos, zinnias, and a few other varieties from you this year. Every season I fall more in love with flowers. They’re the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for all you do!

  96. Amy Blommer on

    Hello from the heart of the Midwest. We started our seedlings indoors and they’re doing great. My 9-year old daughter wanted to start a business and we are jumping in (with all of the guidance from your website) full steam ahead! Some of your team has already personally responded to my excited emails about our seeds sprouting! (Thank you, Brenna:) The knowledge you hold in your website is invaluable, so please keep the blogs coming. We also ordered a copy of your book “A Year in Flowers” and read a little every night together before bed. This has been a wonderful project for us to focus on during this pandemic as well. Having grown up on a farm, there is no better grounding or lessons in humility than trying to grow something beautiful from a simple seed. Thank you! -Amy & Cyan

  97. Adelaide on

    Hi Erin and team.
    I’ve been dabbling in your blog for a little while and you are very popular on my Pinterest boards. I live in Tasmania, Australia on a very beautiful farm. We are a family farm and flowers makes up part of our whole set up. I have to say, you have become my go-to whenever I want to check out different varieties and love that you honestly cover the possible pitfalls as well as the romantic side of flower farming.
    Unfortunately I can’t order your seeds as we have very strict quarantine rules being an island state, but your words are endless inspiration to me. Thank you for all your effort!

  98. April Hughes on

    I’ve only just discovered your website as I was doing searches to see whether name choices for my business were already being used. I have a small backyard and would like to start my business here, so your blogs on small spaces hooked me. And I also, just before I found you, thought drying some flowers would be another option, then read your blog on dried flowers. This is the first thing I’ve ever contemplated doing that filled me with peace, so I’m trying to do it as right as I possibly can while still working with weather and living beings. I will be spending a ton of time reading your article for tidbits and wisdom, and hopefully thank you in person one day for anything that helps me succeed. Thank you for your time and effort, you can tell it’s a labor of love.

  99. Linda Groh on

    I found you from the great article in Sunset magazine. Your farm looks like a dream come true and your website is lovely. I live in a very warm area of Southern California so we can grow about anything that can tolerate full sun! So I’m looking forward to trying my hand at some of your seeds. I haven’t planted seeds since I was a child, so I looking forward to it. Now, if I can just get my husband to build my raised flowerbed!

  100. Barbara on

    I live on an island off the coast of North Carolina with only boat access to get here. Sound wonderful and it is….except we have limited items in our small market and flowers are not an item they stock. I use to get fresh cut flowers every week and I am really missing them. So this spring is my first attempt at flower gardening…I have a full and wonderful vegetable garden already. Your information is so helpful to getting me started with a good plan.

  101. Harriet on

    I am from Northern Vermont and have always been obsessed with gardening both vegetable and flowers! I grew up with parents who were avid gardeners and I have always been inspired by the natural beauty of flowers! For the past couple of years I have been trying to chase my dream of having my own beautiful gardens and love to learn what others are doing to be successful!
    I hope to one day have my own business centered around growing flowers/decor! Your posts are so inspiring! Thank you so much! :)

  102. Laura on

    I live in Newfoundland Canada (short grow season, but in a fairly fertile valley) and I value these articles more than you could know. Thank you for all the helpful How To and educational posts! I’m new to gardening and Need all the help I can get!!

  103. Cathy on

    We recently moved to a “money pit” on a mature property in western Ct. The potential we saw in our purchase is much farther away than we expected. I still hope to start a mixed kitchen and cut flower garden this year. Your article has been very helpful. It has helped me focus on the reality of limited time, energy and expendable money. Also your article put into words exactly why I need and love a garden . Thank you !

  104. Mistalina Giusti on

    Thank you. This post was helpful. I live in Southern Louisiana where it is hot and humid most of the year. I also have a very small area which I would love to devote to a cut flower garden for my personal use. I was thinking of doing a box type garden. What would be your suggestion for this?

  105. Eileen Sproule on

    Thank you for this post! I probably have the opposite problem from most growers…a ton of space. (we have 20 acres with 5 acres already cleared). I am just starting out and only playing with the idea of someday, maybe, doing my own cut flower biz…but until then I wanted to try growing several large beds this year just for fun and to see how I like it. I am already an experienced gardener but never took a run at growing cut flowers only. This article helped me to ‘tame it down’ for this season so I don’t lose the joy of the process. I am with Erin…growing plants helps me to ‘be present’ in the here and now. I am a planner and while its handy to being productive it can take the joy out of life when your always looking forward. Part of doing cut flower beds is helping me reach my goal for 2020…Live in the Moment. I am grateful for this article helping me to keep it simple…keep it real…keep it fun! Thank you so much :)

  106. Halli on

    The first step to creating a beautiful chaos of flowers in my garden….the five questions that needed answers was very helpful to me. Thank you for helping me to stop, take the time to consider and to give thought to develop my plan. I loved your article and cannot wait to get started. I have only two raised beds, 5’ x 5’ and one smaller raised bed 2’ x 2’ with a honey suckle already planted in it last year.
    Also numerous pots. I live in an area of Montana so I am located in zone 3. I have invested in the first step of setting up my raised beds with good soil and compost that I will add to this year and I have already planted several perennial plants, leaving space for numerous annuals that I will plant amongst the perennials. Last year we had sunflowers, zinnias and nasturtiums. The beds get full sunshine with light shade on one of the beds in the latter part of the day. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn more about growing the flowers I absolutely love!!!

  107. Debra Waters on

    Thank you, this post is very helpful. I have a tiny tiny garden with little direct sun and a huge love of flowers! It has always been a dream to grow my own cut flowers, especially since the variety offered at my local is relatively and somewhat expensive! I will have to content myself with container grown flowers, for many reasons, but mostly because of the rocky, alkaline soil here in central Texas, which I do not have the resources or desire to replace. I expect with some planning I can still manage to have some flowers for cutting. I will look at your site and see if there are any articles about container gardening these flowers!

  108. Roni on

    Love this info. I’m a newbie to your story. I’ve always planted perennials but my girls are wanting to start their own flower gardens so I think they will like the wow of annuals. Also, love your tip for being present because thoughts of the future can often cause me to severely slow or stop altogether. Well, I’m off to look for your book!

  109. Stephanie Greer on

    I am starting a 1 acre flower farm this year. This was very helpful and can’t wait to get the book. I have a full time job but I do arrangements for family, friends, wedding and showers. When I am making arrangements or making mock up bouquets I am really at peace and so happy, no matter what else I have going on in my life. Flowers are my therapy and they bring my whole family together. I hope to one day have a 5 acre farm and teach my girls everything i learn along my journey. They are 8 and 10 and already show interest in flowers. Your flowers are like nothing I have ever seen and hope to grow fields as pretty as yours one day.

  110. Anne Haines on

    Just got your cut flower book and found it very inspiring and full of useful, practical information for small scale growers. I have a background in ornamental horticulture but now am starting a cut flower farm along with a vintage rentals business. Thank you so much for what you do, it is wonderful!

  111. Beth on

    I bought your book. Love it! Discovered your blog. We recently moved into a house with nearly 2 acres. Can’t wait to get started planning & planting!

  112. Charis on

    I discovered you through Sunset magazine and I’m so happy I did! I’ve always romanticized the idea of gardening – growing my own fruits, veggies, herbs, and flowers – but it’s always felt intimidating so I haven’t started. Your blog is inspiring me to dig in ;) I’m a clueless beginner but I feel like starting here, reading your blog, will put me on the right path. Thanks for sharing your knowledge (and joy) with a world of strangers – I appreciate it!

  113. Patrycia on

    A friend of mine mentioned your flower farm. I’ve been diving in, overly (?!) eager to just “go for it”. Reading this post helped me put things into perspective…as I don’t currently have my own plot of land or much space at all. Thanks for posting this so I can set some goals and turn the daytime dreaming into a reality. :)

  114. Wendee Sidney on

    My husband and I purchased our dream home in Sanbornton NH and it came with a raised garden bed filled with strawberries. Although neither one of us are fans of strawberries, we found the harvesting and caring for them to be very beneficial to our relationship. We spent many hours together caring for our little garden. We decided to expand but couldn’t decide on what to plant. He isn’t a big vegetable eater so he suggested planting flowers. We would at least be saving money in the long run because I buy fresh flowers every week to put in vases throughout the house. The only problem was, we did not have a clue how to begin or what to plant. While I was searching the web for ideas, I came across your blog; I love it. You have provided us with a lot of useful information. I am still not sure exactly what our plan of attack is, but we are going to jump in and see what happens. We will keep you posted as to what our success rate is.

  115. Maria Lauer on

    A friend just happened to tell me about Floret Flowers just as my daughter and I started planting some seeds with hopes of selling someday (just practicing for now.) Your information is great – greatly appreciated!

  116. Molly Cate on

    I always appreciate your willingness to share such valuable information. This article is especially helpful for me this year as I decided to increase the variety of flowers as well as planting area. Your questions from this article, coupled with your article on succession planting will help keep me reined in…it will help me choose what will keep the growing season manageable.

  117. Donna on

    My family and I have lived in the hills of West Virginia now for 21 years after retiring from the Air Force. I knew when we bought our home and property that some day I would have a business doing “something” with flowers. Now, after 20 years working as a telescope operator, I am retiring and starting my flower farm. Your blog is what helped me decide exactly what my “something” was. My son and I will team up and start a cut flower farm in the coming weeks and I am so excited. The information you have shared here has been such an encouragement to me. I read it like its candy. I bought your book Cut Flower Farm and love it. So excited for the documentary you will be doing with Magnolia. Thank-you for being so generous with all you have learned!

  118. Melissa Jessup on

    I absolutely love growing flowers. I have always had flower beds galore but not any gardens for cut flowers. We live on 15 acres, my kids are all grown and on their own now, surely I have the time and space now. Just yesterday my daughter sent me some information about a flower farm and said she could see me having a place like that. Thank you for your blog. It has given me some information to think on.

  119. Kasstyna on

    Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom!

  120. Aliesha on

    For the last 2 years, I’ve been dreaming of a small hobby farm and trying to figure out a way to make a little side money. I just stumbled upon your Instagram account and I’m totally hooked. Your blog is full of so much information and inspiration! I now know exactly what I want to do…as soon as I find our newest piece of heaven with the land to live it! I can’t wait to get started :)

  121. Joanie Boyne on

    We moved into a glorious big house this last summer and have a few spots I really want to grow beautiful things in. I dream of a cut flower garden eventually but know I dont have the space or time for a large one now. I have Oklahoma clay soil, hot summers, and half sun half shade… I dont even know where to start! I’m trying sweet peas, snapdragons, cosmos and zinnias (which do grow pretty well in the heat) this year hopefully. I love your wild bounteous field bouquet pictures. They make me want to move up north and grow all my delicate favorites! Daliahs too!

  122. Cynthia on

    Last year I dug up my front yard and filled it with roses and dahlias, perennial flowers, and annuals. So many bees and so many beautiful flowers! This year I’m taking over my public boulevard space because the yard just isn’t big enough. You have been a great help along the way with advice and information that has kept me encouraged and focused on reaching my goals. Thanks so much for that and for all the amazing seed choices you offer.

  123. Ashley on

    I started last year as I just bought my first house with 2 little boys. I loved giving flower bouquets away and always had some sort of flower or root in the front seat of my car and we were always stopping on the side of the road to pick or dig. I’ve been following you on insta and a gf of mine suggested I look you up for dahlia answers. And I was excited to see you were one and the same! :) Right now it’s just a yard operation but it’s so fun and I love seeing the fruits of my labor making someone smile. I’m so pumped to start this spring again and see what else I can come up with!

  124. Melinda Cline on

    I recently purchased an older ranch home on 4 acres with the vision of transforming it into a modest flower farm. You have been an huge inspiration. Thank you!

  125. Beth on

    Thank you so much for the “honest talk” it’s definitely keeping me grounded as I watch my garden slowly emerge from under the snow.

  126. Janey on

    Thank you for taking the time to write this :)
    A flower farm has been a dream simmering quietly for years. We have 5 acres, kids who are grown and gone and the youngest teenagers now. My biggest fear is commitment and energy. This has been helpful and I’m looking forward to reading more.

  127. Rebekah Harding on

    I’ve been following your Instagram page for at least a year and your flowers bring me joy! We moved last July from Alaska to Idaho and I have a well landscaped backyard with 2 raised beds. I’d love one to house my very favorite flowers (peonies and poppies) and other smaller ground favorites. I don’t have a ton of space but it’s perfect for color. Looking forward to summer!

  128. Julia on

    I really appreciate your warning about taking things slow, as I am a mother of two little ones each who are under 5. I have a “pipe dream” of starting a cut flower garden, inspired by yours. Hopefully I will be able to gradually achieve this. I’m definitely a beginner but have been learning a lot by reading your book. You seem to be able to successfully grow so many different types of flowers, yet you do mention to keep your climate in mind when choosing varieties. But with the help of your greenhouses, hoop houses, and low tunnels are you pretty much able to grow anything you want regardless of zone? I’m very curious as some of my favorites like dahlias are recommended to plant outside of my zone (which is 6).

    Thanks, Julia

  129. Alesia on

    I found your website about a month ago. It’s dreamy and I love that you share the work that goes into it. I have already learned so much from your site.
    I have about 1/4 of an acre we’re clearing for my garden. We have poison ivy near when I planned on putting the gate all the way over to the road. It’s on the ground and up trees. I so badly do not want to spray it and have that where our fruit and veggies will be growing. I finally realized I should plant flowers there! I always plant flowers throughout my garden but was going to put the flower beds around the house. We’ve only been here 10 months so I’m still figuring a lot of my gardening out.
    So I will end up putting down cardboard followed by a lot of wood chips and soil where the poison ivy is. Then I will plant flower beds there. I began thinking about the amount of unused space there and it really bummed me out. The idea of growing a cutting garden there makes me happy! Who knows, maybe I’ll keep adding flowers to other parts of our ten acres!

  130. Julie G. on

    After researching books on growing and selling cut flowers, I purchased yours from Amazon. What a GEM! I can’t put it down. You are incredibly thorough and cover all the ins and outs of what is needed to grow and potentially sell flowers for profit. I’m inspired, excited, driven, and cannot wait to get started. I’m taking your advice and slowing the pace and answering the questions above before I go crazy ordering seeds. Speaking of seeds- man, Floret has beautiful selections. A plan is starting to unfold. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, experience and guidance.

  131. Robyn on

    Thanks for the Six important Questions. I’m recently retired from an office job and look I forward organizing my 50′ by 100′ area that has mostly grown pumpkins, squash and and corn. I have a large collection of dahlias that I love to share as cut flowers with family and friends. This year I will be adding an assortment of annuals to mix. I’m anxious to have you as a resouce.
    Thank you!

  132. Olga on

    I just want to thank you! Thank you so much. You inspired me to create my little flower farm. I hope your new book will appear in Russia as soon as possible. Because it was such a miracle for me to read the first one ❤️

  133. Krysten Merrick on

    I am just starting to dabble in flower growing. I’ve been an avid greenthumb for most if my adult life and I’ve been wanting to find away to do this as a more fulltime thing. Your posts are inspirational. Currently I just have a small backyard patch but I am going to give it a go and see how that goes. Thank you for these posts.

  134. Danielle on

    This post was incredibly helpful! I was introduced to your beautiful flower farm a few days ago on your book launch day, and here I am now ordering up a tropical storm of seeds. I think this post definitely grounded me with how realistic it is. I have a dream of growing fields and fields of flower by optimizing my space as much as possible, but I also need to consider the reality of my backyard space and limited time as a full-timer. Living in Pittsburgh is also something I need to consider – by the time it turns April, I’m out the door buying seeds and trying to plant everything but I know I need to be more patient with timing in context of climate. I will be purchasing domes and trays to start seedlings indoors to curb my gardening appetite! In the meantime, I’m wondering if you can share where to get grow lights and how to seed up an indoor garden for my plant babies.

    Thank you so much for offering such beauty and for putting in so much work into what you do!

  135. Wendy Campbell on

    Just bought your new book A Year In Flowers I also have your last book. I love them both I have started a hobby of selling cutflowers right out of my gardens I also do arrangements. I just need to tell you that my mum passed away three years ago and she always wanted me to sell flowers right out of my gardens. I have over 80 acres but I only use about 1 acre so far cause I’m just starting out small. Your books have helped so much in everything I need to start my we hobby. I just want to thank you again Erin from one canadian gardener friend. I even have my own Facebook page The Mountain Market Precious Petals. Check me out sometime when you have time. 🌻❤️

  136. Barbara Tracy on

    Thanks so much for all this information. I’m looking at changing some of my garden beds into cut flower beds. My grandmother also grew sweet peas. Whenever I see them I think of her. Again, thank you!🌸

  137. Joanne on


    I’ve been floundering for 6.5 years on what to do next, after a career ending injury in firefighting and 2 salvage surgeries, the last one 3 months ago.
    I have a degree in Agriculture Education and teaching credential, used to own a flower shop, teach floral design and coached a FFA floriculture judging team prior to fire fighting.
    I’m slowly gravitating back to my agricultural roots and have been learning more about the regenerative agriculture and collected some animals after 20 years of none and wondering how I can turn all this into a sustainable small farm business incorporating educational classes.
    The heritage breeds have peaked my interest through the Livestock conservancy.
    Currently I have bees, chickens, Cayuga ducks, Kentucky Red Bourbon Turkeys, a livestock guardian dog and 3 market lambs. I downsized the goats and breeding sheep last year prior to the surgery.
    I’m contemplating growing vegetables and flowers and stumbled on you through 1818 Farms and with your mention of heirloom flowers it might be a perfect fit.
    The questions you asked for answers to is very helpful.

  138. Kimberly Jackson on

    This is such a wonderful read for me!! I’m a beginner & your questions are essential! It has really helped point me in the right direction. I live in Detroit, MI in the “urban wilderness”. There are huge tracts of abandoned land that nature is taking back. Plenty of space to plant, but what exactly? So much to consider….Thank You!!!

  139. Deborah Peters on

    I’m thoroughly enjoying your articles. This would be a great family business idea for kids to learn hard work, a no-fail attitude and entrepreneurship. I’ve grown (naturally) gardens for 30+ years, but never for profit.
    Is there a post you can refer me to that talks about start-up costs for each 70’ bed? If one is wanting to start slowly, what is the minimum number of beds you can grow? I have 4 children (workers) ages 15-9.

  140. MAC on

    I found you through Laura at Garden Answer. I’ve been following her for the past year and absolutely love her and can’t wait each day for a post. I have extensive perennial gardens but this year I have decided to start a large cutting garden. I am looking forward to all the tips and tricks I can get. I would like to learn everything I can from you. If Laura recommended you I am confident in your advice.

    Thank you for sharing your love of cut flowers and sharing your knowledge with us.

  141. Tamara on

    This is all so helpful! I’m brand new around here and can use every bit of info I can before getting started. But so excited!! Thank you for all the great info and the hard work it takes to put things like this together!

  142. Gwenette Longshore on

    My mind is overwhelmed a lot and I want to capture elements of doing something with my hands that keeps me physically busy, but mentally, calming. Flowers, nature, dew, sunny days outdoors, just does that for me. I love working in God’s creations . It is also spiritually filling. I need it all. My son has been very sick but is so encouraging and faithful. He loves nature. It is calming for him. I was always too busy to see the gifts in it. He has taught me to capture moments, the sunrise, the sunset and all the beauty we can see , in such a quiet time, right before us. If I can heal in the journey, no matter the outcome, I win.

  143. Devin on

    These questions are so great! We have 40 acres of land, 15 of it that is farmable. I have been mulling through what to do with it, with 5 kids and a busy household I am trying to decide what is manageable to do. Thank you for your insights, it is very helpful.

  144. Becky on

    This is very helpful. I want to be able to provide people with the choice of having local beautiful flowers. I know having some cut flowers in my house makes me very happy and I want to share that happiness with others. I look forward to reading more about what you have to teach us about growing flowers. xoxo

  145. Cindy on

    Hi, I am so excited to read about your journey. The six questions are valuable and I know now that my flower growing dream is possible.
    I have about 250 square feet for growing and thought I would start with Sunflowers. Right now I’m still in the planning stage. I appreciate all your insight. Flowers Forever!

  146. Cieara on

    I had this dream pop up about four years ago when I left a job at a florist to move to a rural town, following my heart to my (now) husband. I stuffed it deep down into my soul and thought it was unrealistic. Starting this year with an illness has me in a “life is too short and too fragile to not chase our dreams” mode and I found this amazing flower farm. I’m doing my research in hopes of taking the plunge for the only thing that I’ve ever felt really called to do. Thank you for providing the hope and education I need.

  147. Stacy on

    Singlehandedly you have demystified garden planning. I’m reading “Cut Flower Garden” today, and learning how to create a garden plan, despite my inexperience. I hope to transform my sub- urban plot into a flowering oasis! This article gives me food for thought and direction. Thank you!

  148. Paula on

    This post was really helpful and inspiring. I have been waiting a few years to have the space to start a small plot of flowers and I finally have it. I am doing my research to start with just sunflowers this Spring, so excited! Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us!

  149. Carrie Malik on

    Hi!! SO… this has been my dream for about 5 years now.. and for some reason today it’s speaking so strongly to me to just take the leap. I’ve been casually following you all on FB and Insta and today I find myself in a fun new coffee shop and decided to dig deeper. I will be following more and more and can’t wait to get your book. Thank you for sharing!

  150. Christi on

    Thank you for the hard work you put into creating these resources to share. As someone who has always just dreamed of creating a beautiful, blooming space on our property, I feel less intimidated because of your insight. Many thanks!

  151. Christina Fulton on

    You have honestly taught me so much in a short amount of time! You are my go-to resource for all things growing. Thank you for all your time, input and honesty!!!

  152. Joanna MacNeil on

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom, hard work and visions. Floret is an inspiration! These questions I already asked myself in the brainstorming process of starting a small (very small) flower farm this coming spring. However, it is really nice to see them written out with advice from someone with experience. I think I have found a mentor in you!

  153. Becky Rozick on

    Truly enjoy your posts, wisdom, and your willingness to share❤️

  154. Admission on

    Fascinating! Glad I found you. Thanks

  155. Rosalind Moonier on

    I was delighted to find your website! Thank you so much for offering “free” information. Many of the flower farms require $500 or more just to provide you with information. It’s difficult enough to attempt to make a farm viable to then have to turn around and invest thousands of dollars before even putting a shovel in the ground.

    We have just purchased a 43 acre farm in middle Tennessee. Our initial driving force was to create a wedding venue. Yet, equipping the farm with essential machinery has been a daunting struggle. At the moment, we have many options. However, my soul has always loved the beauty of the enchanting flowers. My internal struggle has always been doing what you love or doing what will create the greatest profit margin. So, I cannot express how grateful I am for the time and effort you have put into your blog. God will definitely bless you for being such a helpful resource!

  156. Andrea on

    Hello, thank you for this post. I am not one to comment but I found this post grounding and the questions relevant. I want to start a business in flowers and I want to work hard. I have always had a large vegetable garden but I want to devote 1/2 of it into the beginnings of a flower business. Thank you.

  157. Brenda on

    So excited to have found your website! I live in a small midwestern town. My small yard is mostly shade. I have always loved flowers but do not have much skill in growing them. I hope to learn from Erin!

  158. Charline Kentucky on

    Currently planning a cutting garden. I would love to have a list of must haves. For color and for fillers. We attend 4 small scale farmers markets. In small towns. I know I want peony and tulips but the other stuff is hard to figure out.

  159. Mindy on

    I have a one year old and a yard to maintain already but I would eventually love to have flowers for my house. Great post! I look forward to reading more!

  160. Chanelle MacDonald on

    I am currently in the research and planning phase. I live in one of the hottest parts of New Zealand in the Hawkes Bay. I have a very small section to start out on and a crawling baby! I have spent hours so far trawling your website and have ordered your book. I found these questions helped me be more realistic, especially about how much time I have!

  161. Gloria on

    I can’t even remember how I came across your blog. Although I’m pretty sure it was after killing some Dahlia bulbs that I purchased at my local hardware store. I’ve loved reading through your posts and have learned quite a bit. This will be my second year attempting to grow a garden and all bulbs and seeds are from your shop. I’ll worship you for life is I see dahlias in my garden this year.

  162. Judi on

    I have a booth at the local farmers market and trying to diversify. I love flowers and would like to share them so want to see if I can do that. We have 10 acres of forest with a small plot now, sharing flowers and vegetables. We will expand our garden and separate the two. We’re also going to put up a hoop house and eventually look into a green house. After all, this is our big adventure ranch!

  163. Tricia Essick on

    I have about a third of an acre that I used to grow just vegetables in. Then my daughter started her own floral business for weddings, petalsbypiper, and asked me to start growing flowers for her. It’s been sort of a strugle but after reading your post’s I think I’ll do much better this year. I always wanted to be as organic as possible, making my own compost and hauling it onto each row, using a big fork instead of a rototiller as not to kill the worms and getting chickens to help with the fertilizing also. With all this said, it still isn’t enough. I’m going to finally break down and get my soil tested and buy whatever organic fertilizer I need. I always look at your totally stunning garden pictures and think why can’t mine be even close to looking like that and who knows maybe this summer it will with the help of you! Thank you so much for being who you are!

  164. Donna O on

    I am newly retired, with a yard that needs attention. We have room for a small cut flower area, but I am overwhelmed with “getting started”. The information you have provided is very helpful, but I to would like a little more information on which of your flowers could thrive in my zone. I live in the Central Valley of California. I am looking forward to getting started.

  165. Karen on

    Thank you for asking us these questions .. it made me focus more on the reality of my garden and not going overboard with too many ideas (or wants). 😉 I’ve recently moved from zone 10 to zone 6 and it has been a real learning experience, even as an experienced gardener. If you could include more information regarding what flowers do better in certain zones, or areas, it would be most helpful. Your flowers are breathtaking. Thank you 🌿🌻🍃

  166. April Boone on

    I’m a full time nanny to two girls under two (I love love love my job!) and my daughter and I are working on a line of handmade children’s clothing. I bought several books about flower gardening (one of which is yours❤️) and I’m working my way through my stash of books – I just discovered your website and I so look forward to learning as much as I can. Thank you so much for the work you put into providing those like me information on growing all these little rays of sunshine!

  167. Victoria on

    I’m new to growing flowers but really want to start. I’ve always loved picking flowers and making simple bouquets to give to friends. I’d love to know more about zone restrictions, specifically flowers good for shorter growing seasons and cooler temps (I live in the Colorado mountains). Thank you for all the great info and truly beautiful varieties!

  168. Rosalind Kellum on

    I appreciate all the info. I am new to gardening, work full time as a nurse practitioner, but find it very comforting to pick things in our garden. My husband is the veggie gardener-he is retired. He does it all from rototilling, fertilizing, planting, weeding, and picking. I help when I am available. Last year a nurse at work gave me some zinnia seeds in various colors and I picked them all summer. They were so beautiful!. We live in PA. We have full sun, but a good amount of wind. I think I am going to have my husband extend the garden, so I can plant rows of flowers. We have issues with deer and ground hogs, so we have a tall fence that we put up every year. I am going to start with a few new varieties. FYI, we also have a separate garden for pumpkins that is next to our chicken coop. Last year was not a great season. I grow them for myself and give the rest away.

  169. Jeannette' on

    Many Thanks for the wonderful information…Greatly appreciated…

    I Love the…Remember ‘ITS YOUR NORTH STAR’



    Jeannetté (NZ)

  170. Lisa on

    What a fantastic site u have I can’t wait to start ordering!Im way down in Oz!No water and fires just down the road!Still my garden looks beautiful and all the wild birds are coming to my oasis!

  171. Lori on

    I am just getting started and a little overwhelmed with what to do first. I want to grow flowers for my home first and see where it takes me. I appreciate your posts as it gives guidance on how to start. Just wondering if I start with seeds, if it will be enough to get the flower beds ready.

  172. Leigh Davenport on

    Your photography and website design is stunning! I love how you inspire and then bring us back down to earth (literally!). I grow cut flowers for my home and friends and am super excited to have a new seed source. Well done!

  173. Nadia Vlasenko on

    I’ve been reading your blogs for the last few months and very thankful for the great information you provide. As a stay at home mother of 6, I’m seriously thinking growing cut flowers for profit to help my family meet our needs since my husband is the only source of income. I have a perfect set up for growing beautiful flowers but I have a biggest struggle and fear to start them from seeds. I don’t have a greenhouse but I have a basement. I already tried to grow some herbs but they turned out weak and leggy. Not sure what I did wrong. I used shop lights over them and heating mat. Very disappointed. Maybe you have a suggestions I appreciate any advise. Thank you
    I absolutely adore you flower farm!! Blessings!!!

  174. Lori-Anne on

    I have been following your free videos for several months now, and am thoroughly impressed with the abundance of information and guidance you provide in clear, inspiring, encouraging formats. I am anxiously looking forward to your new book, which I have pre-ordered. As a Canadian resident in (southwestern) Ontario, we experience both cold winters and hot summers, (zone 6b). I enjoy your informative videos and am contemplating dedicating some of my yard to flower growing next spring. I am unsure whether your seeds and bulbs can be shipped to Canada? Thank you for sharing your wealth of flower knowledge.

  175. Sharon on

    Thank you for all your excellent information – it definitely shows how much time, knowledge and love you put into every post! I have a question on succession planting: do you leave a space in the row adjacent to the particular flower for the next planting or a separate area or row somewhere else? Thank you for your time.

  176. Jeanne Murray on

    I’ve been following you off & on for several years and I’ve enjoyed watching you grow. I’ve also enjoyed the free mini courses you’ve offered. You inspire me! I’ve wanted a flower farm for at least a decade & I’m now in a position to do something about it. Thanks so much for sharing your journey, knowledge & wisdom with us. I really appreciate all you do.

  177. Wendy on

    Love everything about your photos, tips and valuable growing information and sometimes most of all your struggles! I am a PNW gardener too. Can’t wait to get your new book and a seed packet or two…

  178. Jenna Ogilvie on

    Thank you for the information! It was helpful and nice to read! I am hoping to start my flower farm this coming year on about a half an acre. Trying to find any and all information I can on where to start. I’m not a grower, so figuring out where to start is the hardest. So much information can be a bit overwhelming. I’m sad i missed registration for the online course!

  179. Anna on

    Hi Team, I’m just about to embark on the online course and I CANT WAIT!! I’m a dairy farmer in New Zealand and I am excited by the prospect of addin a little additional income to our farm by doing something I love to do! Thanks so much for the inspiration.
    regards, Anna.

  180. Fe on

    Hi team.

    I’m finding your blogs, tips and tricks very useful, thank you :-)
    I’m from New Zealand. The part of the country I live in gets strong, gusty, hot winds from Oct-Dec. When growing cut flowers, what would be a cost effective solution on a budget for growing outdoors please?

  181. Dawnette on

    Started the Master Gardner program in the beginning of October of this year. I have loved flowers all my life and when I realized I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to grow them, I did a ton of trial and error learning. I am now 53 and looking to leap into something new. For the first time in my life, I am lacking the confidence to move forward and I am not sure why. I am inside the borough and have to check on zoning laws to see if my dream is even possible. I would like turn my tiny cottage into a small café (cooking is my other source of enjoyment) with lots of books and educational art and a learning garden for children. Would love to grow fresh small scale vegetables for use in the café, and small scale cut flowers to supplement the income and keep the project going. Reading the info you provide on your site, and watching the free videos has been very encouraging for me. Thank you for the great no BS content and for doing things as organic as possible…that is important to me. I am looking forward to growing with you.

  182. Bonnie Doane on

    Hi Erin,
    My Grandfather was from England, and he propagated Carnations, and made several different varieties naming them after his granddaughters. Then he had a floral shop in Renton Washington, which went on to my uncle, and I worked there as a teenager. As you know it gets in your blood, and I don’t think that you ever loose it. As an adult, I had my own floral business, and also worked at a couple of floral wholesale houses in Seattle. I specialized in weddings, and loved it.
    We are now living in Charleston S.C., and gardening here is very difficult, but I am bound and determined to grow more flowers than I have been able to at this point.
    Finding you on Pinterest has been my most favorite find. Your videos are beautiful, and I appreciate how detailed you are. You are a very good teacher because you are so thorough. Thank you for being such a lovely giving person. You are taking all of the trial and error out of growing for the rest of us.

  183. Sharon on

    Hi, I’ve just discovered your blog via Pinterest and I love it so much. I’m in the UK and am just starting out with a small allotment sized plot for growing cut flowers. Even though I have tonnes of horticultural knowledge I’m lacking on all the wonderful insights you are presenting and especially these questions I need to consider before I go further. Thank you. X

    • Angela, Team Floret on

      Hi Sharon,

      Welcome! We’re so glad you found us and we hope you find our posts and workshops to be helpful. We love hearing from our flower friends all around the world.

  184. Cydney Higgins on

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and invaluable experience! I am so inspired and really longing to make a start in the coming year or so. While I absolutely love fresh cut flowers, I am also intrigued by medicinal flowers, plants and herbs and long to grow my own plants for making hydrosol. I am wondering if you have knowledge and experience with medicinal plants/flowers such as lavender, calendula, clary sage, chamomile, yarrow, goldenrod?

  185. Karen Hodges on

    Hello from little White Cloud Michigan! I stumbled on an article in a magazine featuring Floret and I was so inspired! I have been reading your posts nonstop! Your passion for this industry is so wonderful and I really appreciate that you share your knowledge and love for flower farming. I have recently purchased a 3 acre farm and am looking forward to getting started on my floral journey!

    • Angela on

      Hi Karen,

      I’m so glad you found us! Your 3 acre farm sounds wonderful. Welcome!

  186. Valerie Sahlieh on

    I am so excited that I found your site. The information is priceless. I live in Colorado just outside of Denver on a 5 acre horse boarding stable. I have a pretty large area that I dedicate to personal gardening and I am imagining cut flowers for the farmers market in the area would be a wonderful summer adventure. Thank you for the work you put into the Q & A , it answers alot up front. Currently I’m looking out at the garden area from my office window and it is covered by 12″ of new snow. Looking forward to spring already!

    • Angela on

      Hi Valerie,
      I’m so glad you found our site. We’re looking forward to spring already as well!

  187. Dana on

    Thank you for sharing your gift of knowledge and enthusiasm. I am brand new to the interest of flower growing. We have 10 acres in VA with about 3 acres cleared. So I have ample space but little money to get this new hobby going, which is why seeds really appeal to me. We don’t have much in irrigation but are hoping to get our abandon well set up to help us in that department. My main reason for wanting to grow flowers is to enjoy this beautiful little corner of creation and to share our harvest.

  188. Kathleen on

    Thank you so much for this information. As one of your biggest fans, I appreciate your passion and expertise – and your frankness about the time and dedication it takes to be successful. While I dream of being a full time flower grower, reality is that I’m content at this moment learning the art of growing flowers and exploring the world of floral arranging to share with my family, workplace and friends. I’m open to change in the near future – one that includes growing flowers with the same passion but with income as well.

  189. Sue on

    I live in Prince George BC and would love to grow lots of flowers and do it well. I hear and walk with you on the beauty and balance flowers bring. I am a newbie to this world but I find enchantment working the earth to bring forth such beauty.

  190. Genia on

    I am recently retired and I now have more time on my hands– and less income. I LOVE flowers for my tables, so I am happy to grow for myself and a few friends… Can I tell you how happy I would be to give a bouquet or few to my friends??!??!? I live in Central Texas so the growing season “appears” to be two short season… but I’m hoping your posts will help. Thank you for taking the time to write and share your knowledge.

  191. Robin on

    Hi ,
    I’m Robin .
    I just came upon your website and wanted to tell you im very excited about your course, your book …all of it .
    I’m have a small botany couture boutique . I make arrangements with faux succulents , foliage , florals, seed pods (!), branches , and grasses.

    Do you ever grow items to seed that you’d consider selling , or do you know anyone who does ?
    I look forward to your reply .

    My best email is [email protected]
    Thank you so much !

  192. Tamera Rogers on

    I really love all your posts. I only have a small garden right now but would like to purchase my first house in the next two years and garden space is a must (I live in Quebec but will be moving back to British Columbia) . Your questions are really helpful to get me thinking about how much space I will need in the future. I resonated with your reasons for growing flowers. I also tend to live in the future but my garden always draws me in and slows me down. Sharing flowers with others is another thing that brings me so much joy!

    Thanks for your post!

  193. Emily on

    Thank you. I have always been interested in nature, flowers and being in the garden but I wasn’t blessed with a green thumb. Although over the years I have become increasingly interested in everything floral. I have decided to take a break from my career (Photographer) as we are expecting our second child mid next year. I would love to spend this time and the extremely small space we have to start learning more about gardening and floral design. This and a lot of your posts have helped put this into perspective. I know that I will have to start very small as space and time are at minimum. We live in Queensland, Australia and it is quite tropical here. I am learning so much already from you and thank you for all of this beautiful and abundant information you share xx

  194. Cassie kathol on

    2 questions
    1. Do you have a list of what kinds of flowers florist love most to work with and like to purchase?
    2. Do you have a good way to estimate how much money you can make selling flowers. Either at markets or direct to store.
    Thanks so much( live in Nebraska)

  195. kim,berley on

    Hi, my name is Kimberley I live in Madrid, Spain and I want to start growing flower in the outskirts of Madrid.
    Right know I am studying floriculture and I finish the course this month, I am also in a course to make the business plan.
    I am really excited about growing my own flowers but also very very scared.
    Thank you for helping us, by posting all this information and telling us the best tips for growing a flower bussiness.
    thank you so much!!
    best wishes

  196. Kathi Collins on

    Thank you, I’m just starting and it brings me joy. I live in the future too . So much to learn.

  197. Trudy Harrold on

    Wow, is all I can say! I have wanted to do this for so long but been afraid to, not knowing what I was doing. I am signing up for the mini course and will be going for the course as well. THANK YOU for these offerings – you’ve made a dream come true for me!

  198. Margie on

    We live on my husband’s family farm. I want to start small for our enjoyment. We already grow zinnas, cornflowers, and daffadills around the house. I would like to plant do flowers continue to flower throughout the season. Thanks so much for your easy to understand article. I live west of Atlanta, ga.

  199. Shawn on

    Very helpful. I am planning my first small cut flower garden next year. Already purchased single stem sunflower seeds and looking for a couple more flowers to plant. Have about 1/4 an acre right now just because I want to take it slow. Looking forward to your video series. Thank you for the info and inspiration.

  200. Joy Smith on

    So very helpful! Love your down to earth chatter that is easy to understand and connect with. I feel like we are chatting over coffee…being so farmer practical! You answer my questions before I have even asked them. My daughter, grandaughter and myself got our toes wet this summer and are ready to really dig in this coming summer fleshing out “Three Joys and Co.” Thanks so much for so graciously sharing your knowledge with us. You help us to see things clearly and realistically. Also, your photos are beautiful and helpful! My daughter gave me your book for Mothers Day and I am thumbing and re-thumbing and making notes to self. Thanks again!!

  201. Libby Aleshire on

    First, I would like to thank you for this wonderful website. I am interested in growing a small cut garden just for personal use. I have been very successful in growing zinnias in a bed that is about 20’X4. I have way more than I could use. But, now I need some other flowers and fillers. I do have more space in my yard(1.7 acres) but I am kind of hesitant to put in more beds at age 64, but I think will. Last month was breakfast out with a couple of high school girlfriends. I took them bunches of my zinnias, you would have thought I gave them a brand new car they were that excited. One has contacted me on growing these flowers, said she has had no luck??? I also share bouquets with a couple of relatives. So…my question is since I will not be needing the entire package of some seeds, how long can I keep them? If they are good for more than one season that would be great. Otherwise I could always share them with others. I think I have about 8 packages on my wish list because,they look so beautiful and I want them all.

    • Team Floret on

      Thanks for sharing your story, Libby. And yes you can keep your leftover seed to plant next season. Be sure to store your seed packets in a cool, dry place away from pests.

  202. Emily Enright on

    I just received your book in the mail today & it is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you! My heart is so happy. I live in Kansas City (zone 5) & am hoping to start my first flower garden this spring. Do you happen to have any sample garden layout plans? I’m going to start small (thinking 5-7ft wide by 10-15ft long).

    Thank you so much for all the love & energy you put into your book and for sharing your joy of flowers. :)

  203. Michele Moore on

    There is a lot of great information on this site! I am finding it easy to follow, practical and inspirational. I also tend to “live in the future” inside my head too often. Happy planting!

  204. Michelle Bedard on

    I am knew to your site but have already spent hours looking and reading. Thank you for the well written information. This was my first year of experimenting with flowers. I have done vegetable gardens in the past, but knowing I would not be able to keep up on it this year, I decided not to plant. I couldn’t stand looking at bare soil so at the last minute picked up the last packs of zinnias at the local nursery and put them in the ground. And now here I am scouring information and varieties of what I’d like to grow in next years cut flower garden. The how to grow information on each flower is a wonderful help! Thank you for the time you devote to passing along your knowledge.

  205. Amy on

    My daughter and I are in the beginning steps of starting a cut flower business. Plan to star small this year with using our small garden 30 x 50 and then 3 new 4 x 100 foot rows. Putting all perennials
    (Tulips, Daffodils, Peony’s, Anemones & Alliums) in the garden and annuals in the individual rows.(Zinnias, Snapdragons & Sweet Peas) We have access to more acreage but that will come in year 2, after we learn what’s possible this next spring. We eventually want to add a whole new area for Dahlias and add in all the other flowers that we’ll need to create beautiful arrangements for others. All of your information has been really helpful and the way you stager your plants to incorporate more is exactly what we need. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge because we definitely need it and are soaking it all up. Thank you, Amy & Madison

  206. Nancy on

    I LOVE your blog and have learned so much from it!! I’ve also bought your book and love that as well. Thank you for spending the time to share your expertise with us.

  207. Doreen on

    I am extremely excited about the next chapter of my life. I am planning on retiring next spring and my plan is to work more in our non profit community garden . I have volunteered for years there working with annual and the perineal flowers. I have encouraged our county nurses to cut flowers to take to their patients and have cut flowers to share with our volunteers. My goal when I retire is to share my flowers with the community by selling them at our road side stand and having that money be used to help the people in our community with their financial needs . I also want to brighten up the days for people in our local nursing home. I think your site will help me obtain my goals. I bought your book and I am eager to learn about your online classes. Please share any information you have about them.Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!

  208. Devan McCarthy on

    I am loving your posts! I want to learn more about hoop gardening.
    I am in Northern Michigan and wait until Memorial Day to plant anything… if I had a hoop.. could I plant in the ground sooner without frost damage?

    • Angela on

      Hi Devan,
      Having a way to extend your season would make such a huge difference for you! We start all of our seeds in greenhouses and then plant them outside after the weather has warmed. This helps us have flowers 6-8 weeks earlier, than if we’d directly planted them. We also use hoops for season extension. Hopefully you’ll find our season extension post helpful:

  209. Krista Gogan on

    I am a recent empty-nester and the first thing I thought to get back to that I used to love was growing flowers. Cut flowers around the house gives me such joy, lifts my moods and gives me hope. I bought your beautiful Cut Flower Garden book and instantly fell back in love with an old hobby. Thank you for such an inspriation, I look forward to exploring the world of flower gardening with your guidance!

  210. Lynette Gallant on

    I started off planning sweet peas years ago (although I have never had the stem that are in the photo on your website!) and now I grow a few different flowers, but I would like to venture into a small garden specifically for cut flowers. A bouquet garden if you will. I live on Vancouver Island and I was recently on a garden tour and your company was recommend to me for product.
    Kind regards

  211. Alishs on

    My family and I just moved to a home on 18 acres and I am very excited to grow flowers! I have always grown vegetable gardens but am now planning on adding a flower garden as well. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information. I am grateful for your site.

  212. KB Konieczka on

    Thank you for the time, energy and passion you pour into this site. It’s inspiring to me how you not only grow such lovely flowers, but then spend an incredible amount of time empowering others to do the same. Our church just purchased a new building on 8 acres…I’ve been given a green light to use some of this acreage for a garden. I’m a Master Gardener, excited for this huge opportunity, but overwhelmed by the process. Your site is such a huge help. THANK YOU! One idea I’m considering is growing a substantial cut flower garden, then Selling bouquets at local farmers markets to raise money for future garden projects. Any advice (and seed donations 😉) would be greatly appreciated.

  213. Cheryl on

    I am so excited to find you!!! I also live in the Pacific Northwest. I have a small garden that I used to grow vegetables in but would love to grow flowers to bless others lives and as a business. I am interested in you Flower Collective too.

  214. Melissa Nichols on

    I’m really excited about finding this site. Im just starting and I really appreciate all your advice!

  215. Aly Wendt on

    I am in the dreaming stage of starting a dahlia garden. I love how you simplified the main questions I need to ask myself before jumping in. Lots of research ahead…

  216. Kym Beckstead on

    I live in Wyoming at just a tad under 7000 ft elevation, our frost free days come late, about mid June, our summers are hot, dry and short. We start getting frost late in September. What are my chances of growing a marketable variety of flowers for sale as cut flower arrangements? I have ample space and water. I’m in the process of opening up a small gardening shop and want to offer fresh cut flowers and other garden gifts starting next spring.

  217. Diane Sega on

    I am not sure when or how I first discovered you & FloretFlowers – but I have been following your posts for a couple years and Love your CUT FLOWER GARDEN book. Your posts are always inspiring to me. Although I grew up in a ‘gardening’ family and have always gardened, canned vegetables and sold the excess at the road, now I can garden for pleasure. I am retired and gardening keeps me energized. You are an inspiration. This year I have been growing zinnias to sell at a florist. Thank you for all your free seminars and on line blogs. It is time consuming and difficult to put into words the knowledge you are sharing, so keep in mind that not only are you enriching the lives of so many that you will never meet, you are also leaving a legacy for your family. THANK YOU!

  218. Kristine Goggan on

    Goodness do I envy your job, I cannot think of a better one! Since we are at the end of the season and I just discover you, I have fall to find my area to grow (that my husband will have to mow around), time to buy seeds and plants bulbs. I’m in central NY the potential is there for some awesome flowers. I’ll be admiring you from afar and appreciate all the wisdom you share. 🌷🌸🌼🌻🌺🌹💐

    My property is filled with bunnies and groudhogs, any advice to keep them from wrecking blooms? They attempted to eat my petunia hanging baskets 😩

  219. Gwendolyn Banton on

    Thanks for this great information. I have always gardened, planning to start growing flower for market.

  220. KJ on

    I just received your book & am so excited to read it & start planning my flower garden. Our yard will be so beautiful next year!!💐 The dedication page in your book brought a smile to my heart. My Grammy (& my mom) planted the love of flowers in my heart too! Your book is beautiful & inspires me.

  221. Steph B on

    I’ve just been introduced to your wonderful website and can’t wait to try some of your seeds! I’ve mostly grown veggies in the past but am looking to grow more flowers – I love to have cut flowers for the house.

    I’m looking forward to trying some new things and learning from your site :)

  222. Andrea on

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful world and extensive knowledge! I am a miniature market gardener growing on an island in SE Alaska, looking to add some spring bulb flower sales (mainly daffs) during a time when i otherwise have no income and many expenses. Thanks for the inspiration and wise words to start slow and small. Love your beautiful book!

  223. Barbara Hahn on

    Currently I have a veggie/flower/fruit tree/berry bush garden with raised beds in an area about 150′ x 60′. Since we are retired and there is only two of us, I want to grow more flowers and less veggies. We live in Silverdale, Washington so our growing season is similar to where you live. My grandparents were flower bulb farmers from the Netherlands and settled in North Carolina. I grew up with fields of flowers and so enjoyed the different seasons with a wide variety of beautiful flowers. I love having fresh flowers in my home and also enjoy sharing them with family and friends. Playing in the dirt is one of my favorite activities.

  224. Sarabeth Woods on

    I’m an aspiring flower gardener in hot and humid East Texas. We have clay soil here so I’m wondering how to amend that. Also, we can have extremely wet springs and long, dry summers. I have a lot to consider before starting. Thank you for the tip on not planting more than you can handle! I was imagining doing a whole acre, but I know I need to pull back a little and start small. Thank you for the inspiring photos and wonderful encouragement.

  225. Jean on

    Thanks Erin! I bought your book (no time to read it yet) but this post is great even though I’ve already learned a lot of those lessons. I decided to wait until my kids were older before I started flower gardening. It’s tough in hot SC, on clay soil, but I persevere and have found solutions for a lot of problems here. We really do have to rely on the heat-lovers here – not sure if dahlias are going to be possible, so I’m glad you’re hybridizing zinnias too.
    The greatest joy to me is that my daughter had started now too, with their first home purchase and her own little girl! I didn’t see that coming, but she’s taken off farther and faster than I ever expected, so I’m dividing perennials and taking her packets and paper bags of seeds. She’s a better designer than I am, and I know this is going to be a wonderful thing.
    Thanks for your vision and all your hard work, with your team. Hoping to get some of those butterscotch zinnia seeds when they’re available!

  226. Julianna Breillatt on

    I have five wonderful and fiesty girls. The baby will be in school all day in grade one. I grew up on a ten acre farm with a large vegetable, flower and 12 tree orchard. Now I live in a Chicago suburb where I’m always trying to recreate what I grew up with. This year I want to build three raised beds about 12 by 4 feet rehome them in the spot currently allotted to our decrepit and frequently forgotten swing set. So I am simply a home dream gardener with only ambitions to have cut bouquets like I remember growing up with. We live in zone 5 and the growing season is generally safe from Mother’s Day till October. I’ve never started plants indoors early and I would really like to try this out this year. I would value any recommendations and sources that you can offer. I just bought your book so maybe everything is in there. I don’t even know where to buy a planting tray so I’m starting at the bottom BUT we have been working on improving our composting habits this summer.

  227. Emily on

    As a chronic bite-off-more-than-I-can-chew kind of gal, I appreciated these tips. I’m also in the wrangling kids stage, so the encouragement to start slow is important. Thank you for helping me organize my flower-gardening dreams!

  228. Rebecca on

    I’m so new to flower gardening, but I can’t wait to start! I really appreciate these posts! You are so encouraging and realistic. Can’t wait to learn from you!

  229. Mary on

    we purchased a farm with a home 40 years ago. I knew what a rose was but very little else. The people we bought from had a small variety of flowers and I began to divide as they multiplied. The years I didn’t have to work in corporate America I spent outside killing about as many flowers as I saved.
    I bought seed and bulbs and learned to fertilize and water. I’m still not an expert but have expanded my grounds to 3 acres with much of this in flowers of some sort.
    In the early days it was all hot sun but now with volunteer pecan trees I have lots if shade as well.
    I have 2 acres across the road that is full sun and will need water access
    I’m retiring but will need some extra income to help me stay out of my savings. What I know and love is flowers!!! Lots of you pick farms are all around me but no flower farms.
    I am ready to get things ready to plant next year. Need help in deciding which flowers will do best in South Georgia soil and climate. Do I use raised beds? How close to plant? How to keep weeds at a minimum? How best to water and fertilize? How to sell? And so much more!!!

  230. Fatima on

    Thank you for the great post,I found it very helpfull. As a gardener and flower lover I haven been thinking about expending my hubby and generating some income to cover the expenses. I am thinking about converting our front yard which is about an acre into flower farm. My main question is how do you deal with pest? I always practice organic gardening for fertilizing and pest control. I only hand pick the pest which is very time consuming but I know it’s the safest way for my kids and honey bees. I would like your feed back on how to handle pests and bug on larger scale.

  231. Kara MacWilliams on

    I recently got your book in the mail along with The Flower Farmer and I am so inspired and full of hope to begin my own journey. My in-laws have agreed to let me use part of their land, so I have about an acre and a half possibly to work with. So I will be traveling back and forth, thinking of all the things I need to start out are overwhelming, but I do not want to let that deter me. Money is tight, and I have no clue how I am going to make it happen but I will, somehow. All of your information from the book and your website are greatly appreciated and so helpful. Thank you so much for helping all of us out here just starting out!

  232. Angela on

    I’ve only just started on this journey, but my flower love is growing on the daily! I was once the girl who wasn’t too fussed about flowers, was about to rip out all the rose bushes on our new property (because I didn’t like the thorns!), very practical and more about growing veggies and food. Now I have a long wishlist of rose desirables, tubers here and there and many plans in my brain. I have your book on the way and a sneaky suggestion from your site to my husband, as I have a birthday coming up! Keep up the glorious work! I look forward to learning and seeing more (all the way from New Zealand).

  233. Oksana Dunnagan on

    This post has been so wonderful and inspiring to read. I only wish I did it back in early spring when I was starting my small cut flower garden. But I have already learned so much from my own mistakes and lack of knowledge. With this helpful information you shared, I feel more equipped and already look forward to next spring. Thank you!

  234. Monica on

    I have been following you for years now, mostly because I love your ranunculous! 💕 more recently, I have been reading everything I can that you post with the hopes of learning and possibly one day growing my own field. Thank you for all the time you take to teach others.

  235. Jess on

    Thank you for sharing all of this. Beautiful photos. I love the idea of making a smaller space work.

  236. Jenny on

    Thanks for the balanced advice and inspiration.

  237. Laura on

    Expanding from vegetable growing to adding flowers and I’ve been so inspired by your site and your book! I’m looking forward to next spring already!

  238. Nicole McNiven on

    Wonderful tips. Thank you! I am just starting and have an infant and preschooler.

  239. alta on

    Thanks for a Beautiful Site&Sight….
    I am from SouthAfrica
    You must have heard how terrible it’s going here
    I am 62 years old…Female, worked all my life, left with one dream…to establish a small Flower Farm….leaving a legacy out of nothing
    Would I be able to buy seed from you?
    Thanks for reading this e-mail

  240. Arlene Lehman on

    An article in The Oregonian about Sweet Peas led me to your site. I love Sweet Peas and am so excited to have found your wonderful site. Thank you. Arlene

  241. Aranka on

    This blog post certainly was helpful for me. I’m planning for a cut flower garden for myself and to have flowers to give as gifts. I will be having more than enough space but limited energy because of ME/CFS. I have a huge list of flowers I want but your post made me realize I have to be realistic. Back to the drawing board! Thanks so much! I would have beaten myself up for the disappointment.

  242. Laura on

    I just stumbled across your blog while searching Pinterest and I’m so excited I did! My husband, boys, and I are in the early stages of relocating and I just found an adorable house on just shy of 4 acres. Flowers give me butterflies and I am happiest when in my garden, making bouquets, and giving them to friends. I am so excited to dive deeper into your posts and can’t wait to be overwhelmed by flowers – could there be anything better?!

  243. Julie on

    This is all wonderful information! So well written . I am about to jump into this and you have given me much to think about . Thank you , julie

  244. Sarah on

    Thank you sooooo much for these tips! My husband and I are just beginning to plan for a flower farm for next year….meanwhile, we have a bounty of scattered wildflower seeds (cosmos and zinnias and sunflowers!) and they are taking over half of our front field! I absolutely love flowers and giving them away. Our children love setting up spontaneous roadside flower stands and making bouquets for our neighbors. I have been a bit confused about how succession planting works (like, do you succession plant within the same bed or would you have 3 beds for a certain type of flower and you would plant the seedlings every 3 to 4 weeks?) but I think I’m finding most of my answers on your blog. Thank you so very much for putting the time and effort into helping future flower farmers! You can find our very new instagram account @doubleacreflowerfarm :)

  245. Julia on

    I found your book at our local bookstore and I’ve been smitten ever since. I have a small vegetable garden and thanks to your inspiration, this is my first year with a very small cut flower garden. Can’t wait to expand next year!

  246. Amy Phillips on

    Thank you so much for sharing this information!

  247. John And Karen on

    I saw some of your flowers on a friend of mine’s post. Can’t wait to start growing some

  248. Susie on

    My family just moved to the country and I have been obsessed with flowers and plants for years now, but never really had the space to do anything about it. Now that we have the land, I want to start growing my garden, taking them out of the pots and putting them into the ground! I just got your book yesterday and have already read most of it! Can’t wait to get started on a flower, vegetable and fruit garden!

  249. Annette Greene on

    Thank you for these helpful tips. I am in the process of business planning my flower farm venture. I am a research queen, and am taking the correct steps in gathering as much info as I can before next spring. My biggest concern, of course, is space. I do not even have an acre to work with, but “community gardens” is an item listed on my Research List. Thank you again, you are a true inspiration!

  250. Sarah on


    I have rekindled my love of gardening this year. We are getting ready to close on a house next week which will give me the opportunity to really expand my ability to grow whatever I want. I want to grow ranunculus, but I am in zone 9 in central Florida and I have never grown them before. What can you tell me if I am just starting out?


  251. Robin Holleman on

    What an enlightening article. The why question resonates deeply. I haven’t decided how I will proceed, but I will definitely be pondering my why. Thanks.

  252. Leigh on

    I love flowers and time outside digging in the dirt. For the past five years my husband, six children and I have lived in a fifth wheel parked on church parking lots, moving every week or two serving with a ministry. Beginning this summer we will spend June through August in a farmhouse in southwest Michigan. I know my time is short, I know I dont want to plant a huge area, I am originally from the deep south so most of my favorites do not do well here. Can you offer any advice as to how to get started just as a stress relief and flower-sharing summer this year? I appreciate the article and look forward to any help you can give this frazzled girl.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Leigh,

      I’m excited for you, as you’ll have the summer in one place and be able to plant a cutting garden. Since it’s already fairly late in the season I’d suggest buying some starts from a local nursery or seeing if there are any local friends that have flower plugs to share. Otherwise growing some quick-growing sunflowers or zinnias from seed can provide a little flower fix. Enjoy the summer and your cutting garden!

  253. Mariah on

    Glad I found your article and questions! Encouraging and happy to know about a content and experienced flower cultivator. Thanks for the tips! Liked how condensed yet relatable it was to read. Here in Florida gonna try my luck :) anyone know of any flowers for crowns and bouquets for Fl?

  254. Katie Greenwood on

    I found your blog today after doing some searching on growing larger numbers of flowers. I live in England and the climate isn’t always in my favour. Needless to say I was feeling a bit.. down, and not just because it’s been raining the last three days and in the 50’s…in June. This blog has perked me up and re-ignited my want to keep growing, battle the elements here, and bring it to a larger scale! Thanks for writing such wonderful posts 💐

  255. Leanne Enox on

    Thanks so much! Living in a retirement community in wa (Ryderwood) and thinking about how wonderful it would be to have cut flowers available…great blog😀

  256. Katrina on

    I just discovered this article on pinterest. I look forward to reading your blog. My husband and I have had a vegetable garden for the last 18 years and we both enjoy working in it. I have enjoyed growing flowers in containers and decided to grow some zinnia’s in part of the garden a couple years ago. That was the first time growing flowers from seed. I would like to expand the flower garden and I’m interested in learning how to grow and care for various types of flowers. Thank you for sharing what you have learned.

  257. Sandra Powell on

    I am in the very beginning stages of planning a cut flower farm. I have taken a lot of info from your posts and love how they are written. If possible I would love for you to continue to add posts. I also have read your book, Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden. I retiring from the finance world of a university in about 2 years and so excited to start my flower farm.

  258. Jessie on

    I just discovered you this last week and I cant help but look on your blog and website everyday just to see the flowers and learn the how toos. I recently had a tough miscarriage and some family and friends brought flowers by the house. I had 4 beautiful arrangements in the house for about a month and looking at them and caring for them brought me alot of peace. I decided that I always want at least one bouquet of flowers in the house so I bought some seeds to start growwing and in the mean time I’ll pick wild flowers and Rose’s out of familys gardens until my flowers bloom. But the amount of happiness they brought me made me want to grow enough to share with family and friends all the time. Not just for special occasions. I bought your book and cant wait to read all about cut flowers to get started. Thank you for every little bit of info and time you put into all your posts.

  259. Susie on

    I love flowers, I buy them nearly every time I stop at the grocery store, I always have fresh flowers in our home.
    We have an area in our front yard (south facing) that I think would be a perfect garden. I’m sort of newish to gardening and really excited by all that I’m learning from your site. Thank you for sharing you passion!

  260. Aaron and Amanda on

    My wife and I recently purchased 20 acres of farm land in Kentucky. We are so very excited to get our organic flower farm started. We both have been gobbling up as much info as we can in hopes that we learn from others mistakes and develop a plan that will grow our dreams as healthily as the flowers. I LOVE all the info on your site!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with others!

  261. Patty on

    Flowers bring such warmth to my soul..I absolutely thrive on color and the more vivid the better.. Erin.. you are living my dream! I’m 63 and retired from real estate which was a wonderful career but ended due to too much stress. I live in northern Michigan where winters are long. Frost free days normally start mid May but this year not until early June. Brutal winter. I ordered your book and can’t wait to curl up with it. We have just planted our first vegetable garden at our home that overlooks a large bay. I am so interested in finding out how we can make our yard a beautiful home for some of these unique flowers that you grow in Washington. My hope is that we can grow some here in zone 5!! We have about 1 acre but much of it is in a steep ravine.
    Can’t wait to hear back from you with any suggestions you may have to get us going. Probably have to plan for next spring but looking forward to getting started in the planning stage. Your story really captured my heart and congratulations to building such a colorful world that makes people happy!! Blessings! Patty

    • Team Floret on

      You’ve found the right place, Patty! Take a look back through past blog posts for additional information and inspiration.

  262. Amy Edmunds on

    I love your story and how you want to share what you’ve learned. I also love the joy of giving people flowers from our garden. I am interested in yout class and it would be helpful to know the cost. Really enjoy your content. Thank you!

  263. Cheree on

    Hi Erin, I’ve been following your blog for awhile now, I have total Flower Envy! :) I’ve read this particular post several times now! We just moved from Western Washington to Southern Colorado! Quite a climate change! I’ve been a dahlia lover for as long as I can remember, they are exquisite! I now have the space to create as much space as I desire for my cut flower gardens. It will take awhile to prepare the soil, till then I live vicariously through your blog posts! You’ve done such a phenomenal job at sharing your journey with us all! Thank you so much!

  264. Rebecca Bowers on

    I recently was at an air B&B when I saw your book, I asked my husband to pull his phone out and order the book on Amazon so I could read it when we got back home. We just moved to southern Louisiana and have our first home, which means our first yard! And it’s a task, neglected and and overrun- it was scary when we first started. But with every passing day I work in the yard I have pictured tall flowers I can clip and bring inside or to my office or to a friend’s house. Your book inspired me to slow down that picture of landscape and pay attention to the care of the plants I love so much. I appreciate your book so much and just today found your Pinterest page which led me to this post! Thank you so much for putting in the effort and sharing your knowledge. As a therapist I have noticed that working in the ground is the only thing that keeps me away from worrying about clients, my schedule, life plans, and so much more.

  265. Samantha on

    This is a great read, thank you! I’m curious about the selling of your flowers. Do you sell to wholesale companies, independently owned businesses or is it all mainly going to personal clients? How did you figure out how to make income off of this market? I’d love to start a cut flower farm here in Florida, there’s none in my area!

  266. Kelly on

    I needed this! I’m just opening my eyes to wanting to grow flowers for myself and for others! Maybe a stand at the end of my driveway:) but we need to build our house first! I’m getting ahead of myself but iv always had a love for flowers and now that we have land of our own I need them in my daily life! My baby starts kindergarten this fall! I’m still young and would love more children but We will see what God brings…maybe with flowers will come a new baby too!

  267. Laura on

    This was exactly what I needed to read today! Thank you for sharing this information!! Love this blog!

  268. Claire on

    Your blog is a a touchstone of joy! It never fails to bring me a clear feeling of connection and real excitement. I really appreciate the time and energy it must take to share your knowledge, and brilliant sense of beauty.

  269. Kathleen on

    Thank you so much for your blogs and the inspiration that comes from them. I started my very first cut flower garden this spring. I’ve got the Zinnia candy mix and cupcake pink growing, as well as dahlias. My favorite thing about it so far is how it helps me to just “slow down” which is hard to do for a mom of a newborn and toddler haha. But that is where I find time for myself and I continue to draw inspiration from you and your team, so thank you!!

  270. Ramona on

    I love your blog! I recently descovered looking around to answer my questions regarding a flower garden. I dont have alot of place for flowers and i try for beginning to make a calendar for next year and to prepare the soil. But i wander: the place wherw i put tulip bulbs will be bloked for all the time/for summer? Where can i put anoyher flower seeds ob top of the bulbs? Thank you and thank for taking your yo write such usefull information! Best regards Ramona

  271. Meagan on

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences and knowledge. I’ve dreamt of growing flowers for years, but my husband’s military career always kept that out of reach. When we bought our farm last year all I could think of was planting flowers, but instead pretty much the entire year (and growing seasons) were spent working the land, clearing trees (Pines are more than plentiful here in NC), and surviving a long deployment. He’s finally home and we have been working so hard and I will (finally!) be able to start growing. It’s late for this year, but I am so excited nonetheless for the late summer/fall growing. Your words give me hope that I’ll learn and figure out my own balance growing beauties too.

  272. Grace Kreuser on

    You are such a glorious writer, & of course I appreciate work and contemplation it to to create these posts. Thank You!

  273. Margie French on

    Thank you for being so generous with your time and information. I’ve just found you and your book and I’m looking forward to reading through all you blogs and book at the same time. I have one question. I live west of Brisbane in Queensland Australia in a rural area which is sub- tropical with hot summers and mild frost free winters. My water supply is tank only so I’m wondering how much water is needed to sustain a flourishing cut flower garden?


  274. Jan on

    Just found your website, it’s beautiful to look at and very informative! Thanks

  275. Amanda on

    Love the info, thank you!

  276. TONY WAKEHAM on

    I live in subtropical Brisbane in Queensland Australia. I am just starting out growing flowers for local florists and the weekend farmers market.
    Just found your website. I have been looking for some practical tips on growing flowers and I think I have hit the jackpot. I will be looking at your posts from now on for tips I can relate to our climate.

  277. Samantha VanPelt on

    You and your farm are absolutley beautiful. I appreciate your blog more than you know. The year I decided that one day I would have my own flower farm your blog popped up and I’ve been intrigued ever since. I am trying my best to catch your workshop one day also!
    Thanks so much, and Happy Farming

  278. Chanel on

    I absolutely admire you and am now (finally!) systematically starting to read through both your blog posts and Cut Flower Garden book. I don’t presently have access to my own yard, but I do have a fairly spacious balcony that I am going to convert into my own ‘field’ of flowers. It’s going to be quite the investment and I want to have a good plan before I jump all willy nilly into it (as I’ve sometimes been known to do), thus am trusting you and your awesome team to guide me! I’m looking forward to diving into the gorgeous world of flowers more in depth. Thank you for all your insight and resources. When I was younger and trying to grow my own flowers, I often didn’t know what I was doing and my plants always died as a result. I just assumed I didn’t have that “green thumb,” but my involvement in the wedding industry has reawakened that desire to not only develop my skills in floral designing, but to also learn about the plants I am creating with. You and everything you share gives me hope, thank you!

  279. Julia Allen on

    Thank you for your website and information! I live on 2 acres in Australia and I have been researching more advanced gardening because after working 4 beds on rotation as an experiment I am keen to expand my vegetables, fruits and grow flowers. I only garden organically and your information is very helpful. I am on clay soils so I’m grateful for when you write about your soil as well as clay. Have a great day. ?

  280. Shelley on

    Great questions! Thank you so much for sharing your journey and all it’s honest trials along with your successes. This is so encouraging to me as I consider how I want to build my own cut flower business. You’re definitely on the right track and I really appreciate all the resources you provide and your open collaborative style.

  281. Kari on

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your journey and your pearls of wisdom! So helpful to this fledgling northern NH gardener!

  282. Kayla on

    So many insightful questions! Good food for thought on my end… It seems you prefer long narrow beds, what have you learned by growing flowers this way? Do you have a problem with flower height and shadowing neighboring rows? Do your rows run N/S or E/W? Thanks!

  283. Sharon on

    I just bought your book, Cut Flower Garden and I am in love with it. So inspiring. I am excited to try some different flowers.

  284. Katie on

    What plants do you not use your landscape fabric for? I know it is used to plants that love heat. So do you not use it for your early spring bloomers only? How do you choose which get it and which don’t?

  285. Melissa on

    Got your book and read it in one day. I can’t wait to start my cutting garden at my new house. I have a question about your weed cloth. Do you reuse it each season or is it toast by summers end? What kind do you use and do you put anything on top of it? Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the world. ?

  286. Nicole on

    I found your site while I was searching for flower seeds for my garden. I have loved reading all the information you’ve shared and seeing the gorgeous flowers you’re growing. Thanks for taking the time to help us amateurs! I’m just growing flowers for myself, not as a business.

  287. Wendy Albers Scofield on

    I love the questions, the thoughtful planning. I am a perfectionist and want to do things correctly, old enough to know there is no such thing, yet like to know what is the best way. I have space but not the time – here at my home in Minnesota. I won’t even be at my house during summers, I will be 8 hours away -north on the boarder of Canada/Minnesota running a 5 cabin fishing retreat. I love flowers, in my home and would like to have them for my guest in their cabins. I know that there is a clearing, but surrounded by woods. I will measure, check out the sun availability and come back to this site. We can’t get to cabins for another month, we have to wait for the ice to melt, it is accessible by boat only.

  288. Mary Pfeifer on

    I stumbled on to your site while drooling over all the beautiful flower pictures on Pinterest. My husband and I recently purchased 18 acres. Call it a mid life crisis. He says he has always wanted somewhere to garden. So we seem to suddenly be starting a farm. While trying to get involved and learn what I can, I keep following the flowers. I think you and your site are amazing and I plan to be back often. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring me!

  289. April on

    I just found your blog and immediately subscribed! I’m a complete newbie to gardening and I’m so excited to learn! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!

  290. Rachel on

    Thank you so much for this introspective outline of thoughts before I clumsily jump in! I live in Auburn, WA, another valley in Western Washington. But I live in a highly residential area, and don’t have much sun due to shadows from other buildings, coupled with lack of space. My area to grow is very fractured, a couple feet here, another couple feet there. Ideally, I’d be growing flowers that are both visually beautiful, and also edible for our chickens. Are there any specifics that you’d recommend? I also adore sweet peas, dahlias, and tulips… Thanks so much in advance!

  291. Michelle on

    I’m usually a lurker, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate all the information you share. I’ve dreamed for a long time about a flower farm and I love learning all I can while I practice with my little space in the city. You’re so inspiring, yet down to earth and honest about challenges. Thank you!

  292. Sally on

    Thank you for your thought provoking questions to consider before starting (or continuing on)this business adventure. I will be retiring in three years and have been slowly building my cut flower gardens a few rows at a time. Last year was my first year selling at our local farmer’s market and I sold out each time! I couldn’t have done it without your information. I love reading your blogs! No matter what question I have I can usually find the answers in your blog or your much read and reread, dogeared, beautiful book, Cut Flower Garden. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  293. Jessica Bushard on

    Hi there! I recently bought your book, have poured over your website and am evaluating options for our small 3 acre parcel. Raised on a conventional reforestation tree farm – providing a farm lifestyle for our little ones has been a dream. I will be acquiring two 90ft greenhouses from my family in the fall and am looking to design a “blueprint” for planting annuals and perennials. Any suggestions on mapping this out, maybe what you like to group together? Thank you so much for all your input – you are such an inspiration and encouragement.

  294. Catherine Clark on

    Reading about your journey is inspiring. I recently retired and am going to start with a home cutting garden this year and see how I do with that. Hoping to donate flowers to our church and folks in need. One step at a time. Thank you for willingly sharing your knowledge. Catherine

  295. Cheryl Doll on

    I have been considering adding cut flowers to my gardening endeavors for awhile now. Your book and website have greatly inspired me. I just retired from my town job and am looking at ways to supplement our ranching income. I have plenty of space and am not afraid of hard work. We live in central North Dakota. I am geared up and ready to plant a couple of small cut flower gardens this spring. I am exploring the possibilities of providing cut flower bouquets to the nursing home and grocery store in our small town. I think marketing my product will be the greatest challenge. Thank you for all of the valuable information. Cheryl

    • Team Floret on

      The team and I are cheering for you! Marketing can feel intimidating at first, but don’t let it stop you. I think you’re going to do great.

  296. Judith on

    Love the Skagit valley for its growing climate but we r in zone 9, hot and dry. Unfortunately I try growing all the English cutting garden flowers I can but by July they are fried. The iris and roses do the best but I long for delphiniums and peonies. Right now I have daffodils and hyacinths galor, all blooming with tulips coming, then my twenty lilac bushes. All are short lived because of our heat.
    I have a lot of luck with celosia and nicotiana and cosmos. Zinnias, not so much. Any suggestions?
    Love your photos.

  297. susan on

    I think I live in one 6 just on the edge of Lake Erie southwest of Buffalo NY

  298. Jennifer Fisher on

    Thank you so much for your honesty about your successes and failures. I’m beginning to plant from my backyard and also feel this need to start big rather than to take it slow and easy and learn along the way. Your site and blogs are invaluable.

  299. Elfi on

    Hi..I just discovered your website and I’m excited by all the information you have. I’ve been growing roses for years, and I’m in the process of redesigning my yard to allow me to grow a variety of flowers, for the love of them, and also to use in flower arrangements. Loved your article on sweet peas, one of my favorite flowers. Thanks for all the information! Elfi

  300. Caley on

    This is so very helpful and practical to me. I can relate with so much of what you say-being a young mom, feeling like I have to do it all right now, needing something to ground me. It is encouraging to me that you started small and grew as you went. What is a rough estimate of your initial investment if you don’t mind my asking? I realize it’s different for everyone but would love to get a feel for it! Also, did you have a degree/experience in floral design? What route would you recommend going to acquire those skills?

  301. Katie on

    I have followed you on Instagram for awhile now and you have really inspired me to want to grow flowers. I am a complete beginner so all of your information is so very helpful and I cannot wait to dig deeper and learn more!

  302. Indira on

    I grow things in a ramshackle way, and your questions clear a lovely path into the why’s and how’s of growing flowers ( for me, to fill a vase!)

  303. Amelda on

    I love to garden and have decided to put flowers in my above ground beds instead of veggies. I don’t have alot of land but if this works out I plan on getting rid of the grass next year and adding more beds. I have already purchased seeds from you and am getting ready to plant soon. I am lucky that we have about 300 frost free days here in Arizona. I am going to seed a row every 3-4 weeks as you suggested. I am also going to experiment with putting some seeds in my ground flower beds. If i.m going to experiment I might as well do it now.

  304. Jessica Rogers on

    These are great questions and really make you look at things with a better perspective. I just want to grow a small flower garden and see what I’m capable of handling.

  305. Jan Hendricks on

    This has been very helpful to read. I’ve asked myself these very questions. I’m wanting a cutting garden just for myself to try it out! We see how I do as I have a full time job and a lake home that keeps me away most weekends of the summer. But I’m so interested in growing my own! You’re an inspiration! Thank you.

  306. Isobel on

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight and tips! I’ve been a fresh-cut flower fanatatic for the past couple of years, but have moved around during the summers and this shall be the first summer I’m planning on growing my own flowers! I’m SO EXCITED!

    You mentioned earlier in this post that you’d share some flower varieties that do okay in shade, my backyard is pretty much all shade/partial shade and I’d love to put it to use. What can I plant?

    Smiles :)


  307. Elizabeth Graham on

    Yes! This was definitely helpful. I am new to your blog, but discovered it after reading your book, and now I love both dearly. The pictures on your blog literally brought tears to my eyes. I found all the information to be wonderful, but I especially resonanted with your description of trying to garden with young children around. I can’t really garden yet because I don’t have a house, but I hope to someday. However, my other pursuits have brought a different type of tears to my eyes because of the same sort of frustration you described. Your advice was I what I needed to hear today. Thank you.

  308. Harriet Squier on

    Hi I love your entries and how they combine just the right proportions of joy and practicality. My husband and I have been growing perennials and cut flowers around our 1/4 acre lot (which includes the house, driveway, shed, etc) here in Michigan. We are hampered by clay soil so have had the best success with raised beds that are a foot deep. We struggle to find a way of building them that doesn’t cost a mint and doesn’t fall apart in a few years. We also struggle with black walnut trees on one side of our property. We are able to grow hostas, daylilies, irises and phlox there, along with some anemic hibiscus and bee balm, but that entire part of the yard isn’t able to produce much in the way of cut flowers. We have six 4×24 ft raised beds edging our yard in which we grow dahlias, irises, sometimes glads, oriental lilies, statice, lisianthus, cornflowers, zinnias, asters, with peonies, mums, marigolds, coneflowers, daisies, and other stuff scattered around. We have the opportunity to inherit a 1/2 acre piece of property out in the country where we have access to water, electricity and sunlight. We are thinking that in five years when we are ready to retire it would be fun to start an official flower farm to raise cut flowers. We love the beauty of the flowers and love working outside. Right now we aren’t sure what the quality of the soil is at the other property. We like raised beds as they are easier for older folks to reach and manage.

    some questions: before embarking on a flower farm, do you need to have clients already lined up? Or is it enough to just start with farmers markets? Is it possible to do this in a casual way, like a farm stand on Saturdays or a farmer’s market when we have enough blooms, or do you need to build a market by having a consistent supply of flowers from week to week?
    How Perfect do the flowers need to be in order to sell them? I had a local upscale florist express interest in my current flowers. But every time I thought about delivering some to her, I noticed holes in the dahlia blossoms or an ant in a peony or a blemish on a lisianthus blossom. I assumed she wouldn’t want any blossoms that weren’t absolutely perfect, and I didn’t grow enough flowers around my home to have lots of backup blooms. How much do you spray your plants? Do you try to stay organic? Are blemishes on blossoms or leaves a deal breaker for selling flowers?

    I like the way you put down garden fabric and place seedlings in specific holes. I also like the netting you use to support the plants. I had good luck with netting to support dahlias this year. Worked well. Used fence posts in corners of beds to hold the netting, which made it easy to install. Setting up the garden fabric sounds like a real chore, though. Are you able to reuse the fabric from year to Year? or do you find it healthier to start new each summer?

    How do you keep deer out of your gardens? Do you have problems with rabbits and groundhogs?

    I imagine having a cement floored greenhouse with heating coils embedded in the cement. Is that something you’ve heard of? Can you tell me the relative merits and issues with greenhouses vs hoop houses?

    How do you water with drip irrigation? does this run all the time? For certain periods every day? Is this a formally installed system or drip hoses snaked to where you want them connected to hoses at different spigots?

    Do you need to have a large cooler to hold bouquets and arrangements as well as cut flowers?
    Do you have a climate controlled storage system for winter bulb storage like for dahlias and glads?

    How much are your expenses yearly for things like utilities? At what kinds of venues do you sell?

    Thanks again for your web site. I look forward to spending more time perusing it. Please forgive me if these are all topics you’ve covered that I haven’t yet discovered.

  309. karen on

    I’ve been dreaming of a way to get paid for doing what I love. As a preschool teacher, I have my summers free to pursue this now. Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of information. I am in the process of reading your book now! I can completely relate to being “present” while gardening. I never feel guilty about losing an entire day in my yard. I am a Georgia girl living in Michigan, so I am still learning about what varieties do well here. Zinnias are my love! I must plant 4-5 different varieties each summer. So beautiful and forgiving.

  310. Rachelle H Woodbury on

    I live in Utah and would love to grow some of these ethereal blooms but am worried that they will wilt in the hot sun! I’ve never used shade cloth before. Hmmmm…this bears pondering. Also, how long until you stock new Dahlia seeds?:)

  311. Eileen on

    Wow! Thank you for sharing your wealth of information and experience with others! What a gift to us! I am contemplating a new “gardening” business venture, and have just moved to Maine so I know I will have to learn a lot more about soil, temperature, wind, light, growing days, etc. I don’t want to compete with Maine farmers in the fruit/vegetable markets, so I was brainstorming about a backyard nursery of some sort, and flowers might just fit the bill. Need to start slow and continue to research and learn all I can before I venture out into the growing world of colorful blooming flowers.

  312. Robyn on

    Been wanting to get into this for sometime, but it did not have the chance. Have recently had spinal surgery and need to grow something beautiful to brighten my world and bring smiles and happiness to others. Found your site and it seems wonderful and maybe my answer. Thank you.

  313. Hayley on

    Hi I have always wanted a cut garden to have fresh flowers in my home and to give away bouquets to make peoples day brighter. I am sure I will have more questions as I read more. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  314. Gretchen on

    I’m new to even reading about this world and your advice is so helpful as I try to learn more! My specific focus is on edible flowers (that grow well in Alaska!).

  315. Heather on

    Your site and book have given me so much inspiration! Last growing season I started with a few plots of a variety of flowers. Just like you mentioned, the weeds took over and I quickly lost control. I have an almost 3 year old and not enough time. I just purchased a pre cut weed barrier for this year. Very excited for this growing season! Last year and this year I’ve purchased seeds from Floret!

  316. Paige on

    Hi, my name is Paige and I’m from Highland, MI. I had a crazy dream about starting my own garden.

    While being a stay and home mom of 3 children. Lylah, (4)Olivia (2), and baby Jack (3 months). Along side with my husband Jake and our 2 silly dogs! I wanted a healthy hobby/earn income.

    After finding and reading your article, you gave me the confidence that I needed too start up my own little garden/flower stand in the Spring! I look forward to future posts and pictures of the new and improved :). Thank you very much for sharing and guiding!

    Take care


  317. Tammie on

    Such great information! I have always had a little bit of a cut flower garden in my yard for our own enjoyment. This year I am adding to it for my niece’s wedding use. Love all of the advise and input from your site!

  318. Kayla on

    This is honestly the best site I’ve found for a well rounded fountain of information! Thank you so much for everything this site is!!

  319. Eileen Kenny on

    Dear Erin, Thank you for this series! I have just started my first ever allotment and I plan to grow cut flowers. I have a good bit of gardening knowledge inherited from my mum. I grew up helping her garden but never have I grown flowers from seed. It is giving me so many happy bubbles in my tummy! This post was so helpful to assess my starting point. Eileen

  320. Erica Tresemer on

    Thank you so much for the information, inspiration and wisdom. A dear friend told me about you and as I sit inside on a cold snowy day, my heart is full of warmth and the scent and beauty of flowers. I look forward to seeing what you have to grow on our mile high, mountain garden. This is going to be fun!

  321. Marcy Kenison on

    This had been such a great interest of mine for such a long time. I have needed support with how to prime the ground and what to use. I live in Maine where the growing season is short and my soil is weedy and in need of proper nutrients. I just stare at all the gorgeous flowers at our local farmers market and think if they can do it, so can I! Thank you for this site!

  322. Caiti on

    I just stumbled upon your site today and I am in HEAVEN!!! My daughter & I have been wanting to start a larger flower garden, since doing a small one last year. We recently moved to a 6 acre farm so we have the space but obviously will be starting very small. All of your resources are amazing! Now, Im going to buy your book AND order some seeds! Thank you!!!

  323. Chris on

    Hi, I so enjoyed this article. I am seriously looking into starting a cut flower garden. The question have made me away of jumping in, might need some refinement. Thanks so much.

  324. Chasity on

    This is so helpful!! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

  325. Angela with SAFE BASE on

    Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information!
    We are an after-school program located in southeast Kansas. All of our activities are free to any school-aged student, including home-schooled students, living in our school district. In 2010, our after-school program established our school district’s first school-based garden. We use the garden for wellness and nutrition education and gardening classes for students, as well as for growing fresh produce for our cooking classes and family-focused activities. Five years ago, our City Council allowed us to expand our gardening endeavors to include an additional city lot for a pumpkin patch. We have had great success with the pumpkin patch until last fall. This school year we had a terrible infestation of squash bugs and flooding due to an unusual amount of rainfall. The combination (but primarily the squash bugs) resulted in a yield of only a few pumpkins, eliminating our annual pumpkin patch activities for students and families. Our local county extension agent said we needed to rotate our planting…just like the farmers. Not wanting to abandon the patch until we can resume planting pumpkins, we are wanting to plant flowers to sell, along with produce we raise, at our community’s weekly farmers market. The flowers will also beautify the neighborhood and will attract butterflies, Monarchs (which we have raised with students), hummingbirds and bees. The opportunity for students to plant, tend and sell flowers and produce at the market will be a wonderful, first-hand learning experience…creating the chance for them to interact with community members, take money and make change, and see their efforts come to fruition. We will use the proceeds to help with garden expense, such as utilities, etc. Thank you again for sharing all of your wonderful knowledge with us, lessening our learning curve!!

  326. Kathy Teige on

    Just added another 3.6 acres to our property, and am considering starting a cut flower business. Your advice and gorgeous pictures are so inspiring!

  327. Lisa B Hudson on

    It’s getting so CLOSE to the growing season as you are describing here and I can sense your excitement and the daunting apprehension as well. There really IS a huge amount of information to process. Jumping right in is what I’ve done on a small scale/ small, limited investment. Very limited help but grateful for all I have so far. I’m older, which gives me plenty of time to use my organizational skills and to brush up on my “math” or calculations!
    I just want to thank you so MUCH ? for keeping these articles and resources available here. I began designing and planning back in October 2018 and have returned to this particular article to jump start my excitement once again. Like horses entering the gates waiting for the bell… and we’re off! I feel it.

  328. Liz from Shawnigan Lake BC on

    Thanks very much for this blog. It is very informative especially the succession plantings. Years ago I owned and operated a small flower farm in Ontario Canada and supplied local florists with about a dozen or so types of both perennials and annuals. I have recently moved to Vancouver Island British Columbia where the climate is much the same as Washington State and although our acreage is small, would like to start my flower farm up again. I had thought of devoting one acre of land to flowers to start, but because I’m one person, and much older than I was when I first started out, didn’t want the blooms to come on too heavy all at once. Reading about succession plantings with flowers has opened my eyes with new possibilities. The ground is being prepared now with the clearing of trees and smoothing out hills, but I should be able to start the planting process mid March or so. I will do some re-designing based on succession planting in my annual section and see how it goes. Thanks so much for these tidbits of info.

  329. Amy Collett on

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and giving your best advice for flower farming. I am doing all of my “homework” right now to bring my flower farm dream from my imagination to my “for real” garden.

  330. Alexandra Pérez Cole on

    I am at college studying Sustainable Agriculture and I always planted sunflowers in the university field. I only have one year left to finish. I live in a subtropical Island, and wish to start my own gardening cut flowers. Floret is an inspiration for me and I’m so interested in learning more about Floret. As you said, “flowers pull me out of my head, and into the right here and right now”, and i also love sharing it with other people. Thank you for planting flowers in the organic way <3

    Alexandra, from Puerto Rico.

  331. Dorothy on

    I look forward to starting a cut flower garden business. My mom passed away last July. She has acres of flowers and plants it was her passion. I wished I had learned more from her but I remember more than I thought. I’m excited to start this business in her memory. I look forward to any tips of the trade you can offer. I enjoy all the articles thanks for inspiring me.

  332. Beatriz on

    I heard that certain kind of flowers should by planted by other specific flower so it can help for a better growing and healthier. Is this true? If so, which ones are they? I been reading several books about gardening but I’ve only seen this information about the vegetables but I will like to know if the flowers have the same order to plan.

  333. Paula Brookins on

    We just bought a new house in Clovis, Ca and have a nice sized backyard for Cali standards. However, we just went through the hottest summer on record, and now a frost filled winter so I’m afraid there aren’t many flowers that can stand those extremes! Thank you for helping me think through what my flower garden will require!

  334. June on

    This info is very helpful! I’m so excited to start small this Spring/Summer and prepare our space properly for next year. I love flowers and have always loved having blooms around the house & giving them and I too have issue with staying in the present moment. Having a romantic flower garden has been a long time dream of mine, so thank you so much for sharing your hard won wisdom with the rest of us.

  335. Emily on

    Thanks for the info. I’m ready to get more serious about having my cut flowers on the table more! I love the varieties you are offering and love having flowers different that what you can just find at Home Depot!

  336. Shannon King on

    I needed that little bit of grounding. I’m the queen of biting off more than I can chew. I have 2 under 2 and run a small homemade jam business and sell my excess vegetables. I look sadly at my flower beds taking a backseat and realised that the vegetable market is saturated where I am. I stripped my flower beds every week last summer to keep up with demand for flowers. So this year I’m going to turn my vegetable beds into flower beds and grow the things I truly like to grow. Unusual vegetables and pretty flowers.

  337. Rita D on

    I don’t know where my gardening is going… but last year after suffering with Lyme disease and a house fire 5 years ago I’ve been craving beauty… I found you in Magnolia and have wanted to find you ever since. We started last year planting roses and lilacs and I know I don’t have the time or energy I used to have. So I have to be careful not to spread myself too thin. I love your old heirlooms that remind me of a old garden… something from a great-grandmother that has been there for 100+ years… I guess I’m wanting a secret garden… I hope you can improve me and help this novice create something beautiful for our family. Thank you ?

  338. Jessica on

    I started a small 34’x20’ patch of flowers this past year when my husband agreed to let me expand our tiny 10’x20’ veggie garden to 34’x40’ of the backyard of our city home. I was so excited! He knew I had read your book and was wanting to try your methods. I do it for my own pleasure (my neighbors enjoy the harvest as well). It centers me and brings me an inner peace amindst the chaos of a busy family and work life. I think the garden helps us all remeber to slow down. I read and reread your posts taking away something new each time. Thank you for all the information on failures that led to where you are now. It is so helpful and inspiring!

  339. Emma on

    I have a small city garden, but enough space for flowers. Can’t wait to get going in spring. Thanks for all the advice and inspiration x

  340. Jennifer on

    Great info. I’m just starting to research the business side of growing flowers. Right now it’s just a passion and a pipe dream.

  341. Heather on

    My daughter and I are starting a flower farm and you are my inspiration! Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed with the very thought of it I get in and read your posts or just look at the pictures and it reminds me that yes I can do this. I have everything I need and confidence is my biggest barrier so your articles help me soooooooo much more than you can imagine! God bless

  342. Zoe on

    North Star! Just what this young mom needed to hear, I have made the same mistakes and now I know…baby steps!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  343. Randi Schmid on

    I saw the article on Floret and Erin in The Magnolia Journal. I am the worst at gardening – or at least my couple of attempts at it haven’t produced like I had dreamed. Erin’s determination to learn through books spoke to me (bookworm!); I don’t know why I hadn’t thought to research gardening. I plan to now (although there is always that time issue).
    And add flowers to the mix! I’ve always loved tulips.

  344. fpegi on

    I just found you through a Garden Design newsletter. I am very happy that I did!

  345. Vicki Baggett on

    Just happened upon your blog through Instagram and so glad I did!

    I have 5 small raised beds that are longing for something lovely. I have tried vegetable gardening with little success. After reading some of your posts I am thinking of trying again. This time with flowers!

    I look so forward to learning about the prep and the care of my beds. My hopelessness on growing something in my beds can surely turn into hope with a bit of knowledge and passion for what can be!

    Thank you for sharing!

  346. Erin on

    Thank you for your beautiful website and all of the resources you share. I just ordered my first few seed packets today! I hope to have a small piece of beauty in my yard this summer, and I sure appreciate your encouragement and guidance!

  347. Nathalie on

    I’m just starting out and the mixed emotions of excitement and overwhelm with all that has to be done has been soothed by your very wise words. It DOESN’T all have to be done NOW! This post has tempered my enthusiasm with the common-sense in it. I will use this year as a learning curve to discover pitfalls and patterns, not become an instant flower farmer! That can happen next year!
    Thank you! :)

  348. Dawn Bradshaw on

    So this is the second time Im trying to comment. Toddler grabbed my phone and erased my last message. Im a mom of 3 littles and my husband makes 4. I love flowers and in August created my first cut flower bed, 3, 3×10 beds in my back yard. Its discouraging because its now full of weeds and I haven’t planted my first flower. Your recent Instagram post and this blog helped me refocus and regain the “I can do this!” I want to do this!! It’s encouraging to hear your stories, struggles and the wealth of knowledge you share!! Thank you!!

    • Team Floret on

      You can do this, Dawn!

  349. Kendra Williams on

    I’m so happy I found your site. I’m finally ready to start my own personal garden, but wish to expand into a business in the near future. In the meantime, what equipment would you recommend I invest in first for my own personal garden growing. I’m a new mom with limited funds at the moment

  350. Emily Collins on

    So thankful that I found this amazing resource! I am getting married at my home in northern Michigan next year and am looking for everything on growing dahlias and zinnias. The only problem is that the semi-neglected property is new to us and don’t have any experience growing flowers from seed or tubers. I’m hoping to learn enough to pull off some amazing wedding gardens!

  351. Alex on

    This post is so helpful, thank you! I love flowers and gardening.. except for the planning part. I need to make myself really think things through before impulse-buying seeds online! Every year I buy way too many, it’s so silly. Love this site, thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  352. bigmuddy05 on

    I have grown produce for so many years… Organically for over 15! I believe the soil is key… It’s a healthy balance.

    Well, I decided to start small in selling flowers, finally. I’ve poured over your blogs and the Fall Mini Course. The writing is fabulous and the photography is amazing. Because of that I’ve decided to focus on the tulips for spring (my ideas of planting was so much nicer than the real thing!) and Ranunculus in early spring and summer. NJ Zone 5 :( Yup, we have a 5! Also plan on Larkspur and Queen Anne Lace. Fingers crossed.

    Although I missed the sign up for the spring class, I look forward to the blogs. Next year is going to be amazing!

    PS I stopped in to a new florist in my area and asked if she bought local flowers. She said “no, but I will from you and welcome to the business.”

    Many thanks,

  353. Robin Brock on

    Thank you for all your great information! Such great content!

  354. Denis Quigley. on

    Hi Floret. This is my first time on your blog and it will not be the last. I am gathering information about how to supply cut flowers to florists. I am looking forward to the course in October.

  355. Lea Barrett on

    Thank you for this article Erin ! In your experience
    Can Anemones and Ranunculus be year round producers in tropical temperatures?

  356. Britiney on

    This is super helpful! I so appreciate you sharing so much great information. One question I have is whether it’s possible to plant both bulbs and seeds in the same bed. Once the bulbs are done, it would be nice to fill that space with flowers from seed, but it also seems that it makes it hard/impossible to till the bed unless you dig up all the bulbs, which defeats the purpose of bulbs in my mind. Thanks again for all your great info!

  357. Maeve on

    This was helpful but there is one thing I can’t figure out. In your book and blog you talk about succession planting so that there is always something blooming through the months. If I plant zinnias in May, how long will that batch last? When will I know to plant new crop? I guess that goes for all my plantings. And with limited space, do I uproot those guys to plant the new seeds? Help!

  358. Sally Thompson on

    Thanks for very informative info. I have been doing this for a long time. I live in southwest Ohio, and am scoping out the ideal spot on our 87 acre farm to get started. One question, at the end of the season do you roll up the landscape fabric and till the ground adding compost?

  359. Jillian on

    I love following along with your farm! Thank you for all the help and tips! We just purchased a farm in central Florida and I have been a florist for many years and like you I just want all the flowers RIGHT NOW! So, thank you for helping wrangle my craziness with your tips :) I am still trying to learn what will grow here and how to get started, I am totally lost!! Look forward to any helpful tips and tricks you have.

  360. Helen on

    Thank you for sharing such in depth information. I am a first time visitor from Ghana. I am learning a lot from your blogs which is very helpful. Looking forward to reading more posts from you.

  361. DiAnn Cardona on

    We want to start a flower farm in the Skagit Valley (in Burlington) in the next 2-3 years and your information is so helpful. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

  362. Evelyn (Los Angeles, CA) on

    Thank you for taking the time to write and being so generous with your information. My favorite part, second to the insanely beautiful pictures of flowers, is the know-how. Thank you for being specific, for not withholding what you do, and how you do it. I found the information on equipment and supplies that you use to be the most helpful, especially the all the links. I would love to hear more about each step of the process in more detail. Also, I would love to hear about the business side of things (if you can share that). In all, you’ve been an inspiration.

  363. Ana on

    Hi, I am a first time visitor from Croatia. Love your site and the whole flower farm concept. Looking forward to future readings.

  364. Faith Adams on

    I am just discovering my love of flowers! Your blog was one of the first I found on this journey. Thank you for all your insights!

  365. Jennifer Rogers on

    Thank you for all of your efforts to share your knowledge. Just 8 days ago I came up with this “silly” idea that maybe I could instill in my kids a strong work ethic and begin teaching them money management by gardening and selling bouquets at our local farmer’s market. That very day I stumbled across your book and was so thankful to find it in my local library. I already have half of a notebook filled with my notes on your book and am thankful to find additional information here on your website. You are really helping me to believe that my goal is attainable, despite limited time, budget and ground. I greatly appreciate your sequential process, taking all factors into account. You have a good way of getting into the details without bogging down into information overload.

  366. Amy on

    Awesome Read! Your a true inspiration Erin and I love the information you give! I also like to live in the future, you said it so beautifully because it is true, flowers help me stay in the present moment too! My husband’s family currently owns a greenhouse and I think cut floral could lead us to some amazing opportunities. After maintaining and planting over 100,000 plants each season time is an important factor in starting up.

  367. Amy on

    Helpful to contemplate these questions, thank you!

  368. Rebecca on

    im currently sitting in my office in the middle of Sydney CBD and feel like jumping through the computer to see your beautiful farm in real life! the outdoors and flowers are calling my name. thank you for being honest with your experience and pointing out its not all sunshine and rainbows – its hard work! ive just bought my first bulbs and ripped up half my suburban backyard ready for a huge transformation (hopefully). Thank you for writing such an inspiring article. xx

  369. Cindy on

    I’m a beginning flower farmer. Your posts are informative and inspirational! Love the photos too. Keep doing what you’re doing!! Thank you!!

  370. Barbara on

    Hi! Thank you for sharing your flower expertise. I grew up in Portland, Oregon ( I was born in 1950. ) I grew up going to the Portland Rose gardens, and my grandmother and her sister had two lots where they lived, one on which they grew fruit and vegetables, a large rose garden and tulip beds. I’ve lived in Columbia, SC since 1974. After my divorce in 1983, I told a friend that I wanted to be surrounded by beauty. I wanted to grow lots of flowers, but I haven’t done it. I still believe in my idea, so I discovered and read your lovely book. I have a large, sunny space in my backyard. No trees block the sun. My biggest concern is the soil; it’s very compact. The main growing season begins after Easter and lasts through August. Summers are very hot and humid. I would appreciate any information/resources that you can suggest. Thanks again!

  371. Rebekah on

    Thank you for taking the time to write articles like this! We’re trying to start a market garden but it’s been slow going with my husband working full time and 4 young children who homeschool. This is our second year growing in zone 3b, and it’s already 5 times better than last year, but we still don’t have enough to take to the farmer’s market, so we’ll be selling what we have mostly to friends and neighbours. I have 6×50’ beds just for flowers and all I’m getting are sunflowers and zinnias and maybe a few dahlias because we didn’t get any transplants in the ground until June. Live and learn. My goal is to get bouquets to the farmer’s market because nobody else is doing it! Thank you for sharing your expertise.

  372. Teresa on

    Hi! I am just starting out on my flower farmer journey and I am very excited to have your resources available to me. Everything you do is so beautifully done and inspiring. I’m needing some beauty around my home and I’m looking forward doing it with flowers. Thank you for your time and effort in putting these beautiful resources together! I am signed up for the online workshop…I’m ready to learn:)

  373. Ansua on

    Thank you for the helpful and thoughtful post, I will be moving to the mediterranean area soon and am longing to dig in the soil and grow flowers that will thrive there….Your points are beautifully simple and focussed. I love the photos and I love your book!!! Keep it up!

  374. Romina on

    I always grow vegetables, but this year we are renovating our vegetable garden, and I´m gonna grow lots of flowers too! I´m in love with dhalias because of your book, wich I always read for inspiration. I´m waiting for the online workshop! ♥

  375. Marisa on

    Hi! I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for your blog, and your tremendously beautiful photos. Having a goal to become a farmer-florist remains just that until we dive in, and diving in is scary when we don’t know what’s involved. I am finding your blog – and this list of questions in particular – to be extra helpful as I develop my specific goals and wrap my mind around all of the inputs required to make them a reality. Thank you so very much. I look forward to reading more from you! This post feels like an excellent first step in the how-to become a farmer-florist manual :) Sincerely, Marisa

  376. Molly on

    Your ability to create such beautiful flowers is inspiring. I love your book! In the midst of searching for something a little soul fulfilling I have found the Floret Flowers—and am excited! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise.

  377. Lois Ridgdill on

    I saw an article in a magazine featuring you a while back. Somehow I could not get you out of my head ! I kept looking at that article. I ended up buying seeds from you in February this year and by April I had a beautiful crop of Zinnias (Bright Pink) in my little bed of 5 X 10 feet. I actually sold them to a couple of flower shops along with some pale pink Celosia and they were delighted. My husband (who owns a full service nursery for many years) is now helping me and we are going to grow some smaller varieties for hanging planters, etc., as well as MORE ZINNIAS ! I call myself the Zinnia Queen I love them so much and tell people I have “Zinniamania”. Erin, I think you can see how you inspired me. Thank you ! I am having the time of my life here in Florida.

  378. Brooke on

    I’m so excited to have found you. I live in Whatcom County and dream of having a little self serve roadside flower stand. My husband is from Cape Cod and they are everywhere out there and so darling. Thanks for the resources and guidance!

  379. Mariah on

    I’m in a temporary space right now and with basically zero dollars to spare on gardening so I’ve been gathering hollyhock seeds from existing plants in front of local businesses that I know won’t mind. I’m trying to plan right now how to fill my space up beautifully to hide our unlovely rental home siding and fence. I’ve found a local farmer who gave me loads of compost, and now have found a local tree cutting place to get leftover chomped-up branch & leaf bark to help my soil. I’m so thrilled to have found all this info that you’ve shared. Now I’m looking for ideas of how to plant my flowers in a nice arrangement since they will be in our front yard. Thank you for all this lovely goodness.

  380. Suzi Novak on

    I just read your book cover to cover! Although I don’t intend to grow flowers for sale, I do have a block of land that should supply me with enough flowers for myself and friends. I would have said EXACTLY the same thing about why I grow flowers- and because I live in the suburbs where few people do their own gardening it is nice to hear from someone else who is crazy about gardening. I can’t wait to try some of your suggestions!

  381. Kathryn Plett on

    Thank you for all of your helpful info ongrowing cut flowers! I LOVED your comment about how growing flowers keeps you in the present- the here and now. I too face the temptation to get busy with future stuff instead of relishing this day, and especially the morning work in my garden. Blessings to you, I appreciate your sharing, Kathryn

  382. Megan Burmester on

    Such great questions to ask before I dig in. I simply want to create beauty but live in Los Angeles, which is in the midst of a terrible drought. I have to be wise and this article helped me tons. Thank you!

  383. Jim on

    I’m particularly interested in natives (W. central Indiana, zone 5a)- herbaceous, shrubs, trees. Would like to do some of them for cut flowers (personal use). Looking forward to the course.

  384. Jovy on

    This is really beneficial for me as I am so new on growing flowers. I grow them for the love of them. I can’t wait to answering those questions to make the most out of my small backyard. Thanks for sharing!

  385. Nicole R on

    Thank you for this realistic article full of advice and how to start. I bought a bouquet at a local farmers market today & it has brightened our home and my world. I never want to be without fresh cut flowers. They use floret seeds so I am enjoying reading your journey as well. Kudos to you on this amazing flower farming journey. Xo

  386. jennifer on

    I never comment…on anything, ever. But i want you to know that this blog and the article (Risk Taker by Erin Benzakein) in Magnolia magazine has inspired me to attempt to grow my own fresh flowers, just a few and for my own enjoyment at home. Wish me luck, I’m going to give it a whirl!

    • Team Floret on

      Yay! That’s great Jennifer–good luck!

    • Team Floret on

      Best of luck, Jennifer! You’ve got this!

  387. Gail on

    I’m finally moving my garden out of the wasteland that is my ‘back yard’ and over to the side where I hope it will thrive. Doing it better this time by tilling in compost and ammending before I plant! If all goes well we will add flower sales to our list of farm products.

  388. Danielle on

    I am currently having an acre of my land cleared to start a small peony growing operation. I am hoping to be able to plant root stock this fall. Your blog and mini series are what has inspired to go through with this crazy dream of mine, and I’m so excited. I too need to remember to not try to do it all RIGHT NOW. Thank you

  389. Jessica on

    I am still in the dreaming stages of flower gardening but I have one of your books and am just diving into your online content. Loving it so far! Thanks for putting in the work!

  390. Kathleen on

    Do you have resources for wholesale dahlias and for other flowers you grow? Nice post very a good summary and things to think about.

  391. Holli Howatson on

    I purchased your book on Friday in Bainbridge Island. I’ve nearly read it cover to cover. This morning, lying in bed drinking coffee, I went to some of the website resources and started looking for things to get started – not too long into that search (lots of full carts!) I came here. We live on 20 acres southeast of Tacoma. I have a perfect place – how can that be?! – just across from where the house sits which we cleared some time ago. I’m terrible with estimating space, but its probably about two acres. Just to the south of that is an orchard we planted a year ago, and we have a thriving bee hive. I’m a grandmother of 15 (!) and retired two years ago. Right now my husband is looking up what kind of attachment he can get for the tractor so we can more easily remove the rock bed that is our soil! Your post was perfect: Yes, we have the space; yes, we have the time; we essentially live where you live so the growing season is great; no intention to make money, but maybe that would happen; I just love flowers and gifting them. Thank you. Now I’m going to stay awhile and look around!

  392. Bonnie on

    Love this post, and the few things I have read so far. I am a new momma, expecting number two, just took a break from teaching and breaking into the land of flowers. We built some large raised beds and I came here thinking about growing things I know I will end up buying in a few months, decorative fall mums. This post is good because I am the person that wants to spend so fast and doesn’t think about my actions enough. So I am glad I found this to invoke some reason in my brain. But everything here is just beautiful!

    • Team Floret on

      Congratulations on the upcoming baby, Bonnie! We’re all cheering for you and your family.

  393. Rebecca Pyle on

    I have just discovered your posts as I’m on research overload/prep mode before diving into my new venture. Your posts have been so unbelievably helpful! Thank you. I will have comments with questions once I start down my path. Until then, I appreciate you all taking time to share your experience and insight.

  394. April on

    You are so inspiring!!! love you Brand and what you are about…. my heat sings when i read through your posts. I cant believe that i get to do this next year!!!!!

  395. Caren on

    Thank you, very helpful questions, not sure I know the answers yet! My big question remains, what is my end game? I have a quarter acre and grow veggies and flowers. I really enjoy it, and find I have an affinity for flowers that I didn’t see coming! I love the variety, and the amazing community of creatures that exist there…the bees, butterflies, etc. But do I love growing flowers enough to make it a business? How do I find and connect with buyers? How would I figure out how much to grow? I appreciate your wisdom and your pictures inspire me. I appreciate the candidness of your thoughts, I often feel like I’ll never succeed because my garden won’t ever look like the amazing photos I see. I find it encouraging to hear that those I look up to have their own failures, frustrations and days when you feel like throwing in the trowel! Thanks.

  396. Lo on

    Just read an article on you in The Magnolia Journal. Very inspiring! Love the idea of thinking outside the box and growing flowers that are not in every Tom-Dick-and -Harry’s garden.

  397. Jewels on

    Hello. My husband and I purchased our first home this year and were blessed with a beautiful garden. This summer has been such a learning curve for us….going from small apartment with 5 children to a lovely home with 5 children. Thankfully our whole family is in love with flowers and all things we can grow. I am grateful for the beauty of this site and I am grateful that it seems I have found a wonderful place where I can learn. I have had a few frustrating days this summer when our blessing in the back got no attention because of the responsibilities of a large family. But after the success of our veggie patch this year I feel encouraged to explore my true love….. flowers! I just read one of your posts about setting reasonable goals and a few experiences in your beginning days and I know these words will be helpful to our family. God Bless!

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Jewels,
      Congratulations on your new home! Cheering for you and your family.

  398. Kim C on

    Oh my gosh- discovered your sight a few hours ago and can’t pull myself away! We’re “going live” with 2 acres next summer as part of a new event center in the area. This summer we’ve had quite a few “learning opportunities” that we’ll carry forward. Your wise words, guides, visuals, etc will be my daily energizer. Please keep posting so I can learn and admire!

  399. Jodi on

    My husband and I grain farm 2000 acres in the” friendly ” province in Canada. I went back to school for horticulture and landscape design in my late 30’s( WOW, my brain does not function the same as it did in my 20’s, just saying). I have worked in the landscape industry for the past 10 years, and have always had a garden. I decided I love being home and am expanding my garden to 1/2acre. I read your 6 questions, and always my fear…”Did I bite off more than I can chew?!?!” I love the outdoors and have never been afraid of work, but, like all things, until your in it you will not know.
    Your book is an inspiration and now, I am plotting my gardens on computer and hoping to order seeds in the FAll. Thank you!!!!

  400. Allie on

    This article is so so helpful for a girl like me who has hopes of growing her own garden some day!! Thanks so much for putting your heart into your posts. They are both informative and inspiring! ?

  401. Carley on

    I have truly fallen in love with flower gardening over the past 3 years and just found out about Floret Farms in the past two weeks. I have been soaking in every word in the hours before I go to bed. I am so hoping to start a Cut Flower Garden next year but I will also have 3 little ones running around. I love your advice about taking it easy and remembering that not everything needs to be done RIGHT NOW. I would really prefer to not become overwhelmed and frustrated with lack of time when I love my flower beds so much.

  402. Sian Jones on

    Thank you so much for your common sense introduction and guidance and allowing others to benefit from your experiences. I am looking forward to your Cut Flower Garden Summer Mini Course.

  403. Loes on

    Hi Erin and Floretteam,

    I am normally a lurker, mostly because I don’t feel comfortable with responding without a real question or useful addition.
    But I’m happy to tell you that I’ve been reading on your site for the last couple a days, ever since I found you. I’m going to buy the book as well because of the really useful information you share. I want to know more.
    As I type this I’m looking at my dahlias on the table. Using your tips they are still looking their best, not a petal lost since I picked them a few days ago.
    The questions in this blog are spot on. I am not able to answer them yet, so clearly I have more thinking to do.
    At this point all I know is that I need to and want to learn as much as possible.
    Thank you for all the knowledge you’re sharing and the beautiful way you’re doing it.

  404. Patrice German on

    Hello from Flat Rock, North Carolina! I have just beegun reading your book, Cut Flower Garden and I am already inspired. I have been given the opportunity to plan a garden at an historic property that is roughly 62′ x 25′ . Located between the front driveway and main lawn, it needs to be ornamental and tidy in addition to supplying the owner with flora during the summer months they are in the home. As a beekeeper, and pollinator lover, I am particularly interested to know how you walk that fine line of pest control. I’d bee ever-grateful for any advice. I have subscribed to your newsletter and will continue to explore your blog and online information. Thanks for this gorgeous book!

  405. Stacy on

    I love flowers. But picking them and taking them away from my garden is very hard… I’ve been toying with a cutting garden for awhile. Now that we have a bit more land and my kids are a bit older I think a cutting garden would be fun. You are truly inspirational. Thank you for every bit of it. I have learned so much already and am excited to start planning. Thank you.

  406. Anna Balliette on

    This was an inspirational piece, as all your blogs are. My question/concern is in regard to my situation. I do have the time and the desire to grow flowers. Like you, it centers me and pulls me back to appreciate the present. However, I am an Army wife, and my future, at least for the next few years, isn’t completely in my own hands. I’ll be relocated to Texas come December/January and will hopefully be at one place until October 2020 at the very least. Is it reasonable to assume that come January/February 2019, I can build some 2×4 planting boxes in a decent backyard, plant seeds, and farm in one location for just for two season cycles (until it’s time to move somewhere else)? I’d like to think I could grow flowers, gain some experience, and maybe sell some bouquets to friends or at a nearby farmers market in that time. Thoughts? Suggestions?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Anna,

      First of all, a huge thank you to your husband for his service. To answer your question, absolutely yes! You can grow a very enjoyable cutting garden, even if it’s in a temporary space. Go for it and enjoy your flowers!

  407. Joy on

    Thank you very much for this detailed information. It is really causing me to consider my preparedness for this project. A crucial point for me is that I am nearly retired and thinking if moving away and flowers need one to be settled. Thanks again.

  408. Linda on

    I am new to the Floret blog, but I can say your posts are absolutely inspiring as well as informative,
    I will post more questions as I go through.
    Thank you for this wonderful site.

  409. Rachel Zayas on

    Thank you for this! I recently got married and one of my dreams is to have fresh cut flowers for our home. This was the perfect starting point. I’m excited to read more!

  410. Jackie on

    I went from liking flower arranging to falling in love with gardening and colour and blooms. I want to grow flowers that will bloom in May, that’s my key objective. I would love you’re guidance with this. I love your posts.

  411. Cath Rousse on

    Your work is SO inspiring! I have a question for you; how many hours a day does it take to run a flower’s farmer business? Can you say it’s like a 9 to 5 job and you have your weekends off, or is it a crazy-full-time like a more ”traditionnal” farm management? Maybe my question sounds stupid, but I’d like to be a french teacher at home in a very near future, and I’m wondering if I could manage to run a flower business at the same time… Thanks again for sharing your experience, I’m looking forward to subscribing to your online workshop! Cath.

  412. Nancy Ashland on

    Will any cut flowers grow in our very sunny, dry, hot climate?

  413. Laura on

    Thank you for sharing you hard earned wisdom. Inspiring!

  414. Serah Pesce on

    Your journey and vulnerability is truly inspirational. You approach each topic with such purpose and intention. I would love to hear more of how you managed both family and business. I truly thrive when I am working hard and with plants. After starting a family, it is often gut wrenching splitting myself between the 2. Thank you for sharing with us. You are a gift!

  415. Sheri on

    Thanks so much for putting together this series. It’s inspired me to think about putting a small cut flower bed in my backyard.

  416. Judith Schuttevaar on

    It confirms what I already know, but it is really nice to read it, and to know that I’m not the only one who struggels with the little time I can spend in my garden.

  417. Brittany Reese on

    I have loved, loved, loved your instagram and thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in your free courses and your book. Its wonderful to see all your beautiful flowers and know that I can do something with however small of space I can dedicate. When do your peony varieties normally come up for sale?

  418. Ellen Westerholm on

    I’m starting 2 flower zones in Florida. I just want to start with some flowers for my house and gifts for my friends. Your blog and videos have been really helpful.

  419. Marg on

    Thank you for sharing your lovely story and flower-growing tips. I am a complete beginner with gardening and know zilch about flowers but yours posts are so inspiring I would like to give it a go, just to add flowers to our home. Keep up the great work!

  420. Bobbie Wilson on

    Hello Erin, I stumbled upon Floret Flower Farm while reading a garden magazine about a year ago… you and your story have helped me to make some very life changing decisions over that period of time. It has been a true journey to say the least as to where I am at this time in my life, but I will say I am deeply passionate about creating beauty through nature and plants and nurturing and preserving our land. I have chosen to leave my present career for over the last 30 years to pursue my passion I refer to as “The Good Life” and follow my dream with your inspiration. My goal is to be an organic flower farmer, create beautiful wedding arrangements to make a bride’s dream wedding, and make a modest income. I have been following you online, purchased and read your book and dream of someday visiting your farm and meeting you in person. Thank you Erin for your incredible inspiration!

  421. Amy on

    I really love your posts. I purchased your book in hopes of learning how to grow an abundance of flowers in a small space to supplement our flower shop. I hope to start next summer in a small plot on our family farm. Your post are very inspiring and VERY informative! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!

  422. Diana kommer on

    Hi I’m jealous of your beautiful farm …. seriously… we have a fairly large garden but have made 3 vegetable beds .. I have another area I can and would love to put a cut flower garden.. it’s probably 11×11 ft maybe more .
    What do you think ??

  423. Katy on

    We just bought a beautiful farm in Wisconsin. We have a 1200 ft garden with full sun.
    We would love to grow cutting flowers. Ore background is wedding photography so we are booking weddings on the property. We love everything you are doing.
    Is there a good starter plan we should look at?

  424. Celia on

    Beautifully written. As a mother trying to be an artist, I totally understand the struggle of balance with little ones! It’s so hard not to bite off more than you can chew. I honestly just want to grow flowers for my home, to grace my ceramic vessels and to bless my friends. We will see how that works out! ?

  425. Darcy on

    I just completed your cut flower mini course and LOVED IT! I love growing flowers and am spend hours in my garden, both flower and vegetables. I have mostly learned by trail and error, but after this course I am so inspired! I also mostly plant perennials but certainly love annuals. I live in midwest (ND) and have access to ground space to do so much more. Your blog post was great advice and I can hardly wait to “start small” next year. Here is my question. When just starting and wanting to start small what would you recommend as sort of a “beginners package”. I am going to check out the resources you gave one of the other comments. Any other resources you have would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking your valuable time and making these mini workshops :).

  426. JoAnn Fawley on

    I want to grow flowers during the summer for church. I love the idea of the flowers on the altar being from my yard. I am growing only zinnias this year. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

  427. Cynthia Ayers on

    Great questions to ask before anyone gets started. Can’t wait to get my copy of your book and start the mini course.

  428. Chris Hullopeter on

    I’ve loved flowers since I was a little girl. I still remember the beautiful lilacs, irises, tulips and many other flowers that grew in our yard when I was young. Now I have 4 children of my own, including a 4 year old daughter who adores flowers! We recently moved from the Midwest where we had incredibly fertile soil, to the South where it’s hard sand in our backyard. We had more success this year and she is outside everyday trying to pick anything she can. This year we were able to grow sunflowers, zinnias, marigolds, purple coneflowers, shasta daisies, coreopsis and others. I’d love to be able to grow more so that my daughter can pick to her hearts content and as the kids get older, possibly something more! Your blog is amazing and I can only imagine how rewarding all of your hard work must be!

  429. Victoria on

    As I am currently compiling information about starting my own cut flower farm, this was very helpful!
    As my notebook keeps filling up with notes and my mind with ideas, I’m happy for your information to see if I’m on the right track with my plans. I appreciate your transparency with mistakes and experiences. Thank you for taking the time to share with us all.

  430. Phoebe S Cubberly on

    Your generosity of time and heart and knowledge are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing! As an overwhelmed mom in the ‘burbs with kids I joined a garden club, but as a past city girl with no experience, the learning curve has been steep and fraught with more mistakes than successes. But I love it, I find peace in weed pulling, joy in the scents and surprises and blooms. And the winged creatures that enjoy my efforts! And so your blog, asking me to evaluate my space, time, needs…is important because I get overwhelmed…I want everything in my garden! Beauty, cut flowers for arrangements, natives for my creatures, but my 60+ body has physical limits…I try to garden smarter, and you help.
    One thing I would love to know is what you fertilize with, how much and how often…I am currently using an organic tomato fertilizer on everything that blooms, because of the NPK ratio, but perhaps I could do better. The flowers you produce are out of this world! You must have magic in your soil! If I could get my plants to produce half of what you do, at half the size I would be happy. I loved all three of your videos, and I tried pinching back some plants that have not bloomed yet, still waiting to see how they will do.

  431. Julie on

    Such great and honest information.. Very helpful yet inspiring.. Thank you so much for sharing

  432. Rita on

    You are doing increadible thing:) I so love reading about your success in flower growing, you honest to share experience and know how with others. Maybe one day will come and I retire from office job and focus on growing beautiful flowers… While for now I planted some rows of flowers which enables me to prepare bouquetes for Friends. I also managed to prepare bouquete with less then a minute based on your advice in short courses, while added in bouquette some buts of bright flowers and after two days they bloomed and totally changed colour of bouquet. I reached that in the changing world the bouquet also could change:). Whishing you all the best from Lithuania.

  433. Laurie on

    This seems like something I would really enjoy. Can it be a career or just a side investment?

  434. Macarena on

    It is very helpfull all the timeand heart you put in all this posts,photos, videos and i am really looking into start growing cut flowers to start with essentially to sell bouqets during the summer in Uruguay specifically in Punta del Este and Jose Igancio.
    Many thanks for all your inspirational work and share with you the graet sensation of giving someone a bunch of flowers or just placing a vase with freshly cut flowers on the bedrooms of my children or the sitting room where all the family can admire them!

  435. Terry cameron on

    You are theeeee reason i started my cutting patch. I found you in the new flower garden magazine which i hv consumed over and over again. It brought me to a world i truly love. I bought your book and know it by heart. Your suggestions are wonderful and honest. I did all my homework with my soil and what a difference. I bought small pots vs seeds as i am nervous growing seeds as i hv no place to grow them indoors and being in new england i hv a short window but because of you yes You i hv a gorgeous cutting garden. Keep doung what u r doing and i just may try seeds next year?

  436. Sam on

    I am a stay at home mom with two wild boys who like being outside. While I spend my days outside playing, I have started planting flowers. My dream is to have fresh cut flowers in our home everyday and hopefully enough to share with friends. You are very inspiring and helpful. I am learning so much. Thank you!

  437. Ashley Okel on

    I am in that toddlerhood place you speak of. I have considered moving my love for flowers into a side hustle that might bring some cash as well as joy but I also know how hard I work just to upkeep what I already have and how long it has taken to get my perennials in the right arrangement and happy, but now they need split to be maintained!

    So yes, I’m interested, and thrilled for insight and info. Also, I’m a do-it-all-now person too. I appreciate you speaking to that and giving useful thinking points and options for soft starts in the direction of flower growing for cuttings and/or sale. I’m not sure where this will take me, but it’s nice to know someone has trod the same path and I can gain some important knowledge! Thanks!

  438. Melissa on

    I absolutely love to be in my flower garden. I started growing flowers a couple of years while working a full time job. I sold my business last summer and can be in my garden everyday now. Because I am new to growing flowers I need all of the help I can get. I am so happy that I found you on Facebook. I am learning so much. Things happen for a reason and I am looking forward to next season already!

  439. Rebecca Latham on

    I’m so happy found your web site l have always love the beauty of flowers the smells and summer in fields, you are living my dream my hubby farmer and we run a chicken farm for couple years
    We looking buy place in country and for many years l wanted to grow flowers we need home grow flowers
    SO can image when came across your website and love blog keep up good work and can’t wait buy books l think if l follow your advice l might just be able to make my dream come true x

  440. lcanto78 on

    So happy to have found this site! My only goal is to grow fresh flowers for my own home & hopefully find a little peace in the process. I too, am always thinking/doing & forget to slow down & be in the present. I live in Southern California ( Long Beach) & have no idea when is the best time to sow seeds. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime I’ll be reading your blog & ordering your book.

  441. Bethany on

    I discovered your book through Amazon. Now I’m considering starting my own flower farm thanks to your inspiration and voice. I never knew flower farming was a thing.. a real possible form of income! Thank you so much! Much love from Michigan. ❤️

  442. Elizabeth on

    I have a yard calling me to plant flowers along with our veggie garden . My space is approximately 80×20 feet. I started with Mexican sunflowers and Zinnias this year( a little late) want to set up a little stand in neighborhood! Then eventually a few accounts, local restaurants and winer tasting rooms. Will see… Totally new to me!?

  443. Jackie Ryan on

    My sweet husband grew up in Mt. Vernon and his father was the master gardener at the City lights Park in Newhalem/ Diablo area. He worked there in the summers, throughout high school and college. I grew up in Louisiana with a mother and grandmother, who were avid gardeners. Now we live in Bellingham, WA. Both of us are in love with gardening and are so very delighted with all of the tips and information you have shared. Thanks so much!
    PS Would love to come to any of your seminars and workshops!

  444. Katherine Marks on

    Recently found you on Instagram and am so very happy I did! Thank you for the awesome info and the mini courses!!!!

  445. Angie on

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience so freely! We own a 12 acre farm where we grow hay. We have plenty of space but quite rocky soil. I have wanted to grow flowers for quite a few years now but not knowing how to get started and being unsure that I can actually make this a profitable venture stop me from trying it. In addition to worrying about actually growing the flowers I am paralyzed at the thought of trying to sell them. Thanks for the encouragement.

  446. Michelle Schember on

    I am so grateful to find someone willing to share how they (successfully) grow flowers organically! This is the first post I have read, but I have signed up for the email newsletters and will be reading much more as I begin preparing to plant a flower garden of my own next year. I guess right now I am trying to get myself educated a little and start the steps for fall preparation. I am so excited! Thank you!

  447. Raquel Sowa on

    I really am glad to have come across this article. It is super helpful in forming realistic expectations. I appreciate the honesty and openness in sharing your experiences. You have gained a new fan and have inspired a home gardener to branch out, just a little more. Thanks!

  448. Beth K on

    Floret popped up on my Facebook feed just yesterday and now I’m completely hooked! Started the free tutorial and am hoping to apply for the scholarship. I am dabbling at home but have a fairly large yard and am trying to learn. I live in CT so now I’m trying to understand more about the climate and how to work with it. This post felt like it was written for me! I currently have an active vegetable garden and am cultivating three perennial gardens. Cut flowers is my dream though. After 20+ years as an advertising and marketing specialist, I’m now trying to put together a business plan for a flower and vegetable based business involving children. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge! Your story inspires me.

  449. Ellen Westerholm on

    I recently moved to central Florida from NOVA where I lived gardening. I took a master gardening class which opened my eyes to really planning and organizing my yard into zones which I could focus on. I had 9 beautiful zones of woody plants and shrubs. I tried flowers but the deer ate most of them. I’m planning on starting 1 zone of cut flowers in Florida real soon. Your blog is helping me focus and plan. I love it!! Thank you for sharing!

  450. Jonalyn on

    I am super interested in learning more and setting ourselves up for success for next year!

  451. Carol Newcomb on

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, I have a million questions but have just found you and am taking the summer course, signed up for the fall course and would love to be on the list for the next in person course. I am loving learning about growing flowers for cutting as I currently grow rose plants for sale and am thinking this might be a wonderful addition to our business. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and experience.

  452. Joy on

    Looking forward to see what flowers I can grow here in Scotland .

  453. Nancy Riley on

    Thank you for this article. I planted a large native bed this year, and will be enjoying those flowers next year. Our growing season in Wisconsin is shorter, so glad you mentioned that in consideration on your list. Next year I will add the annual cutting flower bed.

  454. Kathry on

    Thank you for sharing!

  455. Vicki on

    This is something my dreams are made of. I can’t wait to read and learn more. I am a Texan transplanted to Illinois, with a stint in Colorado…and miss my 17 flowerbeds back in TX. Thank you so much for all the inspiration!!! Can’t wait to know more!

  456. Briana on

    I appreciate your posts so much! Oh my gosh, I came across you from a sponsored ad on Facebook and it has changed my world! Seriously. Finding out that there are people out there who have their own FLOWER FARM had just tied all my passions and interests in to one goal: centering all my work on plant based/flower based living. Thank you for your guidance and willingness to share your knowledge. I am far from ready to run my own flower farm, although that is the goal. But I have a notebook full of notes and a plan for tackling each small goal that will get me there.

  457. Debbie Hunka on

    I love flowers and growing flowers. The vegetable garden is always the last item on my to do list! Do you think a small cut flower business would be something a person should entetertain going into retirement? I’m not sure who or where I would sell them. I’m growing some greenhouse purchased flowers in large pots for my daughter’s wedding this year. I am thoroughly enjoying it!!

  458. donna on

    Thinking about growing cut flowers to sale and this really helped me put my thoughts together. Thanks.

  459. annabelle hamilton on

    Always look forward to your blogs and reading your books …….the photography is just Wow, Wow, Wow!
    Beauty in everything that you do, Thankyou. You brighten up the cold grey skies of England!

  460. Sandy on

    Thank you for the smart advice. I grow flowers for my enjoyment for now. I yet haven’t invested the time to properly cultivate the soil. I pop seeds in good garden soil and water and watch and water. Weather was so goofy where I live I didn’t plant any seeds this year. I am dreaming and planning for next season. I dream of having large beds of beautiful flowers.

  461. Monica Lenhardt on

    Very helpful information! For me growing flowers is my outlet. I love fresh cut flowers in my home and office. Nice to have on hand to share with family & friends too. I have direct sunlight little shade.
    Im looking forward to t
    upcoming information. Until then, I will continue to prep my flower beds. Thank you

  462. Christine on

    Your videos and blog posts have been very helpful to me this past year and a half. Just last year I set down 4 – 3 1/2’x7′ beds, 3 large galvanized tubs, 1- 4′ x 4′ bed, and I continue to expand. I’ve been growing cut flowers to sell out of a roadside cart in Southwest Michigan. Currently I have planted tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, cosmos, zinnias, dahlias, peonies, rudbeckia, coneflowers, sunflowers, yarrow, globe thistle, lavender, billy balls, and asters planted in my garden. My biggest struggle has been how to use this space most effectively, what plant varieties & how many plants of each variety will be most productive for me and the space I have available, and to have enough variety to create small bouquets. Thanks for sharing your business and knowledge.

  463. Initia Vandermerwe on

    I cannot wait to start my flower section on our farm (probably around 40 ft x 100 ft first year) It is already mid summer, so I will hold off until spring 2019. In the meanwhile, I have ordered your book (already read the kindle version!) I am reading you blog and website word for word. And am doing the online free video tutorial courses. I am planning away! We grow veggies full time, so a lot of the seed starting etc is similar, and I can see being ok in that dept. It is the rest I need to learn about. Your story has inspired me so much – I am a self taught farmer too :-) Thank you for so willingly sharing your knowledge.

  464. Patty on

    I would love to grow/produce a fresh flower business. As of now I am dabbling in my own yard but would love to learn more to expand my passion. Thank you for sharing.

  465. Dawn on

    I’m near the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana–very hot, rainy, and humid! I prefer potted plants in the patio so I can shift them around because of weather (hurricanes!) and insects feasting. :) This is only for the happiness of these flowers, not work for income, etc.

  466. Morgan howard-schexnider on

    I was raised by my grandmother – who spent most of every day outside, “playing in the dirt” as she called it. I grew up listening to stories, planting seeds and pulling weeds; all the while learning about the beauty of growing life. She passed away when i was a freshman in high school, and since then ive coasted through life with her guidance. I now have 3 children and a beautiful family of my own & put my career behind me to become a stay at home mom until they reached school age. I’ve dreamed about growing my own cut flowers for only about the past 6 months – however I’ve spent the past 13 years in the garden. I decided to give my dream a go this spring, and planted my seeds in March. It has been SUCH an amazing experience for me & the joy it brings is unparalleled. This post, alone, is what makes me feel like my dream is a possibility!

    With 3 kids and a dog, we are just renting. Without land to “farm” on, i created a few raised beds to see if I could even grow a seed without killing it! Now that I feel more
    Confident, I don’t know exactly where to start moving forward. I’m from Louisiana, where we are required to have a permit and/or license to grow or sell cut flowers, so that is my first step. But as far as rental property, what size yard/piece of land would you suggest ?

  467. Kari from Kelowna on

    Your posts are incredibly valuable and they inspire me. I live on a small pie lot and looking at reverting lawn to cut flowers. I am a floral designer hobbyist and love to supplement with fresh cut flowers from my garden. It’s hard work but being present while tending my garden is what keeps me content. I’m enjoying your blog and video series and appreciate the extra time and effort it takes. I look forward to more! Oh yes- pest control (natural) or deer resistant varieties topics would be great, too.

  468. Linda on

    I have three acres in Northeastetn Ohio. My husband spends a lot of time and money mowing this land, and I would like it to start working for us.

  469. Lisa Petrie on

    Your flowers are beautiful, and the video course is so helpful! I’m wondering if two acres of flowers would bring in enough income to support a single person humbly. I also wonder how you learned to arrange flowers? Thank you!

  470. Angie G on

    Thank you! I ap6all the time and effort you put in to helping the rest of us have successful businesses

  471. Jennifer on

    Love what you are doing! You’ve been a true inspiration to keep forging ahead our cut flower dreams! We have greenhouses that we grow annuals & perennials for spring sales, lots of combinations baskets and containers. Always have a small cut garden for our pleasure and sometimes the local florist. Your book & videos are really breaking the process down for us and allowing us to expand our vision where locally grown flowers are a real thing and have value. We are currently planting a roughly 3 acre area that we’d like to round out with perennials & shrubs. Plant selection, weeds & post harvest are the biggest current issues. Very exciting times! Need to focus on ordering fall bulbs & timing them appropriately for spring.

  472. Sarah on

    I just really love flowers, I’ve never thought about growing any other than the few we plant each year next to our front door. The Secret Garden was one of my favorites growing up, I feel inspired to learn more and do more reading about your farm!

  473. Hope P on

    This is so helpful! I ordered you book when it first came out but am still in the dream phase and feel overwhelmed by what steps I need to take first to start. This guide was perfect for me!

  474. Geri Hawkins on

    Watched your mini videos and the one about one minute bouquets twice! Made ten last night for market today and sold them all! They loved them!!
    Geri Hawkibs
    Geti’s Flower Farm
    Thanks for your help!

    • Team Floret on

      That’s fantastic, Geri! Congrats!

  475. Sara A. on

    I live in an apartment right now and I follow you for the pretty pictures, lol. My dream is to live in a house close enough to the city that I wouldn’t need to drive everywhere, but far enough out that I could have a quarter acre or so to work with. I’d like to have perennials or reseeding annuals in the front yard with minimal grass. In the back yard I’d like to have enough space for a patio, a vegetable garden, and some lawn for the children to play in. I take my kids for walks and name the flowers for them. My 6 year old loves the tiger lilies and the toddler loves the morning glories, she’ll point to them and say, “gowy. “

  476. Keisha on

    Hello:). I live in a subdivision with very limited space. I live in Houston, Texas and it’s extrmemly hot here:(. I have struggled with variety of flowers that grow In this environment. I LOVE flowers and want to have a variety of flowers to cut for my enjoyment. I don’t have enough land to mass produce! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. My daughter gave me your book for mother’s day last year; it’s abdolutely beautiful.

  477. Hannah on

    I’m in the middle of purchasing my first home in Hawaii with a half an acre and I’m so excited to try to grow my first flowers after renting and not being able to grow anything for over ten years. I love your blog posts and look forward to my first order from you!

  478. Heather on

    I have a little area set aside for my cutting garden. It’s about 15-20 feet long by 4 feet wide. I’m planting things Willy nilly in there and hoping the bunnies don’t eat it all (pro tip, they LOVE sweet peas!)

  479. Brooke on

    I just recently read an article about you and our farm and it blew me away. I’m 42 years old with two small children and I’m craving the second chapter of my life. I always thought I would be a florist-or at least working with flowers. I am consistently looking for unique, colorful and multi-textured bouquets that are hard to find. Your article struck me. I believe flowers are magical too and they spread cheer and joy. Your willingness to share what you’ve learned made me think it is possible and maybe To start-in my own backyard. More to come as I learn but wanted to say thanks!

  480. Erin on

    We’re plotting a property in SE Idaho for our farm and i can’t wait to get a spot for a cut garden mapped out ?

  481. Erin on

    I somehow stumbled across your blogs, then your book when in pursuit of wanting to start growing my own flowers as a business and personal enjoyment (in a new state, growing zone and atmosphere than I’m used to :P). I absolutely adore the way you deliver your content and all that you have accomplished. I am curious as to how you went about selling your flowers, or finding buyers or businesses to carry them. Also, did you start out with the intention of your own floral design for weddings/events or did that come later? I look forward to your new book, courses and future posts. I too am a dreamer and need to find my way back down to Earth from time to time and what better way than to literally get your hands into the dirt!

  482. Paula on

    Thank you so much for sharing such amazing information with anybody who would like to learn which I am most definitely one of them. As I’m writing this my little girl who’s three years old is already doing what your last video showed about cutting flowers. I absolutely love flowers and recently got the desire to start small with a Cut Flower Garden on some open Acres that we live on. I just ordered your book from the library but it has not come yet. I might find what I’m looking for in there but I am wondering about the sales part of the business that you have. Such as where you get your supplies, the legalities of having a flower farm, how you Market your product and what you have come to find is the best way for shipping. Thank you again for all your information! I know it takes a lot of work to post and make videos and do workshops. It’s a great blessing to us!

  483. Carla Stewart on

    I’m a chef who is currently studying nutrition at uni and have been growing a few veggies here and there in my backyard the last few years but struggle with getting results due to lack of bees so I’m excited about how to grow some flowers to increase pollination. Also I’ve just started the application process of a community garden in which beautiful cut flowers would be crowd pleaser and so I’m finding your wealth of knowledge and willing to share appreciated.

  484. Wendy Campbell on

    I loved your book it’s like the bible to me! I’m trying to start my own flower bouquets and your book is a godsend. Thanks a million for all your input on beginners like me.

  485. Susan Bonds on

    I live in North Mississippi and want to create a small garden of cutting flowers. The article in Magnolia magazine about your business really hit home with me – my grandmother also had a garden with beautiful flowers and time with her in her potting shed are some of my best childhood memories. What is a good resource to begin designing a cutting garden?
    Thanks – Susan

  486. Apricity Flowers on

    Yes, this post is very helpful! So important to understand why we want to grow flowers before buying the first plant or seed. Thank you for pointing that out.

  487. Angela on

    I have a regular city plot with a regular size front and back yards. I would like to grow cut flowers because they are pretty and I love fresh flowers in the house. It seems really silly to work so hard for something temporary but those few moments of joy are what really matter in life. This list is wonderful for helping me rein in my desire to buy all the flowers. Instead I will just pick a few favorites and start there.

  488. Wendy on

    My six year old daughter wants to sell flowers. We have been looking through your book together and it has wonderful advise!

  489. Vanessa on

    I want to start small and I wonder if there is a minimal space I can start and make some revenue ? I am also growing about market price what are the best flowers ? I grow dahlias , gladiolus , zinnias , and sunflowers . Can I do it organically ? My growing zone is 6 and I am exploring my soul is very clay and compact the weeds are horrible .

  490. Sarah Moon on

    We have 15 acres in New Zealand and hope to turn a small area initially, into a cutting garden, starting small and experimenting to see what works for us. Its winter at the moment so definitely looking forward to this summer. Thanks for all your informative help, my brother bought me your book too and it is so beautiful. Thanks

  491. Sarah on

    I’m looking forward to your next post! I’m wanting to grow flowers all around and throughout my vegetable patch, to benefit my bee hives and also for mixed posies inside my home.

  492. Cathy on

    Thank you so much for sharing. Yes yes yes … the videos and theses latest six questions are right on the button. I am in New Zealand and developing a long term plan/dream to start growing. I have my eye on a piece of land that we hope to purchase this year, so while I am still working full time it is great to also be able to educate myself in preparation for our new adventure.

  493. Cindi on

    Thank you for all of your time and effort that goes into your blog and video series. I love the helpful tips and the fact that it is set up for everyone. I intend to have a plot about 20×20, enough space for my personal enjoyment and to share with friends. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your blogs and videos and learning as much as I can. I too am here in the valley.

  494. Dottie on

    I just recently started following you and just love all of your informative post. I am in year 1 and have a lot to learn about flower and vegetable farming, all the while keeping my 2 boys busy (age 12 and 7). Would love to hear more about how you manage to balance family and work. Keep up the great work!!

  495. Lilia Wood on

    I have 19 acres but most of it is wooded. My dream is to start a flower farm on 3 acres. The only thing I have growing now is lavender which was planted this year. Next year hopefully I will expand my lavender field and plant other flowers. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  496. Bobblehead Homestead on

    I’m very new to growing flowers and have already learned so much from your experiences, thank you. I just got 2.8 acres of mostly wooded land last fall and this is my first summer growing. Everything is an experiment this year and I have very low expectation. Some of my flowers are growing great, so I’m happy. I have so much to learn and am enjoying this process. One thing I need help with for the future, is what kind of greenery/fillers for bouquets should I be growing? I’m just trying to make a little $ on the side at small local farmers markets, no big dreams, but I’d be interested in learning more about what you grow to fill in your bouquets.

  497. Kate on

    My husband & I just bought 3 beautiful, knoll-topped sunny acres in Northern CA. My goal is to have a large cutting garden. Your posts are so informative & encouraging! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

  498. Amanda Zang on

    Thank you so much for posting! My husband and I are building a home on ten acres in Michigan, and while it was originally dense forest, the area we cleared for our home should give me enough daylight for full sun flowers. I’m also interested in having a chicken coup and garden with veggies and cut flowers. I’m hoping to have a small greenhouse, too, since Michigan tends to be moody. :-) Any insight you can offer is so greatly appreciated! Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us!

  499. Holly on

    I live in Virginia on a 5 acre property with a 3 acre field. This is our second summer here and I have used all the space around the house for my flowers. I have been following you and my dream is to turn that field into flowers. I am a teacher who loves her summers off and maintaining our gardens. We are planning to try a few rows of flowers next year and hopefully expanding as we get the hang of managing a larger scale.

  500. Maureen deBruyn on

    Thank you so much for sharing Erin! Our daughter and her husband with 4 kids, just purchased a 14 acre hobby farm in Oak Grove, MN, with Sandy soil. They are using Squim WA, organic farmer, Paul Gautschi “Back to Eden”, methods to start the garden, and reclaim the soil health. They would love to grow flowers someday, but for now they are starting with sheep and chickens. Ps, I enjoyed meeting you in California when we took a class from Ariella Chezar.

  501. Kylie on

    Hi I live in southern New Zealand. We have 1/3 of an acre and are looking at ways to use our space productively. I stumbled across your FB page and am keen to learn more about what we could maybe grow. I also love just making bunches of flowers for people ?

  502. Carlie N on

    I really want to tell you how much i greatly appreciate all the information that you freely give , it has been an immense help to me and SO inspiring also . We have decided that flowers and organic vegetables will be our new lifestyle and hope to be able have my husband quit his job and work from home with his family (myself and our son -6 and daughter -3).I will focus on the flowers and my husband on the vegetables. I still have alot to learn but we are currently in the process of buying 5 acres with a home in an inland town. The land has about 2 usable acres but very poor topsoil , so we will need to build that up and are thinking to possible do it with mulch at first just until we can get some hoop houses set up and get a better understanding of the seasons and layout of the land . As you can imagine , we can get some pretty extreme weather here in QLD Aust, and i really want to grow things that have a good chance to thrive, So i have been researching as much as possible and your information in particular has been just such a blessing . So thankyou Very much. I hope you are deeply blessed as you certianly blessed so many others with all your generous knowledge.

  503. Jessie on

    I love your blog, website and books! I live in Bangor, Maine and you are one of my inspirations to carve out more gardens on my in-town lot and have some confidence in what I am doing. Thank you!

  504. Helen on

    Hi there from the U.K. I would love to know what are the best cut flower perennials to establish on my plot with little ones in tow I have time and to balence flowers and family perennials would certainly ease time pressures

  505. Leilani on

    You talking about wrangling littles and wanting it to all happen NOW is exactly how I feel! But really honestly I need to do all the learning first before starting ? I’m very interested to learn more from you!

  506. Jody on

    Hi, I am located in California’s Central Valley, where growing things is the thing to do. I’ve just started vegetable gardening and would love to expand into cut flowers. The fullness in my heart when my roses are in bloom and brought inside is incredible. I’d love to get better at this! Your article is the first I’ve read and insightful. Hoping to figure out some flowers that can withstand the heat of these summers! AND have gorgeous flowers in the fall, spring, and winter.

  507. Camille on

    I’ve followed you on Pinterest for a while and I really liked this. I would love to know more about what’s easy to grow from seed, I just want to have a small cut flower patch which will serve me most of he year (I live in the uk so not sure if his is possible)

  508. McKayla on

    I’m happy I ran across your website. I love flowers and growing things and have begun researching what goes into growing cut flowers. Maybe one day I’ll have a flower garden/shop :) Thank you for taking the time to write your posts! You are down to earth and inspiring.

  509. Georgia Warren on

    I’m located in North Carolina; I have a 10 acre farm which I devote 2 acres to cut flowers. This is my first year and your info; blog, videos and book have been inspiring and definitely helpful. It is hard work but very rewarding. I recently purchased a 75 ft hoop house hoping to maximize my business. Any info will certainly help. Thanks, Georgia

  510. Ashley Dunn on

    I’m so excited to have found your blog. I am currently in the “researching phase” of trying to start my own mini flower farm. I have watched your “pinching” video and love that it was helpful and concise. I am a mom to two small girls, and my time for researching is limited to small spurts that they are occupied elsewhere. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with all of us.

  511. MB on

    I’m excited to find your blog. Your flowers are so inspiring! I live in Southeast Texas very hot and humid. I love flowers but find I have to grow most things in pots. I dream of a cut garden.

  512. Yifat on

    Thank you for sharing this information I love love reading and watching you videos I am really considering growing my garden and to be in business but one quastion for you. What will be the investment let say per one bed of flowers and what will be the profit from it.. Really curious.. Again Thank you for everything you do this is a dream ?

  513. Vinnocki Floral Farm on

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge, experience and wisdom! I live on 17 acres (mostly wooded and part wetlands, but at least 2 acres of farm-able land) in Kitsap County, WA. I have started Vinnocki Floral Farm (first year – fall planting 2017). I (still) have a full time job, so I spend my nights and weekends developing what my flower farm will become. I tentatively would like to give myself 3 years to transition from my current job to being a self-employed flower farmer, so for now I’m trying to stay focused on perennials, woodies, and shrubbery (things that take awhile to develop) – and leaving the area designated as the annual part of the garden alone.
    This first year I have planted ~120 peonies, ~1500 bulbs, ~50 irises, 30 clematis,10 lilacs, 10 hydrangeas, 10 roses, 3 pears, 3 apples, 3 wisteria, 3 forsythia, 3 flowering quince, tons of astilbe and many others… which seemed like a lot! I also have 4 customers that I make bi-weekly arrangements for. I love them! They are supportive of my dream and they are receiving beautiful arrangements – that being said – I probably spend 1 hour on each arrangement -plus all the growing time and delivering- which I know is way to long, but it’s a huge learning experience at this point – to understand the basics of what materials I prefer and developing a style (and I enjoy it). I have had a lot of first this year: experienced with landscape fabric and cardboard as weed control, ordered a 10 cubic yard delivery of mulch, installed an irrigation system, got a soil test, a business licenses and resale permit, filed quarterly business taxes, and made my first wholesale size order (for fall delivery and planting). I plan on putting in 500 peonies this fall. :)

    I hope to take one of your workshops, I am very interested in perennial plant spacing (how close together can you plant roses?) and fertilizing/soil amending.

    My husband asked me, if I play with flowers for work, what am I going to do for fun?………..

  514. Stefanie on

    I love this post. I feel like you do such a thorough job of weaving in your insane amounts of tangible knowledge with real-life situations that we will all face. I especially liked your caution to stick with the manageable bit, because I also have a tendency to just pile it all on and see what happens. I’d rather approach a future venture doing a few things really well than lots of things half-heartedly.

    I just quit a corporate job to become a florist, with the dream of owning a farm and nursery in the PNW someday. I just have to get my husband on board because I need his labor :) Thank you for taking the time to write all of these blogs out for us. It means so much to the dreamer in me!

  515. Sam on

    This is very helpful! I’m just beginning to toy with the idea of a flower farm, and this post gives me lots of practical things to think about. Thank you!

  516. Tomislava Hodalic on

    Hi everybody! I like flowers very much and when I found your web page, my dreams about my future job get more clear. I grew up in big family, in Croatia. We had big garden and I liked making flower arrangements from wildflowers and sunflowers. Now, I am 27 and working in big city, working office job, but I am dreaming about starting my own flower business. I do not have exact plan, but when I saw your family-business story, I wish I have something like you have. Such an inspirational story! Great job! Good luck in your future adventures, I will follow you on social networks.
    Greetings from Croatia

  517. Liljana on

    I’m building a small home on 1/4 acre
    Surrounded by flowers is my dream

  518. Eryn on

    I am so excited that I have found you (discovered you in “The Magnolia Journal” magazine yesterday!) I have lurked your website for the last hour and soaking in all your knowledge and tips. My husband and I will soon be closing on a 46 acre lot and look forward to the hard work to creating a beautiful, yet sustainable life on the land here in NJ. Can’t wait for more of your posts! Thank you for spreading your wisdom.

  519. Ester Hudson on

    Your “ be practical first and the blooms will follow” is sage advice. I’m off to give my possible site requirements a good staring down. Love this blog. Just reading it puts me in happy place.

  520. Dustie on

    Hi there! A few years back my oldest son (now 11) and I found a pinterest pin about your flowers. It planted a little dream seed for he and I. Now we are just about to close on our PNW acreage, and trying to curb the planting enthusiasm with a small dose of reality. This is a great blog series for these two beginner flower farmers.

    P.S. I had no idea you are in Skagit. We moved to northern Whatcom from Central California.

  521. Sally on

    I live in coastal Va.. I’ve been surprised with my success in starting seeds. It’s gratifying to watch. Keeping up with watering is a challenge. I have a few flower beds with lots of sun. I really enjoy your blog especially about your beautiful dahlias.

  522. KS on

    I live on a few acres on the Southern Tablelands of NSW Australia. Its been really cold here the last 2 weeks and I have been think alot about improving our soil and doing something with the land (other than letting my son mow it whilst imagining he is driving in a grand prix). I love that you are so will to share your knowledge with us. I am off to make a coffee, ponder the answers to your questions and to await the next installment. Thank you.

  523. Lauren on

    I live in the High Desert of Oregon. I have appx a 1/2 acre of growing space with more potentially. I grow my own compost from my restaurant’s waste and would love to grow flowers for sale and donation. I like perenials and bulbs and look forward to your recommendations. I like to know that the plants are propogating themselves. That makes me feel good. I do have issues with sage rats and a couple rock chucks. Any advice on keeping them at bay?

  524. Walter D/ The Preppy Pansy on

    Thank you for paying your knowledge forward! I sparked on the idea of a flower farm and then discovered your wonderful book….then the blog….then the courses! You have me so excited for making the leap soon to flower farmer : )

  525. Danette on

    My reason why has evoled as my 1st year blossoms..It was my therapy, to dig and water and then harvest…But what has brought me most Joy is, As a child brings flowers in those time fist! Delivery to a smile and having an ear to listen…the heart speaks with a harvest of blossoms. Thankful for your Pioneer spirit! My husband said We are growing a flower garden as he looked over his veggies. Yes, we ARE growing a flower garden.

  526. Karen Hayes on

    Thank you for being such a sharing person. I read everything you write with great interest. I have 3 small 2mt x 2mt beds and grew the most amazing crop of flowers. (I have never grown anything in my life before I read your book) I am now hooked and am in love with flowers ?

  527. Adrienne on

    My dream is to have a cut flower garden that I could sell some bouquets off for some additional income. I’m in the high desert, in the National Grasslands of Oregon. Short short season, 70-90 days. I’ve heard of, but not experienced, snow in July! It’s HOT here in the summer, and so cold in the winter. Like your friend, our spring was basically non existent this year!

    My biggest struggle, and why I haven’t begun, is because I am dealing with small rodent critters, rabbits, ground squirrels (like mini prairie dogs, underground diggers), gophers, pack rats, and nuisances of that nature. I’m trying to figure out HOW to deal with that before I delve in. Do you deal with any of these? They eat many flowers and veggies. Sometimes from the flower down (I’ve had whole plants go missing completely torn out from the ground), and sometimes from the roots up. This is my biggest frustration and struggle. Honestly, I’d rather deal with deer! Ha!

    I live on 20 acres without water rights. So that’s another obstacle too.

    I love the info you share. Thank you! You’re truly an inspiration.

  528. Liz on

    We have just over two acres in a rural New Zealand town. We experience five seasonal changes, winter, sprinter, spring, sprummer, summer and autumn(fall). Your tips have given me food for thought and inspired me to try planting poppy seeds in sprinter to plant out once sprummer has passed.

    Your posts inspire me to grow beautiful blooms for my and friends homes.

  529. Monica Thomas on

    Oh my goodness! Where to start. I’m writing this from a little township called Mt. Evelyn, in Melbourne, Australia. I have only recently become aware of Floret Farm when I saw the book in a local bookstore. Now that I have a copy of my own, the cogs in my brain won’t stop turning. I have been involved in horticulture for all of my conscious life in one way or the other but over a number of years found my enthusiasm slowly waining. Suddenly I’m reading your book and your blogs, following you on Instagram and I’m totally captivated. I feel a renewed energy and lust for flowers. I’ve got sap running through my veins again. Your vision and your journey is totally inspiring. The images of the gorgeous flower fields so makes me want to grow, grow, grow! Even though I’ve been cultivating and tending plants for decades I’ve not had the courage to turn a little ol’ dream into something bigger but I’m soon to have a bit of a sea change with an opportunity to take on a new challenge.
    Your generous sharing of personal experience is hugely valuable and informative. I’ll be continuing to draw inspiration from what you are sharing. I hope very shortly to embark on my picking garden journey.
    Thank you.

  530. Lyndsay on

    We just bought a house with a bit of a yard (southern CA, which means we get a lot of sun and have a long year-around growing season, but my yard is pretty small). I found a spot in the front yard that will be the garden. These are great questions as I try to plan out the whole landscape design as well as the flower and veggie garden!! I’m overwhelmed.

  531. Chari on

    We are on a family farm. Have 2-3 acre yard with 160 acres surrounding us. Dreaming of ways to utilize the family farm for varied crops instead of all corn and soybeans. I love flowers and have a passion for growing them like my grandmother did. Your book, posts and videos are tremendously helpful in evaluating if we can make a go of this….and how to pre-plan for next year. Thanks for your willingness to share what you’ve learned!!

  532. Sarah H on

    I have read your book, watched every video I can get my hands on, and faithfully follow your post on social media. I am currently in the works of starting my own, small scale, flower farm. Thank you for being the oxygen that keeps my fire going, keeping me chasing a crazy dream! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  533. Lori on

    A daughter’s wedding sparked my cutting garden dreams, and that minor success has sparked a desire for more cut flowers next year. I look forward to finding more of your articles and books!

  534. Emily on

    We on the border in British Columbia with just under 5 acres that I have been contemplating turning into a flowers. I appreciate your post and reading about how to do it all. Thank you!

  535. Andrea Handel on

    Your posts are so helpful and I have learned so much from you. Pinching young seedling before they flower – who knew? Nobody ever told me and I am a seasoned home gardener. Thank you so much for all your posts!!!

  536. Wendy on

    Wow that was a great mirror for me to reflect upon especially the tears when I also realized I planted more than I could weed and not a good watering system. Now I am getting more grounded in the first things first. I love looking at your lush full rows of flowers and I would like to learn more about how to get the most out of spacing flowers. Looking forward to your new book ? Wendy Langille New Brunswick ??

  537. Claire Payne on

    I don’t have many words but reading your request at the end of this post I felt I owed you something.
    Encouraging inciteful Happy and ready to start my own. I may be back for more of the above as my adventure begins x

  538. Linda on

    We have three acres in Medina Ohio, and every week my husband mows it. I have wanted to grow things from day one, and you have given me the inspiration that I need! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge!

  539. Lauren Smith on

    I love seeing your work and the work do so many local flower farmers. I’m over in Kitsap County – East Bremerton. I have no experience growing anything and am more beginner than there is a term for. I am also new to the PNW – 18mo here. I absolutely love the flowers that can be grown up here so much more easily than anywhere else in the country and i keep circling back to wanting to try. I have a 4 & a 2 year old, a male pup who loves to mark up my backyard and not a ton of space but i think I’m going to take your advice and start planning so that things are in place for next spring and i can try to give this a go small scale.
    I love reading your blog and trying to soak up all your pointers. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to make it over for one of your workshops.

  540. Wendy van der Walt on

    Thanks so much for your post! Just considering planting a wee business next year, and these were all questions I need to be accountable for.

  541. Sarah S. on

    Just found you through The Prudent Homemaker. I look forward to learning more here as we finally have a backyard with some sun— I just need some how-to instructions to put it to use!

  542. Janice Baumann on

    Thank you for all the great information in this blog. The part of not trying to do it ALL was a great encouragement for me. My daughter and I are just getting started in the cut flower business and the tendency to want to over-order, and think you are going to have everything figured out your first year just isn’t realistic. We keep reminding ourselves to go slow and realize this is a process….and to enjoy the journey! Thanks again for your willingness to share so much information…a gift to us all!

  543. Camellia Forrest on

    This post was just the piece of advice I needed! Ive always loved gardening, but after purchasing our first home I wanted to step up the level of planting to include a cut and come again garden with lots of varieties to share with my friends and family. I look forward to reading the rest of your posts. Thanks you so much for taking the time to nurture and encourage aspiring flower farmers!

  544. Amy on

    I live in Arizona. Hot most of the time but the benefit is most years there is no winter freeze. I’d just want to plant in pots but definitely flowers that can be used for personal arrangements or to give to friends. Just needing to know the best varieties and best time of year for the specific varieties. Love your Instagram! (First time to read your blog!)

  545. Christine Grant on

    Thank you so much for sharing. I love all your growing & arranging tips. They help so much and so inspiring. I’m in zone 9b Central Florida & cannot wait for fall. We are adding 6 beds and my first Daliha season. So excited for the next course ? Thank you

  546. Jen goodlin on

    Your flower photos bring me joy all the way in Colorado Springs , where growing is difficult. We have terrible soul, ashort growing season and harsh weather conditions during the growing season. I will take an insight and info I can get!!

  547. Rachael on

    I have dhalia tubers I still haven’t put in the ground yet. I live in Central California (zone 9) and it’s already almost July… Can I still plant them?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Rachael,
      Planting them now is certainly better than not planting them at all. Hopefully you’ll have a nice long summer and get to enjoy some blooms!

  548. Amber Owens on

    We live is Spokane Washington and also own a small, sandy, HOT, 5 acre plot in Eastern Washington on the Columbia River. I feel incredibly inspired to cultivate some gorgeous cut flowers there, and look forward to using your blog and books as a great resource!
    Ten years ago I started pouring over Martha Stewart wedding cake books and sparked a passion for cakes which lead us to now owning 4 local bakeries. I can’t wait to see where this passion for flowers leads!
    Thanks for sharing all of the breath taking photos, information, and delightful stories!

  549. Derryth on

    Hi Erin,

    I am considering starting a flower farm in the North West in South Africa. I have been reading many of your posts and have subscribed to the newsletters so that I can sign up for the online workshop (I would LOVE to attend the workshop on your farm, but sigh.. different continents). I just want to thank you for sharing all your knowledge, that’s not something just anyone would do. I find your posts so informative and welcoming, and have followed you on Instagram. I just love your photos of your beautiful blooms, they’re really very special. You and your team are such an inspiration and a brilliant example of what can be done when one is willing to work for it!

    Can’t wait to see more of your story!

  550. Moira on

    Erin, and the Floret team,
    Thank you for sharing abundantly your experiences and knowledge. I’m in the Alberta prairies and just starting out but have learned so much from you and your resources are an absolute asset to the flower community.
    Thanks for the sentiments about spreading love with the gifts of the earth, as well as not biting off more than you can chew !
    Much love.

  551. Janet on

    Hi Erin. I have been following you for awhile. I have your book and have been trying to stick to all of your suggestions. I lost my husband last year in a very tragic accident. He left me with a beautiful 30 acre farm. Years ago when my children were small I grew flowers for drying. And have always grown flowers of various types in my garden. In the fall I was not sure what to do to keep myself busy . So the thought of growing flowers for sale came to me. I have the land. I do know how to sort of grow thing. So hence the flower adventure. A friend had a small greenhouse for sale. My sons with help of friends moved it for me. I started lots of seeds in my house and when the snow left I moved them to my greenhouse. Spring brought a flurry of rototilling ground. Buying plastic, building templates and burning holes. ( of which my sons and grandchildren helped at.)My daughter helped plant. And I seeded. Now I am hoping to be able sell. It is very late here and the weather has been unpredictable. I live in the interior of British Columbia. I have lost of questions. Not sure as to how to get my answers because I know I’m not the only one with questions. Can I grow ranunculus with out a hoop house. Can I grow tulips to bloom early in my just planted in my greenhouse without temp control. Looking forward to your videos. And what other info I can get. Thanks so much. I am very envious of all your flowers

  552. Emily Morris on

    Hi Erin and Family,

    I have been a huge fan of yours for several years now. I work on a farm in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. A winter rainfall climate similar to central California where I lived and worked for several years.
    Back in South Africa and as usual I am growing organic vegetables, but have lately begun growing cut flowers as well for the farm. My main area of interest currently are on soil management and especially the fertilization of seedlings in trays/containers before being planted.
    How do you guys manage nutrition of soil and seedlings? We wont have the same products here, but I know you have interested folk around the world and perhaps you can give us some general advice on cut flower nutrition. I know that I would be most grateful. Your work is phenomenal and I have really enjoyed seeing your family business grow. Looking forward to your next book as well.

    Many Big Thanks from South Africa:-)


  553. Cheryl on

    Thank you for this! We bought 10 acres in SW Washington a couple years ago. I’m beginning to grow peonies (started with 45 Leslie Peck starts.) I can’t wait to continue following along and adding to what I’ve got. I have about 4 acres available on a west-facing slope. Not sure how big I want to go, so I’m starting slow. I hate weeding!

  554. Emily Webb on

    My problem this year is really more about climate change. Everything seems different this year and last year. Winter drags on and on, Spring is short, (rain, rain , rain,) it’s mid June and feels like August. (I’m in the Northeastern Sierras of California) After last year I sowed my annual seeds later this year and I’m glad I did because my normal frost date was now pushed out a bit. But with that said, it didn’t really seem to effect my perennials as much. So now I have perennials blooms that were planned to go with my annuals and my heat loving annuals won’t bloom for at least another few weeks. I did try a few cool weather annuals, but since it was an experiment, I didn’t plant that many. So my question is, when I’m planning the flower garden (not yet a farmer, but a full time gardener!) I try to think of a bouquet or arrangement and what flowers I want to go together, check the dates and plant accordingly. From my experience, I think I have it down that they will bloom at the right time and then climate change comes in and throws everything off. I’ve seen pictures of farms where everything looked great one day, only to be destroyed the next by large hail or torrential rains. When you plant now and your seed packet says 65 days, do you adjust that because things are different now? Do you keep things in the hoop house now that 5 years ago you wouldn’t? Do you rely more on cool flowers than you did before? How do you deal with planning for the changes that climate change is bringing us?

  555. Karin champion on

    Thanks so much for the info. I have just started a cut flower business and the question helped me reevaluate why I was doing it. I’m very excited to see where it takes me.

  556. Rochelle on

    These are hugely helpful. I am a new mum wanting to set up a flower farm here in New Zealand so I am excited to read your post on starting your beautiful farm with a young family.

  557. Kim on

    I love your posts & your photos. My husband & I have a hot sauce company & grow everything on our small piece of land so space is at a premium. I still make room for flowers and giant sweeping perennial beds. Function can still be beautiful. Your flowers make me swoon.

  558. Jennie on

    In the future I would like to do this in a smaller scale. Thank you for your insight of the rewards and woes. It helps put things in perspective and prepare better.

  559. Jessi on

    Knowing that I wanted to become a flower farmer for a couple years now, I’m so excited to say that we finally got an offer accepted on a home on 4.5 acres! Soon I’ll be leaving my flower patch in my small suburban yard behind so I can spread out and get to work on making this dream a reality! I’m a little nervous since I’ve only gardened on such a small scale previously, but thankfully there are such great knowledge resources out there these days, and you’re certainly on that list! Thanks for all you do!

  560. Ashley on

    Hi! We have a VERY small back yard but most of it is full sun. I would love to grow just a few flowers so we can have some around the house. I live in middle Georgia and have small children. So something fairly low maintenance would be a plus! Thanks!

  561. Heather on

    I’ve always wanted a cutting garden, and then I found your website quite by accident; now I have a roadmap. This post is particularly helpful since I always bite off more than I can chew. I’m going to sit down and really get clear before I get going. Thanks so much for your inspiring work, and your book is wonderful, too.

  562. Mary Ellen on

    I am enjoying your blog, pictures – all of it! Thank you. Our plants do feed our souls.
    This year the rabbits are enjoying our flowers more than we are. Any advice for dealing with that? We’ve been spraying with Repell all spray to no avail. They are especially enjoying our zinnias ☹️ Help!!

  563. Judy York on

    I love your blog and all the info you share so generously. I am recently widowed and need to supplement my retirement. I let fear and age (62) hold me back from perusing a dream I’ve held for many years. I’m in good health and have 5 acres in central Oklahoma. Soil needs lots of help, I don’t know how to market my crop, don’t have any help etc.etc. All the info and encouragement is truly helpful. Keep up the good work. You are changing lives by your generosity and dedication. You certainly inspire me. I can do all things. Philippians 4:13 God bless you and you family from Oklahoma. Gratefully yours, Judy

  564. Becky on

    Your flowers are beautiful!
    I have hip issues, so by no means could I have such lovely flower gardens, but I love looking at your labor of love! Thank you for sharing information!

  565. Claudia Konkus on

    I am really late to answer, sorry. I have been reading everything and love your book. Your blog posts have helped me so much, there is so much to learn. We are just in the planning stages and will start growing on a larger scale next year. I have always had cut flowers for Myles and friends, now we want to share them with the public. I cannot wait for your next book to come out. Your photographs make the dreary Maryland winters brighter and fill me with hope for the new growing season. Please keep sharing your knowledge and wisdom.

  566. Tew Green on

    I mowed to the USA 9 years ago and my husband has 10 acres property. I have need gardening and working on the property ever since. This year, I have got serious of starting flower garden. However, the ground is full of roots and unwanted stuffs such as metal and broken glass. I cry and ask myself why I am doing it. I don’t have a tiller. I work in my garden almost everyday after work and on weekend (I work from 7:30 am – 4 pm). Sometime my son asks me to stop and spend time with him. I feel bad, but I explain to him why I am doing it. I know it is still a long way to go for me.

  567. Alicia V on

    I love your book on growing flowers and creating bouquets and niw that I found your site am excited to kearn more. I was able to answer your questions easliy and feel I am on the right track. Your post and assessment questions was a great way to think before we leap. Bow onward :)

  568. Sherri on

    Trying to get my cut flower business off the ground, have been hampered by weather and begging for tractor time, hope to be established for a nice income when I retire in just 6-7 years. Want lots of perennial beds established and keep growing Zinnias and Sunflowers forever?

  569. Lorraine on

    I am so glad I stumbled onto your Facebook page! I am an avid amateur gardener who recently moved along with my sister to the Florida panhandle to help my mom who has developed Alzheimer’s. We’re on 15 acres in a rural area with very limited job opportunities and we’ve been brainstorming income ideas – growing flowers is now one of them. We had a fantastic vegetable garden last year but mom wanted to move the location – until I suggested growing flowers (she LOVES flowers). Now I can still utilize the already amended space. My question is about finding buyers – I’ve never marketed and sold anything. Where to start?

  570. Kelley P on

    I love following your blog and farms progress. The flowers are like eye candy and I have a huge sweet tooth! What types of flowers would be good to grow in Central coastal Florida? It has been so so hot, and then we have times of drenching rains which turn into a steaming sauna afterwards. I buy flowers at Trader Joe’s weekly for inside, but would love to surround my house with flowers. Thank you so much for the inspiration and eye candy! ???

  571. Lisa Sorgius on

    Thank you for this post. All the questions are important ones to answer before getting started. It will help to keep me straying from reality! I purchased the 3 flower journals so I will get started on my answers and plans right away. I look forward to reading more. Thank you.

  572. Kim on

    Let me start off by saying that I’m normally one of those “blog lurkers”. Apparently you have inspired me enough to leave a comment :)
    My husband and I bought a home on 10 acres 2 years ago. One of the previous homeowners was a master gardener but the property has been vacant for many years so we had our work cut out for us. We are finally ready to start our small farm and want to make cut flowers apart of that. My plan is to start small…maybe 1 acre and then grow from there.
    I would say right now my biggest challenge is how to set up my irritation system. We have several springs on the property and I’d like to utilize that water source. My other challenge is simply….where do I start? :)
    Thanks for the great information and hope to take your next set of online classes!
    Kim@White Deer Farms

  573. Shelly Zollinger@ flourish flowers on

    We bought a house in December which just happened to be on 6 acres. Having a degree in horticulture I was excited. But did not know what to do with it. As I unpacked boxes of books, way too many gardening books, I saw a theme start to unfold. A cut flower theme. Then it hit me that I was preparing for this job change. I had been working at a world renown garden do the planting’s for spring and fall so was very aware of how to grow flowers and bulbs. All the wholesale sources even direct from Holland. Your book just cemented the desire. I know that this is what I am supposed to be doing! Thank You for sharing your talents.

  574. Kela Vargas on

    I’ve been staring wide eyed at your gorgeous photos on Instagram for just over a year now. Just recently, with he help of your website/blog/instagram I’ve decided to turn my dreams of handling flowers and plants into my reality. I don’t expect I will do anything on as large of a scale but I have found all the information that you provide extremely helpful anyways. Thank you so much for all that you do! You’ve created something very special!

  575. Sarah Daken on

    This is a 2016 post so I’m a llittle late to the party but I just wanted you to know that I was inspired by my mother in law, who took your online class, to start a cut flower garden this year. My husband and I decided growing flowers would be a great project as a team and I don’t think I ever could have predicted how soul fulilling it has been for me. I am actually trying to figure out a way to make this flower farming “thing” er eh…. “obsession” into my next career journey. For now, being an attorney pays the bills and covers the health insurance, but I can see a transformation happening as I tend to the soil and grow these dumpy little seeds into amazing plants and blooms. It is literally like they are my children…. mostly wonderful, but slightly needy and expensive! I find myself wandering the paths between rows of flowers and just smiling from ear to ear… say it’s been life tranforming is an understatement. There is something so gratifying about growing plants. You watch them transform before your very eyes and there isn’t a moment that I don’t feel awed by it. My aging mother, who suffered a massive heart attack this year, comes outside and looks at the garden with a sense of hope and wonder. It is as though the flowers are saying “stay alive….. we’re not done yet.” Honestly, I think it has given my mother one more reason to live, just to see the garden in all its glory. So, thank you Erin, for setting the spark of passion in me again. It’s been many years since I have felt this happy and centered, with a goal that includes peace, quiet, nature, and a return to simpler things. I think I’ve always felt the happiest when I’ve been on a farm, and now my new goal is to make that way of life a permanent reality.

  576. Sara on

    Your blog is so helpful and passing on all your great knowledge is so, so gratefully received. I am in the Uk and just about to start out on a small scale and hopefully supply the local community with fresh flowers. Your advice is invaluable and is enabling me to be able to plan super well. I’m so excited about starting.

  577. Sally on

    Thank you for this reality check! I love reading through your posts. They keep me inspired to go ahead with my dream of being a flower farmer in Northern Canada.

  578. Devon on

    You are so amazing!! I’ve been researching flowers and flower farming, seedings and cut flowers, I just bought my 10 acres here in Northern lower Michigan & I can not wait to start building my beds, & getting everything ready for planting in the fall. You have been an inspirational person since I began this journey & I would love to have your input and ideas. Do you have a Dreamers post? Where you talk about your absolute dream for floret?

  579. Shannon on

    Hello from Whidbey Island!
    Great article, thank you for writing this! I am a newbee gardener, only 4 seasons in. I’ve mainly been focused on growing veggies and herbs but really want to incorporate more flowers. I’m also a beekeeper and usually cringe at the thought of taking flowers from them, but I am so mesmerized by your beautiful arrangements that I’m ready to shake that old mindset. I bought your book and LOVE it! It’s so nice to have such wonderful guidance from someone in the same growing zone!
    I’m also beginning a venture into lettuce farming to supply a friend’s restaurant soon and that feel all of this translates to that really well. I’m so inspired by what you’ve created and share with everyone!
    Thank you

  580. Gianna Stagnaro on

    Hi there! I am loving reading all your blog posts and your cut flower book that I recently purchased! You have so many great tips and tricks! I am starting my own cut flower truck in Northern CA and can’t wait to get started. I just ordered all my seeds after reading your book and am going to start planting my roses perennials and seeds this fall.
    I love your template ideas for weed fabric and will be purchasing them this fall! Thanks again! Gianna

  581. JUDY A HAYEK on

    I too am a flower lover, but job and home requirements limited my time to grow them, I thought. (I am a big basket buyer in the spring and just place them in pots to save time! In the winter I arrange artificial flowers to feed my passion.) I retired from my job this year though and now have time to pursue my interests and would love to grow my own flowers to have in my home and to share with others. I know I need to start slow, but am curious regarding what zones your seeds adapt to best. I live in SW Missouri and though our growing season is May through October, we have extremely hot summers, particularly July through September. I discovered your site via Magnolia Journal and was so inspired by your journey and your love of flowers and am eager to learn to garden well. Thanks for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and for pursuing your passion of seasonal flowers! What a joy!

  582. Andi on

    Great information! I’d love to do something with the few acres we have and flowers would be amazing!

  583. Eliza on

    Great Read, I am looking to get into Flower Farming with no experience just a love for flowers.
    I am writing from Australia and this is the first post i have read, will keep navigating through your posts but if it hasn’t been written would love to see a post on different growing methods and watering systems with what has worked for you and what hasn’t.

    Eliza x

  584. Meg on

    Greetings from AL. Thank you for the thoughtful post. I am new to flowers. An avid Home vegetable gardener ready to branch out. As I read this and explored your shop I kept thinking, I just need a little starter kit with some basics to get going. Maybe you have that and I didn’t see it yet? I also felt a digital course or videos would be great. Again, point me in that direction if I’m missing it. I know you offer a workshop and I’m filing it in My someday category a few years from now once I’m more experienced. Thx for all your efforts, research and sharing here. Excited to dig in along with you.

  585. kathy on

    thank you for your grounded inspiration!!! So much beauty ?. About to go get dirty with new enthusiasm.
    Plant on!

  586. Brigitta on

    I apologize for blog lurking. I love your posts and the information they provide, and I’m trying to patiently wait for the release of your second book!
    If you are looking for suggestions, I’d love to see an online class/course offered for the casual grower. Your first book covers much of the garden prep work and planting, but items such as small plots, vase life, and arrangements would be lovely. (including pinching, netting, trimming, handling, etc)
    The largest impact to my gardening has been the realization that greenery is great for vases. Instead of trimming and composting my faster growing shrubs, vines, and weeds, I’ve been added the trimmings into arrangements! My vases have jumped a few levels!

    I’m currently admiring a vase full of peonies that I cut 4 weeks ago, refrigerated, and placed in a vase this morning!

  587. Sissel on

    I picked up your book at the library. I don’t think they will allow me to keep it as long as I want, so I’ll purchase it for sure. Flowers are my true north.
    I would love to grow enough to sell. If I am able to plan my garden well enough to have cut flowers all year long, then I win. I’m so grateful I was led to your site.
    I recently moved to Washington and so far, I am thrilled with everything this wonderland offers.

  588. Christie on

    Thank you so much for this! Just discovered your business and blog and so excited to dive in to all the info. I’ve been vegetable gardening for three years now, learning slowly; but I LOVE flowers and even more I love seeing my little girls love for growing flowers.

  589. Lisa on

    This is a very thoughtful post with lots of good information. I normally would purchase everything that looks beautiful (which is everything) to grow, without proper planning. After reading your book I know I can’t have a large cut flower garden (not looking for income via the flowers, but enjoyment), but can certainly have a nice plot and plant around the foundation of my house. I’ll be all the more happier. I look forward to your next book!

  590. Esther Peters on

    I love your offering of sensible questions to guide the beginnings! I feel so inspired and enthusiastic that this helps keep me in check. I do tend to get ahead of myself!
    I feel like this first effort is really going to help me get a sense of how much effort it takes, and how much time and energy it requires. My initial dabbling while exciting, will give the feedback required. I am also interested in establishing hoop-houses and greenhouse, as well as chemical-free soil maintenance. Thank you so much for generously sharing tips, ideas,
    know-how! You are greatly appreciated and admired!!!

  591. Paula on

    I love reading your blogs. I am just starting out and learning a wealth of tips and tricks to set me on the right path. Probably my biggest issue is that I’m all set to get up and go and I have to pull myself back a bit and take it slow. Tough concept when your still in the planning phase of it all. I cannot wait to plant those first seeds. Working in a retail flower shop for years has helped me to figure out what aspect of the industry I wou;d pursue once the kids where grown and gone. This is going to be my next chapter in my life. All I know is I cannot wait to get up in the early mornings and enjoy my coffee amongst my beautiful flower gardens.

  592. Anne Urtiaga on

    Thank you so much for putting out such a reasonable check list for us. I tend to buy…buy…buy….then get frustrated because of the “Ok, now where am I going to put it all?” Found your site through Magnolia Journal and so glad about it.

  593. Michele on

    Yes! You are on the right track. I need some common sense advice-you know, like when your real friends tell you that the pants you’re wearing should be retired.

    I’m looking for advice on soil maintenance without chemicals. And if I can really incorporate cutting flowers into my mostly permaculture landscape. I love your site and your book is fantastic!

  594. MeLissa Little on

    pictures, flowers, and family! I really appreciate the questions as I have a tendency to jump all in and then get overwhelmed. They help me to pull apart my desire. I have ALWAYS wanted to have a farm and grow flowers and berries!!! I love fresh flowers in my home and to have to give to friends.
    The planning of the garden, the good soil and water tips, and varieties of flowers to grow for diversity and interest in bouquets has been most educationally beneficial.
    My sister bought your book for me for my birthday last year. I have read it cover to cover and ABSOLUTELY love the way it is organized and divided into tasks for each season. Thank you for creating such quality work. Blessings!
    MeLissa, Tyler, TX

  595. R.A.L. West on

    Sincere thanks for the sharing of all this experience-based knowledge! Incredibly inspiring! Stumbled on a FB post and searched and found your site.
    I believe I’ve found a genuine treasure!
    Would adore to visit if sometime I’m near your farm. Look forward to reading all the blogs and checking out your book.

    R.A.L. West

  596. Jay MacEwen on

    I love reading your emails and post. I am 57 years old and love to grow things. One day I hope to grow flowers for my retirement side income. I experiement in my yard with several 10foot by 4 foot beds my husband made me. Next year I am going to soil block. I did some direct seeding and grew my own plugs indoors this year but our winter went right into summer 90’s in may and I lost some of my crop. I am having a hard time with bells of Ireland and cooler crops which I love. Kansas my not be the spot for them. Working a full time job doesn’t help either. Sometimes I am just not organized. Wish I could quit work and start living my dream. I live it thru reading what you are doing. Thanks so much for all your knowledge and tips shared!!!!
    Sincerely, Jay at C-US-BLOOM

  597. Lynne on

    Thank you for this wonderful resource. I am just starting to plan a “mini” flower farm and this is a wonderful place to read about the pros and the cons.

  598. Kandee j. McCain on

    I look and read in awe! I love to grow anything but you inspired me to till up a couple of rows for cut flowers in the back of our 2 1/2 acre plot. The trick is to plant flowers that will thrive in our zone 9 in Corpus Christi Texas. I absolutely love the sweet peas but am skeptical of success. Please tell me this is possible! I am confident of zinnias because I have had great success. Thanks for sharing the knowledge you possess .

  599. dawn on

    I stumbled on your lovely sight and I’m so thrilled I found you! What a treasure!
    I’m inspired and excited. I’ve been dreaming of growing enough flowers to create arrangements
    for a few steady clients… I live in Southern Ca and with our drought I was afraid I would have to give
    up my garden and my precious flowers due to lack of water. With a combination of bio char to hold water and nutrients in the soil, and using my grey water in the yard I have a healthy thriving garden and the prospect of growing more cut flowers for pure joy is now a reality.
    Your website is a feast for the eyes and I’m going to soak up all the flower info you offer in your book and on your website
    I suppose resources I would be looking for are climate/zone appropriate flowers that are good for cutting as well…it’s easy to find
    the appropriate plants for my zone but the tricky part is finding the best flowers for cutting and arranging.

  600. Michelle on

    Thank you, for being so willing to share your tips! I enjoyed this read and hope to apply the knowledge I’ve learned into starting my own small home garden.

  601. Katherine Patch-Leivas on

    I also read your article in the Magnolia Journal.
    I have always loved the way flowers make me feel, and love to share that same feeling with family and friends. I live in the Desert Southwest of Arizona. I would love to grow a cut flower garden, however, as I was reading through you website, I did not see mention as to what kinds of flowers can grow in what types of climate. I apologize if I have overlooked that section. I did order your book online and am anxiously wait for its delivery!

  602. Jennifer Kohn on

    THANK YOU. Your book and your blog as well as the books and newsletter from Lynn Byczynski have given me the inspiration and confidence to start a flower farm with my teen-age Autistic son after he graduates from High School next year. My vision is to use the farm as an opportunity to work with young adults with Autism on job skills and to get them interacting with the local community by direct-selling the flowers at markets and to restaurants, businesses and individuals. We may also do some events at our farm. Fortunately I have the time to plan and a fabulous property in Bedford VA. I will be spending a lot of time on your blog in the next year! To further respond to your request for posts — what would be helpful is a “day in the life” to-do list of tasks so that I can think further about how to break down the different tasks and create appropriate materials for training purposes. Again, thank you for your willingness to share all that you have learned.

  603. Sarah on

    Two of my best friends and I started a floral and event design company on the Kitsap peninsula last Fall. This is our first wedding season and I am so excited to grow many of the blooms and foliage that we will use in weddings this Summer. I have been a dabbler in growing flowers and veggies for years. There is something so satisfying about needing an ingredient for a recipe (like herbs, tomatoes, etc) and going out to my garden to get it. There is nothing fresher and I know that the food I feed my family is truly organic! The last two years though, the veggies are slowly starting to be replaced with flowers. Last year I used many of my peonies and roses in a friend’s wedding and there was such pride in using blooms I grew. I have purchased many of your seeds and this is the first year I am growing flowers from the start to finish! I have already messed up some of my starts, but at least I have learned lessons for next year! Your book is awesome and has become my number 1 resource when I have a question about whether to pinch, or not, vase life tricks, etc. Thank you for your helpful tips, tricks and inspiration!

  604. Margaret on

    Found you in the Magnolia Journal article just last month, got your book, love it! My small garden gives me a place to be quiet, peaceful and centered. Love reading all about your journey! Wish I lived around the corner from you as I am a hands on learner!! Love your posts, so informative and helpful!

  605. Ruma Costello on

    Found you in Magnolia Journal! I only have a small suburban backyard with a raised bed. In the past I’ve dabbled with veggies… I love the beauty of fresh, fragrant, and colorful flowers. I’m going to purchase your book and plan out my raised bed flower garden. I’ll share you with my flower loving friends as well.

  606. Trudi on

    I, too, read the Magnolia Journal article and became intrigued with the idea of having a beautiful flower garden. I currently have a large vegetable garden and grow zinnias to help with pollination of my vegetables. I would love to grow different varieties of flowers for cutting, but don’t have the insight for what would work the best in my part of the country. Your six questions are very thought provoking and I look forward to answering them and educating myself, just as you did, on how to grow flowers. Your on-line course in 2019 peeked my interest, too. I am sure I will have lots of questions as I move forward. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  607. Casey on

    Thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge! I’m in the high desert, Reno NV to be exact and am loving learning more about what flowers would grow best in my climate.

  608. kathryn corbett on

    I’d love to get your suggestions for cutting flowers that can stand some shade–and a cloudy coastal climate, besides.
    Thank you!

  609. Camille on

    Thanks for all of your insight and knowledge! It is so helpful and inspiring as It’s my first year trying to make a profit from cut flowers in Mason County,Wa. Thanks again!

  610. Mary Clark on

    Hi, I was wondering how you chose which type of flowers to grow when you first started? Did you envision a finished bouquet or did you go with what was easy and productive in your climate? Thanks in advance for your response.

  611. Hannah Grace on

    Hello! I have seen and LOVED your post on Pinterest lately in my search for floral insight! And today I read the Magnolia Journal article about you and was inspired to actively search for more info on you and your business.
    This article was very eye opening. Good questions! I can’t wait to answer them and move on in my journey (:
    Thank you for being inspiring ?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Hannah,
      Thank you for this note. We’re cheering for you as you begin your journey!

  612. Joyce Ewing on

    I had saved the June/July 2014 issue of Country Woman because of the article about you and would go back and read it from time to time. This is the first time I’ve got onto your blog and I have found it interesting. I’m in my late 70’s but have found it almost impossible to do any gardening these past 5 years because of severe back problems and arthritis. Living in Northern California, at the beginning of foothills and the end of a very hot valley also creates problems with growing flowers I’d like to which are those that take quite a bit of water and cooler temperatures. I’ll still try some of them though. I’m in the process of re-doing two flower beds at my driveway gate, one on each side. I’m going to plant each of them in mainly perraineal plants with room for annuals in the spring. Having a small greenhouse helps out. I envy you the ability to do what you are – it was one of my dreams too but some things are not to be. Keep up making the world beautiful, one flower at a time.

  613. Bob Wallace on

    I’ve been looking at your site for about 4 months. I think I read this blog post when I first found your site, but I just read it again. I’m tackling the same venture you’ve endured in very much the same way. However I’m in my first year. I’m a zone 7 grower on the east coast which lends me some advantages others may not have the luxury of having. Also my soil is workable without any amendment and is pretty “ideal” if it IS amended even haphazardly. Though one drawback is fertilizers run through it like a sieve along with water. Other than that, it’s easy on roots, keeps cool under the top inch or so, keeps enough moisture that it doesn’t completely dry out (under typical rainfall) especially with irrigation. Guess what type of soil I have yet? It’s SAND believe it or not. Anyway, I got into this whole thing because I have a huge (ca. 1/2 acre) back yard. Former farm land that was sold off as frontage to builders. I had literally no landscape so I started planting trees and shrubs. Everything established tremendously. Daphne, which is notoriously difficult and unforgiving to any intolerance thrives in my front border. I excavated a young dogwood from my parents’ house and also got it to survive. So with these victories under my belt, I started looking to undiscovered territory in what to do with my back yard. I wound up stumbling upon a book. You’ve probably heard of it. Flower Confidential by Amy Stewart. In this book I learned about the massive flower import in the U.S. and how ridiculously unsustainable the current U.S. import market is. Add that number crunchers have flower crops grown in the states anywhere from 15-35k per acre. I figured well… the demand is obviously there. There’s cap available within the domestic market (the niche hasn’t outgrown itself). I’ve got enough property for a small scale venture.
    Try it out! So, my idea was to start VERY small. But not so small I wouldn’t have substantial amount of product to offer. I tilled 10 50×4 foot rows. Tilled in about 4-5 cu. yds. of compost and applied half the suggested fertilizers from my soil tests. If that wasn’t some of the most back-breaking labor I’ve ever subjected myself to, then I don’t know what work is. I used a front tine tiller that with near no effort at all exerted from the machine, made me feel like I was in the ring with the Incredible Hulk for as long as I could keep fuel in it. Determination was the ONLY factor that saw the whole process through. Add insult to injury, I still had hundreds and hundreds of tubers, bulbs, rhizomes and corms to put in the rows I planted and thousands of feet of drip tape to run. I did it though. And I only had to take 3 days vacation from my full-time day job to do it. Here’s where things go south. To put it quite simply, starting things from seed is apparently NOT my forte. If all the plants on earth died and it was on me to repropagate the world with the last seed, just hang it up. We’re all done. It seems seeds are an art all on its own. Going into it, I thought it would be the simplest part of the process. Make sure you follow the general procedures for what seed you’re starting and all should be well. Nope. Not for me. Mind you I was working in a very spatially constrained environment. A corner in my dining room with and eastern exposed window. Things would germinate and almost immediately damp off. Or they would just creep along and just not thrive. I might be answering my own question here. Not enough sun. But I’ve tried other things outside in 1020’s with domes to no avail as well. I’ll be erecting a 10×15 greenhouse this summer out of old windows from a torn down building. I’m hoping this dedicated environment will overcome the failed seed starting I’ve experienced this year. Some of the things I directly sowed are coming in sparsely. But it doesn’t fix the problem I have now of having 2 1/2 of my rows potentially producing zero this year. I honestly feel a bit like a failure in that respect. Thanks for reading my rant.

  614. Michelle on

    Your site is beautiful and I’ve really enjoyed it’s content!

  615. Philipia on

    I bought your book after reading a review, and I was impressed with the content. I have a big pie lot with lots of sun and love gardening. But, I grow more than I can eat, and realized that I miss flowers. When I first started gardening in my early 20s,I would cut peonies and bring them into the house, and I loved the smell and colour, and the warm feeling they gave me. I lost that with raising three boys and sleping them to school and hockey. My boys have grown, and after reading your book, I realized it was time to nourish my soil and my soul, and bring more life into my garden, by attracting bees, butterflies and birds, And the rewards of cutting the fresh flowers and adorning my home and gifting a few bouquets.
    Thank you, I look forward to learning everything I can from you.

  616. July Urschel on

    After what seems like a lifetime of dreaming and wandering, I finally bought the farm of my dreams. We now own a 10 acre horse farm! My horses are settled into their respective 7 acres, which leaves me about 2 acres to play with. I love having fresh flowers and greenery in my home. The house can be cluttered to high heaven; but, having a vase with vibrant cuttings seems to outshine the messiness.

    I was turned onto your blog and book by my closest friend. She lives in Charleston, SC and has started a cutting garden. Her arrangements are simple, yet stunning. She spoke highly of the quality of your seeds and I have witnessed their beauty!

    I am now totally fan-girling Floret Flowers! I can’t wait to be inspired by your book!

  617. Jess on

    My new husband and I live on 180 acres in the Rocky Mountains. He’s taken over his parents ranch, which has grown massive spruce trees for the past 35 years. Before that, the farm grew potatoes. It was paid off by growing potatoes for soldiers during both World Wars. Over the past few years we have been building up our cattle herd thinking we wanted to go into meat production. After a very long, hard, and tragedy filled year for our family, my husband started wondering if cattle is the best option for us.

    I have been following your blog and instagram for at least a year. I bought flower seeds and your book this spring and have your Heirloom Magazine article from last summer earmarked. This week when my husband asked what we could possibly do with our farm instead of cattle, I showed him everything I have been learning from you. He listened intently, and this week is going to help me plant half of our hoop house with the seeds I ordered from you to see what happens.

    Your information has been invaluable to me and my family this year. I am looking forward to learning much more and signing up for your next workshop this fall!

  618. Hilda Pola de Ortiz on

    I live in the Riviera Maya (Yucatan peninsula, Mexico), I was a housewife for a long time, but my children grew up and left home, so one day I woke up without Mom work, and started to study floral design, I remember in my family party everyone liked my floral arrangements very much, so I decided to study floral design, today I work as a floral designer at weddings and event at the family hotel. But with my savings I will buy a Hacienda in Yucatan to grow my flowers, the weather is hot, so it will be a challenge. Thank you very much for your interesting article.

  619. Brooke Hansen on

    This was the perfect introduction for me as I start to dabble in the flower scene. We have been vegetable farmers for the past two years, growing over 10 varieties each year. But it’s been on my mind more than anything, to start a flower garden! Our landlord has a mason bee business in the basement of our barn/home and has them full swing in the garden. I hope to find flower varieties that the mason bees will love. I also am planning on starting a fresh cut flower/egg stand at the end of our driveway for our lovely little community in Black Creek on Vancouver Island here to enjoy. Everyone can agree that flowers can make someones day so why not promote that. Thank you for taking time to write these beautifully curated blogs, I look forward to reading on and buying your book (once my husband lets me)!

  620. Mary on

    My partner and I are nearing retirement (early for me) and are investigating the prospect of using the acre of pasture on our property for cut flower production. Realistically 3/4 of this would be planted and tended since we also chickens and other interests. We have a young friend with some production experience who might work part time (no capital and no land, but much love) and I am an avid organic gardener. I loved reading about your intensive planting because this is how I do my vegetables–well fed beds that produce twice what others get in the same space. How would suggest getting rid of the thick pasture grasses in preparation for first plantings? Any organic methods you have used for turning grass into weed free soil or do you just till and depend on the landscape fabric to do the rest? Also, suggestions of best flowers to start with or just grow a variety for all season availability?

  621. anna on

    I live on a developing farm of 160 acres, in northern British Columbia. With our long/very cold winters, my struggle has always been feeling guilt taking energy away from food farming to grow flowers. Starting flower seeds takes away space from starting food crops. Following you over the past year has allowed me to realize that if it makes me happy to grow flowers then I am just going to go for it. I have also realized that local flowers have a value of their own as potential income, especially in our very short growing season where most people cannot grow their own without greenhouse infrastructure . I want to take this year to experiment and hopefully fill friend’s homes with flowers. Now that we have moved to our permanent location on the farm and I have carte blanche to create as large of gardens as my heart desires (a dangerous thing) my questions would be… what would you prioritize first? a high tunnel greenhouse or lots of low tunnel hoops for the fields (and a lot of landscaping cloth)

  622. Amanda C on

    I am knee deep in reading all your blog posts, I’m thirsty for flower knowledge right now and to me there’s no such information as “too basic”. Your flowers are so inspiring! I’m in my early 30’s and this is my first year planting flowers ever. Currently I have a bunch of seeds in trays on heat mats, some seeds and bulbs in the ground and in pots and I’m just crossing my fingers! My main goal is to just get some blooms to make arrangements for myself and friends/family. Long term goal… have a larger scale flower garden and my own SHE SHED greenhouse/potting shed :) I’m loving all the information I’m getting from your site, now off to order your book…

  623. Laura Simpson on

    I love what you are doing and have been inspired to start a small cut flower garden using the landscape fabric with the holes burned in it. I also planted a few things here and there around the yard that will provide us with a few more plants to cut flowers from. I hope to find a small market to sell some of the flowers, and have no intent to go large scale. I find flowers fascinating and awe inspiring. I want to thank you for being so free with your information. I never would have attempted to start a cut flower garden if it had not been for the resources that you have available to answer all of my newbie questions! Wish me luck!

    • Team Floret on

      Thanks for your comment, Laura! All of us here at Floret are cheering you on!

  624. Brenda C on

    Thanks for the information…it will come in quite handy. My husband and I have purchased 12.5 acres of land and are in the process of building a farmhouse. My goal is to have a small plot for cut flowers, some fruit trees, and a garden. I grew up on a dairy farm but never took the gardening part seriously but now am wanting to learn how to now that I’m in my 40s. I want to do everything right away but know that it will be difficult as I work in a school system as a program specialist for special education and do work 12 months, so no summers off for me. I have just purchased your book and am anxiously waiting for its arrival. Looking forward to more wonderful posts.

  625. Loretta H. on

    This was very helpful! My husband and I are starting a small produce farm in southwest Minnesota, and I want to include cut flowers and bouquets when we start selling vegetables. Currently, I am an agriculture teacher at a rural high school, so my life revolves around the school year. My biggest question is what does a calendar year look like for you? What do you do each month to provide beautiful flowers and designs to your community? When do you start certain seeds? Transplant them? Do you practice any succession plantings?

    Thank you! I’ve been enjoying your “Cut Flower Garden” book immensely these last few weeks!

  626. Shelley Henshaw on

    Hello Erin; I am retiring after 31 years of being a litigator in June of this year. I have a farm of some 38 acres on South Pender Island in BC. It is in a protected valley in the centre of this small island. I have always loved flowers (who does not??) and can’t imagine not having some on my desk to get me through the day! When I saw your book “Cut Flower Garden” this past February – it jumped off the shelf at me!!!!! So I shall down the pen and don the garden gloves! I have had a pond dug which is now full (accessing and collecting water on the islands is tricky and a project in itself), the 7 ft deer fence is going up – (I am starting with a fenced in 1. 3 acres) and a small garden shed will be built. I have started some seedlings. I am so EXCITED! I completely understand how thrilled you and your family must be with your new farm! Congratulations!!! Cheers shelley

  627. Clare on

    What a beautiful and informative site. I’m just starting my first tentative steps into flower growing for my B&B and farm gate in Froggatt UK and this site is an inspiration. Thank you.

  628. Louise on

    Thank you for all your hard work in sharing your trails and tribulations
    I am in the process of teaching the learners at school about small scale farming. The girls have decided to do sweet peas. Thank you for the good advice of shade cloth. Here in South Africa we go straight from winter into summer with high temps. We looking fwd to selling out cut sweet peas at the school farmstall. Please advise which is the best variety, long stemmed, vase variety with a beautiful scent

  629. Lindsey on

    I really appreciate this article and all the information shared! I look forward to learning more! Thank you!

  630. Kayla Dowden on

    I’m about to take my very first stab at cut-flower gardening! I am so excited I came across your page! I found you on instagram this morning, and your blog this afternoon! Looking forward to more.

  631. Elisa on

    Thanks for writing these. We just purchased a 30 acre Farm and I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with it. These are helpful as I think and plan my way through this.

  632. Lynne Keith on

    I love this website and your book! I’ve always been a gardener, usually perennials, but do hope to add more cut flowers to my suburban yard. Besides the beauty and mindfulness possibilities, this will save me so much money, since I am buying cut flowers every week from the store.

    Your advice on getting started is very helpful and will keep me focused on what I can realistically do.

  633. Paula on

    Your 6 questions saved me a lot of time and money go boot. Ty

  634. Mia on

    Hello! I am a container gardener in NC and love your site. I wish I had acreage to plant in, but I’m happy that I have access to what I need to create a garden on my back patio. I know have lots of recommendations for in-grown gardening, but appreciate any chance you have to accommodate those of us growing in pots. Love your site! Best of luck with your new (?) farm. Sounds amazing!

  635. Ken Staton on

    A friend asked me to grow (for free) daises and sunflowers for her son’s wedding. In my greenhouse I have eight 72 cell flats of plants with two true leaves on them(shredded bark media). Labor outlook is daunting! (500+plants) I’m not sure what to feed them or the pot size to plant them in.

  636. Meredith Barbour on

    I so happy that i ran across you while researching information on Celosia Cristata’s. The information i’ve just read has helped me tremendously. I am just starting our as a a local flower farmer it is my dream to grow a good quality product to sell at market. It truly is my passion and as with things that are a “passion” you want it badly. I must acknowledge that all of the information I have read does have me a little overwhelmed and second guessing myself however i have resolved to “push through” the doubt and forge ahead like nobodies business. I am determined to succeed and your site has calmed me and given me the much needed motivation (so I thank you).

  637. Lily on

    I’m in only in high school but am really inspired by all that a flower garden can do, how do I know (or at least know enough to pursue it) that flower farming is the career I’d be happiest in and is right for me?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Lily! (perfect name, by the way!) One way to know if flower farming is the right career for you would be to start growing flowers in your yard on a small scale and also look for opportunities to volunteer or intern with a flower farm. Check the ATTRA Sustainable Farming Internship website or Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms or reach out to farms in your area listed on our Farmer-Florist Collective. Good luck!

  638. Helen Dake on

    There is so much information out there on how to grow vegetables and how to cook them, but little on how to grow cut flowers and foliage and what to do with them. So….your book and website are so welcome and useful. I have been inspired to expand what I grow (my snapdragon and foxglove seeds have just germinated!) We have added information from your book and website to a California Master Gardener workshop on “Flowers and Foliage for the House” and citing your materials as a resource.

  639. Susan on

    I’m a 62 year old woman with 11 grands. I have been gardening forever, but the last couple of years have been a challenge. I now realize it was the the horse manure compost that was probably screwing up my vegetables. (Herbicide to stop hay from flowering, horses eat it, poop it out and the herbicide still is viable) In a moment of madness I decided to try flower gardening. Two of my granddaughters were selling homemade cards(mortified by their spelling) in my neighborhood and they made $53. They gave most of money to Shriners but I thought maybe they’d like to sell flowers this summer. They are 10 and 9 yrs old, and they are going to help in the garden. My oldest son came over the burn the holes in the landscape fabric, I put a big fence around the plot (I always shared with the deer) and I have 65 zinnias, 35 snapdragons, some other seedlings started and we’re off. I have enjoyed the book and trying to make the workbook for me. Now if only I can stop my RA from flaring, ha!

  640. Carolyn M. Lawson on

    Thanks for the helpful information. I am interested in growing flowers for my own benefit for home, church and to share with friends. I am ready to get my feet wet and take some time to learn what is needed. Maybe down the road, if the opportunity presents itself, I can do more. I work full time now so my spare time is limited. I love flowers!

  641. Sandra Carter on

    I am so appreciative to have found you, your blog and your book. I’m reading past blogs, because I’m sitting here in the Spokane Valley, listening to the winds howl. I’m hoping my sweet pea seeds will break thru the ground soon, following your instructions with regard to soil. I’m curious, one of my favorite childhood flowers were my mother’s crackerjack marigolds. I don’t see them in your repertoire. Is it because of color or scent? I look forward to your wisdom and experience on growing cut flowers in all forms of social media!

  642. Kristine Masuch on

    Every photo, every article, every note you write, motivates me. I only want to grow enough flowers to fill my home, but your way of putting them together and giving such clear direction and help to everyone, whether a beginner or an experienced grower is truly inspirational.

  643. Lisa on

    I am thankful for every bit of information you share with us. I am also curious if any of your flowers self seed or if you start new seedlings each year. Thank you for giving us hope to follow our dreams.

  644. Nat Smith on

    Thank you for your very useful information and insight into flower growing. I’m looking forward to putting ideas into action, with some great advice from you.

  645. Angie from Portland, Oregon on

    Great article and you are a such a good writer. I loved how you as a person are part of the story and it’s all relatable. Thank you!

  646. Rose on

    Very useful and appreciated!

  647. Candace on

    Thanks for the post. Your info is very beneficial for an aspiring flower farmer.

  648. Kathleen on

    Your business inspires me as I work to cultivate flowers in the woods of WV. I grew them in adjunct to the main fruit and vegetable crop, selling beautiful bouquets at farmers markets. After a terribly painful divorce I lost all desire to flower farm before rekindling my love (8 years ago) here in the woods. It’s so much fun to create my own bouquets again. Hopefully, by following your suggestions on creating grids, I’ll be able to sell them someday at our farmers market.

  649. Sheila Hume on

    Apart from your very wise and down to earth( no pun intended) advice , your pictures are so beautiful and awe inspiring I feel re- energised.

  650. Jo on

    A great read for a new inexperienced back garden grower. Inexperienced but very excited.. thank you.

  651. Lisa on

    Loved reading about your business, I have a small plot of land I’m hoping to use for growing flowers in the hopefully not to distant future but we have an awful lot of preparation before I can get started ☹ with very little money to help. I’m growing a lot in our back garden and running out of space. Desperate to get the reward of using my own flowers for bouquets and other arrangments. ?

  652. Dawna Day on

    I Love “Its your north star” My goal this year is to enjoy each step of the flower growing process. This will be my 6th season growing for market and you have inspired me so much. Thank you for sharing all your information. I truly have found my north star.

  653. Tracey on

    Thank you for all the helpful & detailed information! I have a farm in Texas and have started growing seedlings for my cut flowers this year. Your site, blog and book have been a blessing to me in getting started the right way! Keep up the good work.

  654. Sharon Kitchen on

    My husband built me a fab studio in the garden last year. However, it casts shade over quite a bit of the garden now at certain times. I love the idea of creating a plan to track light conditions, etc. And looking forward to hearing your thoughts on shade lovers. Many thanks for all your advice!

  655. Mari on

    Found this very helpful and inspiring thank you for taking the time to write it .

  656. Brea on

    while I’m nowhere near the point of pursuing my dream of owning a family farm business, I’ve been doing a lot of hobby research. I’m wondering what are the pros and cons of having a flower business versus a traditional farmcrop- i.e. corn, heirloom tomatoes, etc. Is it less expensive? Do you need less/more space? How many hands do you need? How is the market? I haven’t been able to find much information out there so your opinion would be very eye opening.

  657. Emily Day Wenzlau on

    Thank you for writing this post. I have a small home garden in Pasadena, California and have admittedly cried over the weeds in our yard – with no babies or toddlers to contend with! I’m just getting started and have fallen deep down the rabbit hole of gardening and flower growing, so reading your blog has been incredibly enjoyable and educational. Thank you!

  658. Alex Fenollar on

    THANKS from Spain, you are inspiring and a very good example for us to chaise our dreams!

  659. Rosette Shauna on

    Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge with us. I am new to the flower growing game, as I am newly retired (teacher) and started dappling it last year – after my husband built me a greenhouse. Now I am addicted, and I want to grow more. Your blog is inspiring me to learn about the plants I am growing and what they need. You talk about the importance of compost, but my question is what type? (Or maybe you have answered that question and I haven’t gotten to that post yet.) And what type of fertilizer should I be using? And how often? There are so many others that are running through my mind, but those are my top 3 questions that I need help with. Thank you for doing what you do!

    • Mindi R Sudman on

      Hey! I am so happy to have found your blog. We have 3 acres and about 2 of them are wholly unused which makes me crazy(!!) so I decided to make the land work for us in a manner that is sustainable and enviro friendly, and maybe make a little extra income. I own a local restaurant and grew some veg last summer, for the restaurant, but not enough to really make a difference. It was our first year in business so as I’m sure you can imagine, it was nutballs and my time was sporadic and limited and my garden didn’t do as well as it had in the past. In my research to make a garden work for me this year, and to cut down on produce purchasing for One Eleven, I came across Pepperharrow Flower Farm in Winterset, Iowa. This was the turning point for me. A few years back, I had tinkered with the idea of a lavender farm but the restaurant was already in planning stages so the lavender farm was put away but now I’m ready to surge forward with all flowers and vegetables for 111. I just ordered your book and will be experimenting big this season and attending a local workshop in August to go over what I did wrong. :) I’m nervous but so excited, sometimes it seems very daunting but then I remind myself that they are flowers, they are forgiving and I haven’t put a lot of investment in it…yet. I’ve been devouring all of your blogs…thanks for writing I will continue reading. Happy Spring!

  660. Trish on

    Thank you for this blog. I’m looking to quit my office job and work full time on our Farm. It’s an animal farm only right now and I’d like to start a flower and vegetable gardening to generate some income for myself to offset not working in the office. This is a dream of mine and this will be the first year I will be able to start this endeavor.

  661. Jade on

    Hoorah! I stumbled upon your website in my preliminary research on flower farming… I live in southwestern France and there are no flower farmers where I live! How? Why? These are some of the questions I’d like to find answers to… Thank you for having this site and helping me ask more important questions. I will be giving it a better gander in the days to come. :)

  662. Tracey Clare on

    Thank you for everything you share. Flower growing for me is becoming not only an obsession but a different lifestyle too. Every day I’m learning by reading and trying different things with my plants and bulbs. Can’t wait to read your book which should be arriving at my bookstore on special order. Thanks again for your inspiration, beautiful photos and words.
    Tracey, NZ

  663. joleen m ervin on

    Thank you for all your posts. I have always had the desire to grow flowers but never could get it going. This year I am taking over my fathers garden, 5 slightly raised beds 4’x16′, full sun in the sunny Okanogan Co. I am starting a mixture of seeds that you have recommended and a few that I truly love. This is my starter year to test my ability and time it requires. My grand scheme is to sell fresh flowers all season at local farmers markets and fruit stands. Thanks for being my inspiration!

  664. Carol W on

    My dream to grow flowers to create bouquets
    We have 10 acres with beautiful mature trees stunning lilacs
    But also want to sell market flowers
    Silly question, how can I sell flowers at market, when there’s a possibility of bugs in flowers, I’m thinking big no no
    As a florist in small town have never seen bugs in one order, how to prevent that without strong chemicals

  665. Michelle on

    I live in Canada zone 4a I would love to grow a small garden to sell flowers at market . I am also interested in having enough to do wedding bouquets I have the land but not the time I work at a drs office as office Nurse Where my grow time is shorter would I still do succession planting I have purchased your book just waiting for its arrival .i have perennial beds and always grow annuals .

  666. K. Regis on

    You are truly an inspiration, not only is the information you provide second to none, but the aesthetics of your website is like a taking a quick getaway from a busy day. A friend and I are just starting out and we find ourselves reciting the information you provide to each other throughout our day. We are so happy to find that you are selling bulbs and seeds. We shop with full confidence that we are purchasing the best product available. Congratulations on all that you have achieved.

  667. Vicky Bennett on

    Thank you for your inspiration, I just recently came across your website and social media sites. I have decided to try my hand at growing cut flowers in my own backyard as I love to have fresh florals in my home as well as giving them as gifs to family and friends. I spend a lot of time running to farmers markets and grocery stores to purchase flowers so I figured why not try this on my own. I live in Ohio and have a pretty extended growing period, though the summers do get humid here.
    I’m thinking of starting with my favorites peonies, dahlias and lillies. My question is should I start with seeds or purchase plants? Wish me luck and I will continue following you for continued inspiration and expertise,

  668. Karen M on

    I am finally at the point at which I can devote more time and energy to understanding flowers. I have been a dedicated vegetable grower for the past ten years, but have been inspired by Floret and the CSA farms I have been to. I also helped a woman with a business plan for a cut flower and herb business. Now that my son is older, I have the time to devote to this new area. (PS thank you for saying that comments don’t pop up immediately. Sorry about the two comments I submitted this morning for one of your contests. I’ll be more patient :)

  669. Jacquie on

    Thank you for your blog of six important questions, all very sound and worth contemplating. Your comments following each question are insightful and inspiring.

    I had already sorted through some of the answers as I was selecting which seeds to purchase late last year. This is really my first year of growing flowers with any amount of gusto. Many of the seeds have sprouted (indoors, no greenhouse yet) and there are plenty more to start. I was concerned that I may have gone overboard with the seed order but I have a vision of the lot on which I dwell bursting with blooms (and some vegetables too, of course). I like the idea of growing flowers to share with friends and neighbors and love the idea of having a flower shop, being surrounded by beauty while I’m working. It’s so close to being real that I can smell the fragrant aromas as I type this.
    Am I in over my head? Perhaps, well probably, the lot is sloped but not too big and I’m basically starting from scratch by myself but the soil is rich and easy to dig. I’m passionate about this project which I plan to expand a little more each year.

    I’m sure you hear this often but it’s worth repeating, your website is lovely. You’ve obviously done a great deal of work though the photos give a sense of ease and serenity. The information is timely & thoughtful and it’s really kind of you to share so openly. Thanks, again!

  670. Lyndy Reynolds on

    Hi Erin, I am very inspired by your social media and your book.
    I am struggling to find a planting guide for FLOWERS for sub tropical conditions.
    There are plenty for vegetables but harder to find for flowers.
    I guess its a matter of reading the back of Aussie seed packets.
    I have learnt so much from your book like how close to plant them together, testing soil, trellising etc.
    You are on the right track – all details are great, it must be hard though as our conditions are all so different.
    We are in Autumn now – so looking forward to a break from the heat!
    Very difficult keeping things alive and to even enjoy the garden in such heat.
    Have a beautiful day, Lyndy xx

  671. Carly Sadri on

    I am excited to start planning my flower garden (with your seeds I recently purchased!) but am wondering if you have advice about soil amendments. I have clay-based dirt to work with here in Trail, OR- very sticky in the spring and hard in the summer. I’d like to avoid the cost and labor of building beds but don’t want to jeopardize the flowers’ productivity. I have about an acre I’m working with. Advice?
    I’m so grateful for your time and energy to read my question. Thank you!

  672. Jo Cook on

    Your website is awesome. My friend in Spokane has a farm, reads your blog and grows cut flowers for market. For myself here in Bothell, I only wanted to grow peonies and hydrangeas. My goal is to have flowers for my daughter’s wedding in 4 or 5 years (I’m hoping I have that much time). And then weddings of friends, etc. after that.
    I’ve planted 14 hydrangeas so far thinking that should be enough. Limelight, Little Lime, Strawberry Sundae. In areas where they’ll add a lot to the landscaping too.
    Just planted 27 peonies last fall and hopefully 15 more this coming fall to create an all white peony border (tho all won’t bloom at same time). I realize I want pinks and reds too and have the space but need to take a breather and make sure I’m doing things right. But then I saw your dahlias…. oh dear. So lovely. Good thing you were sold out.

    Keep up the good work and if you have any tips for me (besides a warning that I might be a flower hoarder) I’m all ears.

    Thank you!

  673. Jessica Burton on

    Erin your site is so inspiring. The weather is starting to show signs of spring being just around the corner and I’m itching to get outside & play in the dirt! Reading your post helps sooth that itch as the last frost is deffinately a little ways off. Thank you.

  674. Brittany on

    Thanks so much for all the information! I’ve been reading a few blog posts of yours and I’m really enjoying them!! I’m doing as much research on flower farming before I start getting my hands dirty, again, last spring wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be so before I invest anymore money in it I would like to know a little bit more about the whole process lol. My only question is, I live in Oklahoma, the climate fluctuates pretty often. What source of information would be the best to seek out to give me a good understanding of how to go about planting flowers in this climate?

  675. Christine on

    I’ve been reading through your blog posts a lot lately as I recently stumbled on this website. I’m really interested in growing flowers and obsessed with learning about everything! Your blog posts have been very informational and easy to understand, which I love! I have a long way to go and when I have the space for it I will definitely be ordering from you guys! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  676. Jennifer Smith on

    Thank you so much for this article! It has made me realize I do need to slow down a bit and plan better. My hope is to have a garden farm, pick your own, and or sell to vendors. We have a large amount of space to work with. My question is, what would you suggest starting off with? 1/2 an acre? 1 acre? More? I have a 4 acre area set aside for this particular project? What’s too much to bite off just starting? I do have four littles, as well as a dairy/crop farm.. am I crazy? What’s the time involement?! Thank you for your help!

  677. Rachel Radcliffe on

    My daughters (ages 12 & 11) and I are looking for a way to make some extra money from home. I worked at a cut flower farm while in highschool. My daughters’ enthusiasm for this as a business has me looking for answers to their questions (and getting excited at the same time.) I plan to read as much of your blog as I can. Thank you for your article. It was very helpful.

  678. Ashley Thomas on

    Thank you so much for sharing your advice and wisdom! I am an aspiring grower and this has helped me….. I have ordered seeds, sent off soil samples, and now am wondering how in the heck I’m going to be able to do this working a full time job. This post has helped me to see from experienced eyes. I have a great area to grow with plenty of space. Your advice has helped me to see how to start…. and although I want more than anything to jump in 100%, planning it out and taking it slow seems like it will pay off. Thank you!!

  679. Melissa on

    This is such helpful information. I have been dabbling for many years now and am in the planning phase that will lead me out of dabbling and into a much bigger, though hopefully manageable, venture. I love that I don’t have to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and experience!

  680. Renee on

    Thank you for these informative and inspiring posts. I have long fantasized about being a flower farmer and am feeling like it might finally be time to turn the fantasy into reality. Reading posts like yours makes me believe I really can do this! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, love of flowers and encouragement! Kudos!

  681. Kara on

    Thank you so much for all of your blog posts! They are so helpful. I strive to have land blooming in flowers one day!

  682. Grace on

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write to us about what you’ve learned from growing flowers. The new knowledge absolutely helps the beautiful community of flower farmers across the world ☻. I am a second year apprentice at a CSA farm on Long Island, your posts give me courage to make this a successful season for the people I farm with and for my own soul. Especially loved the succession planting post! Very helpful!

  683. Liz on

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your wisdom to all of us! I plan to grow a cut garden just for my personal enjoyment and your posts are so detailed and helpful! Exactly what I need! Thank you!!

  684. Maria on


    Maybe I should not write this comment. Maybe I will embarrass myself with all this big dreaming and my rusty english. But hey, it is late in the evening, way past midnight and I just feel like telling someone else about all my thoughts and to let you know how much impact you have in my life, dreams and thoughts.

    I have followed you for quite some time now…. :-) I have a small garden where we live. A very small garden… I have approx 3 garden bed measuring 4 feet wide and 13 feet long (120 cm and 4 meters long) + 5 raised beds measuring 2,5 feet x 4 feet. I have now for some years tried growing my own flowers, to add as an interesting and unique supplement for the cut flowers I buy, when I have assignments as weddings and such. I recently just got 2 smaller hotels as “partners” where I will be delivering all the flowers they will be needing for weddings and other celebrations. ( I started as a part-time florist barely 2 years ago and full time since late fall 2017)

    Last year was a disaster in my garden. I planted many of my flowers and especially my sweet peas too late as the cold would not let go (and I had started the seeds way too early). The weed totally smashed my little tiny cut flower garden and the rain just kept comming with low teperatures and not a lot of sun. Actually the sunflowers and my thistles were the only ones doing ok. So I just left everything as it was and have been looking at wilthered plants all winter, buzzing and thinking what to do. I am stubbern. In a good way I think. :-) So when the tears and my self-pity stopped, I again have started dreaming about self-produced flowers and how I would wish I had much more land to plant and grow flowers on! But for now I have what I have, and maybe that’s ok. I tend to, as you write you do, to live in the future.

    Reality is that I have 2 smaller children, one in the age of almost 7 and one who turn 4 in may. At the same time I struggle to start up my florist business and use all available time thinking, dreaming and working with flowers and ALL the other stuff that followes along beeing a fairly new business owner, having my business on-line with no physical store.

    I truly believe that the future is more locally grown flowers. Here in Denmark there are almost none (of what I know of anyway) who grow flowers, even less on open land. and even-even less without the use of chemicals. I DREAM of someday to have my own 2 acre of land from where I will be able to grow my own flowers, to use in my own business, produced in a environmentally friendly way.

    So for this new season I will cover my tiny garden beds with landscape fabric, add irrigation and make catarpillar tunnels for some of the beds (-this will be a sunny summer, I know!) As we are in the spring now I do not have the time to send in earth samples for testing, but I have bought a small testing package which can tell me the PH value of my beds. I will use this summer as a start for something more and keep dreaming big and maybe some day I will be able to rent some land (as we are surrounded by fields and live at the country side).

    You inspire me so much

    THANK YOU for sharing all this knowledge. I thank you from my deepest of my heart.

    Not many people know of this dream I have, as those few I have told it to, just smiles and say that they do not think it will be possible and that I should just focus on beeing a florist and buy all my flowers. You cannot do both they say. (They did not belive in me beeing able to live as a florist either – this year I will show them wrong). I KNOW it will be possible. It will be possible. Some day. You did it.

    S o c a n I.

    • Team Floret on

      We’re cheering you on, Maria! You can do it!

  685. Peter White on

    Great read. I found your blog while searching for greenhouse ideas. I have 5 acres of field in Sutton Vermont I am getting ready to cultivate and as part of the first phase i am thinking of growing cutting flowers.

  686. Jillian on

    Oh wow! Thank you for all of the insight and continued education. You are truly inspirational with every single paragraph. My dream is to follow some of your footsteps, however the land I have is much much smaller (for now?). I would love to sell flowers out of an old Shasta camper for market-goers and passer-byers. I am taking small steps to seek out this tiny dream of mine. Is there any chance I could visit with your Ohio team mate? Does she have a working flower farm? Thank you so very much!

  687. Dawn harper on

    My Name is Dawn and reading your posts are so inspiring.?
    I am a new Flower farmer in Canada and I’m really looking forward to my first year of flower farming.

  688. Lisa on

    Thank you for the fabulous content you provide! I stumbled upon Floret Farm on Insta, and kept digging deeper. I have purchased and read The Cut Flower Garden, and it was a beautiful, encyclopedia-like, inspiring look into growing cut flowers. I couldn’t put it down, and read it cover to cover in just a few days! I am especially interested in hoop-house gardening, since here in SE MT the hot, dry wind is a major obstacle to growing anything! The snow is piling up here as we speak, but I can’t wait to get things started!

  689. Jen on

    I just found your blog and am so happy I did! My husband and I are about to purchase the landscape business he’s been working at for 25 years. I am a designer with a love of gardening and a passion for flowers. My mind has been racing with the possibility of expanding the nursery. However, the one thing I don’t want to do is take on more than we can handle. Thank you for your insight and direction!

  690. Bridget on

    So helpful. So so helpful. Especially having little ones. The constant lesson – less may be more . No need to reply. We all have a million things on our plates. Thank you for keeping things real over here. Warmest, briddie

  691. Camille on

    I just stumbled across your blog today by chance and I’m SO happy I did. I’ve dabbled in flowers in the past few years and I LOVE the idea of growing a small backyard full of beautiful flowers to make arrangements or sell at our local farmers market. I’m looking forward to the how- to posts and digging in when the series is live! Thank you!

  692. Shelby Monroe on

    This post is exactly what I needed to hear, even if I didn’t want to. I currently have that inquisivw toddler interested in uprooting all the cool weather vegetables I’ve planted. I have a small home vegetable garden, but we’re adding a small patch, about 150sqft of space to try out a cut flower garden. I grew up in the Carolinas the land of Hostas, Hydgrenas, Azaelas and Dogwoods. Now we live in a quaint suburb near Dallas and I’m having to adjust to the new climate. This will be my first time starting seed since I worked at the botanical gardens in college. I’m a pleasant mix of nervous and excited with all the new variables. More than anything I’m looking forward for a way to spend time outdoors with my little girl and cultivating her love for gardening as well.

  693. Maria on

    Hi Erin! Hailing to you from Lehi, Utah! I bought and read your Cut Flower Garden book over the past couple of days! Loved it! I am actually starting out with the same size of Garden you had at first and with the same age/number of kids. ? My purpose for growing some cut flowers is to work on my floral design skills and give away fresh bouquets to my family, friends and neighbors to brighten their lives. I am excited to get started, but also nervous since I grew up in apartments and have zero experience tending a garden! (We just bought this house last year and it came with a big beautiful yard and garden space.) I am pretty nervous about starting seedlings and will have to figure out a place to do so in my house or garage. It is easy for me to want to buy all the flowers you mention in your book, but I am trying to hold off and only buy a good amount to learn with. Wish me luck! I am going to need it!

    • Team Floret on

      Don’t be nervous about seed starting–you can do it, Maria!

  694. Therese on

    Thank you for this article. Before I read it, I was getting ahead of myself. These simple steps will lead me to the next step. I would like to grow and sell part time. I do not like what I see at the grocery store or the prices. People are settling for less. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with others like me!

  695. Shelly Zollinger on

    I have been a landscape designer for 25 years. Mostly flower beds, and decided I am tired of going to others homes and businesses. So we bought 6 acres and as I was trying to decide weither to sell bedding plant or perinnals I found your book and I knew at that moment exactly what I was going to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have saved me a lot of trial and errors. Thanks again Shelly Zollinger

  696. Jennifer Dulaney on

    I’ve always grown vegetables or flowers and get a huge amount of satisfaction in watching my baby plants grow up into big, producing plants. I love having fresh flowers in my home but am frequently frustrated at the selection at our grocery store or florist. The part of the state I live in doesn’t have any fresh flower markets. Earlier in the year, I visited a huge farmer’s market that had so many beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers for sale. I live on 17 acres and was inspired to grow my own flowers for me and hopefully, have enough success to take some to sell to others. Your website has already been so helpful and informative even though today is the first day I have found it. I am so excited and inspired to get my garden ready to go and planted!!!

  697. Jurga on

    Dear, thanks for sharing your story. I am interested in becoming a florist and because of you I am getting more inspired of becoming one. I have just doubts in florist business itself, without growing flowers, and ordering it for making floral designs (because in my country I doubt it’s worth growing flowers for the florist’s business, or it’s harder). I am wondering when you become a florist how to start on your own? Is it better to find suppliers for the flowers? How to spread the word and attract people? Maybe these are quite clear or silly questions but they are bugging me…thank you!

  698. Melissa on

    This post is my first visit here. I liked all the questions. I’ve always wanted to grow a cutting garden. We just moved to an acre lot that is full sun. I think I will take your advice and wait a little while before jumping in. I’m nervous about growing from seeds. I’ve never had much luck with them. I plan on seeing if you have more ideas along this line. Thanks!!

  699. Nancy on

    Many years ago I grew flowers for our local farmer’s market and I wish I’d had your suggestions then to really make a go of it. Instead I got into other things but always grew flowers to share with friends. Over the last few years I have been growing wedding flowers for my friends’ childrens weddings – at no charge, but I can’t have any “Bridezillas”! I especially love it when they have someone else who has offered to make the bouquets, etc and I just do the growing! Now that I have just retired, I want to continue doing this and also provide flowers for our local hospice, church shut-ins and a nursing home where I worked. My challenge is in not trying to do too much and keep my sanity. I probably will have enough flowers to go to farmers’ markets but that might put me right over the top! I believe that flowers are truly “food for the soul” and I love sharing them. Thanks for your inspiration!

  700. Andrea on

    Thank you so much for this post! I am excited to plan my first cutting garden. I just bought your book a few weeks ago and have already read every page. I appreciate the advice on not biting off more than I can chew – I tend to think big but I should probably start small and build up from there. Thank you, thank you!

  701. Barbara Ottolino on

    I love how your carefully structured questions force me to focus. Everything is so very clear. I will be gardening in my own small yard and in small plots that belong to friends and neighbors. Mapping and planning each by following your instructions will help me produce small mini gardens that will encourage my friends to offer me larger pieces of land in the future – if all goes well, thanks to your tutelage.

  702. Aspen House on

    I love that you mention having a “why”. I’m going to give my new garden a healthy dose of cut flowers this year, at first I just wanted to have companions for veggies. But our first summer here produced blooms I have never seen before coming from a zone 3 to a zone 6. My why, is really about healing the land and connecting people to the “now”that only nature can bring. I’ve spent some time observing the land and asking it how I can help create a wild garden that will express it’s truest essence. Flowers! Like joy springing right from the soil itself. The very thought of this “laughter” growing up from my land brings me peace. And I hope others will be enveloped by it when gazing at flowers. I feel grounded having answered the why. Thank you. ?

  703. Debby P on

    I live in N. Central Florida and I’m interested in growing flowers for family, friends and to sell. Any suggestions on what I may need before getting started? Even though Florida is called “The Sunshine State”, I also have some shaded areas on my property for planting. Any advice will be helpful. Thank you.

  704. Mary Davis, Kentucky on

    Love this site! It tempts me to try flowers on my small farm…
    But, I am going to follow your advice and start with small beds for my home and friends/family…
    Thank you for this site!

  705. Tamara on

    I just bought some of your seeds, and am excited to just test things out this year with my two kiddos and husband. No pressure, not trying to become a flower farmer overnight, BUT maybe add some fun to my weddings and projects this year. This post is so helpful, and I can’t wait to read and learn more! Starting to realize it might be a bigger project than anticipated, but also rewarding. Hoping that together it’ll be a fun family thing to do outdoors!

  706. Mary C on

    Hey Erin,
    I’ve got 1200 square feet in at 3500 feet of elevation in Utah. 5, 4×8 raised beds and the rest being unused yard space. I thought I would do two big hoop houses (25’long x12.5′ wide x 6′.3 tall) so that I can extend into spring and fall and have protection from high wind and rain. It would be a temp sheet roof so I could have it removed most of the season. I would only putting the sheeting over when a weather scare was imminent. Also I have bought seeds for a wide variety of flower from your shop. Looking forward to growing! I am worried the hot summers we have… rarely over 95 degrees but hot days on end with cool nights down in the 70s. I’ve had my soil tested and it’s great on nutrients and pH but a little on the clay side. I don’t want to add peat Moss due to the pH and unsustainable nature if it. How can I amend my soil to be better draining? Any ideas on what to plant after my sweet peas die from the heat? Where do you send your plant waste from your spring flowers when you transition to fall bloomers? I have so many questions ha! I think I can make a decent first attempt but figuring out everything seems so daunting… things can go so wrong so fast. Thanks for the posts they are super helpful!

  707. Nichole on

    I have become fully obsessed with your blog and everything you have to offer. I found about Floret last year, but I was too late to order anything and anxiously waited until this year so I could order seeds, tubers etc. I have always loved flowers and have paid a pretty penny for a single stem at our local flower shops here in Utah. Being originally from California, where flowers are at every farmers market and available all year round, I decided now that we own a house with a large backyard that I wanted to grow what I can in our garden area we created last year. I’ve taken some landscaping classes at our local garden conservation center as well and really just love everything involved in it. I now have something to look forward during these long, cold, snowy months. After losing my mother to cancer this past October and having to move my elder father with dementia to Utah as well, I realized this project will come full circle so I can get him involved in the process of planting the seeds inside and then having him tend to the flowers as well. I hope to take one of your workshops in 2019! Thank you for all the beauty you provide through your Instagram, blog and website… you are helping my father and I in ways you’ll probably never know. XOXO

  708. Suzanne Bardsley on

    I found this site through a post my friend made on Facebook. I watched her enjoy her flower garden last year and wondered how she was so instantly and bountifully successful. She is amazing(!), and I now know she gets her seeds and information from you. :) Your six important questions are just that. I tend to spin many plates and I appreciate the voice of experience. I have a lot of space, lots of compost (we have a lot of goats), and need to be very careful with water. We drip irrigate almost everything. I am looking forward to starting a small flower garden! Thank you!

  709. Karen on

    Hi Erin, I didn’t realise growing cut flowers where a possibility till I happened upon your book this Christmas. Loved it and feeling very inspired :) Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences!

  710. Deanna spraker on

    We have owned about 3 acres around our home for 20 years and I have tried to talk my husband into growing just about anything from pumpkins to soybeans and chickpeas and finally this year I have talked him into growing specialty cut flowers. So as of this spring we will begin. I find anything floret so inspirational and I appreciate all of you tips and honesty. I am just struggling with what to grow and how many varieties and what to succession plant because I want to grow it all. So I don’t know how many different varieties to begin with. Thanks again for all the floret tips.
    Deanna Spraker

  711. Debbie Ellis on

    I’ve had an allotment for 3 years now sharing it at first with an older chap whose lead I followed planting veggies for the first 2 years. I’m now heading into my 4th year. It was great to reap the food rewards but I didn’t really enjoy the growing process. Last year my friend retired from the garden and It became my sole responsibility and I decided to change over to flowers. I have loved it. I am a church flower arranger (no training) with a tiny yearly budget and had to hunt down the cheapest flowers around-which was usually supermarket stock. This last year changed this and I used what I grew whenever I could. I had read a couple of good flower farmer books that inspired me to start the summer before and from here my plan grew. I inherited 2 greenhouses that I intend to put in better locations this year and want to invest in a bigger shed. I am always looking for how to plan and manage a cut flower garden making the most of precious spare time with family and work commitments and look forward to future blogs

  712. Angie on

    Erin, one recommendation for us new growers is dealing with hard to kill pests. You may have a post somewhere but it is not coming up. For us in the Midwest, at least, we are plagued by pests like cucumber and corn root beetles which can be major destroyers. This was my first year dealing with these pests and holy moly, almost made me want to take a torch to the beds. Thanks!

  713. Suzanne on

    So glad I found this site! I have been an organic vegetable market gardener for 4 years. I dabbled in flowers last year and now ready to start growing flowers for market this season. I found the grid farming practices to be most helpful as I plan my flower garden layout. Thank you for taking the time to spell all of this out!

  714. Jamie on

    Your blog is very inspiring. My husband and I want to start a self-sustaining farm and cut flowers seem the best option to start. We also have two littles, a preschooler and a toddler. I’m very interested in learning more about how you managed both your kids and your flowers without going crazy.

    Thanks for sharing, it is incredibly helpful to hear someone’s experiences and to know it can be done.

  715. Mallory Allgeier on

    I am interested in growing flowers for personal use, but have limited space because we are renting. Due to restrictions put in place by our landlord, we are only able to garden in flower pots. We are very fortunate that our yard receives a lot of light (we live in Alaska), but we also deal with a short growing season. Do you have any recommendations for plants that would do well in pots or recommendations for pot sizes? I’m very interested in planting sweet peas and poppies, but am unsure how deep the pots would need to be. I was also curious if you had a preferred potting soil that you use and if you have ever tried growing flowers under a grow light? Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  716. Pandharinath Mhaske on

    Namaste! I am retail florist since 1993 and dreaming to go back my native place village and grow open cultivated flowers. Now I am 55 years old, is it advisable to thinking or doing new career as flower grower?please help. Pandharinath Mhaske

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Pandharinath– We have a lot of “second career” students –including people of ALL ages– who are currently enrolled our Floret Online Workshop! The advice I would give to you is what I give to all my students: start small (you definitely don’t have to do it all your first season!), get some experience and then see where it takes you! Enjoy!

  717. Becky on

    Hi Erin. Thanks for sharing all your hard efforts and tips. I am a Christmas tree farmer in Oklahoma, and am dipping my toes into some cut flowers for wreath making. I’m so excited to get started, and hope I can take it one step at a time. I tend to dream a bit too big! Once again thanks. The advice is golden!!

  718. Leila Jordan on

    I’m finding these so helpful. We’re gearing up to take our small flower CSA to the next level and I’m finding myself overwhelmed by the sheer number of possible flowers to include this coming year. I want to keep the number of different flowers we grow to a reasonable level. We’re not ready for 100 types of flowers! But what is the right amount? We’re only cultivating half an acre in the San Juan Islands.

  719. Rachel Anderson on

    Thank you for all your insight and for creating such a beautiful, inspirational and info packed website! I live in the PNW, and am planning a small urban flower CSA for 2018. I’ve been supplying a few businesses in town with flowers for a couple of years, but I’m ready to step it up a notch. I live on a residential lot and have been enjoying the challenge of limited space. While I daydream of vast acres of wide open space, I’m also very grateful for what I have to work with and truly believe it is possible to produce plenty on very little. I’ve been inspired by your other posts about folks doing similar things in other parts of the country and I want to join the urban farming movement! Thanks again!

  720. Helen on

    Hi Erin
    I also brought your book and recently placed an order for Seed’s which I am eagerly awaiting their arrival here down under in Australia. I was wondering if you know any growers in southern Australia that may be interested in sharing knowledge etc. I would also be interested in your online course and whether you think it appropriate for me in Australia
    Thank you for all your inspiration

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Helen– yes, we have a number of Australian flower farmers currently enrolled in our Floret Online Workshop! (Be sure to sign up to be notified about our next enrollment period.) I believe there are some Facebook groups for Australian growers–it might be worth a quick search. I hope you enjoy the book!

  721. Catherine Cooper on

    Reading about your farm on a sub-zero day from my Missouri home is like a little beam of sunshine!

    Do you remove the wire grids after each season or do you replant with those in place?

    Thank you!

  722. Jennifer on

    Your website is my dream. I love flowers! We just built a home on a .39 acre lot near Salt Lake City, Utah. I would love to use one end of it for a vegetable and cut flower garden. I purchased several seed and dahlia varieties from you. YEAH! I have a question though. I would love to start my seeds before my frost date but I can’t do out inside my home. Any suggestions? Is it possible to do it outside?

  723. Anna on

    So grateful for your insight and information! I bought your book and loved it.
    I have been planting flowers here and there at my home for a while, but only after committing a lot of time and research into a border bed in front of my house did my husband recommended I look into making it a career. He’s been working on his own farm work with growing vegetables and greens, so we thought flowers would fit right in (and be a lot more fun for me!)

    I definitely have a lot more to learn, so here’s to looking into my first year of research and experimentation of my own farm. Are you planning on writing another book soon? Hehe! Thanks again for all you do!

  724. Sarah on

    Last year, I ordered my very first packets of seeds from your shop. Since this was my first attempt at growing anything from seed, I was a bit skeptical. With the help of the information from your blog and book, I had a hugely successful growing season. Yesterday, I placed my order for the upcoming growing season. I am hoping to muster up the courage to share my bounty at some of our local farmers markets. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing your knowledge and passion. Happy cultivating!

    • Team Floret on

      Hooray! That’s great, Sarah! Thanks for your comment. Let us know how it goes at market!

  725. Ashley on

    I just found yalls shop/site and am obsessed! Starting my first flower garden on our little farm this spring! Can’t wait to read more of your posts!

  726. Sarah on

    I’ve got two little ones at home and I appreciate you question about how much time I really have. I want to grow more flowers as a way to find more beauty and peace in and around my chaotic home. I’ll start with just a few!

  727. cristiana on

    I am a big fan of Floret Farm. I bought the book. I leave in a house in Chicago area and I have some space to grow flowers.
    I have only plantes some bulbs here and there, but this year, your book inspired me to start something a little more organized.
    I have always lived in condos and big cities and this is a new experience for me.
    Thank you for making our days prettier !

  728. Dana Smyl on

    I just received my first seed collection for Christmas from my husband!!! It was the best gift under the tree. And now I’m already trying to plan out my spring prep for my new baby’s to grow the best they can.
    I’m in St. Paul Alberta Canada and our season is extremely short. So I’m hoping to start them inside a bit earlier. I’m going to start small but hope I find a few seeds that work for our climate. I have plans to have a small green house soon and to produce enough Floral for some small local businesses.
    Your posted helped me to put things in perspective. Slow down and make a solid plan. Because honestly I wanted to order everything and I would not have been ready yet. Thank you.

    • Team Floret on

      Yay! So glad you liked your gift, Dana! Happy gardening!

  729. JaneanDanny Neupert on

    I thought I would try a cut flower garden this last year, but my husband’s health interrupted all our gardening plans. I want to try again this year. I’ve put your book on my list for every Santa I know. We live 80 miles SE of KC, MO. We have 32 separate beds in our backyard in town. Our soil we amend routinely. What I am needing is a flower seeding calendar as the schedule nurseries use to have the plants blooming just ahead of the last frost date, April 15thish. Can you help? Can’t wait to see if Santa grants my wish.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Janean, I hope Santa grants your wish, too! Ok, if you look at the seeds offered in the Floret Shop, you’ll find lots of growing information. Most flowers do best if you start them inside in seed trays several weeks before your last frost—it varies by species. You can find seed starting tips here:

    • Lola on

      Your posts are so inspirational. I currently work a full time and for sometime have been thinking about other ways of generating an income by doing something I love. I’m growing dahlias in my garden for the first time this year and the photos of your dahlias was what first brought me to your blog. I have spent the last two days thinking maybe I could start a small flower farm too! Thank you for the generosity in sharing your knowledge and love of flowers.

  730. Mandy on

    Great read I am debating this write now. The timing is right for our family, oh but to make the leap yikes! This is a helpful realistic guide to help me get clear about what I actually want right now!

  731. Liz T. on

    I am so excited to expand my flower garden next year. I got your book this last spring and it inspired me to try new things with my gardening. I had so many flowers and I totally can relate to your why. Gardening helps center my focus on the here and now. I love your blog and your book and can’t wait to have my own flower farm soon. But for now I am going to learn as much as I can in the space I have. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences !!! They are very much appreciated.

  732. Chelsea on

    Adore your website, just ordered your book.Sending love all the way from Australia!

    • Team Floret on

      Thanks! Enjoy the book!

  733. Rondi Anderson on

    Being stubborn I too have learned these lessons the hard way. Starting my fourth year I am sure I will still run into a few of these brick wall this summer, but am greatful the lessons are starting to stick. Thank you for the concise reminder.

  734. Mary on

    Hi Team Floret,

    Thanks for raising my vibration with all the flower love and information. In answer to Erin’s request for participation, this past summer I had a serious problem with bugs and mites. So, it would be a big relief to find some organic ways to control the problem. Yes, overgrowth was a problem with some rogue tomato seeds and buggy vegetables which I let run wild and took over the garden, but it also hit my potted flowers and vegetables. I live in New Jersey and the weather has only just turned cold which didn’t help. Thanks again.


  735. Julie on

    Hi Erin,
    Thank you to you and your team for providing guidance to newbies like myself! I am soaking up every bit of information from you site and I’ve already devoured your book…twice! I didn’t sign up for the online classes this time around as I wanted to have some funds to buy plants and seeds to dabble in the 2018 season. I realize I can’t do it all now so I’m taking it in chunks…I, like you, also have 2 little kids – now 9/10 but they occupy a lot of our time so knowing how much time I have to devote to my dream is key to it’s success and my sanity LOL! Looking forward to continuous learning and a beautiful flower filled 2018. Keep sharing!

  736. Robin Ambrosino on

    took all my measurements and made a long list of what to grow. getting organized before the course starts. can’t wait!

  737. Angela on

    Hi Erin,

    I live in Southern California (cramped up in LA County, to be specific), and have long dreamt of when and how and where I could wiggle my way out of here to a place a little more spread out – my husband and I both often ruminate about a slower pace of life (Maybe not slower. Just different.) I’ve been following your blog and IG for a while, and have been so inspired by the transparency in your business, and your willingness to offer advice to those who are just starting out or are toying with the idea. Thank you so much for that – the age of social media has bred so much insistence on secrecy and individuality that many often operate as if others’ acquisition of success somehow diminishes their own. I love this about your work. Lately I find myself absolutely glued to your website, daydreaming, poring over every little bit of advice you share. I fear being one of those people who just run with an idea blindly, without an fore knowledge or experience, and often talk myself out of a flower farm being a possibility as I peruse your blog and realize the overwhelming amount of things I don’t know. Like I need some sort of pass that says I’m not just an imposter.

    Reading about early years of your business’s mistakes and failures has been deeply inspiring for me – I’m keeping these things tucked away with me for the future (regardless of the endeavor) when it seems like I should throw in the towel, or have messed up irreparably.


  738. John Weil on

    What a great blog! I have been growing huge vegetable gardens for the past 30 years, sometimes half heartedly selling veggies, giving them away, or feeding them to my worm farm (making some excellent compost). I mostly just enjoy growing a big garden and eating high on the hog so to speak. The last couple of years I started growing a row or two of zinnias and mixing in marigolds around and about. These flowers have attracted people to my garden and they love a bouquet more than a zucchini or some radishes. Not only that I have discovered they really grow well here on the eastern shore of Maryland. Also there is a huge variety of zinnias out there and they reseed themselves. Last summer I said to myself “John you may have stumbled onto something here” . I am thinking about building a little flower stand out at the end of the driveway and making a few bucks with them. I know you live in the Pacific Northwest ( I gardened in Shelton Wa for 20 years) but do you know of other easy to grow heat tolerant, humididity and bug resistant flowers besides zinnias to go in my bunches? I’m really getting jazzed up thinking about how pretty it’s going to be out there this next season. I have about 7000 sq ft under a nice wheat cover crop right now, there’s about 5 yards of worm poop ready to go, when that gets tilled in. It’s very nice soil. Any how thanks for doing this blog. John Weil

  739. Heather McGill on

    Hi Erin and Team Floret! I’m so excited to join you in the workshop. I want to grow flowers because…there is a start, a middle, and an end result. Something I nurtured and can physically see the changes occur due to the positive and intuitive environment I have created (not too different than raising awesome children). We have a 2 seasons here on the South West Gulf Coast of Florida and I’m hoping to get the foundation to set up a successful small cut flower business for year-round goodness, and featuring Roses! They really do thrive in FL if done right and allowed to find their way…adding in Tropicals cuts, sunflowers, fun woody shrubs and some Dahlia’s would be wonderful too. After selling a business this summer, I will soak it all in and begin a new chapter of my work life with your Workshop. At 49 years old and 3 kids in college and 12 year old super busy daughter, I hope to give our little Harbor town a boost in color and quality (hopefully) but just need your guidance to start the process. How to approach florist, shops, markets, event planners…Are some of the questions I have…what equipment (on a budget, love your cooler and a/c video post) will I need in the beginning if smaller than 1/2 acre. Heat and hoop houses, shade paper? Do these bake seedlings in Florida heat? Taking July-Sept off due to the heavy rains, sometimes none, high high humidity and blazing sunshine may be the ticket…I look forward to advice and the forum too. Thank you! Heather

  740. Samantha B on

    Hi Erin (and the rest of the team)!

    I love flowers and I love cutting bouquets and bringing them to work. Your blog and stories of how you started inspires me everyday. I work with a team of engineers, mostly male, and bringing in flowers and giving them away makes my day because I know it made their day. My mom and I have decided to take on the (insane) task of growing the flowers for my wedding in July 2018. I have registered for the 2018 workshop and I have already been working my timeline for when things need to be started from seed inside and when things need to be planted outside. When you talk about the “why” so many people have inspiring stories of flowers impacting their lives in amazing ways. I love flowers because my mom loved flowers and allowed me the chance to pick anything that “wanted to come inside.” I grow flowers because they make me happy and I see their impact on people in office life. I hope that I can find a way for flowers to be a part of a rekindled passion and if I’m lucky, a floral business one day. As I get ready for seed starting and planting, I keep reading and keep planning and I can’t wait to get playing in the dirt!

  741. Leigh on

    Hi Erin
    I’m so glad to have found you via Amazon. A friend and I have just taken on some land which we are now in the process of weeding. Definitely early days for us but I shall now sit down and try to answer the above honestly. Thanks so much for the focus! I’ll be back soon when I’m ready to move forward.
    Leigh (England)

  742. Sarah-Kim on

    Hi Erin and Team,

    Happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow, I hope you all have a great time with your families.

    I just wanted to thank you all for being so inspiring; not only for flower farming, but for entrepreneurship in general. It’s long, painful, and sometimes disheartening, but can be so uplifting and satisfying too. Sometimes it’s hard to be enthusiastic about it, and your enthusiasm (and honesty) is infectious.

    My big question is: how did you make the leap from growing to being a regular supplier? How did you go from that first sweet pea-loving customer to supplying shops and wedding flowers?

    My little question is: did you ever feel intimidated by the mass-producers out there?

    Thanks for all your time and effort – it makes a difference.

  743. Roxann Kosmicki on

    Hi Erin!

    Thank you for all you do. I was really happy to see the post about gratitude. Reminds me to do the same. I just moved to 19 acres and some times even your dreams being realized can be a scary thing. I came to this blog post and was like ” Yes, I need more focus”. I have two toddlers myself and I am seeking that balance.



  744. Jan Lewellen Pagel on

    I am signed up for the 2018 course and am so excited! I live on 2 1/2 acres on Vashon Island, though I still have to figure out how much of the land is suitable for flower farming. I’m currently a commercial landscape designer, but am looking for an additional income stream as I head towards retirement. I can’t wait to begin!

  745. gmo1htrvl on

    Hi Floret!!!
    Like some of the other folks who have posted, I too am signed up for your 2018 workshop. I have been a nurse for 36 years as well as a hobby gardener. Flowers have been my passion forever but I never really entertained the idea of “flower farming” for profit. Everything about your website is so informative and helpful. Bless your heart Erin for being so incredibly generous with your knowledge. Since my husband is now retired, (haha—wait till I put him to work in the garden), we have moved to a new locale at 7200 ft. elevation in the high desert. I read somewhere in one of your blogs that you have a friend who gardens in the high desert. I have searched the cooperative to no avail to find others at higher/dry elevations. If you haven’t already entertained the idea, it would be helpful to group “like climates” together in the cooperative so that folks could possibly share the same concerns and struggles of growing in the same environments. Don’t know if this is possible or not, just a thought. Until January, I will be reading your book and planning the flower garden for 2018! Again, thank you so very much for your sincerity and helpfulness.
    Gina O’Dell– Colorado

    • Suzanne Rogers ~ Colorado ~ Western Slope on

      Dear Erin & Family & Team ~ Congratulations on your acquisition of additional land! We hope you all have a restful Thanksgiving break. :) Thank you SO much for your generosity sharing your wisdom and valuable insights with we beginners. I have loved growing flowers all of our married life (26 years) but had not considered the possibility of flower farming until I stumbled across your remarkable journey on Instagram. We have been studying and weighing the possibilities ever since! Your book has been a tremendous resource; we have put into practice many of your recommendations already. These six questions have been an additional help challenging us to weigh the cost of starting on this journey. I sat at here at the computer and read these questions to my husband and he affirmed we need to continue to evaluate our ability to move in this direction. Our most daunting hurdle right now is the free-ranging deer. Materials can be procured from the Dept. of Wildlife, but the cost of having it installed is prohibitive at this point. So we will move forward with what CAN be done and continue to interview local established flower farmers and greenhouse owners. We can’t thank you enough for encouraging us to expand our horizons! Blessings to you all!

  746. Gina Schley on

    Hello Floret,
    Because you asked, I’ll share my thoughts. First I realize this post is from over a year ago but I just enrolled in your upcoming online course and I’m so excited I can hardly sleep. Reading through your blog will have to hold me over until January. In all honesty, I just learned of your farm a few months ago when I saw your book displayed at my public library. I’ve been leading community ag projects for the last decade and I’m thirsty to expand what I’ve learned into a profitable business. My husband and I are currently under contract on a 3 acre piece of property and I’m hoping to get started next spring so I found you at the perfect time. This blog post has helped me think through my current situation validating that I am ready, and reminded me that I don’t have to do it all the first year. You did mention something that I have a question on. You said the first year you thought you could just though seedlings into the ground and didn’t focus on feeding the soil or irrigation. Are you suggesting here to feed the soil with compost and perhaps plant a cover crop the first year, and not plant flowers in Y1? Or did you not put any compost down the first year? I was planning to put compost and irrigation down in the spring but I was hoping to also plant seeds. Would love clarification on what you did your first year.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Gina–congrats on your new property! Thanks for your note and thanks for enrolling in the upcoming Workshop! To answer your question–I was saying that I didn’t put any compost down the first year (and should have)!

  747. Seth Clark on

    My wife and I are planning our start this year. We don’t have a large space, about 1/5 an acre, or budget to start with, but we plan to do all we can with what we have and grow from there. Your book “Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Farm” has added to our excitement and we have been looking into signing up for your online workshop. You are such an inspiration to us! We have lots of planning and research to do but are very excited about the journey! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us all!

  748. Samantha Locadia on

    Hi! Thanks so much for this post, and for your website. I just saw the course that you are starting in January but I’m not that far yet. I love the post, I was wondering if you have more information about climate differences. We live in the Caribbean (almost South America) and have hot weather all year round and I was really wondering how to get started here. What seeds would do best? I started with my kids about 2/3 years ago, just planting Zinneas for school to learn about planting. And then we just fell in love with them! They grew so tall and where so beautiful! Even people passing by would ask us if they could have a flower. lol However it’s hard to find seeds, and to know which ones grow well here. Anyway, sorry for the long story, but I’m in love with flowers! And in love with your website! I can’t wait to have a flower farm of our own one day! Any tips/book recommendations for people starting out in hotter zones? Thank you! Sam

  749. Jodi F. on

    I have read this before, and I’m sure I will read again. Please do not take this post down. I think it is a good reminder for all of us periodically, double checking our focus and also the whys. Even the clip on the Flower House in Detroit, I broke down and cried…so much passion, so much care….for others. The crying wasn’t just because of this, but it spawned my own thoughts about flowers. When I think of blessing others and bouquets of flowers my friend “L” comes to my mind over and over again. She isn’t close by, so traveling to visit isn’t a piece of cake, but nearly everytime I visit her I put together a little bouquet of flowers, herbs, and sometimes mixed forest greens added to share with her. Every time I present it to her, her face completely changes, like a sunbeam of hope suddenly blooms right on her face. Its changes her life for not just a moment but for a day. Amazingly enough, it has to be the Lord shining down on the bouquet, because sometimes its a couple weeks later and the bouquet is still sitting there almost as if it was just picked. This is my small, but emotionally huge, gift I can give to a friend that has struggled nearly 12 yrs with cancer. The bouquet seems like such a small thing at the time compared to her constantly giving spirit….giving, giving, giving of herself, even when it would seem she doesn’t have strength to give any more, she still gives. So giving that she has tried to refuse the flowers at times (use them for others, I don’t need them), but I remind her that its not just for her, but also to be a blessing to those that come to visit with her. Then she gladly takes them, knowing the gift will bless others. The change I see in her with the smiling flower faces….that’s one of the WHYS of flowers for me. Thanks for bringing it to mind, and thanks for reminding me that the WHYS are just as important as all the rest. Thank for allowing flowers to bless you, and then also bless the rest of us!

    • Team Floret on

      Thank you for this, Jodi. So much. And don’t worry, we’ll keep this post on the site–it’s a keeper, especially with so many thoughtful comments like yours.

  750. Njambi on

    Hey there?! Congratulations on the great work y’all are doing, am soooo inspired and learning loads from your experiences and generous information sharing – thank you!! Am in Tanzania and just now getting started on this flower thing, am busy doing market research, ordering seed and getting my land ready. Am excited but terrified all at the same time, and your website is a real blessing. Flower seed is largely unavailable here, so am sourcing from neighbor countries of Kenya and South Africa, as well as from the US. Am also working on figuring out how I’ll get my product to the largest market here, the capital city, which is on average 10 hours away by road!! :) My 3.5 year old loves flowers and being on the farm with me (I currently have some garlic, tomato and strawberry crops growing) so am looking forward to her having all the flowers her little heart wants, as well as making a business out of this deep interest.

  751. Sara Caldwell on

    Erin and team,
    Thank you for your dedication to put together such a wonderful website. Yes, this information is very helpful. Asking these questions are very important in the process of figuring out how to begin. Figuring out your “why” or as you put it “your north star” will help to stay focused when things get hectic and you start to question your sanity. I am grateful for your honesty about how much effort and hard work it takes to build a business and that there will be failures amid the successes. Having a realistic picture going into this venture is very helpful. I must read on……..

  752. Loreta on

    Hello. I love what you are doing. I’m Loreta and I live in Lithuania.
    I am very glad that I discovered your wonderful activity. I also don’t imagine my life without wonderful flowers, so I wholeheartedly support you, your flowers. Your flowers look fantastic, I see you do everything sincerely and add a lot of work. I wish you success. Your family also amazing. Best wishes!

  753. Lindsey on

    I just love what you are doing. I’m a mom of 4 little ones in Southern Indiana. I dream through your Instagram and blog about what I can one day do. Your tutorials and online videos are fascinating even though right now I only grow a few flower pots! Thanks for sharing!

  754. Jean on

    Thank you for sharing your experiences! I was a flower farmer for a number of years, and learned everything from reading and trial and error. I wish your blog had been around then! I dream of getting back into the flower business (part time, this time!) As I am planning and visioning this winter, I will definitely be looking to you for information and inspiration!

  755. Diana on

    I just recently heard your podcast with Theresa Loe. I have three acres and have been growing dahlias for 25 years however in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, elevation 5400 feet and mother nature (frosts in early September) really challenge me to make a thriving business from the dahlias alone even though I have been approached by a florist to sell them. I want to learn more about high plains, short growing season flower options to expand into a viable business. I have access to sunlight, water and the time. I just need to be realistic about what’s possible given the climate. I am reading all your blogs to learn as much as I can and it is the first time I have found someone who is so generous in sharing the knowledge and lessons learned. It truly speaks to your mission to share flowers with the world through yourself and others. My biggest pleasure is given a bouquet to a friend. Thank you.

  756. Jen French on

    I am addicted to your blog! Absolutely every post has one or more “gems” that move me a step closer to realizing my dream of full time farming. Your generosity in sharing so much of your hard earned knowledge is an inspiration. “Giving back” will be an important part of my business plan, as my way of paying it forward.

  757. Sonya on

    Thank you so much for posting such an informative piece. I live in Baltimore City and do alot of my gardening in raised beds and pots on my patio or garage roof. I try to do as much gardening as I can and take advantage of the little space I have in my urban dwelling.

    I purchased your book a few months ago upon recommendation from a friend and became obsessed! Now, my entire house and garage roof is covered in pots and raised beds and my back patio and little city l-shaped yard is surrounded with 5 gallon buckets, terra cotta pots, and portable garden beds.

    I garden with organic soil and compost and even make my own compost (really difficult in the city), but I was wondering what you use for organic fertilizer in your garden. I order my tulips and ranunculus through Floret and was curious when planting them if I should be placing the fertilizer in the hole with the bulbs or just spread some fertilizer over top the soil. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you for being so generous and providing us information on how to grow a cut flower garden!

  758. Trudy on

    I can’t thank you enough for sharing your hard-won lessons in expanding your flower business! I love the inspiration you give us and the obvious love you have for growing flowers.

    I’m a full time landscaper beginning the transition to flower marketing in the next two years. Your advice on taking it slow is so important. I want to jump in, plant a hundred dahlias and dozens of annuals and just get going. The 20 varieties of dahlias I bought this spring sat on a rack, waiting to be planted all summer until my husband decided to jam them into the containers on our deck just to save them. A few flats of coleus and begonias are still floundering, in November, in their original pots under the deck. No time, no time.
    I do think I’m starting to get it though. Seeing those plants sucking wind every day as I rushed in and out to work became a daily reminder to stop thinking I could do more, buy more, plant more. It’s just that coming out of the monotone winter, with colorful flower catalogs spilling off the desk and hints of green brightening the landscape, I get inspired and I feel rested from hibernating. During the landscaping season, I plan and plant so much for clients that I forget I don’t have more hours and hands to help me at home. It takes a lot to reign in that enthusiasm.

    It was especially hard because my husband and I had recently moved from a mature landscape we’d worked on for over 15 years to a new place, an acre, similarly sloped but functionally a mess. It had little more than oaks and pitch pines and a few struggling shrubs. The first thing we agreed upon was to rip out the ugly boulder retaining walls and reshape the terrain. We reworked the driveway and planted the perimeter with flowering shrubs and foliage plants so they could get started growing. We then installed an irrigation system. We were still working without a comprehensive plan but we wanted to make the most of the southfacing slope, so we created terraces and planted a few hundred perennials. I kept telling myself even if I didn’t have the time to market bouquets, we’d be inviting pollinators and we could look out past the torn up yard to the little plot of flowers.

    The plants did really well by this year but I didn’t feel I could devote enough time to bringing them to market consistently. I didn’t want to sell a small bouquet of wildflowers once in a while but to make stunning bouquets that customers would look for. I would have to be reliable and know my stock, know my target market and have an outlet.

    As you advised, slowing everything down was a big relief. My timeline hadn’t included some of the key things I needed. The infrastructure, workspace, storage, etc., were all in the planning stages but yet to be built and landscaping season was in full swing again. Once my client properties were in order, I started building my tool and work sheds. By August, one shed was up and the other started. At the end of September, the sheds were finished. I moved all of my equipment out of a rented space and now have everything in one place. During this time I also acquired three beautiful work tables from a greenhouse that was being torn down. It was an old, all glass, Lord and Burnham that was very hard to say no to, but again, I had no place to store it, and no time to put it up. I settled (happily) for the tables. I keep chanting, “No time, no time.” It’s helping.

    Going into winter, I’m reminding myself of the value of slowing everything down. I have more time. I can make a garden plan, review your list of recommended flowers for the market, and create a business plan. The timesaving mini-course on making bouquets faster was one of the many things I’ve learned from Floret and I am continually inspired by your eyecatching photos and blog. You make it all look effortless even as you share your stories of trials and how to avoid them. Thank you for your generous spirit!

  759. Aude on

    Hi! I am just starting to read your blog and I’m already hooked! I signed up also to the mini course and video #1 was great. I have been trying to figure out “what I want to be when I’m grown up” (I’m 32 but nonetheless), and I can’t wait to know more. You have great pedagogy skills and the video and website are well done (and beautiful!).
    I did not find anything yet about environment and organic culture but as I said, I just started reading.
    Thank you for your great work!

  760. April Fisher on

    Hello-I am seriously considering beginning my own flower market business. I hope to be able to register for your online course on Nov. 9th. I’ve read most of your posts and I have your book. You have my complete respect for the way in which you share your knowledge and experience with beginning folks such as myself. Thank you for your generosity of spirit! Do you have any shrub recommendations for cutting? I have full sun and about 1/2 acre total to plant. My soil is rocky and somewhat alkaline. (7.1) Should I do raised beds?

  761. Isabelle on

    I have been inspired first by Floramama here in Québec then found you. The inspired bit is greatly fulfilled. Now getting serious and developing my project. Difficulties to find corms and all sorts of nice bulbs and seeds in Canada. Around 5000 square foot available for flowering farm. Winter will be spent on how to with company side of things which I lack so profoundly. Looking forward to your online worshops and other tips. Thank you so much for everything you do and to show that it can be done. Isabelle

  762. Bria on

    These questions to consider are so helpful in getting clear and really organized even before taking action. It’s easy to get caught up and run with the beautiful vision I have for my business, but to remember the WHY and HOW it’s actually going to happen is a treat way to stay focused and grounded. Thanks for your straightforward and honest advice and knowledge!

  763. Meghan on

    These posts are so helpful. I am looking to start a cut flower garden to use for my Flower Studio!
    Very eager to start this spring. I am in the beginning planning stages right now. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

  764. Mandy on

    I’m hoping to grow a few flowers for home use and friends next season. These posts are SO helpful. I am planning to buy your book soon! Thank you!!

  765. Jodi on

    Thanks for the reminders. It makes it easier to keep the majors in mind at the same time. Also, great reminder that dreams are best for growing in bursts of small clouds….rather than taking in the whole herd at once and nearly get stampeded!
    Can’t wait to see more info on growing for colder regions, as our new farm will take us north for real winters…and extra protection for tomatoes. Completely opposite of our lives the last 20 years.
    thanks for sharing your passion!

  766. Adrianne Grimm on

    This post was so helpful for helping me think more clearly about my “why.” Thank you for writing this post!

  767. Margareta Wedmark on

    From april until now, Oct 2017, I pick a bouquet of flowers from my garden and bring it to my work – I’m working as a familydoctor at a healthclinic in the south of Sweden (IG viggoirevinge). It makes me happy… my garden and my bouquets ?

  768. Sonia Brouillette on

    I would like to tell you that my English is not so good, I’m leaving in Québec. I’m very enthusiast to discover you and Floret. You’re the person that gives me the best recommendation to begin my business of Flower farmer and realize my passion of flowers.
    I’m to late this fall to order bulbs, so I will grow in spring annual flowers from seed. I have to figure to build a greenhouse with my garden shed attached to the garage. Design my flower bed with the irrigation system.
    Thank you for your helpful information, I can visualize already my new business.

  769. Sally-Anne on

    Thank you Erin for encouraging me to reflect on my cutting patch and flower journey. Yes I too love how blooms make you focus on the here and now. Thinking about my patch, I know my growing space an allotment right at my back gate, yes its in full sun, I have time to commit to my patch, children are now self sufficient teenages (if this is such a thing), but what I do need to know more about is my climate and what blooms are best suited I will have to research this more thanks for giving me a direction to focus on. Would love more information on plant and growing periods in different climates if you are seeking direction for your post. i.e like you touched on with the sweet peas.
    Thank you for sharing your knowlege

  770. Jesse Oman on

    I am just starting a cutting garden for next summer! I am so confused about spacing for my flowers. For instance some packets say 1 inch spacing. So do I cut holes in my fabric every inch of fabric or am I better off not using my weed fabric for those that grow so close together. Help, i am nervous to cut my fabric. I have been trying to find a blog post on it, but i have not yet. By the way your book is gorgeous!

  771. Kristina Karekos on

    Hi Erin,
    I wanted to drop a line and let you know I fully appreciate your taking the time out of your very busy family and business life to share with the rest of the world your journey, tips of the trade and the plethora of information I’m sure you offer in your workshops. The little bit I have seen left me hungry for more so I bought your latest book (based on a recommendation from a friend at my local nursery). My husband and I rather recently made the decision to begin floral farming. Of course this was prompted by us both ‘putting in the time’ in so to speak so have started preparing the fields and plan to plant some things shortly for next year. We only have 2 acres but you have provided me with the affirmation that it can be done! I do have concerns about irrigation as there is none presently. I went through the reflection questions on your blog ‘things one should ask themselves prior to embarking on the flower business endeavor’ and honestly I am so grateful that you presented these questions to us. It’s really easy to draw conclusions about a business based on lovely photos on a website or a wonderfully written book. I know there is a lot of blood (well maybe not blood lol) but sweat and tears and hopefully joyful ones as well on your flower farming journey. I am trying to do everything I need to do before Old Man Winter bears his evil grin. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. All of your information is invaluable and has given me the much needed boost of confidence to embark on this exciting mission of mine.

  772. Lourdes Laurente on

    Thank you…it ids so hard to see and be the reality of farming. I remember giving a friend of mine, a huge coffee can of zinnias. They were colorful and bright, so luscious. I started my cutting garden so we could take flowers to my father’s grave. Flowers that he loved from the land he loved.
    It is so easy to get ahead of yourself. I hope your words keep ringing loudly to keep me grounded as I go on to plan another flowering year…more dahlias? Zinnias? Larkspur?

  773. Christiana Coleman on

    Hello Erin,
    Thank you for another great article for would-be flower growers.
    My husband and I have a small, 1/3 acre market garden outside of Nashville, and I am researching adding flowers as ‘my’ income source. The things that concern me most are the time requirements–we have two boys aged 2 and 5–and the risk of repetitive wrist motion injury. Also, much as I love flowers, I need any plan I make to truly be a business plan with projected yields so I can project income. We jumped into market gardening 3 years ago after watching a bunch of Curtis Stone videos; however, there really are not the same kind of resources available to plan whether to make the jump into flowers now or wait until we are more financially stable. Things like price per stem and market demand seem to fluctuate much more than in the world of vegetables, while the days to maturity for flowers are much longer; even 65 days, short for flowers, seems long compared with 28 days for baby arugula. Reading your book and Growing for Market articles been of incalculable value; also of value would be economic details–how much does it cost to construct a tunnel for snapdragons? What is your target revenue per share foot or per bed? I love reading about mistakes other growers have made, to avoid their pitfalls. And their chosen varieties and why each is a favorite… Part of me worries that a flowergrowing mama is in for a life sans evenings and mornings with children; how have you balanced the time demands?
    Your story about doubling your acreage without access to irrigation or compost made me smile–you’re not alone there! In our first year on the farm we planted trees on contour til after dark for months, trying to create a Permaculture paradise with our savings, which covered hybrid chestnuts, native persimmons, mulberries, hazelnuts, and raspberry canes, but not…irrigation lines. Ouch!
    Writing is a labor of love: thank you for sharing your experiences and your knowledge! Christiana Coleman, Ashland City Tennessee

  774. Megan on

    I so appreciated reading this post. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I am currently a new mom with a toddler running around and would love to get a flower business started, but I am also a part-time mental health therapist, and finding the time to do the research, acquire the knowledge and really dig in is something that just doesn’t seem possible right now. But, knowing somebody else has done it, despite challenges and frustrations, gives me hope that this dream of mine really can become reality! Thank you, thank you!

  775. Gail Jordan on

    Hello Erin. My name is Gail & I live in Spring Hill, TN. I have worked as a dental hygienist for 35 years purely as my source of income, but am contemplating another source of income as this profession deteriorates a person’s body. I am 56 years old & this is a daunting crossroad to find myself in, especially at this age. I have always had a love of flowers but have never even thought of possibly growing them for a business. I have always loved growing & giving flowers away to others, or having them on display in my home to lift my own spirits. Through a series of reading different agricultural posts & coming across your website about your flower farm, I have started to consider starting my own cut flower business. A dream has started swirling around in my head, as of late, that this could possibly be my answer as to how I can slowly crossover to another career. I am a mom to six girls & one boy & wonder if I could possibly turn it into a family affair : ) The post I read today prompted me to write to you because it showed me questions I need to ask myself before I venture into flower farming. That’s what I needed. I’m the kind of person who tends to do better following through with a plan as long as I have some guidelines. I will continue to read any of your posts you choose to write to help me reign this idea that is swirling & swirling around in my head, & so appreciate the time you take to pass on the knowledge you have acquired. Even though I have never met you or your sweet family, I am so happy for the blessing y’all have enjoyed being able to purchase more land & grow your flower farm. Thank you so much for passing on your knowledge & inspiring others like me!

  776. Agnes Boyce on

    Hi Erin. Thank you so much for you do and share. I want to start a cutting garden but truly have no idea where to begin and how can I sell them. I work full time but I am so happy in when I’m in my garden. However, I do get frustrated when on the weekends there is not enough hours to be outside. This past summer I learned you can’t grow class Ming vines anywhere near other flowers. I want to expand my little plot where I grew zinnias and sunflowers and cosmos and four clocks. Keeping the birds away from my sunflowers is definitely a challenge. I tried to plant more than they can pluck from the ground. It’s frustrating when the new seedlings come up only to find they have been gnawed off. But l keep after it. I won’t be defeated. Can you give me some idea of start up cost and the best way to irrigate the flower beds. I have your new book and love it. I’m also going to look into your other books on your favorite reading list. Your feedback to me is very much welcomed. Congratulations on all your success. I also plan to take your online workshop if I don’t miss the deadline. Take care and hope to hear from. Agnes Boyce falls church Virginia.

    • Gina on

      Hi Erin,
      So very much enjoy your site. I live in the high desert of Western Colorado at 7200 ft. elevation, along with the flower loving critters. A challenging environment to say the least. Flowers have been my passion my entire life. I am finally at the point, 58 yrs. old, where I have time and money to pursue my passion. I have the acreage but due to our hot summer days and cool desert nights I am at a loss of how to grow many types flowers. I’m thinking hoop houses will be my best friends. I’ve grown sunflowers and hollyhocks successfully. Lavender does well here too. Hope to take your workshop and order your book! Thank you so much for being an inspiration.
      Gina ~~ Grand Junction, CO.

  777. Sandy Abell on

    Greetings, Erin. Thank you for sharing the wealth of knowledge and experience you have amassed over the past 16 years with the rest of your “neighbors” across the world. I am about to begin Master Gardener basic training and I have had a longtime dream of growing beautiful flowers for gifting to loved ones, for supplementing my income, and for my own enjoyment. Nothing helps me alleviate stress more effectively than working in my perennial garden. It’s my happy place tucked away in a little corner of Southern Maryland! This fall and in the new year I will be cultivating bulbs, tubers and annuals, so the information you pass along is of enormous value to me. I ordered your book “Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden,” and I look forward to devouring its contents this weekend! I wish you and your lovely family all the very best as you turn the page to a new chapter with your new farm! God bless!

  778. Katie Hawkins on

    Hello Erin, I just wanted to write and tell you how much I appreciate all your guidance with putting a true cut flower garden together. I have been greatly encouraged. I usually grow sunflowers at my house every year and they come up the next year on their own. This last year I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia and as I was not able to go back to work and still haven’t been able to and I was trying to come up with some ideas of how to make some money from home. It dawned on my husband and I one day to try and sell the sunflowers from our garden. I really wasn’t sure of the response I would get, but it has been a true blessing and has worked out really well for me this summer. I have a lot of dirt in my back yard and am going to try and plant some annuals back there this year. Our summers get very very hot and up to 109 degrees temps here in the central valley of Kingsburg Ca. So I am trying to be careful what I plant in full sun, like Peonies and other varieties fearful that they might fry. I have a good three months of nice spring weather but my summer last about 5-6 months which is great for some annuals. Do you have any recommendations of what definitely cannot handle the high hundreds weather even though they like full sun? I planted some yarrow the other day, but I know when summer comes it could be rough where I planted it. My budget is really tight so I may not be able to use hoop houses or green houses yet. I appreciate your encouragement as a mom and how to start easily and slow and still produce beautiful flowers. This article that you posted was very helpful and I have really been inspired by my your book.

  779. sally on

    Your post is very helpful, honest, and reflective. I have just under two acres now, land that was once farmed by my grandfather. I’ve spent the summer growing cosmos, zinnias, and multiple successions of sunflowers. My goal is to add bulbs, some perennials, and more annuals and figure out how to sell them. My flowers this season have been given away to friends, family, and local charities.

    Your information on flowers and growing have been very helpful. My struggle is how do I go about finding/convincing/keeping clients and providing them with quality flowers.

    Thanks for all you share! Your book, website, and social media have been a huge inspiration to me.

  780. Karen Foulkes on

    Good morning from a grey filled sky garden in Hampshire england. Inspiring…beautiful colours…your photo’s spiked my interest in your blog. I have recently joined a flower group, where I can learn to arrange flowers for all occassions. My wish would be to grow my own flowers for cutting. Your blog has made me feel it could be possible, by answering and following your questions. I will be getting the book, as reading through the other comments I see someone else from this country has found it invaluable. I like the idea that there is a step by step to help get me started.

  781. Justine Clarke on

    Thank you for your inspiring farm and story. I am Australian and i am looking at starting a small cut flower farm. But i have a few hesitations as the land that is available is surrounded by macadamia farm land and they all use horrific sprays. I guess i need to take into account whether the sprays will affect my flowers or look at covering the flowers during the spray season? Its terribly sad that farming practise needs to spray so much, bees are a vital part in Macadamia farming and all the farms around us have to find home for their bees during the spray season. If you have had any experience with farmland sprays round your farmland your advise would be much appreciated. Thanks again for your honesty and your wonderful story.

  782. Tiffany on

    Very insipring.. I only grow vegetables right now but after reading this I think I am going to mix in flowers also, your pictures are so beautiful. I live in the high dessert, what types would you recommend?

  783. John James Gibbons on

    Great Questions!! i will be giving much thought to to these questions!! Hi my Name John and i firstly just want to thank you for all that do to help us flower lovers along. I am from Liverpool in the UK. I have always had a passion for growing flowers and gardening but never really pursued it for one reason or another. I recently bought a couple of Florist books for a friend starting college and your book came up on amazon so, i decided to treat myself to one, well all i can say is one, i haven’t been able to put the book down what a fantastic inspiring book it is. Two thank you for the book, because now you have pushed me to follow my passion of growing flowers and start my own Cut Flower Garden. i don’t have the space at home to Grow so i have been and got myself and allotment patch only small 90 meters by 30 meters, and i cant wait to start . following your book step by step. who nos where this will take me. i will keep you updated as time goes by with my success or failure. many thanks

  784. Melanie on

    I live in zone 8 – east Texas – we have a long growing season but humidity here is brutal. Your comment about mosquitos hit a familiar cord w me. Thank you for keeping it real :) I have a question I’m sure you’ve probably answered several times – do you spray pesticides to protect your investment from insects? Sunflowers here can be destroyed in a few hours by insects. I would like to keep to natural and organic growing practices however protecting the product is number 1 priority.

  785. Cathy on

    I have a small mini farm (free manure ) chicken~horse~duck~rabbit I want to follow in my mom’s gardening slippers. Living in Ohio in 7 different places she managed to take her garden with her. she grew up in Tuscarawas Ohio, where grandma’s garden was along a stone wall. 5 homes later she and my father created that same beautiful garden wall for the third generation to enjoy. When we lost grandma we brought her flowers home to central Ohio. If it was mom who taught me the magic of flowers, it was my father who taught me the yumminess of your very own grown vegetables. When my parents moved again it was the 3rd generation that requested to bring that wall garden. When our parents got sick, it was than we sold their house and bought one 2 doors down, so they would keep their neighbors. It was 4th generation that helped carry lilies & roses in bags to that new barren backyard. I want to teach our new generations the value in old things & new

  786. Kimberly on

    I love the question ‘Why do you want to grow cut flowers?’ Flowers have been a constant in my life, in small scale gardens my mother carved out in front of whatever mobile home we were currently renting. No matter where we lived, we had morning glories climbing the bark of pine trees, cinder blocks planted with cheerful marigolds, dusty millers lining the edge. She always found ways to make the not-so-pretty into magic. And I miss her, with a desperate ache most days. So, that’s my why. So I can honor and remember my mama, in every bloom. And because I am always buying cut flowers for my house and I’d love to try my hand at growing a small patch of them, instead. Your site is a treasure trove of knowledge and pretty magic – thank you for sharing!

  787. Amy on

    I have. Even feeling a pull to start my cut flower garden. My goal is to produce enough for me and some to sell at my shop (small home decor shop). I can’t wait to read more!

  788. Whitney Gonzales on

    I’m so excited to use this series to help plan next years flowers.

  789. C on

    Beautiful site, discovered after a random search.

    I worked for 3 years in a florist shop but moved from zone 8 to zone 7 recently, so figuring out my new climate might be filled with expensive mistakes. Always a gardener, the flowers I’ve devoted space to must also work as cut flowers, too. Your palette is exquisite and you’ve made my morning a bit brighter with hope for next season. Thanks.

  790. Nancy Dambrosio, Connecticut. on

    I have been following your flower farm for maybe 5 years, and have seen your success. The way you tell about the farm and document with fab photos is what captivated me and i have even told a short story about you on my interior decor blog. I have a friend who purchased a ten acre farm here in Connecticut, which has an old abandoned greenhouse like structure on it. I’d like to grow dahlias. And maybe others not sure. But I have been to Seattle and realize the ability to grow fabulous flowers in that area. CT will be more challenging weatherize. I would like to purchase your dahlias in January and give it a try with all your good advice here. The way you share your experiences is one of the secrets to your success, I do have experience as floral designer, and have attended The Flower School in NYC and taken courses with Ariella Chezar, where i learned to forage for interesting greens to add to arrangements. I will report back my progress, but you need to know that I get much of my inspiration from the way you tell about your life, and elevate the beauty of flowers.

  791. Diana Skurka on

    Just read your BeAuTiFuL book and am now planning my garden for next year. You have inspired me…i am so greatful! Will be asking for gardening extras for xmas so i am ready for the Spring! Keep the advice coming! Its ALL helpful!

  792. Theresa Mayo on

    I found your site this past spring – when everything was already pretty much sold out. I was amazed at so many people loving flowers like I do. I live in Alabama- so lots of humidity, high temps, and mosquitoes to deal with- but would love a small flower garden, about 1/4 an acre – full sun. To start I want to be able to be a blessing by giving flowers away, but once I figure out what in the world I’m doing, would love to sell some bouquets locally or supply some local shops with flowers. I love your comments about how flower gardening always helps you focus on “today”, that is a need for me too!

  793. Margot V on

    Starting from scratch in a new home in northern Vermont. Following along for inspiration and tips but mostly just falling in love with your Instagram feed. Beautiful work.

  794. Luisa on

    Thank you for sharing!!!

  795. Margie on

    I have only just discovered you today and I just love what I’ve read so far. I live in Australia in a warm sub-tropical climate. I have a tiny garden which I try to combine edible plants (assorted herbs, tomatoes, eggplant, strawberries, lemons, dwarf peaches and olives) with cut flowers (hydrangea, roses, snap dragons, and a whole lot of other stuff I don’t know the names of) to enjoy giving away and for myself. So I’m looking forward to reading more from you for little hints and tips to improve my small space. Oh, and I love your images too :)

  796. Laura on

    I live In Georgia and am currently working up a plan to start a small flower farm to sell bouquets at my farm stand! Your post are full of great info and maybe even more important, great inspiration!!! Thank you so much for all the time you and your team take to share all the info, photos and inspiration with the rest of us!

  797. Rebekah on

    I want to be a flower farmer! Your articles are great and your flowers are beautiful. I also have three children and time is an issue. But staying at home and not working in town would be a dream. I have about three acres with irrigation. The land used to used for hay. The ground is decomposed granite. I’m just stumped on how to make the soil healthy enough to start. Keep the good work up!

  798. Amanda on

    I look forward to reading anything you have written. Thank you the inspiration!

  799. Michelle Ali on

    It’s been a dream of mine to own a cut flowers business. I LOVE AND ENJOY a vase of fresh flowers on my dresser and throughout the house, as well as sharing them with family & friends. You are inspiring!

  800. Lisa Shortley on

    And I thought looking at your blooms were magical… your words are also food for the soul. So happy I finally took a moment to visit and read your blog. I’m going to the bookstore tomorrow to find your book. I’ll need a copy for my sister as well. I am in the desert, Las Vegas; close to Mount Charleston so my zone is tricky, 8A

    I would love to add Dahlias & Asters from your seed and tuber collection. I can’t seem to find any in stock as of late September. I’m hoping I don’t miss out on them.

  801. Anna on

    I bought the floret book and even though I’m wrangling two little ones, its helped remind me how much I really love being outside in the dirt watching things grow. It was the inspiration I needed to just make two little raised beds 3×6 and plant some seeds. Maybe someday I’ll add some more, but for now, I love reading more about plants across the country and learning more about flower gardening. Thank you for all of your informative posts, sharing your missteps as well as your victories and being an inspiration for gardeners across the country (& world)!

  802. Flower Farming – The Biggs on

    […] own business, she writes books, shares photos and even has her own blog to help people like me. This post is all about getting started and why. I just her reasonings and enthusiasm. She is a […]

  803. Jackie on

    I’ve been thinking of growing flowers for some time. This last summer we had some luck with Mexican sunflowers. Look forward to reading more about what kind of flowers I can grow in south fla.

  804. Lynne on

    Thank you for your post! My sister in BC, Canada just pointed me to you and recommended I follow you on Instagram. I’m inspired. We are endevouring to expand our vegetable garden for feeding our family and selling and would love some more beautiful flowers to adorn it. We live in zone 7b. Is there anything I can buy from you now to start this season? Thank you kindly!

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Lynne,
      Thanks for following along! We are getting ready to re-launch our online Shop SOON which will have some great bulbs for fall planting! We’ve got all hands on deck getting all of the details wrapped up–I promise it will be worth the wait. There are some hardy annuals you can direct sow now for early spring blooms that you might consider. Search past blog posts for more info. Good luck!

  805. Sarah Foster on

    Dear Erin … bless you! Your generosity in being willing to share your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and expertise with us all is why Floret is the mega success it is with flower lovers and growers around the world! It’s this, along with your great talent, your gorgeous photos, your lovely style, and general fabulousness, as well, of course! I’m 54-years-old, divorced, have grown kids, beaten cancer three times in 10 years and am ready for a whole new life, which I now want with flowers, and you have given me so much encouragement to just get out there and do it!

    I left the city six months ago and now live on a beautiful 2.5-acre property in an area called Gippsland in country Victoria, about 1.5 hours out of Melbourne.
    I moved out here to be out with the big blue sky and the rolling green hills, and to grow flowers for the sheer joy of it. Like you – in fact, like all of us who are so drawn to Floret for inspiration – I found that growing flowers made me happy and gave me a deep satisfaction. It helped to ease my sorrow in sad times and to give me hope during some very dark days when I was afraid of the future. There is something so beautiful that flowers bring to the heart, and I want to be a part of this wonderful new flower farming movement. How thrilled I am to see you sell Floret seeds to Australia! I’m an accomplished home gardener, but this will be a whole new adventure, so I’m starting small – just a corner plot to see how I can manage – and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering SO MUCH of yourself to enable others to realise their dreams. The website is so beautifully designed and full of rich content, and it – along with your book – is my daily read with morning coffee. God bless you, your family and Floret. Best wishes to you all. Sarah xoxo

    • Team Floret on

      Thank you for sharing your story, Sarah! xoxo

  806. Marti Carroll on

    I’m currently in the planning stages of creating my cut flower business. Unlike any other state, I’ve discovered that we have to take test, acquire certifications and permits to grow and sell and arrange flowers for profit. So while I’m studying for that I’m trying to learn as much as I can and your blog is extremely resourceful! I can only imagine how much work goes into it and want you to know how much your efforts are appreciated!
    A New Louisiana Fan!
    Martha “Marti” Carroll

  807. Kathy on

    Hello Erin. I am also in the planning stages of starting a flower farm and your six questions were the perfect ones to ask and the ones I am working through answering now. My first step will be to look for the right property as I know my current backyard will not do! Wondering if 2 acres should be the goal or something more or less, not sure. Like Donna above, I am also 58 so feel like a late bloomer, but I have dreamed of this for so long that I know I have to do it and I think now is finally the time as I have just retired and have the time. I live in Ontario, Canada. I found it really interesting that the list of flowers I want to grow are not far off from the list on your Cut Flower Care Guide. Years ago I bought Lynn Byczynski’s book, The Flower Farmer and have been dreaming of this ever since. (I definitely want to buy your book too). My concern isn’t time or the investment, but I hope I will be able to keep up with the work involved. But like you, working in the garden or with flowers makes time stand still for me. I want to do a combination of things…grow/sell, design/arrange but with a focus on the unusual and what people are looking for. I am looking forward to catching up with all of your blogs.

  808. Donna Dunagan on

    When I grow up I want to be a flower farmer! I want to share this incredible beauty that I love with the world! This is a dream, however I want it to become my reality. I am 58 so I’m getting a little bit of a late start but you are never to old! (I hope). So this is the year, I am going to do it! Plant seeds work hard and pray! Our family owns about 40 acres in Blossom, Texas surely with a name like Blossom I can grow flowers! Thanks for sharing your love, passion and work with the world! You inspire us all.

  809. Christina on

    Hello, this read was very helpful! An inside look on how much time and patience really does factor I to growing these beautiful blooms. I love in the Midwest, Indiana to be exact. We have a pretty warm summer and mild fall usually having temps start to warm in late April to the cool down in October. What blooms would you suggest for a gal who wants to start a small area in her backyard? How do I prepare my soil? Thank you for always brightening a day with your beautiful blooms!

  810. Susanna Jarrett on

    This post was so good. I am in the process of reading your book, the advice in which is fantastic.
    I have two very small plots which I have had for two years, where I grow flowers to sell on my stall.
    I love it! But I do find it overwhelming at times.
    In particular planning what to plant to keep a constant supply rather than too much of one flower then nothing. Also working out what people want to buy. They don’t like orange in England! Another thing I have realsised is planning ahead is vital. This blog really helped me focus. Thank you.

  811. Louise on

    Since being inspired by your book I have decided to look for a few acres and start my own flower farm slowly down here in Australia. I am desperate for tips such as:
    * How do you assess the cut flower market to know if there will be demand for the produce from a small farm?
    * At what point was it necessary for you to afford to pay for transport, labour, cold refrigeration and other expensive costs to help support your business? Can you do a flower farm like yours cheaply? As in, on my own?
    * Is it easier to start with a large amount of delivered composted soil to start with rather than digging up beds from pasture?
    * Does your farm produce enough carbon rich materials to make good compost or do you find yourselves buying hay etc?
    * Do you really dig up all your narcissus, tulip, ranunculi, dahlia, etc. bulbs between seasons? I imagine that is a lot of backbreaking work… if not, do you plant any other crops during other seasons over the bulbs? Or do those beds stay empty until the bulbs re-emerge again?

    If you also wrote a book on the behind the scenes practicalities of you flower farming business you’d sell a million, I’m sure! You must get so many questions, I truly do appreciate your time. Your work is such an inspiration.

  812. Christine Moffatt on


    We have some acreage in upstate New York that was part of our family’s farm. Right now the family uses their land for some cows and growing hay. Our field had basically become abandoned agriculture. Now we want to put it to good use. We were going to grow hops, but decided to set aside two acres and give growing flowers a try instead. We had the soil tested and the results were good. We don’t live there full time, but have family that is able to help. We will be planting peony bulbs this fall and a few more varieties in the spring. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and wisdom.

    We are looking forward to this adventure!

  813. Susan Baker on

    This was so exciting to read! I stumbled upon Floret on Instagram where I saw the most beeeeautiful row of dahlias videoed at sunset.. I work in a Floral Dept snd my passion for flowers continues to grow.. your site and pictures and blog (which is brand new to me) is giving me hope and confidence that I can grow more annual cut flowers and possibly have a little slice of heaven here on earth and have my own cut flower garden .. not just wish for it. So I’m really at the reading/ thinking stage for next year as summer comes to an end .. and look forward to reading continuously to learn what I can .. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, your work and your obvious love of flowers with the rest of us so we may be inspired and attempt this glorious way of spending more time doing something we Love?

  814. Rae Smith on

    Your book, blog and pics on instagram are all so inspiring! I’m a florist but would love to branch out into flower farming. This post was immensely helpful and so inspiring. I also live in the future, some part being I have to be 3 months ahead with different holidays but also because I tend to “think” future but struggle with what needs to happen right know, today.
    This really grounded me in thinking and planning.
    Thank you for all your insight and help!

  815. Abby Smith on

    I am an organic vegetable farmer looking to possibly branch out into organic cut flowers. Loving what I am reading. Do you use crop rotation and cover crops when growing cut flowers like you do with vegetables? And do you have more tips on high yield/small scale farming and building hoop houses?

  816. Stacey on

    Brand new to the PNW (Mount Vernon actually!) and am excited to try out my green thumb. Your posts and book have really given me the confidence to try a cut flower garden so that I can enjoy the fruits of my labor. Thanks for all of the tips and confidence! Would love to see your garden one day!

  817. Meghaa on

    nice and interesting blog thanks for sharing and good job. Thank you so much

  818. Renee Strauss on

    Thank you so much for all of the beautiful work that you do! Your flowers are truly amazing and inspiring. I am just beginning my flower-growing journey here in Florida and your blog has been immensely helpful. Thank you for sharing your journey and thank you for the beauty you bring into the world.

  819. Lindsey on

    This is great! I love the confirmation that the thought I (sort of grudgingly) had yesterday is correct – probably better to do less flowers well, with compost/watering/fertilizing etc, than try to do too many and not take care of any so well. I think I’m in a similar life stage to yours when you were first starting out so these tips and reminders are helpful. Looking forward to reading more!

  820. Sandra on

    Excited to read more, looking at a cutting garden for hobby now, and maybe later a business. Always looking to follow the advice of those who have done the work already, thanks!

  821. Donna on

    Love this. As I start my own small scale boutique farm with two small children, I am starting to put into prospective in what I can and can’t achieve these first few years. Your honesty and advice is wonderful! Keep in coming,,, if you have the time. Donna

  822. Shelly on

    Thank you for this. I love fresh flowers and your pictures on IG make my heart soar! I have recently considered growing my own so I’m excited about this series. I love how you said doing this keeps you present. That will be one of my hopes as well. We have plenty of space so land isn’t an issue. I think my challenge will be preparing the soil, making the right flower choices, determining the right timing (it can get quite hot and dry here in SE Texas) and yes, keeping up with it. Looking forward to learning and “growing!” ?

  823. Sarah Shaffer on

    I am a farmer’s wife and mom to 4 growing boys. I have always had a love for fresh flowers and have been thinking about adding a cutting flower garden to our farm for some time but am now excited to start thanks to you and all of your great advice. I just ordered your book and cannot wait to read it and soak it all in. Thank you again for sharing your journey and your love of flowers with the rest of us.

  824. Emily on

    I really enjoyed your article; I found interesting your tips for planting flowers. I am new in this of gardening but I think that this is a passion that not many share, but those who do find refuge and tranquility in it. In my house, I have a small orchard where I´ve planted different herbs like basil, parsley, mint and peppermint, which in time allowed me to stop buying them in the market. I hope one day to expand my passion and start growing flowers like roses and tulips.

  825. Sara on

    This is so helpful! I am new to your blog (I found you via your amazing book) and I’m working on planning a tiny cut flower garden. It’s hard to streamline ideas into essentially a 4×8 ft. space, but your blog and book are helping me focus. My goals are really to simply have simple bouquets and the joy that comes from growing something beautiful.

  826. Kate Wallis on

    I live in Flower Mound, TX (outside Dallas) and have loved flowers for as long as I can remember. I’m also a mom of 3 kiddos 4 and under so I can relate to your post about having littles to take care of. Thank you so much for writing this blog and for your book! I ordered it and couldn’t put it down. As a mom it is easy to feel overwhelmed or like you don’t have any time for outside interests, but your book has inspired me to explore flower growing for my own enjoyment and bring my kids along for the adventure. Thank you!

  827. Sarah on

    For someone dreaming of starting their own farm, articles like this are very helpful! It gives an excellent starting point when there is such a wealth of information out there that can bog down your mind even during in the initial “dreaming” phases. & Personally, I’m a planner so I love articles that are broken down point by point as this one is. I’m so happy I’ve found your blog!

  828. Alyssa on

    I am so happy I have stumbled across your blog. I have been starting to really enjoy gardening the last couple years. I have a fairly large back yard and am thinking about creating some garden space in my yard for cut flowers. Your blog has been so informative!
    I can’t wait to get planning. Thanks for all your fantastic tips.

  829. Julie on

    I live in an apartment in Boston with no access to land outside. I enjoy reading your helpful tips now, so I will be prepared in the future! Thank you for your beautiful pictures & wise words.

  830. Cara on

    I am so excited that a friend introduced me to your blog! My family is in the process of purchasing our first home, and while I have never attempted a garden before, I have a dream of turning our front yard (about a 1/4 acre) into a flower garden. I am so inspired by your work and you passion! We live in Massachusetts, so I’m sure things aren’t exactly the same, but this is all super helpful (and exciting)!
    <3 Cara

  831. Aideen on

    I was told you are the leader in a cut flower revolution and had to come take a look. Very interesting and informative read if I ever do get to grow my own, if only for my own pleasure

  832. Kari on

    Thank you, I’m so glad to have found you! I am starting from scratch and navigating this world blindly. You have given me hope and motivation that this may be possible, for that and so much more, thank you.

  833. Amy Breault on

    As long as I can remember I have always loved cut flowers instead of pre-made arrangements. While thinking about getting back to my roots (pun intended) I have been considering farming. My grandfather was a farmer. I have tried vegetables in the past without much luck. I never learned how to farm. I happened upon your Instagram and instantly feel in love. The idea of walking among a yard of flowers just makes my heart happy. Thank you so much for being willing to help those like me to pursue a love for flowers. I hope to make a small amount of money but, if all I get out of growing flowers is the enjoyment of them my life will be richer. Thanks again.

  834. Christy on

    Thank you for sharing what you know!! I have been a home gardener for years, but hoping to take the next step and actually sell some of what I grow – I am looking forward to reading your book and am sure it will be a huge help!!

  835. Mary Railey on

    I have become the emergency Florist in my community
    I am astounded at the price of Flowers and thought I would grow garden flowers to supplement the expensive
    Flowers from my local florist
    Also doesn’t everyone prefers Garden Flowers !!
    I have 4 empty raised beds I have thought about filling with vegetables but after learning of Floret Flowers, I hope to fill with Floret Flowers! I ordered your book and anxiously waiting for fall in hopes of ordering some Dalhias and seeds and maybe a Workshop in 2018 !!!
    Thank you so much for your very informative and encouraging Newsletter !

  836. Tom on

    I just found you…………you are what makes the internet great.

    I will be back, Iam away from home and will subscribe next time.

    Thank you for the inspiration. Take care.


  837. Jacinda on

    This is super helpful. I am in a similar season as you described when you were starting your flower garden, and I have the tendency to bite off more than I can chew. Thank you for these questions. This is valuable in determining where to start in this new venture.

  838. Jenny on

    Your a God send! Mom of three wanting to grow flowers because the thought if it bring great joy when I see that hey I started that from seed! My kids ar excited and hoping to teach them a lot!

  839. ChenXia on

    I was born in 1988,and I am from China,Im so inspired by your experiences!And Im gonna quit my job and do this !Im gonna create a garden soon.But for sure,Im a little nervous about all the unknown Im gonna face to ,But I will keep on fighting!I need your advises…and I don’t know if my English is ok to understand ,haha

  840. Marni Nelson on

    I am 55 and looking forward to starting a small flower growing operation. Your info is great and I hope to visit your farm this summer. Look forward to learning from your experience..I am too old to make mistakes !

  841. Dani on

    Just moved to a new house on a 3rd acre. Totally overgrown with weeds and shrubs from the 60’s….I want it all done tomorrow and this helps me keep that in perspective. One at a time. I left my lovely little garden to the buyers of our last home so I’m feeling pretty bummed out right now, but this gives me hope!

  842. Amanda on

    Just came across your website after reading the New York Magazine article. Love everything here!

  843. Dawn on

    Well I am 53 years young and thru the up and downs of my life gardening has always been my rock. When I bought my very first home at the age of 27 we unloaded the boxes from the truck to the house and I went straight outside to dig a bed for vegetables. My mother-in-law came out and said “Don’t you think you should unpack the boxes first?” My response, ” Mom it’s spring I have to plant.” It was my first garden and I did more wrong than right but it was perfect. My dream would to be able to grow enough floweres to sell bouquets at local growers market.

  844. Heidi on

    I just ordered your book. I’m giving serious consideration to starting a flower farm and your input is great. Especially learning from your mistakes! Without a greenhouse to start is it possible to direct sow for the first year and still make a go of it? Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

  845. Sam on

    I have followed you on Instagram for ages and love watching all your flowers bloom and the displays you put together. Thank you for sharing. We are moving into our new home soon and I will begin my gardening to always keep fresh flowers in the house. Thank you for sharing your experiences and advice.

  846. Jessie on

    Thanks so much for sharing your advice and thoughts! I’d love to grow and sell cut flowers but I’d need a hoop house or a greenhouse to start the seeds in since I’m so far north. This is where I get stuck. Is there a way to make a greenhouse without spending a ton of money? I’ve searched online but it’s overwhelming. Any help or tips on this would be much appreciated!

  847. Kari on

    This a wonderful post, thank you. I have a growing interest in flowers from snipping blooms from my mom’s garden, and chatting with her about different varieties to try. I’m beginning to consider helping mom expand her garden in hopes of being able to sell some flowers at the local farmers markets. This post gives some really helpful perspective and things to consider as we look to possibly expanding next season. Thanks!

  848. Rachel Kabodian on

    I have been following your instagram for some time now and just realized you have a blog and I LOVE IT!!! :) My husband and I live in Seattle but are getting a little tired of city life and are planning to buy land somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula or Southern Oregon; your flower farm is such an inspiration! Our dream is to have a small retreat center on our farm where we teach yoga, herbal medicine making, offer massage and healing sessions, and the opportunity for people to offer their helping hands on our farm that will have fruit trees, veggies, herbs, and flowers! Haha, talk about biting off more than you can chew, huh!? Well, that’s the dream :) why not dream big! It doesn’t have to happen all at once of course. Anyway, please keep posting—>you have so much wisdom to share! I also love your writing style…I’ll be getting your book soon I’m sure! Thanks ?

  849. Natalie on

    This article definitely gave me a little boost of “You go girl, you can do this! Follow your dream!” I can explode with so much emotion contemplating my own dream flower farm. Unfortunately, I live in Florida. With our heat and humidity, flowers just don’t seem to do well. I am a beginner by all standards, and want to learn all I can whenever I can. At this point I’m willing to move out of state, anywhere where flowers will grow. I just don’t know where to go. I need help in figuring out where that would be. I’m willing to uproot my entire life to follow this dream of mine. I just hope it can truly become a reality. Do you guys know a good place to move to? somewhere with a great climate for gardening and not too much snow ;) thank you so much. ps Please keep the blogs and articles coming. They are a great way in helping me really envision what life with a flower farm would be like.

  850. Melissa on

    Loving this post and your instagram feed. I bought a house on 2 acres with a green house. There’s so many plants popping up and I want to learn how to garden. I bought your Salmon and Big Red Wine seeds. Excited to keep reading and figuring this out as I go. Wish me luck!

  851. Jaime Main on

    I am eighteen years old and have always enjoyed the process of watching seeds grow into something productive and rewarding especially with vegetables and fruit trees. I have always been considered a bit of an outsider due to gardening being a hobby instead of going out partying like most people my age, however my long term goal is to own a bit of land and reap the rewards of growing food myself. Your farm and blog have inspired me to venture out and plant some flowers, I currently have got Dahlias, Gerberas and Sweet Peas on the go, thank you for sharing your sweet business.

  852. Mariah on

    Thank you so much for this post. My soon to be husband has about 26 acres that he has started a hop farm on. I was thinking a good way to contribute would be a small cut flower garden. Then, for my birthday, one of my good friend gave me your book, Cut Flower Garden! I am in the process of devouring it! It has been so inspirational and this blog post helped make it seem like a possibility without losing reality. Plus, although I live in Maine now, I grew up spending summers in Skagit Valley and still go back at least once a year to visit my family who is still out there. Thank you for sharing!

  853. Erin Stewart on

    I have been gardening now for 10 1/2 years. I started with hanging baskets and pots at my first apartment! i couldn’t get enough of that alone. as soon as my husband and i bought our first house i started a garden in the ground. We sold our home and moved to a farm that we now rent. i developed a love of starting flowers from seed a few years ago because it just seemed like the next thing after vegetables. Now I can’t get enough. I feel that I can’t grow enough flowers and I try to fit as many into the season as I can. I never thought I could make a business out of something that I love because I always felt that it might take the joy out of it. But I do garden for hours a day and so I’m feeling that I may actually be able to do this as a business of that. Until I came across your blog I wasn’t really aware of the flower industry. It’s funny b/c I don’t like my husband to ever bother buying me flowers at the store b/c I always felt that they were so ugly. I have always told him to just pick me wild flowers off the side of the road. The flowers in the store are so “cheesy” looking.When I started reading your book and reading your blog I immediately developed a passion and could see a vision for local flowers in our state. (unless they just didn’t come up on google). I know that I would be bored with typical flower farms that just put out large quantities but don’t specialize in interesting and unique arrangements. That is precisely what would keep me inspired. Most people seem to do this for the money but when I read that you still love it because of the simple fact that you feel in the moment with flowers, I could completely relate. That statement alone made me feel that I could connect with that. To farm flowers for money would bore me to no end! But to do it b/c of the love and then reach a specific market, that is what would keep me going as I homeschool my four children and work in the hot sun! I have known nothing but high intensity gardening. I gardened on 1/4 acre for 7 years. I completely understand how to do succession planting and narrow isles! Its so normal to me! my husband and I have always agreed that our small living situations would have a purpose down the road for us. I thank God for the experience. Thank you for your continual inspiration. You are filled with much wisdom that I will personally be relying on in the coming months. I look forward to reading more!

  854. Tracey Allen on

    I am just venturing into growing flowers for home and garden (and maybe to create a little bit of extra cash) after moving to a much larger garden a little while ago. Love your articles and find them very inspiring, as well as your Cut Flower Garden book which I have just read cover to cover. My twins are just about to start school this Autumn so I will, at last, have more time to devote to my gardening passion, possibly developing a hobby business of my own and to learning more from Floret Farm.

  855. Rachel on

    I seem to have found your blog at just the right time. And these are the questions I need to be asking myself now, as I contemplate starting a flower farm. I live in about 20 acres, of which I could probably farm 1-2 acres in flowers. I also have that tendency to dive in head first and think I have to do it ALL, and RIGHT NOW. So I am trying to pace myself and just start small.
    The vegetable garden is started, then comes the flowers and berries. ?

  856. Cynthia C on

    Thank you for sharing your many years of work with us! Your generosity is an inspiration to all of us! I look forward to learning and hopefully someday creating my own version of a local farm in my area.

  857. Laurenne on

    I absolutely love your comment about how cut flowers pull you out of the future and into the present! I have started buying flowers weekly to do exactly this, as well as keep me from dwelling on the past! I’m looking forward to learning how to grow my own flowers through reading your posts! Thanks in advance

  858. Jess on

    So much great info! Apartment living isn’t conducive to growing a cut flower garden but a girl can dream and plan for the future. Inspiring article!

  859. Suzanne on

    I have a big, sunny backyard in Upstate South Carolina waiting to be productive. With flower farmers cropping up at local weekly markets, their blooms are easy to envy. Being retirement age but not fully retired, I would like to step towards flower growing but the question is how do I begin? Your blog is filled with great information that I have only begun to read. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  860. Jennifer on

    I’m loving these posts about growing your own flowers. I’m interested in growing on a small scale, mostly just for my own personal use. I live in the city and have a small community garden plot and sometimes enjoy guerrilla gardening. I live in Vancouver, Canada, and I look forward to reading about your suggestions for climate. I also loved the post about small space gardening, especially Sarah Nixon’s creative solution.

  861. Jessica maddox on

    Hi Erin. I’m researching and planning to start my own cut flower farm next year. I’ve just finished reading your book cover to cover giving me endless ideas and tips for my own business. I’m now looking forward to reading through your blog for more invaluable tips. I can’t express how grateful I am for you to share your experience with us. Most farmers and business owners like to keep their secret to success close to them. Your doing a wonderful job of keeping the information generic enough that even in Australia I can adapt the information to my climate and conditions. If there was anything more I would like to know more about it would be marketing your flowers. Did you have a rough idea of your market before starting? I to have 2 preschoolers and loOk forward to reading how you juggled your kids and the farm :D

  862. Nikki on

    What an amazing amount of information you are sharing! I’ve just gotten interested in growing cutting flowers (just for my house and to take to shut ins I visit etc) but I’m not a natural green thumb. I’ve read several of your posts already and pinned them. I’m excited to learn about types of flowers, spacing, timing for planting. All these awesome ‘tricks’ and valuable information I’m learning from your posts. Thank you for sharing!

  863. Sue Salzmann on

    Hi. I am a lifelong gardener living in the western Catskill Mountains in New York State. I just read your article in Heirloom Gardener and decided to check out your website.
    I’m just beginning to work on a plan for a small cut flower business. I have six acres, about three of which would work for full sun crops and probably another acre that I could use to develop shade gardens. I am also interested in using plants from the woods here and the many available wildflowers in my neighborhood.
    I am hoping to have a plan together to start small in the Spring of 2018.
    Thank you for providing this resource. I am just starting to figure things out (marketing-wise) and I’m sure as I progress I will have many questions. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you might be willing to help me answer them!

  864. brenda on

    I am in Idaho and just came across your blog. I love flowers and would like to start a flower business. I have a half acre of land that is irrigated that I would love to plant more flowers in just getting my feet wet right now and trying to get as much info as I can before I start.

  865. penny on

    Love ,love,love your blig!! My husband & I have dreamed a million times about growing cut flowers & turning it into a business! ! We are in Central Florida so our growing season is pretty sweet. What flowers do you recommend to start with? Right now we are thinking small with sunflowers, snaps, & zinnias hued for fall….any tjoughts??

  866. lisa barton on

    Hi! I love your business and passion. You are an inspiration! I’m in Southern, CT. I’m wondering if it’s too late to plant, its June 15th. If not, great! I’d like cut flowers to simply put in my home or give to friends. How would I know what to plant so that I can harvest in a way that would spread out the harvest so I’d have fresh flowers consistently until maybe early October? I know, a tall order :)

  867. Hannah Vazquez on

    I just discovered you on Instragram this spring, then you showed up on a new favorite podcast (Living Homegrown)! I love your story, and I just started digging into your blog. My husband and I are moving in the direction of starting businesses and being out on our own, and growing flowers is one area I’m looking into since I love flowers and arranging, plus we have a lot of nice land. This post is a great start for me to start evaluating if this is a good move for us and I’m really excited to read the rest of the series! I am planning on buying your book soon too!! One thing I’m really impressed with is your generosity in sharing all of your experience and knowledge (as well as how much knowledge you have!). So, thank you!

  868. indulge on

    So glad I found you!! Can’t wait to keep reading and learn as much as I can so I can start my own garden at home. I live in Florida and it does gets very hot for a long part of the year, which makes me a little nervous. But I’m very confident I’ll make it work.
    With your help of course!!

  869. Lindsey on

    I just discovered your blog and I’m in love with it. I’m learning how to grow flowers in our tiny little backyard outside of Calgary,AB. A zone that has such a short growing period but I’m experimenting this year with dahlias and ranunculus in hopes that I’ll be able to continually gift family and friends with beautiful flowers.

  870. Suzanne on

    Floret’s popularity and the challenge of getting into your workshops says it all about being on the “right track”. Your book, photos, story, and generosity to share your knowledge are gifts of beauty to all.
    Thank you…

  871. Elizabeth on

    Hello! I’ve been vegetable gardening for years but have been wanting to try my hand at a cutting garden for my home (and maybe some bouquets to give away). Thanks so much for all the information and beautiful pictures!

  872. Leslie Vanis on

    My head is spinning with excitement. I just discovered your webpage and blogs two days ago. I have already bought the book and find myself anxiously awaiting any new information of potential classes??? I live in Oregon and am blessed to live on 1.3 acres of wonderful growing soil in the lower Willamette Valley, ideal for growing cut flowers. I have always had a passion for gardening but I have a very busy life being a mom, EMT/Volunteer Firefighter, wedding coordinator and office manager at a medical practice. I love my life with two beautiful almost grown daughters and an incredibly supportive husband but we dreaming of the next stage in our lives. I feel like I am being pulled to live a more grounded and present life as well, and feel so inspired and moved by your story. I now dare to think that my dream of growing flowers for profit and pleasure are a real possibility. I too tend to think that I need to do it ALL right now and get impatient. But as we have 3 years left before my youngest goes off to college I hope to take the time to plan before I bite off more than I can chew. Thank you for sharing part of your heart with us all.

  873. Laurel Muff on

    I’m starting my first cut flower garden in one half of our little fenced-off garden this year, after getting inspired by your book. Your posts have been very helpful, too, (especially this one) in getting down to the nitty-gritty and truly understanding with an undertaking this can be and helping me understand limits. Thank you for all your hard work!

  874. Stephanie Rau on

    I’ve been playing around with the idea of growing flowers for a year now. We have live on 10 acres in Nebraska and I work at the local public school so I have summers off with my boys. I am so excited to find this blog! I look forward to reading and becoming more inspired to full-fill this little dream I have. So far what has caught my attention the most is that you love to share the beauty and magic of flowers. I believe there is something sweet and magical about flowers and bringing joy to people is really what we should all strive to do daily! Thank you for what you do!

  875. Karen on

    I live in San Francisco, and have the opportunity to live in the house I was brought up in with my husband, 3 kids and my dear mother. I am a little nervous, but very excited to start growing cut flowers in our yard. I’m weary of the weather my district brings in but the sun shines for a good 6 hours in the yard on a non foggy day. I’m wanting to start off small (limited time because of my young children) and bless those around me by handing them fresh cut flowers from my yard one day. Thanks again!


    I was moved by your passion and interest in Life. I love what you said that flowers have given you the opportunity to live in the present and the now. Huh…. I wish I could do the same as you did in your beautiful garden.

    I once told myself I could not have graduated from Architecture (Architorture ) I could have finished Horticulture because as years goes by after my wedding I have been dying to fulfill this missing piece of my dream. I am from Phillippines and we have all the full tropical sun, we have land but I am working in Singapore but I am hoping one day I could move this passion within me to sprout and grow as many flowers as yours to make people happy.

  877. Melissa Lennox on

    Thank you for taking the time to write this series!!! I’m enchanted by your farm and having just moved into a little fixer-upper home with my hubby, and put 3 months of labor into renovating the whole thing ourselves, I’m looking forward to creating a little secret garden oasis in our backyard (or front yard, actually, for more sun!) I can’t wait to read the rest of the posts in this series!

    Melissa from North Carolina

  878. Jenna on

    Thank you for all your wonderful blog posts! I found your flower farm and blog recently and am slowly working my way through all of your posts. They are very helpful and inspirational.

  879. Michelle on

    I am enjoying your posts so much! I am currently living in the city and cramming in as many flowers as I can, but my husband and I are in the process of looking for a farm and I dream of growing flowers to sell. Your posts have so much useful information, thank you! I haven’t read all of them yet, maybe you’ve already covered this, but I’m very interested in how you deal with pests. Rabbits are my garden tormentors, eating everything I love.

  880. Sharon falck on

    Thank you for all this wonderful information! I’m hoping you have the secret to success with sweet peas for me, every year I try to grow them in deep pots and just when they’re looking tall and lush and ready to bloom the aphids destroy them. I live in Vancouver bc so our climate is similar to yours. I’ve tried safest soap, stronger sprays, ladybugs twice and nothing works. Thank you soo much for your time and your wonderful

  881. Moleti Raletsatsi on

    Helpful post, I have grown interest in cut flower gardening and would like try it out.

  882. Elna Sip on

    I love your posts so much. I live in the southwestern part of Utah where our summer temps are in the high 90/100 * each day from June until September. I live in an electric wheel chair and I’m unable to get down on my knees to work the earth. So I have developed my garden in clay pots of all sizes and shapes. I started out with annuals, now I’m replacing with perennials as much as I can. My blooms have been fabulous this spring. I’ve been doing this for about 6 years now. It’s so important to have good soil, fertilizer and good water. Most importantly is good seed or sturdy plants. I love your book. Has great tips for all. I’ve been a florist for 20 years and just love your blogs and information. Thanks so much!!!!!!!

  883. Ashley Henry on

    I so needed to read this before embarking on my journey as a gardening mom. With a full time job as a wedding photographer, 3 little kids, 3 dogs and a husband with a green thumb, I needed to really think about what I’m doing. I’m loving learning from you!

  884. Jodi on

    Thanks for sharing this post with small reminders (although they can impact you in LARGE ways at times) of things to take into consideration for starting up. Could you take each one and expand on them? Helps for us newbies to get a larger span of whats needed. Also, the best way to start-small, and ideas for us to brain storm of what that should or could mean for those with borderline popsicle dreams. I just found this blog, so I’m sure that somewhere you have information on determining proper growing season and climate for the happiest plants.

    So glad I found Floret! And thanks so much for sharing your world with us, to inspiringly “bloom” us too. ;o)

  885. Kelsey Colwell on

    This is all so helpful, as I have a single vacant parcel of land in Columbus that I’m looking to cultivate cut flowers on! Thank you!

  886. Jonna on

    I really needed to read this particular post today. I have two young children under two, a new forever home and huge plans and dreams for every inch of my outdoor canvas. Which means I find myself digging out old shrubs with a colicky baby strapped to me and planting peonies at 11 pm, using my cellphone flashlight to decide plant placements.
    I really appreciate you sharing your experience, because sometimes I wonder if I should be able to get everything done on my list or if I just made the list too long. I’m buying the book and I’m looking forward to using it to create a flower garden that slightly resembles the one from my daydreams.
    Thank you. !!

  887. Carole Anne on

    I have always grown flowers in my garden in UK and last year I enrolled on a horticultural course at the local college, to become a better gardener. Recently my college friends and I visited a local flower grower. It had never occurred to me that I could grow flowers to pick and arrange indoors!!
    Your post has been very useful, in so much as it has stopped me from rushing straight out and digging up the front lawn. I realise that I have a lot more research to do as money is tight, so I will start with my annual seeds and see what happens.
    Thank you for posting all the beautiful photographs.

  888. Cynthia on

    WOW , I can’t believe I’ve been obsessed with Floret for over 2 years, buying seeds like crazy and this is the first time I have read this post. I desperately tried to get into a workshop this season, even submitted for a scholarship, to no success. But all things do happen for a reason.
    In March, my mother became gravely ill and is now on Hospice. Had I gotten into one of the workshops, I would have had to forfeit it. Additionally, I have way too many boxes and bags of seeds and bulbs sitting in my office that clearly aren’t going to get in the ground this year. Who am I kidding, though? It wouldn’t have happened, anyway. As you have experienced, I can’t have it all right now! I am not prepared to plant it all successfully, so thank you for this blog, this opportunity for re-evaluation! My new goal for this season is to determine the adequate ground needed, mark it out and prep for success next year. The shipments sitting in my office aren’t even opened and I’m not sure what all is there. Certainly plenty of sweet peas and dahlias along with maybe some ranunculus and perhaps an anemone. Please advise how best to keep them over the year. If some don’t make it, I’m sure it’s just God’s way of “right-sizing” this endeavor!
    Thank you!

  889. Ginger on

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I just received Cut Flower Garden today for mothers day and I couldn’t be more excited. Our family is leaving the city for acreage and I’ve begun to dream of my own cutting garden! No business plans or long term vision… but the idea of flowers is making me really excited! These questions are fantastic for helping me to craft a vision. I see your workshops are sold out. But I don’t see any idea of how often they’re hosted, what the cost is, or when the next workshops may be? Can you please fill me in?
    Thanks, Ginger

  890. Ginelle on

    I appreciate your thoughtfulness! All good things to consider. I may have bit off more than I can chew but you need to start somewhere! I am jumping in with a big front yard bed at a new house in Hamilton, Ontario. The plan is to grow veggies and cut flowers in the city for fun but would love to have a little road side stand and share the flower love! Great to remember why you grow things and be realistic with your goals. Thanks!!

  891. Vicks on

    Good Articles I was Looking For A Blog And founded This thanks and Plz post more.

  892. Roma Dyrhauge on


    Growing flowers for bukets was my main motivation for pestering my husband for a bigger garden when we were househunting ten years back. The dream was rows of lush brilliant flowers being born ito ou house by our angelic children. After reading your page I find myself almost there. The new grid system has kicked off nicely and if the new seedlings emerging are anything to go by this year my not so angelic children will likely disappear among blooms. The set up of the page is clean, easy to navigate and enticing. I have seldom seen homepage as appetising or as inspiring. In addition the tips and advices are easily adaptible to Danish conditions. I look forward to following this page. Best regards Roma Dyrhauge

  893. Elizabeth Mitchell on

    I have spent my whole life growing flowers, it’s all I really want to do!! I just love reading your posts and looking at your pictures. You are living my dream!! I will just keep on filling my garden with flowers and hope that I can have more land to grow more some day. Thanks Elizabeth Mitchell

  894. Rachel Wolstenholme on

    Hi Erin,

    I’m just beginning to plan a small cut flower garden and finding your blog is perfect timing.
    I love the six things to think about and how you obviously very generously share information and experience.
    I’m living in the south of Spain on what is known as the Costa Tropical. We don’t have any frost worries at all, but I reckon most of July and August are just too hot to grow so I’ll be spending this year experimenting with small quantities of things and maybe sowing lots of things in the autumn, a lot of experimenting, and being able to read about your work is a great inspiration and adds colour to my dreaming.
    Thanks Rachel

  895. Kim Kross th on

    This was helpfull I love cut flowers I just buy and grow I will sit down and figure out what the next bed will be like I do for the raised vegetable beds.

  896. DH on

    Perfect timing for this post and questions to ask yourself as my wife and I consider a move and business start up ,into the flower biz.

  897. Jon Ripley on

    Hi Erin,
    I am a lurker!
    But last year you and a few others inspired me enough to rent 2/3 acre next to my cottage in Devon England.
    I suffer from depression but have always loved my garden, my father and grandfather were both nurserymen so it’s in the blood. I new enough to prepare and cultivate the soil which I did over the winter, in January I started sowing my seeds I only have a 8 x 6 greenhouse so I used 104 cell plug trays , I had divided the field into two and made fourteen rows either side of about 20 metres in length by 1.3 metres wide so you can imagine that’s a hell of a lot of seedlings to grow in a little greenhouse. At this time my depression came back and I have been off work since February this year and find it really difficult to motivate myself some days I make it into the field others I don’t but I have to say the flowers have kept me going and the “here and now” part has really helped.
    I am looking forward to a successful first year and just want to thank you for your inspiration and open approach which many of us over here find very helpful.

  898. Heather C Grant McDonell on

    I have a tiny back yard, more the size of a court yard in northern Louisiana. I found my favorite flowers for a container garden and tried to makeshift a greenhouse for winter seeding out of an event tent with sides. I had the temperature right with a heater, and kept the humidity at ideal, but forgot to consider air circulation. The ceiling screw fine, and I transplanted them in the plants only to find out too late that they were diseased with mold. They killed everything in my backyard. It was a hard week but a lesson learned!

  899. Joyce Dance on

    I am just starting out this year growing flowers for the first time. Your blog will hopefully set me on the right path and I will read this one over and sit with pen and paper to answer all the points you have made. I am hoping to sell the flowers at a farmers market in the valley ( the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada). I have already read the blog about soil prep and passed this one over to my husband who is going to help me with that. ( He went to agricultural college so has some knowledge of this ). Your blog is a joy and inspiration to read. I found your site after deciding this is something I wanted to do, so it is lovely to find this can be sucessful and I am not completely crazy!

  900. Janie on

    Just discovered your blog yesterday, via Pintrist. Currently in the depths of child wrangling but whatever free time I have goes into perennial landscaping, We have a small lot in the city of Flint (MI). Several years ago the abandoned house next door was torn down and we acquired that lot for only $64. That’s how affordable city plots are here! My husband had huge visions of vegetable gardens for the space but groundhogs are savage. I’m turning his unsuccessful food garden into a small flower farm, little by little. How do perennials factor in to your farm? Thanks for your work! It’s inspiring!

  901. Elisa on

    Your life, passion and story are all very inspiring. I live in NYC and dream of living on a farm like yours. I have pots of flowers and tons of flowers I buy at Trader Joe surrounding me at home and work. My goal is to grow a potted garden in the middle of the city. Love your blog, books, photos and education. =)

  902. Leslie on

    I jut found you today. What beautiful flowers! I scanned through your posts and pulled this one to read first. I haven’t planted flowers yet — well, not more than a pot or two for accent in the garden. But I’m going to change that. From now on I’m going to focus on growing flowers for my home. For 3 springs and summers I’ve been working (unsuccessfully) with veggies. That is over. After seeing some of your gorgeous bouquets of bulb flowers, I was entranced. Everything is sold out, but that’s because I’ve come to you late. No matter. This year I’ll read and dream, and this fall I’ll begin to prepare. Thank you so much for putting out the effort to make this site exceptional. I’ll comment again when I have something more substantial to share.

  903. Sylvia Patton on

    Hello,, I live in Central Ohio,,and this year I decided to take out my vegetable gardens because I am getting older,,and arthritic,hands and back.. I have always loved growing flowers,,and once owned a small flower shop. Now that spring has come,,and I am seeing my garden sitting empty,I decided to give it a go and plant it all in flowers… I would love to grow sweet peas,,and have started some in pots.. I also have three 4×10 raised beds that I have allowed for flowers. I love your story,,and get lost in thought when I look at your pictures,, I just ordered your book yesterday. My problem is that everything I see,,I want to plant. Do you have any recommendations on keeping me focused on growing a few things well, ? I am not sure what cutting flowers grow well in my area,,,except zinnias. I am English,,and I would love to have an area for sweet peas,,especially

  904. Linda on

    Hello, I’m wondering how you deal with pests? E.g., do you get swarms of Japanese beetles in the summer?

    Thanks in advance, Linda

  905. Lourdes on

    Hi Erin and the wonderful Floret Team! I live in Winnipeg and works as a full-time flower buyer for cut flower wholesaler. It is in this job that I realized I have a knack for flower arranging. My boyfriend and I are gardening enthusiasts! He lives in an acreage and has been really supportive of my cut flower gardening dreams. This summer, we have this opportunity to try our hands on it without me having to leave my job. We are starting on a 600 sq ft garden area and I am feeling a little overwhelmed thinking of all the things we have to do before I can pick and start arranging my own blooms. This post really helped me focused on what we can realistically do well only this summer. Like you, I live on the future and sometimes I end up doing projects half-halfheartedly but that is not how I want to be this time. SO thank you for sharing all the knowledge you have gained in all the years you have been farming! You make our dreams seems so achievable.

  906. Carol Bevins on

    Your posts are so down to earth and friendly. I’m a passionate vegetable gardener with a bunch of flowers thrown in to attract the pollinators. Now I want to plant an entire flower garden to admire and share cut flowers with my vegetable recipients. I so enjoy sitting back and looking at your website. Thank you and your team for giving me this pleasure and guide.

  907. Grace Underwood on

    I just found this blog today! It is so helpful, and I am devouring all the information and the beautiful pictures! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information! It’s very helpful, and encouraging to see people who actually make it work. I am that mother wrangling little ones right now. LOL. While we probably won’t make a business out of selling plants or flowers right now, we are certainly enjoying them in our home and sharing them with friends! My favorite go to flowers right now are giant zinnias. Easy to grow, a rainbow of colors, armfuls of flowers up until frost, attracting and fostering pollinators, what more could you ask for? :)

  908. Francie on

    My husband and I are photographers and there are so many times when this would be the perfect touch. Besides the fact that I would love to have to have beauty in my house!
    Ready to start but with baby steps!

  909. Annette on

    I am a graphic designer and a few months ago while working on some floral illustrations my eight year old son asked me if we could start the garden we always talked about. Grow the flowers I love. My parents have a family Christmas tree farm and I always dreamed of starting a farm too. We are starting small this year with a test farm of eight 4’x10′ beds in my backyard. Your book came out at the perfect time and it has been invaluable, there were so many steps I would have overlooked. My kindle does not have colored pictures so I regularly pop by your website and blog. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  910. Britney on

    After 5 years of designing wedding bouquets for friends I’ve decided today to start my farming-florist adventure here in Sultan Washington! Your book is on the way… With a one year old in tow I should have my work cut out for me. Your transparency is inviting and encouraging. Looking forward to my new journey.

  911. Emilie on

    Hi Erin & Floret team! I love this post and am starting a small scale flower cutting garden this year with a hope to increase over the years. With my work schedule it is essential for me to make sure that I have a plan everyday for my gardens and this post is a friendly reminder of all the time it takes to maintain a garden. I can’t wait to read more posts and learn lots! Thanks for sharing. Happy growing from New Hampshire.

  912. Tamsin Borlase on

    I’m 10 years in to a growing project here in U.K. Having mirrored a lot of your experience with young family and growing a business in a shoestring ! It’s lovely to see your success and your beautiful book. Energy is key ! You need a massive wellspring of it to deal with the rigour of a summer season, but like the flowers we grow, I’m sure we too photosynthesise and that incredible surge that comes on in May is about to engulf me! Your new growers must learn to embrace this, run with it let it sweep you along, winter is for sleeping .. I think I’m probably more like a bear every season now!
    Thank you for your inspirational social media! It’s certainly spurred me on and I know that many other ‘Flowers from the Farm’ growers also get a huge amount from all you’ve done /created.
    All the best for another wonderful season.
    (It’s finally raining here tonight after nearly 6 weeks of not a drop! Unheard of in April. I’m already fed up with dragging hoses about! Let it rain, let it pour .. all night please !! )
    Kind regards

  913. Karen Odegaard on

    You are inspiring. I have a quarter acre and a little local store to supply with flowers this year after experimenting last year during the longest drought in the recorded history of this area. I also plant flowers to help stay grounded and in the moment. I fully relate to your efforts. Thanks!

  914. Joyce Hails on

    I’m a newbie and overwhelmed because I want to do everything now! I have so much to learn but I’ve realized that growing flowers is my passion. I grew only 4 varieties last year and this year growing almost 30 varieties and still want more. The hubby is reining me in here. Thankfully we already have plenty of land and have been produce farming and previously dairy farming for many years. Even with all this, I realized I know nothing about soil. Right. My husband has done all the farming on top of a full time job after leaving dairy farming. I would harvest the produce and can/freeze. I quit my job late last summer with the realization that I wanted to farm full time. Wanting to have a niche of my own, I realized it’s flowers and also love herbs. We have 2 seasonal self serve farm stands and also a storefront in a very rural area in northeast Pennsylvania with many vacationers, campers, hikers, hunters. I would like to custom grow flowers for brides. I am thankful for all the encouragement on this blog and others and the many, many resources that are available. Thank you so much for all you do.

  915. Ginger Whitehead on

    Thank you for all of your time and work! Your information has been a blessing as much as it has been helpful.
    I live in a small mountain community and we are surrounded by deer. I have had small gardens in the past but I am saving for fencing. I commute to work 3 days A week.
    I have started doing research on many different flowers. I have information forms that I fill out for each flower variety. The information I get from you has been so helpful in my quest. Thank you again!

  916. Holly Lemieux on

    This is very helpful. I haven’t really jumped in yet but just toying around with a few flowers but hopefully I’ll get into it full time soon. Love your work and your blog


  917. Annika on

    I am coming back to this particular post because it’s my first year growing a dedicated cutting garden after many years of perennial gardening, urban & rural veggie farming, starting my own landscape design/build company, being a flower thief/fairy for my home and friends, and growing flowers for our own wedding last summer. With the cold and wet this spring (Seattle), more than half of the seeds I planted haven’t come up and those that have seem to be irresistible to slugs. Add in a few colds, my wonderful busy 2.5 yr old, and the busy season in landscape design work… and the idea of selling summer herbal/floral subscriptions from my own garden is floundering a bit. I also got really excited about expanding the cut flower palette to us more herbs and native wildflowers to integrate with my pollinator garden designs, but germination rates have been discouraging for that test area of the garden too. So I really needed to revisit this post and re-answer the questions about time, space, money and motivation. Happily, it still feels like I can do it with a few upgrades, more hope/faith/determination and, perhaps most importantly, more networking and outreach to others in this field of work. (I do dream of taking a workshop with you one day too.) Many thanks for everything you do!

  918. Lenore Messick on

    Wow, what a great resource to stumble across! I really appreciate your focus on making time and space for growing in a busy life.

  919. Cole on

    Thank you so much for moving me and keeping me inspired to explore something meaningful to me – although flowers are special to me for family reasons being in he garden with the soil and getting my hands dirty renews my spirit and brings so much joy to my life that what I earn from it doesn’t matter – because I’m focused solely on the rewarding feeling I have crating something beautiful, loving and peaceful that I can (hopefully) share with others. I have a small portion of land that was lost to some decaying trees so here’s to hope, peace, joy and love ?

  920. Mandy Reid on

    Hi , I live in Tenterfield in New South Wales in Australia. We live in a small town on the Great Dividing Range . We are 850 metres above sea level and I am starting a very small flower farm. Our climate suits cold climate plants so I have planted 70 peonies along with sweetpea, foxgloves, asters, larkspurs, hydrangeas, trellis for clematis, cornflowers, dahlias and roses. It’s very exciting and we are now heading into winter so I’m hoping that spring will bring bumper crops of flowers. After investing in the peonies I had little money left so I’ve had to use seed for all the others. I suppose all I can do is learn by my mistakes….but I am so excited!! Cheers Mandy

  921. Gabriela on

    Thank you so much for your generosity!! I’m seriously thinking about starting this season.I’ll have more questions then!

  922. Tracy Shelton on

    As is was reading this post I was thinking about what a gift your writing is to flower growers! The content was so very clear, concise and personal. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with those of us who are in great need of it! I found this post to be very helpful and informative!

  923. Liz on

    Thank you for your honest and thoughtful posts. I am just starting a small flower garden (my first year!) to see how it goes. I have always grown vegetables but it is a dream of mine to someday make a career out of vegetable growing. Can you share more information on how you earn a living and actually found ways to sell your flowers? Also, more tips and tricks on starting from seeds would be amazing…I am having so much trouble and can’t figure out what on earth the problem is!!!

  924. Renee on

    I am so so glad to have found this blog/website!! I have the thought of starting a cut garden to start giving bouquets to family/friends, and eventually working up to selling. Thank you for all your wise words of wisdom!

  925. Esther Geneser on

    Thanks so much for your existing…I am sorry my english are not too good…I just want to thank you and your team for all the advises and ideas you give. I was born in Brazil but moved to Denmark for about 22 years ago. All my life I always loved to work with plants and now finale I have my own big garden with is open for visitors from may to september every year. It`s wonderful to talk to people who share the same interest. I have a small farmershop in my place and it would be wonderful to sell fresh flowers direct from the garden in the shop. Since I found you I just get more and more excited to start my own little flower business and I`m so thankful for all the help you give to beginners like me.

  926. Becky Culbertson on

    Thank you for your blogs, your photos, sharing the lessons learned, etc. I have been watching for a while now, and have been inspired, perhaps even challenged, to start a cutting garden this year, specifically for my son’s wedding. It is something I have wanted to do for many years (I have been flower gardening in decorative beds with primarily perennials for an equal number of years…) I arrange flowers for weddings and events just a few times a year, and it can be hard and expensive to find the unique blooms I am looking for, so growing them is the ideal solution. My son’s wedding is the perfect excuse to get my feet wet. I am learning so much from your articles and your book, but am still a bit uncertain about how to be sure that I have blooms at the correct time. I understand looking at the number of days, and counting back from there, but don’t know for sure how long I will get blooms from a particular flower. I may be sending you some emails, or calling on the phone. Please let me know if I become a pest ;-) Thanks again for all the helpful information and inspiration!

  927. Tessie Richardson on

    I am in northern Vermont also and looking for a mentor. I have quite a good head start (a 50 foot greenhouse) and years of gardening experience, however it has been most veggies. Veggie growers are in no shortage in northern Vermont, so I am slowly making my way to flowers and devour all reading available so thank you very much and flower on!!!

  928. Maninder Sandhu on

    Been reading your blog for a while now . I live in northern India where the peek flowering season is January to March . Loved your blog on sweet peas . I plan to grow limited variety of flowers for seeds this winter and found your blog on getting the field ready very informative , especially making template for burning holes in to ground sheets . Hope to visit your farm one day .

  929. Elyssa on

    I have just recently started researching cutting gardens and I have enjoyed the information I have gained from your readings. I live in Northern Pennsylvania, and am hoping to have my own cutting garden next summer, it is a little late for me to plan for one this summer. I have always loved flowers, and am going to love trying this out for myself.

  930. Jill Baldschun on

    Blogging is like “therapy”…possibly more beneficial for the blogger as they give a little innerspection to their own life/ work. You have to just put it out there and hope that your words “mean” something to the reader. – And Erin, your words are a light in a dark place of fear and self doubt to the hopeful flower farmer. Thank you for sharing!

  931. ML on

    So helpful thank you!

  932. Kea on

    I currently live in NZ with 2 small children just as you have described not enough hours in the day and as quickly as I plant the small helping hands pull them out, we grow Hydrangea flowers for the export and local market but am starting to like the idea of growing more for the end user/ or florist within our neighbourhood, we have 5ac mostly under berries and foliage plants but needing to scale back to go forward in a more manageable way. Heaps of inspiration here I thank you for you time and knowledge that you so willingly share.

  933. Ebony heron-norman on

    Hello from by trade and avid Gardner looking into growing specialty flowers for market..would you recommend starting off with only couple of varieties in bulk,(looking at flower farming 2acre block).your instagram posts have inspired me to follow the star, I’m ready to go forward with buying seeds..any advise before I invest my time and heart into it. ⭐️..thinking of starting with hellebores ,sweet pea,and dahlias..also want to plant out lambs ear ..exciting to be corresponding with you..stumbled onto this page in the midst of researching x

  934. Anna Truessel on

    Hello from Switzerland, just a couple of days ago your book was in the mail box. I totally love it. There are so many beautiful pictures, I can hardly stop to browse through it. I found out about floret on instagram and instantly new I need to order a copy of this book
    My garden passion has a lot to do with my grandmother. While we were growing up, vegetables and fruits came mostly from the garden she tended to. She was also very passionate about flowers – mostly about dianthus barbatus (don’t know the english name). The passion about plants was right passed to me from a young age on. Right now I live in a big city (well, big for Switzerland :-)) and I’m fortunate enough to rent an allotment plot. This year I decided to grow flowers instead of vegetables because I just love to taking them home and enjoying them a bit longer.

    Your tips are very helpful. I’m trying out dahlias, zinnias, cornflowers and many more. Let’s see where the flower adventure is taking me.

  935. Lani from NC on

    I would like to grow beautiful flowers for my home and to give to friends to make them smile. I love flowers and am thrilled to find your blog and learn the best steps to have my love happen before me.

  936. Trish on

    Thank you for this post! I have 5 acres and wanted to earn money from our land – I tried vegetables but my heart wasn’t in it 100%. I’ve worked as a florist and really enjoy spreading the joy of flowers! It clicked! Why am I not growing flowers? Now down to the nitty gritty of it all. Your post is setting me in the right direction! Thank you!!!

  937. Adrienne on

    Hello, from Vancouver Island in Canada. Last year I followed your advice on your blog about planting and growing zinnias. They were beautiful. Your book has now inspired me to build one more raised bed for cut flowers. I have had many different gardens in my life but have never allowed for one for cut flowers alone. Your six questions are good. About to turn 66, I have to wonder how long my older husband and I will be able to maintain the half acre that we currently own. My answers, most likely different from most, lead me to build just one more raised bed, on the south side of some cedars with which we share the land. The biggest problem? Hungry roots. And the answer: line the bed with really heavy landscape cloth. And cross your fingers! Why do I want to grow cut flowers?
    I just remembered a poem given to me by one of the gardeners at Stanley Park in Vancouver, at least forty years ago. ( ! ) I was working in a bank when he presented this, typed on a small slip of paper; now yellowed and frayed:
    “If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft,
    And alone to thee two loaves are left;
    Sell one, and with the dole
    Buy hyacinths to feed the soul.”

    Old Persian philisophical poem ….. (his notation)

    Grow hyacinths! And larkspur and anemones and … ( mine )

    That about sums it up for me.

    • Team Floret on

      Love this, Adrienne! Thanks for sharing!

  938. Elizabeth Rose on

    As a quilter who focuses on botanical designs, my plan is to actually grow the flowers and vegetation that are first on the design wall, then stitched into six-square-foot quilts. Having a practical overview, particularly the six essential questions to establish a clear vision and pathway to success, is wonderful. Many college-bound now want to take a quilt with them on their journey and genuinely want flowers to brighten their rooms: I’m imagining graduation parties with garden bouquets and a quilt to match.

  939. Amy on

    I would like to grow cut flowers for my home and possibly enough for my kids to sell a few bouquets on the weekends. I have always loved flowers and plant started annuals from the local greenhouse. I don’t find much variety of cut flowers and nothing unique. I love your photos and I’m ready to try dahlias and your recommended varieties.

  940. Andrea H. on

    You are such an inspiration to me and have been for a number of years now. Thank you so much for all the advice and tips you offer so selflessly. I have been gardening for years down in L.A. in my tiny four 4×8′ beds, and now have 6 acres in the Portland, OR area. Last year, the ducks and geese did ALL of my seedlings in, and it was devastating. This year, we have a fence around our 80’x87′ plot and I have already taken your plotting advice with the rows, spacing, etc. We are still waiting for the soil to dry up a bit – what a wet winter it has been! – and I am hoping for a little more energy to face a summer of gardening, harvesting, and putting together bouquets. It brings me so much joy just to see the seeds come to life and then gift bouquets to my friends and neighbors. As a homeschooling mom of 4 little children, I am easily overwhelmed and discouraged that I just won’t be able to get this flower farming dream take off. But, perhaps, as per your blog post and the six important questions, this is not the time for me to go bigger. Maybe, though, I can begin to infuse a love for fresh seasonal flowers into my children. I think I can accept that. Anyway, congratulations on all your successes – I hope one day I can have your courage, diligence, and dedication!

  941. Sarah on

    Hello! I’m a horticulture student at Massey university way down under in little New Zealand. It’s my final year of study and your blog has inspired me soooo much. I’ve struggled to find something I think I’d like to do in the future, and you’ve given me some great ideas. I’m super excited!

  942. Nicky P on

    Hi, Im from the UK and own by English standards a larger than normal garden. Last year I threw myself into creating my first cutting garden which resulted in cutting down our only Oak Tree, asking a friend to help me make some raised beds with wood and digging , up strips of turf and amending clay soil and making the 3feet strips required to access the annuals I intended to grow en masse. My conservatory became my greenhouse, piled high with anything I could get my hands on to sit trays of seeds, potted up Dahlias and anything I decided to try nurturing from other peoples gardens.
    The family traisped through scattered pots and soil to reach our fridge which unfortunately was in the area I worked in away from the main kitchen.
    Two of my three boys complained about the mess but not very much. My husband, looking back I think tried to pretend none of this huge endeavour was actually happening.

    Im continuing again this year, throwing out the mistakes I have made and keeping some that worked !. I did all this work initially because I had to. Ive always been a keen gardener but never really touched annuals ( yes I know horrifying in hindsight) nor Dahlias. So here I am reading your blog , having been already inspired by your photographs as reference to choosing my UK Dahlias and looking up the advise you give on growing Sweetpeas ( sorry I forgot to mention I have actually been growing those for over 14 years) I realise what a great resource you are. I also feel a kind of on the same page kinship, for if nothing else, the love of flowers and how they call those who have that bug to grow them. Annuals have opened up a whole new world for me and perspective. I have bought your book which is soon to arrive on my doorstep and I look forward to wading & zooming into your pictures to study them closer and read the pearls of wisdom you have on offer in your blog. A very special place to have found Floret.

  943. Jennifer Voegeli on

    I just discovered your gorgeous, beautifully written, practical, soulful, and profoundly helpful book at our local Barnes and Noble a few days ago, right when I needed you most. :) The information and layout are just the resource I need at this new, major change/juncture in my life and garden. I’m a passionate gardener and landscape designer who moved from Il to my dream location of Bellingham, WA last Fall. My garden/ landscape in IL was wooded and shady, which I loved, though I always longed for a sunny spot to expand my repetoire of flowers for indoor arranging. My new garden here in WA (while small) is mostly South and West facing, and I am SO excited to be able to incorporate sun-loving flowers for indoor arrangements! But the garden is also all front yard, so has to looked planned and landscaped. Where to start? What to do? How to rock it out from the get go to produce enough flowers to create a “sidewalk garden” full of happy flowers that will bring pleasure to neighbors walking by, and help create friendships in my new hometown by welcoming guests in and sending them off with a bouquet? Your book, and website, (both so beautiful) are my new trusted source of how to proceed and take best advantage of my first Spring in a new landscape to make the most of this coming growing season, and the years ahead. Incredibly time saving to know the best cut flower varieties versus years of trial, error, and frustration, setting me free to focus on designing them into a more traditional landscape. Your book is helpful to growers in any zone, but loved the serendipity that your farm is just down the road in Skagit Valley, where we are enjoying weekend trips this Spring to see the hundreds of acres of daffodils in bloom, while looking forward to the hundreds of acres of tulips coming in April. Thank you for your good work helping to spread beauty and joy.

  944. Robin on

    I only want to grow a personal cutting garden. I work full-time and am the breadwinner of the family so I know I must limit myself. This will be my first year planting a cutting garden. I tried hard to read about your bulbs and to pick easier flowers to grow. I love being outdoors and therefore this is a great adventure for me because the only thing that keeps me inside is the cold! The 6 important question are good ones and while I had already been thinking about most of them, it was good to revisit and sure up what I am doing with myself!

  945. Jackie hubbard on

    I have been dreaming of growing flowers for so long, but with moves, remodeling a home, and needing to landscape, having babies and acting for then grieving deaths of some family members, timing has never been on my side. I pre-ordered your book and fell in love with and thought, hey I can do this, and I am starting now. I started sowing my seeds last week and am now just so worried that I am not doing all that I needed to or can to get them to sprout! I don’t have flourescent lights for my little tray greenhouses but am providing light through windows and bottom heat with heat mats and occasionally my clothes dryer when it is running. So a couple of things that I would like to find out more about is detailing the days between sowing and sprouting–what should I expect? Is it normal to feel like I am already failing to help these little seeds grow?
    Secondly, in the beginning, how did you find customers and a way to start selling your cut flowers to individuals, stores and/or florists? (Any other suggestions on where to sell? Farmers markets? Where would you suggest starting?) I feel like there is a real need and opportunity in Utah because there aren’t any floral markets, but our growing window is shorter than a lot of places. There are a lot of amazing florists here. How do I approach them and price flowers? I LOVE your book, and am sure you will continue writing and I will continue buying your well thought out and beautiful books. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, success and even the small “failures” you have had along the way.

  946. Leah on

    When my first order of seeds arrived this year I was ridiculously excited. My family patiently looked and listened as I looked up pictures online of what I was growing to show them. The only thing they cared about was that I was happy. They don’t get to see a lot of that. I’m a novice gardener (at best), but I have found a great peace in growing flowers. I am chronically ill, with several incurable and progressive diseases, so I spend most of my time at home. Last year I had more bouquets than I could give away and flowers filled every room in my house. It is something I can do…not well, and frquently not successfully, but I am doing something, and every now and then I surprise myself. Your resource guide has become somewhat of a Bible. Although I’ve already over soaked my seeds. I’m not giving up hope. On them, or myself. The dahlias came yesterday. The future suddenly becomes colorfully goal-driven. Thank you for the amount of time and care you put into the blog, the special smile-bringing surprises tucked in my order, and the knowledge and guidance you generously share. You don’t have to be chronically ill to appreciate that. Thank you! ~leah

  947. DazzyD on

    I’ve been growing flowers in pots and vegetables in ground in Northern California. The early blooms in spring emotionally gratify ahead of the warmer weather. The small investment continues to pay off. Thanks for the blog post of six essential questions, as I begin to plan a new in ground flower bed!

  948. Robin on

    Thank you, this post is really helpful! I grew up in Texas and struggled to keep any and all plants alive. I just had very little knowledge and couldn’t compete with the heat and the blazing sun. Now, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. The first thing I noticed upon moving here: the abundance of flowers, everywhere. I was amazed and inspired! Even after three years here, I’m still amazed. I’ve started growing a few plants on my patio: Japanese Anemone, Autumn Joy, Rosemary and Lemon Balm (I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see these thrive!). I would love to grow some more flowery flowers, but have been hesitant to dive in. That’s why I’m here on your site: dipping my toes in. Thank you so much!

  949. Valerie Jessup on

    Hello Erin, I found you through Martha Stewart’s Top 10 American Made business winners congrats! However I am not the gardener, my sons are (29,32). They relocated to NoCal, I live in VA (very close to Wollam Gardens) and because they love West coast life we anticipate starting a flower farm of our own in the future.
    So besides reading your newly published book (boys too), digging through info on website, learning to be a small business owner, just wanted to reach out & thank you for jump starting a dream of having a FAMILY run business. We travel to the “other” coast as much as possible. It would give us great joy to someday meet, enroll in a workshop, or just visit your flowers.

  950. Tammy Blythe on

    I just received your book and it’s my garden bible. I love the way you explain in detail “how to” plant, care and Vase life. I received my seeds and made a few mistakes but it’s okay because I know now the right way to sow my seeds. I just can’t wait to share photos of gorgeous flowers with you and your Team.
    Thank you for taking the time to blog and giving Gardeners and Floral Designers like me the opportunity to grow their own flowers.

  951. Missy on

    I’m in the beginning stages of making my flower farming dreams come true. We recently purchased my husband’s family farm and have 10 wonderful acres in Iowa! However, I am the Mom with a four-year old and two-year old boys, and work part-time. You are so very inspirational to me, I have a ton of support, however lack in the time department.

  952. Damien on

    I love your blog and I just purchased your book. My wife and I love flowers and have a dream to grow flowers for a living. We have three children and would love to get them involved and someday inherit the business. I get so overwhelmed when thinking about how much there is to learn, especially since we’re just starting to grow our own flowers this season! But I know it all starts with that first step. One issue for us is that we currently rent a townhome. We have a backyard, but not sure what we can get away with. We’re starting this weekend with an 8×4 bed. We started a seed tray, but I’m not 100% certain I’m doing it right. Some sites say you need a fluorescent light, and others say it’s not necessary. Your advice would be much appreciated! Anyway, thank you so much for what you do.

  953. Lindsay on

    I used to have a philosophy that if I couldn’t eat it I didn’t want to grow it, which is why I’ve only really grown vegetables up until now. Last year, something shifted and I started to become more interested in flower growing as well and your book and website have been a wonderful inspiration. I even have a small seed order from your store on its way to me this week! I am very much looking forward to my first season growing flowers and I appreciate the knowledge and inspiring words you have put together for beginners like me. Dig on!

  954. Mary on

    Your information is helpful. I am looking for some venture, love flowers but don’t know how to start…thank you.

  955. Kate Rosekrans on

    I loved reading your blog just as the snow is receding from my yard and garden beds. You gave such thoughtful advice. It is a very good reality check on planting a garden and getting to carried away with the romanticism of it.

  956. Cari on

    I’m just discovering you and so excited. I ordered your book off amazon the second I saw it in Better homes and Gardens. I live in the PNW and have been waiting for inspiration for my outdoor beds!! Thank you!!!

  957. Twozdai on

    Hi Erin,

    About a month ago I stumbled on your site looking for sweet pea seeds – and you’ve more than inspired me. I might be a little obsessed right now, trying to drink in all the amazing information that you share in your blog, site and book. Thank you for following your passion and for sharing all that you do. I can’t wait to read more of this series of post! My sunny yard in edmonds also thanks you.

  958. Marilyn Palmer on

    I came across your book on Amazon, by accident (?) and have been swept up with a desire to increase my flower garden, which has, until now, been largely dedicated to berries and veg. While I don’t think I’ll be digging up my asparagus, rhubarb, black currants, strawberries any time soon, I’m now planning my raised beds to included MANY more flowers. Your book has helped me think more carefully about the range of colours and varieties I want to grow. (I’m searching the web for a tuber or two of Cafe au Lait dahlia but have missed the narrow window here – everyone is sold out!)
    I’ve sold fruit, veg and flowers from my farm stand for the last couple of years and am looking forward to offering my neighbours more beautiful bouquets this year.
    Thanks for all of the inspiration!

  959. Tomiko Takeda on

    Your book and especially your story about your grandmother and her flowers took me back to my roots! Flower garden galore!! It’s like a re-awakening and I love it. Thank you! With the help of your book, website and blogs I’m beginning with seeds this Spring and hopes for cut flowers. It’s my version of “seeds to table”! The space is small but it has a refueled purpose! So happy to have found you and your flowers! Best wishes for continued blossoms.

  960. Julie on

    Hi! Iive in Colorado and am a passionate perrenial gardener! I started growing veggies 3 years ago, I love your wiser advice about taking it easy, and growing over time! Even a small backyard garden can get overwhelming with kids and work. Each year I make a new section. I learn what I like, what works and I grow a little more. I have family in Mill
    Creek and your farm is #1 on my list next time I am in town. I will look for a class or something to sign up for. Can it wait to see it! – Julie

  961. Megan Sousa on

    This is exactly what I needed to read! I have a small patch of garden space that is 10 feet by 20 feet that has some shade but mostly sun. I live in the Central Valley of California where there are many crops grown. I do work a full-time job, although I do not have children so I feel that I could devote some time to my garden. I have already invested a small fortune into my little flower paradise, in hopes that I will grow an abundance of fresh flowers for my friends and family.

    This is the first time that I am trying to grow my own Cutting Garden, and I am really hoping that I can do it. I guess my biggest fear after planting my bulbs/seeds is that nothing will grow! I Just recently planted everything this last weekend and I feel that all of my work and preparation will be worth it as long as I see those little green leaves breaking ground…Most of all, I really want to grow Dahlias, these are my favorite flowers and I planted a whole bed of tubers for them.

    Floret, if you have any suggestions about what I should be growing in my tiny plot for my area I would greatly appreciate your suggestions!

  962. ann smith on

    I love reading all of your blogs and learn a ton, and especially liked the practical tips and encouragement on NOT overdoing when you work, etc . I live in zone 4 so can’t put flowers in until late may and have a 15 by 8 foot garden. We do the basil and tomatoes and have lots hardy perennials (monarda). Like your zinnia and cosmos idea for us. Thanks

  963. Teri Palmer on

    Erin ~ your post was most informative to me and honestly just as exciting. I live in SC and have always grown flowers within my vegetable garden. We have 17 acres with 4 of that having a pond. After reading and gleaning your book and also turning 60 I have my sites on doing something for me, something I would love to get up in the morning and do. I still work a full time job but am thinking and anticipating retirement in a few years. So I want to start small and perhaps when I do retire I will have a bit of knowledge and experience in flowers to perhaps make a go of it in local farmers markets, florists and even grocery stores. I think the information on the soil is most important as something we tend to forget about as in with vegetable gardens, as one year they do great, the next they don’t.
    Look forward to all your posts and blogs. Thanks.. LOVE YOUR BOOK!

  964. Danielle on

    Thank you for such a great article! After reading through some of the comments, it seems like I am the only person who fears what lurks between the branches. I am very eager to start my own, personal cut flower garden. I’ve research which flowers are most successful in my region, which type of soil would help nurture my little garden, and I’ve also decided to go against my natural inclination of biting off more than I can chew. Yet, I am still afraid. I’m not afraid of the process. I’m afraid of the snakes and possible rodents that I will likely encounter. Are there any recommendations for deterring little animals for getting into my garden?

  965. Cassandra on

    Just received your book on Friday and had gone through it from front to back by Saturday! Wonderfully written, well organized and VERY inspiring. I’ve just purchased a few packets of seeds and am excited to start my own small flower garden. You have covered the topics I need to get started, and I thank you for that!

  966. Cristina Urrutia on

    I am eager to start my first flower farm but don’t want to get over my head . This year I will be in the planning stages and just grow for myself . I have a full time job in the bee industry and my land is being used as an apiary , which will benefit my garden greatly .

    I live in Northern California and am thinking it’s too late to start?
    What do you think ? Or anyone reading this .

    • Team Floret on

      Christina, it’s definitely not too late to get started. Just start small and try out a few fast growing annuals like zinnias or cosmos your first season. Good luck!

  967. Laura on

    Oh boy I have gone down the rabbit hole! A friend and I were recently talking about gardening and I am new to this world in general, and cut flowers in particular. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all this information! I can’t wait to grab your book!

  968. Kelly Scawin on

    Thank you so much for sharing your passion and knowledge. I have been dabbling with cut flower gardens for two seasons now and both have produced very different results. I can’t wait to read each blog as it’s making me focus more on what i actually want to achieve by having a cut flower garden. I can’t wait to get my hands on your book and planner. Thank you

  969. Kayla on

    This was so helpful! I just bought your book and a packet of the stock flower seeds and am SO excited! I have just started to read your blog, so you may have already done a post on this- when it comes to the important parts you mentioned such as compost, irrigation, feeding the flowers and providing steady water, and in another post on starting seedlings you mentioned using fish emulsification- can you provide more information on all of this and the best places to buy? I think that is the part causing me the most concern! Thank you SO much for sharing your beautiful passion!!!

  970. Lily on

    I have cultivated flowers in Santa Fe, NM and I am now considering getting back into it in Minnesota (moved here last year). I have been working in agriculture for 5 years off and on in NM and AZ (Whipstone Farm is the best!) and I am still learning about the season here and how long/short it is, where the good soil is. I have forgotten how much I loved growing/picking/arranging/learning about flowers and I want to grow cut flowers for sale one day. Your words will help organize me as I struggle through an 8 hr/day, 5 day/week job that doesn’t involve flowers or the outdoors. I too want things to happen RIGHT NOW and your blog will help me plan a little more (and your book which I am about to buy). Thanks for giving me a gold standard to live up to and please keep educating me.

  971. Sonia Hoffpauir on

    Thank you for sharing your passion and your hard learned lessons with us. You are definitely right on track! Everything from your beautiful photos, your book, your story, and your knowledge is inspiring. I’ve been dreaming of a life similar to what you are living, especially being more present in the moment. Once I found your blog and book… I’ve set my dream into action. I don’t know much about growing but I do know it’s right for me. My goal is to have a flower farm, sell to the locals wholesale and retail and become a florist. Can you share any insight about things to grow in this hot summer weather in Louisiana and how to grow flowers that prefer cooler weather? I received a signed copy of your book! Thanks again! Happy Growing to you as well.

  972. Mia Walters on

    I came across your Instagram and followed the link to your blog. So beautiful and inspiring. For the past three years, I grow wildflowers in our front yard for the bees and butterflies. I just used a seed mix and don’t necessarily know what all the different types of flowers are, but have learned a lot this past few years. They usually bloom in spring and withers by summer. Meanwhile, the neighbors love that every couple of weeks, new sets of flower bloom. This year I started cutting them to give to various people in our lives and it is amazing how flowers can instantly uplift anyone’s moods. I wanted to start putting more effort into growing actual cut flowers. One thing I notice in your photos is that the stems to your flowers are thick, long, sturdy and clean. Is there a trick to growing flowers with robust stems?

  973. Claire on

    As I take the small steps to starting my own little flower farm, I am devouring every word you write as I try to figure out our own little space in far flung Zimbabwe! Thank you. Thank you for all you share.

  974. Heidi (Pittsburgh, PA) on

    Thanks for writing your blog and for all the helpful information on your website. I found your site after reading an article in a magazine recently (can’t remember which one at the moment). I have enjoyed everything in your site… mostly the photographs! Always beautiful and inspiring. I am now about to start my hand at growing a fees flowers from seed after a few years at vegetables. I am looking forward to Spring! Thanks for your efforts here!!

  975. Dawn Stoutz on

    Halo there. I am also a mom of two kids, a three and five year old. I recently left my job to spent more time with them. I would love to reunite with the working force in the future though, but this time on my own terms. I would prefer having the kids around and still do my passion, working with flowers. I can actually see them enjoying the farming while I attend to the flowers at the site.
    Your post made the dream feel so real and current. I appreciate the tips and I will use it wisely.
    Thank you.

  976. Julie Aarsvold on

    I love reading your blog! it’s so beautiful and informative, i have a good sized full sun garden that is getting out of control, so i have to reign it in a bit, but i love your ideas and your pictures are just stunning. i will start small to make the most of my space and using your guide and book will help me, thank you for sharing your ideas and inspiring others! i am so glad that i found you!

  977. Monica on

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Your stories are a delight and an inspiration to me. I live in BC, right across the border, thus share your climate, so am keen to learn about what more I can do with my patch of earth in this part of the world. I love cooking, so am very interested in herbs, too. Thanks again!

  978. Alecia on

    I just stumbled across your blog in the wee hours of the morning last night (when the house was quiet and mom could spend time alone)…and your site was a visual of just what I’d love to be doing! I’ve had so many ideas about how I’d love to grow the flowers I harvest and sell, but there is little in my area that looks like that; I actually didn’t even realize it’s called “flower farming” until last night! I’ve also been drawn to only the unique, beautiful and timeless varieties, looking to do something different. I was pleasantly surprised to see a few of the seeds I just started were also found in your list of flowers. Finding Floret is truly a blessing! Thank you for sharing. Thank you for giving this mom with a dream some beautiful inspiration and guidance!

  979. Marissa on

    Wow! Thank you for this wonderful blog! I am brand new to the flower growing world. I went to a farmers market last summer with friends who were selling baked goods, and the booth across from us was selling the most gourgeous flower bouquets, and that sparked an interest for me to start growing some flowers of my own. We have a small homestead farm in western WA, and I would love to use some of our “extra” space to start a flower garden this year. I think this blog will be a huge help to me! Maybe in the near future I could have my own buisness of my own!
    I look forward to reading more in all my spare time;)

  980. Phoebe Reid on

    I’m moving later this year so right now my flower planning is all a dream for next year. I’ll be a backyard smalltime flower farmer only with hopes of beautiful blooms for myself and family and friends. Your guidelines and tips are fantastic! Totally helping me to make sense of what I want and how to plan it out. And I love your line about getting out of your head and being in the moment – I can relate. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and experience. And I’m loving your book too, by the way :)

  981. Victoria Clark on

    You are speaking my life in this post. Great questions to start with. I am very much waiting for some of the other posts you have said you will do soon. Love the enthusiasm with growing! It’s keeping me going on this trip. I hope to be planting by next year. This year is planing and getting money together. So you have a fan from Georgia!

  982. Kufro, Allison E. on

    I came across your book today thru the Taproot Magazine email. It’s synopsis encouraged me that perhaps I actually could grow flowers to make bouquets for the house and friends, so I headed to your website. I’ve never had the confidence to even attempt growing flowers until your book descriptions inspired me! I live in Safety Harbor, FL and am hopeful I can produce some beauty without too much effort and expense. Expense is what keeps me from indulging on bouquets now. So thank you for this post! Also, I never would have left a comment if you didn’t outreach and directly express your desire and the rationale for them, lol. I’m headed off to explore more of your site now.

  983. Melody on

    Thank you for making these cut flower how to posts! I live in Davis, CA and have been a vegetable gardener for years, but I’m going to be starting a cut flower garden this year for the first time. I’m very nervous, and your posts are great.

  984. Tuu on

    Hi I enjoyed reading your post.
    I live in the desert in Israel and I’m pondering growing more flowers in my garden.
    Do you have any ideas of how to help the flowers to last longer after they are cut, and not just droop.

  985. Celia on

    What helpful questions to ask myelf..thank you! These guidelines are appreciated for some of us who are not experienced with this flower-growing project stuff. It’s a little deceiving to say ‘oh I’m growing flowers for my business’ as if it’s twinkle toes. NOT. It’s kinda scary actually.

  986. Amanda on

    Thank you for posting! I love looking through your pictures and thinking through what I’d like to grow at home. Looking forward to digging through some more posts!

  987. Terri Caldwell on

    Hi, my name is Terri. I have 3 6’x8′ raised bins. I live in the California Sierra foot hills, Jackson. I have a passion for gardening and love roses. I ordered your book today after I read your recent article in Better Homes and Gardens. I work as a therapist for Home Health and am with sick and elderly people every day. Gardening and sharing ” the fruits of my labor” bring much joy to so many, especially me. I look forward to leaning from you and visiting your farm. My sister lives in Tacoma. I’ll be watching for workshops. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills.

  988. Jen on

    I am so excited to learn from you. I absolutely love to garden. Giving floral bouquets is one off my favorite things to do. I am building a new home so I am seriously considering making a spot just for cut flowers. I will need lots of advice since my lot of only 0.38 acre. Once the home is built I will have much less to work with.

  989. Caroline Hulse on

    Wow I’m so jealous. You seem to have what I have always dreamed of. I live on a farm and my flowers seem to creep farther and farther out, taking up more pasture, but I would love to have your knowledge to grow lots and sell in my area. We live in Northeast Missouri, zone 5. I would like to learn more about hoop houses so I can start earlier. Love your book.

  990. Jacqueline on

    I truly appreciate such honest questioning, and your down to earth experience and advise. It seems like a no brainer, I want to grow flowers because who doesn’t love flowers!? But the deeper I get into gardening, of any kind, the more I learn just how much time, dedication and up front cost it realistically requires… I have a 4 year old daughter and a nice sized yard, with too much shade, in the sunny Okanagan in BC. Our growing season isn’t exactly long but it is hot. I’m also a beginner florist. You’re blog, calendars, seeds, and now book(!!) add so much inspiration to our life, and little garden, everyday. Thank you, truly so much!

  991. Britt on

    I’m a single mama of two and self-employed. I rent a small duplex apartment in a low-income neighborhood and just acquired about 1/10 of an acre lot down the street. I want to farm. I know I do. I volunteer on a farm right now and it’s my joy. It’s so hard. But I want it. I want to start with flowers. I found you on IG. I need this book. I need some hope. Today was hard. Thank you for this post. I know I can make it happen. I know I can provide for my babies in a resilient and beautiful way.

  992. Lynn Burns on

    Erin, to say I am inspired by your story or willingness to share your valuable tips and information is an understatement! I was raised by a Mom who always had the most beautiful gardens and always managed to relocate her beauties every time we moved! My husband and I are empty nesters with a sweet, little brick cape living in upstate NY. We have a few flower gardens in our yard that I would love this year to nurture to a place where they provide beautiful blooms throughout our limited season. I am really excited to get planning with your valuable tips and inspiring photo’s! Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and for sharing your most personal memories! Warm Regards, Lynn

  993. Julie on

    Oh I do love this! Thank you for the pointers!

  994. Elissa on

    Hi! I just ordered your book, and I’ve been reading every word of your blog. I’m a beginner, and I just ordered some zinnia seeds because they sound hardy! Thank you so much for all the information. Please keep it coming!

  995. Kaylee on

    Such a great article! I know most of the flowers you grow are annuals, but I’d absolutely love to know if there are any perennials you recommend. I’m in Zone 5, so flowers have to be somewhat hardy to get through our winters, and in an ideal world I’d love to plant only gorgeous annuals, but truthfully I’m not an amazing gardner and my time is limited with a new baby and work so perennials are just about all that gets planted around here.

  996. Alicia on

    I found this post so helpful. I have just gotten into cut flowers in my garden. And only recently came across your article in better homes and gardens on cut flower gardens. I have since gone right into the deep end and ordered the book, received my seeds and am getting started with some seeds. So reading this post today was just in time to remind me to slow down and take a moment to evaluate things. I have a small backyard with a couple of raised beds I’ll be using this year one measures 4′ x 16′ and the other 4′ x 8′. I can’t wait to see how things go this year. Thanks so much for all the thought you put into the site, I’m on here all the time learning new things.

  997. Brittney on

    Yes this is so helpful! I would love to have a small flower bed in our soon to be next homes back yard. Saving all these tips! Thank you for taking the time to write them! I think this will give me the encouragement and guidance to put a plan into action.

  998. Laurie on

    Hi Erin! I first saw you in Home & Garden magazine. The article about Sweet Peas drew me in. I have had a Love for them for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately my attempts at growing them have been disappointing. With all this new information I feel better equipped….but am curious…is it possible to grow sweet peas in a large pot or wheelbarrow with any success? What recommendations do you have?
    Thank you for already doing all the plant research and finding hardy, lovely blooms that are available for purchase with all the instruction and stories included throughout your site….it’s Fabulous!

  999. Keara on

    I’ve gardened since I was about 17 years old, but I’ve always done a vegetable garden which I thoroughly enjoy even if I’m only slightly successful. ? I’ve only planted a whopping 5 flowers in my entire life (which my husband accidentally mowed)! Since I discovered Floret Farms on instagram, I haven’t been able to stop dreaming of the flowers I want to grow! I’m so excited to read your book and get some much needed information on how to make it a reality! Thank you for sharing all your valuable information! And keep on making my IG feed beautiful!

  1000. Kristin Schroeder on

    Great content, can’t wait to read more and check out your new book!

  1001. Kathy Kangas on

    I just ordered your book off Amazon and it hopefully comes soon . I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and have loved growing flowers my whole life …. I am a full time nurse and just turned 50 hrs old and it’s my 2nd year of growing flowers to sell. I am hoping to supplement my retirement and this is my passion. Thanks for the blog and book yet to come.

  1002. GinnyLou on

    I found Floret Farms in BH and G magazine. I have been trying to decide what to plant in a small bed in my yard and fell in love with the gorgeous pictures and down-to-earth instructions.
    Wish me luck!!

  1003. Jewel on

    This website is amazing! So helpful and down to earth, and the photography is breathtaking! Very inspiring, I feel like being a flower farmer might actually be possible :) thank you for sharing this with the world!

  1004. Marion on

    Hi, I live in Québec, Canada (sorry for my english) I discover Floret flowers farm on Pinterest and I was really happy to see there are flowers farm in North America. You give me hope, I am florist and horticultrice (I don’t know how you sauf in english) and my dream it’s have a flowers farm. I am disappointed to se flowers from Netherland or South America. I would like have flowers From Québec during the weather will permit. You are a source of inspiration, I hop realise my dream Next year. If it’s toi jardin to understand m’y message don’t publish it ?

  1005. Megan on

    I am in the process of buying my first house. And the thing I am most excited about is the yard and all the flower possibilities. I am so excited to have this book available because I have no experience growing flowers and it makes me feel like I actually have a chance. Just want to say thank you for putting your knowledge into a resource that we have access to so that we can be successful. Hopefully my book will be here next week and then I can start planning my garden!

  1006. Cassie on

    Hi. I’m commenting because you told me to. :) I want to grow flowers, I have a small garden in front of my house but want to expand, just to add some beauty to the world. I’m a new follower on Instagram and just found your blog. This is so incredibly helpful and easy to understand; I like step by step instructions, they are soothing. Flowers make you happy, I recently lost my mother and all I want is to be happy.

  1007. Deb on

    Why do I grow flowers? Like you…they ground me in the here and now. They teach me patience and provide that daily dose of nurturing that I don’t have with grown children. I own a small vintage and home decor shop in a small town and have decided I will share my cut flowers this year with my customers and give away to those who want to take home a bouquet. Glad I found you today! I can’t wait to get my hands dirty planting this spring

  1008. Erika on

    I love love love floral bouquets and now that I am a homeowner with a yard to renovate, I am excited to maybe grow some flowers. I say maybe because I do have an infant son and the days are very busy! Still trying to figure out how to keep the house clean and everyone fed. Your tip on time is very helpful. Our home is in the Smelter plume of the south sound, so I would plant in raised beds instead of our contaminated soil. Any special considerations for that? Thanks!

  1009. Ashley Antkowiak on

    This is so helpful. My husband and I are in our second year of farming 6 acres in Baltimore. We can raise animals no problem but gardening intimidates us! I bought your book and have found both that and your blog incredibly helpful. I’m actually excited to grow things for the first time!

  1010. Ruth Ann on

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write this. I love that you are not writing expressly for the “Professional” grower, but also for someone, like me, who has the room, some time (Not a ton!) and the pure love of what flowers bring to my life and the lives of the people I share them with.

  1011. Jean Shaw on

    Looking forward to getting my book from Amazon. Loved your webinar post yesterday!

    I too suffer from the “monkey mind,” and gardening immerses me in the here and now. If I were 30 years younger, I’d be following in your footsteps …. (A note from your webinar: Yes, I remember that dahlia-busting windstorm from 2 years ago, as we got it here in Portland, too. Not as bad as what you experienced. Your mentioning it was an astute reminder that we can plan and prepare, but we have no control over the outcome–Zen gardening!)

  1012. Debbie Hornig on

    I watched the video this morning…congrats…you guys are amazing, and it is wonderful to see someone who wants to share their knowledge instead of “protecting” it. I can’t wait for the book to arrive, which I ordered from
    I would love to know if anyone knows where to get dahlias, peonies, and ranunculas and anemones wholesale in Canada….and do you have anyothers growing anemones and ranunculas in the Quebec climate?

  1013. Alea Moore on

    Hi there!! This is wonderful!!!! I have searched everywhere for a place that explains flower growing in simples steps. It can be really overwhelming, but to have it laid out in simple steps truly helps! I have ordered your book and am excited to dive in! So, thank you!
    Something I’m looking for is a good buying resource. I feel like there are places everywhere that sell seeds/bulbs/etc…but I would love more specific steps in where and what to buy for my gardens.

    Thank you so much for being such a wonderful resource and I can’t wait to keep reading!
    Much joy!

  1014. Deepa on

    Hello from a wet early spring in England.
    Love your posts and especially this one. Really practical advise. I have been growing dahlias in my garden for about 10 years and over the years have learned to ask myself the same questions. Wish I had read this those years about!

  1015. Erin Schmit on

    Erin (name sister)…
    Thank you for your candor, your webinar today that inspired me beyond hope, your detailed descriptions, your energy and time.

    I am ready to take on my new plot. My mother ( a Christmas tree farmer for years and years long, long ago) is beside herself to help me get started. So know in your heart that you are helping a woman looking for her new path, a grandmother who misses getting her hands in the dirt, and a daughter that is anxious to help her family start a business of their very own that will provide for generations to follow.

    Bless you and your generosity…
    Erin Schmit

  1016. Courtney on

    I can’t get over how helpful you are! Thank you so much, your website and blog bring such joy during these gray days! I especially like the part where you discuss area specific flowers. I live in the south and I’m afraid the sweet peas I ordered from you might not like our hot, humid summers. But, I’m going to give it a go anyway! Can’t wait for my other seeds and dahlias to get going too!

  1017. Kelly on

    Very excited to start my first flower garden this spring! The universe has pointed me in this direction, while your blog and book (arriving soon) are helping me feel the tangible potential of this dream. Thank you!

  1018. Heather on

    I just discovered your lovely blog today as I was researching how to start a flower farm. We live on 10 acres which we farm growing our own food, and I’m looking for a way to add some revenue. I just LOVE flowers, but I’m still learning how to grow them. This post is SO helpful in helping me focus as I dream about this project. I’m wondering if you have any posts planned about different ways to earn money growing flowers? I don’t have a florist business and don’t plan on starting one… is it ridiculous to start a flower farm if you don’t even know how to make an nice flower arrangement? ?Thanks for all the time you put into these blog posts!

  1019. Ruth Carter on

    A comment from a blog lurker!! :) I am in Australia and have followed your instagram for a while as a fellow flower lover. I have 2 , 5mx2m beds that I’m attempting to replant with just cut flowers, mainly for myself and to give to others, and have found this article very useful in fine tuning what I want from it. My problem is I want it to also look aesthetically pleasing during winter/autumn as the beds are right out my kitchen window and the focal point of our backyard. Do you have suggestions somewhere for annual or foliage cut flowers/plants? I can think of a few myself, but hearing an experts suggestions would be great. Thanks so much. Oh and pre-ordered your book today!!

  1020. Emily on

    Thank you, thank you to you and your team! I just downloaded and read your book – it is beautiful and THANK YOU for providing it for free! What an amazing gift you just gave to anyone who reads it. I am also a young mother with a tight (miniscule) budget and big dreams, and practical advice helps me to keep my feet on the ground and my heart moving forward. I look forward to learning anything and everything you have to share!

  1021. kendra on

    WOW!!! I am so inspired! Thank you for sharing so intimately. I feel sheepish for pointing this out, but there is a word missing on the above right before you ask for comments!!! : For me, growing flowers helps me (be) more centered and present in the moment.

    I truly appreciate all the details and thought that has gone in your posts as well as the sheer beauty in photography (huge props to your photographer). I love too that you are featured in so many photos – it really brings that connection and spirit to the fore. Thank you again, and blessings on the seasons ahead!!!

  1022. Aisa Maher on

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, for inspiring and reassuring, and making this big world seem smaller and friendlier by sharing your experience and knowledge and the undeniable magic of growing and flowers!!

  1023. Kathleen Papadoulis on

    Erin and Floret, you have made this dream I have savored, treasured and been so afraid of, more and more of a reality. I am a primary teacher in Sydney, Australia but my heart is yearning to begin this journey. I thank you, immensely, for these posts and resources you provide! They are helpful and create a sense of attainment. I believe I can actually achieve this!

  1024. Laura Furness McNew on

    I really find your information and advise helpful. Your personal view is very inspiring. I have been gardening in some capacity since i could walk. My family on both sides, are avid gardeners and grow everything in their yards and property from fruit trees, berries, vegetables and flowers. I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to have my own ‘secret garden’ and kitchen garden, like in textbooks and movies (i used to live behind Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA and i considered this my inspiration. While now I live approximately 25 miles south, in a more temperate zone, on the Elk River, Town Point MD (Chesapeake & Delaware Canal). My family owns an old farm that is tenant farmed with Corn/soybean every year to help pay the taxes.

    I would love to expand my small raised bed vegetable garden, that always includes more zinnia’s than vegetables, to include using some of the field area for flowers.
    You have inspired me to start my plan this year.
    I’m not your usual blogger or social mediate so I’m not sure of how much communicating I will be up to.
    Thank you again, for your information and advise. You really have inspired me and that really means a lot to you me.

  1025. Stefanie on

    This post is incredibly helpful! I really appreciate your honesty in where and how you’ve had success and also mistakes/frustrations. I’m new to gardening in general, but I’m soaking up all of your very valuable help and information. I also can’t wait to get your book in the mail in just a few days:)

  1026. Ruth on

    Thank you for your post. I recently started gardening as a way to relax. I have a tiny patio. I didn’t plan it out and wish I had, instead I began purchasing plants I found on clearance, the sad ones that needed some TLC. I would bring them home and with a little pruning, water and sunshine they’re healthy as can be. My favorite part is waking up in the morning to new blooms. I look forward to learning more from your blog.

  1027. Lise-Lotte Loomer on

    Yes – all your information is so helpful. But also the way in which you share it. Your honesty. Biting off more than you can chew and feeling frustrated with all the other demands in care giving that one has and not enough time in the garden. So thank you for your honesty, it makes the advice you give so easily relateable to me.

  1028. Sharon on

    Knowing the amount of time, consideration and effort it takes to provide these blogs, sharing this wealth of knowledge from so many, is truly appreciated by all. This is one of the best sites I have found that garners a vast array of information right at my fingertips.
    I love all of the colors nature provides each and every year … just like a rainbow … filled with awe and wonder in the days to come ! Flowers are just one of many ways nature provides the serenity, peace and grounding that many people want and treasure. Thank You So Much !

  1029. Susan Bold on

    I grow flowers and a few vegies in a 500 sqare foot garden. I will try to successive plant larkspur,snapdragons, sweet peas and zinnias. I am hoping to start some of these inside since I was not able to start any of these in the fall. Will any of them
    Be successfully transplanted outside.? Love your tips and instructions. Thanks!

  1030. Lindsay on

    HI there. I live in Everett WA and we have our first house and a small space for a garden. I thought these were all great questions to consider. I would love even little tips like how to keep my 3 year old out of the garden or some hardier plants that she could help with. I love the blog and found you initially through Instagram. Also, if you need volunteers this summer, I’m available! I have summers off from teaching and in laws who are always willing to play with my sweet girl.

  1031. Leslie Prest on

    Just read your post and here’s my comment. I sell flowers and herbs part time at our Farmers Market, that’s my “fun” thing to do after a day at the Office. I wanted to expand the flowers some, and lo and behold, I found your site. I ordered seed and am reading through all the helps you have. Thanks so much. Not time to plant here yet, but I’m planning.

  1032. Tracie on

    I have a small flat of zinnias on my kitchen stove that just sprouted their first little seed leaves … I am one proud momma! They are the first flower I have ever grown. I’m already ready to start a flower farm, and they haven’t even grown true leave yet! Needless to say, I’m excited to read the following posts. :)

  1033. Stephanie on

    Hello.. Yes I greatly enjoy all of your information. I came across your blog last year.. very inspiring as others have said. I have purchased a few of the books you suggested in older blogs. I have for many years wanted to go into wedding planning, floral arrangement, landscaping, tree farming, and more. Love plants, flowers, and trees. But, I think on it all more than I take action due to shear overwhelment of how or what to start. Life just gets in the way. I live in Texas, on a little over 4 acres, have horrible dirt, no fencing, and for the last 6 years wanted to do something with our property and done nothing. I love looking at your photo’s, recently came across articles about in you in Sunset magazine and also mention of your new book in another magazine. I look forward to your book arriving and I’m currently going through the email information I received today. I also recently purchased seeds just from our local Home Depot :) and bought a small greenhouse tunnel from Tractor Supply to start growing flowers from seed for hanging baskets and to use for color spots in my flower beds. Also starting a “square foot garden” raised bed for veggies. Working on your suggestion of starting small and making a plan for getting some “real” flower gardens going maybe by the fall. I would love to retire from my office job to flower farming. I look forward to reading and learning more of what you have to share. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge. Wishing you all the best on your new book release.

  1034. Suzanne on

    I am growing flowers to enjoy and share with my friends. Your website and blog have inspired me with beautiful photos and down to earth suggestions. Thank you for sharing your experience and suggestions. I am anxious for your book to arrive and will be following your blog and documenting my gardening experiences this year!
    Suzanne / Bainbridge Island

  1035. Dina Awe on

    Just stumbled upon your blog,but I have truly been inspired! I’m waiting patiently for your book to be delivered. Can’t wait to dig into it,lol!

  1036. Susan on

    Very helpful!
    Thank you!

  1037. Renee Lynch on

    Wow you are inspiring me after reading one BLOG POST. thank you for sharing all your knowledge! I can’t wait to read on!

  1038. Bethel on

    I’ve dabbled in both social work and agriculture for the past ten years and now with a newborn and a 3 1/2 year old (also a Jasper!) we’ll be settling roots back in Texas and looking to once again get dirty in a climate and growing season with which we are well versed. These past three years I’ve worked at a food bank in Montana where we distribute (and grow a wee bit of) food – but also flowers from grocery stores that would otherwise go to the dumpster. While addressing hunger was the main reason I initially got into growing food and gardening and farming, I have learned that flowers have a unique ability for bringing hope and beauty into the lives of many who need more than food. So thank you for the inspiration to take our growing in a new direction!

  1039. dlglasco on

    This blog and the knowledge you share with us is extremely beneficial and helpful. I too, feel great joy through the gifting of flowers. While I don’t have a lot of land, right now, this season I will be growing more flowers than ever before. Yay! I have purchased your book and seeds. Thank you for inspiring me to dig into my dreams.

  1040. Keegan Austin on

    I just found you through Better Homes and Gardens – I am SO happy I picked it up in the grocery checkout aisle! I am brand new to this, and your blog is really making me feel like I CAN DO IT! The most helpful advice for me, so far, is to really consider how much time and energy I have to devote to this project. I am a new Mom (like you when you started out!), and this post has really helped me reflect and decide to start small. Your picture tutorials about starting seeds are GREAT; the whole blog is just a fantastic resource. I’m really excited to order my seeds!

    Thank you so much for being such an inspiration, and for sharing your hard work and talent with us!

  1041. Meghan Uliana on

    Thank you! I’m just starting and for same reasons…beauty and peace…and maybe a few extra bucks!

  1042. Sheila Moreland on

    I love your blog. So great to read all the different topics. We are opening a nursery this spring here in Missouri. I plan on growing some cut flowers in hopes of selling to a florist near by. With all your great information here I am excited for spring to arrive. Thanks.

  1043. Lindy Callahan on

    I am new to your blog and I love it! This year I have found myself in a unique situation, with the opportunity to transform some land that has been in my family for the past 150+ years. I decided to use some of the space to take on the endeavor of growing cut flowers for the first time. As a twenty something who has spent my professional life in marketing staring at a computer with absolutely no idea what I am doing yet, I am finding all of your content to be incredibly inspirational and helpful. Thank you for sharing your story and experience!

  1044. Janette Drost on

    I just discovered you through instagram and oh wow, how timely! We are about to move to a farm where I will have a strip on the edge of the field next to the house. I’ve just pre-ordered your book. Lovely, all of this!

  1045. Galanda A Bryan on

    I found your site (again) today after perusing Instagram and you were tagged in another post. I have to say I absolutely love the site and the time you and your team have put into it. I apparently found you previously because when I checked my email I had already subscribed to the newsletter. Needless to say I think it is divine intervention! I just spoke to a small size flower farmer at an urban farming open house and was re-energized about flowers! I started gardening with flowers and then moved to food and feel the pull back to flowers now that we have lots of land. I ordered your book immediately and I’ll be working through the resources you provided to plan a small flower farm this year for myself, a few friends and small local market where I volunteer. I’m so excited I don’t know what to do!!! Don’t be surprised if you get lots of tags from Bytes and Buds this Spring/Summer!

  1046. Amanda on

    I just found your Instagram account, then your book and now your blog. I am so excited! I just want cut flowers for myself and maybe extra for my kids to sell on the roadside but I’ve always felt lost and intimidated. I feel like you are providing a map for me to accomplish my dream. I live on the mountain in Utah, so I appreciate your information on cold weather and unique seasons.

  1047. Tracey Srock on

    I just found your flower blog after following you on Instagram. Today’s blog was encouraging, practical, informative, and thought provoking.
    I love that you have included information for all different levels of gardeners and sizes of gardeners. So excited to catch up on the blogs!

  1048. Joni Price on

    I love this post and the basics to think about before starting. I’m new at gardening and need to know more about my zone and how and which flowers do best in my area. I just need to do more research or continue on reading your next few blog post. Thank you so much!!!

  1049. Angie on

    Forgive me if this question has already been answered but, this will be my first year growing dahlias and I had purchased tubers several months back. I have kept them in the cool dark basement waiting for the right time to plant but when I checked on them a few days ago, I was surprised to find that several have begun to sprout! I’m unsure now as to what I should do.. Pot them? Continue to wait until I’m able to plant outdoors? If i pot them, can I transfer to the ground later or does that cause any shock to plant? Help! I’m zone 7 (southern Maryland)

    • Susan King on

      Hi Angie,

      It’s normal for them to start sprouting as spring grows near. You can either pot them up, or just leave them until your normal planting. It’s likely that the room they are being stored in is a tad too warm and bright, signaling early spring. 40-50* and dark is ideal.

  1050. Sue on

    You are my inspiration. Growing flowers is something I wanted to do many years ago and life just seemed to absorb all of my time and my goals got put on the back burner. I found your site and it has awakened and renewed my spirit. Your site is beautiful, the flowers beyond words. Your articles are very down to earth and helpful. I have my master plan, your book, your website, my tenacity, my determination, our love of beautiful flowers, and I am feeling as if I am on the edge, just teetering on the beginning of something magical. I feel I have you to thank for helping me rediscover a very important part of myself. Thank you.

  1051. bekflowers on

    I am a qualified florist in Melbourne, Australia with property and a family background in farming. Thank you for helping provide the confidence and ‘how to’ for me to start planning and planting to use for my business and possibly further local distribution in the future.

  1052. Amber on

    I’m in Australia and have just found you. We have sheep, which are currently on my in-laws farm, but we hope to have our own farm soon. When we do I’m going to pinch a few acres for myself to start my own flower farm! I’d love to sell at local farmers markets.

  1053. Jenny on

    Thus will be my first year planting and growing most cut flowers and I am beyond excited! While it will be on a very small scale – just for the home – now, I’m hoping to be able to evolve to adding them into floral designs for my business. Thank you for the time you put into sharing your knowledge! I can’t wait for my dahlia tubers to arrive!

  1054. Susan on

    I just found you from the beautiful bhg article in this month’s issue. I look forward to learning and may even start some seeds indoors in a few weeks!

  1055. Lee on

    I’ve been planting a small amount of potted plants in my garden for a couple years. I’ve been following your Instagram and website for a while now and I’m feeling so inspired to grow on a larger scale and make the most out of my space and seemingly perfect San Francisco climate!

  1056. Wendy Smith on

    You are totally on the right track Erin! I’m new to your blog and the timing is perfect. I decided last year to create a small (15ft x 8ft) cut flower bed, so come autumn I dug over an existing bed, got rid of all the shrubs and things I didn’t want, composted and conditioned the soil and planted a bazillion spring bulbs (cue much head shaking by OH) Now they’re all peeking through (I’m in Kent in the SE of England) and I feel suitably rewarded and mildly terrified as I now have to plan the next few phases for when the bulbs go over and through into summer! I’m adjourning to the kitchen table now with your next few posts, the planning kit, my seed box and a ton of little flower pictures I’ve cut out to stick on my plan…feel a bit like a little kid again and I love it! Thanks so much for giving us such beautiful (and sensible!) inspiration….

  1057. Anita Matejka on

    I love your instagram and can’t wait for my book to arrive. My inner self would LOVE to be able to be a successful flower gardener, but I also know that I’m not great at follow through, and weeds seem to always kill my dreams. Every year, I get excited to try again, and then we go away for vacation for a week and the weeds come and I get depressed again. I hope the book will cover how to deal with that stuff! We live on 2 1/2 acres but might be moving soon. I still hope to be successful at growing a small flower garden. Thank you for sharing the way you do things! It is truly inspirational. I will just vicariously live through your pictures. Ha ha!

  1058. Bonita June Ramos on

    Thank you Erin, for your inspiration. It’s almost the end of February, and I’m already fighting the overwhelmedness…’ve helped to center me a bit. With a beautiful 9 month old baby boy (who is going to be walking very soon), a Greenhouse grand opening coming up and my first (!!!) invite to be a vendor at a garden show, not to mention my nearly 1/2 acre garden, ……oh my goodness. Whew! I’m continuing to read up on your different posts, soaking up the info and applying it, and I thank the Lord for people like you! Huge admirer here!!

  1059. Kat on

    Thank you so much for these insightful posts. I’ve discovered how much joy it brings to grow my own flowers and place them everywhere I can. I live in the very high-heat, high-humidity environment of Florida and I was wondering if there are any recommendations you can make to help my garden babies thrive (especially any hardy varieties that can withstand occasional downpours during summer months). I appreciate your love for growing so much, thank you!

  1060. Su-Lin on

    Your series of posts on growing cut flowers is inspiring! I’ve been vegetable growing for the last couple of years but I really want to get some more flowers in between the veg this year.

  1061. Liv on

    Hi Erin, I’ve been popping in here and there to find inspiration. After dabbling in gardening for years I’ve wanted to start a flower farm and may be getting a chance soon! I’m wondering about the hoop houses you have. It looks like you have some greenhouses and some temporary hoop houses? I’m not sure of the different options and how you use them. Are some removed partway through the season and how do you determine when? Would also love an overview of your property if you would be willing to share! Thank you for all the wonderful information, it’s so helpful and inspiring! Ps I can’t wait to get your new book in the mail soon, preordered from Amazon!

  1062. betsy braun on

    I am a livestock farmer who, due to life circumstance, am with out the 100’s of acres needed to raise sheep. I need the “grounding” that farming provides. So, here I go into flowers, with out a green thumb. I am visioning a cut flower csa. My worries are time commitment. no kids, but I work full time. I have access to 5 acres on my mom’s property. I am ordering your book and the planning kit, cause I do not need to reinvent that particular wheel and am very grateful for your sharing with us all. thank you for your incouragement. it means every thing. Betsy

  1063. Margrét María Leifsdóttir on

    Oh, this was just what I needed. I am just starting out trying my hand at growing cut flowers and your posts are such an inspiration.

  1064. Nivonne on

    I would like to thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences. I am attempting to start my own cut flower business and your blog has given me some great tips for starting out. I have also ordered your book and I am really looking forward to arming myself with more valuable information from you, as well as drooling over all the beautiful photos.

  1065. Kera Barenaba on

    Thank you for sharing such great info! As a homeschooling mom on a mini farm with 3 young kids, we made a family goal to grow more flowers to give as gifts and all your info has saved me so many times! Your skills and talents bring so much joy for all of us. This is out third year of adding more flowers and it has been an adventure to say the least, we’re also here in the Northwest and I love to see what your able to grow here and it inspires me to try more varieties and my kids each now have their own little garden bed to grow veggies and flowers. When you do open for garden tours we would LOVE to come, so please let us know if that happens in the future. Thank you again!

  1066. Maggie Smith on

    I am not new to gardening, but new to the idea of selling cut flowers. I enjoyed growing and selling a variety of Zinnia’s last year and look forward to adding to the selection this year. I am finding your posts immensely helpful and inspiring! I currently grow lavender and look forward to offering cut flower bouquets to our offerings. Thank you so much for sharing your honest experiences, expertise and well thought out guidance. I am excited to have your book pre-ordered and will continue to immerse myself in all of the great information you provide on your blog.

  1067. Mandy from London, UK on

    I discovered the joy of growing flowers when I turned 40! My blooming midlife crisis!!! I love being immersed in the garden, surrounded by beautiful colours, and buzzing bees. I’m a novice, so really appreciate your advice and knowledge. I have a small space to grow in, so need to choose carefully. Your wisdom is gratefully received.

  1068. Holly Ann Johnson on

    I could honestly read your blog from start to finish if I had the time. Thank you for opening your heart to us and asking thought provoking questions. I am about to start on my flower growing adventure (starting off with a small garden a friend has gifted me) I can safely say it is scary and I constantly witness my fear creeping in. But my reasoning for growing flowers is identical to yours. I am excited to be on this journey. Can’t wait to do one of your workshops :o) When will you be letting us know of future workshops? Holly Ann Johnson aka Lavender Fingers (Yorkshire born and raised, London habitant for past ten years) Love what you do, can’t wait to meet you. x

  1069. Viv on

    Hi Erin–love these 6 questions. My problems will be as you stated- biting off more than one person can do. I’ve already ordered too much, and I’ll be the last one to say I can’t get ‘er done!! My two plots are for market, and 1/2 an acre there. Then , I have several gardens around my home for bits/pieces. Going to try soil blocking method this year(my 4th yr.) So I can get more seeds started inside. Being almost 60–I’m going to try and work smarter, not harder. This means more investment with soaker hoses and landscape fabric to cut down on my labor. It looks like you plant in fabric and also put down between the rows, is that right? I’m hoping to have a year with less weeding! My back is not what it used to be. Thanks for all you share, and for the flower love you give.

  1070. Amy on

    I think the 7th question and the one which I’m having difficulty obtaining a clear answer is legal. Am I allowed to sell flowers from my home? Which also leads to questions of f liability and insurance. These are my true hang ups. Any advice?

  1071. Laura V. on

    To me a garden is like a blank canvas awaiting a painting. So many colors and textures layered together. My garden has downsized over the years, it’s now just a couple of raised bead at my office day job – but what a treat to be able to design the coming season’s blooms! I look forward to practicing your advice and tips as I read through them. Thank you for sharing.

  1072. Tracy on

    Thank you for your thoughts as they relate to the process of getting everything together and ready for gardening. So much to prepare and plan for. Your advice is well thought out and I definitely took a close look at what I want my garden to do this coming year. You’ve posted a number of questions about what direction you want to take when planting. This truly helps me take a direct look at what I want to plant and how to implement the process. Enjoying your posts!


  1073. Charlotte on

    I’m reading all of the posts. I usually do things backwards- like order the seeds I think I want without researching what will grow in my climate- then plant- then things fail m, then I research why. Hopefully, I’m learning enough from you to get things started! So excited!

  1074. Nat on

    Thank you so much for sharing all this information really appreciate it Floret. What I am interested in getting started is understanding my climate & soil type and if it is suitable. Our winters are amazing and last 3-4 months and nothing colder than 15 degrees. Spring warms up very quickly. Our summers on the other hand get really warm up to 40 degrees with heavy rain storms occasionally hail which come & go through out summer. We are I would say sub tropical climate. So I guess the question is will I need some sort of shade house? If so what type? Have no idea. Also is it possible to grow on a slight downhill slope or does the land have to be a flat piece of land like yours? I was thinking of having some type of terracing gardens where our top soil doesn’t wash away in heavy rain. Also flowers types.. I would love to find out what flower types will do well in our climate. Many thanks

  1075. Marissa on

    Thank you for this! Im a little nervous to get started but with you writing this blog I am able to prep myself in a way that would not have happened in the future.

  1076. Erin Harley on

    I am immensely inspired and empowered! Also, so excited and nervous. I love that you are providing step by step instructions and I cannot wait to get the book. I also love how organized everything is, super helpful to the overwhelmed mind. I have a couple questions…I currently attend a community college with plans to attend a university to study sustainable agriculture. I am curious about your thoughts regarding the benefits of a college education in the industry compared to work experience and just going for it. What was your education path to get to the level of success that you are at? I also am curious about your thoughts about planting fruits/vegetables near cut flower plants. What are the risks? Should they be general kept separated?

    I would love to hear more about composting, soil brands, nutrients, etc., thank you for all you do!

  1077. Gwen on

    Thanks Erin, your honesty and openness is so refreshing and supportive whilst I blunder along starting a cut flower business. To achieve just a few rows of perfect flowers will be wonderful – the pictures are inspirational – so please if you can find the time, keep it up, with many, many thanks.

  1078. Rachel on

    Super helpful!!! My ground is almost ready for seeds down here in Texas but it was good to read this checklist before planting. I have been planning but sometimes I feel as though I’m going in circles around the plans and second-guessing all my decisions. I am a mom of 3 youngins and have a part time job so this was helpful to put things into perspective.:)

  1079. Judy on

    I’m reading this I’m the waiting room at my eye appointment. I’ve read every word of this post. I’ve pre-ordered the book last week and downloaded the booklet which I will place in a binder. As soon as I get home I’ll start measuring. I love that this is step by step. That always works best for me whether it is a recipe, sewing pattern or craft project. Then creativity and serendipity will come in later and not be crowded out by chaos and unreal expectations.

  1080. Laure on

    Hi Erin:) I find everything you shared extremely helpful. I bought all my seeds from floret in january and off course your book. I am ready to get started to plant beauty in my garden ! So this blog serie is just the complementary ressource that i needed for a proper intro for my garden planning:) I look forward the post about climate specific recommendations because i live in the french Alps:) Thank you so much for sharing your gift and bringing beauty and happiness to all of us:)

  1081. Leann Goertzen Loeppky on

    Today is my 49th Birthday and as a treat to myself I sat down to read your latest blogs. In my head I was doing this to get ready and plan for my cut flower garden this coming season. But this first post stopped me in my tracks. Your last question of, “Why are you growing cut flowers?” brought tears to my eyes as I realized it isn’t about how much money I am going to make from selling bouquets and growing flowers for someone’s wedding party, it is about the joy and peace that growing flowers brings to my life. It is about keeping myself healthy so that I can support others around me. So thank you for asking us to look at ourselves while sharing your journey with such honesty and inspiration.

  1082. gwen on

    Oh Erin,
    I love love your gardens, beautiful arrangements, blog and new book comming soon.
    I downloaded the garden planning kit and will be starting that soon. I was a florsit
    and recently took the OSU Master Gardener Extension Class. I knew a lot, have learned
    a lot more, but you INSPIRE me. Getting ready to start seeds in my potting shed and
    planning to plant in May, since we are in Zone 7. Once they start blooming I will do
    my other favorite thing, watercolors! Thank You Erin, for sharing all your knowledge
    and love of gardening and flowers.?

  1083. Peggy Fletcher on

    I’ve been a florist for years but this is the first year I will attempt to grow flowers for myself and my design Studio. All this info is great as I don’t have a clue about growing or where to start.

  1084. Sarah Bascom on

    Thank you for your wonderful posts and pictures. I have gardened every year for the past 16 years of marriage… with very little produce to show for it. With frequent military moves and lots of little babies around, there were many plants I put in the ground that ripened after I moved away or withered from lack of water. I can even kill mint and zucchini!! So sad. I felt discouraged and like a failure for a long time. But last year I realized I garden because I LOVE the process… not just the fruits of labor! What a revelation!

    We have finally settled in a long-term home in the ever-fertile Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. My children are older. AND my husband bought us 7 acres to play with. They former owners had a raised garden bed area, empty except for some leggy lavender. My husband and son immediately began hauling heaps of manure from a nearby barn to begin the compost heap. Last year I had gladiolas, lavender, and Shasta daisies smiling from vases all over my home. What joy they brought me through some difficult months! We harvested gallons of cherry tomatoes, and my sugar snap peas grew stems as thick as my ring finger and 6′ high.

    Your 6th question: Why are you growing flowers? proved most poignant for me. My utilitarian husband thinks gardening should only be done to save money on produce. He doesn’t see why we should go through the work and expense of growing flowers. But I know they gladden my soul, reminding me of beauty on the dark days. They are God’s smiles in the midst of chaos, like a hand squeeze from a friend. This year I am installing a small cutting garden adjacent to my youngest daughter’s playhouse. My plan is to keep plastic jars on hand so when her little friends come to play, I can send them out with a “vase” to arrange a dozen blooms in. This way we can send smiles home with friends and perhaps gladden their little hearts, too.

    Keep the posts coming!

  1085. Barbara D on

    Erin-First I have to say how big hearted and generous of you to share all your knowledge (and fabulous photos) so that we can learn and avoid mistakes with our passion of growing flowers. I live on a 1/3 acre in a subdivision North of Denver and am converting my vegetable garden to flowers with the hopes of starting a small flower CSA. I’ve ordered your book and downloaded your planning kit (great information!). Also ordered a book for a friend who is starting her own small acre plot. I feel my weakness is succession planting and think it would be helpful to have info on that, if you haven’t already planned it. Again thank you for sharing!

  1086. Janice B. on

    I have 3 acres in which to garden this year I won’t be using the entire space this season as I just want to
    get my feet wet and not overwhelm myself. There are some wild turkeys, squirrels and GOPHERS.
    My biggest concern are the gophers. In my home garden I make gopher baskets, in a large area
    I know this is not feasible. Any advice? Thanks!

  1087. bles on

    I’m looking forward to starting my cut flower garden! Researching information and learning stuff. Started cleaning the yard with surprisingly warm weather in Chicago area. We have a 2-acre lot but I want to start small and learn what will work for me. thanks a lot for all the information.

  1088. Carly on

    All of your posts so far have been extremely centering. I’m a young single mother heading into my first year of business, and you have helped me feel steady and not so overwhelmed. Very much looking forward to your book arriving in the mail. Hoping to see a little more in depth information in irrigation options. Your blog has quickly become a place for trusted information, a streamlined way to sift through the bulk of the Internet. Thank you!

  1089. Suzanne on

    We live in Gardening Zone 5b. In recent years here, the growing season’s temperatures have fluctuated such that it’s a challenge to think of selecting flowers’ preference for “cooler weather”, “heat loving”, etc. Adaptability is key for successful production and that is tricky, both for gardener and flower.
    Your blog is certainly inspiring and offers both practical information and honest self-assessment. The photos of your gardens are magnificent!
    I have, however, been discouraged in my attempts to order from your website. I think you’ve tweaked it recently and maybe this has solved the problem. But it is frustrating to view the varieties of, say, dahlias, and learn that an order could not be processed, and then learn that a second (or third) attempt to place an order resulted in “not available”. Perhaps the problems of success can be balanced in the future. Meanwhile, I’ve sadly given up efforts to order from floret and I’m looking to other sources. Maybe next season I’ll try you again.

  1090. Lina H on

    Hello Erin, I stumbled across your site last year and I have to say ‘Thank you’. I am so grateful that you share your knowledge and passion for growing such beautiful flowers. How you have the time to pour so much into the website must mean you never sleep! What with the farm and the family. Due to the mild winter in the SE of England, my crocuses are already in bloom and I have begun to order all sorts of seed. My ambitions for growing flowers is 1000x greater than the space I have to grow, which is a tiny little back garden in the SE of Kent, UK. The homes here are tiny and the gardens are even smaller than they are in my hometown of Toronto, CAN. I only have space for a pop up greenhouse and barely a windowsill to start seeds. I had to eek out some of the growing space from the kids running around space. Sometimes I just want to give up but then I stumble across your site, and I get inspired again. I just had a look at and how fortunate that your book is available here in the UK! So I have it now on pre-order and cannot wait. It would be a dream to some day have a flower farm in the Kent countryside but for now, I shall marvel at yours. Please continue your efforts, so many of us appreciate it!

  1091. Missy Crane on

    I’m at the very, very beginning of flower farming. We’ve been growing vegetables for a really small, casual CSA, for a couple of years, and this year are moving into perennial fruits in hopes of more profitability, as well as cut flowers. I’m following everything you put out, printed your garden plans, and am anxiously awaiting your book. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can really do this flower farming; you sure make it look beautiful!

  1092. Kelli on

    I just ordered your book – can’t wait!

    I hate our lawn, so I’m planning on turning over most of it for flowers. I’m intrigued by the idea of mixing vegetables with interesting foliage with flowers and herbs.
    I’m a photographer, so my garden will be my studio.
    That, and I think it would be fun to leave bouquets on people’s doorsteps.

    I’m looking forward to learning how to keep it simple. I have a tiny yard, and I always bite off more than I can chew, and everything is a droopy mess by mid-July.
    I also have woodchucks with a love for Lupines, which makes me sad. I’ll have to find a way to fend them off.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us,

  1093. Judy on

    I appreciate your blog immensely and have read yours for a couple of years. Started my cutting gardens several years ago and my wedding/event business one year ago. I re-evaluate how and why with my business every few months to stay grounded. Thanks for also sharing your experiences.

  1094. Kim on

    Still very much in love with all your valuable information. Every time I look at my row of delphiniums in the spring, I think of how much you have helped me. Always good information that you share. I am hoping to have more time to experiment this year as I had an unexpected job loss in January. Bittersweet perhaps a blessing in disguise, time will tell.
    Always grateful

  1095. Ruth Meredith on

    I have been reading your blogs for some time now and am anxiously awaiting your book! You are an amazing person Erin and your team is great. All the information you share is so appreciated.

  1096. Melanie Heisler on

    i have been following you and your farm for about 3 years. so inspirational, so informing. keep it coming.

  1097. Debi on

    I am expanding my flower farm that was very successful (in a small, local way) last year. I am always drawn to the beauty of your farm, and the possibilities mine holds. I have downloaded your planning guide – and reading through your posts before I place the seed order. Living in Colorado, there are a few more snows to come – but I am anxious to lay the groundwork for another fun year on the farm!

  1098. Jennifer B on

    I just stumbled across your instagram which led me to your blog, I’ve been reading it all day. It is always so exciting to me to connect with a fellow lover of playing in soil. I am trying to up my flower game and your posts have already proven incredibly helpful! I’m over in NYS in zone 6a near Lake Ontario, so our growing season is about a month shorter than yours, but your tips/tricks and insights are invaluable to me! Keep posting! I’m reading (lurking). Thank you!

  1099. Meredith on

    This is a great read. Starting with a do-able size plot is great advice that I needed. I look forward to reading the next posts and your book.

  1100. Clarissa on

    Hi Erin…. I just found this series and for a first year flower farmer, your blog is GOLD! You are definitely on the right track for us newbies. Please keep it going.
    Huge thanks from Ontario Canada…

  1101. Jamie on

    This information is wonderful! It has been my dream to purchase a 30 acre farm here in Michigan, where I started my first job 10 years ago. I love growing fruits and vegetables, but there’s just something special about flowers. I can’t wait to dive into your book for further insight and inspiration!

  1102. Christine on

    Hi Erin and Company, I came across your site from Pinterest while daydreaming about starting an herb and flower farm! My profession is in information technology but I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last few years. This year as my son headed off to school and I started contemplating (dreading ;-) going back to work, I started having crazy daydreams about farming flowers, herbs, bees & honey. It never really occurred to me that real people actually do this, I thought I made it up! Thank you for the wisdom and inspiration that you, your family and your star-studded team are. (Now, I just have to get back work updating my resume…..right after I read (devour) this entire blog. ;-)

  1103. Linnae on

    I am eagerly looking forward to these posts (and to your book!) I want to start growing cut flowers, but I’ve got quite a few things to work out first: namely, a move and a new baby happening this summer! :) These questions are just what I need to get me thinking and planning in the right direction. My flower farm may be a couple years down the road, but I’m ready to learn all I can, so that I can dive in once I’m ready. Thank you!

  1104. Corie Gudgeon on

    I appreciate your time in giving us some insight into how to grow beautiful flowers! I pre-ordered your book and can’t wait to start reading it. I only wish I could get in on the workshops that seem to sell out fast! Hopefully there will be more to come. Thank you for your blogs and articles. They are so well done and so helpful! Keep them coming!

  1105. Lynn on

    Yes, I loved reading and learning so much information especially after I read you were located in Washington State! I only wish I had jumped on ordering some of the seeds that you are now sold out of.

  1106. Bindy McClymont on

    Hi Erin Hi summer here in Australia with ridiculously hot weather so am looking forward to reading these blogs and your book Thank you for your seeds too and the holster Its a left handlers dream to have some where for the secetures in easy reach, not the other side of the hips !

  1107. LeAnne on

    Thank You! all this information is wonderful, I have been waiting for your book but having this gives a to start planning while I wait. I usually just jump straight in to the middle and that hardly ever works, This is something Ive been thinking about(blog lurking) for a few years. This gives me a start here point which I need. Thank You.

  1108. Becky K. on

    Thank you for taking the time to share all of this information. My husband and I own a small farm and wedding venue. We are always looking for ways to help us grow our farm so that it will support us being there full time. My dream for adding flower farming would be to host full farm-to-table weddings that include farm fresh flowers, produce and meats. :)

  1109. Donna Smith on

    I have always grown a wild flower garden that either thrives or doesn’t depending on the weather that year. I sell bouquets at our farm fruit stand. My daughter is now joining us and her passion is raising cut flowers to a degree that we can continue to seek at our stand but also to our local restaurants and grocery stores. It will be a great addition but neither of us have gone to this scale before, so we are hanging on your every word and going through your planning process!! It came at the exact right time!

  1110. Nancy Heerema on

    Just found your blog through a link from Carmela – looking forward to digging in! I just have a small garden (20×20) and grow a variety but am always looking for things that are EASY to grow (Iowa), inexpensive, and I can put in arrangements for friends and neighbors.

  1111. Wendy A on

    I just found your blog and am thrilled. I plan to read through your site this weekend, pre-order your book, and learn a lot while enjoying your incredible flowers! Thank you!

  1112. Becky on

    I have experience arranging flowers but am new to growing then. These questions and subsequent posts are a great help as I start thinking through the practicalities of growing fresh blooms to cut and arrange.

  1113. janine on

    I cannot express the amazing timing of your current posts on planning. I was really hoping to come to a workshop this year but since it wasn’t financially in the cards, this is like a little taste to hold me over for the meantime. My partner and I just had an offer accepted on a property in Estacada, Oregon. Our future property looks like it will have some challenges due to the past owners dumping trash in strange places and hiding tires in the soil…. but in many ways it’s a clean slate for our beginning farm.

    While I’m relatively new to flower farming, I’m even newer to floral design. I’m told I have a good eye and I have a few books but….do you have any ideas for someone interested in gaining experience in the type of design that will help propel skills?

  1114. Beth on

    I love your posts and appreciate your heart and soul. I live on the water outside of Olympia during the summers so have to leave my garden in the fall with fingers crossed that it will still be there when we return in the spring. Thanks for your inspiration – hope to see your farm one day.

  1115. Hailey on

    I always enjoy your blog posts and get a lot of useful information out of them. I’m looking forward to reading the next few posts in the series!

  1116. Nancy Harkness on

    I just found your website and am looking forward to reading many of your articles. I enjoyed this one.

  1117. Anna on

    I’m an artist based just outside of Melbourne. I use flowers in my work and want to grow my own as part of my practice so that I can have year round ultra-local blooms. I’m also keen to integrate my flowers with vegetables to feed my family as I really do think a mix is beneficial in both directions.

    I really connected with your comments about gardening keeping you present and the frustration of trying to do it all while wrangling tiny humans. It’s hard!

  1118. Lindsey on

    I’m so happy to find your blog and Instagram! I am a successful backyard gardener and have been trying to add flowers to my repertoire for the last year or two. I have learned a lot through trial and error but am looking forward to this growing season with some of your insights!

  1119. Natalie Beverage on

    Thank you so much for this Erin, it comes at the perfect time. I’m taking notes. So, so thankful!

  1120. Lori on

    I am recently retired, and thought that I would just enjoy the “leisure life” I always thought retirement was meant to be. But my daughter how is a florist in Chicago has bigger aspirations. She is moving home soon to start her own business and since we live out in the country and have some space, we will be starting small this spring with seeds already ordered from you… We are excited for this new business adventure. Your blog posts are full of valuable information for someone just starting out.

  1121. Renn on

    Really stoked on this blog. I currently live in Montana with my husband and coonhound, Boone, but we have recently decided to take steps toward moving back to our home-state, Vermont, where we hope to buy land and start a small flower farm and homestead.
    I am a certified floral designer and absolutely love working with stems in the design capacity, but I am eager to start sustaining my love for designing by breaking ground, sewing, and harvesting our own beautiful blooms. Any information I can come across that helps me become more equipped for the upcoming journey of flower farming is such a gift! Thank you for your willingness to share the know-how.

  1122. Jennifer on

    This post helped me consider several things that i had not contemplated. For example, Why grow cut flowers? I really thought about he purpose. Thanks for such beautiful inspiration and direction.

  1123. Kalie McG on

    I love your Instagram! First time homeowner, and I want to start growing flowers everywhere. Hoping to get inspiration/information on techniques. Thanks!

  1124. Amity on

    Thank you for the fabulous planner. Thank you for telling the truth that it takes time, trial and error. Thank you for sharing how hard it is to both mother and farm. Thank you for all you do. I vow to not let short-term failure do me in, and accept the long view of flower farming as an investment over time. I always wanted to build a garden that my grandchildren might get married in. That’s my north star.

  1125. Kelsey on

    Haha! I am a lurker as well but here goes – although I want a full cutting garden and orchard my time is lacking with homeschooling three kiddos. However I love your posts because they are helping me to upgrade my zinnia seeds from boring to exciting! Also, instead of multicolored dahlias I am now trying to follow your lead and plant different sizes of coordinating colors. These are easy adjustments in my garden that I can make for big impact in my centerpieces for my home. Thank you for the inspiration and guidance. – from far west Texas.

  1126. Christine on

    Lurker but commenting due to your request – I’m just a home gardener without a cutting garden, but I love to read your blog periodically because I find that your detailed notes and beautiful photos give me lots of ideas (and mental wishlists!) for techniques and varieties to incorporate into my personal garden. Side note that I live in a much different growing climate, but it can be interesting to see what it’s like gardening in another part of the country, even if it’s not applicable to my location. And I do find that you make a lot of comments on how to make adjustments for other climates. I also value the insight your posts give me into the cut flower business; I feel that I’m actually much more likely to buy fresh (and local) flowers since becoming a fan of your blog. I really appreciate the time and thought you put into your posts, and am glad that you have a web store which allows me to support your work from afar. In summary, I would say that your blog gives a combination of practical, useful information and beautiful inspiration that I wish I could find more of but have yet to see anywhere else.

  1127. Andrea on

    The one thing I’m most concerned about is leveling an area to start a cutting garden. I have plenty of area, but it’s weedy and uneven. I want to disturb the soil as little as possible. Also, there are rocks. Rocks from pebbles to basket ball size and larger. If I use machinery to level it, I fear the worms and micro organisms will all have left or been destroyed.

  1128. Lauren E. on

    I am so excited I came across your website. Your website is well-designed and your flowers are stunning. I appreciate you taking the time to help people like me AND run your business. I live in north Texas and struggle with clay soil, hot summers and gardening inexperience. I hope to learn as much as I can from you — and to buy some bulbs once they’re available. Best of luck to you this growing season!

  1129. Deborah Florian VasePlace on

    10 yrs we spent planing and dreaming and preparing the land for what would one day be our permanent home. Foundation was poured and 10 more years spent building and cultivating our piece of paradise. Each year we try to add something new to our gardens, while trying not to create more than what the two of us can care for. My gardens provide eye candy and veggies and now some cut flowers. When I found your Sweet Peas I knew what this years addition would be. I am throughly impressed with your accomplishments, your energy and especially your spirit which touches me fundamentally. I look forward to learning from your experiences and to growing your seeds. Thank you.

  1130. Megan on

    My shoes feel pretty similar to your early years…chasing kids around. But before my children…there was always a garden. As my family has grown so has the garden. My love and devotion to that practice has been the passion that drives and sustains me. Last year i offered to grow flowers for a friends wedding in vermont. It was a great and challenging experience that sparked something in me that has just sent my brain a buzz with the slow flower movement. I started selling produce and bouquets out of my converted old truck trailer farm stand last summer in my rural town after the wedding.I was excited when it was well received by my community…vermonters love it local. There was something so magical about growing flowers and knowing their beauty was going to all sorts of people and bringing such joy….i am hooked. Once I found your blog…it really felt as if at times you are reading my mind. I am probably biting off more than i can chew this season…but that is my general bar to see where i land. The information and passion you share here is helpful and inspiring…thank you! I pre-ordered your book this fall and eagerly await its arrival!
    megan of Upright Heart Market Garden

  1131. Deseree' on

    As a novice flower wanabe farmer I love everything you post! We recently bought our property last fall because of it’s beauty and all the work the previous owner put into it. I have desinged for years in floral shops and have had my own business, and as I walked around the house and saw all the fun flowers all over, I kept saying do you know how much we charge for these in the shop?? With the purchase of our home it has also given me the space I need to start my floral designing again for wedding and special events. We also have a cute little green house which I had planned on using for my families vegtable garden, but it wasn’t until I saw you website that I realized I could actually grow more than just vegtables. So excited for this learning/experiment year. Thank you for all your help!!!

  1132. Summer on

    I just read the article you were featured in in BHG and now have a cart full of your suggestions! I AMA new gardener and am excited for the potential of growing flowers…I have 3 little people at home and this seems like the perfect “me time” activity for this season! Thank you for your great information and beautiful website!

  1133. Brooke Oliver on

    I’m a mom of 4 young girls and I am dreaming of starting my first garden… ever. I’m reading your posts and trying to learn as much as I can. Thank you for taking the time to share your wealth of knowledge!

  1134. Katherine on

    Your posts are so helpful! I appreciate that you make flower farming approachable. I’m starting a small garden this year and all of the how-to posts are so helpful, as well as the posts about why you like certain varieties. I am continually inspired by how much you are able to grow on 2 acres, and how selective you are about what you grow. Thank you for continuing to share!

  1135. Beth on

    Erin: I am not in retail. Your blogs, products, and all information you give, help even those of us who simply want to make their yards a beautiful haven for people, birds, bees, and other created life forms. You answer and teach us the things we either, do not know we need to know, or even, how to formulate the questions in order to obtain the needed information. It is as if you understand what we need to know, or are steps ahead telling us the things we will need to know once we get to the next step. One example, I have never been able to grow sweet peas from seeds, now, with the information you have taught, I have hope that maybe success is possible. In the past, I did not have a resource for the beautiful varieties of seeds, bulbs and other products you provide–just had the nursery stock available in Seattle–and just getting to those locations through Seattle traffic takes so much energy. Once there staff does not teach. You provide a center for information, teaching, and products longed for. I am a couple of years out of breast cancer treatment. One of the first things I did after treatment was to bend down and pluck a weed from one of my flower beds, look up at the sky and thank God for one more spring, one more time of pulling a weed, and one more time to see the blue sky. Now I am compelled to create beauty in my surroundings. All that you provide in articles, teaching, and products have become a help and resource and contribute to my healing in multiple ways. Please continue–my words cannot capture my gratitude for all the trials you have gone through, the price you have paid, so that I can reap the benefit of lessons learned and knowledge gained. Thank you for giving all this to me.


  1136. Ginger Proctor on

    I’m a North Florida backyard gardener with a love for flowers. I have a good amount of bed space that I can devote to this. I’m looking forward to applying your knowledge to my Florida, very sunny garden. I’ve always been a failure with starting things from seed. I’m hoping this will be my year for success! Can’t wait for your book to be released!

  1137. Sara on

    I moved into a brand new bungalow with a very small yard one year ago. I have planted some shrubs and perennials as “bones” of my garden, and am very interested in learning about growing my own cutting garden. I really enjoy your posts, and am a photographer…I LOVE your photos!

  1138. Tammy Hall on

    I’m starting my fifth year of growing and working with flowers full time, and I absolutely treasure your posts. They help me so much giving some some clarity to my plans, and in bringing me back down to earth, and help stop me from panicking and ending in tears at the prospect of not achieving all my goals. Thank you so very much for sharing such helpful and insightful knowledge.

  1139. Tracey Sloan on

    I have worked in the landscaping/ flower care world for the last 15+ years in a resort community in Northern Michigan. It has slowly become my dream of all dreams to one day just be a flower farmer. You are one of the first flower farmer pages I found on instagram, I have only become more and more inspired and convinced that my dream is achievable thru following you, and many other small flower farmers. I found this post very helpful, and realistic as all get out! Thank you for sharing the love in such beautiful and inspiring ways!

  1140. Lauren on

    I am a small retail florist in upstate NY. I have a property on the Hudson River that was owned by, what my older neighbors tell me, a master gardner. I can see the remnants of her plantings in the spring. Rows of these tiny bulbs. I am planning on tilling the whole area just to get control of the overgrowth that happens in the summer to plant a more organized garden to grow specialty wedding flowers. Do think I should try to save them and transplant them to another area on the property?

  1141. Bekki Jamison Portland OR on

    So excited to follow along with your posts, Erin! I pre-ordered your book ages ago! It’s a long awaited Christmas gift!! You are so genuine and generous to share your amazing knowledge.

  1142. Jane Berry on

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I as a third year grower appreciate all the wisdom learned from experience.

  1143. Elizabeth (Betty) Comartin on

    I have a flower stand at the end of my drive and sell bunches all summer. Thank you so much for the way you share your gardening knowledge. I am constantly soaking up what you put out. ? My big question is – I always see that white large square “netting” that the flowers grow thru and I can’t figure out how you use it. I see that the flowers grow thru it and it supports the blooms, but when and how do you set it out and support it? And why don’t the flowers get tangled up in it as they grow?? Thanks Erin!

  1144. Katherine on

    This quote is me to a T!

    “For me, growing flowers helps me more centered and present in the moment. I have a tendency to live in the future. Flowers pull me out of my head and into the right here and right now. I also LOVE to share the beauty and magic of them with other people. Nothing brings me more joy than handing someone a bundle of blooms.”

    Thank you for sharing your love for flowers! I found you last year after growing my first dahlia garden, and have found your resources so helpful ;) Thanks and keep after it!

  1145. Joel on

    Hello Erin

    Thank you for another informative post. Reading this from my home in Norwich, UK and getting excited about growing flowers. I’m not clear whether you have replied to the comments on the blog or privately so apologies if I repeat a question. Are the hoops in these pictures for securing the netting or were they used to support fleece or other protection? Can you give the material and dimension specifications of the hoops please?

    Thank you

  1146. Kelly Gregory on

    Just ordered your book and I am so inspired by the info you have shared!!! Thank you!! I’m in northern Ca with land AND water just need a plan !! Do you still have offer classes?

  1147. Beth on

    Hi Erin,

    Thank you so much for so generously sharing your wisdom. Your clear facts – supported with gorgeous photos – have helped us with many decisions and inspired many new plant trials. We are growing in Massachusetts, with approximately a 150 day growing season. However, much of our growing space is at least partially shaded. We grow vegetables, herbs and flowers for farmers’ markets, CSAs, weddings and other events.

    Yes, we are listening! Yes, we are very appreciative! Yes, we very consistently direct people to you and your resources, as a master in the field!

    Sincere thanks!

  1148. Lisa Carkin on

    Flower bouquets are including in our mixed family CSA. We are always working on improving and learning. How do you support the flower netting that I see in the pictures? With only the hoops or stakes?

  1149. Marilyn on

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and beautiful photos. I live in PNW on a sloped 1/3 acre. I haven’t figured out a good place for a greenhouse but the hoops have sparked my interest. I’m sure it makes seed starting more fun and enjoyable in a warm cubbyhole in late winter and spring. There are probably other sources on the internet but you explain things so simply that make for a successful garden. Maybe you could talk about hoop houses on your blog or even a video? Keep being you and thanks again.

  1150. Thesallygarden on

    I,m a small time grower with a half acre in Wicklow . Ireland. I sell flowers in a local market and focus on Irish organic grown cottage flowers. I love following your journey, and find your enthusiam and inspiration a gift. Thank you

  1151. Angela on

    I am simply, truly grateful and appreciate you sharing what you have learned … I have loved gardening for many years and grown Daylily plants and sold divisions for almost ten years so branching out to grow cut flowers and herbs feels like a natural progression now that my kids are mostly grown and I have time to garden more obsessively than in the past. Finding your site and reading though so much helpful info has quieted a lot of my fears on how to handle, harvest and keep them looking their best! (A problem I don’t have to worry about when selling Daylily plants!) Thank you so much! I can hardly wait to receive the book! :)

  1152. Harriet on

    Amazing! You are so inspiring. I’m not at the point where I can grow yet, but I try to absorb as much information as I can to help me when I get there :) Harriet x

  1153. Debby Stagg on

    I work with the Dried Flower Arrangers at VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver, BC. We’re a group of volunteers who share your motivation and challenges as we work through each season to produce items for sale in the fall. Your site is inspiring and practical. Thanks!

  1154. Isabella Rule on

    I simply adore this website. I found it by mistake, while looking for material related to growing cut flowers. I find it encouraging and refreshing. Thank you so much for the time and the effort you put on this blog. I also had a look at the book (preview on iBook). From the list of the contents it looks like it is going to cover literally everything I want to know about growing cut flowers (hopefully as a business in the future). It will be my next purchase.
    Thanks again.

  1155. Peggy on

    I love your posts they are educational and inspirational. You are a gift. I really look forward to more as I will be starting our first garden in our new home.

  1156. Wendee Ball on

    Hi, I have your book pre-ordered and cannot wait to receive it! Most of my questions are about plant spacing and irrigation. I am sure that will be covered in the book, but I love reading the blog! Thanks!

  1157. Nicole on

    I am so looking forward to this spring and summer and what I hope will be my much more organized gardens! I am branching out and growing lots of your seeds for cutting this year in addition to my 75 plus dahlias. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion in all that you do. I have learned so much. I can hardly wait!

  1158. Jan Olson on

    Thank you so much for all this wonderful information and guidance! I think it’s all spot on! I would love to know how I can find out the length of gardening time in my area of Covington WA.

  1159. Mary Marshall on

    Hi this is really helpful and I have downloaded your sheets which have been invaluable in putting into perspective how many varieties I should grow- I’m like a kid in a candy store with a seed catalogue in front of me .I have banned myself from buying anymore! Looking forward to your future posts. Mary Marshall The Moorland Flower Company England

  1160. Angie on

    Thank you for the post! Reading through the six questions and answering them in my head made me feel like I was on the right track with my capabilities as a flower farmer. I am just starting out and your resources have been a great help to me…please keep them coming.

  1161. Sandra on

    Hello Erin and Team;

    I have just recently come across your site through Pinterest and it is very interesting. I have always loved flowers and gardening but didn’t have the living space to enjoy it. Now getting to a new home with the potential of growing flowers and vegetables is very exciting. I am looking forward to reading your blog and gaining knowledge of how to begin this process so that I can always enjoy fresh cut flowers for myself and friends. Thank you for sharing your information it is invaluable.

  1162. Mandy on

    Hi Erin and Team,

    I just wanted to take the time out to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity of knowledge, I started my small cut patch in my garden a couple of years ago, this year I have an allottment to fill with cut flowers, it sure is addictive, I grow them specifically for myself and gifts for friends but dream of one day owning my own little cut flower business, I’m based in the UK so these posts are invaluable to me, I would love to come on one of your workshops but logistically I dont think that would ever be possible. Please keep these beautiful informative posts going and doing what you love x

  1163. Tara Shea on

    I do not own a farm, but my grandfather was a farmer. My grandmother has always had the most amazing cut flowers. I’ve steadily become interested in cut flowers over the years. However we travel a lot and don’t have tons of time. I really appreciated what you said about your flowers making you live in the moment. I can’t wait for your book!

  1164. Jessica Dean on

    This post really resonates with me. When starting to farm vegetables for market ten years ago I quickly got ahead of myself and being a dreamer I certainly bit of more than I could chew! Getting into growing market flowers I appreciate the reminder to keep realistic goals, start small and always take the time to grow soil Tilth. It is also so helpful to know you’re planning your flowers the same way I do my veg and that good planning is the foundation to a productive season! So much love to you and your team! Seriously, you have been my inspiration into this gorgeous flower filled adventure and I thank you so much for your knowledge and gracious sharing of that knowledge. I hope to see you soon at one of your amazing workshops, if I’m quick enough to get a spot! Xo

  1165. Bev Burton on

    Erin, Thank you for all the information you make available and in such a beautiful format. The photos are so inspiring. I know how much hard physical work goes into all the farming and would appreciate more information on machinery and equipment that you use. I live in a rural area with many large farms and lots of equipment but it’s hard to find people to do small custom jobs. I’m trying to decide if I really do need to purchase my own and if so how do I know what is adequate for a small farm with distinct seasons. Would love to know how you do it! I’m a one person operation so the more I can use equipment the better! Loved the info on landscape cloth. I have a large roll that will be put in use this year..and now I know how to get the most use out of it.

    I also would like to know if you have any tips for small woody plantings. I’m thinking honeysuckle, lilacs, “pussywillows” and currants. I get a lot of wind and am thinking these would make good windbreaks.

  1166. Lori Merrill on

    Hello! I love all the information you share with us and just received some of my seed packets today! Look forward to the growing season and your blog! Thank you, Lori

  1167. B. N. Graves on

    I can totally relate to wanting to do it ALL, RIGHT NOW! I’ve been gardening for a year now and nothing brings me out of my head and into the present like getting my hands in the dirt. I’m loving this series so much because it’s showing me that I don’t need a hundred acre farm to get started, just a bit of time and patience. I want to make growing my career but I live in a fifth wheel presently and grow exclusively out of pots (we are always on the move for work) but it’s my husband and I’s dream to have a flower and veggie farm. This series is making that dream sound more attainable. I work as a gardener in a kitchen garden for a chef and I know how to grow these things, especially zinnias- in Texas we have a nine month growing season for them- and nothing brings me joy like arranging a bouquet at the end of a long day in the dirt. Then when I come home, I work in my own garden and wonder if I’ll ever get tired of growing things. I think it’s our nature to want to grow food, to watch a speck grow into a vibrant living thing. I’m so grateful I found your blog, you are hitting everything on the head. Anything you can share is so very much appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you!

  1168. Kerrilyn Nunnikhoven on

    Erin. And team,
    I appreciate your honesty. You have set the foundation for building a frame work, whether it is large or small regarding flowers. To me, flowers are my therapy.
    Planning is very important, and it’s important to be realistic. I was a young mother once, and when involving Babies,, and toddlers, I would have better served myself and family by scaling down everything to small. We survived, but I
    Could have been spared a lot of frustration, and being overwhelmed, if I would have
    Just recognized, no one can do it all. Thank you.

  1169. Fiona Robertson on

    Thank you for your generosity in sharing your experience, the honesty, authenticity shines through. I have enjoed your instagram posts for a long time now. Again thank you. I am getting ready to plant, just for myself for flowers in my own home and to gift bunches to friends once a month. I am low on knowledge, poor on time and high on the joy of flowers. Think I am wanting a career change into flowers… but definately starting very small in a backyard in Sydney Australia. Kindest regards

  1170. Isabelle Fortin on

    Thank you for all the useful information. I am starting a small edible flower farm. I’ve been doing research for the last 2 month. Starting small because I’m new to this, also testing the market. I just found you and am glad I did. I’m from Canada but recently moved on the island of Crete in Greece. A lot of sunshine for my delicious flowers to be!
    Thanks again.

  1171. Lisa Rivera on

    Thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing this? I’ve been following your insta forever?? with dreams of having a ‘real’ flower business and we (last week) just came into some land! So my dream is here. Now. And I need all the advice???I’m so excited to get started but, really where that is, I’m a little clueless. Any other resources: books,articles,blogs..? I’d love and welcome any feedback at all from you,really,I admire your farm,business and spirit so very much. Thanks from the bottom of my heart? Lisa

  1172. dorita on

    I’m so inspired by the beauty you create! I live in a high desert altitude at 4000 ft. I’d love to grow cut flowers to decorate my home and I’m interested in knowing if it’s possible to accomplish this and how. I’m thinking of building container beds rather than planting in the ground. Would appreciate your feedback.

  1173. Marielena Parris on

    I came across your website as I looked for seeds and bulbs to plant for my wedding. This article is super helpful, we are planning a full farm to table wedding next fall at a property we just bought, we have 120 acres of blank canvas (no worries after this I’ll make sure I’ll keep the flower space manageable). I would love to attend your workshop some time but it seems you are full already :). Great to see that you not only are making this model work but thrive. Keep up the good work thanks for sharing and hope to see your farm in person some time.

  1174. Tracy Simpson on

    I truly enjoy your site and am looking forward to ordering and receiving and of course planting the seeds and waiting to see their beauty.
    I have always loved gardening and wait impatiently for the growth and bounty but also enjoy watching each seed sprout and turn into the
    beautiful flower, or vegetable I am impatiently waiting for. I love the feel of dirt on my hands and tilling the soil to prepare for whatever
    seed, bulb, plant I put into the earth.
    I recently have started over, bought my first house and have a blank canvas to work with, I have spent the past few weeks getting the backyard cleared and uncovered tons of river rock and am now planning my beds. I stay at home to care for my mom, but need a little something for me. I decided after scouring over your site and all the beauty, that I will start a small little home based flower business selling on the weekend at the local farmers market.
    Thank you for your inspiration and wish me luck….

  1175. Sarah Marshall on

    I am so excited to have you as a reference. I’m trying to stay optimistic as I will be growing from my urban home (but do have a nice yard) and this will be my first time to really try and produce. So I’m starting from square one and am trying to do it as right as possible from the beginning. Thank you for all of the advice and encouragement.

  1176. Leo Martinez on

    Hi I just saw your website today and was so inspired by your web page.
    I ordered some tall Allium Bulbs because they were on special, they are coming in this week of Jan. I know it is to late to plant them but is there
    any place I can keep them stored till the fall and they won’t spoil?
    I was also wondering can I try growing Allium indoors?
    Sorry I have one more question I see that some of your flower mixes are sold out, how soon until they are available again?
    thank you again for taking time in reading my email,
    my regards,
    Leo Martinez

    • Susan King on

      Hi Leo,
      If your ground isn’t covered in snow or frozen, I wouldn’t be afraid of planting your allium sooner rather than later (as soon as soil is workable) rather than risk rot during storage over prolonged period. While fall planting is advisable, you can still plant in spring–they just may not not do much their first season–and they should be just fine. And sorry, the specially packaged collections are sold out for the season, but you can buy many of the varieties as individual packets.

  1177. Lydia jackson on

    New to your blog, but am loving the honest insight, your trial and error and ultimately the successes. I’ve been a gardener for as long as I can remember and I own some acreage on Vancouver island. I am researching which direction to take it. My hands are forever in the dirt and food and flowers are my peace. Thank you for sharing it looks amazing and like a lot of sweat and blooms.

  1178. Andressa Bertaioli on

    Absolutely love your brand and your beautiful work! You made me fall in love with dahlias! And to take on the challenge (in my mind) of growing flowers from seeds. So excited to dive in this new adventure for my personal life to flourish as well as to use it in creative design for my business. My first time ever “playing with dirt” was last fall and through that experience I received so much healing. It is a beautiful thing to give the earth something that seems dead but within the right time springs up to abundant life. Thank you for dreaming big! Thank you for inspiring a multitude of people to create and celebrate beauty!

  1179. Janice Norris on

    Hi Erin, I have been dreaming of my own flower farm for about 10 years now. My plan is to starting this year, plant a trial garden to experiment with flowers I want to grow and document everything from how they handle the Alabama heat and my growing season. I will be retiring from my job in about 3-4 years and plan to go full time farmer then. I live on 15 acres and am currently plotting out 3 acres just for this endeavor. I recently ordered some seed from you and excited to see how they grow here in the South. I also have pre ordered your book and am excited to get this adventure started. Any advice would be more than welcomed…

  1180. Amanda Welch on

    I have followed your blog and Instagram for quite some time. I am fascinated and in awe of what you do. I love to garden and grow flowers, but I have always stuck with perennials and landscaping; but I’ve reached a plateau and I’m bored. So, thanks to you I’ve dabbled with growing annuals. I’ve even made bouquets for a dear friend’s wedding, an arrangement for an anniversary party and casual arrangements for my mom and always something for my kitchen table. You give me hope, hope that maybe this little passion or hobby of mine might someday be something . . . more. In the meantime, keep up your awesome work that inspires us to dream. That is the most wonderful gift you can give.
    ~Mandy from Wisconsin.

  1181. Ginger Whitehead on

    Thank you for the time you have dedicated to this blog! I have spent too many years thinking about flower farming. I finally have 3acres but I’m going to start with just part of one. I absolutely love your photos and they are so helpful. I commute 3hours a day 3 days a week and would like to eventually replace my income with flower sales. I love flowers and the thought of having my own flower farm is so very exciting. I really appreciate your wisdom and experience. I have many books but have learned more practical stuff in the couple of blogs you have written. I will definitely be following them all! Thank you so much.

  1182. Charlotte on

    I am in central Virginia with very different growing conditions from yours. Weeds and humidity are one of the greatest pitfalls we have to deal with. That, along with extremely acidic soil. Mine is a sandy loam, almost devoid of organic matter and a PH of 4.8! Last year I cleared between 1.5 and two acres of overgrown swamp and thriving Tulip Poplars tangled with poison ivy and briars. Once the land was cleared, leveled and drained, we tested for nutrients and PH. What a shock to learn that the land, that had been neglected and abandoned for about 30 years, held little to no organic matter. We immediately planted buckwheat and moved a flock of chickens to winter in the garden area.

    This spring we will have truck loads of organic compost hauled in. In addition, I plan to order and incorporate 8 tons of lime (spread out over 3 acres) to be followed by another 8 tons in the fall. We have 60 acres total to amend over time. But the garden calls most urgently, so that two acres will be first in line for remedial work. Much of the two acres will be devoted to vegetables; however, a 15 by 200 foot space will include my greatest love—flowers. And, your Web site and books are inspirational. I have the earlier book and will be ordering the new one.

    Your photographs are spectacular. I am particularly impressed by the height of your flowers. Is this height a function of genetics or growing conditions—hoop houses in particular? No one on line grows flowers that compare with yours. Again, you are inspirational. Thank you!

  1183. Madi Fletcher on

    I am SO GRATEFUL for your blog posts! I am just getting started with my own flower farm operation, and (sadly) the internet seems to be full of a lot of vague information that isn’t quite helpful when you need specific information. Your website has pretty much filled that gap for me! Thank you!

  1184. Kate Houssney on

    This series of posts is so helpful. I appreciate how generous you are with your wealth of knowledge and experience! I also appreciate the dose of reality you give in these posts as I do spend a lot of my time wrangling little people. ;) Thank you so much.

  1185. Suzanne Brummel on

    I live in Northern Indiana and I have always gardened for our myself and family.. perennials and vegetables. Two summers ago, I endeavored to jump into cut flowers for my daughter’s wedding with happy results! About that time I found your blog along with much inspiration! Last year’s garden I grew enough to provide flowers for different ministries (visitation and a couple events) at our church. I would love to jump into it more for profit; but I feel like I’d be taking too much on by myself. My husband helps with some of the big chores of gardening, and is very supportive, but he’s not a farmer and doesn’t have the desire to be one… he’s a busy software engineer. How did you manage rallying people together for support while you were getting started. I also have a small photography/graphics business with my daughter.. and finding it hard to ignore the flower part of it pulling at my heart. ~Suzanne Brummel

  1186. Janell Schintu on

    Hi! I am from Charleston SC and I am trying to learn all that I can in hopes of starting a small cutting garden and selling the blooms at our weekend farmer’s market. We have a long growing season here, but it can certainly get hot! I only have half an acre of land (backyard) but my goal is to sell 25- 30 bouquets each weekend from May to September. Does this seem possible? I hope to start small and work my way up to a thriving business. I am trying to understand how many plants I will need to accomplish this. I will certainly read all that you have here. Thank you for all your help!

  1187. Fiona on

    I am writing from italy where there is a lot of sun and very dry summers. As a new plant grower i am facing with many failures and adaptations but my hopes are high !
    You are very inspiring indeed !

  1188. Alma Buettell on

    Ok, you ask for it. I have grown flowers for many years and have had two good friends that we pick our seeds and they help me transplant into the flats for a portion of the flowers. This is so therapuetic for you when you are feeling over whelmed and cant get it done in one day. We visit and it shortens the task. Then I sell what flowers I can and plant the remainder.

  1189. Susanna P on

    I am loving your site from all the way over in England. Can you tell me what kind of soil you are growing on please. I have 2.5 acres to farm on but it is clay soil so i need raised beds. Can this be a viable solution? OR should i move house (wink).

  1190. Hillary on

    Your posts are so inspirational! I have a rose garden and absolutely love flowers. I’m hoping to grow a cut garden this spring. I’m so glad I came across your website. It’s magical.

  1191. Raquel Hink on

    I love your post, and your blog! All of this information is spot on and resonates so much with me too. I have an enormous passion for growing flowers and just started growing dahlias in Colorado after living in Seattle and falling head over heels with them there. I can’t wait for my copy of your book! Last year I found space to grow 16 dahlias and this year I hope to make it more like 30. I can’t wait for you to open up your tubers for sale! Thank you for your encouragement, honesty, words of profound wisdom and for taking time to share your world of beauty with the rest of us.

  1192. Cindy Gold on

    I am new to Flower Farming but grew up on a farm in Ohio not far from you. I love the smell of freshly turned dirt in the spring and look forward to planting flowers. I am not much of a vegetable gardener but LOVE growing flowers. At 62, I have worked in an office for 28 years and am looking at growing flowers as my retirement “job”. You struck a nerve when you asked why grow cut flowers. My Dad and Grandpa loved farming. I must have inherited that feeling of peace, being out in the fields and feeling closer to God – and also to them – while growing something I love. It is my Happy Place.
    I have 6 acres but 3+ for planting. I am now only using a small portion of this- being wary of how much I can handle myself my age. Your page is such a big help to guide me to the next step. I would love nothing more than to fill all 3 acres with flowers. Sunflowers, lavender those are some ideas. I have my little self serve cart and do some markets but am looking for guidance to move forward. What equipment do I need? How do I keep the weeds under control in a large area so that I am not overwhelmed?
    Thank you for sharing your experiences!

  1193. Mags Riordan on

    For years I have flittered in and out of your resources and never left a comment but now that we are expanding our business I am compelled to finally write and thank you all for this amazing resource. While I live and work in southern Ireland so much of the valuable information here can be applied to my climate etc. It has to be the best worldwide resource for flower farmers. The posts on forward planning are invaluable also flower varieties, bulbs especially dahlias. Again many thanks and please continue. I would love to see on-line workshops becoming a feature as I live in Ireland. My dream would be to attend but access to an on-line one would be the next best thing.

  1194. Susan Pelletier on

    After 35 years keeping horses we made the tough decision to find our boys a good home. I work at home and one of the pleasures was being able to look across and watch the horses out playing. I realized that I have an empty horse barn, a paddock and fields that need a new use. I became a master gardener in 2004 and have collected perrenials for year from friends, garden sales, etc. I am a great bargain hunter and also love unusual plants. Living in Vermont I have always pushed the envelope as far as planting in my zone. I have indoor plants that I have waited years to bloom and like nothing better than figuring out how to keep a bouquet fresh looking in my house for the ultimate length of time. In the summer I am out till past 9 at night weeding, checking my flowers and just enjoying after a long winter the opportunity to be outside with my flowers and shrubs. My neighbor told me about your wonderful website and I am planning a small flower and herb business for next spring and summer. We can sell our maple syrup and my cards I make from pictures I take year round and plan on contributions of organic teas, goats milk creams and vegetables for sale from a hopeful partnership wih my neighbor. As I enter my 62nd year I am delighted to finally start doing what has been decades of accumulating perrenials and growing and experimenting with annuals. I appreciate all the online resources available, have been reading The Flower Farmer and look forward to purchasing your book.

  1195. Lisa Hamrick on

    For me, the reason I have come to farming is that while I don’t know that I can change the world, I do know that I can change my piece of dirt for the better. The opportunity to be in business for myself scares the holy heck out of me, but at 53, it’s time. When figuring out what I wanted to farm, I was a little afraid at first to embrace the idea of cut flowers. But cut flowers offer the opportunity to brighten someone’s else’s day and that can even include mine! I am also looking forward to expanding my skills as a photographer while creating a pollinator garden. I am truly hoping that this new endeavor is a win-win for all – me, customers and the environment. This spring will be the first spring on my new property and I am so very excited. I think I have a good beginner’s infrastructure and am looking forward to seeing my first bloom. You have been a total inspiration and I will continue to return to your site for all of the valuable info you offer. Happy 2017 and thanks for sharing.

  1196. Eva Alexander on

    Thank you Erin for this post and hopefully the series, which I am going to read! This is very useful as I am starting a small flower farm this year after gardening for many years and experimenting with some flower growing. Trying so hard to prioritize and make sure it’s not going to be overwhelming, as I work at a perennial nursery for my day job! It’s hard when I want to trial so many things this year to help figure out what grows best in my northern Vermont old hay field, as well as having enough flowers to sell to my florist friend whose preferences my plant selections are based on. . . and for my own floral designs. I am working on my business plan and the answers to these questions will go into forming that. . . . Thank you again!

  1197. Denise Cargill on

    I have just stumbled on to your site and have been intently devouring every word. My husband & I are retiring in the coming year. We grew up as farm kids, but have lived in the “city” for the past 30 years. We are currently formulating a plan to move back to the country and have a small hobby farm in our retirement. Flower farming sounds like the perfect endeavor for me as I was once a training florist and educated as a horticulturist back in the 70s. I wasn’t able to make it my life’s work back then but it sounds like something I’d like to try in the future. I am taking in every word of advice and dreaming of my future. Thanks for sharing.

  1198. Jessica Kiwiet on

    Love your posts. They are so helpful and hopeful. We have a small plot and are just starting up a small flower business while working full time. Your information helps us be efficient with our time and space. Can’t wait for your book to be delivered!

  1199. Alexis on

    Love this post! It’s just what I needed to read to give me some direction… I would love to know what the best type of compost and/or other soil amendments are to start preparing a growing area and when you should apply those. How and when to use supports and the different types would be great to learn about as well. Thank you for sharing your wonderful knowledge!

  1200. Judy Beck on

    I found Floret thru the owner of Plant Barn owner, Denyse. Cannot tell you how much I appreciate your presenting these six questions. I believe that I am also one of those who is constantly living and worrying about the future, reading your post helped me to understand this and why I always feel so happy and grounded in my garden. I live at 5000′ elevation in Northern CA and have about 90+ days of growing and bloom time. I would appreciate and read anything you can share on growing sweet peas, just love those little jewels. Another subject I need more information on is what and how to use supports in the flower beds. Is that square netting I see in your beds wire or plastic, and how high in the bed is it? Love your site and thank you so much for sharing information. Judy

  1201. Susan on

    I am looking forward to continuing this series of blogs. I have a specific, new area to establish as a personal source of flowers. I’m interested in the numbers and varieties I can fit into the space, including some filler vines, etc. Thank you so much!

  1202. Wendy on

    Thank you Erin. I have grown annuals & perennials from seed in the past for my own enjoyment. Now however, I need to grow them as income. Would you suggest purchasing some plugs as well as starting from seed? I don’t have a greenhouse, but will be rigging up something small to get a jump on the growing season. I am in zone 4/5 in Canada.

  1203. Zoë on

    Thank you for all the inspiring information, it gives me confidence that my dreams are not unrealistic! I will read every word on this website in the coming weeks and prepare for my mini trial next spring. And I’m getting started on some late autumn sowing in the greenhouse to start even earlier!

  1204. Jodi Truelove on

    Hi! Thank you for taking the time to blog about your experiences, it is very helpful to those of us just beginning the journey. My husband, mother and I are starting a cut flower farm on 5 acres. Our soil isn’t very good so we are trying to think of field flowers that can tolerate a fairly rocky soil (yarrow?), albeit remediated with dump truck loads of manure that we found locally. We are growing some of the standards in raised beds, planted intensively per your suggestion in another article. We got a late start this year, but did well with Zinnias and Sunflowers that bloomed all the way to Thanksgiving here in Missouri. Do you have any suggestions for poor soil or growing in raised beds? We are starting small with hope for better years down the road.

    I look forward to keeping up with your blog. Thank you again for sharing the value of your experience with the rest of us, it is a great charity.

    Jodi (Nectar Lane Gardens)

  1205. Briceland McLaughlin on

    Thank you for sharing all of your experiences! It is inspiring and has given me the confidence to move forward (although starting small) with my dreams.

  1206. Kathy Lea on

    I lived and worked in NZ. There was a very talented co-worker who once grew commercial flowers BUT felt the need to make certain the flowers were bug and blemish free. Just wondered what your impediments to sales are? Love everything about your business and your wonderful generous sharing of your knowledge and frustrations.

  1207. Lori Hernandez on

    Hi Erin,
    First of all, you are a great inspiration to our family. We have homesteaded on our 3 acre farm for the past 5 years, but finally feel ready to start a “real” farm. 2 years ago, we put a farm stand up on our corner to sell extra produce from our huge garden. Then last summer, my husband put in 700 dahlia plants, because he felt we needed more beauty in our life. Who knew we needed beauty so much?!? And so did our customers – people went wild over the flowers.

    In 2017, we are going to start a U-Cut flower farm and sell bouquets on the stand (last year, we just sold cut flowers by the stem). Women love the idea of U-Cut, especially because our farm is family friendly (we’re going to have a sand box/play area/fairy garden right in the enclosed U-Cut flower garden). Men love being able to quick swing by the stand and pick up a gorgeous bouquet (there is no florist in our town, so we fill a niche). My husband will continue working his day job while I run the farm.

    I truly think our farm will be successful – our farm is cute (complete with old 1880’s house/barn, free range chickens, goats, etc.) and only 3 miles from town, giving people a taste of the farm life just minutes from their home. Our farm is also highly visible on a highly trafficked corner, with easy access.

    My major concern is lifestyle changes. Mainly, who will do all the homesteading work that I usually do all day (we grow/preserve a lot of our own food). Who will be caring for my children while I’m working in the garden. How will we balance home life and work, when the two will be so intertwined. How will we create boundaries, so we don’t end up burned out.

    I appreciate reading your honest comments about how hard it was/is to balance life and work. This coming year will surely be an adventure! I’m trying to remember to be flexible and forgiving… and learning how to delegate! This winter will be dedicated to teaching my children how to take on many of the household/farm duties I usually manage. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking that a 10 year old and a 7 year old can manage a house and farm, but my husband and I will need to them to take over as much as humanly possible, as we’ll be busy working on the farm.

    I was truly hoping to get to meet you at the Association of Specialty Cut Flowers conference in Grand Rapids, MI (my home town!) this past November, but alas, at this point I can’t afford the membership. Maybe next year!

    Many thanks for sharing all your insights, ideas and inspirations! Know that you are making a difference in people’s lives. In our case, you gave us the gift of HOPE, and hope is a beautiful thing.

    Best wishes,

  1208. Beth on

    Thank you, Erin, for being so open and sharing your flower world with us. I too am waxing nostalgia, planting flowers and shrubs that my Grandmother first grew. This will be my first official year cultivating the farm in which 6 generations of my ancestors have come before me, and yet I will be the first flower farmer. This year, as I listened to the Bob White sing his song, I put my hands under the warm soil, where my grandmothers dug before me, and wept into the dirt. I know, regardless of the outcome, I am doing the right thing to forge ahead into a new line of work that is all my own, tending the good earth and with any luck, feeding my family with the bounty it provides.

  1209. Diedra on

    Hi Erin, I found you thru Instagram and you are inspiring me to possibly convert my 3 acre Avocado grove in Southern California to flowers! I’ve always enjoyed gardening, and I’m researching new ways of combining my passion for flowers and succulents with an income producing crop. Water prices and foreign imports have taken its toll on the Avocado farming so I am very curious about water consumption necessary as well as best marketing strategies. Looking forward to your future posts. Ps. The insta shots you posted today looked like paintings! Photog skills are on point!! :)

  1210. Judy on

    Hi Erin,
    Love your blog and hope you continue writing. I grew a lot of dahlias last summer in my backyard. I harvested 3-4 bouquets a day plus gave away tons. How do you find a way to sell flowers when you have smaller quantities? Thanks,

  1211. Viv Gibson on

    Hi Erin – How I love reading your blog! It is so helpful to us as we embark on our dream of starting a Flower Farm in New Zealand on a small holding of 7 acres we have just purchased. At this planning stage it seems at times that my mind is just so muddled and confused by the enormity of it. Reading this blog in particular has provided clarity and keeps me on track. I am soaking up all your valuable info and your passion resounds loudly with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you finding you has been wonderful!!

  1212. Brenda Stephens on

    At this moment in time I am not planning to grow flowers commercially but I love all of your tips and information! I have plenty of ranch land in north Texas. We are just finishing a large commercial greenhouse that we recently purchased from a retired fern grower. I have always grown lovely flowers at my home in town but never on a larger scale. It is very hot here in the summer and we are just coming out of a drought so I am very excited to try some new things at the ranch. Thank you so much for all of your beautiful photos and wisdom!

  1213. Judy Mortimer on

    Your comments and pictures have filled my soul. I hope to try out so many of your ideas but on a smaller scale. Thanks Erin and crew.

  1214. Sam Dowdle on

    I have been dabbling with growing flowers for market for several years and am planning to become a more serious grower. I look forward to learning from a successful grower!

  1215. Vivian on

    How I found your site I do not remember….but I am soooo glad I did. I live in a small community in Northern British Columbia, Canada. I have tried so many things in my garden but flowers remain my true inspiration. Weather is always my stumbling block as in my lifetime I have seen snow in every single month except July, so gardening is challenging. I so want to be sucessful but sometimes lose my desire when always competing with Mother Nature. Love your site and plan to read all you have to offer. I so wish I could come to one of your retreats and learn along with the best. Maybe one year I will be lucky enough to land a seat…
    Thanks for inspiring me everytime I come to your site for a look…

  1216. Amy Young Miller on

    THis is precisely what I needed to read today. I’ve been raising specialty veg, herbs, and edible flowers for upscale restaurants, but my heart draws me to raise more cut flowers. I don’t have lots of space, but as my littles get older (we homeschool) I have a little more time (just a little!) and I know that learning about how to grow more flowers is something I want to pursue. Your blog is a true thing of beauty. Blessings to you for sharing what you’ve learned!

  1217. Susan on

    Very helpful and food-for-thought. Thanks for your hard work and encouraging of others, your beautiful flower farm photos and the general cheeriness of your business and site.

  1218. Vickie on

    How do I catch up? I wrote your site down 3 years ago, found through the Flower Farmer Book by Lynn. Silly me, my research takes forever. But I hope to get caught up reading your blogs. This is great work, and I know of at least 4 more people I know that are loving your site. Thanks! A new Oregonian neighbor.

  1219. Vanessa Vernham on

    Thanks again so much Erin and all at team floret. I have been wanting to grow cut flowers for quite some time. With twins and a toddler also at my feet, ( now 9 and 11) and a part time paediatric nurse, time is rare. My garden,though full of weeds and on the back burner is my sanctuary. I find myself taking a few flowers to work, each time when I would rather be home pulling weeds! I love my work which is why I am still there 25yrs on. But would love to try my hand at growing cut flowers. Being in the present, as you say, is mighty helpful! I know it will be a ton of work too! We already have the farm,( hard fought for), the water, and soil which needs some improvements. Just need to assess a bit more and take the challenge! Your blog, and I know you have heard it before is one of my greatest inspirations. Along with my biggest treasure my Mum. So thank you for all that you do for others, and I wish you a joyous and happy Christmas.xxxx

  1220. Melissa on

    I am so glad that I stumbled across your website all the way from Australia. It is such a source of joy and inspiration for me!! I’d gotten to a stage in my life where I needed a sign and when I saw your flowers on Instagram it was like a lightening bolt – THIS IS IT!

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us all and inspiring others to fill this world with such beauty x

  1221. Melissa Brauneis on

    To see that you started when you had 2 very young ones gives me hope that I can make a cut flower business thrive, not without struggles and many tears I’m sure, but that it is possible. Thank you!

    This is the number one question I get when I tell family right now, that I want to make room on my almost 6 acres to start a cut flower farm. “How are you going to handle a business like that, how are you going to handle strictly the farming aspect? And where will you have the time for your kids?” I tell them, honestly, any way to get my kids outside, in nature, rain or shine, is extremely important. It’s becoming, for me, one of the most important things I can provide my children in this day and age of electronics, mega tv’s, and shows that hook you at the first scene. I need them outside. Period, and this will be one fantastic venue I hope for our family to accomplish this goal.

    Plus, I really, really, really do not want to use my degree I have and the original career I thought I wanted to do. It sucks you dry, and spits you out shattered. Don’t get me wrong, there are days where I have stood there and been extremely proud to do what I have done, but they are too far and few to keep me going and leave anything left for myself and my family. I pray, doing this instead, will feed a fire of life, instead of slowly sucking it dry. (The career I am lamenting about is nursing. Sad for me, but so true.)

  1222. judy york on

    Thanks so much for all the information, encouragement, and reality check. I truly appreciate all the effort you put into this blog. I spend hours reading and absorbing all the information, not to mention the beautiful photography. I feel like I have been to growers school every time I spend time on you site. Thanks for sharing!!!!

  1223. Margaret on

    I have been dabbling with the idea of growing cut flowers for almost 2 years now: visiting farms, browsing through blogs, thinking if only I could intern or volunteer somewhere to really learn the craft and this past year I have struggled with the why can’t I just jump in and start something for Pete’s sake! After reading your post just now, I believe it has finally dawned on me what my problem is, I have been wrestling with those questions in my head but have never put them to paper or perhaps even knew what I wanted to put on paper… Thank you for your willingness to share!

  1224. Casey on

    Just stumbled upon your blog:) SO much amazing information. I’m from Wisconsin and with the colder temps, I’m not sure where to start. I’m sure you covered that and I’m still digging through your site:)
    Our little 2,000 person city doesn’t have a flower shop/florist. I’d, ideally, love to grow some at my home to sell. Working with a small budget, 3 small kiddos and a growing family and limited space, seeing as we also live within city limits. Excited to keep reading & learning:)

  1225. Tammy Fuller on

    I have been reading and enjoying your Facebook post for a few weeks. I’m in the early stages of planning my Cut Flower Farm called Fuller Senses. I have been wanting to do farming for along time but I was working so many hours and raising kids that it just was working out. So my kids are grown and my corporate job ends August 23rd. So this is my chance. I live on 7 acres and have recently ordered a hoop house. We have a ton of wind so at this point I will start in my hoops house and my garden plot for herb varieties. I have planted many Lilac bushes so looking forward for their production. Will be planting some Peonies in fall. We have planted many trees around for some wind block. We have honey bees as well so we have been planting clover the past few years so we will cut back on that and introduce more flowers. I don’t want to over burden myself to fast but I’m excited to start in my hoop house this fall. The hardest part is deciding on what to start growing. My hoop house will be 15×48, any idea on how many plants I can grow. Plus I want to start some bulbs as well in patch somewhere. So many exciting decision.

  1226. Tammy on

    I just found out about you a few hours ago and have been sucked in since. Two years ago I thought “I wonder if anyone would buy my flowers… I’m growing them all anyway…”. I threw up an ad on Craigslist with some pictures and I got 2 weddings! Now I’m looking around and seeing you and FarmGirl and wanting to learn how to really do a business of this. I can grow the flowers, I can make the bouquets, I live in a great climate (Santa Cruz County CA), I get great Yelp reviews and I love love love the delivery and my flowers being part of an event but I have no clue how to run a successful (profitable) business. And the worst part is I’m lazy to learn. You have no idea how disappointed I was to see that your upcoming workshops are sold out and you don’t take names for a waiting list! Your 6 questions are a start and I have my fingers crossed that I get more info and inspiration — and soon! I think we’re about to buy a house on about 1/3 and acre and I want it to be my bigger garden plan. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us and creating a tribe of flower people!

  1227. Anabel Trudeau on

    Hello! I just recently discovered you through Country Living’s Facebook page and now I know there are Flower Farmers who actually have small farms and all our flowers don’t come from “flower mills”! I’ve been a Pastry Chef for 32 years and I’ve owned a bakery for the last 25 years. Along with baking, I’ve always had a slight obsession with flowers and not only fill my bakery with cakes and pastries, but potted fresh flowers too because I love the way they make me feel and the way they look in the bakery! As a matter of fact, they are growing so well inside the bakery right now that I made a comment to one of my bakery clerks yesterday that owning a nursery was going to be my next business! I don’t know if I’ll actually ever be brave (or crazy) enough to start and run my own business again, but growing flowers would be at the top of my list if I did! I would love to attend one of your workshops and get a real feel for what it takes to do what you do and do it well. Your story is inspirational, and I literally thought of myself when you said you cried in a garden full of weeds. But just like baking for others, growing flowers and being around them brings not only others joy, but yourself as well! Thank you for being so good at what you do and for sharing your joys and trials with us all. Looking forward to following you on social media and finding out what it actually takes to be a flower farmer! Keep going and best wishes for continued success!

  1228. Maggie on

    I am a huge fan of you and your farm! You’re posts are always so helpful and I find myself saving them to read again! It has been a dream of mine to one day have a small scale flower farm. It is a bit overwhelming as I am just starting out, but I already love to garden and plant a large vegetable and herb garden every year. I am a firm believer that a little dirt under the nails does the soul good. I live in southern Ohio and our growing season is usually May- October. I was just wondering what you would recommend as far as what varieties that are best for the newbie? I live on a farm and we raise livestock. We pasture most of our land but around the house, we have at least 3-4 acres of good ground that is not being used. I’d love to plant a little section but don’t want to bite off more than I can chew.
    Best of luck to you and your team this season!

    • Floret on

      Hi Maggie,

      You might look back on some of my past posts about what flowers to start now. The small space growing series last year also had some great suggestions from other growers. Otherwise, definitely try Zinnias, Cosmos, Amaranths, dahlias, as they will all do well in your climate and are pretty easy. Ohio flower farmers got together earlier this year and shared some of their favorite perennials for cuts, which you can view here: Good luck!

  1229. lbPartyka on

    I am so appreciative of the resources you provide. I am just getting started with my floral farm and need all the advise, resources and other tid bits to help make it a success.
    I have always had a passion for flowers from a very young age. I worked along side my Great Grandmother, her daughter (my Grandmother), and her daughter (my Mother). So, I have long wanted a floral garden….and have had them, small and just in my yard in the cities. But now, I have moved more to the country and have 5 acres to play with and make my dream of becoming a Floral Farmer a reality!! The thing is……I have the place, but that left me with little funds to get started with all the rest of the necessary things……my fields were farmed by regular crops, so….I believe the soil is great….at least it looks like it. But, I will still need the other necessary things like the fabric, seeds, etc. Money is tight, and I just left my job working for Len Busch Roses to get started. My other half has a great business of his own, but that pays for itself and the regular bills. So, I guess I need advice on how to start out cheaply…… there places that I could contact to see if they would send out what I would call trial bulbs/seeds to use?? Do you know if that is a possibility??
    Sorry for the informational overload…..I am just super excited to get going and finally be able to do what I love!!
    Thank you!!!

  1230. Heather on

    How inspiring, thank you. Here in England I have in the past grow a few blooms on my allotment which have filled our house for a few weeks in the summer. Your blog is mana from heaven! I am about to leave a full time career and have for so long wanted to start a flower growing business. As we move to a warmer part of the country I might just be able to it!

  1231. Elise Stubbs on

    Just started reading your blog. I am going through what you felt like when you started enthusiasm and frustration in equal measures there is just not enough hours in the day to get everything done and give the children their time as well! Growing flowers is definitely my passion but also my monster as well! Look forward to reading on and seeing how you managed your time, I could do with a few enthusiastic helpers on board. Thanks for taking time and offering your advice. Elise Jersey Channel Islands.

  1232. andi on

    I am so happy to have found your site! Thank you for all the amazing information!
    We just bought our 40 acre bit of paradise and i am hoping to start a cut flower garden. I have had some brain injuries which have made me unable to continue my old career, but i am feeling more confident in the possibilities of starting a flower growing business! Seeing that i can start out small and take it slow and learn and expand as i go, is giving me great hope for the future! Flowers bring me great joy and i am so inspired by reading your blogs! Thank you for sharing and being so honest about what is working, and not working for you! Peace, Andi

  1233. Lindsay on

    I know this is an older post, but couldn’t sign off without telling you how much I appreciate this whole series. Last week I read of a nearby flower farm being offered for sale, and I can’t get it out if my kind. I’ve been devouring your blog and posted resources as I daydream about this place… Not now, perhaps, but maybe someday…. So thank you.

  1234. Wenda vince on

    Your generousity is appreciated by myself and so many other gardeners, thank-you! Our frost free days here in Eastern Ontario usually May 24 -Sep 15 or there abouts. I am astounded at your wonderfully organized beds! my garden is a tangled 2acres with house, trees,shrubs,perrenials,natives, bulbs and annuals that I squeeze in wherever I can! I dream of straight rows of abundance! however at 69 years OLD may not get my wish! I do love my Tangled garden! My advice to would be gardeners is just Start Growing! Thanks again for your enthusiasm!

  1235. Carlie on

    As a beginning gardener, I tend to bite off more than I can chew! Thank you for your advice and tips…keep them coming!!

  1236. Stephanie on

    Yes, this is very helpful! Please keep posting and I’ll keep reading! Thank you!

  1237. Vivian Seiler on

    Thanks for the 6 points to ponder! I started growing flowers last summer by default here in OK, one of the hardest places to grow flowers. My son 21 started a beyond organic produce production in a 7th of an acre. I added flowers on the edges for pleasure. Last year we decided to out the flowers as an option for the CSA clients and they bought them! Wow! Never expected that around here. So this year I am adding 50′ for just flowers and any edges I can carve but still keeping it small as I learn about this wonderful world. One thing my daughter mentioned to me was the “ugly names such beautiful flowers have. What is with that?” Haha! Thanks for inspiring us as we learn!
    I am sure I will think of questions for you in this journey?

  1238. Shelley on

    I have definitely gotten ahead of myself and ordered a ton of seeds this year. I just want the flowers, NOW. HA. I am trying to learn as much as possible in a very short amount of time before getting started. You are so generous with your time and knowledge, thank you! I will try to absorb as much as possible so that I can grow a little mini flower garden of my own. I can’t wait!

  1239. Madeline on

    Love this, and so looking forward to more!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion!!

  1240. Julie Abrera on

    I’m just digging in to these posts with my box of seeds on the desk next to me. Can’t wait to get started and start growing some wonderful things for my 2016 brides.

  1241. Carissa on

    Thank you so much for sharing your tips and experience with the world! These questions are great and made me really think about the plans I have set so far for our new flower garden. This will be our first year growing a lot of flowers for cutting – and our first Spring and Summer in our floral design business so it is reassuring to know I am on the right track with things I have already done in planning, but also so helpful to read your tips on things I hadn’t fully figured out yet. Excited to read more!

  1242. Allison on

    I LOVE your blog and find every bit helpful and encouraging! I had never considered flower farming until I was introduced to your blog, but now I have BIG DREAMS! Thank you for your honesty in this post to bring me back down to a do-able reality. Please keep writing, and it is my prayer to one day come to Floret for one of your fabulous workshops!

  1243. Madeleine on

    I started reading your blog back in the spring of 2011 as an escape from my boring desk job, day dreaming of gardening and farming! I lost track of your blog as we bought a little 1/4 acre property, babies came along and I made my way from a gardening job to a florist job and being a stay at home mom. It has been such a joy to start following it again 5 years later as I attempt my second season growing a few things for the florist I work for. It’s incredible how your farm/website/business has grown! (pun intended) It has really brought together the florist/flower growing community. Thank you for the reminder that you can’t do it all the first year, that it takes time and little steps each year. These articles are very helpful! Last year my seedlings all had little mushrooms growing with them under the grow lights, this year I’m going to try more bottom watering!

  1244. Marguerite on

    I’ve arrived a little late to the party, but I thoroughly enjoyed this post. The easiest question for me to answer is: Why do I grow flowers? For me, it is because I cannot not grow flowers! This will be my 3rd year at the farmers market, where I am trying to establish myself as a flower farmer. Your blog is very informative and inspiring.

  1245. Tricia on

    Thank you for your beautiful flowers, vision and writing! Every little word helps. I absorb it all and look forward to someday using every tidbit and tip in my gardens!

  1246. Valorie on

    This was super helpful, thank you! I love what you do and the way you do it!

  1247. Rachael on

    Thank you for this post. This will be my first year getting started growing flowers in south central PA – an addition to our 70 acre fruit and berry farm that’s been in the works for 10 years. We first started out with the intention of providing pick-your-own fruit to our client base, and this year we hope to open all varieties of fruit to the public for picking. I thought that PYO flowers would be a great addition, and an eye catcher :-) I’m super excited to dive in, and I love learning more from your blog. I’m new on here, so I’ll be spending lots of time looking around to see what other “getting started” resources you have.

  1248. Tara Douglass on

    I had to scroll for a long time to get to the comment section. I guess everyone took your ask very seriously! You really did a super job laying everything out in a straightforward way. Thank you for doing the work for us. It is important and there is also nothing wrong with supporting other flower farmers by buying their flowers for events. I did the math, and for the moment that’s the route I’m taking. I am so happy to go to Union Square in NYC every Saturday and but local flowers in bulk for my weddings and flower stand.

  1249. Cheyanne on

    My husband and I just bought a 45 acre organic farm. My mothers friend in Seattle sent me your link when I told her I wanted to farm flowers. I am 48 and changing careers with much anticipation. I have read almost all your blog posts. I look forward to each one and hope to come to one of your classes next year. Thank you for inspiring the next generations of flower growers/lovers.

  1250. Carolyn Bupp on

    Flower Farmer on the East Coast, Cross Creek Farm Glen Rock PA. I read, learn, enjoy & envy. You are where I wanted to be by now. Started 15 years ago with garden containers & wagon of cut flowers at the end of our lane. But just couldn’t manage it all. Get off to a good start every spring and like you crying in a weed patch by mid summer. This year…with your inspiration and guidance will be the year we make it work. There I said it…that wasn’t so hard. We have a lot of irons in the fire around here. I am the florist/gardener, my husband the mason/carpenter. We have a flower & farm market. My husband does hardscape and custom sheds. I do special event flowers and decorating. I announced to my husband back in 1998 that I’m going to sell cut flowers… and I was so very proud of the first $2.00 sale in my wagon coffee can. Things grew (family 3 daughters) and directions changed constantly with no real game plan or focus. These last few years met with great challenges and it is time to find and define a new starting point. Maybe even make a plan this time. Thank you for sharing all your lessons learned. Some I am very familiar with but all make me feel I’m not alone. I’ve got some catching up to do on reading but keep it coming. PS My husband does work side by side with me also…here is my biggest problem: telling a farm boy he can’t plant flowers like corn. LOL so I put him in charge of the sunflower patch. Thanks Again, Carolyn

  1251. kasseduffydesigns on

    Thank you so much for the inspiration and information. It’s greatly appreciated!!

  1252. Marta on

    Hi! I have just found your blog roll and It’s fantastic! Congratulations! I’m far away from you, writing from Seville in Spain. And although I’m a landscape architect I love flowers and my dream is to do a flower farm. I feel there is a lot to learn but I see you enjoying it so much (obvioulsy with a lot lot of work and ups & downs) but its really beautiful and inspiring. Thanks so much.

    Best wishes, Marta

  1253. Meryl Gartside on

    I am thrilled to have discovered you, your seeds, your blog, ALL of it!! Thank you for writing from the heart, and for all of the valuable information you so generously share with your readers. I am soaking it in and getting ready for the spring, which is now less than 4 weeks away!! I garden on Cape Cod where I grow flowers and donate them to a non-profit organization called Flower Angels. They make and deliver flower arrangements to people in nursing homes, hospitals and hospice care. All of their flowers are gently used flowers from weddings, memorial services, events, and grocers. Volunteers take these (often) oversized floral arrangements and make new bouquets that are delivered all over Cape Cod. I decided to be the first person to grow fresh flowers and donate them for their arrangements. I devoted about half of our 20’X40′ community garden plot to growing cut flowers. I also started a cut flower garden in our Master Gardener children’s teaching garden and the children donated most of these flowers too. I can’t wait to receive your seeds and get growing. Thank you again for being a fantastic inspiration!!

  1254. Janna on

    I am a habitual blog lurker! But because I love reading your blog and all your other media, I thought it would only be right to leave a little note. I have been growing vegetables for a few years, with some success. We live in a very shady two acres just north of Raleigh, NC. We try to nourish our gardens well, and they do produce, but the lack of great sun slows the process down quite a bit. Now I’ve got a bag of Floret seeds waiting for me to design their space, and I’m both excited and intimidated. I’m reading through the series to get motivated and a bit more educated. Thank you, thank you, thank you for providing such a wonderful resource!

  1255. Heather on

    I’m brand new to gardening, but I’ve had a passion for flowers for as long as I can remember. I’m a new mom of a baby and a toddler and I’ve decided not to return to work, but instead, homeschool my children. Discovering you and your blog has given me a realistic hope that I can have the life I’ve dreamed of. Thank you so much for being so generous and sharing your experiences. I owe you so much already!

  1256. Elsa Bell on

    Extremely interesting and useful post! Gives me a great information about how to start gardening and to do it in a right way. Thanks a lot for sharing!!

  1257. Sarah rogers on

    you are such a talent and guiding light! I am just beginning the planning stages to get my little paddock of land, in Australia, to be floret flowers when it grows up. I’m considering your blog full of amazing knowledge, passion and gorgeous images my online flower school. I love to learn and I devour anything I can find on the subject in point. Thank you for being so gracious and kind sharing such knowledge.

  1258. Virginia on

    Oh how I love your story, your passion for flowers, and your hard work and willingness to share all the details of the ‘how to’ with newbies like me. I just stumbled across your blog a week ago, and it seems like every spare minute I am back reading your posts. As a Momma of 4 kiddos (13 yrs, 12 yrs, 10 yrs and 9yrs old) I have a busy plate, but long to help contribute to my family. Flowers are a passion of mine, they are my therapy (partially because they don’t talk back!) and I feel this would be a wonderful way to start up perhaps a little roadside stand (or help supplement the stand belonging to the elderly lady down the road who only sells dahlias). I’m in the Wilammete Valley, south of Portland, OR and as I read your story and your ‘how to’s’ I feel this tug deep down that gives me hope that this is something I could actually see myself doing. Thank you, thank you for sharing all your nuggets of wisdom, and things you’ve learned along the way. I’m daring to hope, and anxious to keep reading your posts and to go out and turn up my soil!!! :)

  1259. Heather on

    Such wonderful posts! I can relate to the ‘crying in the garden’ days. It can be hard to balance and in the luxury of late winter downtime I find myself overestimating the amount of time I can dedicate to spring and summer gardening. This will be my first year building a flower garden in two 25′ x 10′ beds. I want to use perennial and annuals, and start from seed. The challenge I’m having now is deciding when and how many seeds to start indoors, what is best sow directly, etc. One tip that I have is planning seed purchases and waiting as long as possible before ordering. The wait time helps me weed out the impulse items I added to the list.

    Your posts challenge me to think through these things and be realistic.

  1260. Erica on

    Thank you for sharing your hugely helpful insights and experience. I live in Italy and have been thinking about starting my own cut flower farm for e few years and it looks like the time is ripening… Your articles have been an encouraging place to come back to again and again!! grazieeeeee!!!

  1261. Anna on

    Thanks so much for sharing- so much information and helpful advice in one article! Your posts are so real and down to earth. I feel really inspired that you had days crying over weeds and managed to start your own business in between time with your babies. I’ve just started trying to grow cut flowers and the day your article came in I was feeling so discouraged and over whelmed! But now thanks to you I feel I can still do it! :)

  1262. Mona Gabriel on

    I love reading your helpful blog…I garden in the deep south..Georgia..where it is hot and humid. I envy your climate but I have always grown flowers even in my hot and humid Georgia…
    thanks for your gardening wisdom..

  1263. Rachel on

    Hi Erin!

    I’m loving this series of posts. They’re truly so helpful – I’ve been taking notes on so many things! I’ve been following (lurking) for a long time and I appreciate everything you post about how to plan, tips for growing, different varieties, and floral arranging! I grow and arrange flowers for my own therapy mostly, but I dream of one day doing it for an income! I’m pretty proud of the variety and bounty I’ve eeked out of my urban 1/16-acre lot, most of which is shaded and covered in driveway. I ordered some Floret seeds this year and I can’t wait to get my paws on their mature blooms a few months from now.

    • Sarah on

      Hi Erin and thanks for this post–I never thought about charting the growing period so that was really helpful. Also, thanks to my buddy Rachel, for sending this post my way.

      I garden as a creative outlet and like to harvest both flowers and vegetables so I don’t have to buy them. Also because fresh cut flowers are such a great luxury to enjoy inside the home and I have so much fun making arrangements. I hope that my garden can help to increase biodiversity in my backyard and provide a food source for birds, bees and butterflies. I also want to reduce my reliance on imported flowers because I worry about how the workers that gather those flowers are treated after watching the movie, Maria Full of Grace, like 10 times.

      I appreciate your resources and generous sharing of them!

  1264. Rach on

    I sit in a cubicle all day, looking out the window dreaming of working outside, growing up on a farm doesn’t seem so bad anymore. I stumbled upon your page and found a new hope that I could have that someday. So I have been dreaming BIG for a few months now, I was going to do this! This post definitely put things in a better perspective. Still dreaming, but maybe not so big of a rush. I will just start with flowers for me ;) So thank you, I am sure my husband thanks you too!

  1265. Kate on

    Hi Erin – I have a pretty small backyard. Only get full sun in parts of the garden mid-summer, the rest of the time it is part shade. Because it gets so hot and humid here in Saint Louis City (Zone 6A/B), plus the garden is small and fenced in, I get a lot of powdery mildew, too. Full shade plants scorch mid-summer. I know flowers are tough with part shade, but I look forward to your recommendations.

  1266. Anna on

    Love these posts!! So helpful! I live in a pretty arid climate zone which I haven’t grown up in and am starting to plant flowers to see if a farm is worth considering. I have a background in soil science, but there truly is an immense amount of knowledge to gain from those farming in similar regions or zones. Do you know of any mentoring farms or farmers?

  1267. Barb Neubauer on

    Your gardens are very impressive. I am new to your site & have enjoyed reading the blogs. I live in eastern Washington with approx 2 1/2 acres avail. In about 10 yrs I will be retiring so my husband & I are starting to research the possibilities of what to do with the land & our time. We are avid gardeners but nothing really organized. Your words of wisdom regarding watering/drip systems, etc would be appreciated. Also, hoop houses…do you make your own? Thanks for advice!

  1268. Danielle on

    This post is very helpful! I just bought a house and am starting to wade into “what to plant” territory. Thank you!

  1269. Marilyn on

    Hi Erin, your information was extremely helpful, thank you for sharing what you have learned! We have been growing for a few years but I still work full time in another profession, so it is a challenge but you have inspired me. I just can’t stop growing! The information about spacing and succession planting was especially helpful. Hope you have a great year! Marilyn

  1270. Rosanna on

    First off Erin I want you to know that you are truly amazing and so darn inspiring!! Your passion just oozes out of every article!
    I own my own flower shop in Rhode Island for over 15 years. I would like to grow some of my own flowers as well. What kinds of cut flowers would you suggest I start with?
    I thank you in advance!

  1271. Christi on

    Wow! I am so excited to have found you, and to read these posts! We live in an old farmhouse in town (it used to be in the country when it was built in early 1900’s). I have a kitchen garden, which I love and have grown a row (or sometimes two) of flowers along with my veggies, because I love to clip them and bring them inside. Because of the age of our home/property we have a lot of large trees. Of course, this is really great, and gives us a lot of wonderful shade here in Texas… but can be a challenge for needing sunlight hours on the garden. There lies the difficulty of growing flowers for me.

    We recently bought a little fixer upper right across the street from our house. It sits on a very unique lot… quite a large piece of land for an in-town property… a few big trees, mostly open and a creek turned culvert that runs through the back side. We may want to build some sort of pretty multipurpose barn type structure at some point, but for now I thought it would be the perfect spot to grow flowers!

    I’m sorry this is so lengthy…but I am so very excited to read and learn! Thank you so much for all the time you have put into these posts. I am eagerly looking forward to sitting each evening and reading your words of wisdom!


  1272. Casie on

    I first read about floret in Martha Stewart’s magazine awhile back, and it was quite a timely article because at that time the idea of a flower cutting garden was swimming around in my head. It’s becoming a reality but I am so new at all of this. I admire your work SO much and am grateful for any insights you can share! Thank you for these articles!

  1273. Hope on

    Erin! You are such an inspiration! I am starting my own small flower farm in NJ on my parents property and I am so nervous/ excited! You are my business inspiration and it is so nice to feel your support to other farmer florists every step of the way!

  1274. Chris on

    I am on the opposite end of the age spectrum, in my late 50’s. We bought 30 acres in Brenham, Tx which gets very hot in the summer. I have allotted a couple of acres for a garden and flowers and am interested in which flowers can survive Texas heat.

  1275. Carla Housley on

    I love the article! Love the pictures of all the flowers. After reading and seeing all of the responces…. I think you will need more than just a little time to read and respond. I was lucky enough to have won a calender when I ordered my seeds and bulbs from an Instagram post. You were added to the favorites as soon as i saw the beauty of your flowers! Huge Oklahoma fan here….

  1276. Louise on

    Thank you for your words. You have provided much food for thought. All the way from New Zealand. :)

  1277. Nicole Tone on

    Your posts are of huge inspiration to me as someone who was born and raised in a large city (Chicago, IL) where space for gardening in general is extremely limited. I have always dreamed of farm life, where I could persue a more sustainable way of living with plants and animals. I have long wanted to transfer my creative background into floral design and combine it with my farm dreams, but this has always been a scary prospect to me since I am relatively young with little money and no clue how where to start. Reading your story and seeing all the other people commenting here makes me feel incredible, and it helps me cope with being stuck in the city for now. It helps me realize that having these dreams and goals are good, but not everything needs to be accomplished RIGHT NOW. I can’t wait to read the rest of your posts, thank you so much for being so open and candid about your experiences!

  1278. jacin on

    I can’t thank you enough for the time and effort you’ve put into your resources on your website and the cards that came with my seedlings. We live in zone 8 (north of Atlanta) and our summers are hot hot hot but I’ve been reading up on the proper care for the seedlings we’ve started and can’t wait to see how everything turns out!

  1279. Heather on

    I work full-time plus, and I would like to focus on sweet peas. I have tried to get bucket loads in the past, and it has only happened once. Our climate is particularly suited to sweet peas I think (Atlantic Canada).

    If you have any tips on setting up an economical irrigation solution, I am all ears!!

  1280. Molly on

    We have a fairly big home garden and full time (or more) jobs. But can’t eat all the veggies it produces. So a few years ago we started trading out veggies for flowers. We’ve even been able to plan for and produce buckets of flowers for a few friends weddings.
    So, I can appreciate how much effort it takes to do it on a scale like yours.
    We just need help in organizing and learn how to even out the work load. Instead of four overwhelming garden events…planting, weeding, weeding, and picking.
    So, we are thrilled to try some of your varieties, love the calendar completely, and can’t wait to see, in depth, how you make your farm work.
    Your blog blizzard is going above and beyond, and completely inspiring! You give me hope that the good guys finish first. Thank you!

  1281. Jennifer Adkins on

    Please correct spelling in earlier comment…..should read “Eastern”, Ky.,…..lets not add to the stereotype, stupid autocorrect :)

  1282. Christina on

    Hi Erin. I was so excited to sit down and dig into your February Blog Blizzard series. You never cease to amaze me in the cleverness of your sharing and your ability to create community. I think I have read back through most of your blog post and will often do a search when I have question- so this is a great resource and gift to many. Thank you. My current interest are rose planting (amendments and technique), harvesting and care.

  1283. Erin on

    Hi Erin!
    You are always inspiring, but you totally hit home with this post. I started growing flowers in earnest last year after watching a friend grow zinnias. My amazing husband and that dear friend helped me plant and grow over 600 row feet of zinnias to give away- friends, neighbors, nursing homes, fast food drive throughs, you name the place, we gave them flowers! It was amazingly fun, but I am a stay at home mom of 3 littles all under the age of 5. At times I would get so frustrated at the lack of time to spend in the garden. However, I ‘m so grateful for these babies and know they come first. So glad to hear from someone on the other side if the diapers! This year, we are branching out and trying more varities (and succession planting). You are such an inspiration and a happy place on the web! Thank you-for everything. You bring a smile to my face each and every time I read your blog. Cannot wait for your book! Sending a big hug to you and all the Floret crew!

  1284. Natanya P. Enchanted Oaks on

    This post was so helpful! I am currently on the way to interview my local florists to see what feedback I can get. Your questions really hit home and echoed my own feelings and thoughts. I am interested in expanding past my own personal flower usage, but want to make sure there’s a demand. At the encouragement of family and friends I am taking a huge step and your posts have really solidified my quest! Thank you! ♡♡♡

  1285. Jackie on

    I have a farm and was hesitant to read this ‘beginner’ post. But, as always, glad I did! I appreciate the section about ‘How much time and energy do you have?’ and also the bit about the year you first expanded to 2 acres (again, a ‘time and energy’ thing). I look forward to hearing more about time management with young children!

  1286. Brittany G. on

    Love reading the blog posts! I’m a personal home gardener. I like to Mix my cutting flowers into my regular beds but I’d like to start a cutting only garden now that we’re moving to a house with more acreage.

    Thanks for all the good tips! Now I just have to figure out this whole water drip system that you mentioned for my dahlias.

  1287. Lauren on

    This is so spot on! We can all drool over your pictures and order away thinking we will grow the same gorgeous blooms wherever we are, but the issues you raise are so important. I love having cut flowers but right now my veggies take up most of my space. I will tuck these where I can but really, where are they all going to go? Can’t wait to dig in and do the prep work, including measuring space, amending soil, and timing the plantings. Taking the time to plan now will eliminate the risk of disappointment in six months. Thank you for opening up about your journey and sharing it with us. The time you take to write and share means someone you will never meet is going to bed on this cold February night dreaming about walking out into a summer dusk to take pictures of your lovely flowers’ descendants growing in their backyard and hope they look, smell and feel as beautiful as your pictures promise. Keep spreading the joy!

  1288. Paige on

    Thank you so much for posting! My fiance and I will be planting an acre of cut flowers this year, and your posts, site and farm are incredibly appreciated and inspiring!

  1289. Tina on

    Thank you so much for the information and experience you are sharing.
    I am gardening in the Netherlands. I am growing flowers for several years but still learning :-)This coming season I am renting some more space just for experimenting with new sorts.

  1290. Carrie on

    Like everyone else, I want to THANK YOU for your generosity of time, and sharing your knowledge! I am just starting out so I have been pouring over books and everything I can find on your sight. We bought a quaint property out in the country near Vancouver, WA last summer that looks like it belongs in a Country Living magazine (kudos to the previous owners and all of their hard work!) We have about 3 acres that slope, but the bottom acre is relatively flat. I’m not sure if we’ll end up terracing or what, but we have enough flat space to get started. Is a half an acre too ambitious for a beginner? I am an artist (oil painter), who has had to put the paintbrushes on the shelves as I’ve been raising my three small children. I have always loved gardening, but realize my flowers are always my best crop, because I give them the most TLC. The artist in me just loves to grow them for beauty’s sake, and to share that beauty with others. In the last couple of years cancer has touched our small family (but we are in remission!) and as a stay-at-home mom, I am motivated to help bring in some extra needed income. It’s been great to be reminded by seasoned veterans like you to start small and let your business grow. (I almost always bite off more than I can chew). I would love to see more information about planting schedules, which plantings can be staggered, which types of flowers should be grown in larger quantities to have a well rounded, profitable variety on your farm. Other information that would be helpful is the marketing of flowers. How do you approach florists or grocery store chains? How do you talk pricing when you are a begginer and have NO CLUE. I am super intimidated by this. I would love to take a workshop but by the time I discovered you, they were full for this upcoming year. I will be eagerly awaiting the chance to register for next years’ workshops! Thank you, again for all the helpful info and gorgeous, inspiring photos to drool over! I might just have to bust back out those paints ; ).

  1291. Sarah on

    Hi Erin! I’m a floral designer from Maine and have been dreaming of growing for a long time. Your blog has been very informative and inspiring…so many things have hit home for me! I left my job as a designer to be a full time stay at home mom for a few years. This list will be a perfect starting point for getting my thoughts and capabilities in line for future growing. My one struggle remaining is “when”. I am currently thinking I will try out a few different seeds each year for the next few years to start getting my hands into it and then once my daughters are in school I can go full scale. This is hard as part of me wants to just dive in and, like you, do it ALL right NOW. Any advice on how slow or fast to get started? Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to our comments…I don’t know how you get it all done!

  1292. Amanda on

    Keep going Erin!!!! You are on the right track! Keep writing. This is gold!!!

    Amanda (mom of two boys and a weedy garden)

  1293. Carly on

    Cheers to all that is spring planning and the perpetual optimism this time of year holds for growers?
    On a personal note I so appreciate the reminders and tips for effective planning (both physical bed mapping as well as successive planting schedules)–trying to improve on that end so I always appreciate the advice and observations you share.
    Also, you’re prompt to think about why we grow flowers—I’m sure we all would be well served to really consider this (soul consider as well as business consider!) and when I cone up with a succinct answer on that one you better believe it’s getting tacked up on the workshop wall. So important to remember when overwhelmed by August heat and chaos.
    Lastly, always appreciate advice on season extention here in still snow covered Montana
    Thank you for sharing and for growing this community of growers/designers.

  1294. Sally on

    lurking. enjoying. keep going.

  1295. Kristen on

    I have a quick question about what kind of containers you can use for arrangements. In your resources section of this website you show how to make a beautiful arrangement using an old tin can. Should a person worry about lining it with something so the water doesn’t get rusty? Does that affect the water quality at all? Same with any sort of wood container. I have a bunch of wooden containers I could use but I am afraid of either ruining the container or making the water really gross and affecting the vase life of the flowers. Do you know of a product or way to line different shapes and sizes of containers to avoid any damage to the flowers or the container. Thanks!

    • Floret on

      You can tuck plastic liners into metal containers or wooden containers–or any vessel that otherwise isn’t water tight. Re-using clean yogurt tubs or various sizes of deli containers can work great for this!

  1296. Frances on

    Thanks for blogging on this subject! Here in Cincinnati we have a wonderful climate for peonies and dahlias. I look forward to your future posts. AND I love your Instagram pictures!!!

  1297. Xenia on

    Thank you for sharing your time and information with us. I look forward to more.

  1298. Sarah Barkhouse on

    Hi Erin,
    I’m always so taken aback by how openly and generously you share your experience with us all! Thank You so very much!
    This makes my 10th year as a flower farmer and 5th season running my own cut-flower farm. I ask myself and answer the questions you posed practically every day… but I live in denial of the truth until June 1st hits. It’s usually at that point have a temporary breakdown because of how overwhelmed I am! My partner and I each have full time jobs along with raising our pre-school daughter and toddler son (sound familiar?!)but nevertheless, I continue to make big plans each year- grow more, take on more weddings, new accounts etc… The pull is too strong and the income is so neccessary.
    The thing I struggle with the most is like you said about not having to do it all Right Now. Having started a small-scale successful business, there’s the fear that any loosening of the reigns and all of my hard work will slip away, never to come back! Even though our life is insane 7 months of the year (bed at midnight, no time for decent meals, cleaning house or quality family time), I still feel like I have to try because if this ins’t my time, I’m scared there will never BE another time. (I’m pretty sure I’m giving you the textbook definition of ‘insanity’ right now! Ugg.) I would love to hear your thoughts on how you decided to “go-big” verse scaling down to fit with you time contraints and family life. Each year I feel like I come closer to having to choose between trying to make the flower farm my full-time work or cutting it back to be more of a “hobby” and accepting my place in the 9-5.

  1299. Marzy on

    Yes, there are lots of comments here, but you asked for them so here we go. I am a avid follower of your writings. They are so informative and delightful to read. So honest….but in regards to this specific post, it is wonderful and to the point. You have listed real concerns that real people need to think about before getting started. So basic and realistic! Thanks……….M

  1300. Cate on

    I am a hobby gardener, just growing flowers for my own home & pleasure. My sunniest small plot gets direct southern sun all day, abuts the house and gets quite hot (zone 6). When I first started I planted too many perennials there (and spent too much money doing it) but over the last couple of years I’ve discovered that a few dollars of seeds fills up that space much better with zinneas, sunflowers, cosmos and a few other gems. I’m going to venture into more dahlias this year as well. Thanks for your lovely blog, photos & inspiration!

  1301. Faith Anne Pitts on

    I am excited to learn from this series! I am hoping to have some home grown blooms to be able to use in my floral business.

    I ordered a bunch of your seeds (I was so excited!) without answering most of the questions below. I’m totally intimidated and they are still sitting in their packets on my kitchen counter. I live in Texas where it gets HOT and have a mostly shaded backyard that is overrun by rambunctious retrievers. They have trampled most of our landscaping. I think to be able to have any luck I am going to have to start with some pots that the dogs can’t trample and that I can move from the sun to the shade when the days get over 100 degrees.

    I am a total newbie so I am excited to learn from all of your knowledge! Thank you for sharing! :)

  1302. Madeline on

    Time and Energy!! I know that most of your followers are young women with children at home. My husband and I are in our early sixties and starting our 4th season on a half acre in Pennsylvania. Our weekly customers are 2 florists, a specialty food store, one farmers market and a restaurant (we trade 2 large arrangements for delicious French pastries). One thing that we need to be conscious of is how far we can push ourselves without doing harm. In spring and fall we can spend the whole day in the flower beds. But, when summer heat and humidity hit, we’ve learned to scale back to just 2-3 hours. Even if it means letting the weeds grow. Knowing our physical limits is so important; and hiring some young people to help sometimes works too!

  1303. Karin on

    Holy cow look at all of these comments!

    First I’ll start with a mini question that’s more curiosity than anything. What’s the first farm thing you do when you wake up? Basically you have one thing that you seem to do every day no matter what? I feel that it would be the equivalent of asking what morning habits highly successful farmers have to best get started or motivate themselves to move on with the day and not dally around. (I may or may not be inclined to dilly dally over things to avoid freezing in the dark morning outside and may or may not need a way to fix that -wink, wink.)

    Okay, here’s my biggest question: Expansion.

    You already covered it on the Design Sponge series, but I am planning a lot of volume, it’s coming! I don’t know how much help plan for when I hire, or the “best personality types” for certain field jobs. I have always been a one woman show. I think a great lesson would be seeing a “mock schedule” of how many people it would take to run two days from cut to delivery and their roles ( what kind of volume that would cover -xx bunches xx stores). It’s a tall order to request.

    Maybe a simpler question to start with would be: For what tasks do you hire others and what jobs can you handle yourself without being overloaded? Mostly in regards to field work.

    Side Note: I am not yet overloaded with paperwork now, only because I let some other time consuming projects go for the moment. I will eventually need a wonderful back office crew like you have. If I do I will do a happy dance because that’s a milestone in itself to need that kind of help!
    :D Also, my own “Copter Chris” has a full time job right now as Chris once did, so I cannot really include him in my daily routine either. Bummer. I want my awesome guy by my side too!

    XO Erin
    and… it may take me a week to go through and learn from the previous comments and your answers. I hope this isn’t a repeat question.

    • allison on

      amazing questions!!!! I second all of this!

  1304. Elizabeth on

    You are absolutely on the right track! Growing flowers from seed for me is kind of like making a pie crust from scratch – very intimidating. I am really looking forward to the rest of the series and I thank you for taking the time to teach us.

  1305. Kelley Simmons on

    I am super thrilled with this post! I live in Maine and decided to spend a year exploring and teaching myself growing flowers from seed….if I can manage it and love it then I’ll branch out into flower farming “for real.
    As the mom of a 3 and 4 yr old I loved the point about time and how to manage everything (looking forward to that post :-)
    thanks again for the wealth of knowledge….

  1306. laurie on

    Great questions! Last year I went from a little pretty cottage garden where I would wander through and pick pretty little flowers to a productive intensive garden. What I found hard was the difference between picking beautiful little bouquets where imperfection is okay to picking masses upon masses of sweet peas and just chucking the imperfect ones on the ground. The beauty of one plant versus a hundred is a bit of mind shift.
    You have such a great site. Thank you so much for sharing!

  1307. Emily on

    I found you and your site just in time! I am a young farmer starting out on new land. We have a little over 1.5 acres and a nice patch that gets ample sunlight for flowers. My partner will be focusing on the organic vegetable operation, and I am looking to take on flowers galore! We will be selling at a local farmer’s market and hopefully to some of the restaurants and other retailers in our area (Hudson Valley). I am very new to flowers. But, I am very enthusiastic about them, and I have a bit of experience making bouquets and arrangements. I have spent the past week compiling a seed order for the flowers that I am in the process of refining. I do hope to order some seed from you as well. This series of posts sounds like it will be perfect for me, and I am so grateful that you are taking the time to share all of our your knowledge with the world wide web!

  1308. Anna on

    Thank you so much for this post! Can’t wait for all the next ones!
    I am a mom of a toddler and another in the way (in June- figures, huh?) in Northern Virginia, and while I have little experience in gardening I’ve just chosen this year as my year to dive into growing my own cutting garden in my (fortunately) super-long front yard. We will see how it goes! I’ve been crazy drawn to flower farming for a while now and I just can’t shake it- I HAVE to do this! I’m aware though that the hardest part for me, like a lot of other commenters on here, is the time and energy problem especially while dealing with little ones. I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on that.

  1309. Shannon on

    Thank you for so generously sharing all of your knowledge. It is, quite frankly, a breathe of fresh air.
    As a first generation farmer for nearly 23 years, I would love to know how you find the time to do all that needs to be done on your farm? Something I have always struggled with as there only are so many hours in a day…

  1310. Andrea Heffernan on

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart, soul, and hard-earned insight with us! I moved from LA to just outside of Portland with a small farm and have dreamed of growing flowers in abundance! I also have 4 kids ages 8, 6, 3, and 1, whom I homeschool, making those dreams difficult to realize. So much of me feels like I need to do this NOW, and I know I physically can’t because of lack of time and energy. I remember reading that you Homeschooled and I wonder how did you do it? Is it something I should just hold off on them to avoid those tear-filled sessions among the weedy flower beds?? But, the flowers call!

    Thank you, again! You and your team are amazing!

  1311. Heather Korger on

    I’m so excited for this!! I’ve always loved flowers and I can’t wait to put this into to use this spring. By the way, I have a 2 year old daughter named Erin ❤ It’s such a beautiful name.

  1312. Joy Alberts on

    Erin- I just recently discovered Floret and am just smitten! You have tons of comments to read so I’ll keep this short and sweet. Our seeds are sitting on my kitchen table and I can’t wait to get them started, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience.

  1313. mclean.joanna on

    Eeek! I’m so excited! Ive been so tempted to start my own mini cut flower farm in our backyard but have needed guidance. I have a toddler and preschooler so was very encouraging to read that you started as a young mom too! I secretly want to be in the business of flowers but have no idea how that idea will ever come to fruition:) Anyway, I live in central California where it is very hot especially considering our yard has very little shade. I need help finding flowers that like a lot of hot sun and not a lot of water. I look forward to your posts. Thanks so much for a very timely topic in my life that is close to my heart!

  1314. allison on

    Sweet Erin!
    Thank you again for being so willing to open up and share with the community of fellow flower lovers! I feel like I need to constantly return to the why of what I do, remembering the “north star” of my purpose and vision. This article was a gentle reminder…What I do, what we all do, is unique in that we all bring our own personal signature to our own brand of flower stories. . Instead of getting bogged down with comparison and envy, I remind myself to continually choose the joy and ” why” of what I do and giving voice to what makes my heart beat a little faster. You seem to offer a beautiful reset and a gentle reminder that we all share a love of returning to nature. No matter if it’s 2 acres, 20 acres of a few pots on the back deck….there’s a power in the beauty of being able to grow things and I feel lucky to be on of many stewards of the soil.

  1315. Madelene Sutton on

    Hi, Im reading this from Australia, and all the questions you ask are exactly perfect for me right now. I know I need to sort the water, we are on 10 acres but I still need to remind myself of this. I have the first section of paddock fenced off to start with shelter trees and then eventually native shrubs & bushes and finally flowers and vegetables over the next couple of years.
    Love your work and now I will endeavour to read more often. I definitely would like to buy seeds, although I know I can get seeds here.
    We are in central Victoria. Clear four seasons. 800m above sea level. Average 900mm rain annually. Frost prevelant! Summers can get quite hot. Pourous Volcanic Soil.
    Great Potato growing country, vineyards etc

  1316. Denise on

    Thanks so much for this post! I’m finally getting better at keeping things alive after years of having a black thumb, and this post is so very helpful.

  1317. Kim on

    Taking time to think of my wants and needs this year and this came to me in perfect timing.
    I have followed your little tidbits and have been successful however..time…
    My dream as always is to someday grow everything I need for a full time studio or retail shop.
    You are an inspiration. Love this post!

  1318. Mindi Bruckhart on

    I’m so excited to read your upcoming blog posts. Thank you for all the time and energy you put into it! Last year was my first year growing cut flowers and selling arrangements! I consider you a mentor and a friend. Thanks for sharing!!

  1319. Shelly on

    Appreciate you so much! Thank you for this list of questions to help me focus during this off-season time of year when I am feeling a little lost. Trying to decide what and when to plant but feeling nervous that plans will fall short of hopes. This list is helping me set some things aside and set some realistic goals. THANK YOU!

  1320. Helen on


    Thank you x a million for this series – can’t wait! Just one request – will you make sure to write in specific, relative terms about sowing and transplanting (i.e., 2 weeks before last frost instead of “in April”) so we can translate your knowledge to our zones? Thanks so much forever and ever.

  1321. Maureen on

    Thank you Erin! I look forward to more information about the soil, raised beds and irrigation. This will be my first year of growing and I have being reading and planning. I have 1 acre available for planting this year, but I may plant less. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! I am looking forward to attending the Farming Intensive course in September.

  1322. Carla on

    Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge. I’ve been a home flower gardener for a long time but only began to grow specifically for cutting in the last couple of years. I’ve recently retired and I’m looking forward to devoting even more time to my cutting garden. Your own story has inspired me to grow and share my bouquets with others! I love your design style and I’m looking forward to the book you are writing. “Fresh from the Field Wedding Flowers” was instrumental in showing me how to create the bouquets, bouts and table arrangements I made for my daughter’s wedding. Your series of February posts is very exciting! Thanks!

  1323. Ginny on

    Erin, I have been following you for the past year and you are truly an inspiration! I am a self-employed horticulturist and have been for 35 years, but always working as a personal gardener for other people. After raising 3 children on my own, restoring a 105 year old farmhouse, and with 10 acres of land I have bought, I am going to grow flowers for weddings, seasonal bouquets and however else I can sell them. This is my “retirement” job. We have a long growing season here in Zone 8 but incredible heat in the summer months! I would love to one day attend one of your workshops and meet you. Please continue to write, uplift and inspire!

  1324. Ann on

    If you could comment on what I harvest from season to season and how to appropriately store that as well, I would really appreciate it!

  1325. Ann on

    I’m wondering about the viability of seed from a previous season? What is the best way to store your leftovers? Not speaking so much of things I harvest myself , but seed packets purchased elsewhere. Is it foolish to place too much time energy and space into their reproduction? Thanks!

  1326. Kirstie on

    Hi Erin.


    I, Kirstie, am a lurker.

    I love your blog Erin and am really looking forward to more of these posts. I have a teeny tiny garden (which currently looks more like a building site) and I’m thinking of trying to grow a couple of interesting varieties in tubs this year to supplement my floral designs. I’m in the South West of England and lucky to have a few really great flower growers locally so there’s no pressure to get it perfect this year but I’d really like to give something a go!

    I find it really hard to find nice vines from the market and from my local growers so I’m thinking of trying cup and saucer vine – Suzanne of the Blue Carrot gave me a baby one last year but I was very naughty and neglected it. If you have any suggestions for things to try in tubs, that would be wonderful, I’m also planning to plant some larger shrubs so any suggestions for pretty foliage would be very gratefully received.

    You are an inspiration Erin.


  1327. Lauren on

    Hi Erin! I loved this list of questions–thank you for putting them together, and for always being so generous with your knowledge. I know I’m reitierating everyone else when I say that you are an inspiration, but it’s true! I started gardening with my Grandma, and then my Dad, and now I have my own, where I was very slowly exploring new flower varieties and what might work for my yard–but ever since I discovered your blog two years ago it’s been a rapid shift into becoming a crazy flower lady (and in my early twenties, no less!). The things I think I would like to hear more about are timing of flowers–how to succession plant well, so that there aren’t big gaps of dying plants and babies, and what to plant over what (I get stuck on whether or not it’s okay to plant over bulbs/anenomes/etc.). I would also like to hear more about–if you ever think about it–what plants are both beautiful and serve our pollinators! I have a great wildflower mix that I love and have lots of echinacea, bee balm and lavendar in my garden, but if there are other things I could be doing to entice the local bee/butterfly/bird populations I’d welcome suggestions. Also, I’m a gardener in Portland, OR.

  1328. Sheila Clark on

    Erin, thank you for all of your inspiration. Over 20 years ago I planted my first patch of flowers. I sold a few at work and gave many away. We had a small plot of land and raised my two kids there for 7 years. We moved into a neighborhood and each year my dream of owning a flower farm blooms, takes seed and flowers. My fulltime job is in law enforcement and it drains me many days. I still love my job but find myself returning to your site time and time again to fertilize my dream. My son is 19 and daughter is 16 now and my dream of the farm is revving up for my retirement from law enforcement at age 50 in just a few short years. Next year we will begin to search for our forever home, the flower farm my dream of dreams. The most recent blog asked why do I want to be a flower farmer. That is one of the most important questions to me. I have witnessed and experienced so many sad things with my job that I yearn to see people smile, to see people be happy to see me, to sooth my own soul and add sunshine to people’s days. I try to do that now with encouraging words and lots of compassion but at the end of the day, I’m emotionally spent. SO WHY DO I WANT TO BE A FLOWER FARMER? To realize my destiny and to change the course of my life, to start a new book that is filled with warm summer days, chickens, flowers, my dog Oscar and peace! THanks again….

  1329. Laura on

    These are indeed very important questions! When I read the title, I thought you’d be asking questions like “what kind of soil do you have?” — that’s me getting ahead of myself and you’re right — need to figure out my motivation and goals FIRST. I was just about to bite off more than I can chew. Thank you!!

  1330. Jo on

    Hi Erin,
    Grateful for all you share and so happy you are offering seeds now!
    I am in Santa Cruz, CA. and I grow flowers for my own happiness/ sanity. I have a sweet pea question. Since I’m in zone 9, I’ve already planted one round of sweet peas that are in the ground already , and then last week sowed the 3 varieties of sweet peas I ordered from Floret in 4″ pots. I tried planting Nimbus seeds from another grower with my first batch, and though all the other varieties germinated great, not a single Nimbus seed grew. Now with your seeds I have almost 100% germination with the Mollie Rillstones and Oban Bay, but again, not a single Nimbus has sprouted. Any ideas? Does that variety need something special to germinate? Thanks!!! Jo

  1331. Natalie on

    Hello Erin
    Thank you so much for all your generosity in sharing your useful information I noticed in the photo a grid which I assume is for stem support I would love to hear more about this I ordered a packet so seeds but really excited about the dahlias coming in.

  1332. plantmut on

    Also any info on how to keep out deer. Don’t know if you have deer like we do here in Virginia.

  1333. plantmut on

    Thank you (do you get tired of all the thank you ??) for all you do to help others. I am trying to get up and running this year. My questions as people have already stated are related to the business end. Did you grow a full season to see if you could do it before committing to a farmers market or florist? How do you approach a florist? How do you start the wedding side?

    I feel ok with the growing part except I have never tried to do any succession growing. Do you use a calendar or something on the computer?

  1334. Helen on

    Hi Erin,

    this is a great series of blogs. I’m intrigued and inspired by your whole business model and have plenty of questions, but will try to ask only a sensible few!

    I’m based in South West England which is fairly mild – so OK there – and the growing season spans from April (Spring bulbs, blossom, etc) through to October.

    I’m very lucky that we own our flower farming land and it adjoins our house, so it’s easy to pop out and spend every spare second, sowing, potting on, planting out and, hopefully, harvesting. With a grown-up daughter and a very supportive husband, flower time is good, but there’s never quite enough.

    I’m entering my second year as a grower and am getting to grips with a planting plan to make better use of the space, what to plant where and when – no doubt there’ll still be the odd surprise popping up during the Summer! I have a 2 acre plot, of which I’m only using a 50m x 50m area at the moment. My husband, John, prepared 12 lovely raised beds last year – while wearing a monster boot for his torn achilles tendon!

    Questions –
    How do you prepare your beds?
    Do you use any raised beds?
    What is the purpose of the grid I can see on the beds in your photos?

    As for ‘Why do I grow flowers’? To be outdoors, to see tiny seeds become beautiful blooms and to deliver something that carries a message into so many lives for so many different reasons – everyday.

    It’s hard work, but nothing else comes close.

  1335. Annette Crawford on

    Thank you Erin for posing these important questions for us to consider. I have been an avid organic gardener and beekeeper for many years in Boulder County, Colorado. I always thought I would not have the opportunity to be a farmer in this lifetime but then I saw your story in Martha Stewart and realized it is never too late to follow your heart! I have an oversized lot in a lovely neighborhood with a huge south facing yard and well established garden that has grown lots of vegetables and forests of sunflowers over the past 13 seasons depending on the year and my level of inspiration. (Learned my lesson about letting sunflowers go wild!) I plan to cut 6 beds out of the lawn this spring to expand my growing area. I also have a small greenhouse where I can start seeds etc. I need to purchase some equipment and supplies such as seed starting mats, low tunnels, weed cloth, mesh and drip watering system. Can you recommend sources for these supplies? I’m still working but the kiddos are grown and gone (well sort of they are never really gone LOL!). I have 4 growing seasons to figure things out before I can retire and grow flowers full time. I’m hoping by then to be fairly well established. I’m lucky that my hubby Tim is on board as well and we have a full wood shop in the garage so we can build just about anything we need. I’d love to hear a story about the early years of cultivating customers and how you learned to be a sales woman as well as a flower farmer. I have so much to learn but I am looking forward to the journey! All the information you share is so much appreciated, thank you!

  1336. jillian on

    Thank you for starting this blog saga- I work for a small organic garden center in CT and we are seeking out alternative outlets for our gift shop– we see opportunity in cut flowers and I’d like to start a weekly share from flowers grown on our very small piece of land that we currently use as perennial demonstration gardens. Incorporating annuals in our small space would be a way to ensure constant blooms for regular bouquet shares and any help along the way is very appreciated. Thank you!

  1337. Christopher on

    I got very excited reading this first post, so THANK YOU! This will be my first year growing cut flowers on a larger scale for my budding floral design business and I’m using you as my go to guide. I’ve been gardening my whole life, but I really want maximise my space and flower yield. I also have a shorter growing season (zone 5, Portland Maine) so any advice for getting a jump on the flower season would be helpful. I look forward to this blog blizzard and all the information you have to share, thank you again!

  1338. Lacey Jay Allred on

    Hello Erin,

    Budding flower farmer here in Oregon, on my second season and purchased seeds from you this year. So excited that you have seeds, offer such great resources and that your fields are so vibrant.

    I am wondering if I could get a little advice on seed starting. My question is around not having a greenhouse this year, as I have in previous farming years, and am going to build small seeding area outside my house. I unfortunately only have one large heating mat and am wondering in your experience if you think this will be a problem for germination??

    They are pretty pricy for me and feeling nervous that I can create the warmth they need with one mat, loads of trays and being outside?? Any advice would be so helpful.

    Lacey Jay

  1339. Samantha Rothman on

    I’m really excited for these posts. I like all the effort you put into planning and being organized – the business end of things (there’s lots of growing “instructions” for plants, but little for growing your business and family… without going insane). My husband and I sent 18 months renovating an old mansion from the 1800’s – it is a crazy big old house with a wonderful yard that I have set on turning into a flower farm. We have an easy acer of growing space for rows and an additional 1.5 or so for a permaculture design to incorporate with the landscape. My husband was recently laid off from his corporate job and I’ve spend the last seven years starting/ running a non-profit (Grow It Green Morristown … that runs NJ’s largest school garden. I’ve been wanting a farm of my own for a long, long time – and this is as close as I’m going to get, so I’m going to “bloom where I’m planted”. Please keep posting about the business part too – everything from packaging, office help, starting off, etc. Thanks for sharing this all!

  1340. Britney on

    My husband and I just bought our first house and after seeing your article in Martha Stewart Living. I have decided to give a flower farming my very best! I have been a lot of research but I am still confused by all the lingo. I think the most helpful tips would be a Glossary of flower farming terms.

  1341. Kati Barnes on

    I love this series! This was extremely helpful for me. I ask myself these questions literally every day. I live in South Carolina an always worry about the very hot summer months. The good thing is we have a long growing season. I planted 150 bulbs in a flower bed I made by my house. We will see how it turns out this spring ! I have acess to 800 acers with 100 of that currently farmable land, but that’s 45 minutes away! With a full time job and a baby on the way it’s hard to find the time. I’m starting to order seeds for the spring and this post help me to realize that I need to calm down a little and start smaller. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience, reading your blog is my favorite way to end the day :)

  1342. Julie on

    Hi Erin. We moved from the suburbs of Perth and bought 3 acres in the south west of Western Australia in a pretty dairy town called Harvey. We are building a small home and we have chickens and I have a horse. I have been dreaming of growing rows and rows of sweet peas like you and have been collecting seeds of all the varieties I can find. But it’s very very windy here at times and the ground is clay and very hard. We have plenty of water and lots of space but I’m discouraged already. I read your blog with a hungry heart for flowers that I’m dreaming of growing. It’s like a deep yearning. Xxxx Julie

  1343. Anna Angelo @ Flower Hen Farm on

    Thank you for doing this! I have been growing flowers on a small scale, we have a small roadside stand at the end of our lane where we sell bouquets along with our produce, but I would love to expand and improve the assortment of flowers I can offer my customers. I am really looking forward to learning some new ideas and tips for production on a somewhat larger scale. We have 10 acres where we currently raise chickens, angora goats, two milk cows and have a good size vegetable garden and I am considering turning part of our hay field into a larger flower garden.

  1344. Stephanie on

    Erin! Great questions and thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I’m a home gardener and I always have trouble remembering how much space I actually have, how much work it is to prepare a new bed, and that right now I don’t have the umph to start seed indoors so I should only order direct sow seeds. :) This post is a great reminder.

  1345. Ann Marie O'Leary on

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post. Perfect timing for me, as I am about to start growing flowers for cutting in the garden at my Studio. I am a complete novice – except for Sweet Peas…!
    My goal is to have beautiful indigenous blooms to add to designs & workshops.
    Currently I have to order all my flowers from Holland & it breaks my heart.
    Would you believe, no one grows flowers commercially in Ireland…!
    I will follow every post & truly do find your business & life an inspiration.

  1346. MaryBeth on

    WOW! so impressed with the comments and can say that I have been pondering many of the same questions from your blog as well as those posted by your followers. I, too, am starting a small cut-flower business this year after 30+ years as a Speech Language Pathologist – and feel a bit swamped with the planning and preparing required to start in just a few weeks. Living in zone 7A provides a variety of temps to consider – and recently it seems the rain has either come in downpours or not at all! Sooooo much to learn and get ready before sowing those first seeds in late April! Information on the following would be very helpful: 1)spacing/underplanting/succession planting 2)best way to keep weeds at bay 3) drip irrigation vs overhead/sprinkler irrigation when needed 4)harvesting and holding blooms for max display 5) fertilizing 6) critter containment to keep them away (mice, voles, rabbits, birds, possums, deer, etc – and even a few bears!) 7)marketing and pricing to local merchants 8) most important tasks to do at the end of the growing season to get ready for the next.

    Okay, that’s enough from me ;-) thanks so verrrrry much for your willingness to share information with all of us wanna-bees and almost-theres….hope you know that you are growing much more than flowers with your farm !

  1347. Diane Miller on

    Loved the post. Learned a lot in that small amount of information.
    What type of compost do you recommend and how many inches do you add to the plot?
    Thank you for always sharing your endeavours! It’s appreciated more than you can imagine. Cheers

  1348. Laura Pickens on

    I would love a blog on spacing. What spacing you use for your farm, and how big your rows are, pathways, etc. :)

  1349. Mindy on

    Like with all of your content, products, and services, you are a very conscientious business leader in the flower farming industry! Your words have a way of connection like I am sitting next to you listening to you speak. That is special! What I found most helpful in this article was the time, commitment and energy question. While starting this venture as a full-time college student, I have found those days where I feel absolutely drained and stuck. Those tough days lead you to question and most of the time answer the WHY? behind our venture, whether for hobby or income. I am so excited about these posts. As always, well-done!

  1350. Shayla on

    What are the hoops that are in many of your photo’s? Are they to pull frost protection over your flowers if needed, or a water supply? I’m starting a cutting garden this year, to supplement what I’m hoping will be a busy wedding season for me. I’m planning out several beds but live in Calgary, AB so don’t have the longest growing season.

  1351. Pam on

    Erin: Thank you for sharing all that you have experienced. Your comments follow right along with the ‘Starting Your Sustainable Farm’ course I am taking through . Our first session centered around goals and assessments. I would like to share SMART Goal setting. S=Specific M=Measurable A=Attainable R=Relevant T=Time-Bound. GOALS are dynamic and should be reviewed often. I look forward to the rest of your postings.
    p.s. Map your space

  1352. Tara on

    What a wonderful post, looking forward to the entire series. You are so generous with your knowledge. I’m just starting out on 4 acres of land. I read all your posts they are all informative and inspirational. And honest!! Thanks for sharing!!

  1353. Katie on

    I have a small 1/3 acre garden (with house, driveway, play lawn, and two huge shade trees) so being honest about my actual growing space is crucial. I am greatly anticipating each blog post, hoping to maximize the amount of cut flowers I can grow, for my own enjoyment and for giving away.

  1354. Bobbi Davis on

    Love love love this post. I have been dying for some tips from you on where to begin. I cannot wait to get my seeds in and put some of these wonderful tips to use!

  1355. Gill on

    Hello Erin. I have a small North facing garden in England. I love flowers and grow them from seed to cut for my home. All my seed is started indoors on windowsills; the plants just go wherever I have space in the borders. I never imagined I could produce so many flowers from such a small space. I’ll be reading your posts for ideas and inspiration for my own garden.

  1356. JENNIFER on

    Ecstatic and on board with pen and paper in hand! Excellent and on spot questions to start this series Erin. We are in the infrastructure stages of the business and farming pieces currently and looking to go full steam with starting seeds ( purchased from Floret), getting beds & hoop houses ready for spring cultivation and harvest for our floral CSA and weddings.
    I’ve gardened all my life but now will be doing it intensively on two of our 5 acres in zone 5 pushing zone 6. We have farm animals on the other acreage otherwise it would be planted…it might get encroached on.

    I will be looking to glean insight about amending soil and fertilization techniques along with starting seeds and all its intricacies and how to do this starting in an unheated house or inside my home for now.
    Details for layout of beds, hoop houses & low tunnels along with recommendations of what and where to purchase these materials would be so helpful. I’m also trying to sort out what needs to go inside a hoop house versus low tunnel or open field.

    Any and all info on succession planting with timing of different flowers and when to replace with another through the growing season. I will try to keep things blooming from June to October.

    We are fully irrigated from canal which feeds into our pond and currently we have in ground raised field sprinklers. My husband and I are trying to figure out the logistics of how to do the drip off of this system so that its not plugged up.

    We have about 1/4 acre yard area surrounding our home outside of pastures that has large Ponderosa Pines flanking it. My intent is to plant all the fence line with woody ornamentals, roses, hydrangeas, vines and perennials. Under the somewhat shaded tree areas I hope to use as beds for more shade loving flowers and shrubs. I’ve been contemplating what to do with bulbs and where to put them so not to take up precious area on the 2 acre cut annuals area.

    So many more questions Erin and honestly feeling a little overwhelmed but excited. I will devour every bit you post over this month and look forward to hands on with you and your team in April.

    Many, many thank yous for all the inspiration and insight that you share so abundantly!
    Cheers, Jen

  1357. Carmen on

    I’m really looking forward to this series and think it’s very generous of you to share knowledge. In my case, in a year or so I will be buying a property for my ‘forever home’ that I’ve designed and plan also to have some space for a flower garden. This type of information will help me to plan how much space I will need and also help me evaluate the depth of involvement I want to reach for…I know I want a large cutting garden for my home and to be able to gift arrangements to others, but I’ve also been mulling over having a small flower arrangement business when all the kids get to the age that they’re in school. I don’t have any specific questions, I know there’s a lot I don’t know, but right now I just don’t know what I don’t know.

  1358. Jenny on


    These posts are so very encouraging. As I’m in the process of garden-planning, I’ve had variations of these topics swirling around in my head, but it was so helpful to have them so thoughtful organized in this post. THANK YOU.

    I grew up gardening in Iowa with my flower-farming mom (bless the 90’s and the dried-floral arrangements) and my soybean & corn farming dad. Life revolved around the farming seasons, and I found that, as an adult, taking care of plants came second nature. Second nature was thrown for a loop when I relocated to Memphis, TN; I’ve been relearning the rhythms of the seasons (or lack thereof) ever since.

    Thank you for your honest, helpful tips! They are very much appreciated!

  1359. Emma on

    First blog comment ever in my life, here! Taking you seriously that you want to hear from lurkers…. I am a long time gardener and former farmer (grew too big, too fast and our little family just had to come first, so we changed direction a couple years ago, and I am now contemplating my next steps). Flowers are a vital part of my life, my heart, my joy, and if I farm again, I want it to be from a place of creativity and joy.
    All of my questions are pretty much centered around the family/business balance. How do you do it? Do you homeschool or do your kids attend school? What *did* you do when they were little? I have three children, 8, 6, and nearly 2. From past experience I know if I choose to pursue flower farming in some way, it has to be with my family in mind, as well…
    And, finally, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I have only just discovered your blog, and I can tell I will be spending many hours reading through every last post!

  1360. Ria on

    Hi Erin! Since I wasn’t able to get into one of your classes, this is the next best thing! I appreciate you sharing all these information. Thank you very much!

  1361. Katie on

    Thank you for this post! These are great questions. Last year was my first year growing flowers and I did pretty well. The growing was more successful than bouquet making as I was unsure how to really create such beautiful bouquets. I had bouquets all over my house and send the extra bouquets to the farmers market with my husband and our vegetables. I got better by the end of the year and learned so much through the entire process. Having a 2 1/2 year old was super challenging. Hoping now that she is older I can devote more time and balance my life to be able to do both motherhood and flower farming.
    Questions: do you crop rotate like vegetables? What are spring flowers, summer and fall and do some flowers follow others better than others? How do you create bouquets that look beautiful wrapped in paper for farmers market/grocery stores? Do you harvest every day or do you have scheduled days? How many stems per mixed bouquet? Pricing?

  1362. Mary Hegnes on

    Thank you for your post and your blog. I am preparing for retirement and my plan is to have a small cut flower business during the summer months. Your post really helped to to think about what I really want and how much time it is going to take to get this “small” venture off the ground. Thank you so much you can not know how much of an inspiration you are.
    Mary Hegnes

  1363. Jessica on

    I am ecstatic about these posts! I happened upon your bblog a year ago and it inspired me to take the leap into starting my business. I have some flower farming experience, as the slave labor of planting, picking and weeding ;-) and some horticulture and florist experience but I have mountains of information to learn. Your willingness to share your failures and successes is so encouraging and inspiring!

    I have a question on spacing. How close can you pack them? It it super important to follow the spacing on the seed packets? I know that it varies for different flowers. Do you have any general tips on this?

  1364. RACHEL E HEATH on

    An excellent read. What I am still struggling with is figuring out what flowers specifically will do well or not in containers on my apartment’s balcony.

  1365. drea @ morning glory acres on

    I know I already posted, but I just had to add this.. As I was reading thru everyone’s comments and questions, an answer kept popping into my head. If those of you starting out in growing cut flowers would join the ASCFG (Association of Specialty Cut Flowers) you would find the answers to most of your questions! It is a large body of cut flower growers, and there is a searchable discussion forum where is stored years and years of growing wisdom!! You can find answers for almost any question, and if not, ask it, and you will likely get an answer from one of the many helpful members! The ASCFG has made flower farming possible for us!! In our first year, I wasn’t sure if we could afford the yearly fee, but I will say that we have saved ourselves thousands of dollars already, by finding timely answers before we made huge mistakes! The two sites I check every day are the new posts on the ASCFG, and Floret’s blog! ;)

    • plantmut on

      Thank you for saying that. I have the info packet on my kitchen table and that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out….is it worth the price.

  1366. Yukie on

    Hi Erin!
    Love your blog and Instagram!
    I’m just a hobby gardener but also a full-time worker so gardening is my sanctuary in weekends.
    But I’m the only gardener in house, so everything has to be done by myself.
    I often get frustrated that I can’t have enough time to go outside and work in my garden, with lots of house chores I can only do in weekends.
    But I figured, it doesn’t make sense to be frustrated with something gives you so much pleasure, life is full of priority and decision making, and balancing as well.

    I agree what you said in this post!
    Even as a hobby gardener in a small city yard and I live in Toronto, Canada, so not much growing season as I want but still I can order so many seeds and plants more than I can tuck them into the ground!

    I try to be sustainable and organic gardener as possible, so I’m interested in what kind of fertilizer or pest control you use.
    In your area I guess it gets so soggy time to time!

    Anyway, sorry for the long comment and probably there are tons of English mistakes as I’m not a native English speaker (I’m from Japan originally)!
    Can’t wait for other posts! Thank you for the inspirations!

  1367. Meiska Starner on

    Struck a chord when you mentioned chasing down a toddler while longing to be able to focus on your work. This year my little guy will be 3 while we are working in our garden. Working with small children around presents the greatest challenge, and the greatest opportunity. As we are getting our area ready for Spring, I can see how much my son has changed and is more willing to stay close and is interested in helping. Bittersweet, of course.

    I’m excited about the ‘Blog Blizzard.’ Thanks so much for all you share.

  1368. Candice on

    Hi Erin! I think you got your wish about feedback! What an awesome response. My husband and I are looking for property for farming and your advice about the amount of light, etc. will be very helpful in our search and going forward! Thank you?

  1369. Mira on

    Thank you Erin for your Blog Posts! I love feeling connected to all these people that love growing flowers. Being the mother of an infant I am especially looking forward to your tips for getting things done without stressing too much. My goal is to share the garden with my daughter and inspire her, but the ‘standing in the garden looking at the weeds and crying’ -so been there!! Thank you again

  1370. Kristine Albrecht -Santa Cruz Dahlias on

    Thank you Erin for sharing all you wisdom on growing flowers! We are a lucky bunch of farmers to have your help. Here are some burning questions. Even after years of growing dahlias, I find giving the plants the proper amount of water the most challenging aspect. How do you determine your water needs for dahlias and the other flowers you grow? Also, I see you use a weed block material. Which types of flowers do you use it for? Are just the paths covered? Is it rolled up and reused the next season? Where is a good place to purchase it? What are the pros and cons? Do you have a resource guide? So many questions. Thanks again for all the flower fun and information you give to all of us! I love your blog.

  1371. Jana on

    Dear Erin, thank you for all the information you share! With this post I miss detail information, it is quite general, not as how you usually write. I follow you because for me you are the best leader to follow in flower farming for profit. There is a lot of source to seek when you grow just for your own desire, but a little source when you need to learn how to make a profit from growing flowers. So i would be glad if your posts would be aimed for flower farmers at the first place. For me it means to go deep in all the aspects of growing, marketing and so on. I am starting flower growing for profit and information you posted now, are just clear and obvious. But I struggle to figure out “numbers”. How many seeds will take how much space and make how many flowers to sell for example. How to choose seeds company, which one are the best for special varieties, what material to use for polytunels, how to make a good watering system etc. Information about how much space you work with for example are real gold for me, but there is a lot of other question I have.Bussines is a lot about counting i think… please help us learn how to count…which means, share how you count your numbers and we will try to learn how it work for us :)

    At the end please let me write you a feedback concerning the seed sale. I was just there on your webside studying, when you started loading the seeds profiles and I saw them jump up in front of me :) I was really excited and immediately started to choose which I need to have and pray for they could be send abroad to me. I communicated with Jill and it seemed that it is possible. I made my order but since then I didn’t get any message, even when I wrote her again. It’s a month now and I see that this year it didn’t go out, but I am sad that the communication was that way, even when I understand you had a lot of work and doing it for the first time. I am just sad I can’t grow your seeds this year :( I hope that the next year I will be more lucky. Best wishes from Czech republic, and sorry for my english :) Jana

  1372. Jillian on

    Thank you for all of your information and the chatter it creates. Farming is lots of work let alone blogging. You are a true inspiration.

    How do you fertilize throughout the season? What method?
    A bit more on succession planting, avoiding that lull in the season
    Bouquet processing//arranging method
    -Do you strip leaves in field or just cut and work everything else under shade?
    – After cutting & before its time for arranging should flowers wait in the cooler to take out the “field heat”? or do they need an hour to hydrate first?–(or is that just woodies)

  1373. Lorelie (Australia) on

    I stumbled across your site about 2 months ago & have been soaking up all you’ve shared. Thank you!
    I’ve got a few acres to play with once we move but 2 little ones to look after (my oldest is nearly 2). I’m still very much in the planning stages of deciding what to do with the house garden/yard as well as a paddock out the back where I can plan more of a cut flower patch. I’d like to build up stock & sell seeds, tubers, bulbs, corms etc down the track rather than cut flowers as it’s less time pressured for me, however I want lots of lovely flowers to cut for my house & as gifts – I agree it’s so nice to share the bounty of our gardens with others! ☺️??

  1374. Sophie on

    Oh. my. gosh.
    I am so so so excited for this series. Am in my 2nd year growing and just thinking about taking it up a notch or 2!
    Also. My answer to WHY is the same as yours. Im constantly thinking whats next whats next but in my garden I am present,

  1375. Pauline on

    Your blog is a constant inspiration.
    I am a fairly successful dahlia grower, I grow them for fun and to share on my blog/Instagram. I have tried sowing seeds directly in the soil, but nothing ever happens. Are the seeds eaten by mice, is the soil (sandy) not good enough?

  1376. Ana on

    Just writing to say that you are one of the few bloggers that I love to read. You have such a great enthusiasm. Love to hear any posts from your side!

  1377. Gina on

    Just getting my feet wet in my very own flower garden/farm, I am SO looking forward the blog blizzard! I’d love to know more about setting yourself apart as a farmer. Specifically, tips on stretching seasons (successive plantings, hoop house/tunnel use, etc), and more on your planning process!

  1378. Callie on

    Thank you Erin. Your wisdom and insight is wonderful and inspiring. I am a mother to triplets and have a love of gardening. This year I am expanding my cut garden to include so many flowers thanks to the inspiration on your Floret site. My goal is to give away flower arrangements to family, friends and co-workers. Flowers bring so much joy to life. I have started seeds and looking forward to (hopefully) a successful season. Thank you for your generous insight!!!!

  1379. Deanna on

    Erin! How are we all ever going to thank you for the endless inspiration and generous teaching?! For the first time in 10 years, I’m not buying seeds and planning beds…we’re in the process of buying our forever farm! What you said about knowing when to wait and how to live right now (and embrace these moments when my little people are still so little) really resonates with me. This year for me is all about learning all I can and being patient on the growing. What are your best recommendations for books and blogs about building soil and integrated pest management? Composting? Thanks for this amazing series!!!

  1380. Allison DeRungs on

    Beautiful, inspiring, and relevant! I’d like to know more about the biggest barriers you personally experienced to start up your business and how you overcame them. How much did you actually grow those first couple years? How did you do it financially at first? Did your hubs quit his job to run the farm with you? What are must haves in selecting a farm – key learnings from that experience. Thanks Erin and Floret team!

  1381. Susan on

    Thanks Erin! Excited for these posts! My questions mirror Andrews (above) and… I have a lot of questions about the use of hoop houses and caterpillar tunnels. How do you choose what flowers to plant in hoophouses. Why? and When? If growing strictly for Farmers Markets and seasonal weddings are hoophouses and tunnels necessary? Will Sweet Peas perform well without being grown in a hoop house. Thanks!

  1382. Melody on

    I have read, I think, the entirety of your site in planning for my little urban farming venture I’m getting started, so these new posts are gold to me. I really like hearing of your beginnings. I’m “farming” my yard this year while homeschooling three boys so I’m feeling the stretch already just with preparing the ground and starting seeds!! I would love to hear if you still utilize cover crops or not on your farm. Thank you for this, Erin!

  1383. Loren on

    I was so inspired when I first read about your lovely farm and stunning floral design in Martha Stewart Living, and now am so grateful to have rediscovered it through your beautiful and generous blog. My husband and I took the plunge a year and half ago and bought a 7-acre farm in Kansas City city limits because we wanted a lifestyle for us and our two small boys that pushed us to wonder at the beauty and abundance that God knit into those things which come from the earth He made. Now, as we look towards soon-approaching springtime and explore how we will make the most of the land we’ve been given, I couldn’t be more excited that you are sharing your hard-earned wisdom! I have so many sweet memories of creating bouquets as a girl from flowers my mother grew in her garden: mostly roses, but also lavender, gladiolus, sunflowers and sweet peas. For our wedding I sourced flowers (mostly peonies!!) from a local farmer and arranged them with my friends the day before as a way to rest and connect with beauty before the busyness of the big day…the idea of growing and surrounding myself with beautiful blooms sounds so satisfying.
    I’m very interested in the practicals of your planning process…when do you start what? How many in what area? How do you do succession planting? What stays in the ground? What keys have you found for growing specific flowers?
    So appreciate your generosity! Thank you!!

  1384. Andrew on

    Ummm, so I forgot to add-in my questions. and when I look at the length of my comment, I’m embarrassed. So sorry about that.
    Questions –
    How do you plan a color palette for the year? I’ve got three rough palettes this year, but I feel like I’m just guessing.
    How do you plan out your master planting schedule that includes succession and space for those succession crops? I get the idea of succession planning, but I’m struggling with when to pull up one thing and put in another.
    How do you keep up with what needs to be done that week? Sown, pulled, fertilized, harvested, pinched, etc.

    • Floret on

      All great questions, Andrew! I’m hopeful we can answer many of them this month–stay tuned!

    • Katie on

      Andrew these were my same questions the succession time line. When to pull what and when to start what. The other question was do you rotate flowers the same way you do vegetables?

    • Killoran on

      Some of my questions, too! Succession planning is something I did last year, but our plot is so small (about 500 sq ft) that I don’t really know how to work it out timing wise – I mean, every sing square foot is precious. Luckily, we had a couple open beds and it was just a test year, but still. Are you on Instagram or anything? I loved your reply!

  1385. Andrew on

    Erin, your generosity through your blog (and this particular blog post) is breath-taking. Before anything else, thank you.

    Your answer to an email or two a few years ago was the catalyst for me to think I might be able to give this a try. Last question first: the reason I love growing flowers is the beauty. If there is truth, goodness, and beauty, flower farming perfectly encompasses the last two. To me, a flower is one of the purest forms of beauty, and mixed with that the opportunity to nurture and share beauty with others? I can’t stay away. I’m betting there is truth in here as well, but I’m too new to this task to see it clearly.

    I’m in central Alabama, where the temperature may reach 20 degrees once a winter, so the frosts are few and not very hard. The springs can be longish with a few cold, frosty nights thrown in, and the summers are HOT. Falls are generally mild, and our first frost this year wasn’t until the second week in December.

    I work full-time as a telcom engineer (yeah, I know. Weird combination, but it works), but I get to work from home. So I might take the occasional conference call while weeding. I’m hoping to sell mixed bouquets some weekends at a farmer’s market. Huge, scary, big step.

    One of the other challenges of Alabama is the clay soil. Very little organic matter. We’re on 4 acres, but it’s all wooded. So far we have cleared a small section that’s somewhat open to sunlight, and we’ve put in 5 or 6 smallish raised beds, and a good friend has let us borrow a very small unheated hoop house. All total, about 300 sq ft. so far. Which is not enough to hold all of the seeds I’m starting in a cool basement under lights. Or the dahlias that I ordered from Floret. Talk about incentive to get moving on more raised beds!

    Random other challenge in this area: Finding good quality compost in any quantity!!! My time is precious, so I don’t compost today, but who knows? Desperate times, desperate measures, etc, etc.

    So I keep taking the next step and seeing what happens. Last year was our first with dahlias and zinnias. Ummm, yeah. This year is about triple the number of dahlias, but with more filler planned to even out the bouquets. Also started some bulbs and peonies, along with a couple of garden roses. When I look at the list planned for this year, it scares me, but I can’t bear to take one off the list.

    Tips from the first couple of seasons that I’ve run across: Tip #1 Have your soil tested! We had no idea some of the deficiencies or surpluses in our soil. I’m mixing our own fertilizer ala Steve Solomon, so we’ll see how it goes this year. Tip #2: I’ll echo the learn to start seeds. I can’t imagine being able to afford this if it weren’t for that, and the varieties it opens up are amazing. Tip #3 Just do the next thing. I tend to put things off because, if I’m honest, I’m scared. Scared I’ll fail, scared because I’ve never done it before, etc. This year, my scary next steps are trying out selling at a farmer’s market, and because of that, learning how to put together a basic mixed bouquet. So we’ll see, and it’s never dull. Tip #4: Have someone in your corner cheering for you. My wife is an amazing cheerleader and encourager. And the kids are pretty amazing and accepting of anything I want to try. Have those people in your life for when it’s hard, frost ruins a crop, or your hoop house isn’t where you left it the night before.

    Once again, I can’t thank team Floret enough. The knowledge, the encouragement, the honest look behind the scenes at the hard times, the seeds, the tools, the tubers, the how-to, and the love and beauty for this undertaking have held my hand and encouraged me the past two seasons. It’s a treat to order and support you and your team/family.

    All the best

  1386. Ieva on

    Came up out of my lurk-hole to post. It’s scary out here :). I’m an central Pennsylvanian aspirational gardener with a downtown rental duplex sitting on a big thick slab of clay soil, a kindergartner and a toddler with zero self-preservation instincts, and a bear-sized groundhog along with a small nation of bunnies living in my backyard that just can’t wait for this year’s neglected crop of flowers and vegetables (last summer they even developed a taste for CILANTRO.). My raised beds are a constant tale of woe and anarchy, but your writing and photos are the opposite. I love reading about the fruits of your hard work.

  1387. April on

    We just decided to add flowers for this year, and our initial plan is to sell to local florists. We’re figuring out pricing and would love some tips on that! Per bunch, per stem…? It’s also hard to find pricing for a lot of the garden flowers.

  1388. Kay on

    Hello Erin, Floret came to my attention on an Instagram feed.
    Your a very generous person. All your experience and advice is invaluable.
    As a new flower grower for personal use, I to enjoy that moment of joy you can see from someone when you give them a of bunch of flowers.The information you are providing allows a wonderful opportunity for many home gardeners to have success with cut flowers.
    I live in Australia, (Southern Hemisphere)I will be following this February blog with much interest our seasons are opposite but I will be able to adjust the information. Thank you for all your effort.

  1389. Angela on

    Hi Erin. Thanks for walking us through this. I realized my dream of becoming a flower farmer last year. I’ve always loved gardening so I decided why not take that passion and grow cut flowers. I found you on Instagram and then Facebook and your blog. I look forward to learning more from you. I appreciate the guidance you offer. I love that you want to help others.

  1390. Sarah Pabody on

    Thank you for your passion to share what you’ve worked hard to learn. I refer new friends to your blog almost weekly!

  1391. Melissa on

    Thank you so much for this series! I live on 5 acres in central Massachusetts on the top of a windy hill. The land has been hayed by a neighbor farmer for the past 30 years. Last year I nearly broke my back digging up the sod, adding compost and top soil to a few measly plots. My parents have been avid perennial growers since I was a child and are have only manually dug garden beds. They were horrified when I talked about roto-tilling the sod to grow cut flowers for sale. My question to you is how should we break up the sod for new beds? We don’t have a tractor, and I cant imagine breaking it all up by hand again, it was such a time crusher and with two small rambunctious boys I need every minute I can get. I have literally agonized over this question! Should we ask the neighbor for a days work tilling up another acre? Rent a roto tiller? I would love to at least double the size of my beds and sell at a farmers market in high summer this year. I purchased a bunch of seeds from Floret and am so excited for this upcoming season! Thanks again for the inspiration and your willingness to share your knowledge with us!!

    • Anna on

      Hey I’m not as experienced as some, but this fall we made a big new flower bed in our front yard and we rented a rototiller. Totally worth it! I would definitely consider it. It would have killed me to dig up all that crazy grass we have in our yard.

  1392. Eve on

    Ha! I didn’t know blog lurking was a bad thing; just realizing it after reading this and your design sponge posts! I’ve been following along for a year, but have read almost all of your posts since Hedgerowrose linked to your sweet pea posts.

    THIS is THE series I have been waiting for! I love all your blogging, but especially the growing info! I am especially interested in timing–how you plan your seasons, when/how do you begin plants (start seeds, bump up, plant out), how your maximize production (intensive methods?), succession to always have something flowering, when/how/what to fertilize… all the nitty gritty details of the outside work.

    I love all your content (flower arranging, business building, farm and family life)… Beautiful pictures to boot! Keep up the AMAZING work and don’t be so hard on yourself!

    • Eve on

      Just looked and that sweet pea flower focus was 2 years ago… Thanks for all you do!

  1393. Donna on

    Hello Erin!

    I have been growing flowers – especially dahlias – for the past 4 years. This will be my 5th. I live in Massachusetts (Zone 5b). I work full-time and weeds and lack of time are my biggest challenges. I refuse to give up, though, because like you, flowers pull me into the present moment! Need to learn about how to keep the weeds at bay, about drip irrigation, composting, and hoop houses/tunnels.

    A big, big thank you!

  1394. Lori Peplinskie on

    Thank you for taking the time to write these posts. I absolutely loved your flower focus series of posts. I would love to see more detail/images/video of posts on one specific crop, how the seed is germinated, images of the seedlings, when they’re transplanted and what temps the seedlings are expected to experience but still survive, fertilization schedule, when to pull plants etc.

  1395. Shelley Yoshiwara on

    I forgot to tell you I’m in Northern California Redding where next week will be getting temperatures in the 70’s but by June July well into September we have extreme heat where in July it can be over 100 for weeks in a row. We get irrigation water every 2 weeks along with our well water and the irrigation water keeps everything green and brings in lots of weeds!! Never lacking in weeds or bugs!!

  1396. Shelley Yoshiwara on

    I’m retired, soon to be 64 and we bought one acre in the country 3 years ago and my gardening adventure began. I’ve always lived in the higher Sierras where it was just to hard to garden Due to short seasons and poor soil. Now I have great soil and a longer season and want to utilize it! We put in a 50 x 50 foot garden and 6 growing boxes and along with my veggies I planted sunflowers and zinnias and I’m hooked now on flowers. Each year I’ve devoted more area for the flowers. I want to expand what I’m growing and would love to sell bouquets at my little organic market and juice bar. I tried last year but ended up not having a big enough variety of flowers and since it’s so hot here sunflowers and zinnias were pretty much all I had. So I would love to plant early, have a bigger variety in the spring etc. I absolutely love what your doing and the local flower market growing in our country. Hope this helps!!

  1397. Ronda on

    Thank you Erin. I stumbled on to your Facebook page this winter and now have bought some seeds from you. I’m so excited about growing honeywort bad cup and saucer vine from you. I will love to hear about cold weather varieties that can be directly seeded. I have a garage and start my 59+ dahlias in it under lights mid March but in Alaska that is what has to happen. Then I plant them June 1 outside. That is a labor of love and I get more roots to save in the fall. I store them in birch sawdust all winter in the garage. I’m also a new peony farmer. We have about 2,000 in the ground with 900 more coming this spring. So I am looking for things that can be directly sown and grow fast. I’m a teacher during the winter and a farmer in the summer! Hopefully when I retire in a few years all of this will be in place. Love your blog and I was so impressed that you signed the card in my seed packet! I tip my hat to you!

  1398. Connie on

    Thank you for all the inspiration, as I soak up every morsel of knowledge just before I embark on a one acre flower farm adventure in southern Manitoba, Canada.

  1399. Jane on

    I am thrilled that you are taking the time to share again with the flower world. The information you provide helped get me going this past year and now with a little bit of knowledge and the ability to read and re-read your posts, I am hoping the second year will be even better. Burning holes in fabric cloth, netting the snaps for support, burning the ends of poppies and euonymus and the endless lists of varieties and suppliers helped keep things a bit sane. You are a fountain of information and I am looking forward to all that you share. The six questions will help keep me focused as we start 2016, although I did just purchase another batch of sweetpeas from you after reading an Instagram post. One question I continually struggle with is pricing and selling to wholesalers, florists, supermarkets and the like. I have read and searched for information, but that is one area that seems to be hard to find information on. Thank you from all the beginning, and probably experienced flower farmers too, out there. You are a godsend.

  1400. Krystal Kerns on

    This was MOST helpful! I was wondering if you could suggest some flowers for first time growers? Please continue with the series of posts! Greatly appreciated!

  1401. Christine O'Brien on

    Hi Erin and Floret Team,

    your knowledge, tips and honesty about the cut flower industry is amazing. Very inspiring. Your tips today are very helpful to me, as I’m new in this venture. I’ve been working in the horticulture business for close to 20 years, but never have tried to grow cut flowers for “production”. Very excited to see your seeds grow and then share bouquets with friends, family, nursing homes, libraries… all I want is to brighten up someone’s day!

    Can’t wait for your book to come out. Floret is the reason I want to grow cut flowers~thank you!

  1402. Liz on

    Aloha from the big island of Hawaii! Thank you for sharing your passion about flowers, knowledge, expertise & insight! I appreciate the questions you pose and the thought provoking answers they bring about. I love that the post comments are from people all over the world and that all the questions will undoubtedly have different answers from everyone, but our love for flowers remains. We have lots of tropical flowers but I see lots of imported flowers too. I would like to offer a sustainable approach to flowers and keep them local. Flowers have helped to perpetuate this island’s culture and traditions. There is definitely a keep it local and sustainable attitude in the islands and we always support one another. I live on the drier side of the island and am looking forward to a great growing season. I look forward to information on rose care, home made pest controls, planning your growing season and how you choose seeds! Mahalo from your friend in Hawaii?

  1403. Candy on

    Looking forward to these posts. I am an avid vegetable grower, but ready to branch out with a small cutting garden.

  1404. Evangeline M on

    So excited for your February Blog Blizzard! Your content is always inspiring both in your humble tone of words and your lovely pictures!

    The thing that continues to puzzle me is plant spacing. I am not the best at numbers, so a visual graph/photo showing exact seedling placement for getting nice full beds without wasted space would be so helpful! Especially since spacing recommendations on seed packets usually refer to row situations, not beds.

  1405. Virginia on

    Erin you answered the question I have been wondering all along about how you managed in those first couple years as a young mother. Time management for starting my cut flower farm is my biggest question right now. I too have a wild little boy toddler and am currently working out details on time management for this upcoming season starting out growing cuts on about 1/8 acre and selling at market for the first time. I can picture myself crying among the weeds as you mentioned, biting off more than I can chew, because honestly, there are just so many amazing plants to grow and so little time, and like you said, I want to do everything RIGHT NOW!! Its so inspiring to see how you persevered!

  1406. Grace on

    I’m looking forward to this new series of articles. The questions you’ve put forward are spot on. I know my limitations(two small children, small yard and very little time) but my yard has been used more times than I can count by people wanting a bouquet of flowers for something special. I have lots of roses and I used to have beautiful flowers but the past two winters killed most of my flowers, quite a few of my roses and my hedges of lavender. Those two winters and a subsequent drainage problems caused by a bad grading job have ruined my yard. I’m looking forward to fixing it this year and I think these articles will be the inspiration I’m needing!!

    If I might make a suggestion/request. While I grew lots of flowers I know next to nothing about arranging them. A video post of a bouquet being built would be so helpful!!!! Just to watch it all happen would be so awesome!

    Grace e

  1407. Robin on

    Thank you again a million times over for sharing your blog, your hard-earned wisdom, and your practical advice for those of us behind you who also love flowers. Excellent introductory questions today, which I will sit down and answer. I’ve referred to your blog and website many times, searching for a variety of topics, and 3 questions I keep thinking but have not yet found answers from you are:
    1. What do you use for watering? Drip irrigation?
    2. How do you plan out and make a visual map of the contents and planting times for each flower bed on yojr farm? I need an idea of the number of cutting stems per plant, and the number of stems you offer per bouquet — so I can somehow translate my mental image to a practical, workable scale on paper and in the ground. I also need help figuring out whether I am better off ( in simplicity & wider profit margin) to focus on retail 1-by-1 bouquets, wholesale buckets to florists, or wedding and other custom design work?
    3. How do you harvest and bunch your stems? For example, do you strip the leaves off each zinnia stem one-by-one, hold 10 stems under your elbow, grab a rubber band & bunch these, move the bunch (to where?), and repeat? Or do you cut stems, add them directly to a bucket of water, and de-leaf and bunch them later?

    • Eve on

      ☝?️^^great questions!

    • lindsey0009 on

      Great questions Robin!

  1408. Joanne on

    Erin, you have been an inspiration over and over again. Have been following your journey for a few yeas now and have learned many things along the way. Thank you for sharing your successes and failures and all the information you share with your fellow flower growers.

  1409. Beth on

    Thank you for sharing your experience. You are an inspiration. I have plans of growing flowers on our Missouri farm…in between a full time job, a 5 year old and 2 year old!

  1410. John on

    An Orny Hort grad who travels too much and is an apartment dweller finding it difficult to grow but I am living vicariously thru your blog. I enjoy your posts immensely and appreciate your willingness to share. Thank you and am looking forward to this series.

  1411. Kim on

    I am developing my plans for a market garden. I have always grown flowers side by side with veggies, but I wanted to do more with flowers for cutting.

    We are building a new home (where the farm will be) and my hubby loves having fresh flowers in the house. I love the look of your bouquets, and so I am going to try to grow enough flowers to emulate you – at least in my own house! Maybe I can market some, too. I hope to attend one of your floral arranging seminars one day.

    Also, so much of what you teach about growing things for market applies across the board – taking care of your soil, how much time, money and energy can you invest, what are your growing conditions, and why are you doing this – these factors apply to all farmers and growers. Thank you for taking the time to lead newbies along the way.

  1412. Carolyn Thompson - Willow & Mabel Garden Co. on

    I love all of your blog posts – they never go to waste & I always learn something from each them. I started my farmer florist business a year ago. These blogs could not have come at a better time. I truly believe in being able to have enough hours in the day to achieve your goals – yes you shift things around but there are certainly things that you can not shift. I work 4 days a week which limits my time but I how have two teenage boys so they are less time consuming than toddlers and can be very handy at building raised garden beds and some hard manual labor when needed! I don’t want to over stretch myself otherwise I will start to hate what right now is a major love in my life – growing my flower business. On my list of things to do this week is to get my plot of land measured and drawn out so I know what I’m planting and when. Also super excited as I am signed up for your May Farmer Florist workshop!!

  1413. Heather on

    I am beyond excited about your posts! I have been a full time massage therapist for going on 16 years. Love my job but also love gardening. This year I am venturing in very small scale flower farming, approximately 10ish 4×8 raised beds to get my feet wet. In 2017, on the wait list, will be taking one of your workshops! Yay! Till then, this may seem silly but drip irrigation stumps me a bit. Maybe something on that, if not, no worries. I shall figure it out. Oxoo!

  1414. Sherry Shuler-Sherry's Flower Farm on

    I glanced at your post early today but couldn’t wait until after work so I could read every word and write down my answers to your questions. Everything you touch on in your writing has value. Even if it’s something I have already considered, taking the time to write things down and give more definition to the process of developing viable plan of action helps keep me grounded. Like one of the others who commented I first learned of you in the Country Living Article. It woke up something in my heart that I didn’t even know was there and brings tears to my eyes even as I write this. I have a 1/4 acre that used to be our vegetable patch. But nothing has been planted there for about 20 years. So, I am starting from scratch. As business owners that took a hard lick in the economic downturn and have only been slowly recovering, we have almost no money for startup. My plan is to start with one 4′ by 25′ bed of different varieties of zinnia’s and add another bed whenever we can. I am using the methods you describe in the How-To-Grow zinnia’s guide I bought from floret. Getting the ground fabric, and drip lines for starting small is doable but I am having trouble finding compost. We live on a 36 acre farm but the business we run on the property are not farming business. So I have plenty of raw material for compost but am a little overwhelmed at how to even begin. The only place I have found in NC to get organic compost is in Raleigh (about 3 hours away) and they will only sell a minimum load of 20 yards of compost and a delivery charge of $70 hour for travel. That bill comes to $1000 which is out of our budget. I really only need to buy about 3 yards of compost to get started and have enough to make compost tea but don’t know where to get it. There seem to be plenty of resources for seeds but not so much compost. If you know of any resources for compost and such in different parts of the country that would be great. But barring that, could you give some information on how to start composting. I have a plan in my head for planting rows of crops that are good for compost since I do not have a ready made source of manure but right now I have plenty of fall leaves and grass clipping to get started.

    • drea @ morning glory acres on

      I’ve heard really good stuff about Charlie’s Compost. It can be purchased on Amazon! Check it out! May work for your size of set up!

    • Sherry on

      Thanks for the suggestion. I checked it out thinking maybe I could get free shipping. Not gonna happen though. I had already ruled out ordering over the internet since shipping makes it impractical. If I can’t find something close to home I will just spend the first year figuring out how to produce good compost and then start with a good supply next year. This post has been has been a great help for honestly assessing resources and limitations. There is nothing wrong with taking the time to do things right. I can still put some seeds in the ground later in the year when I start getting some finished compost.

    • marybeth on

      sherry – don’t forget to have your soil analyzed by your county extension office. for the size garden bed you mentioned, one sample bag (with soil from a couple different places in the bed) shouldn’t cost more than $10 (probably a lot less) and will give you lots of good information on what best to use to improve your soil. mushroom compost along with other bags of goodies may be all you need! good luck! don’t give up! you’ll have beautiful flowers in no time :-)

    • Laurie | Hedgerow Rose on

      Sherry, we just moved from PA–where compost was relatively inexpensive and easy to find–to NC (Asheville area) and it took me a while to work out the compost puzzle, too. If you live near Asheville, Asheville Mulch and Yard will deliver to you with no minimum order but there is a delivery fee, of course. Barring that, if you have a Lowes nearby, they will deliver to you for I think a $60 fee (no minimum order) and they carry Black Kow 50-lb Organic Manure which is really good stuff. Hope this helps!

  1415. Irma on

    Hi from the prairies of Manitoba, Canada! I grew up being surrounded by flowers in our short growing season and took over my mom’s flowerbeds in my early teens dreaming of one day growing fields of flowers! When I stumbled across your Instagram feed through Joy Prouty the idea of flower farming inspired me incredibly! I finally feel like my dreams of growing fields of flowers will become more than a dream! I married a cattle farmer 13 years ago so I have the land available to grow a lot, not to mention years of composted manure at my fingertips. I have ordered so, so many seeds (mostly from you, thanks for shipping to Canada!), along with some dahlias, ranunculus, and anenomes. This summer can’t come fast enough and your posts are so very timely for me! Looking forward to learning a lot this month.

  1416. Elizabeth Daniels on

    I’m so impressed by your honesty and generosity in sharing your knowledge. Thank you! Along with several commenters before me, I am excited to learn more about hoop houses (pros, are there cons…?), as well as the specifics of covering beds (when, what, how). I’ve failed miserably at acclimating seedlings to the outdoors and would sincerely appreciate very clear examples of how certain varieties can be transplanted without shock, especially now that we’ve moved from coastal zone 24 to the mercurial (but lush and beautiful) zone 4!

    Blessings to you and your team,

  1417. Prince Snow Farm on

    This post was so helpful! I am on the coast of Massachusetts with about a 4 month growing season. I have twelve large raised beds and grow lots of organic veggies. I also grow flowers. I just ordered lots of seeds from you and look forward to expanding this year. I cannot wait!

  1418. Carolyn on

    Your posts are so encouraging and beautiful! I would love to know what your spacing is for each type of plant and how you support the plants. Mine tend to flop when the flowers bloom. Thank you for your wonderful photos!

  1419. Colette on

    Such a great series! I really appreciate you sharing such great info for me to think on as I start planning this year’s garden. I am growing for our own personal use and I always have bigger plans than I can actually accomplish! Perfect timing!! I will look forward to your next posts and I really have enjoyed seeing a glimpse into your beautiful world !

  1420. Elizabeth on

    Working on a new strategy for growing a true cutting garden this year. Would love any advice on starting seeds. I don’t really have room to start seeds indoors and have done most of my seed planting directly in the ground with mixed results. Any thoughts you have on direct sowing would be particularly of interest. Thank you also for always being a source of beautiful inspiration. Can’t wait to get my Floret seeds growing.

  1421. Tracey on

    Today’s post has given me the push to Get Started. I live on a beautiful old Dairy and have plenty of space to grow some jewels. However ,I have had difficulty taking that first step of preparing some ground. I kept looking at the acre of untouched land that sits right beside my house. It was too daunting and after reading today’s inspiring Blogg ,I am getting into a corner ,just a corner, of that field today!!! Small Steps. Thank you and have a smiling day today.

  1422. Karen on

    February is a great time for all this information while we are planning the 2016 garden. We have plenty of room (a 78 acre Ohio farm, mostly in pasture) but need to wisely size the flower part of the garden to our available time and labor. I was planning to stay around a 1/4 acre space for the flowers like last season, however, the amount of seeds I bought from you and Johnnys probably mean expanding that space! I also grow salad greens to sell plus veggies for our family to eat year round and I’m convinced that interspersing flowers with veggies is helpful for insect control. I’m having my 11 year old son who is smitten with my dahlias and flowers read your posts as well. He loves the pictures.

  1423. Sandra Sarlinga on

    Thanks Erin for sharing with us all your journey with flowers and sharing with us your knowledge, this is so generous of you! Looking forward for the next blogs!

  1424. Killoran on

    I’m so looking forward to the rest of these posts! I’m just starting my work of reclaiming my plot from the brambles and grasses – and it is TOUGH. Especially with a toddler. I’ve learned a lot since last year, which was a trial run (a kind of, let’s see if this is something I actually like doing or if I’m just all about pretty flowers), and even so far this past month. I’ve learned not to set a day to do something (because toddler and Vancouver Island weather), rather have a list of tasks for the week. It makes it much more manageable and allows me more flexibility (read: less guilt).

    I’d definitely recommend joining a local gardening group on Facebook. I posted about removing yard waste containing invasives and a guy actually came with his truck and took away two and a half HUGE piles (taller than me) and gave me his old shovel and rake! People are nice. Gardeners and farmers like helping other gardeners and farmers.

    These are all the questions I asked myself last year and they are so, so important. I’m glad I did the trial. It made me realise that yes! I do want to do this (and why). I also learned that my plot is just the right size as far as the amount of time I can spare.

    I just cannot wait to get started and share!

    • Kim on

      Killoran, whereabouts do you live? I ask, purely out of envy, because I love Vancouver Island, especially the Sooke and Metchosin areas.

      I keep threatening my hubby with a move to Sooke if Trump gets elected!

    • Killoran on

      Kim – I live in Victoria. I know a few people who live in Metchosin and they love it. I’ve yet to go, but hopefully soon! Whenever we go out of the city (and even in the city) I’m really amazed at the beauty of the province. My husband is American – I told him it’s a good thing we’ve finally started the immigration process. Haha.

  1425. Kim on

    Thank you Erin. You have inspired me, echoed my emotions, put the seriousness in with the wildly riotous beauty and joy that growing flowers involves. My love of flowers is lifelong – beginning in my grandparents garden. Their soil was sooo good that it was springy and you could pull carrots out easily. Their flowers were beyond – and they let me wander, teaching me names, sharing slips and love of growing. Fast forward through various stages of gardening – to now – I am now a farmer – basil (fresh and for artisan Township Valley Farm pestos), hops (for our son’s craft brewery, Bald Mountain Brewery) and…cut flowers. The flowers give me such a mental break and I have happily learned my bouquets sell enough to notice. So, I want to expand this part of my business. As you know, farming is never done, I am usually behind on most things. One of my problems is always finding space for the flowers that are perennial. They become mixed in with the annuals, then I am scurrying around trying to transplant them before the next season’s tractoring. So I am taking your cue, and planting more in like-kind rows, and keeping the perennials separate (nothing like losing a Fama Blue). First rule, never plant where you can’t water. Thank You.

  1426. Paris on

    I loved this post, and I am excited for this upcoming series. I would like a “how to” for beginners, and maybe a budgeting timeline in how to steadily and sustainable grow year by year.

  1427. Katie Pence on

    Hi Erin,
    I bet you didn’t expect quite as many comments as you will get. I love the way you share information on this blog. Helping others also helps build awareness of fresh garden flowers, creating more customers.
    I think another thing you can do to create a cut flower farm, I have build many gardens and have grown and sold flowers for over thirty five years now. The first thing I do is start planting flowering shrubs, or shrubs with great foliage. These take years to get established. I buy small one gallon plants, or even 4″ or grow many plants from cuttings. Hydrangeas, roses, viburnums, abelia, weigelia, all types of willows, scented geraniums and many others can be grown from cuttings. This helps me always have year round flowers and interesting foliage to market. In the long run I can handle a huge garden of shrubs and perennials with small areas of annuals. Plus I plant it as my landscape so it makes my houses beautiful as well.

  1428. Angie on

    This is really helpful. I’m looking forward to your post about balancing being a parent to young children and starting a flower farm. I’m just getting started this spring, and I worry about how I’ll balance time in the garden with the needs of my 6 year old.

  1429. Erica van Emmerik on

    This is exactly what I needed to read today. I am just barely starting out and live in a city so will be using a small space behind my apartment building for now. I would love ideas of how to optimize space as well as the most fool proof flowers to start with. Also, I don’t think I can set up any irrigation so I may have to water them myself so any tips on that would be great as well. I am attendeding two of your workshops this year (!) and am so looking forward to every minute of them.

  1430. LindaQ on

    I forgot to add that Johnny’s Seeds has an interactive tool on their website that will give you the seed starting times for many of the flowers we grow. You just put in your last frost date and the program does the calculations for you! (The chart will show vegetables first and then the flowers.)

  1431. Cindy K on

    Thank you for sharing so much helpful information Erin, as always! I have a tiny garden and this post will help me from getting carried away with all of the temptations in seed catalogs rolling in right now. I’ll be growing more flowers from seed this year, including yours, and interested in learning more about creating a seed planting calendar/plan.

  1432. Catharine on

    Thank you for all the knowledge and inspiration that you share. Looking forward to the blog postings and your book when it comes out!

  1433. Jen on

    Keep it all coming Erin! I don’t know what the hell I am doing, but I’m determined to learn because I love watching you and your crew pull it all off! I have a small yard here in Kirkland WA that luckily already contains so many mature lovelies (camellia, hydrangea, several herbs, hellebore, iris, peony, rhodies, dahlia, huchera, hosts, bay leaf, holly, lilac etc etc). I pilfer from these plants constantly to supplement wholesale bought blooms for my small business. When I see your pics I just die to have those special blooms in my hands to play with! So, I’m biting off seed planting this year…I’m terrified, and reading everything you put down for insight! Looking forward to more tips and tricks, especially smaller scale ideas (sweet pea trellis? Mini hoop houses? Staking? Pest control?) to keep these beauts safe and healthy :) thank you!

  1434. LindaQ on

    My venture into flower farming started when my husband had the idea that our granddaughter and her friends could grow flowers and sell them by the side of the road. When I found out that all they planted were zinnias I went to all of the area garden centers to find seedlings of flowers that we could mix with the zinnias to make bouquets. Unfortunately garden centers sell primarily bedding flowers, not tall growing ones! I did find some rocket snapdragons and Victoria blue salvia so these were the basis for our bouquets the first year along with some sunflowers and we did OK selling our ‘Petite Bouquets’ at a local farmers market. The girls had a great time and wanted to do it again the following year! With that in mind I searched the internet and came across Lynn Byczynski’ book, ‘The Flower Farmer’ which in turn led me to the “Growing for Market” newsletter. I opted for the full subscription and downloaded all past articles about flower farming, most of which you wrote Erin! I also went to a local flower farm that sold cut flowers by the pound and picked one of each kind of flower and brought them home to identify and look up growing information. So many things to remember but it is all worth it in the end!

  1435. Jeanette on

    Thank you for this upcoming series of posts! I fell in love with flowers this year while planning my wedding and working with an incredible farmer florist, Carolyn Snell. I have a little space behind my apartment in Portland, Maine and I’m trying to plan a little garden that will keep me present and grateful. I’ve tried veggies in the past, but I’m so excited to try flowers this year to have cut flowers in my house and share with friends. Looking for tips on shade specifically, and any advice to turn a small cement area between two apartment buildings into a flower kingdom.

  1436. Hanneke on

    You are such an inspiration! I absolutely love your blog with the beautiful photo’s. The tips are really useful I must say. I live in the Netherlands but I think our climate corresponds with yours. I always feel so enthousiastic at the beginning of the season that I sow too much. This year I will try to sow more with intervalls so that the flowering season of, for example Antirhinum, will be prolonged. Do you sow with intervals? I look forward to your next posts!

  1437. Angela on

    Erin, I love how open you are about the realness of running your business– I really look up to you!! I am so excited for this month of posts from Floret! We bought a house recently and are getting into landscaping and gardening our new home this spring. We’ve gardened & grown a few cut flowers at our previous home, but I am anticipating this next month of posts will guide us into doing even more with the small space that we have. Thank you!

  1438. Michelle on

    Thank you so much for this article. It gave me some things to think about while also giving me encouragement that I am heading in the right direction.
    I am hoping to start growing flowers on a farm in Norfolk but currently I am trying to narrow down the list of flowers I can grow and would like to grow. I would love to grow them all but don’t think I have the space for one thing and there is no way I could grow them all well!

    I will definitely be using your 6 questions as guidance.
    Thank you again!

  1439. kate on

    Thank you, Erin! I currently live in a small apartment with no garden but am searching for a plot of land to call home and to start growing flowers. These posts are so helpful and very much appreciated.

  1440. Shari on

    Hello Erin and Floret crew. I am grateful for your blog posts; you write beautifully. Your posts are always one of the roses of my day. I am guilty of having gone hog wild with ordering seeds from your site. Now I find myself with over 1,000 seeds and after having read this post, clarity is coming at me hard and fast. My goal is simply to have beautiful flowers for myself and friends. I have space, time and a wee amount of money for the project. However, like your friend, I live in a high desert and suffer from a short growing season. Should I extend my season by establishing a seed starting station in my basement? Should I build a hoop house in my pasture? Would low tunnels be more advantageous? All of the above? Since I have an excess of seed and am a complete newbie, would I be better off to plant a small portion of seeds this year and learn from trial and error? Will unplanted seeds hold over until next year? Thanks again for your time, graciousness and generosity with your blog. You’re totes amazeballs.

  1441. Eriko on

    Your photos and beautiful flowers always make me want to consider growing some flowers – whether for texture or for color – in my backyard to supplement my flower shop, especially for bridal clients. Reading your stories help realize it’s a lot of hard work, but also rewarding. However, constant visits by deers keep me from trying as they eat everything. If you have any tips and advise to deal with the animals that can interfere with the flower farming, it’d be great to hear about it!

  1442. Cill on

    I can’t tell you how excited I am about this series of posts. I am interested in soil amendment, pest prevention/treatments, how to prune flowers for maximum production, and how to find buyers. Thanks for sharing all this information!

  1443. Hannah on

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking such time to instruct us and provide us with abundant information and personal insight. This blog has been the greatest resource I have come across. Last year I too discovered that flower farming is my north star, yet I am mama of a toddler, renting a house in town while the husband is just starting grad school and have felt a lot of discouragement, that it will take me years to even get going with my dream. But, this blog, your help, has lifted me out of that slump and I am starting seeds in my laundry room, plotting out my small yard, and holding on to the vision. Thank you for inspiring and sharing. xoxo

  1444. Sarah Jordan on

    I really appreciate your generosity is sharing info like this. Just the other day I was thinking of printing of your “How To’s” for planting sweet peas. They will be a great reference. I am a mom with two girls under the age of 5 so it was reassuring to read your post and that you’ve been there too!

  1445. Elisa on

    As someone just starting out this year I find this post (and indeed all your other posts) extremely helpful. I have had a dream of farming flowers for about eight years now, and finally it seems to be coming true. You have been an immense source of inspiration during this time, and I am truly grateful for your generous sharing of knowledge and being a such tower of inspiration! Really looking forward to your next posts as they could not have come at a better time for me.

  1446. Helena Svermova on

    Shortly… All you do, is just GREAT! Thank You!
    I wonder if I would be able to get Your planned book in a e-book version in Europe, especially in the Czech Republic..
    I was prepared this morning to read Your post and then I realized that I must wait little longer :)

    • daniella garcia on

      i love flowers i have all types of them in my garden

  1447. lindsey0009 on

    Erin and the Floret team, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and passion! I am always excited to read new postings on your blog but I am especially excited about this series! I’m a home gardener but would love to expand to selling to others. I’m interested in learning more about fertilizer and irrigation. Also how do you go about approaching stores and florists? Also farmers markets vs CSA shares pros/cons. Anyone’s experience in starting out is helpful! Many thanks and blessings to you and the Floret family.

  1448. angela compton on

    thank you so much for making the time to guide and coach us along with hope and encouragement. I live in South Florida and have some experience in organice farming but never with flowers. Im looking forward to learning and “growing” with you and facing any challenges with our hot, humid, and sometimes endless rainy days!

  1449. Sarah - my flower cart on

    Your honesty that comes across in each post has saved me many a time! I’m in my first year and felt very tearful looking at the weeds as they grew out of my control around the flowers this month (high summer here in New Zealand)! Soul destroying! Your comment about not to expect things RIGHT NOW is so important too. I thought I’d be much further ahead than I am but I’m realising that this is going to be a low growing business for me. I’d love to just see more of the detail of your flower farm. How you plan for the coming season (quantities, varieties, how you plan your field space). Would love to see inside your hoop house (I haven’t got one….yet…..) Just love your posts. Thank you so much!

  1450. Lindsey on

    Yes yes yes!!
    After reading The Flower Farmer and doing some research and preparing to overtake my parents backyard…I had a baby and got engaged to a wonderful man with 4 wonderful children. Now I want to grow our wedding flowers for this September in the raised beds he built for me last year.
    It seems most of the information out there isn’t for my climate (west central Wisconsin). Sifting through and organizing start dates and such can be a bit daunting. This is going to be wonderful now that I am planning a wedding with an infant and 4 other kiddos! since becoming engaged all I can think about is the flowers, watching them bloom in the garden is so centering they do just bring you into the present moment and open your heart. Looking forward to the coming posts!!

  1451. Gretchen on

    It’s funny that I ‘found’ you; I was born and raised in woodinville, WA. Now I’m in Missouri where we have about 5 acres of land, 3 of it old grazing pasture. I was inspired for years by the gal in Monroe who does the $5 bouquets. My plan is to start small with seeds, just growing for myself and friends, see how that goes and add raised beds a few each year if I find demand, energy, and success. I’m very much looking forward to learning from you and your team.

  1452. drea @ morning glory acres on

    How I love this series!! There is no way to estimate just how many scrapes you have saved us as we started our flower venture! We (my husband and I) wanted to make flower farming a full time business, but no matter how many questions we asked hundreds of people, no one could tell us if we could really make a full time living for our family doing this! That is why your family has inspired us! I see it IS possible! This is our 3rd season, and things have gone beyond what I ever dreamed! My husband will work exclusively at the farm for about 8-9 months out of this year! And if last year was any indication, our dream will come true by the next year or so! We have one little one, so have to juggle a bit, but we plan on having 2 part time helpers this season to help with the load!

    One thing I don’t think you ever mention is delivery vehicles! What do you use and why? We’ve poured over this question for months now, and finally bought a Isuzu reefer box truck! Everyone has a different schedule, amount of flowers on each delivery, and so many other variables, that we had a hard time with it! I’d like to hear your thoughts on the subject tho!

    Once again, you save the day!! Keep it up please!! I was so thrilled to hear that you read every comment! Means so much..

  1453. Sandy Allenbaugh on

    Erin I appreciate the time you have invested in helping me and others think thru the process of growing flowers. I grew up in Anacortes and picked tulip bulbs in the Skagit Valley during my high school years in the summers(which was a very long time ago). I think that is where my love of flowers began. Since that time we have lived in many different places in the US and Africa for 10+ years. I now live in Arkansas where the summers are very hot and humid. I have tried to grow zinnias and heirloom roses, but have not had a whole lot of success. I would love to be able to make arrangements of flowers and to be able to share with friends. We have a designated area for a garden with several raised beds that I would like to grow flowers in? We do compost and add that to our soil.
    I look forward to reading more of your posts. You are truly an

  1454. Trina Coombes on

    Fabulous, really looking forward to this series of postings.
    Thank you.

  1455. Jan, JW Blooms. England on

    Oh, and something else (sorry, am on a bit of a roll now…) I totally agree about not trying to do everything. Better to start small and do it really well than to take on everything and muck it up -better for morale and enjoyment, that is, as well as profits.
    Oh, and keep records! When you planted, sowed, harvested, the weather… Only that way can you replicate the successes or improve on the failures the following year.

  1456. Olivia on

    I dont know how you do it all, but I sure am glad that you do!! I’m a frequent lurker, so this is my first time commenting. I worked in a greenhouse all through high school and college and it was such a great escape from school and life stresses. I always said “How can i be angry/sad/stressed/melancholy when I am surrounded by such an abundance of beauty?!” . I’m a young mother now with three and a half year old twins so my green house days are over. We just moved from an apartment to a house with a YARD and a deck and I am just absolutely thrilled for my first spring with a yard!! I am wondering if you have any advice on growing cutting flowers in pots? We are renting and i’m not allowed to do TOO much in the way of gardening in the ground, so I’m restricted to mostly containers. Love coming to your blog for a quick, quiet escape into your garden and thoughts. Thank you! Looking forward to more posts!!

  1457. Jan, JW Blooms. England on

    Something also important to bear in mind is that when making your favourite pastime your job, there is a risk that the stress of it could put you off it for life! If that’s a risk you can’t take, it may be worth getting a job that isn’t related to that but which allows you to expand the time you spend on your beloved hobby.
    I have (after many years) an agreement with myself that if the business ever threatens to make me resent growing flowers, I will get out immediately and instead use what I’ve learnt to develop the most amazing garden to sit in and enjoy (and of course impress the hell out of my friends with!)

  1458. Amy on

    Erin, I know you get everyone telling you this on a daily basis, hundreds of times on all of the different social media platforms and your blogs, but never underestimate just how much inspiration, encouragement and support you give to all of us that have an ear to listen to you. Your posts always fan the flames of flower love and they are just so helpful and informative. You make it real. My only frustration I am finding myself, now that my time is becoming freed up from little uns, is coping with my own impatience. For a good year now I have been searching high and low for some land to grow on and despite living in the depths of the countryside, surrounded by farming land in Devon,UK it would seem impossible to find anyone willing to rent me any land. But I am determined to keep searching, but in the meantime I will keep my dream alive by watching and listening to you living yours!

  1459. Jane Berry on

    Hello, Planning my second year as a flower farmer and your posts are always helpful and I enjoy reading them. Good questions for someone to ask themselves before jumping in. I had great success last year in growing flowers but I need to find better outlets to sell them at. I went to a farmers market weekly and sold to a florist. I ordered a hoop house to put up in the next month so I can get a jump on the season and maybe have flowers in June instead of July. So anyway I love reading the blog, love the look of it-the colors and font and pictures and such. Thanks for all the advice you give flower growers, new & old!

  1460. Barbara Ayers, Waverly School Farm on

    Hi Erin,
    I run a one acre school farm (where cut flowers are our most profitable crop) and actively dream about moving to an area where I can have enough land to be a full-time flower farmer. Your blog has been an inspiration to me for ages, and I am really looking forward to the upcoming posts. I especially love all the little insider tips (like chilling bupleurum flats wrapped in plastic bags– finally, success!). Thanks so much for all you share, and I’m looking forward to your book!

  1461. Terri on

    About three kids ago, I started getting the stirrings of wanting to start a flower farm. It has only intensified as the years have gone on much to my husband’s chagrin. Kid after kid (after kid) followed and this fall I felt like I had enough breathing room to finally pursue my dream with the youngest being almost four. I bought tons of bulbs, ordered peonies, seeds, bought a fancy walk-behind tractor, etc., etc. only to find out in October that I’m pregnant with my fifth in July. It is much too late to turn back now and frankly, I’m SUPER excited to finally get a go at this thing but I’m overwhelmed by undergoing my first season with a newborn. I have a contract with a market to sell 100 bouquets a week (!!!) and I can’t imagine how I will do it all; I’m thinking I will need consistent help. My oldest daughter is 11 and my next oldest is 8. I’m wondering what farm responsibilities you were comfortably able to transfer to your children, did you pay them to help you, and if it comes to this, I’d love to know how you go about finding and keeping good help and how to delegate responsibilities to them? Oh my gosh, I love you and am so excited about the Blog Blizzard.

    • lindsey0009 on

      Just an idea, but what if you offered a mentoring opportunity? I know it’s your first season but you will still be able to offer up lots of advise, ideas, and growing pains with someone else who loves flowers or who is interested in possibly having their own business. I’ll come to help! Blessings and best wishes!

  1462. Audrey Coley on

    I love your blog and I am so very excited for these posts. I am setting up a booth this year at the farmers market and I am turning over some of my farm land to flowers. I have 2 older children and one toddler so I would love more info about planning and how not to do too much. I would like to grow enough to sell at market and enough for us to enjoy. I hate weeding and would love more info about controlling weeds. I second the comments above about some basic flowers for beginners that are great sellers. Thanks so very much!

  1463. Samantha on

    Thank you for sharing all of your perspective and insight. As a previous seasonal farmer I would have to stress that prospective farmers have the financial means to start a new agricultural business. This often comes from a spouse or a more reliable job, but it is a very important factor that often gets glazed over. Are you partnered with someone who will give or loan you money to start this operation? Do you have health insurance? Is it any good? Because you will get hurt at some point in your life, especially if you are farming! How many years can you go without a profit? How will that affect your family and yourself?

    Money is sometimes an unfun topic, especially in small scale agriculture, but so very important to discuss from the start.

  1464. Ann on

    I have hemmed and hawed about responding to this fabulous blog of yours I’ve discovered. I truly feel it has been a bit of “Devine intervention” if you will. I have for many years now enjoyed sewing my own seeds on a small scale. I’ve always loved the thrill of the process. How something so small and insignificant can emerge into something full of so much beauty, delight and awe!My children are much older now, though unfortunately I lost my oldest son a year and a half ago. Maybe it’s that loss that has given me the jump start I need to tred down roads a bit unknown? As I began to investigate the idea little further, low and behold I found your blog! It felt so wonderful to have something to grab hold of to pull me out of the darkness .The idea of information being launched forward to all of us following you, couldn’t be more important! I have to say at this stage of my life,I feel I have finally out grown the need for immediate gratification. Meaning, I’m able to think about this endeavor more proportionally. Don’t bite off more then you can handle, and make the most of the bite, even if its small to begin with. I’m really hoping for quality in what I take on, but it has to be manageable and realistic out of the gate! So please, continue on! Your knowledge is a goldmine for us all! Oh, I read many of the old blogs and have to say my favorite is dated April 15, 2015. After all it’s the sum of all our experiences that creates the person we become. God bless

  1465. Erin on

    I am sooo excited for this series of posts!
    I love the questions you’ve outlined. I’m super keen to know ballpark numbers for start up costs and what fair prices are for renting or leasing land. As far as I know, no one grows flowers in my on rented or leased land, just food (Squamish, BC, CAN). My task right now is finding some land and pitching a fair price for growing. I’m sure all my questions on what to grow and how will be answered in your upcoming posts so I will stay keenly tuned. Thank you so much!

  1466. Katelyn on

    Thank you! So looking forward to this series of posts. Going into my 3rd season of flower farming on 1 acre, and I feel like it’s the “make it or break it” season. Trying hard to remember that every season is another lesson learned, and that it my business will grow along with me.

  1467. Ann on

    I have hemmed and hawed about responding to this fabulous blog of yours I’ve discovered. I truly feel it has been a bit of “Devine intervention” if you will. I have for many years now enjoyed sewing my own seeds on a small scale. I’ve always loved the thrill of the process. How something so small and insignificant can emerge into something full of so much beauty, delight and awe! It’s so wonderful to cultivate something from nature that can become such a pleasure to so many. I have 5 children and was at home most of the years while they were growing up.Many times I had tossed around the idea of selling vegetables and flowers from my home and at the market. It always seemed I was a bit too busy juggling so many hats that it never came to fruition. During the fall of last year I began to really ponder the flower thing. My children are much older now, though unfortunately I lost my oldest son a year and a half ago. Maybe it’s that loss that has given me the jump start I need to tred down roads a bit unknown? As I began to investigate the idea little further, low and behold I found your blog! It felt so wonderful to have something to grab hold of to pull me out of the darkness that has engulfed me! The idea of information being launched forward to all of us following you, couldn’t be more important! I have to say at this stage of my life,I feel I have finally out grown the need for immediate gratification. Meaning, I’m able to think about this endeavor more proportionally. Don’t bite off more then you can handle, and make the most of the bite, even if its small to begin with. I’m really hoping for quality in what I take on, but it has to be manageable and realistic out of the gate! So please, continue on! Your knowledge is a goldmine for us all! Oh, I read many of the old blogs and have to say my favorite is dated April 15, 2015. After all it’s the sum of all our experiences that creates the person we become. God bless

  1468. Debby on

    I am ready to get serious about having beautiful flowers in my garden and I am so excited that I have found Floret. Everything that you do is beautiful. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  1469. Jennifer on

    I’m so excited to for this blog blizzard month! I particularly liked the question about how much time and energy is available. I started growing flowers for a farmers’ market when I only had two young children and then we were blessed to have three more. I have to constantly remind myself that I cannot do it all … which is sometimes hard when I follow so many other flower farmers facebook and instagram accounts and am constantly seeing all their successes. I’m learning that I’m happiest when I don’t bite off more then I can chew. I would rather walk out to my field and see less weeds and more happy flowers that were properly taken care of.

  1470. Denise on

    Love your blog, always helpful.

  1471. Lisa on

    Great post! As a mom of an energy-filled two year old and a 10-month old, I appreciate your reminder on taking time and energy into account. Looking forward to hearing how you fit it all in and can’t wait for spring so I can start my Floret seeds!

  1472. Celia Spillmann on

    Thank you for putting so much energy in lifting up others and providing some great resources. I’m just starting out as a flower farmer in North Carolina and trying to learn as much as fast as I can, and your blog is one of my favorite and most helpful resources. This year is my trial run and learning curve, and your tips and questions have helped me set myself up for a smarter and more enjoyable experience.

    Can I still have a good first year without hoop houses?

    I don’t have any experience with conditioning my soil, do you have any good resources for that? (Waiting on some soil samples now)

    Thank you again for being my flower farm hero.

  1473. Kara on

    I am so excited about this series! I am thrilled to start thinking about starting a small flower garden in my Minnesota backyard! Thank you!

  1474. Lacy on

    I love your blog and Instagram feed! I live in Skagit Valley as well (near Edison) and am always excited to see the lovely photographs you post. I garden purely for personal pleasure on a much smaller scale, but glean helpful tips and inspiration from your site. Thank you!

  1475. Krys on

    Knowing what you know now I think it would be great if you’d post your top flowers for beginners ones you had the most luck with and the ones that perhaps a new flower grower should skip. Obviously it’ll be slightly different for everyone reading it when you factor in climate and soil but as a newer flower grower I always wonder if I’m missing out on a really nice flower to grow or wasting time and money trying to grow a particular flower.

  1476. Shannon B. on

    I am a home-gardener with only about a tenth of an acre and every year I dig out a little more grass for my expanding flower garden. I live in the high-Sierra desert where we have hot summer days cold nights, and where water is a limited resource.

    For me, there’s nothing better than growing flowers. I love the physical work of gardening (I have a full-time desk job), the waiting and care that goes into creating something so magical, and of course the pay-off of having a yard and house filled with beautiful blooms. I love to make gigantic, outrageous bouquets as well as tiny, simple ones.

    I sometimes think about selling my flowers to florists, restaurants, or doing a small bouquet subscription, but don’t think I have what it takes to be a fulltime flower farmer. I’ve visited your farm and have seen how much work it is firsthand.

    I have a lot to learn and would like some tips on setting up drip lines; how you plan when to start seeds indoors, plant them in the ground, etc.; and building great soil. Thank you, Erin and Floret!

  1477. Jenny Rae on

    Can’t wait for this slew of blog posts! So excited to learn some of your growing tricks and tips, helpful tools that are worth while and overall some ways how to work smarter- not harder! Thanks for being awesome and so inspiring.

  1478. Kristen on

    This is so great! I am really looking forward to this series. Last year was my very first year planting flowers and I had some difficulties with the timing of everything. I was so surprised that I didn’t see any flowers until the middle of July! What is the best way to really plan everything out so you have something blooming most of the growing season and that the things that are blooming look good together so you can use them in arrangements. I know better this year and am going to try and start some seeds indoors so any more advice on how to rig up a seed starting system in your house (unfortunately no greenhouse) would be great. Also the best way to keep weeds out of your isles would be wonderful. And how to arrange all the beautiful flowers you just grew! Oh, and any money saving tips you might have. Thanks for putting this all together.

  1479. brenda on

    Thanks Erin for the wonderful insights that you share. I am just starting this spring with planting on 1/2 acre and I read everything you write. I have a very short growing season so it is nice to know that it can be done. Thanks again!

  1480. Grace E. on

    Thank you so much for this post! I’m a reader who, until now, would just pop in occasionally to admire your hard work and beautiful flowers. But this year, I’ve become inspired to expand from growing veggies to creating a large flower garden. Posts like these that are full of so much content and advice (that you’re so generously sharing) will definitely keep me checking in more regularly. Thank you!

  1481. Kathy on

    I think these are great questions and super important, even for those of us who have been growing for a while. It’s always good to think about where we are going and why. Thank you.

  1482. Jennifer on

    Hi Erin! I’m just starting out and have begun prepping my soil and building garden beds. Your mention of the monetary investment required really hit home for me! Along the way I’ve been keeping track of every expense, and just recently have begun feeling overwhelmed with the amount of start-up costs involved, which was compounded by receiving our soil tests back last week indicating we’ll need quite a bit of compost and organic amendments to get on track. Although it’s trying at times, it’s reassuring to know that others have gone through this as well and is inspiration to keep going!

  1483. kim moyer on

    Hi Erin,
    I am soooo excited by this series you are beginning. I am a newbie and want to learn as much as possible before getting started. As a mom of three (ages 7, 10, and 12), I am really interested in how you all manage your family life around Floret. Would you mind sharing? We are toying with the idea of homeschooling too, but I can’t wrap my head around how one successfully runs a business and home educates simultaneously. Thanks so much for your kindheartedness and generosity!

  1484. Ashley on

    I remember when I planted my first “official large scale” flower garden. I had been dreaming of growing cut flowers for years and was finally going to have land to do it! It was the spring after we had purchased our property and simply put it was an utter disaster…I made so many mistakes! I was so heartbroken and felt like the biggest failure. I put my flower plans away thinking I’ll come back to them when I’m ready. Then about a year later I was standing in line at target and came across a magazine with an article about you and your family….It was so heart-tuggingly-inspiring! I read that article over and over. It gave me hope! I pulled those flower plans out, scaled down a bit and became more realistic about what I could grow. That year I grew more bouquets than I thought possible in such a tiny area! I have loved reading and seeing how much you have created and accomplished! The wonderful and supportive community you have curated and how you have inspired so many others like myself! Your information has helped me and guided me so many times. I am so looking forward to reading what you have in store for this series. I personally would love more info on succession planting. Knowing which varieties best follow others and how to get the most varieties out of a season has always been a topic I really want to know more about. Thank you for creating such a space for learning and sharing…it means more to most of us than you know! Thank you thank you!

  1485. Erin on

    I have the land, and the machinery, and the passion/drive but what I don’t have is the time! I have a full+ time job (that I actually really enjoy) plus my husband and I have a beef farm where we rotationally graze and grow all of the cows winter food. So my question for you or anyone else that may want to chime in is how do I make this a business that will pay the bills while I am working at my job that actually pays the bills? There is no way I can chuck the current job to dash after my dreams. But how do I make my dreams a reality?

  1486. Yelena on

    I simply love your blog and have been using it as a way to daydream of one day starting my own little flower venture! I am guilty of bouncing back on here on an almost daily basis to see if there has been a new post and to sometime simply just escape into the flower photos!

    I find your blogs highly informative and take notes all the time!

    I’m interested in learning more about soil amendments, when starting out, as well as watering techniques/methods. I would also love to learn how to actually divide dahlia tubers. It seems that every year I buy tubers, but am never able to actually divide them before they all shrivel up (or do divide them and they shrivel up and I just give up and end up tossing them). I’m also interested to see photos of pinching back flowers, when they’re starting out to promote branching and as well, plant maintenance when they’re producing. I know people keep saying the more you cut, the more they will produce. IS there a proper way to cut to promote growth/treatment of the parent plant? So many questions…so little time! :)

    As always, thank you for your posts and dedication to the flower community!

  1487. Sharon on

    Your business is an inspiration to me, and I have learned so much from your blog. Thank you. Would you consider posting more information about woodies? Lessons learned, your favorites, best sellers (and duds) — any and all information would be great.

  1488. Gaylynn on

    Hi Erin!!! Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge. I have been gardening for many years and every time I read one of your posts, I learn something new. I purchased some of your flower seeds and cannot wait to see the results. I love marrying vegetables and flowers together, my beds always look so beautiful. Thanks again for all the inspiration!!!???

  1489. Giulia on

    Thanks Erin, your advices are so important for me!!! This will be my first year in flower farm. I live in the north of Italy, in my farm I have a lot of land, so not space limitation (that isn’t always a good thing!!!). And my climate is almost the same than your. When I discover your blog you gave me the confidence to start. Thanks thanks thanks for all!!!!

  1490. Abby on

    Thanks for your blog, Erin! We just moved into a new house last summer in NC (but we used to live in Seattle, and my husband is from Skagit Valley, yay!) with a nice big, flat, sunny backyard. We’re really looking forward to growing some of our own food. I’d also love to keep fresh flowers in the house as much as possible! I’d be very interested in hearing about prep for “virgin ground” — steps we can take starting now, when to start seeds inside, etc. I’d also love to hear your climate-specific recommendations, as we live in the Southeast, and it’s quite hot and humid for probably 7 months out of the year! Thanks!!

  1491. Delta Breeze on

    Thank you! Looking forward to hearing more about how you balance it all and how you prevent being overgrown with weeds!

  1492. Rebekah Critchlow on

    I’m so excited about this and the upcoming posts! I’ve recently decided to go for it and start learning how to flower farm and start a new business from this. I’ve got a small plot of land (in the UK), about 600 square metres, and so many questions it makes my head hurt just thinking of them. I feel like when I look at the big picture its like being a rabbit in the headlights. I guess what I worry about the most is the admin of arranging a plot…like, once you have a long list of blooms and greens you would like to include, how do you short list so that you have the best and most efficient use of your space through out the different seasons and for using in floristry? How do you get the quantities right for limited space so that you have enough variety but also enough quantity? Its the detail I struggle with sometimes, I’m constantly thinking how wonderful it would be for a more established flower farm to show exactly and in detail how they did the previous maps, plant lists, planting schedule..but thats quite a lot to ask. I would also love to hear more about how you started the floristry side to the business! Thanks for sharing what you do and love, it is so very much appreciated!

  1493. Kay Chandler on

    Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge. It’s like finding a pot of gold! I am about to dip my toes in the water this year and begin my first paddock of flowers. this blog will certainly has encouraged me think through and plan what will work best for my growing conditions and lifestyle. I would be very interested in learning about how to prep my soil and also about practical equipment that you use etc. The practical information you share is relevant no matter where in the world people live.
    Kay, NZ

  1494. Paulina Alesand on

    We are just getting started over here in Sweden. I stumbled over you at Instagram, while I was looking for inspiration and people that are flower farmers. Here in Sweden you can’t find that! I am so excited that I found you just at the right moment. I struggel with the laungue and hope that you understand what I’m writing, English isn’t so easy for me ☺️.

    Being a mom and having your own flower farm, planing the season and important things you should think about as a newbie are things I wonder. Thankful for all the tips I can get! Your blogg is my evening lecture right know and it have already helped me a lot.

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and opening up your beautifull world for us.

    Bästa hälsningar Paulina

    • Veronica Wendt on

      Your English was nearly perfect, better than a lot of Americans :) Good luck to you!!

  1495. Jennifer Flowers Logan--Whimsy Flower Farm on

    Looking for income ideas, I was inspired by your sweet pea posts in January 2014 and started growing for local farmers markets. This summer, we are tilling right at one acre. Your generosity in providing all manners of info from seed selection to soil prep, growing notes and harvest tips has turned our family of six into a farm family in two seasons. My teenagers are learning valuable life lessons about self-employment, hard work and passionate dedication, but most importantly, all four kids get to see Mom pursue a dream and Dad throw his energy into making it happen! Great adventure for us all!

    • Barbara on

      You have been so generous with sharing your flower growing knowledge.
      Last year a grew more dahlias so I would enough for bouquets…I was so inspired by the beauty of your photographs .
      I live on four acres of land, I wish I could cultivate it into a beautiful massive flower garden…..just not sure how to go about preparing the land.
      I will study your blog and see what I can learn.
      Thank you for all your sharing.

  1496. Laura/ Sunnyside Drive Flowers on

    I am so excited for the series! My sister and I are starting our first year! In the Chicagoland area. We are neighbors and combined have 10 acres – however we have woods and hills and a 2 acre pond and some areas that are low … So figuring out the best spots and where to compost and what will work for hoop houses is all a bit daunting! It was very encouraging to read that you started with two young kiddos maybe your expectations were high but you did it nonetheless! I have seven myself all under the age of eight so I am trying very hard to plan realistically – I can’t wait to read more!!!

  1497. Anna on

    I have been growing flowers in a small way now for a few years and your blog is a real inspiration fiving me new ideas and ways to improve how I do things, its a journey of discovery there is always so much we can learn and improve, thanks.

  1498. Lynn on

    Erin, what a fantastic article with much needed thoughts. I live in Oklahoma and can grow almost anything it seems. I’m putting in 3 new 3’x12’x1′ beds, am going to see how the growing season progresses. Almost everything I’m putting in is from you!! I’m taking it slow, not going too nuts, and see how I do this first year in intensive gardening. My goal is to move to hopefully an acre of land – I don’t think by myself it would be wise to attempt more, as I have a full time job. I want to eventually do small weddings and sell at the farmer’s market. I’m so looking forward to the continuation of your initial article – and yes, I absolutely have considered all of your questions :) Thank you for being so amazingly generous with your time and knowledge!!

  1499. patricia on

    Thank you for the posts. I keep looking at my seeds and wondering when should i start? I live in southern california and our weather has been so
    unpredictable these past 5 years that I can’t rely on past gardens for timing. Hello El Nino. I grow flowers just because I love them. I really appreciate the beautiful posts, images and words that you share with all of us. I look forward to this continuing series.

  1500. Jessica Braun on

    I love how you emphasized that you can grow flowers even if you only have a few pots! Renters with no yards need inspiration too!

  1501. Sondra on

    I began gardening to keep the legacy of my grandmother’s garden alive. I spent many joyful hours in the garden with my grandmother and watched as she literally saved pennies to buy seeds. Now, I want to pass the memories on to my children. I have three ages six, four, and two and would love any advice for gardening with children and how to garden when you have so many children to also care for…my kids will have their own garden plots this spring and they are looking forward to digging n! But I also want to know how to fit gardening into our days – I usually find little moments to tuck into the gardening throughout the day. Thank you.

  1502. Allison on

    Hi. I’m looking forward to reading this series. I live in the [very humid and hot] pineywoods of East Texas. For a time my husband and I grew vegetables, a little bit, for a small farmer’s market in Houston. We would offer bouquets of sunflowers and zinnias. We grow both every year, but now just for ourselves as we are no longer growing for market. I dream a lot about things we’re going to do “someday” and more flowers is one of the dreams I have, so I am reading with interest what you have to say. We have a pretty long growing season, on average March 15-November 15 (although our first freeze this winter was January 4). Issues are always soil health, pests and disease. I think what you’re doing is just magnificent, the growing and managing itself, your venture into offering seeds, you’re online presence, offering words of wisdom and teaching, all while raising a family and having a home life. Pretty amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Allison on

      I’m also Allison in East Texas, and much of my comment could read the same as yours, though we are closer to Dallas than Houston. Soil, pests, and water (not enough or too much!)-Those are some our biggest concerns too. I’m so excited about this series since this is our first year trying to grow a large amount of flowers. We have 8 acres but some places have excellent drainage, and others are quite soggy. The wild flowers seem to like it, so I have hope that I can use it.

  1503. Heidi on

    Thank you for sharing these questions. I look forward to your series. We are stepping into year one this year. Seeds are ordered and map in progress. Working on the steps for field prep so when the snow is gone we can have a smooth transition from seed to harvest.

  1504. Roxine on

    Thank you so much for your articles! I am hoping to become a farmer-florist and am starting small (in ground to plant), but may have gone a little hog-wild in ordering seed :-) Your posts are so beautiful and informational and very much appreciated.

  1505. Terri Todd - Stolen Flowers Farm on

    Erin, I am cheering your success and generosity so loudly that if you step outside and listen toward the southeast you’ll hear me rebel yellin’ all the way from Armuchee, Georgia!! xoxox

  1506. Lauren on

    Thank you Erin! I am really looking forward to your climate specific post as I live in the low desert of Arizona and there isn’t much info for growing in our area, specifically on quick flowering varieties that do well in heat. I have loved the growing info on the seed packets and especially the growing guides, looking forward to more wonderful, useful info!!

  1507. Glynis on

    As per your request, I am referencing your blog daily as I kickstart my farm with a branch in growing cut flowers for market. You, Lynn Byzinski and the Johnny’s Growers Library are my three manuals. Thank you!

  1508. Rachell on

    Your honesty about the hard parts and not just the pretty parts of being a farmer is great. I’d love to see a post about managing the workload when you have little kids. Thank you!

  1509. Amanda on

    I’m so looking forward to this series! We’ve just purchased land (6 acres!) and plan to move out on to it within the next couple of months. I’m anxious to be productive outside this year! I’m very interested in reading about planting zones, when to start the seeds vs when to put them outside, and getting results where it gets pretty hot during the summer! Thank you so much for all of the hard work you’re putting into this. <3

  1510. Allison on

    Hello Erin & thank you for the information. Your 6 questions were exactly what I was looking for as my husband and I plan for our 1st year as flower farmers! We will be discussing these questions and our answers, at length. Your photographs are V E R Y helpful to me and always inspirational. (I have your calendar over my work table & my sister sent me your postcards as necessary visuals…love them!) I look to you daily as my source for information and encouragement. Keep it coming! ;-) Allison

  1511. Shyla on

    Erin, thankyou for this. This information is needed & so so appreciated. Thankyou for sharing what you know with others. I’m so thankful.

  1512. bronwyn on

    I hardly wanted to get out of bed this morning. Yesterday I spent the day plotting our future cut flower garden, it is located in the most spence part of our farm, with a great view of our veg. patch and young orchard. I spent hours planning, digging, raking, pulling up weeds, and plotting. I woke up knowing it would be another day of physically demanding work. Although at first I was not too keen on layering up in long johns to go out into the cold to make these crazy dreams of mine become a reality, but knowing the cut flower farming community is full of people willing to help, share, and guide others makes it all worth it. Farming is about community and not competition, and articles like this keep me going when my body says take a rip to Mexico for the rest of your life ….. In no other industry would people be so open and willing to share what’s worked for them – this is a godsend to beginners like me! As for my question, what were some of your most valued mistakes in your career as a flower farmer? As farmers, our days are filled with constant learning by trial and error, and sometimes things don’t go as planned …. however, there usually is a silver-lining, or lesson in making that mistake that then makes our efforts that more efficient and effective! Thanks for your time, take care!
    -Vancouver Island, Canada

    • Killoran on

      I’m on Vancouver Island, too! And just starting out. If you’re in the Victoria area, let me know, maybe I can help out a bit if you need it. I have a toddler and a crazy wild plot to tame, but you never know!

  1513. Jordan on

    Hi Erin and team! I am a SUPER newbie and have a goal of growing cut flowers for market (farmer’s market, vintage markets, etc) MAYBE looking into a mobile flower truck! However, I am so unfamiliar with how this goes, so I am starting small and seeing how I handle the growing process in general. I have ordered seeds (from Floret!) and have about an acre I am working with right now…more available if I need it in the future. I would love info on tilling, composting, fertilizer, etc. I know nothing about hoop houses, but that keeps popping up:) THANK you for this series! xo

    • Sharika on

      Jordan, we are practically neighbors :) if there’s anything you need.. Questions for local sources, encouragement or support, feel free to look me up on Instagram – Pétala Flower Farm.

  1514. Karen Fulbright Pollack (Fig & Scallion) on

    Hi, Erin! I’m really looking forward to this virtual class series! I live in the SF Bay Area and am redoing our back courtyard. Last year I redid the 1st half and this Spring is the other half/side — which is mostly raised brick bed — in the shade…ugh! I will be re-installing a new drip system and trying to nourish our neglected flower beds. (We moved into the home 1 year ago and the entire backyard had been enclosed in overhead trellising for years…we ripped it all down and liberated the plants that were suffocating back there.) I would appreciate any tips/ideas for shade loving flowers/plants (other than hostas)…they have to live under a very large Japanese Maple, a large Willow and a huge Lemon Tree. Oh, yes…the previous owner planted Calla Lilies that keep coming up all through the flower beds…I haven’t figured out how to deal with them, definitively, yet. Best to you! Karen

  1515. Melissa on

    Thank you! I really liked hearing about your field sketches and how you use them to see how much total space you actually have. Keep up the good work!

  1516. Tracy Mahar on

    These are fantastic questions Erin. I am starting my first year growing flowers from seed. I can’t say that I’m not nervous. I would be very grateful for any advice on amending the soil. for these annuals. Many Thanks! I enjoy your blog so much, very inspiring! Someday I hope to be able to attend one of your workshops so I can meet you!

  1517. Line i Alvehagen on

    Lovely post and great information, as always. I’m extending my growing area this year, to grow more perennials. (West coast of Norway, northern Europe) As it is now I don’t feel I can afford to let the perennials take up space in my current cutting patch, still there are so many perennials I would like to grow! Good to be reminded to plan. Dreaming of all the beautiful blooms I would like to grow is one thing, having the right amount of space is a different matter altogether. Thanks for sharing! It is truly inspiring and much appreciated.

  1518. Thea on

    The WHY question is really most important, no? I don’t grow for retail but I might have considered it 20 years ago when I left the corp world and discovered gardening. I achieved a bit if success growing flowers for cutting for my own personal enjoyment. Finding and discovering your story might have spurred me on farther. I moved to No. Virginia which is a veritable bloom come spring. Peonies do quite well but I have found roses to be much more trouble than when I lived in NY. The moist heat in summer isn’t that great for flowers. I met a cut flower grower from Newport News VA whose flowers are amazing. However, having been to visit the Seattle area, the weather is so conducive to flower growing. I truly wish you all the success with your venture. I’ve shared your posts on my garden club pages. All the best! T

  1519. Veronica Wendt on

    Thank you for this post! I can totally relate to your frustrations in the baby years and agree with setting realistic expectations. I have 9(!) kids and tried many years to get my business going, only to be met with frustrations at not being able to get it all done, which in reality was just my own unrealistic, self imposed expectations making me crazy. Rather than give it all up, I just did what I could and now that my youngest is 3 1/2 this is my first “official, doing it for real, jumping all in” year. Babies are the best flowers to grow, although when they grow into teenagers, they sometimes feel like weeds :)

  1520. Taya on

    Great post! My home is on a little over an acre and I have been considering growing some of my own flowers. It was great reading your 6 things to consider. The main one being lack of time, with a 3 month old baby I don’t know think it will be anytime soon. Thank you!

  1521. Estelle Hayes on

    I’m so excited for this series. I moved into a new home four months ago in a new city in Southern California and I’m still trying to get my arms around my property. I’m targeting a large bed that need new soil and fertilizer and a new drip system. It’s currently being overwatered above ground. I’m starting zinnias, cosmos, sweet peas and sunflowers from seeds (many ordered from you!) and am looking forward to learning more about preparing the soil and watering requirements. Many thanks!

  1522. Terri Bowlby-Chiasson on

    Thank you, Erin! I have been checking your blog all morning for your first post in this series(forgetting we have a four hour time difference!)…this is helpful to us.
    We are beginning our second year of cut flower farming here in Nova Scotia, Canada…I found it helpful to be reminded to factor in the costs of compost, fertilizer, etc. and recommending starting with annual seeds so as not to break the bank…thanks again!
    You continue to be my source of inspiration and I truly appreciate you sharing all the ups and downs…you are a real person with real challenges and successes! xo God Bless!

  1523. Melissa Clifford on

    Your website inspires me to be creative ! Thank you for the information you provide!

  1524. Jennifer Erin on

    Wonderful post, Erin! Full of great information and important considerations. I can’t wait to read what else you have in store. Glad you mentioned climate and encouraged new growers not to despair. While my climate does not allow for beautiful garden roses, (Saskatchewan, Canada!)the sweet peas I grew last season (bought from Floret!) were absolutely amazing, and bloomed their hearts out all summer long. Many thanks for such a wonderful resource!

    • Joanne on

      Hi Jennifer, sorry to hijack your post, but when I saw Saskatchewan, Canada I needed to connect with you. I am also a grower in SK, 60km NE of Saskatoon. Would love to connect with you. Have been growing for 10+ years now. Facebook page is Would love to hear from you! Joanne

  1525. Leyla Dorsey, Joy Flower Farm on

    I love your blog and all that you write! I literally read it word for word each time you post! THANK you for your enthusiasm and encouragement—- Just posted this on your Facebook page:I LOVE your blog posts! So inspiring {I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a flower farmer until I read your feature article in Country Living!}! I am totally hooked and after studying and reading all fall and winter, I am starting my first year! Thank you, and please, keep writing!

  1526. Shannon Kubenez on

    This is fantastic! Great questions and great information, thank you for posting!

    • MareBear on

      Thanks so much for doing these posts! I’m on the Olympic Peninsula so I glean so much of following the how-to’s of your farm. These educational posts are exciting to get, kinda like getting your favorite magazine in the mail!! It’s also a great resource to point friends to that are just beginning with new possibilities of growing their own cutting garden!

    • Amber Tiede . Riverwood Flower Farm . Ontario on

      I appreciate your candor and honesty! We women put so many demands on ourselves and on what we think it means to be successful. We are just starting to grow seriously this year… All your information is appreciated!

    • pooh stevenson on

      So love your work and can’t wait to start your seeds here in Michigan when things warm up. I’m interested in Dahlias and… what are your favorite crops grown in hoop houses. Also successive plantings to keep the blooms coming all summer long. We are in zone 5 but can still learn from your work and adapt it to our growing season. Thank you for all you do! Love Love your calendar!

    • Alexis on

      I loved this article. I came across your Facebook page because I love your floral design style. I absolutely love your “why” about why you grow flowers and how much it means to you to share the beauty of them with people! I feel the same way :)
      I am a florist and my boyfriend and I have recently bought a business with a store front and 6 greenhouses on half an acre in Ontario Canada. We will be growing a lot of annuals, vegetables and bedding plants for the spring in the greenhouses, but I would also love to grow some cut flowers with some of the land out side and possibly one or part of the greenhouses. We also currently have 1 hoop house used for storage and room for a second. What suggestions do you have for types of cut flowers we could grow up here, particularly outside to start? Thank you! And I’m so glad I stumbled upon your site :)

    • Floret on

      What an exciting new endeavor, Alexis! I’m planning an upcoming post on easy-to-grow annuals for beginners that I think you’ll find useful–stay tuned!

    • Jennifer Adkins on

      Hello!…..You are basically my hero :) I live in Eastern Ky., and my huge dream is to revitalize the area economy with cut flower production, starting with me, lol……I have grown cut flowers and herbs for my local farmers market (tiny) as well as community members for the last two years…..I want to get bigger and better….any advice you offer is invaluable to me…..THANK YOU so much!

    • Ruth Reynolds on

      I read and re-read your blog. I work as a designer in a busy floral shop and on the side i have a huge garden which for many years was filled with the heirloom tomatoes i grew from seed. I think one of the things I’d like to see you talk about is when u seed or dig your bulbs. Do you overestimate for those seeds that fail to germinate? do you direct seed or use plugs?
      I did take your advice and this year will grow many annual flowers from seed before i commit to growing a complete garden of them. I love your blog and so look forward to it when it arrives in my email. Your pictures are spectacular.

    • Nora on

      This was really helpfull to me! Specially the part about having young kids and being realistic what you can handle in your garden! I probably think of you when I watch my weeds grow faster than my flowers :D but it helps me to be patiens with myself when it doesn’t workout this year as I want to. Thanks!! greetings from the Netherlands (Europe)

    • Stephanie on

      I loved this post! I somehow stumbled on an article about your gorgeous flowers and farm last weekend and have been a woman obsessed since. I love my vegetable garden but could not truly see myself turning that into any kind career path. When I read about you, the 50 mile bouquet and seasonal flower movement I felt so inspired and felt like I could actually see a future for myself in there! I am so excited to take my love for gardening and try my hand at a cutting garden. I am totally a future thinker too, so in my head my yard is already full of flowers. This was a nice snap back to reality and a reminder to not get carried away, but take it step by step and really plan it out. Thank you for your thoughtful, informational posts!

    • Dianne St.Amand on

      Your article has been very helpful. I love the part about being in the now, as I tend to get to far ahead of myself. I love gardening, and I love a challenge. Your comments will remind me it is one step at a time.

    • Heidi Smith on

      First I want to thank you for the vast amount of information I have found on your blog, beautiful and informative post. I am very much a visual being, and your photographs have spoken to my soul
      I live in Northeast Oregon, we live on 7 acres of land right on the Grande Rhonde River
      It is truly an amazing place, and this would be an absolute dream to be able to cultivate, nurture and love the journey of creating our own little flower farm, as there is nothing like this in our area
      My husband William and I both have a love and respect for gardening, both fruits and vegetables, and we also have a small orchard with cherries, apples and pears.
      I want to learn from you, I am slightly obsessed with going to your site as well as gathering all of the information that you offer off of your brilliant pinterest boards

      I do want to dig in
      …and flourish

      this flower child…

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