New England aster is a star bloomer in the fall

Franklin County Master Gardeners Ohio State University Extension
[Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District]

As the growing season winds down, the blooms of Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, commonly called New England aster, add their colors to those of the autumn leaves. “It brings the fall” was the name Native Americans gave this flower.

This is the showiest of the fall asters, boasting pink to bright-purple flowers with a distinct yellow-orange center. The long-lived plant blooms from August through October, and what looks like a single flower is actually a cluster of many smaller flowers.

The New England aster provides critical late-season nectar for bees, moths and butterflies, including migrating monarchs. Caterpillars of many moths also feed on its parts. Wild turkeys feed on the seeds and leaves, while deer and rabbits occasionally browse on the leaves.

Until recently, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae was included in the large and complex Aster genus. But like many other plants, DNA testing has led to a reclassification. In fact, the majority of species formerly classified as Aster and native to North America have been moved to the genus Symphyotrichum.

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae is in the Asteraceae family, the second largest plant family after the Orchid family. Its diverse plants provide food (artichokes), oil (sunflowers) and herbal medicines (coneflowers).

The New England aster is found throughout much of the United States, but not in a few western and southern states, northern Alaska and Hawaii. Its native habitat includes moist, open woods; prairies; meadows; stream banks; and roadsides.

The plant grows 3 to 6 feet tall with a single or several upright, stout, branching stems that are sticky to the touch. The oblong leaves are up to 4 inches long and 1 inch wide with a smooth edge. They get smaller and densely packed as they ascend the stem. The flowers have no noticeable floral scent.

This aster is a good choice over chrysanthemums, which often are not winter-hardy.

Growing requirements

• Hardiness: Zones 3-7

• Sun: full sun

• Water: medium to moist; tolerant of drought and inundation

• Soil: very adaptable

• Maintenance: low; can be pinched back several times before mid-July to control height, promote bushiness

• Propagation: seed; self-sow; division

• Pests and diseases: none serious; occasional powdery mildew and aster wilt

Common cultivars

Because of New England aster’s attractive flowers, numerous cultivars have been developed, especially for more-compact plants. (Growers seeking a native-only garden should note they are genetically different from the wild originals.)

• ‘Purple Dome’: royal purple bloom; 18-24 inches tall

• ‘Roter Stern’ (Red Star): rose-red bloom; 12-15 inches tall

• Kickin Series: purple, pink, red, lavender and blue blooms; 18-24 inches tall


Native Americans found several medicinal uses for this aster. Parts of the plant were used to make poultices for pain; drinks for diarrhea, fever and respiratory ailments; and tinctures for skin diseases and rashes. The plant also was burned to produce a smoke cloud to revive unconscious people. Both leaves and flowers are edible and may be added to a salad or steeped fresh or dry to make a tea. Steaming dried flowers is said to clear stuffy sinuses.

Fun fact

The word “aster” comes from the Greek “astro,” meaning “star,” and refers to the flower’s starlike appearance. It is said that the aster was created by the tears of the Greek goddess, Astraea, whose name meant “Star Maiden.” Ancient Greeks burned aster leaves to ward off both snakes and evil spirits. It’s the flower for the birth month of September and for the 20th wedding anniversary.

Have a gardening question? Ohio State University Extension Master Gardeners of Franklin County answer questions from 9 a.m. to noon on Mondays and Fridays through this month. Call 614-866-6900 or email