Native Plant: Woodland phlox 'a symbol of love and pleasant dreams for young ladies'

The Columbus Dispatch
The timing is perfect for this early spring-blooming native phlox and a newly emerged spicebush swallowtail.

Editor's note: Once a month, the OSU Extension master gardener's office of Franklin County profiles a plant that occurs naturally in central Ohio.

Each spring as the Ohio woodlands wake up to new growth, one native species of phlox shows up in delightful shades of light blue, purple and, occasionally, white. Woodland phlox or wild blue phlox (Phlox divaricata) appears from early April to late May. This delightful species goes by many names including blue phlox, forest phlox and wild sweet William. It can be found in every county of Ohio.

Where phlox can be planted

Woodland phlox can be planted in native woodland gardens, naturalized areas, rain gardens or in informal borders and shady rock gardens. The plant gets its name, phlox,  from the Greek word for fire or flame because its flower resembles a flame. The term divaricata is Latin for divergent due to the spreading habit of the plant. 

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Phlox growing habits

Growing from 1 to 2 feet tall, woodland phlox can become spindly. This showy plant has long tubular flowers that attract butterflies, moths, bees and flies. Swallowtail butterflies are particularly drawn to the flowers. Each flower has five flat petal-like lobes that may be notched. Leaves are untoothed and opposite each other on the stem. When not in bloom, woodland phlox is fairly non-descript, and is often confused as a weed. When in bloom, it can be confused for dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis), which is in the mustard family and is considered to be invasive. Dame’s rocket has flowers with only four petals and stems of alternate, toothed leaves.

Phlox divaricata

History of phlox

Woodland phlox was one of the first native wildflowers to be collected and exported to Europe. It was particularly popular in Victorian England, where it become a symbol of love and pleasant dreams for young ladies.  

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Historically, woodland phlox was boiled into a tea to treat stomach and intestinal disorders. The leaves were used in a tea to purify the blood or for treating boils and eczema. The roots were also boiled to be used as a treatment for venereal diseases.

Needless to say, this is not the current recommended treatment. 

Growing requirements

Hardiness zones: 3-8

Sun: partial to full shade

Water: needs to be moist, but do not overwater; can tolerate some drought

Soil: moist, well-drained, neutral pH

Propagation: can be propagated by seed, division, basal cuttings taken in spring, or root cuttings taken in early fall

Pests and diseases: The two-spotted spider mite, phlox plant bug, stalk borer moth, and eelworms can all cause damage. Deer and rabbits are also attracted to woodland phlox. Susceptible to powdery mildew.