Unidentified Blooming Plants: Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2012

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

Things are finally blooming in the garden at the new house, only I don’t know what they are. Well, for the most part, I know what genus they are, but not the variety. So I’d like to show you some of what I’ve got, and maybe you can tell me more about them.


There are two varieties of peonies planted in a row at the bottom of the slope garden. These are the peonies I was weeding with the Cobrahead earlier in the year.

Chestine Gowdy peony

I am pretty sure this is Chestine Gowdy

possibly Edulis Superba peony

This may be Edulis Superba. What do you think? Edit: I now think this is Felix Crousse.


There are two bearded irises blooming here, right next to each other. I have no idea what variety they are. If you recognize either, please let me know.

bearded iris

This one bloomed first.


This one started blooming a few days later.


I feel certain these are fairly common clematis. They look familiar, as if I have seen them in catalogs several times over. Is one of them growing in your garden, and do you know its name?


This one grows by the door to the screened porch.


This one is blooming in the slope garden.


It occurred to me as I was editing these images that these two shrubs might be the same rose, in two different lights. I should cut one from each and compare.


This one is blooming near the bearded irises.


This one is blooming at the base of the screened porch.


Any guesses?


This seems a little too pink to be 'Butterfly Blue'

Looking forward to your comments.

Inspired by the words of Elizabeth Lawrence, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year,” Carol of May Dreams Gardens started Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. On the 15th of every month, garden bloggers from all over the world publish what is currently blooming in their gardens, and leave a link in Mr. Linky and the comments of May Dreams Gardens.

About the Author

Kathy Purdy is a colchicum evangelist, converting unsuspecting gardeners into colchicophiles. She gardens in rural upstate NY, which used to be USDA Hardiness Zone 4 but is now Zone 5. Kathy’s been writing since 4th grade, gardening since high school, and blogging since 2002. Find her on Instagram as kopurdy.

When dealing with frost it is always best to be paranoid. In the spring never think it is too late for one more frost to come. And in the fall never think it too early.

~Rundy in Frost

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Patrick's Garden July 2, 2012, 12:36 am

So brave of you to admit to your peers you lost the name of some of your children. You seem to be getting a lot of traction from the earlier comments.
PS, I love your blog. Been out of blogsophere for 6 months and glad to be peering in your garden again.

R.T. Wolfe June 28, 2012, 2:00 pm

I have been humbled at the vast variety of plants and the knowledge of the Master Gardeners throughout the states. I was generally the one that my friends would turn to with gardening questions. I recently wrote a novel with the main character a landscaping artist. A Master Gardener of Illinois was gracious enough to read a review copy. Thankfully (luckily?) she gave me a ‘green thumbs up,’ but mostly I found myself humbled at her never ending knowledge. Thank you for the wonderful post of the beautiful plants that I had no idea exhisted! 🙂
-R.T. Wolfe

Sara June 19, 2012, 7:19 am

Nice pictures . I don’t know the variety of the irises but they look amazing. Especially the second one. Sometimes I find a difficulty to recognise plants in own garden too, but there are so many varieties and every year there are new suggestions too!;-)

Gail June 17, 2012, 7:36 am

I was going to say ‘Proteus’ for the pink clemmie, too. It looks very like mine which bloomed much earlier in zone 7! Seeing your peonies reminds me how much I love them; wish there was one that bloomed in the summer! gail

Dee/reddirtramblings June 16, 2012, 11:15 pm

Kathy, I think the second clematis is ‘Fireworks.’ It definitely looks like mine. However, there are so many it’s possible I’m incorrect. Lovely blooms anyway. Happy Bloom Day.~~Dee

commonweeder June 16, 2012, 2:18 pm

A move is sure to erase the names of many flowers. And time can erase the names of others. I do have journals that list plants I put in every year – unfortunately the journals do not come with a database and Search function. Somebody should work on that.

Les June 16, 2012, 11:55 am

I can not help you with the ID, but it makes me feel better to know I am not the only one growing things they can not name.

Kathy Purdy June 16, 2012, 12:22 pm

And there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t mean to imply that the name is extraordinarily important, but it does help if you want to talk about it without having a picture on hand.

Carol June 16, 2012, 7:11 am

I agree — scabiosa. I can’t help much with the variety names of your other flowers, though. I say — give them your own names.

Kathy Purdy June 16, 2012, 12:21 pm

Well, I just might name them. I have certainly done that with other plants. When you know their original names, you can connect the plants easier with other gardeners who have grown them and their general history.

Patsy Bell Hobson June 16, 2012, 6:39 am

Love the blue clematis. They are wonderful, but not knowing the name, how do you know how to care for it? I wonder when to cut it back?

Kathy Purdy June 16, 2012, 12:19 pm

Since they are blooming after a year of complete neglect, I guess I am not going to worry about how to prune them. I can read up on it this winter.

brenda June 16, 2012, 6:02 am

I think your first clematis is Proteus, it looks like mine.

I also have Edulis Superba, but they look different. My heads look fuller, and with a bit of white petals mixed throughout, and a collar of fat petals that I don’t see on yours.

Kathy Purdy June 16, 2012, 12:18 pm

I will look up Proteus, and it is good to know your ‘Edulis Superba’ is different. Thank you for commenting, Brenda, and letting me know.

Jean June 16, 2012, 12:22 am

Interesting you have Scabiosa–here it’s short-lived at best. Does your garden have great drainage? Bearded iris and herbaceous peonies are so numerous, it’s difficult to say exactaly what they are. I have a couple of peonies that were here when we moved in and I just call them the unknown peonies. My very last peony is fading. It’s ‘Elsa Sass’, a double white. Have fun discovering, but if you’re like me you’ll be doing a bit of yanking before the year is over to add your favorites.

Kathy Purdy June 16, 2012, 12:17 pm

This particular garden is on a slope, but the soil is very definitely clay. Since the garden was left to its own devices for a year, I’d say anything blooming here is doing so without coddling.

Leslie June 15, 2012, 11:21 pm

I agree about the scabiosa…I have had one just like it that was simply labeled Pink Scabiosa. I couldn’t tell you what the real name was though. How fun to get to see things just appear and surprise you!