This Small Spring Vegetable Garden Plan Packs in 10 Cool-Season Crops

A tasty mix of cool-season leafy greens and root crops can flourish in a small space.

What better way to celebrate spring than whipping up a salad with just-picked radishes, spinach, or lettuce? You can enjoy the freshest flavors of the season with this simple spring vegetable garden plan. Designed for a four-foot-square raised bed, it nestles in 10 different cool-season crops that do their best growing in lower temperatures and can even take a light frost. Make sure to situate this garden in full sun and stay on top of weeding for the most bountiful harvests. Tip: As you pick and eat your spring vegetables, fill in the empty spots in the raised bed according to this summer vegetable garden plan.

Spring Vegetable Garden Plan
Illustration by Gary Palmer

Plants for Creating the Spring Vegetable Garden Plan

Each of these crops comes in all sorts of varieties. Feel free to choose your favorites, or experiment with new-to-you cultivars.

Get the Free Spring Vegetable Garden Plan

The garden plan for this design includes an illustrated version of the planted garden, a detailed layout diagram, a list of plants for the garden as shown, and complete instructions for installing the garden. Free, one-time registration allows unlimited access to all garden plans, available as printable PDFs.

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