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Imao Keinen - Kacho-e

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Keinen Gafu - No.21.  Woodpecker.


Keinen Gafu - No.21. Woodpecker

$100 - 2/15/2015

Keinen Imao is renowned as a painter and print designer specializing in birds and flowers. In Japanese visual arts, compositions showcasing flowers and birds are referred to as 'kacho-e' or 'kacho-ga', embodying a highly significant genre. If you have an affinity for avian and floral themes in Japanese prints, Keinen Imao is likely to be one of your favored artists.

Imao Keinen: Biography

Imao Keinen was born in Kyoto in 1845 and passed away in 1923. His studies encompassed classical Japanese painting, calligraphy, and printmaking. At the age of 23, when the Edo era gave way to the Meiji era in 1868, Keinen faced a significant upheaval as his father's business succumbed to bankruptcy during this transition. To support himself, Keinen ventured into textile design.

Eventually, he established his own studio and gradually gained recognition as both a painter and printmaker. In 1888, he secured a position as a professor at the Kyoto Prefectural School of Painting. His artworks were exhibited extensively across Japan and even reached exhibitions in Paris, solidifying his reputation as an esteemed and celebrated artist.

Keinen's accolades continued to grow as he was appointed a member of the Art Committee of the Imperial Household in 1904 and later became a member of the Imperial Art Academy in 1919—prestigious honors within Japan's artistic circles.

Keinen Kacho Gafu

In 1891, Imao Keinen published a significant work comprised of four volumes titled Keinen Kacho Gafu - Bird and Flower Albums by Keinen. These volumes collectively feature illustrations of 160 distinct birds. The fame of these albums might remind Americans of the renowned bird albums created by John James Audubon.

The publication of Keinen Kacho Gafu was carried out by Nihimura Soemon in Kyoto. Additionally, the identities of the carvers and printers are known: Carver - Tanaka Jirokichi, Printers - Miki Jinzaburo and Tanaka Harubei.

This compilation of albums stands as Keinen's most esteemed contribution to Japanese print art.

My Personal Attitude Towards Keinen Imao Prints

Personally, I find more excitement in vibrant subjects rather than in quiet, contemplative images of birds and flowers. Since my school days, I've never developed a great interest in biology. I tend to favor bold and vivid colors over black and white or muted tones. You might already sense what I'm trying to convey—Keinen Imao's prints aren't the kind of art that profoundly impresses me.

However, there's an exception. We once received a commission comprising a series of woodcut prints by Imao Keinen from the estate of the late Robert O. Muller. These prints significantly changed my appreciation for the artist. To help you comprehend, I've selected a few prints from the Keinen Kacho Gafu album and from the Muller collection for your review below.

From the Bird and Flower Album by Keinen

Woodcut prints by Imao Keinen are generally affordable. For additional research, feel free to explore our archive of sold art objects, offering detailed descriptions for each lot along with high-resolution images.

Woodblock Prints by Keinen Imao

All prints featured here are sourced from our archive of previously sold Japanese prints.

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Two Egrets in Rainy Night.


Two Egrets in Rainy Night

$380 - 12/12/2010

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Sparrow and Peony.


Sparrow and Peony

$150 - 3/26/2006

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Crow and Cherry Blossoms.


Crow and Cherry Blossoms

$200 - 6/27/2010

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Yellow Bird on Red Poppy.


Yellow Bird on Red Poppy

$90 - 1/13/2013

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Kingfisher and Irises.


Kingfisher and Irises

$150 - 3/16/2014

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Bird and Iris.


Bird and Iris

$100 - 7/12/2009

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Keinen Gafu - No. 33.  Great Tit Bird and Loquat Tree.


Keinen Gafu - No. 33. Great Tit Bird and Loquat Tree

$110 - 3/21/2021

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Keinen's Bird and Flower Picture Album - Keinen Gafu - Kingfisher.


Keinen's Bird and Flower Picture Album - Keinen Gafu - Kingfisher

$90 - 3/28/2021

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Birds and Yellow Blossoms.


Birds and Yellow Blossoms

$120 - 7/1/2018

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Rabbits in the Moonlight.


Rabbits in the Moonlight

$120 - 9/30/2018

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Bird and Moon.


Bird and Moon

$60 - 1/3/2016

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Woodblock print by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 Title: Swallow on Cherry Tree.


Swallow on Cherry Tree

$80 - 4/16/2017

Dieter Wanczura, revised by AIAuthor:
Dieter Wanczura, revised by AI
First Publication: 9/6/2014
Latest Update: 2/9/2024

Signatures and Seals of Keinen Imao 1845-1923

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Signature by Keinen Imao 1845-1923

Signature Name: Keinen

Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Signature by Keinen Imao 1845-1923
Seal Name: Keinen

Want to know when art works by Keinen Imao 1845-1923 are in our auctions?

'Thirty-Two Aspects of Customs and Manners of Women' was one of the last major series created by Yoshitoshi Tsukioka (Taiso) (1839-1892). The series belongs without any doubts to Yoshitoshi's best and most popular print publications. Subscribe to the artelino youtube channel.

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