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Light- Full spectrum light, 6500 Kelvins or higher.

Water- Twice weekly depending on humidity. Mist leaves.

Humidity- 65-80% , Allow good air circulation.

Temp.-  60 - 85 F


Plant Description Price
Neoregelia 'Fireball'-   One of the most popular, terrarium compatible bromeliads around. grows only to about 4" dia. $ 3.25
Cryptanthus Sp.-

These small bromeliads multiply rapidly, grows almost flat against the ground. Assorted varieties. 

$ 2.25 ea.


3/ 5.00

Aechmea Red Ribbon x Warsaw- Large , long-leaved bromeliad. known for it's red "ribbons" down the center on the leaves. 7.25
Aechmea Red Ribbon -

Long reddish leaves with a central stripe

Neo. Paucifolia X Fireball

has long "tiger striped" leaves

Neo. Tak Grande X Fireball

a compact plant , great for holding water

Ae. Big Stuff

the name says it all, this plant gets big.

Neo. Bossa Nova

a large stoloniferous plant with spineless leaves. 

Out Of Stock  
Neo. Carolinae X Compacta

wide leaved , medium sized bromeliads. grows red tips in the summer

Neo. Fiesta

A nice size bromeliad, turns a deep bronze color in full light.

Neo. Fireball cv. Black Current

a very sought after bromeliad, especially by dart frog enthusiasts. provides perfect pockets for breeding

9.50-NOW IN STOCK!td>
Neo. Fireball X Tak. Grande

similar to the one above, but a little less rare. Great for Vivariums.

Neo. Fireball X Compacta

the larger version of fireball (in a nut shell)

Neo. Fireball X Leavis

a very common plant with few spines and glossy leaves

Neo. Fireball X Johannes

medium sized spined bromeliad, looks great in bright light , and baskets

Neo. Pepper

small green plants with red speckling 

Neo. Midget

rare- this is one of the smallest in the world, and possibly the most sought after miniature by collectors

Neo. Liliputiana-

another miniature, a bit larger then "midget"

$ 6.00
Neo. Liliputiana X Fireball

this is the perfect size bromeliad for smaller dart frogs. well desired

Neo. Tropiflora

makes a good terrarium plant, especially if looking for coloration

Neo. Guzspacho

a medium size plant with plenty of color !

Ae. Gamosepelia Hybrids- grows an external flower spike in neon purple with pink flowers during the fall. Grows well under moist conditions. Holds lost of water when mature. 5.25
Neoregelia Takemura X Grande-A very popular, compact bromeliad. leaves hold lots of water making it a good breeding place for tropical frogs. 7.50


New Listings as of 7/16/01

Plant Description Price
Neoregelia Granado x Paucifolia-   a good cheap plant to fill your terrarium. a little larger then fireball. $ 4.25
Neoregelia Pendula x Rosea- 

a very colorful, stout, spine bromeliad. does exceptionally well in baskets, stoloniferous.


$ 7.00td>
Neoregelia Ampullacea x Royal Flush- 

grows to 6 inches or so in diameter, with beautiful red maroon speckled leaves.

Neoregelia '396' -

practically the same size as 'fireball' but tints red in center with enough light.

$ 5.75

a personal favorite, a solid green plant with almost neon orange highlights.


 $ 6.75
Cryptanthus Black Mystic-

A very dark variety of cryptanthus, easy to grow in the vivarium .


$ 3.00 ea.
Neo. Sailor's Warning

a medium sized plant similar to 'guspacho', the picture says it all !

  Out Of Stock
Neo. ampullacea

an "Oldie but Goldie" - one of the most popular miniatures around, with red speckled leaves, it is a great plant.

$ 4.50
Neo. Royal Burgandy

a large stoloniferous plant with almost spineless leaves and a beautiful purple tint. 

 $ 6.75
Assorted Vriesea Species-

Pups of assorted species of Vriesea make excellent terrarium plants, spineless leaves, and a great bloom when mature .


$ 4.00/ division
Billbergia Sp-

These light pink, speckeled bromeliads grow to about 12" tall wich makes them a great hiding spot for tree frogs. Grows a beautiful pendant spike full of color when the time is right. Very Easy to Grow.


$ 7.50/ Established Plants in 3"