Agave triangularis

Origin and Habitat: Mexico (Puebla, Oaxaca)
Habitat: Common on the arid calcareous mesa west of Tehuacan in southern Puebla, in heavily grazed areas with stony ground and tree forms of Yucca periculosa and Lysiloma sp. Here also are numerous tree cactus and several other agaves. This table land is 5,410-6,400 ft (1,650-1,950 m) elevation with 1.5-1.6 ft (475-500 mm) of rain, annual .The winters are dry and frostless.

Description: Up to 50-80(-100) cm. Slow-growing, short-stemmed, widely surculose, seldom flowering, rigid rosettes, forming open clones; When this agave matures, its leaves are stout, and clustered together, creating a starburst effect.
Leaves: Olive-green, light yellowish green or bright apple-green or finely flecked with brownish red, finely asperous with a broad yellowish band running down the center of each leaf., mature leaves deltoid-lanceolate (dagger-shaped) 30-60 x 5-7 (mid-leaf) cm, rigid, thick at base, concavo-convex, straight, When stressed by drought and cool weather, the leaves turn shades of red. Leaves are variable in size and shape. Margin corneous continuous, 1-2 mm wide, grayish, straight, with or without teeth, the teeth small, few (2-3 mm long), and remote (3-5 cm apart), or large, 5-9 mm long, 1-2 cm apart, gray, straight or curved. Terminal spine 2-4 cm cm long, conical to subulate, usually straight, grayish, grooved above, somewhat keeled below.
Remarks: This taxon is recognizable by its thick, rigid, deltoid, olivaceous leaves. Toothless forms are also common. The leaves of this species are quite variable depending on clones

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Cultivation and Propagation: Agave triangularis is a relatively easy-to-grow species. Need a very well-drained, soil. It is theoretically hardy to 19°F (-7°C), particularly when dry . It grows fairly fast in summer if provided with copious water but allows to dry thoroughly before watering again. During the winter months, one should only water enough to keep the leaves from shriveling. They do well in full sun or a lightly shaded area. Plants cultivated outdoors are drought tolerant and takes blasting heat and full sun.
Propagation: By suckers which often are found growing around the base of the plant, Remove the basal suckers (if available) in spring or summer and let the cuttings dry for a few days before inserting in compost or by seed.

"Agave triangularis" Text available under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License. 14 Nov. 2005. 07 Mar 2021. </Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Agavaceae/579/Agave_triangularis>

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