

Maxillaria meleagris – 365 days of orchids – day 1413

Our maxillaria species are generally easy to grow and free flowering, and Maxillaria meleagris is no exception. It is a small growing species that produces masses of flowers (like little fireworks – very appropriate for today) once bulbs mature.

Maxillaria meleagris is native to cool forests in Mexico and Guatemala from 1500-2400m but we find that it is equally at home in both our Cool Americas and our Warm Americas section. We keep plants watered all year and find they enjoy shade and are very happy growing on benches under some of our hanging plants (such as Cattleyas) that like higher light levels.

We have found that several of our orchid growing friends find plants from this group of Maxillarias well suited to windowsill culture, so perhaps this is a species to add to your wish list – Plants available at the shop.


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