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Monday Motivation: Get Out That Old Rolodex

February 28, 2022

Monday Motivation for Women Entrepreneurs, Female Business Owners, Small Businesses

As I scanned the list of my LinkedIn Connections in hopes of inviting some of them to Women TIES March events, I kept saying to myself, “there’s an oldie!” Not referring to their age but the fact the oldies were contacts, clients, and business friends from the beginning days of my entrepreneurial career now 27 years in the making.  Individual memories rushed through my morning brain.

In business life, we tend to move into and out of different networking and business spheres as our careers and companies move us forward over time. A few contacts, like some elementary friends who stick with us over decades, are sometimes like clients who stay connected with us over time, but a majority do not. So why, and how, do we lose touch with these important clients, vendors, staff, and contacts so easily?

Time. Time has a way of keeping our eyes on the horizon, to the steps being laid out in front of us instead of behind us. We are onto the next best thing, the next big interest in our lives, and the next largest contact to help us succeed. We often forget to reach out periodically to the people that once mattered most in our everyday business life.

It’s natural for times to change, and with it, people exiting and entering our lives, but today’s exercise in reviewing my long LinkedIn Connect list reminded me of really great people I’ve fallen out of contact with over time. Today’s the day, I am going to reach out to a few of them just to touch base.

On this late February Monday morning when you might be stuck with new contacts because of the pandemic or lack of networking, why not spend some time looking through your “rolodex” aka LinkedIn Connections (or any social media connections) and contact a few of the golden oldies on your list who might love to hear from you. You never know how it may open doors to new sales or just good feelings to get you through another winter Monday morning.

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