10 Creepiest Video Game Enemies That Gave Everyone Nightmares

10. Cherubs (Doom 3)

Although many games have turned innocent babies into terrifying fear-monsters, the first time gamers became truly scared of the little fellas was in Doom 3. While you spend most of the game blasting demons back to hell with pump-action shotguns and BFGs, the title actually boasts plenty of subtle scares. In the moments of quiet where you had to rely on your torch to get around, there were some genuinely suspenseful moments in this sequel, but none of them quite matched the terror that would come with the screams of one of the game's cherubs. Part-baby, part-grotesque nightmare, there's something about the dead vacant eyes of these little creatures that remains terrifying to this very day. While most of the enemies in the game are huge death-wielding super-monsters, these small abominations are scary in a completely different way. Although they were threatening in themselves and were able to murder you with ease if you weren't paying attention, the cherubs mostly got the drop on you because you were too creeped out to actually look at them long enough to shoot them in the face.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3