Ranunculus, Hellebores, Abutilon, Daffodils, Gladiolus, and More

The last few days I’ve been taking it easy on WordPress by not posting or reading other blogs as I usually do. I was in a state of laziness. WordPress is the only social media platform, other than YouTube that I’m active on. I don’t have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or any of that anymore. I’m happy to say that my social media presence is really minimal. Although I realize long ago that staying out of those platforms meant that I would have no other way of promoting my blog! It’s okay, having 15 followers read my blogs each week is enough for me to go on.

I was out in the garden today and the lighting outside was just perfect for the pictures below. It was a pretty sunny day and I don’t usually take pictures in bright light as this but I think these turned out great! From personal experience the best time for my flowers to shine is on a cloudy day, early morning, or late in the afternoon when the sun is down. I always try to take all of my pictures during those times but these were exceptions.



These were a wonderful surprise to see so many of them blooming right now. Just last week I learned that hellebores actually spreads out over time. I didn’t know that. I love plants that give back! What is special about these hellebores is that after they open, they are still green but after a few days they change to pink as you can see from these pictures below.

ABUTILON “Talini’s Pink”

This abutilon is one of my favorite abutilons that is blooming again. They have the prettiest pink color. They are in a half shade spot in the ground. The branches don’t appear to stay upright so I will need to trim or stake them. They do like to be regularly watered.


My daffodils are completely flowering. The colors of these underneath the big leafy avocado tree are so beautiful. What makes it special is that it is accompanied by some hyacinth flowers!


As if the last few weeks of ornamental kale didn’t impress you enough, I have even more fantastic ornamental kale blooms! Can you tell that I am so fascinated by them? I grew all of these from seeds last winter and look how they have grown and changed colors. They grow year round in my garden. No fertilizers needed and poor soil is okay too because my soil is terrible, yet these still thrived.

GLADIOLUS “Cherry Blossom”

Some old favorite gladiolus returned early as usual. These are smaller gladiolus with fewer flowers.


This white bearded iris is my mother-in-law’s gift because I rarely buy white flower plants. I do make a couple of exceptions when I bought white camellias that have yellow stamens and white “Iceberg” roses.

This concludes the flowers I will share for now. I have more but my fingers can’t type anymore!

34 replies to “Ranunculus, Hellebores, Abutilon, Daffodils, Gladiolus, and More

        1. I have not tried garlic spray but I have for orchids for growth and as pests deterrent. My neighbor used peppermint spray on her tomatoes and she said it kept pests away. Please let me know if you have success with the garlic spray.

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    Liked by 1 person

  2. t is not yet flower season in my area. So I am very much looking forward to your flower pictures.
    Besides, I too have put X (Twitter) and other social networking sites on hiatus. I was surprised to see how similar I am to you, though I felt like WordPress was enough for now.

    Liked by 1 person

            1. No, not in complete shade but morning sun. Where are you from? I’m in Southern California and it is in the 90s and 100s Fahrenheit here in the summer. They bloom in spring and usually the weather in spring is very tolerable for them in the 70s and 80s. They usually die down by August. Give it a go!


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