More Lilies, Hibiscuses, and Other Flowers

Summer is the best time for lilies to bloom. These past few weeks I have seen non-stop flowering from all of my lilies. Most are very fragrant and tall. They are very easy to grow and can tolerate so much heat in my planting zone. All of the Rose of Sharon hibiscus varieties you see in this post are blooming abundantly as well and they seem to tolerate the hot sun pretty well.

The heat has been pretty rough on the plants here in Southern California though. I had to water daily all of last week. We have a slight respite from the heat this week as temperatures were in the mid to high 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Now we have water rationing in our county where I am supposed to be watering my plants only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I even went so far as purchasing an inexpensive umbrella and stand to shield my tender hydrangeas from the 95+ degrees heat!

Giovanni Gabrieli Daylily
Rising Moon Lily
Conca D’Or Lily
Sensi Lily
Thalictrum rochebrunianum Lavender Mist Meadow Rue
Pink Gomphrena grown from seeds

This verbascum below is one of the most amazing plant I have ever seen! It is about 9 feet tall right now with the white furry stalks decorated with yellow flowers. It is SO CUTE!!!

Verbascum bombyciferum ‘Arctic Summer’

The blue flowers below are one of my favorites but I have no idea WHAT it is. It was grown from seeds last year and somehow again this year. I had the plant marker there but the water and sun made the writing fade away so I have no clue as to what this darling is. I grew it last year too apparently.

Opus Aster
Blue Cornflower
Audrey Lea Angel’s Trumpet Brugmansia
Myrtle’s Folly Dahlia before fully bloomed
Myrtle’s Folly Dahlia a few days after bloom
Rose of Sharon Hibiscus
Rose of Sharon Hibiscus
Morning Glory “Morning Call Chocolate”
Pink Powder Puff
Alstroemeria “Ligtu Hybrids”

That’s a lot of flowers growing right? There are more but I will have to post next time.

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