Consolida ajacis — Doubtful Knight’s-Spur

Consolida ajacis
Consolida ajacis (against background of irises)

Consolida ajacis — also referred to as Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ajacis and Delphinium ambiguum — is commonly known as doubtful knight’s-spur, annual larkspur, rocket larkspur or annual delphinium. This is another plant that took over one of my flowerbeds after I scattered the contents of a small packet of wildflower seeds. These spike-like plants grow to a height of 2 to 4 feet and exhibit fine, lacy foliage along with flowers in many hues — dark blue, light blue, purple, lilac, pink, salmon and white. Seeds are dropped in the late summer and seedlings emerge that same fall. They grow to about an inch or so in height and remain that way throughout the winter. The following spring the plants grow quickly and bloom most of the summer. They’re extremely drought tolerant though their appearance does suffer when they don’t receive enough moisture. Those in my garden really thinned out this past summer due to the drought, but the seeds they dropped quickly germinated following several good rains. Snow and temperatures well into the single digits haven’t deterred these seedlings in years past, attesting to the plant’s hardiness.

Consolida ajacis
Consolida ajacis Seedlings (the three-part divided leaves) Among Weeds
Consolida ajacis Seedpods
Consolida ajacis Seedpods

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