Aug 4, 2023

Pink dolphins: Interesting facts about the rare species

Surabhi Rawat

Pink dolphins

The Amazon river dolphins, commonly called the "boto" or pink dolphins, are rare freshwater animals. A species of toothed whales, they are found in freshwater areas mainly in South America. Here we list down some fascinating facts about pink dolphins.


​ Endangered species

The pink dolphins are endangered species and their population is over 10,000, as per reports. Their bodies are different from that of the ocean dolphins, as the pink dolphins have a hump instead of a dorsal fin.


​Their brains are larger than humans

Pink dolphins are the smartest among all the five freshwater dolphin species. They also have very large brains, with roughly 40 per cent more brain capacity as compared to human beings!


Pink dolphins can change their colour

The pink dolphins are born gray in colour, and they turn pink as they mature. Male dolphins are also pinker in colour than females; their bright colouration helps them attract the females' attention. Interestingly, the pink dolphins can also flush a bright pink colour when they get excited!


Pink dolphins are considered mythical creatures

In many South American folklore, the pink dolphins are considered as mythical creatures but all aren't benevolent. As per one legend, the pink dolphins turn into men and seduce women; in another story, they whisk people to a magical underwater city. Also, harming pink dolphins is considered bad luck.


They are quite secretive in nature

The pink dolphins are shy and elusive in nature, and they spend a lot of time underwater. And unlike other dolphins who gather in groups, the pink dolphins are generally seen alone or in small groups of two to four individuals.


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They are curious about humans

While pink dolphins are generally shy, they are very curious about humans. They can often be seen playing in the river with humans.


Threat to pink dolphins

While the pink dolphins have long been left unharmed and respected due to the local belief of them being magical creatures, this is now changing. Human activities like killing or fishing, destruction of the Amazon basin, and a decrease in their food source are adversely affecting their population.


Need for conservation

It's important to educate people about the majestic pink dolphins in order to protect these beautiful species from becoming extinct.


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