Primulas in May (2014)

garden auriculas

A rainy day, time to post the past month’s pictures. (I’ll come back later and write some captions.)

Dodecatheon pulchellum (or Primula pauciflora, if you like) in a corner of the alpine pan, in bud and, not long after, in bloom .

Dodecatheon pulchellum in alpine trough

Dodecatheon pulchellum

Two little Androsaces in the alpine trough: Androsace carnea and Douglasia montana (a North American Androsace). Both are easy from seed, and A. carnea is a great self-sower.

Androsace carnea

Douglasia montana

Primula veris (cowslips) under rose bushes.

Primula veris mass planting

Primula veris (orange)

Primula elatior (oxlip) in the “valley” of the alpine bed: a small pale yellow form and purple subspecies meyeri.

pale yellow Primula elatior


Primula elatior ssp meyeri

purple Primula elatior


On one of the “mountains” in the alpine bed, Primula hirsuta, P. x forsteri, P. latifolia, and P. marginata ‘Herb Dickson. ‘

Primula hirsuta


Primula x forsteri


Primula latifolia


'Herb Dickson'


Primula marginata 'Herb Dickson'

On the same mountain, and planted out of the same nursery pot, identical in bud and at first presumed to be pieces of the same plant, what have turned out to be two distinct Primula marginatas.

small alpine Primulas


Primula marginata and hybrid

A new plant grown from seed out of the P. hirsuta above. A hybrid, obviously. It will be interesting to see what it grows into.

Primula hirsuta x


hybrid offspring of Primula hirsuta

The seed that grew into this plant, also flowering for the first time, came from a Primula villosa.

hybrid offspring of Primula villosa


In the peat bed, the Primula denticulatas, as usual, are first to burst forth.

Primula denticulata buds


white Primula denticulata

Primula frondosa is thriving in the alpine trough. Plants in the open garden aren’t doing so well.

Primula frondosa

New Barnhaven primroses under the apple tree

Purple (dark blue) Cowichan primrose


Dark red Barnhaven acaulis


Light blue Barnhaven primrose


Dark blue Barnhaven polyanthus


Yellow Barnhaven primrose



light-to-dark pink Barnhaven primrose

Finally, the auriculas:

garden auriculas







garden auricula










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