Bloom Thyme Friday: Time to Assess

Yes, it is time to assess the garden! There has been so much rain. So many storms!

So grateful that this morning in the garden is like paradise … if you don’t look too close. The sun is shining (Yes, you heard me correctly. Don’t worry, rain is coming back tomorrow). Back to paradise… sun is shining, nice breeze blowing, temps nearing 70 and birds are singing the most beautiful songs.

On my morning garden walk – which was limited as some of the areas of the garden are water filled – I saw new blooms emerging, like the beautiful phlox that last year gave me blooms for most of the summer. Roses that are still holding their head high and some not so much. Most clematis doing well, however, some are succumbing to the dreaded wilt.

Bloom Thyme This Week….

Twist and Shout (Endless Summer Series) Hydrangea has never looked better. And, has never bloomed this early!
Flame White Eye Phlox Paniculata… simply gorgeous and has a very long blooming season!


During my open garden day someone asked, “Just, How many clematis do you have? I said … “Not sure …. a bunch.”  “Ask Mr. G, it’s likely he’s keeping tabs.” LOL #truth

I do have a lot because I love them. Some clematis have already finished blooming but here are this week’s bloomers. You can see from the picture gallery on one of the main gate trellises, Etoile Violette is doing great on one side and the other has succumbed to the dreaded Clematis wilt. It happens. I hate it, but it happens. I will cut down this wilted one and destroy. You can read more about Clematis Wilt here.

Catmint: Nepeta Walker’s Low

These plants have never done better! It is getting near the end of their first bloom cycle. I will cut back and they will bloom again! This has proven to be an excellent edging for our deck — near the potted roses. (Don’t be fooled by the word “low” in the name; these babies are 3′ tall!) Pollinators love them!


Roses in pots are blooming nicely.

Wollerton Old Hall (DA)

Bathsheba (DA)

Creme Brûlée Coreopsis (Love) Excellent companion for roses.

Ghislaine de Felligonde (Hybrid Musk Rambler) first blooms tell me I am going to love having her in the garden. She first started blooming this week during a torrential downpour and I feared I would not see a petal left.

Little Mischief rose is starting to bloom. I just love it. Who doesn’t want a little mischief in their lives?!?

A small bird, I think it is a finch, is building a nest in my potting shed window box. I’ll need to be careful watering! Yikes.


I hear large equipment at a neighbor’s house and I see they are taking out big limbs near the power lines. I always get a bit nervous when I see trees go down! Especially when I suspect my tree line is next. 😬

If you need me, I’ll be deadheading. And, checking out the tree limb/ power line situation!

Hope you get to experience a bit of paradise today!

Genesis 2:15: God Placed man in the garden (of Eden) to tend and watch over it.



Bloom Thyme Friday: A Match Made in Heaven

When God put Mr. G and me together, it was surely a match made in heaven. In more ways than you can imagine.

But, one of the most obvious ways is that I am a gardener and he is a builder. If I can dream it, he can build it. I’ll admit I’ve dreamed up a ton of stuff through the years!

Last year “we” decided that the main gate to our garden needed refreshing. (Well, maybe that part was “I”.) “I” wanted it to look more like the gate/trellis’ we had done for another area in the garden. The layout of the entrance is a bit different but Mr. G, the engineer, figured out just what we needed and started building in between rain storms a few weeks ago. Digging the post holes was a two-man job and our son came to lend a helping hand. From building snowmen to building gates, these two have worked on countless projects together and are a great team!

It is now complete! I just love it! Time will give it the rustic patina we love and allow for the New Dawn roses and Etoile Violette Clematis to climb and wind and add their charm.

This is New Dawn this week over the other main gate/trellis when she was going “up and over“. When she blooms she blooms. And, such a sweet fragrance too.

Behind New Dawn is the arbor with Francis E. Lester and Peggy Martin. Picture day for these was a rainy day, but they are holding up pretty well in all the rain. Good thing!

Yes, I have planted two New Dawns that will head up and over this new handcrafted “work of art” and two Etoile Clematis. Blue Angel Clematis is already getting cozy!

TA DA! The finished product…

He is a true craftsman! The roses and the clematis will have a firm foundation. And, our guests will have a “handcrafted” warm welcome!


Before you get to thinking that things are toooooo perfect around here, know this… If you know anything at all about “birth order” — we are two strong-willed first borns. Need I say more! Yes, on occasion there are “strong” conversations in our world. 😉

If you want to know more about “birth order,” read Dr. Kevin Leman’s book The Birth Order Book … Why You Are the Way You Are, immediately, from page 1 you will find yourself, your kids, your friends and yes your spouse. He will shed light on how these relationships work—with all the humor you can imagine. I read it back in the late 80s and even gave it to my children when they were in jr. high! You can purchase here.  A fun and helpful read for only $12!

Whatever your birth order, I wish you buckets of blooms, a sturdy foundation, a warm welcome wherever you go and an outstanding BLOOM THYME FRIDAY.

Rose Companions: Clematis

I love most plants but I find that when thinking about buying a plant other than a rose, I consider how it will look with the roses. So, all in all, you could say in my garden I have ROSES and I have ROSE COMPANIONS.

One of my favorite rose companions is the lovely clematis. Whether you pronounce it KLEM-UH-TIS or KLEE-MAH-TIS, I think they make wonderful companions for my roses.

New Dawn & Etoille de Violette Clematis
Henryi works very well with New Dawn and Harison’s Yellow.
Etiolle de Violette

Blue Angel
Jackmani making an entrance!
The President

Bloom Thyme Friday: 2012 Top Ten

For us in the midwest this was the year of the drought. For 9 weeks we had no rain. Most of the pictures of the entries for the 2012 Top Ten are before the drought began. However, there are a few plants that rose to the top as a result of the drought. All in all, the drought made us more appreciative of everything we have. And, made us think of those in other areas of the world that have drought as a part of their everyday lives—our prayers go out to them!

# 10 Annabelle Hydrangeas

This picture was taken before the drought began. These hydrangeas are beautiful, reliable and long lasting. I just picked a few to have in the potting shed for the long winter that is on it’s way!

# 9 Gene Boerner

This is a new rose to my garden but what a stand out! Bloomed and bloomed and bloomed. During the drought the roses were the plants that got most of the allotted water. I am so glad I planted Gene Boerner.

# 8 Bill Warriner

This rose was named for a Jackson & Perkins’ hybridizer who lost his battle with cancer. Our family lost a beloved family member to cancer too, so this rose is special to me. But, in and above all that, it is an amazing, fragrant blooming machine that is a standout in the rose garden.

# 7 Summer garden in front of the Potting Shed

It was so hot and so dry when this picture was taken. I was grateful for every bloom!

#6 The Grande Dame

The Grande Dame is an amazing fragrant rose that wows in my garden! I have three of them and will probably have more.

#5 New Dawn

New Dawn bloomed before the drought began and was spectacular! Soft pink, fragrant, tough and disease resistant. This is a climber that any garden would enjoy! For more on New Dawn, click HERE.

#4 The President Clematis

This clematis was a show stopper in early summer and just recently bloomed again making it completely amazing in my book.

#3 Larkspur

I love larkspur. Larkspur is best when it self seeds. This year was one of those years when I planted seed AND there was plenty of self seeding going on from the year before. The larkspur was beautiful for a long, long time!

#2 Dogwood

To get the whole story of why I love my dogwood trees, CLICK HERE.

#1 Harison’s Yellow

What a year this rose had. Spectacular in the spring and enchanting me completely with it’s history. Read about the history HERE.

Honorable Mention

This picture tells the story of the drought. Something I don’t want to forget…

I hope 2012 was a wonderful growing season for you! It is now that thyme of year when I settle in to plan and plot for next year. My favorite season is spring and it will be here soon… Well sort of soon … actually it will be here in 161 days! 🙂

Happy fall to you!